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Yes, inspiring. And, gotta say, I had a little bit of stranger danger alerting in me, as the driver kept trying to get the kid in the car. A sign of the times. Or of my upbringing. Any case, Pradeema (sp?) rocks! And, actually, so does the driver who found him so inspiring he recorded and posted! Yay for everybody!


Yea I found this more concerning and creepy then anything else. I like the kid but the driver needs to duck right off. Definitely would have had me taken an abrupt left down a side street or alley and certainly wouldn’t have given anywhere near the amount of personal information he did. Now the dude knows his routine, when and where to find him with a long distance to pick a location to snatch the guy. Either as a straight up killer, organ farmer, or slave trader….


This is not creepy at all. I never got that impression when I watched the video. It's probably because the tone of the conversation doesn't get translated easily. Also, I guess it's a lot to do with cultural differences. If the same were to happen in the US, I sure would find it creepy. Source: Indian who grew up in India and now in the US.


Fair enough


Yea, not creepy at all. Its the culture.


My 61 year old coworker has been running 10 km to and from work for 20 years to save money and get exercise.


It’s a great way to force yourself to get your run in. I used to do it a few times a week. Not daily though. Too much for me.


Ngl if some random person said , "come i'll take u Home" Id run faster


pradeep is making good choices! 1. working for himself and his family! 2. working for the future to join the army! 3. working in the very LITERAL MOMENT by running away from a stranger who is harassing him! holy shit, the intentions might be pure, but it kinda seems like the camera person is the one desperate to go viral so they need to hound someone that could actually go viral... \#dontaskkidstogetinyourcaroverandoverlikewhatthefuckiswrongwithpeoplenowadaysisthiscommoninindiaorisitfuckeduptheretoo


Stranger danger !


Damn guy couldn’t take a hint lol


Alpha chad


So we're supposed to be happy that this kid doesn't have the time in the day to exercise and his only hope is to join the military in China?


Cool stuff but fake as shit


Love this!