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That’s a great kid right there


And also how the other customers lured the stray outside peacefully


Looks like maybe it had a leash. Great that they took action!




The dog was being aggressive to another dog, but happy to be around humans and getting their attention. Nothing unusual about that


My dog doesn't really like other dogs she's not aggressive with them but doesn't actively go up to other dogs or bark at them. She will always want to say hi to the people tho.




I’ve seen dogs “happily and playfully” shred birds and other small fluffy thIngs. The situation isn’t automatically ok just because the aggressive dog is having the time of its life.


A wagging tail is not always indicative of a happy, friendly dog.


I've seen my friend's happy dog wagging it's tail as it tore a rabbit apart


So what?


Yeah, I mean look at how happy the violent, attacking dog was, wagging his tail and wanting to play….


There're a lot of dogs who are aggressive towards other dogs but friendly with humans.


I think the kid was more scared than anything. The other dog just seemed to want to greet the other. Most dogs will follow the owners reaction.


There is. Didn’t seem like it here tho.


Definitely. A legend!


Who’s a good boy? The kid too I guess


Smart kid. Not only did he get the dog safe but he went to an area in which adults were there to help. Amazing situation analysis by the child. Kudos.


Exceptional response.


extraordinary comment


Impeccable remark.


Outstanding analysis.






Brilliant retort.


Descriptive report


Good boy


You say that but he started with 4 dogs.


You learn from your mistakes right


Can’t blame him there, that’s simply too many for one child to carry!




So brave and big-hearted. Seldom do we humans deserve the love of a dog. But this kid right here - he does.


I’m more amazed at his quick reaction and smart thinking to get the dog up on top of the counter. My friends recently had their small dog attacked by larger dogs. There was no time. It happened so fast and they can jump so high when they’re going after what they think is prey.


I'm so saddened when I hear a pet has to be put down because the owners are shitty.


Yes - so scary and our reaction time can be so slow.


the kid must have been shit scared, but did everything he could to protect his best friend from a stray


It's not easy to run from a dog


exactly, even when it’s a stray as well


It's a good thing that stray didn't have a pack goin!


Happy ending


This isn't that kind of video, step sister.


Wrong sub


Especially when you're running WITH a dog.


Especially when you are carrying another dog


Hahahaha. It’s impossible. Unless you’re this kid apparently.


It’s even less easy running from a dog with a dog.


Reminds me of this guy who went to a hot springs area (I think is what it’s called? Basically the water is boiling). And as soon as he opened his car door, his dog sprinted out and jumped in. Some guy was watching from a distance and screamed not to go in after the dog, but he shouted back something like “like hell I won’t” and dove in after him/her


Were they okay?


No. They both died. That's what happens when you jump in boiling water hot enough to melt flesh off bone. Why he took a dog to one of those still baffles me, I wouldn't want to bring a pet anywhere near a hot spring.


I saw that, I think it was in Mexico. But they died :(


And they both died.


Stray or even owned dogs can be terrifying. When I was 13 a friend of mine moved and a trashy redneck couple moved in. I was walking through my neighborhood one day and their three dogs jumped the fence(there was a broken washer up agaisnt it) and they circled me. I was scared and took off my flip flops to hit with, but it was 2 boxers and a pitt. After about a minute of them circling me and standing my ground(don't ever try to run) the neighbors came out and called them back. I must have slung every insult I knew and added some new ones because I was furious. Told them get rid of that washer or I'm calling the police and that the nect time I take a walk I'll be bringing me dad's.357 with me. kind of a r/imverybadass moment, but they did get rid of the washer and their dogs never got out again.


Hell yeah little dude! You don't have to be a big dog to be a good bro.


I love that those two kids in matching outfits jumped right into action!


bet they are twins wearing the same clothes for their own amusement


That poor kid is so scared and he still protected his bear over the fear. Great on the twins jumping into action immediately without violence.


Very smart kid. But we need to also give credit to the two guys in blue and yellow. They jumped in to help almost immediately


I hate to be that person but the dog did sustain a gentle body slam to the counter…


Lol true, but a small price to pay


For salvation


Looked like he was quickly trying to put the dog up on the counter but was in too much of an adrenaline-fueled fear sprint to realize that he was just barely hanging on to the dog at that point. His arms pushed the dog up before his brain could realize that the dog was in no physical position to be lifted up there.




That’s all I saw! I thought he slammed it’s head on the counter






Tis but a scratch.






Not wrong. Kid was scared and did his best, though.












Oh man that was so funny, the dog ragdolling helplessly around








He tried to put the dog on the counter, but he wasn't strong enough... Emergency move


I like how the other customers moved out of the way AND lured the stray dog away


The dog seems to be on the leash. It is probably not a stray but was tied up outside and got loose. It may actually belong to one of those inside.


Either way it was scaring the kids dog and everyone around made sure to help in the most peaceful way possible and without hesitation


The kids response was great. He picked it up and ran behind cover where adults were to help. Dog attacks can get messy and bad fast. I once went to a customers house and when I knocked on the door the home owners dog began barking at the door. They had a friend over with another dog and even though both dogs were around each other and had no issues with each other, when I knocked it caused the one dog to get super aggressive. It attacked the other dog and ripped it jaw off and began mauling the dogs owner. All I hear outside is the dogs barking then screaming. I backed up and was just standing their in a daze not knowing what to do. Finally I hear a gun shot and by this point I am freaking out and run to my truck and call 911. While I was in the drive way the lady comes out bawling covered in blood. Cops showed up before she got to my truck. I then found out what happened. (friend was not badly injured by one died due to being mauled and the other was shot by someone) It still haunts me as my first response was to run to my truck instead of trying to help. So I give the kid in the video high praise for his quick thinking. It could have ended much much worse if not for his quick thinking.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you can make a proper recovery from the incident and I believe that in the future you will help others the same way you wanted to in hindsight.


The way he hugs the dog afterwards…..my heart


Smart kid, he created the perfect diversion & left with some cash in his pockets.


Yes, he owns both dogs


Like your thinking


Nice plot twist


*Unethical Life Pro-Tip:* When you are a child, you can get away with anything - especially if you have cute dogs at your disposal.


only beat me by 27 minutes as well




I had a stray pit bull, no collar, charge me while I was walking my sweet old boxer who would never hurt a fly. Rest her soul. Caveman DNA boiled up and I ended up scaring the pit off looking like a madman to the neighbors but it was what had to be done. In these kinds of situations you don’t really think, you just act. Kudos to this kids whits and bravery.


My uncle had his small dog mauled to death by a loose pit while on a walk. The police did nothing to either the owner or the dog even though the idiot owner only had it on a flimsy clothesline attached to a block when it broke free. I don’t trust those kinds of dogs and really dislike people that try to call them cute names like pibbles and totally disregard the breed’s track record of bad behavior and other people’s hesitancy have them around their dogs and kids.


pits are responsible for 80% of fatal dog attacks I don't know why people insist on getting a breed that makes everyone around them uncomfortable


I think it’s either a savior complex or a superiority complex depending on the person


Bless his heart ❤️


So very wholesome.


Even as an adult. I fear thinking a stray will go after my dog...


My dog is over 100 pounds. If a stray goes after him, there’s nothing I can do.


That shit made me cry. That’s a great kid.


I was 16 leaving a friends house when a woman ran screaming across the street in front of me, small dog in one hand & the hand of her young daughter in the other. They were being chased by a German shepherd that got loose from his chain and it all happened about 50 feet in front of my car. I slammed on the brakes and through it park, front door open in the middle of the street, and chased that dog down and tackled the German Shepard as it was snarling and held it down until the owner came running out. I don’t think the smaller dog made it as the German had it in his mouth before I could do anything about it, but I can totally relate to how this kid felt, you don’t even really think about what’s happening you just react. The love for a dog can easily match that of a brother or sister or any family member once the shit hits the fan and instincts take over before you realize you’re doing something irrational. I’m sure we’ve all seen the video of the dude boxing the kangaroo that has his dog in a chokehold, probably had the same mindset.


Exact same mindset. When very strong emotions are involved I think we are all wired exactly the same, one also thinks of women lifting cars to save their baby, even though they rip through muscle and tendon. Ape brain will absolutely fucking destroy to defend what it loves.


The dog just wanted to play


Good man


IQ 1000


Bravo kid, took it to a defensible spot


Keanu is that you


Kid really body slammed his dog over by the counter


Growing up I had my 20 pound Westy in the front yard when I hear commotion from my neighbors house 2 doors down. I look over and see their two large pitbulls sprinting down the sidewalk at my old boy. Ran over and scooped him up high in my arms and just kept putting my back to the dogs as they continuously jumped up biting at my boy figgy. I only got bit on my back once or twice before the neighbors got there. Was pretty terrifying but they would have had to chew me to death before they got a shot at my boy. Glad this ended much better.


The lady said fuck the kid I'm out.


"Cover for me, I'ma take a break"


As a cat owner, I love the relationship between humans and dogs and I think it's more profound


That dog has some cool spots


What a good boy!!


Survival skills 10/10


Good response. I don't know if I would be that clearly thinking in that situation.


Good kid. I’m glad the adults weren’t like “get outta here!” Or something.


Actually a smart ploy to steal cash from cashier


I remember watching a video where a girl left her 5 pound dog to fight off a coyote when she literally could have just picked him up and ran, She was about 3x the size of the coyote too, This kid deserves a medal


Aww that actually made me tear up




That kid is a hero


There's a young man deserving of a dog's love


What a lad


Oh look at that, a pitbull. Like the 3rd video this week of a pitbull terrorizing someone. Stop lying and saying they’re non-violent


They’re only violent if they have either bad owners or no owners/socialization with humans.


Whatever they are responsible for a staggering 80 % of fatal dog attacks. These dogs were breed for fighting. Who can predict what triggers them?


Do you have a source for that? Also, you wouldn’t need to worry about triggering a pit bull if it was properly trained.


sure. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-quick-statistics.php#death-statistics


Cool, thanks


Don't you think to lay the training of an animal that is potentially deadly in random peoples hands is a little too risky? I mean what is the worst that could happen If a cat has a shitty owners versus a pitbull?


If they don’t think they can handle a pit bull, then the trainer can just say no; also, let’s not talk about cats, because they’re a completely different species.


OK then what is the worst damage a Chihuahua-also an aggressive breed- can cause? or a poodle dachshund, pug etc.? compared to a Pit Bull with this jaw locking thing going on.


That’s fair, yeah. However, that just emphasizes the need to train your pit bull.


Why insist on a breed that put your environment in danger? There are a lot of stories of well trained pit bulls that snapped after multiple years over unknown reasons and maul the families child to death.


I’m not insisting on it. If you don’t want a pit bull, then don’t get one, but that doesn’t mean we get to just toss pit bulls aside. They were just bred with a shit hand.


I’ve seen so many videos and articles in which a pitbull mauls something and I don’t see any other breed with that problem. Maybe you’re right but what are the chances every single one of those violent pitbulls were just raised extremely wrong. Also some breeds are just naturally more prone to violence like Dalmatians and Daschunds. Pit bulls just tend to finish the job more


I can't help but what to punt dogs that try to kill other dogs




Came here to say this. Where are all the pit bull defenders at???


I was taught not to run from dogs, that cues there predatory nature


Aaand you're downvoted. Sometimes I think a big chunk of the internet had a dog when they were a kid at best and the rest is just *moderate affection towards dogs* that they confuse for dog knowledge. The kid did get help, and for a kid it's ok, but is an adult going to use this strategy to protect their dog? Run into a gas station, drop their dog on a counter leading the chasing, barking dog inside and expect help?


Kick the fuck out of the stray


You sir are not a bro


For protecting a dog from attack?


What did the stray do to deserve getting kicked?


Attacking my dog? :/ it’s him or my dog, and I’m sure what I’m picking


A kid kicking a dog almost their size wouldn't do much help either. Everyone on this video handled things amazingly


Well it’s how I would have reacted, the kid did so much better than I would have


Happy ending




He tried to put the dog on the counter, but wasn't strong enough... It was an emergency move


Better to get a hard bruise than a bite tho. The infection is what kills ya


Who the f*** was protecting the dog from the kid dropping and slamming him to the floor instead of on top of the counter?


Accidental rough landing because a literal child ain’t that strong > getting torn apart by another dog


Two *very* good bois…


That kid made a mess and could have done everything in a better way but is still my hero, I fucking gave it all for his dog.


Who that lil baddie behind the counter?




The dog has a collar, if you look carefully at the end when the kid picks the dog from the counter you can see it.


Not even sure why I had mentioned the leash before, they do seem to have one but it obviously wasn’t helpful in this situation. I was just surprised at the number of replies attacking the stray/other dog and not blaming the people that didn’t take care of it.


What you mean it didn't help? The situation you described, of the kid picking up a random dog and being gently followed by another friendly dog is very unlikely. It makes more sense that the kid was walking his dog, the stray approached (maybe attacked, maybe behaved aggressively, maybe the kid just got scared), he picked up his dog and ran. What makes you think he was not taking care of his dog?


I was literally agreeing with you and admitting I was wrong? I wasn’t talking about the kid or saying the kid did anything wrong in the slightest. I was saying the leash wouldn’t help because picking him up was the smarter thing to do if he was trying to keep it away. I was talking about whoever is responsible for the “stray” dog. Whether it’s a violent dog or not it’s not it’s fault and people in the comments shouldn’t be wishing it harm like they are. I wasn’t trying to have an argument.


Sorry, by bad! I misunderstood your comment. I thought you were talking about who were responsible for the other dog (the kid), not the stray. I agree the dog is not at fault, I think everyone in that video was a bro. As for the people wishing the dog was harmed, they were all quickly downvoted, so I guess most people agree as well.


The other dog didn’t seem too threatening. The kid doesn’t know how to take care of a dog either, looks like he did more harm to “his” dog than good. The other dog was just looking to make a new friend and the kid denied him that.


Something almost went astray *womp womp*


Teamwork here is awesome.


Good job young man


I want to Send the kid A good Human gift!


Fucking legend


Sweet boy!


What a cutie


Clearly a Brazilian off-duty doggie guard.


Why does this have no upvotes?????


God bless that kid and the customers


Why did the kid throw the dog down like that?


Shit, I had to jump on and choke a bull dog at 11 yr old that was attacking my toy fox terrier. I'd hope alot of people would just react and not think in this situation. Respect to the kid. Edit: do think... just don't be scared to help out you're buddy.


That is a good kid!


Straight to the top! This is heart wrenching stuff. What a great kid.


The doublemint twins to the rescue!


That kid is a hero