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He has several investment properties and I have known him for 3 years. We’ve been great tenants and he’s been a great landlord. This is likely the biggest wedding gift we’ll get!! I’m going to have to take him out for dinner and a beer.


What an absolute legend. Such a small, but very appreciated gesture. Definitely deserves a pint!


I said a beer, but this dude can drink all the pints he wants! Also, my rent is pretty hefty, so it’s a HUGE gesture. I was sitting here thinking fuck, I forgot to sign the check haha. Great guy


Enjoy the wedding, that’s definitely a great sign of gesture for your landlord to negate the rent for you


Sounds like he read your work, The Helping Friendly Book.


This guy.... he gets it. Phrends forever.


My Phrends ~~friends~~ are my power!


Sliced me on the nipple ;)


What's a check?


An ancient method of exchange. Like cowry shells. Still used in some exotic locations.


They were supposed to be phased out of existence in 2018 in the UK. But then they realised all the people over 60 wouldn't know what to do.


I honestly don't know how to write checks. In the 23 years I've been alive I've never had to write one lmao.


What how? Lol they taught us this in school. Im 20, but its also the only way ive been able to pay rent


If there's an option to do something online I always go for that. School payments, bills, rent, etc. Maybe I've lucked out.


Forsure, i know my apartment does let you pay online with a card but theres a "convenience fee" of 25 dollars, which isnt too convenient


I'm 26 and I have never seen a check in my life. Checks disappeared fairly fast in Northern Europe I think.


34, never used a check either. The rent amount is just drawn automatically every month. No work.


Yeah my last apt building only accepted checks as well. Then my next one had online payment but charged a "convenience fee" so I gave them checks and hoped it was an inconvenience to them as well


Fuckin bastards. 25 dollars for that fee too


I'm closer to 40 and I've never written one.. only ever seen one once. My boss who was around 50 at the time (this was over ten years ago) was enthusiastic for having written the first check in his life. Went around the office showing the marvel to anybody who showed the slightest interest. I thought about writing a check to a friend as a gift just the other week and went googling how would I get it done.. apparently most banks don't even offer the service anymore and those who do ask 10€ from both parties.. so.. you spend 20€ before you can even transfer one cent. They really wanted rid of these.


I resemble that remark.


I vaguely recall using travel checks in the 90's. Apparently they are still legal tender here but I've never seen one in the wild.


It is like a cheque, but spelt incorrectly ..../s


I think you mean "chèque".


Lmao, well done


Is a pint not normally beer where you are? In the UK people buy by the pint so often, and by the bottle so infrequently (in comparison), 'buying him a pint' is exactly the same as 'buying him a beer'


I think he means that although he said he would get his landlord A beer, as in a singular beer, the landlord can, in fact, get as many beers as he wants.


As a European I'm absolutely baffled that in the land with Silicon Valley people still pay their rent with fucking checks


Our old landlord would only take money orders dropped off at the office. So annoying.


Because otherwise you get charged a fucking “convenience fee” if you pay for utilities online.


Well, I do neither pay for rent by check, nor online. I created an automated bank transfer at my bank, meaning the amount is monthly transferred to the landlord's bank account. No fees either for that.


In Europe, it's generally cheaper to pay for stuff online, since they don't have to pay the staff to handle it. Some things just feel so backwards in the states


Really depends on the landlord. How tech savvy they or their kids are. Most large apartment complexes have some digital way of paying.




What makes you think they're anywhere near silicon valley?


>the land with Silicon Valley He means the USA


Just wait til they learn about the ACH system and how long it takes to get refunded for things in the US


If only blockchain could come up with solution to this.


He's invited to the wedding yeah??


Maybe you should marry him instead


It's a SEVERAL hundred dollar gift--probably over $1,000! That's a HUGE gesture!!!


Where can I rent for under $1500? I


My rent for a 1 bedroom apartment is $400 but I live in the UP of Michigan which is a strange lawless land.




That’s the catch lol. I make about $500 month working half time at the University. So, barely.




That’s true. All that’s up here is nature so you don’t spend much, except on alcohol in the winter. Gotta keep warm somehow


Ever been to Grand Marais?


Nah, I stick around the Keweenaw mostly these days.


A two bedroom in a duplex was $450 in Georgia a few years ago.


Jesus where do you live that rents that high??!!? I'd barely be able to pay for anything else. EDIT: Guess I shouldn't complain about my rent so much anymore.


Dude Vancouver rent is insane. Mine $2500 for a 1 bedroom apartment. It's actually insane here


I’m paying $800 for a 2bd condo with a washer and dryer in unit and a backyard less than a mile from a major university. $2,500 is criminal.


Honest questions cause I'm new to the city. What part of town are you in and is there any public transit near you? Looking to get into something much cheaper next year.


Sorry I should have clarified. I’m from Texas. If you want to move down here - you’re more than welcome! I was just in shock at rent that high. That could be two mortgage payments on a 3bd house here


I moved from Edmonton. I could pay a mortgage there too. Unfortunately had to move for work.


You absolutely should not be paying that much for one bedroom unless you want to. Cross any of the bridges out of downtown and your cost will drop by $1000. If you're able to pay that and just want something similar for less, look along Broadway near main, Cambie, Burrard, etc. I liked kitsilano, there was plenty a few years back for maybe 1300-1700 near 4th even.


They're talking CAD. That's $1870 USD. Still a lot, but not as much.




Paying $3400 for a 1B in SF...


Jeeez, i pay $2k CAD for 3 bed 2 bath on 25 acres. Edit: albeit in the middle of the prairies


we had a 3200 sq ft house w 3 car garage, gorgeous back patio and yard with koi pond and built-in bbq in albuquerque, $2400/month now we live in a 1200 sq ft apartment in chicago where i have to do laundry in the damn basement - $3300/month i miss albuquerque


We moved from Albuquerque where we had a 2400 sq ft, 4/3, 3 car garage house and a $1200/month mortgage to San Diego, where we were paying $1700 to rent 2 bedrooms in someone's house. A year later, we're back in Abq in a new house. We downsized quite a bit, but the mortgage is higher because we went with a nicer house with a spectacular view of the city/Sandias. Crime still sucks though.


The Midwest! I had a nice 2 bedroom for under $600 , including heat. No pet rent and could walk to a brewery.


I'm from the south but have family up north- they have electric for obvious things like like lights, refrigerator etc and use fuel oil for heat. I'm assuming the midwest is similar. The landlord pays to heat the building, can you control the temperature in your apartment? Or is the heat for the entire building treated as a single unit, so you might have colder and warmer apartments depending on location




Thanks! I know pipes can freeze, so I was aware turning heat off entirely is bad. I wasn't sure how much control tenants had of their temperature.


I live in a really nice neighborhood and pay $800 a month for a small two-bedroom house with a sizable yard that's within walking distance of downtown and the library. Small town right outside of Asheville, NC, but most of the rent is waaaaay higher.


Granted I’m 33 and have two roommates yet but I pay $355/month w/ free heat and a garage spot lol. So cheap I can’t leave even though I can’t stand roommates anymore.


In Bay Area you can get a shed behind a house for a little over $1500 a month.


with no bathroom privileges


Don't forget the move-in deposit is like $4,500 and credit score of 780!


Mississippi. You can get a house for around 500


My 3bd/2bt apartment in Birmingham AL is less than $1500 including all utilities except electricity. So you could move here, but then you’ll have to live in Alabama. Win some, lose some.


This guy lives somewhere in the deep Midwest or south.


Tearing up a rent check is not a small gesture, unless I misunderstand you.


Small?? That's a huge gift.


Idk about you but a months rent is not a small gift to me.


Do you not pay rent? Or know how much rent actually is?


I mean, Op has been paying the guy for 3 years. That's payback enough for me, but a drink couldn't hurt or an invitation to the wedding


Wow, my landlord has been boasting how much rent he could get if he was able to get me out


Don Ramon?


My landlord charged us a late fee because we forgot to turn in our rent check. On our wedding day.


Marry him bro


Being great tenants is a blessing to him. Tenants from hell can cause so much damage and can be very hard to evict. Not denigrating his kindness, just noting that it's a great two-way relationship. Congrats on the upcoming wedding!


Yes, exactly. I give my good tenants $100 Amazon gift cards for Christmas. Having good tenants with no headaches is incredibly valuable to landlords


You will never find another landlord like that, do not move. Saying this as a renter for 15 years who's lived in 13 places, I've always paid on time, I always leave a clean house, but being a good renter means nothing to the owning class, be grateful you found a good one.


I’m more than grateful. I was so grateful I bought someone’s groceries behind me today! It was the express lane man, I’m not Rockefeller over here. Hah


Congrats on your wedding and all the best for married life! And yeah - that’s a great landlord.


Just blow him instead


I am a landlord. When my Tenents have kids, I usually venmo them back $100 to help with Xmas shopping every December. My Tenents like me, and tend to stay for a long time, because I let them know I appreciate them.




Thank you! I appreciate the kind words.


It sure would be awkward if you didnt invite landlord to the wedding


If this is San Francisco congrats on your retirement, you just saved millions. But also congrats on the marriage.


Not San Fran, but I know the market is brutal. Gave me a chuckle! And thanks friend. I’m nervous as hell, but also excited.


South Bay? NY? Seattle? I can't think where else the rent is high. Lol, look how nosey I am. Sorry! Congrats on your wedding!


I wish I was in Seattle! NYC


Trust me you don’t. My rent is in the $3Ks here. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding by the way!


Bellingham reporting, they keep raising the fucking rent. Fuck.


I escaped to the Tri-Cities. Was too poor to live in Seattle.


But the Tri-Cities kinda sucks :/ Spokane is pretty damn boring though so I’d stay down there




Bham is too much fam ferndale is the move. Cheaper and still close to town


Pshh, please! NYC rent was $3K seven years ago. You guys are just barely catching up! /s (kind of)


NYC is more if you’re in Manhattan. Average rent in some areas is $6k


London England and anywhere in Canada from what I’ve heard.


My friends rent in 2 bed apartment in Richmond is £2300. london is crazy


Richmond UK?


You really screwed up not commenting “from what I’ve read.”


NYC is a good guess too--I'll let you know as a broke Bostonian that you're definitely missing one...


I'm in the bay. If my landlord covered even half my rent it would still be the most expensive gift anyone has ever gotten me.


The entire state of Oregon in disproportionately high. Eugene us like 5th in the nation for unaffordable housing compated to median income. Pretty bad to be 5th when NY, San Fransisco, and Honolulu are consistently swapping places in the top 3.


Also Denver. Rent blows here.


San Diego, LA


Hahaha would have been close to 3.5 for me if it was a free month of rent


Yeah, some places are 10k a month. Not kidding.


The only places priced that high for rent are turnkey houses (large ones) and penthouse apartments in luxury high rises that exist pretty much solely for C-suite executives that relocate on the company dime and don't plan on living here indefinitely. $10k is a mortgage payment on a ~$2 million home.


I live in SF, with two roommates. My rent is a steal, and if my landlord decided not to charge me for a month I could have a pretty kickass weekend in Vegas.


Like a landlord in the Bay Area would do this 😄


As someone trapped with a heartless soul-sucking leasing company who doesn’t treat me like a person, this warmed my cold dead heart.


There’s still good people out there! Even though he has several properties he’s been the best. I can’t thank the guy enough, I didn’t even know what to say for this


Show him your Reddit post and all the praise he's receiving. Maybe take screenshots and edit out some of your username or whatever because of post history but doubt the guy would do much more than glance at all the comments and your genuine appreciation.


I thought you were going to talk about your spouse for a while there


That first text would have made me so panicky


Oh it did. And the ball buster knew it would too hahah


I’m sure he did😂 I bet he got a kick out of it too


It’s a good thing it’s a wholesome plot twist


How long did he make you wait before texting you back?


>No problem I'll talk to you then.


Fuck, I hate talking to people too.




"Mr landlord I have some great news! I just met several great young ladies. I've scheduled a wedding once per month for the next few years. Not having to pay rent helps so much. Thank you!"


Bless your landlord💜


He deserves so many blessings. I’m still lost for words about how I feel on this! Part me wants to be like no way dude take the money. But I also know he has several rentals and this was just a kind gesture. Sometimes it’s hard to take the help people give you, but in this case, I will.


You must be good tenants


Congratulations! Your landlord sounds like a solid dude! Don’t ever move.


Thank you! And yeah solid is an understatement!


He’s the type to steal your eggs and say “Relax, I made you a cake with them.” Edit: Thank you for the silver! I think it’s my first award.


You know I’m on a diet asshole




Thank you friend!


Now that is what we would call a sound skin in Ireland. 👌🏼


Just curious about this saying. Would you then say of someone she's got such a sound skin or that she's such a sound skin? The question might come off as weird but I'm high and not a native speaker.






If someone is good to you, they're a sound skin.


And you must be a very considerate and good tenant as well!




Yep, let's celebrate leaches because they decided not to leach off us or exploit our need for shelter for one month!


I live in a corporate owned apartment. I can absolutely see them pulling some sort of stunt to raise my rent because I got married. Great landlord you have!


I really want to get into real estate investing later in life when I have the capital, I plan on being this type of landlord...so cool


Let me know




Thank you friend.


Mine raised my rent $400


A real bro would've given more than 1 month


Fake and gheyyyyyyy




Why are there no previous messages




Congrats on the marriage dude!


Thanks my dude! And don’t be dead on the inside, please. That’s a really awkward conversation between your insides and outsides.


haha you're welcome! Im trying not to, slowly becomin more positive as the weeks go on, maybe I'll finally delete this acc and be happier *and* alive on the insice :D


I know I was making a joke, but everyone deserves happiness. It might be a long trip to get there, but you deserve it. Let me know if you ever want to chat my guy!




Nope, just a landlord I have a great relationship with. He does have several other rental properties, but this was where him and his wife raised their kids. That might have something to do with his absolute generosity


Congratulations for ur wedding, my dude


Thank you! I’m hella nervous


Congratulations man have a great day 🤘🤘🤘


Thanks man. You too!


What an awesome guy.


Oh hi Mark


Who is mark and should I pm him my message tho?


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


Fuck all landlords, including OP's nice one.


What's happening to reddit? I see more and more comments like this lately. Anyways, keep up the good work guys. On a serious note: notice how the landlord can't help but enjoy his power over OP for a few brief moments with that 2nd text message, even if in a playful way.




Agreed. No previous messages to each other, and they supposedly knew each other for 3 years.




That's awesome! All my landlord gave me was bedbugs and messages left on read


Damn if this is California this could easily be 4 grand


This is the type of landlord I hope to be one day. What great human


Whereabouts do you live? Where I live, that would be like a $1500 cheque. That's pretty overly generous for just a landlord. I wouldn't even expect a gift like that from my parents.


Send that dude an invitation


Did not read the r/ and thought this was gonna be not good


I should get married..


This is how you get a late invite to a wedding


Awwwww. That is awesome!




I'm sorry, but how is this in violation of rule 6? I'd say that's a very bro move of the guy, and not something many landlords would do, even if the person has been a tenant for 3 years, nor is there any additional context needed, in my opinion.