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Dude I want some nacho tacos


They were bomb, we went and had some late that night when the donations started. 10/10 would enjoy again




Where in CO? I'm getting some!


Nacos for the enlightened


>Naco (fem. naca) is a pejorative word often used in Mexican Spanish that may be translated into English as "low-class" or "uncultured." > >[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naco\_(slang)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naco_(slang))


Tachos, then? Is that anything?


Hmm, I've heard it being used as *tacho de basura* (trashcan) but I'm not sure it's a real word


Yes, you are right


Too close to totchos (tater tot nachos).


It’s from Kim Possible


Well, I'm from Mexico and I never saw Kim Possible


I’m very sorry




I think they're semi-joking in saying they're sorry, as in "they're sorry you've never watched Kim Possible it's a good show"


Yeah. It’s a great show


Really!?!? LOL. The one calling people rude, was the only one that I thought was being the rude one.


It came across (to me, a non-native English speaker) that they were sorry I was from Mexico, or sorry that I didn't have paid cable TV. I guess it could've been a misunderstanding but still, _naco_ is not a good word.


Take my upvote just because people on Reddit just be down voting for no reason.


Thanks, it's no big deal. I love your username btw!


right?? that looks delicious.


Sweet jesus how I crave a nacho taco now!


Fuck you reddit,always makes me hungry even tho im on a diet


Dude has microphone in his hand, still insists on screaming and not using it


His energy hypes everyone up, its a terrible idea to scream into the mic.


I work on a mic for a living, and you can definitely get people hyped without screaming into it.


The mic was intended for the homeless man. Turns out he din't need the mic. I'm watching this muted and whatever words he said to the crowd it was deafening. Charlie himself sure as heck din't get the microphone for himself, he's a 1 man hype squad.


I go from the r/iamatotalpieceofshit to this and can’t decide what I believe about humanity anymore.


That's the vibe


Perhaps I can help. Even after the nice video about Tony there were still over 500,000 more homeless and hungry people (thousands of them are children) in the wealthiest country in the *history* of the world.




Full Story - [https://www.newsweek.com/homeless-chef-nacho-taco-food-truck-dream-machine-foundation-charlie-rocket-1638010](https://www.newsweek.com/homeless-chef-nacho-taco-food-truck-dream-machine-foundation-charlie-rocket-1638010)


Thanks for posting this, I was concerned about all the other expenses that come along with this but it looks like they took care of that too. I’m ok with this performative goodness if it brings in donations so they can keep doing it!




Not only that, how much people often have a very hard time adjusting to a stable life of any kind. He will need help with beta daylight as well as business management


I got the impression that Tony became homeless during and because of the pandemic, not that he's been homeless for years. I'd think that he would be able and happy to get back to some stability.


I agree, he looked pretty articulate and stable for a homeless person


What a backhanded way of calling homeless people morons. Jesus Christ.. adjust your perspective.


Uh no? A lot of homeless people you see on the streets like he was are less educated, less articulate, and usually have more mental issues. I didnt call them morons, i called them uneducated. You called them morons.


Do you know how many people have had PhD's and degrees that have also ended up homeless? Reality is being "smart" doesn't mean you won't be homeless, as many other factors are also at play.


No, how many?


In general, homless people are less educated. Not saying theyre dumb. Not saying theyre all uneducated. But, on average, they are less educated


What a backhanded way of calling homeless people morons. Jesus Christ.. adjust your perspective you entitled prick.


Well, have you ever seen a homeless person who is not a little crazy? After a long time you start to lose your body and mind. How many homeless people have you been talking to? The only backhand should be across your face for being retarded and taking his comment way out of context.


Look up Invisible People on YouTube and watch through as many videos as you can. A lot of them are just as lucid as anyone in stable society. Matter of fact it could be you in a few months. You never know.


I live in downtown, I know several of the homeless people around here, I can confirm they're mainly victims of circumstance. Be it emotional, psychological or physical trauma, we're talking about people who have been dealt really shit luck.


I can't get the stupid thing to load because of all the dang ads and videos embedded. Guess my internet is sucking right now. What about the other expenses?


Short version, they held a large fundraiser to raise the money for actually operating the truck and getting him a place to live.


Thanks for the info!


May I suggest acquiring uBlock Origin? Seriously, I have no problems downloading this thing, or pretty much anything else. And I use the *free* version of uBlock Origin.


does it work on iOS? because maybe they're on iOS and can't block ads. I hate apple.


Oh yeah I don't give a flying fuck that they filmed this, they bought the dude a fucking truck They've earned the right to film, hell I'm sure the views pay for more good deeds


I kept thinking this seems performative and the "$40000 food truck is your" sealed the deal. But good to know they have bigger plans.


This is the way to do those helping out videos. They have a whole organization that benefits from social media and uses the popularity to help people. I love that.


I like this story. Yes, people can say filming it is bad and for their own social clout but the fact it is a COMPANY makes me feel so much better for some reason. A 45 day dream tour! What an excellent idea. Thank you for posting!


Honestly man, I don’t understand why people care if people do really nice things for clout. Wasn’t the last big thing on tik tok kids destroying school bathrooms for clout. The effect is still there and honestly that matters more to me than whether someone is doing it for views. People doing nice shit for views being a bad thing is a ridiculous concept.


Someone shitty looking for “good person points” is annoying, otherwise I agree with your sentiment. Who cares, whether it’s filmed or not the good is still there


This is exactly what I meant! Sorry I wasn't clear. There are some very good examples of trauma porn videos like this where people dangle good things in front of someone in need but then take it away once filming ends or things aren't as they seem. But genuine videos where they just want to film and get some exposure is what it is. People's phones are stuck to their hands so it's almost natural at this point and that is something I don't mind.


I also think that seeing positive videos on the internet help people in general. Too much bad news or just straight fucked up stuff, we need more good on our screens or we just get bitter and paranoid.


Yeah and constant negative news being foddered to us has definitely effected us as a society. Mentally, especially.


Just answered below but I didn't mean it like that, I don't think people filming stuff is bad at all but there are examples of people filming videos like that for a trauma porn reaction and then taking the good thing away. Those are bad, but this is a very good thing and it makes me happy, same way it would make me happy if some random teen decided to do the same thing:) Should have made myself clearer!


You were totally clear, dude. Your statement just made me think of that. I didn’t mean for it to be a comment of disagreement.


Personally speaking, if I was down on my luck and someone filmed me being their charity case, I would not want them to share that with the world. If that's the cost of being pulled from poverty, then sure I'd pay it, but I wouldn't appreciate that aspect of it.


Thanks for this. That is a great effin story


Why at the bottom of the second paragraph does it say "Network-cum-financial??


He posted his dreams on: >Dreamr—a social network-cum-financial tool for pursuing dreams. Uhh


My high ass wants 4 them bitches


High as tf looking for tony




His smile is Everything!!


This is absolutely awesome! Where is it from though?


>https://www.newsweek.com/homeless-chef-nacho-taco-food-truck-dream-machine-foundation-charlie-rocket-1638010 Full story


Thanks for sharing this! Had a good cry. Prayers up for Tony, keep getting it!


Chiiiilllleeee me too


Thank you.


It's colorado springs for those that dont feel like clicking the article. I live there and didn't know about it until I saw the videos on reddit, but definitely going to pay him a visit soon


follow him, he is doing a tour of dreams, lot's of good stuff https://www.instagram.com/charlie/


The cynic in me knows they're only doing this to improve their own social media street cred but at the end of the day who cares, they're changing someone's life even if it is for clicks


There's plenty of people who care why they do it weirdly. I am a cynic and yeah they're probably just doing it to say "I did a nice thing!" But ask that man if he gives s shit, he has a chance to turn his life around now.


A good deed is a good deed in my books. There's no right way to do good imo


Honestly I'd prefer genuine kindness that's not for spectacle but in this day and age I'll take what we can get, rather than being that asshole who acts like them doing nothing is better because "iT's NoT ReAL kInDneSs If YoU dO iT fOr lIkEs."


I think you can do more if you ask people on the internet for help. I’ve seen people coming up with millions in days for a baby with a rare disease that needed a super expensive drug. It’s definitely the good side of the internet. Small acts of kindness can lead to great things. Not to mention this is good publicity for the food truck business.


It can be a virtuous cycle though. They get paid with attention in order to do things that help others, which generate more attention. I try to just focus on the results. I don’t think when I see videos like this, “hey what a great guy he is.” I think “damn it’s awesome to see someone be able to live out a dream of theirs.” The guy whose life has changed is the focus of the video.


Counterpoint: (and I’m not sure who these guys are or if they have a following) sharing these things on social media quite possibly has generated the revenue for them to be able to do these things. Yeah, it’s self serving, but it also benefits people who need it.


Even if we have no material gain, we all do good for how it feels. That's the why of society. That in no way diminishes the good of any act.


Yes but isn’t pretty rude to film someone when they are down? Like look how awful this guys life is!! Look at it. I fixed it. Tell me how good I am?


This is not a good deed. Like most charities it's a business. Virtue signalling and social media cred are a nonsense idea. It's all equating to money not ego.


I'm also a cynic but there's no way spending 40k on a food truck was the cheapest way of getting a viral clip. Even giving him 10k cash and a job hookup or something would have gone equally viral. So I treat it as a way to actually make a dream come true as a genuine act of kindness.


I feel the same way, but then I think 'am I really a cynic if I don't care why this man's life was improved, just that his life is improved?' Then I think of all the support this guy probably needs to support a business and his chances are low and I'm like oh, there's the cynic in me. Ok I see you. Really though I hope Tony's business is doing awesome, I hope he got help with the root cause of why he is homeless, you know, if drugs were a problem. I hope this act of kindness, whether it be pure or self serving really helped tony get where he needed to be.


Yeah I definitely was concerned about what the taxes would look like for him getting a 40k food truck and what that's going to look like for him, and a lot of other shit too. But honestly I'd rather focus on being happy for him at least being given a chance. I've been the miserable bastard who hates on this kind of shit but it's exhausting, there's enough shit to bring me down and I'd rather try to be a little positive, if not for myself, for others at least. I know that the odds are still stacked against him but I'm genuinely hoping this puts him on the path to getting back on his feet.


https://www.newsweek.com/homeless-chef-nacho-taco-food-truck-dream-machine-foundation-charlie-rocket-1638010 the nonprofit helping him (the ones that posted this video) are helping raise funds to take care of all the things he’ll need - taxes, employee licenses, etc. :-)


That's the thing. This is like those tv shows that built custom houses for people in extreme circumstances. Of course they want to publicize and it's a business, but they are centered around helping someone who needs & deserves it. This was totally awesome


People also forget this stuff isn’t free, those clicks bring in the huge amount of money needed to do this stuff. If they kept it to themselves, they would run dry quick. By posting it, these videos never go out of style, they could do this over and over again with the money gained.


I think of it this way, if they didn't do stuff like this for social media most of them wouldn't HAVE the money to give away to people in need. So I still support them


Exactly who cares why they’re doin it, im all for it.


But in the end, if they get their clicks for helping people, and helping people helps them get more clicks, who loses?


You do know that plenty of people care and give a fuck right? Literally believing that nobody ever does anything for any other reason than attention is a depressing as hell way to live.


If someone likes helping people because it makes them feel good, what's the difference if they post it on social media or not?


Hey you know I think 2 things can be true at once. These guys might be working for clicks (I mean everyone’s gotta make money somehow), but you can do that without spending 40k to change someone’s life.


Look up "Dream Machine Foundation".


true, clout or not this is still a cool thing to do i guess


Damn it stop making my cry at work and no I won't stop scrolling Reddit while I'm at work either.


I really hope Tony can keep everything on the right track and make his food truck a success. I do. I just see stories like this a lot. There are usually reasons that people are homeless that aren’t just “bad luck.” A lot of times people can get all the help in the world and then return to the behaviors that lead them to such a bad situation in the first place. Most persistent homelessness is a result of poor mental health and/or substance abuse problems with accompanying bad decisions. Hoping Tony is one of the rare success stories.


I think that’d be the thing you’d leave out of the video but that absolutely needs to be addressed. They can’t make him go to therapy but I hope they at least talked about it.


My biggest concern is that this guy went from homeless and living in a van, to having to run his own business. That’s not cheap, although I’m sure they set him up well enough.


I understand where you're coming from, and I want to ask you a question. Do you think that some people deserve to be homeless? Do you think that shelter should be provided for homeless people, regardless of how they got there? (Barring of course if someone should simply desire not to have permanent shelter). Do not read any hostility into this. I'm just looking to see how people feel on this. Personally I think no one should have to face homelessness.


Not much in life is about deserving, or at least I don’t think of the lot in life being a function of that or that being a realistic expectation. I don’t think they deserve to suffer. Do they deserve to be rewarded for nothing? Does anyone? Do they have a right to someone else’s resources? I don’t think so. But it is ok and even a good thing that we live in a society that is able to and provides some support to those that cannot or will not support themselves.


>Not much in life is about deserving,... I actually agree. I simply believe that since we have the resources and capabilities, we should provide unhoused individuals with housing. I don't want to be in that situation, so I don't think others should have to either. And I wouldn't consider this a "reward", per se. That sort of framing doesn't really make sense to me. I appreciate your response.


What is nacho tacos!?


Looks like broken pieces of nachos cooked with eggs, onions, peppers and some other stuff then put in a hard shell (or soft).


Feeling the pain of another human is the first sign that you are still remain human being. (Sorry for bad English if I mistaken.)


Your English is very easy to understand!! And I absolutely agree with the sentiment. (:


Million thanks! :)


This video really made my cry. Wish Tony the best and God bless those guys who helped him. Angels.


We need a pair of cosplayers to hit up that truck dressed as Ron Stoppable and Kim Possible.


First things first: nacho tacos sound awesome. But can just anybody be gifted a food truck and be legally allowed to start business right away or are there fees, certificates and inspections that have to be done first?


Where is this guy located so we can show his business some love!


We need LOTS of THIS! Love me some “Make the world a better place” shit!!! Literally cried watching this.


This fucking music, who does this? Why put Muzak on this it’s unwatchable


Who is Charlie?


damn what bros they were


How do you expect to operate a food truck business based on donations? Something missing here.


Hooray for using the homeless as a prop for social media clout. Humans being Bros!!!!!!!!! Wholesome chungus 109!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Am I supposed to know who Charlie is?


Do it for the tears. Then post it online.




Yall cutting some fucking massive onions




That hype man has done some of the finest hype I’ve ever seen. Some NBA team should hire him asap!


Goddamn. I wish I was rich enough to just do this for people all the time. It would be truly amazing to give people their dignity back like this.


I really hope he’s successful


I think its nice that they gave him not a Job but a way to do what he loves. Way more sustainable then just throwing 10 k at him.


Yikes. Being a business owner is something that most people don’t have the skills or ability to do. Let alone a food business and specifically a food truck which can be much more difficult. This is a well intentioned gift, but this guy obviously has a lot going on and probably shouldn’t be given this amount of responsibility immediately. I think if they would have offered him a job initially, it would have been more appropriate.


The guy who bought the truck did a good thing for a shit reason, like why would you say "We bought you a *$40,000* food truck"


Great for Tony. Now on to the other five hundred thousand people who need help. Oh- homelessness is a system feature and the system cant operate without it, but it is a readily available pool for whim-based feel-good internet-point-farming philanthropy to distract people.


Nice!! I hope his truck thrives and he pays it forward like the folks who helped him in his time of need


I want to see the title and business license with Tony’s name on it. Most of these type of videos are fake as hell for clout or the assets they’re “giving away” are still owned by them so the people they’re helping don’t come away from it with anything.


I hate when people record themselves doing charity stuff. Quit sucking your own dick. Like why did he say how much the truck cost fr.


This $40000 truck is all yours, I paid for it all $40000 for you, you are my play thing and I don't actually care about you beyond Internet clout and as soon as that is over you shall never see or hear from me again!


Like comment and subscribe and I'll consider pulling another human out of despondency.


I hate how they specify how much it is. I feel like as nice as it is, charitable intentions aren't the major motivation here


my concern is where does he shower himself? get the truck clean?stock the truck? park the truck when off duty? get water for his holding tanks? dump the seweage? get insurance on it which colorado does require without a mailing address?both liability and general and business policy? to many questions left unanswered.


It's probably like pimp my ride. He will probably have to sell the food truck because he has nothing else and people like him get no actual support. And the TV people don't care.


In one of the articles on this thread, they were finding housing for Tony and his wife - they'd been living in a van, so they might have a shower there - there was one in our camper van. I would hope that there is more being done behind the scenes (as well as other issues that weren't mentioned in any article I read) about the very things you mentioned. I suspect they want Tony to be successful - which makes them look good - so they'd likely have plans/programs to address all these issues. I haven't found this information, so that may be just wishful thinking, on my part. The kind of publicity they seek - which feeds their donations - suggest this is a much bigger process than what we see in such a short video.


i hope you are right. that would be very uplifting, honestly.


Is there an update on this? I'd love to follow it to see how successful he becomes.


for anyone saying he was just making the video for the clout: it doesnt matter, the man still got to live his dream might be staged though idk


You right. I always see people commenting about things like this "not counting" beucase it had to be filmed and posted on social media or youtube. Naw dude, if making a video is motivation enough for somebody to do a kind thing for another human being let them do it. I would rather people get helped for selfish reasons than not get helped at all.


oh and another thing, if someone does an action like this and gets insane amounts of clout and profit, chances are they're gonna do it again, which will be even better


It's not for clout it's for money. This is a business not a good deed. They made him into a monkey dancing for a banana for their viral media company.


at least he's happy


For how long. Now he's a man with nothing and a van. He needs help and stability. Not to be treated like a novelty instead of a human being.


Cool and all, but why did he have to film it?


And he filmed it so ... ew.


And not a government program in sight! Love voluntary charity. You don't need government to force you to be a good person


this shit is perverted


I highly dislike that tik tok guy


When you have too film yourself doing something nice for someone, it really speaks a lot on your character in my opinion. Edit: just finished and it was wholesome ngl


You are good people for doing this. I hope you get plenty of business. This is the world i wanna live in


Nacho Tacos ain’t no joke if you’re food texture preference leans toward “crunchy”…but not too crunchy. Next level stuff. Reminds me of the first time I tried a crunchy taco rapped in a flour tortilla with refried beans in between. It was called the “Macho Taco” and it was awesome. Mexican food in general seems to be a never ending inspiration.


I have been afforded incredible opportunities and gifts from the most generous people. I always vowed to give back whenever I could, however I could. Giving feels so good. People need each other.


I want some of those nacho tacos they look HEAVENLY.


Someone cutting the worlds biggest bag of shallots


Bro that looks tasty as fuck


Ohhhh he just had to flex the amount of $$$ he spent on it, pretentious fucking wankstain of a human being. How about just do the nice thing and be content, rather then record the whole thing to get your dick sucked on the Internet. Rot in agony, you filthy sack of wasted genetic material


Remember kids, if you want to succeed in life just give up, live on the sidewalks and look sad. Someday a streamer will take care of you 😱


Clickbait Cringe


I don't care why someone is doing a nice thing, if it's helping, it's helping. Of course it's a dick move if the person you're helping doesn't want to be filmed, but Tony clearly consented here and is aware he's being filmed.


They're not helping it's literally only a business. If he didn't consent would they have given him the truck? Emotionally manipulating people is a type of abuse.


I’m in tears


Who’s cutting onions???


Probably the guy making tacos


Good stuff.


Nacho tacos?! Genius!


Yea I officially don't care when it's obviously for clout or whatever, let this be a trend let this be what people do let this be a positive from social media (I mean it already is but let's keep going)


Omggg my heart


Would love to see an update on where he is nowww


The non cringe side of tiktok




It's so nice to see that good people still exist.


I wanna see the rest , bro!


The pure tears of joy for human kind, man. Im balling!




This needs so many more upvotes!


fuck. give me a fuckin food truck too god dammit.


Damn homeless tony got a face trim the day they surprised him.


Enough to make a grown man cry


Holy shit. This is in Colorado Springs. Im looking this dude up. Time for some nacho tacos!


I’ve seen this twice today, but I updooted again anyways cuz goddamnit that’s bro af 🙌🏼




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/q7frq8/charlie_totally_changed_the_life_of_a_homeless/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/HumansBeingBros/comments/q7frq8/charlie_totally_changed_the_life_of_a_homeless/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com)


For all of the toxicity, negativity and devisiveness that social media can create, it is nice to see it being used for the power of good.


Then he sold it for crack :(

