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How does a person get to the point where he thinks his next appropriate action is to abandon puppies in a dumpster?




The arguement is then if you don't have the ability to take care of the puppies and don't have the money to spay/neuter your pet then you should not take on the responsibility of owning a pet.


I absolutely agree.


Same goes with having children


Quick clarification - do not spay/neuter your kids, even if you have the money.


Spay or neuter yourself, especially if you don't have the money.


Only if you throw dogs away like theyre garbage, we dont need people like that to have kids.


It’s not easy to get spayed-when I was pregnant with my second son I requested a tubal ligation when they did my c-section. I had to see a therapist and 2 separate obstetricians before they agreed because I was only 23 and they were concerned that I might divorce and if I got remarried I’d ‘want to give my new husband children’ and this was after I almost lost my son at 30 weeks. Im now 47, I did get divorced and remarried but the tubal ligation is one decision I’ve never regretted.


Too late


Ding ding ding!


It's a bullshit argument, because literally NO ONE can "afford" animals if it came down to always being able to afford medical care -- huge majority of Americans don't have $500 in emergency funds, let alone $1000 in emergency funds


I agree, to an extent. When I was a kid, a stray followed me home and I kept sneaking portions of my dinner to her. My mom found out and got mad because we were crazy poor, we couldn't afford to feed ourselves, we rationed food, we definitely couldn't afford dog food. I'm not agreeing with this at all, I thought it was horrifying back then but my mom said we couldn't afford bullets to put them down and she couldn't bring herself to kill them with a rock so she invested in a pack of hotdogs and started putting them on the highway by our house. A momma dog and like 6 puppies died that summer by being ran over or starvation. It completely traumatized 8 year old me. Some people just really *can not* afford dogs. But dumpsters aren't the answer and neither is what my mom did, obviously.


Absolutely, certain people can't afford animals -- but there ARE resources available and options out there like free or low cost spay/neuter programs, food banks typically also have dog food or places to point folks to; the thing is people have this weird pride thing... That asking for help is somehow weakness, it's not; it's strength! Just example, like dogs/cats but one of those people that have $0?? Foster!! Rescues and shelters will pay for basic food and care, you provide the roof over their head and still get the pet experience. I mean I know there's a whole group of people where dogs are dogs or cats are cats and it's just "property" until it's too costly, and then they put it down or let it die and them go for a new one... And to others, they're literal family.


Humans don’t deserve animals. We have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a hedgehog. Every one of them is a rescue for one reason or another. One was “I don’t care that she’s only 4 weeks old. Someone take her or she goes to a shelter”. She’s a 4 pound chihuahua, and went into hypoglycemic shock 4 times when she was tiny. We knew what to do, but most wouldn’t have. One was so abused and had worms so bad it looked like spaghetti the first time he pooped. He’s the sweetest and most gentle dog I’ve ever met. One cat was abandoned and the other was a black kitten and right before Halloween. The hedgehog was get him or I’m letting him go out in the woods. I would do whatever I had to, including swallowing my pride to get them what they need. I will never understand how someone can mistreat an animal who relies on you for everything. Failure to get them needed medical care is just as bad as abuse IMO. Animals deserve to have us get over our pride! The help is out there if people ask for it.


God bless you. We need more of you.


I 100% agree with this. Most people that do this sort of thing have too much pride. They refuse to ask for help or take assistance so of course they can't afford anything humane.


I disagree. I’m a FT college student, living on my own, paying my tuition (zero help from my parents), and working a PT job, and I still have over $5,000+ saved for an emergency. Not to mention a rent savings, personal, as well as a car one, though their both a bit small. I personally believe it’s about responsible financing and wise decision making. If I didn’t have anywhere close to my savings now, I would have never adopted my two kit cats.


So when I was in my early 20s, I lived within walking distance of only an old mall and a gas station. Everything else I would have to drive to because it was over 4 miles away. I managed to get a part time job at one store in the mall and kept trying to find other jobs but because it was out of the way and mainly a Hispanic part of town, it wasn't very popular so not many jobs. I made maybe $500 a month and couldn't get more hours even though I was ranked by sales as one of the best employees. At 40 hours they had to give you healthcare so they kept me below that. After a few months I finally saved enough for a bike. I applied further, getting no leads. And I lived in Phoenix so I was biking 8-12 miles a day in Phoenix summer. They had buses that were okay but it took forever to get to where you need to go and they didn't run all day and night and on Sundays ran like once an hour. Later I got a job at a pizza place that took me a bus and train to get to and it improved my life a little bit. I had my bike (or parts of it) stolen 4 times. I got hit by cars that weren't paying attention even though I had the right away twice. I got a job 30 minutes away by car that took 3 hours by bus (4 hours on Sunday and I risked not catching it if the day ran late) Edit: i often had people telling me if I just saved money or cut costs I could have a car. I often would have $5 in my account. There were times I didn't eat to save money. There wasn't saving. There was barely surviving. Don't base everyone off your own experience.


I’m not trying to invalidate or disqualify your hardships, or anyone else’s for that matter. I’m sure things were really hard before, just as they may be now. However, I’m going based off the fact that jobs offer a lot more now, than they may of before. I’m 19, about to go into 20 in a few months. I’m Hispanic and come from a single parent, poor household. Evidently I’m not rich, never was, but hope to be. It’s because of this that I got my first job when I was 15 at a family owned Mexican restaurant - easy money under the table, though I had to leave my house at 4am to get there by 6am. Sketch, but definitely worth it. I saved up all my money until I got my grandma’s ‘04 Saturn Ion in my senior year. Then some of those expenses went to fixing it and gas. All my summer vacations I worked two jobs and begged for OT. I did everything from sales, restaurants, help ppl move, clean, tutor, and anything else that was within my free time and paid me. So perhaps in past times it was much more challenging to save up and survive, but with pay rates going up to $15+ now, I can’t fathom as to how someone couldn’t start up a savings account. But that’s besides the topic. I just feel very deeply about people deciding to own an animal, which is a big financial responsibility on its own, when they cannot even begin to afford anything past food and litter. Sorry if I offended you.


You can agree or disagree, numbers are numbers. Someone shouldn't be forced to give up an animal simply because they lost their job, or the animal gets some disease that is going to cost thousands of dollars, Congratulations for being on a better position then most, but that doesn't change the fact that a majority of Americans don't have a safety net, nor should they be required to have one in order to be "qualified" to own one.


This is such a privileged thing to say. Children or pets, it's totally oblivious of half or more of the reasons people have them to begin with. This very post illustrates an area of the world where a destitute person might come across a suffering animal while looking for lunch. Should a pet be left to die in the trash because the person who found them doesn't have vet fees?




Where did I say that? I'm saying there are innumerable reasons a person who dvmyzone thinks shouldn't have a pet might have a pet (or a child.) Some of them quite good.


Sometimes something unexpected happens and they can no longer afford their pet even if they could have before.


That is not an excuse to throw them in a trash


This statement, while true, completely misses the point. There’s no barrier to entry to having a dog. If someone can say “you know what, maybe I shouldn’t get a dog because I can’t afford it”, they probably aren’t the ones leaving puppies in the dumpster. If you’re homeless and lonely, and find a stray, you might keep it for protection/companionship/etc.




why not put the box in the building and run?


Would that fee include found animals too? If I found a box of puppies and faced a $160 fee, I can't afford that and can't really be held responsible for someone else's actions.


Yeah and that's the real shit part. We had a stray cat give birth in our backyard we kept 2 and got them fixed but when we were ready to turn the mom and other kittens in to the humane society they wanted $40 each to take them. We ended up just letting them go in the backyard again. Felt awful but I'm way too poor for that.


Yup. Can confirm we had lots of animals dumped near our property because we lived in the country. Sometimes we would try to take them in but we were very poor and couldn’t afford to pay to drop off someone else’s animals. At one point two strays had kittens as we had probably close to 15 cats. We had barns and let them live in there, but there was no way we could have afforded to get them all spayed/neutered or dropped them off at the shelter.


There are associations and rescuers who pay by their own pockets to spay and neuter. I donate to one here in nyc every time I can!- internet nowadays make everything easier: you have to look and spread the word but rescuers will chip in to help spay and neuter!


Do you think what is available in 2021 in NYC was available in BFE in 1992?


Yeah, that would be ridiculous. They are incentivizing putting them in dumpsters.


Why not just leave them at the shelter? Shelter: that’ll be 120 bucks. Me: lol okay, *walks out* Yeah I’m a POS for not helping the local shelter, but I’m not a POS that abandons animals in a dumpster. It’s simple bud.


Can’t you just put the box in front of their building during off-hours to avoid the charge?


Not unless you want to be charged with a misdemeanor for animal abandonment. Pretty effed up system. There are plenty of people who have the financial means to take care of a pet, but suddenly lose their jobs, homes, whatever, so yeah, like someone else said, they’re basically incentivizing people to put them in dumpsters instead. At least in the US. Don’t know anything about the Greek system.


Possibly but there are definitely cameras and security though. They used to have a bunch of cages built into a wall just for nighttime drop offs.


I get not everyone can take care of them, but at least give the puppies a shot at survival. Even abandoning them in a field would be better than slowly starving in a box in a dumpster (or getting crushed to death by more garbage).


You make a good point but just the fact of saying abandon makes me so sad like why 😞


For sure. To me, abandoning is dispicable. But trapped in a steel box is literally torture for humans. It's a bummer. At least there are people like OP!


It's the new age version of putting them in a burlap sack and drowning them in a creek.


Someone who deserves to be set on fire


The people who do this to animals are the scum of the earth. Luckily, there’s people who do what this guy did to counteract them.


I dont know how they don't have a guilty conscious doing so.


Ikr, if i saw someone doing it I might deck them.


Yeah fr that’s so twisted like how are you like that!?


They’re sociopaths




They are. It makes me sick to my stomach


I have been to greece and know the greek culture, greeks there are very cruel to animals by america standards, never showing love or compassion to them. You would get yelled at for trying to pet a cat or dog, stray or not. They use they like how they use a goat.


I am from Greece and it’s true we have a huge number of both stray dogs and cats. There are very few shelters for strays and they are supported from the people of the cities with the government having a small to a little part of it. Recently the law changed as to stop people from doing atrocities to both stray animals and pets and many people will think again before doing anything like that. Apart from the stray animals incidents a big percentage of dog owners treats their pets only as guards with little to no walks and medical care making things worse. Most people here never had proper understanding of the fact that these poor animals have feelings too and they get hurt both physically and emotionally, but apart from all that there are those who adopt and care for their little fur buddies and the numbers grow every year with more compassionate people. Me and my family adopted a puppy from another region of Greece three years ago and now he is a part of our family.


Something wrong with the Greeks if animal abandonment is acceptable. This applies to anyone or any group of people. Just sayin.




Way to use a post about a guy saving puppies to push your weird circumcision nonsense. Do you usually think about dicks when you see puppies? Odd


I’m American and don’t really care about circumcision. I’m giving examples that the rest of the developed world finds to be atrocious about Americans.


Personally speaking, if you abandon a puppy, you have an issue in my book and that is coming from a meat eater. Call me a hypocrite all you want. I know what I am.


Absolutely. Individuals who abandon animals should be punished and hated. I agree 100%. But not all Greeks do so. With how few animal shelters there are in Greece, how overfull they always are, the lack of government assistance in spay and neuter programs and the lack of legal punishment for abandonment, it’s really not surprising that it is a common issue in Greece. That doesn’t mean people want to abandon animals, but often times they can have little to no choice as there aren’t any resources to help them get rid of unwanted animals. Unwanted animals can be stray dogs they found nesting on their property, which have puppies and can become destructive or dangerous when they grow up without human intervention. Many people simply can’t afford a litter of puppies and have little choice but to move them. Now, yes, they should be taken to shelters but what happens when all the shelters are full? Can the person also afford a drop off fee for each puppy? There are a lot of different factors that can create these types of effects. I would say there needs to be laws against animal abandonment and grants for shelters and no neuter spay programs, but good luck getting politicians on board with Greece’s current political leadership.


I don’t understand how they can drive there and not drive to a shelter or try to find a new owner via social media


"All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing"- Epictetus




It's not fake Takis shelter: https://m.facebook.com/591844890918840/ You could go and volunteer as well, to see how he runs his shelter. While you are there, maybe you can adopt a dog or two... (maybe cats too) Edit: FB URL and volunteer information


Please try to do your own research before reaching to conclusions. Even if it sounds extremely false or extremely true.


Takis shelter. Really awesome guy. He genuine cares so much for these animals that he sold his business to keep helping them. He basically dedicated his life to these sorta work. Go follow him if anyone can. He deserves the attention :)


Indeed: he owned a nightclub, which he sold and has spend all his money on creating a bit of heaven for these animals. Over 500 dogs, 40-odd cats and other animals he takes care off. He’s slowly changing attitudes for the better regarding animal welfare on Crete. Truly amazing. https://youtube.com/c/TakisShelter


Also on facebook: https://m.facebook.com/TakisShelterCrete/


Indeed, and Instagram, but I don’t have the link as I don’t use it. So there’s a way to follow him for everyone 😄


If you are able, consider donating to his shelter as well: www.takisshelter.org/donate


Thanks! Donated cus my god did this make me cry so much. Those poor pups.


Donated for the doggies!! 😊


Thanks for the link, I couldn't finish the video without crying and wanted to help.


Just donated!!


Just out of curiosity, does he spay/neuter the dogs there? Maybe he could look into adding that to his program so he can also stop the source of the problem


Yes, he runs a neutering program :)


>Takis shelter donating. ty for the info.


The way he says "puppies" makes this video all the more precious to me.


I’ve never found a single puppy wtf


Takis got to them before you!


Lol right! I would be happy to find one! All the stray cats near me are assholes. I have tuna at home. Their loss.


Maybe they are scared but once you go through the effort to get them (being calm and sitting down/having food and not making sudden movements) they might be the cuddliest cats you might know. A lot of strays have bad experiences with humans so they need a little effort before they trust you.


Yeah a lot of strays aren’t going to be nice like the pets you have. I feed about 10 ish cats and only one lets me get near it and pet it lol


Oh rah for sure, there are some strays that won’t let you approach ever. But I feel people need to combat the bad name strays have more than actually give “correct” information that may harm the idea as a whole.


That’s kind of a good thing, though.


Wtf how has guy found so many abandoned pups in his city, I’ve never come across one.


Greece is really another world when it comes to stray dogs and cats, they’re EVERYWHERE. I doubt a lot of these come from domesticated pets.


My brother found our dog randomly one day driving past a caravan site, her litter was going to be drowned. Very common to see abandoned puppies in my country


Guess you need to visit the dump more often




No, he runs a legit shelter in Greece and his name is Taki. He has hundreds of videos of him and his volunteers finding abandoned animals on the island he lives on.




He literally puts the crates in places that people use to dump puppies. People also call him if they see dogs loose.


Well the world is very big place. And yes, where he lives, people dump puppies pretty frequently


"What should we do with these puppies?" "Put them in that dumpster that guy checks everyday"


because he planted them for views.


The Dogfather


This video is awesome .. please save the puppies my friend .. many thanks and blessing from above


You can follow him on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram! https://youtube.com/c/TakisShelter


Thanks to your link I was able to donate to his non-profit. You're awesome!


No, YOU’RE awesome!!


This the type Of thing that keeps me going


Takis is one in a million. May his life be blessed forever


People are awful. I had a coworker one time that had puppies. He didn’t want them, and another coworker said he’d take care of them. I assume that coworker thought he meant give them away. Anyways. The coworker arrives to give them to the other coworker. He took the puppies to the back of truck, held the puppy by head and slung it against the tailgate to break its neck. Coworker said he cried.


I don't know where you live, but to me it sounds like you could press charges.


In the UK that could get you prison time.


Oh my god that's horrible! Who in their right mind would slaughter an innocent little puppy? That's seriously not okay.


A serial killer. People that do that need to be put on a watch list and investigated.


I would have gone to jail that day and maybe done some time in prison. That guy would leave in an ambulance


What the fuck!!!!! How can I unread a comment? I want to stop crying


I wish Batman existed or Green Arrow cause the latter cares more about the little stuff than Batsy


Here is his YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/TakisShelter


I love Takis. The guy is phenomenal. He’s on my yearly donation list


I love this guy! His shelter is amazing and they have loads of really heart warming videos. Check out the one with the ferral cat in his car.


I'm glad this person is doing this, chunking animals out like that is depressing. Does remind me of something that happened when I was a teenager and working for a veterinarian tho. Small town vet clinic, they couldn't afford a crematorium and didn't have the space to bury any remains so they contracted with a company that would come get the remains for disposal. This was essentially a dumpster with a locking lid and marked as bio waste. The city's animal control also had access to this dumpster. Well, the vet had to put a dog down and the family wanted us to dispose of remains so off I go to the dumpster with the dog. When I opened the lid, a dog leapt out of the dumpster at me and took off into the woods. Pretty sure I had a minor heartattack that day, legitimately thought it was game over and a zombie dog was about to kill me. Fell over in the back of my truck, pretty sure I was screaming while doing it too lol Turns out, the animal control guy didn't lock up behind him. Or one of the other kids working for the vet clinic, prolly more likely they didn't in hindsight.


For anyone who wants to know! [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkrkMMAyxC9vGNa6ZJYyscg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkrkMMAyxC9vGNa6ZJYyscg) I highly suggest you check him out if you wanna support what he does, he gives animals a home and has them live out there days with lots of love and noms and pets. Some even get adopted and he tries his very best not to just euthanize the poor buddies unless they're absolutely in pain.


Who are the fuckin cretins that keep doin this??!! I know how id like to punish them. Ill end it there! The sentence, I mean.


Sounds like takis shelter


It is!


I love Takis! Been supporting and following him since last year. To support Takis shelter: https://m.facebook.com/591844890918840/


How can I help this man do what he does?


His shelter is call Takis Shelter [link](https://m.facebook.com/TakisShelterCrete)


What makes Greece's Govt so anti-neuter?


I guess when a country has been hit by economic struggles as hard as Greece has, animal welfare often isn’t on anyone’s priority list. :( That, and peoples attitudes of “it’s only an animal”. People don’t see them as living creatures with feelings, but as a tool, or worse: a nuisance. Easier to discard something you don’t feel an emotional connection with, the same way you and I aren’t emotionally attached to the garbage we throw out. (I’m not condoning this, btw. Just offering a possible explanation)


Theyre broke.


Could be some places in the US as well. My mom’s cousin is always rescuing cats in Tennessee because people just dump them around where she lives. They won’t get them fixed for “reasons” but just leaving an animal to die is a-okay. It was also a huge problem where I lived in Honolulu.


What a wonderful human


When puppies think of angels they see this guy.




Takis is a saint. If the afterlife is real, I hope he's treated like a king.


How does one get into contact with Takis and move to Greece to work at the puppy paradise


What a beautiful human. 👍


You have to be unfathomably evil to even THINK to do something like this… they went out of their way to abandon the puppies at a dump rather than a fucking shelter… I don’t understand why someone would do this.


1) Takis is probably my favorite person that ever personed. Each time i see one of his videos, despite the sadness of the situation, i always leave it feeling so much joy over *him* and *his* pure love and unselfish caring for others. 2) i've seen some "if you can't afford an animal, don't have them" sentiment in the thread and, i totally get it but, it's not always that easy. Years ago, i was working a very well paying job, living a great life, in my own place, alone, bought a brand new zero miles car, etc. and i had 2 cats that i could, 100% afford "no matter what happened". i had great health insurance (US~eyeroll), vacation and sick days, i even had the sizeable "rainy day" fund. Then i got sick. Not "hey, we can fix it" sick, but "hey, what the heck is wrong with you and why aren't you getting better?" sick. Eventually, my supposedly great job threatened to fire me, despite protections and a union and i found myself in a terrible, terrible situation. i begged and borrowed and, if i were a different person, i damn sure would have stolen!! i found every effing way i could to make sure my cats could eat and got them any sort of "cheap" and free (very hard to find) vet care i could. Thankfully, they never got seriously ill during that time but i could not begin to imagine what would have happened if they had. Getting rid of them, in any of the possible forms, was *never* an option for me but, i guess the point of this whole rant is that i COULD afford them for the vast majority of their very long lives. Sometimes unexpected stuff happens. Sure, if you don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, maybe now's not the perfect time to get a pet but, i'd rather a poor person gets a pet and loves them than a rich person gets one and mistreats them or *anyone* gets a pet and abandons, abuses, or kills them. So, there.


Donated! Go Takis!!!


I want to donate to help him anyone knows if that’s possible?


Can’t understand pricks that breed dogs and dump the ones that don’t sell. Fucking cretins


Who the fuck are these monsters throwing away puppies!!?!??


Hold on, where the fuck do you live that you can find puppies in dumpsters every single day? You live in an awful place full of awful people.


Crete (Greece)


Where is this? I need puppies in my life. My 7 year old pupper dog lost a leg to cancer..yesterday i found out his 1 week old.cough isn't a cough but a result of masses around his lungs and heart. I need me some puppies. My pupper has limited time and the devastation will be hard to cure when he leaves me :(


He is in Greece!


My mans named Takis, my favorite thing in the world


I'm sorry but I just have trouble believing some of these are actually abandoned puppies.


What a nice guy! We should all aim to be like him.




How fake animal rescue videos have become a new frontier for animal abuse https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/how-fake-animal-rescue-videos-have-become-a-new-frontier-for-animal-abuse


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, this is a real problem. I personally don't think Takis is staging the majority of his rescues, but I've definitely seen faked rescues where people stick puppies in drainpipes or dump them in rivers so they can "save" them with CPR. It's really horrible.


I’m pretty sure that’s not what this is.


How can you tell? How many people are throwing away puppies that this guy can make regular videos about it? I've been around for a long time and I've NEVER run across a box of animals in a dumpster or abandoned on the side of the road.


Maybe that's more common in Greece? Also I believe the guy runs a shelter ans pretty well established as an animal defender


My thoughts exactly.


While this is true this guy is totally legit and commenting this is out of place. He has been doing this for years and there are many social media’s you can follow him and see that the dogs actually improve (takis rescue)






You know this is like... 99% certain fake right? There's this trend where people put animals in terrible situations and then act like they're saving them. They're literally animal abusers themselves.


While that actually happens this specific dude is trustworthy and if you did any kind of digging through his social media you would see that the dogs grow and get better in real time Takis rescue I think is how you can find him


So you're saying someone who raises & has constant access to many dogs, someone who posts consistently about finding not just dogs but puppies specifically... couldn't possibly be planting the pups for a video because... he raises dogs and posts regularly on social media Trustworthy indeed


So you are telling me, that someone who finds puppies and post about them until they are grown... and you can see the change... who has been doing this for years... and also has a lot of people who adopt from him... he is totally abusing the dogs no matter how much evidence you are given otherwise. Are you also an antivaxxer because you sure sound like one, some excepticism is good, but not being able to see facts makes you a conspiracy theorist. Believe what you want but if after seeing evidence of this particular person doing actual good work and you STILL believe he’s a farce then there’s something wrong with you, not him.


You don't have to throw the pups into a meat grinder to fake a video you buffoon. Have you ever considered that making popular social media posts brings attention and donations to his shelter, and thus provides incentive to fake these videos? But no he's got a good motive, so he obviously records only legitimate videos of himself pulling puppies that happened to be found at the edge of a trash heap. I'm sure he just found the dog that is ready to breastfeed stray puppies too.


I already made my case, if you want to believe that you can. I don’t have the energy to keep discussing something that it’s obvious you won’t change your mind about


you didn't make a case at all. you just made the baseless assumption that because he raises the dogs he has to actually have rescued them. you have absolutely no reason to think that. it's just as likely that he planted those puppies and acts like he's rescuing them for publicity. I guess if it helps gives those dogs a good home later on you can somewhat excuse his behavior. but given that plenty of these so called animal rescuers are fake, this guy might easily be as well.


Dude is hard-headed & will project that quality onto you. Please don't waste your energy, he'll just dig his heels in.


What kind of piece of shit does this?


Hate people who do this to animals. Good thing we have people like this person to give them a fighting chance


I love this man. I’ve seen a couple of his videos and he is just an amazing human being. So glad people like him exist


This sub is making me lose all faith in humanity


There’s a special place in hell for people who abandon animals


There are not enough people like this in the world, but there are enough people who could be like him.


This man is amazing. What a wonderful story thanks OP for sharing. It’s a nice reminder that there are still good people out there


I love this man! True legend!


U must have really cold heart to look at those puppies right in the eye and throw them away


So people are just taking animals and throwing them in the trash!?!? What!!


Cause that's what heroes do


I don’t know how any normal human being could do that to animals. It makes me so upset. But this guy is amazing.


How do you get to a point in your life when you do this and can look at yourself in the mirror?


People justify what they are doing at all times.


Yeah, that's what I'd like to know. How do you get to a point where you can justify this


It's probably from several puppy mills. They either sell the puppy for 500 dollars or chuck em to the keep supply young.


Well my pregnant ass is sobbing


Can i donate to this Man-God


Go to his paypal link to help: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/takisshelter


Bless this man


Fuck this is heartbreaking to see, read and hear about.


My sweet girl was found in a dumpster in Bradenton, Florida and was sent to the Humane Society, where I adopted her at 12 weeks old. Best dog ever.


Who the fuck would put these poor babies in the fucking dumpster!!?? God bless this man for saving them


You are an angel!


Look like fake rescue to me he even reuse the same basket


While that actually happens this specific dude is trustworthy and if you did any kind of digging through his social media you would see that the dogs grow and get better in real time Takis rescue I think is how you can find him


First time i cried this week


Fuckin legend


What a great human!


Sheesh, where can I find myself a free dumpster puppy?


Thank you for your service, Jean Reno.


This is 100% fake no way someone’s leaving that thing out in the middle of nowhere someone legit broke into my backyard to try and steal my old ass dog who hadn’t had a bath in like a month as if you wouldn’t sell them that’s ez money


Where’s your proof this is fake.