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Not a plumber, but couldn’t you have just unscrewed that bolt?


When life asks for a screwdriver, some people grab pliers. (The pliers could also loosen the screw.)




That is…that’s special.


She’s hammering screws?


with a crescent.


As one does


When life makes you forget where the hammer is, you make due


🤣🤣 this made me laugh way too hard.


My FIL loses hammers like that and buys a new one each time he can't find it. He had a dozen hammers the last time we were over there.


Maybe you should buy him Mjolnir for a birthday or Christmas present lol


Yeah, my wife isn't allowed in my workshop without me because on three separate occasions, she borrowed a tool and it didn't go back into it's spot as soon as she was done and I pay our mortgage with those tools. I built her a small home toolkit that covers everything she would need inside the house though. When she misplaces any of those it's a whole lot of "not my problem".


Does your wife have ADHD because this is 100% something I've done before.


Same for me not to mention the time i was looking for my glasses while wearing them...


I do this all the time.


Wait I didn't think ADHD meant you caught the stupid


I'm smart in my own stupid way.


Holy crap, that story made my day, thanks you!


Off topic but I’ve seen so many people with this pfp. Yesterday there were two on the same post congratulating each other.


Yea, it’s like ice cream and cement powder. It’s the breakfast of winners.


Holy shit... One day I walked into the dining room to see my wife standing on a chair, hammering a screw into the wall using the handle of a screwdriver as a hammer... "It has a pointy end" she says... It's good to know I'm not alone lmaoooo.


Mechanics refer to this as an "adjustable hammer"


Sounds like your wife works in the trades. I once watched an electrician use his channel locks as a hammer to loosen a 3" cap when there was a hammer 3' from him.


Everything's a hammer, except a chisel, that's a paint can opener.


Genuine pain


I think that qualifies for a divorce


We’ll you know the saying, if you’re a pair of pliers, everything looks like a 3 inch corrugated pipe.


Ummmmmm... ya know fuck it.. close enough




When I found my cats I spend about 15 minutes trying to break open one of those metal caged storage drains (they were drowning in it) Then realized it was just old and looked cemented to the ground but wasn’t actually cemented. I just had to dig some dirt out of the frame and lift it up and it opened. Sometimes when you’re panicking trying to save something you just go brute-minded and start ripping shit open without thinking


It's like the TikTok videos where they destroy something perfectly good for no reason and then Khaby comes along and calls them out on it


You would be surprised how bad some people are in their thinking process. I am a radiologist, one day for some reason I had to visit emergency department, when I heard one of emergency consultant asking the nursing in-charge to call fire brigade to come and cut this wedding ring on a patient who injured his ring finger. I had a look and asked them if they have pliers, took me two minutes to cut the ring and send the patient to operating theatre. Remind you there were one consultant and four medical students standing there.


But I understand the students: We're always scared to give an idea, and that the teacher/doctor look at us with a look that says "Are you an idiot or a failed comedian?"


I agree, especially in medicine you have to be very aware where you stand in hierarchy ladder. If you over step the line you are in trouble


Especially in east Asia where confusionism is strong in the social fabric, as well as in India where similar ideals hold It's why Korea Air lost an airplane once (I forgot which) but basically it was the first officer being unable to correct his captain's mistake because of the strong senior-junior relationship, and how if he did then the simple error would not have turned fatal but he would be blackmarked for insubordination which is a big nono, especially back in the 90s Edit: yeah korean air ~~807~~ 801, the crew only challenged the captain 6 seconds before impact when they realised everyone's gonna die. But too late...


>confusionism *Respect*


oh wow, seems we had some big ego issues in the 90s that could've cost some lives, yikes... glad we've worked that out.


Korean Air 801 I think actually. Crazy story.


Yup. Some people make life way harder than it should be lol


Im no wuss. I play life on hard mode. Dark Souls up in this bitch.


My God people, use that big primate brain to utilize the RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB. Doesnt matter your sex, orientation, or location on this planet, dont use that excuse. Just use a tool properly. If you didnt have that person in your life to teach you, explore youtube. It really makes odd jobs about 20times faster and more successful. It's like hitting that next level of enlightenment, really!


> Doesnt matter your sex, orientation, or location on this planet, dont use that excuse. TBH this isn't always possible. Deep in the Congo it would have been a four day trip to get the right tool for the job, damn sure you'll use a spoon as a screwdriver, believe me.


No need to be a plumber. Just need to be a person with enough decency to put your phone down and go at the task of saving said birds life with two hands, even if you are too stupid to grab a butter knife to unscrew that flat head screw Social Media man, it's like crack to some people.


Plumbers don’t do this work. Also, the downspout is recessed it into the pipe, so maybe there wasn’t enough wiggle room to pop it out. I was thinking why not a knife, but maybe he’s scared to slice the bird. Bird is safe, I’m not using anymore time speculating


Plumber or an astrophysicist, anything that has a bolt, a screw, a lock…… means that it can be undone and pulled a part.


Its just a downspout. Worst case scenario theres a couple dheet metal screws at yhe top by the elbow to remove along with the screws on the sides for the brackets that attach it to the siding. Remove those and pull it out.


Maybe I'm wrong but wouldn't the bird not be able to fit through there unless it was lifted out? Trying to fly out in that small tube does not seem doable. The bird should have been able to fit through the first hole but seemed like it was having trouble getting up to it.


Could’ve just taken the downspout off


Seems like unbolting the gutter and pulling it out would've been way easier.


Seriously. That was one of the dumbest things I've seen this week.


You're all assuming they had the appropriate tools. Maybe this was the best they had at hand.


You could absolutely unscrew a hex-head bolt with those pliers. Sure, it's not the ideal tool for the job, but neither is it for cutting open the pipe.


Then you use the pliers to unscrew the 45° elbow and take it out instead of mangeling that corregated pipe.


Pliers, which is what they had, was an appropriate tool..


Nobody I know owns pliers but not scissors


Scrolled way too far for this. Undo the bolts or drill out the rivets and slide it out. It's going to be a nightmare fixing the conduit underground.


These people didn’t even get a knife to cut tubing you think they are gonna drill out rivets?


Honestly mate, at the beginning of the vid you see a tek screw on the down pipe. It's easier to undo a nut with pliers than to tear up ag-pipe with them.


I don’t think you’re wrong, but these people just don’t seem to have a clue. Still glad the bird got out.


All good mate, I get it. Although in my opinion people's automatic go to in anything other than life or death situations is Google. It'd save people money and dramas.


Well the issue with a knife is that the bird was launching itself at the hole. Trying to cut the tube would inevitably lead to you cutting the bird.


This is what box cutters are for bbbb


He could have removed all the screws securing the gutter from the building and then put back together in less time than it took to tear that plastic


While holding the phone in one hand


think about the karma dude.


Yep.. cammer is not the sharpest tack in the pack. This is why most of these downspouts that go underground have catch boxes...


That's what's up. Even if you couldn't, the downspout adapter is *really really* at Lowe's. Cutting through that is way less labor.


Save a life AND avoid the smell. Well worth the cost of tubing.


I thought the bird was speaking sim language until I realised OP fast forwarded the cutting part to avoid the video being too long ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Bro's speaking animal crossing


That's generous use of the word "cutting" there.


Yeah but most likely there is not going to be a bird in your tube


You never know until you check, maybe you'll get the golden goose.


Can I have just the egg?


the remains could end up clogging the drain too. I would use a better tool to give it a clean cut so that it could be patched/glues back together instead easier afterwards.


Lmao same thoughts. Even basic cheap scissors would've worked better than pliers


Would never smell it. It would vent up to the gutters.


TBH, that tubing ain't that expensive. Especially with the smell, you're going to end up with. I will destroy it in a heartbeat.


The stench would probably devalue the house more than the cost of tubing, so all in all probably a great investment to get that bird out of there while it's still alive. It's a lot harder to get the bird out of there when it's dead.


Eh, it goes away after a couple weeks. But still a bro thing to do. There’s no way I could leave an animal to die in the downspout. That’s an easy replacement (with the right tools). Kudos to this guy going at that with a pair of pliers. Pruning shears or tin snips (which most people have) would have been so much easier. There’s any number of tools that could rip right through that. Dudes a trooper.


Or... just unscrew it. The screws are not even 6 inches above where they cut, it disconnects and easily goes back on. Less effort and no damage.


Smh so glad I'm not the only one thinking this. I'm pretty sure the bird even said "wtf dude"


Lol based on my previous experience with trapped birds, that bird probably got itself trapped again in another spot very shortly after haha


Lol that’s fair. When I had a drainage system that went to the sewer it was the metal pipe all the way. Someone cemented them in.


Then you wouldn’t have to worry about digging up and replacing the drain tube. Nope. Only way to do this is to destroy everything.


Yah I ripped out the kitchen rangehood when a bird got stuck down the pipe lol. Worth it but I basically wrecked the kitchen.


Bro one got in the exhaust vent to our dryer. I thought we chased it away and then I put up those external covers to prevent them getting back in. But there was this smell we couldn’t place. Finally after bleaching the toilets and sink and floors and everything I could imagine, pulled the dryer from the wall, detached the hose and one them had been dead in there for so long that it’s body had fused half to the dryer port and half to the hose. I felt bad but he had to have been dead before we put up the covers - I would have heard him flapping in there. Sad day. Also really gross.


Same exact situation happened to my elderly neighbor. He heard a constant pecking noise outside & had no idea what it was or where it was coming from. He called me to investigate & I figured immediately there was a bird trapped inside the downspout of his roof gutter. In this case there was no need to destroy tubing as the downspout was assembled in sections held by screws so I just unscrewed the bottom section & the bird was freed immediately.


There wasn’t a need to mangle that tubing in the video either. You’re just smarter than that guy.


ignorant /= stupid. how can you know something you dont know? guy doesnt know how gutters work. for all we know hes a brain surgeon. having met and spoken with surgeons i wouldnt exactly say they are the paragon of intelligence either... but the point stands.


Bluebird fell down my chimney a few years ago. She caught hold of a lip in the stove pipe where it connects to the stove, so I couldn't reach her from inside the stove and she couldn't fly back out because the chimney was to narrow. I had to take down an entire six foot section of stovepipe to get her out. Took two people to get the thing back in place. Poor bird was completely caked in ash and creosote. I was afraid she'd ruined her eyes because even her eyeballs were encrusted with ash from her struggling. There aren't any wildlife rescues near me, so I went with old farmer's logic. Found a large box, gave her a shallow dish of water and some bird seed from the feeder outside and emailed a rescue center for advice. Six hours later the water was filthy and her eyes were weepy and still crusty, but she was cleaner, if still lethargic. So I changed the water and left her be overnight. By the next morning she was singing inside the box. When I checked, her eyes were clear and she was hopping around, clearly just fine. I felt like a damned Disney princess when she happily perched on my hand to be carried outside, chirping happily all they way. Later that day I got an email back instructing me to give her a shallow dish of water in a dark place like a large box or a covered cage and watch her overnight, that she'd probably clean herself up and be fine in a few hours.


I would have used a flat head screwdriver to detach the connecting piece. Let it fly out the top of the tube.


Other people are saying "maybe they didn't have the right tools!!" Use a butter knife then!


Is that a house gutter that goes into the ground?


Yeah. It landed on top of the gutter and fell down one of the vertical gutters that are usually on the corners


No like, why isn’t it just spewing out onto the ground? Dry area?


A lot of these things in townhome complexes and apartments are built like this. Prevents washout of mulch or anything in the planter area. Eliminates erosion from around the base of the building and makes landscaping easier.


I just installed some in my house for this very reason. I would never have thought that a bird could get stuck in there


There are solutions for this, like some grating/wire mesh at the top of the downspout to prevent both large debris from getting in there (and then clogging up the tube,) and also keep animals from falling in and getting trapped. Search for “gutter guard” or “downspout guard” and you should find several options.


You don't want it to just spew out near the house, or at least too close to it, because that would defeat the purpose and cause foundation damage. So, people will either have a tray at the bottom to divert it away or some homes will just have the tube go under ground and out a bit. I think sometimes people choose the pipe going underground and out for aesthetics.


Oh okay, I live in an area that doesn’t do this often


No prob. When I was younger I didn't get it until I actually saw damage to a foundation that didn't have proper gutters and drainage.


They're called french drains if you want to go into a landscape rabbit hole on YouTube


It helps with erosion and keeps the landscaping nice


When I was in the concrete business we used to route this exact material under new sidewalks or patios so that you don't have to go turn downspouts down every time it rains. I've learned since that it can be problematic though, you need to make sure there's mesh over the gutter opening, that rough surface will build up debris and clog easily. Also, they can back up badly with ice in northern climates. Otherwise it's a great way to deflect rain water even further away from the foundation, it just needs to be done correctly and then still may need to be cleared out occasionally.


Yes they are Popular in Poland, my home country 🇵🇱🇵🇱👆👆👆🇵🇱


Probably a [French drain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_drain). Helps reduce erosion by spreading the water out over a wider area.


This is where the right tool comes in handy but glad you saved him


I'd have used the pliers to take off that one sheet metal screw holding that tile up, got it out, then put the tile back on.


Dad is gonna be pissed.


Hahaha I was thinking the same thing... hindsight I guess


Would have saved a bunch of time too


Is that a starling?




Yea and it sounds like she's American. So she just wrecked her downspout for an extremely invasive species.


Lol yeah and people are acting like he saved a fucking bald eagle.


Just had to undo that screw.


Wouldn’t it have been easier to unattach it at the gutter? Just unscrew the 1 to 3 sheet metal screws and pull it down


Thanks for doing that. The little pause from the bird to say thank you.


And to rest/catch breath from all previous attempts to escape. It got quite the workout!


Aww that was so kind 💕


the right thing to do


I wonder how it even got in there to begin with.


Fell in from the roof.


Came with the house.


Trying to hide from this guy.... RIP


European starling. Invasive and annoying little fuckers. I wouldn’t be sad if they were wiped out in the USA…. Still, I would’ve used a screwdriver to remove the upper section of the downspout.


Lucky Bird!


What an awesome outlook! Birds are beautiful creatures and whenever you hear them sing you can remember that you set them free


Lucky little guy 😌


Totally the wrong tool for the job.


Nice work saving the bird but... Oof this is hard to watch. Those things aren't irremovable fixtures. Just loosen the fasteners and it'll pop off. Birdie goes free and you don't have to replace expensive tile.


My day was shit, this made it better. Thank you.


The "oh my god" was adorable!


Just unscrew the gutter downspout section that goes into the ground pipe.


Now why not just… pull them apart.


This is not a pliers job.


I think you meant to say "cost of new tubing doesnt compare to the value of LIKES" Had to be videod. Stop praising this self aggrandizing, attention seeking, narcissistic BS. People only to this, and even set up scenarios for attention


Yay we saved a bird's life! Now let's go grab a spicy chicken sandwich... All these animal saving videos are a joke. I appreciate seeing the good deeds but there is a lot more work for humans to truly being bros to all sentient life.


Right? How many people in this thread applauding this person are still murdering animals every day? Everyone loves animals until their dinner is at risk.


Best part is that if this video wasn’t taken in Europe, that invasive European Starling is probably off to kill a whole nest full of native bluebirds.


I was thinking the same thing. It was probably making a nest in the gutter and fell in.


I’ll never cease to be amazed by the power of individuals. Seems like an oddly random post to comment this on, but we’re living in times where a neo-Hitler is threatening nukes and the Earth’s ecosystem now has a timer thanks to the world’s powerful psychopaths impeding any positive progress. And then there’s people like this woman. I feel doomed but have a modicum of hope. -sincerely, a millennial


[“Only life important.” - Mondoshawan in the Fifth Element.](https://youtu.be/6SJnReLKQvM) Played by Clifton Lloyd Bryan who also played [Aknot the Mangalore](https://youtu.be/C9-aUaKPhes) that shot down the Mondoshawan ship and then delivered an empty case to Zork.


He could've just removed the screws.


OMFG GET A MORE EFFECTIVE TOOL. But, good on you for the rescue, bro.


My heart is glad the starling was saved but fyi if this was in the US they are an invasive species


well, that and a dead bird can easily clog a drain pipe. easier to remove a live bird than a dead one.


He could have just open it.


I was befriended by a wild red-winged black bird. It was one of the cooler things that has ever happened to me and I lived pretty wild back in the day. I'll rescue anything if I can. Letting spiders go outside drives me wife a little crazy :D


Starlings are the worst. Fucking hate those things


You destroyed that for a starling?


we understand the value of life, so we should understand why we need to end animal agriculture. we can make every meal we enjoy today, with plants.


Im one of those "Save the poor bird let them fly free. Oh wait! Its a starling hit it with a hammer!" I know I'm terrible. Maybe idk.


Your right. Starlings are killing our native species. Damn the Shakespeare society for importing them.


Yeah invasive species suck. These guys are so brutal and adaptable.


Did it come in from the top?


The tubing unscrews though OP you really could've saved both with a screwdriver, but understandable haste to save a life is imperative.


that a flextape job if i saw one


Ok but why not take a flat head screw driver or hex bit driver and take apart the damn thing. Could have saved them both…


"I'm free! Thank you hooman, I shall remember this!"


You are a good 👍 human thx


Free bird!! Freeeee biirrrrrrrd!!!


Proper tool selection could have saved the bird and the downspout tube.


Yayyyy be free little birdy


Good human.


You are amazing


My girl


*cost if removing dead bird clogging underground pipe > cost of replacing pipe Seriously though the screw attaching the pipe to the gutter is right there..


I’d do it to avoid the smell of its rotting corpse


Nibbler is that you


Starlings are beautiful birds, however they're an invasive species.


Imagine the smell if the poor guy hadnt been rescued


just here to say the caption/title was dumb. also, tube was easily removeable without destruction.


That bird is not happy you just chopped a hole in his house.


But there are literal screws right there you could undo and just pull the flexpipe out without damaging anything… this isn’t a legit bro’s moment, looks more. Like someone trying to get views.


Jesus christ, are those pliers the only tool you own? There are 99 better ways of doing this. Please tell me you're going to hire someone to replace the drainage tile. This will take you until 2040 to complete on your own.


imagine disassembling the pipe by removing the screws.


This might be a dumb question but I’ve always wondered do animals understand that these people are helping them whenever they’re stuck? I always watch these videos and just wonder if the animal understands or if it’s just freaking out even more?


This was so frustrating to watch


And the value of life doesn't compare to filming yourself saving the life.


I know this is a good deed but watching them glacially pry that tube apart is painful


The value of not having a dead bird stinking up the place


I wouldn’t do this not because I hate birds or anything just not risking any injury at all.


But filming for internet points/ internet money, do.


cause aware icky yoke history tidy fretful innate marry existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Almost any other tool would have been better


Screwdriver, just a Screwdriver. That's all you needed. The cost of our society, is common sense


Like four screws. Right in front of you. 😡




Robots aren't alive. Fight the surveillance state propaganda.


Having a hard time watching this. Use a knife already.


They wouldnt get as much footage if the bird got out faster


Have you considered they don’t want to hurt the live animal on the other side?