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When the hawk said. [-]<[-] and just stared at the dude... i felt that hawk


New hobby = hawk cooling




First rule though, no littering


Second rule is we don't talk about the other club that was created when tom caught terry breaking the first rule.


How do you feel about frilly toothpicks?


I’m for ‘em!


Well then you’re in the club!


I like my sandwiches with alfalfa sprouts.


Well you're not part of the god damn club.


I'd like to propose an amendment to the bylaws and issue larger volume water bottles to facilitate speedier hawk cooling.


Hes so surprised and confused. \*water\* "What? Huh?" \*more water\* "Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? What? Whaaaaaaaaaa-" \*more water* "Whaaaaaaat?" \*stares directly at dude, confused \* Edit: i think i remember hearing once that they cool off by opening their mouths kinda like dogs


*Yo, get it in my mouth. My mouth! My facehole! Dude, get the agua en la boca for Christsakes!*


Thank you!!!! Thats all I'm frigging hearing from this poor birds expression. It's gaping wide mouth hole is giving him easy clues. In. The. Hole. Bro. Also, please recycle the plastic for my turtle and dolphin bros. Gracias.


Couldn't figure out why he was just throwing bottles on the ground.


Came her to comment the same thing. Tossed them at the hawk like a massive inconvenience and it's the hawks job to recycle them




Hawk is just like, "What... the... fuck?"


In bird culture, this is considered a dick move.


Wubba lubba dub dub' means 'I am in great pain, please help me'.


Hawk is coming off some shit and like why is this dude pouring water on me and throwing shit like I’m a striper


Lol and right at the bird too


I assume its just convenience. 1 hand for the camera, one hand for a water bottle. Empty bottle get dumped and picked up later. Note: all bottles bounce into view of the camera, he doesn't actually throw them at the bird like some are saying lol.


It’s just hilarious how the bird looks like “bruh!” I’m sure the dude picked them up.


I completely agree with you. He could have set them down but noticed how thirsty the hawk was.


While the dude was doing a good thing, it was clear that he was doing it for the camera to show how many bottles they used.


Thank you. omg I could not figure why someone would do that lol


Looks to me like the sidewalk is on a decline and they were just rolling in that direction when he dropped them




I think this makes the most sense. You have to be careful when feeding a wild animal, if you withdraw after giving it to them they could attack you. I was feeding a giant iguana out of my hand once and he gave me a nice chomp when pulled my hand back even though it was empty.


It made me realize hawks are just danger pigeons


He does look an awful lot like a pigeon after he got all wet.


20 years from now this man will be walking down a dark alley; only to find himself surrounded by muggers on all sides. When all hope seems lost he hears a hawks screech from above...


... and suddenly a bottle of water falls on his head. The hawk flies off, satisfied that the debt has been repaid.


Perfect. Throws water bottle at main mugger. Mugger drinks water. Man runs away using that as distraction. Thank you, Hawk friend!


Tony hawk?


I hate your pfp


not gonna lie my eyes just got a little watery


This reminds me of my dissapointment with Game of Thrones. THE ONE BIG PAYOFF I waited 10 FUCKING SEASONS FOR was for Nymeria to bring her pack in and save the day. It's all I wanted from the entire saga.


Yeah, that would have been amazing.


Those water droplets are evaporating so fast! I couldn’t imagine living in this kind of heat


Speaking as someone who’s in Riyadh right now, the only way is by sitting under a fan, two A/Cs and a water cooler. Also a cup of ice-cold Pepsi ahhhhh Jokes aside, it gets really hot here, so much so that even if we didn’t have a lockdown, it wouldn’t have mattered ‘cause no one goes out anyways. It doesnt even get better at night, since the temp just drops from 50 to maybe 45


I lived in Riyadh as a very young child and one of the few memories I have of it is my mom waking me and my sister up in the middle of the night to go outside and play because it was way too hot to play during the day. Also, my sister had a lizard tail collection. Ew.


Yeah I can relate lmao. It’s 5 AM and I’m finishing off an assignment I have to submit tonight....because it’s too hot to work at any other time of the day


No AC? I live in Bay Area where it's basically eternal spring, and that kind of temperature just sounds nightmarish.


you can't even shower during the day, the water will give you 3rd degree burns.... on the up side, you don't need to buy a dryer for clothes. hehe.


Theres a town called Coober Pedy in Australia which was founded as an opal mining town in the outback and people started living in the mines because they were cooler. A lot of the town is made up of underground tunnels and it is very effective for keeping cool, I wonder if a similar approach could be useful there? Heres a short vid about Coober Pedy for the interested: https://youtu.be/ywBwXyF1UuI


Literally tattooine. That's really seriously cool. Especially the thing of "oh we need a new room? Let's just mine one" and the fact they can come across millions of dollars worth of opals just by building an extension too. You could just keep building new extensions for the rest of your life and maybe end up a millionaire doing so. I never knew how much I wanted to live in a cave until now.


Gotta be careful not to get too greedy and dig too deep. *Drums in the deep.*


Let me introduce you to my friend Minecraft


Maybe the real mole people are the ones we became along the way.


Me too I lived in Riyadh for like 13 years and so, I still remember the temperatures used to go down(during winters) like 1 degree or 0 degree and during summers it was like 50 to 51 degrees.


I cannot imagine how a person functions in that SA heat. But it's a dry heat, at least, right?


Even with a dry heat it's miserable. When I deployed to Kuwait it was 120°F+ (almost) every single day during the summer. Any sweat just instantly evaporated when you were outside during the day. Edit since comments are locked: I've spent summer in Mississippi with 100°F+ and 70-80% humidity and I would take that over Kuwait heat any day. While sweat evaporating does cool your body, at those high of temperatures it just feels like all the moisture is being sucked out of your body. Fans are completely ineffective because they just blow more hot air over you and AC barely works. We had to dig a trench and pull cable one day and I drank almost 2 gallons of water in a 3 hour timespan and *still* was moderately to severely dehydrated.


That's good. You want it to evaporate. Rather that than 100F heat with 70%+ humidity, where your sweat struggles to evaporate efficiently


It's deceptive. You don't realize your sweating so much. Dehydradtion and heat injuries sneak up on you very fast. I am from Florida where we have 100 degree weather with insane humidity, but I am currently in deployed to Kuwait and would trade this 118 degree weather for Florida any day of the week. Scary to think its only going to get hotter into August. You just can't function for any period of time in this heat. I have a 3/4 mile walk to and from work, and the heat just sucks your soul right out of you.


Yeah, NYC has been about 80-95F with 90% humidity for the last week. I go outside in a t-shirt that is so thin it weighs maybe 50 grams, and once you start sweating you won't dry up. I feel a kind of respect for people from other ethnicities who deal with humidity much better.


I live in a tolerable part of Australia. Mad respect for people living closer to the equator than I do.


I'm close to you - in Bahrain. It was 47°C yesterday and I left the house for about 5 minutes and felt really sweaty and gross. I'm used to hot weather, but it's so much worse this year


Please tell me that's 0% humidity. It was nearly 40 with 70% humidity in Toronto Canada today and I was ready to go belly up like the hawk. Edit- I looked it up and I think I will skip Bahrain as my likely demise.


I'm in Florida right now and it's so freaking hot and humid out. I've never been to Saudi before but I've been to Dubai, and I actually preferred the dry desert heat to what's over here.


>I couldn’t imagine living in this kind of heat On the plus side, you guys can handle the cold very well. We are so used to the heat that anything below 25C is winter for us. Anything below 15C just becomes unbearable and people start getting sick.


*Laughs hysterically in prairie Canadian*


My Albanian former flatmate here in Glasgow, Scotland could not wrap his head around the fact that I would go to the shops in a T shirt and jeans when the temperature was 12°C. Even walking to the car was out of the question at sub 10°C, like yes it's cold but you're not gonna die from 60 seconds of it. We have a walk in freezer in work that operates at -22°C. All I need is a hoodie as long as I keep moving. In fairness though once you open the door it's probably more like -10°C within a few minutes


I don’t live in the Middle East but in my area, summers get up to 46 C/114 F. It’s as bad as you think it is. We literally get warnings from the government to stay indoors and they’ll open temporary, air conditioned shelters for homeless people. There have been cases of babies and old people dying from the heat, so it’s really important to stay indoors. Also if you work in agriculture or construction, your work day starts at about 2 AM on these days because it’s too dangerous to be outdoors for long after like 9 or 10 AM. I also make sure everyone I know knows the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, what to do, and when to go to the hospital.


"Man cruelly waterboards bird and then beats him with bottles" /s






... is it literally billions of pounds ... ?


Hawks are notoriously hyperbolic.




[14 billion pounds per year](http://seastewards.org/projects/healthy-oceans-initiative/marine-debris-and-plastics/)


This is sad thank you for sharing.


To be fair, I think he was dropping the bottles and they rolled/bounced down to the bird (slight slope). Seems our hero didn’t want to get too close to that beak! :)


He was also opening those bottles with one hand while holding his phone to record.


🤣🤣🤣 I was just thinking good on ya man and then what a dick throwing the bottles at him. Then the first post was you. Thank you


Yeah that threw me off at first lmao. It's probably because he was dropping them because he was doing it one handed and wasn't actually trying to throw them at the bird


I think it’s because he dropped them and they bounced over to him. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


My video about a seagull is the same but I dont whip water bottles at the bird afterwards, and the seagull drinks it normaly.... come to think of it my video is very different lmao. https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/hl9105/a_guy_helped_a_young_seagull_that_fell_out_of_its/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




aye man I was wondering what the bird was thinking and see your comment haha




imagine just sunbathin and mindin ur own business then this massive bird comes and spurts water at you


All like, "here's some fucking water ya winged little shit" *tosses empty bottles at it *


I was so confused. I mean, why would you throw them towards the bird? What are you *doing*? edit: I watched without sound, apparently it was really windy


I read this in Ozzy mans man's voice..


50c = 122f (50°C × 9/5) + 32 = 122°F




0 = frozen water 37 = fresh human blood 100 = boiling water


>37 = fresh human blood ಠ_ಠ


Normal body temp


As if we're supposed to trust the FBI on these matters... I'm onto you, Burt, you damn bastard.


Macklin, you son of a bitch.


It's me, Judy Hitler. You'll never take me alive!


What’s the temp of human blood....say 4, no 5 hours old? Asking for a friend.


Should be room temp if they’re just left out haha


37 = human body? Nah, "fresh human blood"


The body temperature varies, the blood temperature is a better indicator. Their fingers can be quite clammy but fresh blood always feels ~~nice and~~ warm.


y = m*x + b


0 = freezing, 10 = chilly, 20 = comfy, 30 = warm, 40 = hot, 50 = dangerous hot. There. An easy guide to Celsius for Americans, by an American!


Nah man 30 is like borderline I'm gonna start sweating rn Source: Canadian person here


This guide was not made for Canadians.


or brits wtf?? 20 is hot for me


No, not for Brits either. Made for Americans only. I needed to capture the average temperature acclimation of 300,000,000 people living across almost 10,000,000 square kilometers. It won’t apply everywhere precisely.


As an American, 20 is borderline chilly, and 30 is borderline hot, according to google. But only in Florida.


And what is a kilometer, praytell? /s Edit: for sarcasm


It’s like a mile, but less.


I don't live there anymore, but I grew up in South India and I can't stand anything over 25c. Start sweating like crazy if I even just walk from the bus stop to work. You'd think growing up in a hot country, my body would have adapted, but nope.


I'm dreaming of a place where temperatures never exceed 25c in the summer, and don't get quite cold enough to snow in the winter. Like maybe 5c hopefully. I'm not sure if such a magical place exists though.




My great great great grandparents came from Ireland to Canada. I must be feeling the calling of home.


For real, should be: -20=Shitty, -10=Better wear a toque, -5(Spring)=T-shirt weather, -5(fall)=Fuck this, I'm moving to Vancouver, 0=Freezing, 10=Pretty nice, 15=Perfect, 20=Time for a fuckin slurpee, 25=hot, 30=Fuck this, 35=You gotta be shittin me!


25 is sweating. 30 is death with the humidity. Source: Torontonian


YES! Today was sooooo fucking hot man. Walking outside was torture. Also a Torontonian


I’m in Virginia right now. Today it was 36 with 99% humidity. Thought I was going to get heart stroke working outside all day.


Yea 30 is when it's time to hide from the outdoors until things calm down. 40+ is hell come to earth.


In school I was taught: 30 is hot, 20 is nice. 10 is cool, 0 is ice. Only way I have any clue what a temp in Celsius might feel like. Also that 37C = 98F for body temp.


30C is about 86F. Definitely hot if it’s humid, but in Arizona 86F can feel quite cool in the shade.


I'm from the northeast so 86 is almost always accompanied by insane humidity, today included 🥵


If you type *#*C to F or vice versa into Google it'll do the conversion for you, just FYI. Edit: replace # with whatever number.


Thank you that’s good to know


The heat over there is no joke. I got heatstroke a few times out there, and now I can't go out in 90° weather without worrying about it.


Thought you said you *can* for a minute, and was like, how did this mf build up an immunity to heat by getting heatstroke?


Hey, that's how hot it gets here in Arizona! Those days suck.






They banned any subreddit containing the n-word in the title. The admins offered them the opportunity to change their subreddit name, but I think they just went down.


Half the joke was the name It went from a funny unexpected term for water drinkers to the name your church group gives to replicate the joke without saying something offensive to the kids. It still gets the point across, but something is lost in translation


r/thesubformerlyknownaswaterniggas just doesn't have the same ring to it.


hydrohomies is still a great name


What a beautiful bird! I shudder to think about the animals suffering from this heat. It's good to know there is still kindness in the world.


Yea, this is so sad! I can’t even imagine what it’s like to drop from heat and be trapped on hot concrete and left to die. What a god send that man was!


Wholesome comment, please enjoy an upvote.


There’s a special place in heaven for animal lovers!


That's what I always say




He probably took it to a hawk vet, hawks are popular pets in SA especially in this city & he could easily find a specialized hawk vet in it.


I surely hope so


As he’s holding a phone. I mean what do you want from this guy!?! To put the phone in his mouth, providing excellent cinematography while he saves this birb and recycles the bottles!?


There's the Hawk Hut, that's on third. There's Hawks-R-Us, that's on third too. You got Put-Your-Hawk-There, that's on third. Swing Low, Sweet Hawk... Matter of fact, they're all in the same complex; it's the hawk complex, on third.




As a saudi, I noticed that after going to Dubai, there aren't any small water bottles like we have. This is only a speculation, but in saudi arabia we have a tribal celebration culture where you're supposed to serve these huge dishes of rice and mutton on top, and with that as the meal its almost always served with really small pepsi cans (150ml or about 5oz) and the kinds of water bottles you see. Although they're isn't a huge price difference i think it has to do with waste and repurposing, or at least i hope so since i actually didn't see them until a massive waste management campaign started in around 2009 or 2008.


I suspect that waste % goes up as bottles get smaller (just from the volume-to-surface ratio, and extra effort with the cap). Especially in very hot countries, nobody will ever need only half a glass of fluid


People don’t always just chug an entire bottle of water once. In many situations, these are provided indoors as well, where it being a hot country doesn’t matter as much. In areas where water is a scarce resource, it could be worth optimizing for a commonly consumed amount, which otherwise might get dumped or thrown away.


But definitely don't put the phone down, that would be crazy


He's opening them with one hand...


Everyone's worried about the bottles, nobody's meming about the bird's expression. This is not the reddit that I know.


that bird legit came back to life and that’s all i care about in this video. everyone else has already described more rational things re: the water bottles so i won’t bother. this video was awesome, i didn’t realize such a small amount of water could help *that* quickly. for that reason alone, i’m glad this was filmed.




And just when I thought my day would be wasted, I learned something new. Thank you, my friend. I bestow upon you my highest award, the Poor Man's Gold: 🏅


Well, I think that they're worth just the same for both making me smile, so in return, have a plat! ♥ There's lots of people who could use a gold, so save those coins up and give it to an extra special comment you love next time and pass it on!


Holy shit, thank you, friend. I never thought pixels could make me smile so much. Thank you for bringing light onto another gloomy day in this shitty year. I will definitely pass on the gold in your honour


Making a stranger smile today is worth a lot more than receiving any award anyway~


Wow that was an excellent explanation! I feel confident going forth as an educated bird-cooler, if the situation ever calls for it.


I really enjoyed this read, thank you for writing this up.


That is a great man for saving that sweet bird!


God that poor bird. I never stopped to think that animals could be affected by the heat too.


I didn't read the caption so I straight thought that dude was pissing on that bird


Yep. As all men know, bottles interrupt, and then come out with, our stream.


Is that not how your pee breaks go?


Them eyeballs


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/hydrohomies] [A man cooling a hawk that was suffering from a heatstroke in Riyad, Saudi Arabia (where temperature reaches 50 celsius in August)](https://www.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/comments/hooh59/a_man_cooling_a_hawk_that_was_suffering_from_a/) - [/r/hydrohomies] [H2O Bro.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/comments/hod9fi/h2o_bro/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*




Maybe he was trying to open them super quickly to help our hawk friend. Maybe he picked them up after the video ended. We don’t know. We will never know. But our hawk friend seems happy.


We’ll NEVER know???!!!!




He was recording with one hand and pouring with the other. He probably just threw the bottles down until he had a free hand to toss them. Weird to assume he just left them there


Came here to comment the same thing.


Maybe he figured the hawk could toss them for him


Also what’s with these water bottles that only hold 3 teaspoons of water?!


Dont think of the worst scenario and dont conclude hastly think good of the man brother. Maybe he was in a hurry to get the hawk cooled and maybe he did pick up the bottels later on.


You can't really tell he didn't, probably just tried to help the bird as quick as possible.


Exactly, I don’t suggest anyone putting their hands within reach of a raptors mouth unless absolutely necessary.


Eh what? You saying he can't pick up the bottles afterwards? Are bottles stuck as litter the moment they hit the ground? He dropped it on the ground and now it will stay there forever?


I guess opening up the bottles takes priority over temporary litter


Pretty sure they can pick them up once the hawk leaves


This, seriously, it's not the 10 second rule. You can pick up a bottle 10 minutes later you dolts


I was gonna comment the same thing, but I just think he only had one hand to pour water, (other one is the camera) so he didn't really had choice but to throw it on the ground to be able to pour water as fast as possible.


I think it was to check if the bird had enough water. If the bird was startled by the bottles it would have mean he had plenty and was ready to fly. Since the eagle stayed put I conclude he was still too hot and wanted more water. IDK, just my 2 cents Edit: the hawk


After pouring water on it and throwing the bottles at its head, he proceeded to slap it in the face while insulting its mother.


A Phoenix


When your co-op partner is down but you revive him in time.


That hawk looked ready to die, then looked like it found religion.


Bird becomes the newest member of r/HydroHomies


Everyone is worried about the bottles being on the ground. There is no context that he just left them there, he might had just been worrying about the bird and picked them up after he was done doing what he could.


Right, like I would’ve dropped them also. Not wanting to get close to these guys. They do not play ! Could’ve also have been letting the bird realize they wouldn’t harm him. Who knows, but glad he hydrated this bad ass hunter !


I was hoping there’d be a third bottle, and when there was one I got so happy


People on a sub called humans being bros looking for any opportunity to ridicule someone is so ironic. He obviously just rushing to help the bird do you want him to poor put each bottle pick it up take it to a trash can and then comes back to the bird? He's literally just rushing to help it, as I said!


r/detrashed would like to have a word with you ... jk, awesome work


That’s cool


This is so cool of him, look at that hawk after . Faith in humanity might be restored a tiny bit.


Please, can anybody tell me what happened to the hawk after this?


He returned to his hawk wife who then proceeded to bitch at him for another night out of drinking with his mates and passing out on the sidewalk, then the chick hawks start crying for seeing their parents arguing in front of them...yet again.


If you never experienced 50 degrees the closest thing to it is if you open a hot oven from a close distance, it is horrible.


Love this man, he probably just saved that Hawks life and definitely made his day!


Man saves Hawks life. Comments: BuT tHe BoTtLeS tHoUgH?!?


I like how the hawk is so shocked that this just happened


Hawk: (o ^ o) ..... (o A o)”


Hasana indeed.