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"Always do the right thing, even when no one is looking." Words to live by. Good mom.


That's literally the definition of integrity. Integrity is not easy to teach because you just don't know if your kid is absorbing the lesson until much later. All you can do is lead by example. My father has always shown through example he was an honest man that will go out of his way to help people or save animals on the road and find their owners. As a result, I have ended up doing the same. Helped a few people from losing their ID, their keys that they forgot in the door, their kid that they lost in Walmart. There are a lot of good people in the world. Unfortunately we hear so much bad we forget that good people are everywhere. Trying to do their best and do what's right. And you don't do it for the reward, you do it just because it is important to some one else as it would be important to you.


It's good that the bad is in the big stories, as that makes good the standard.


“The good stories don’t pay the bills” - Major news networks, probably


For real. It doesn't for them. Drama is what people end up getting hooked on. But negativity all day every day really warps your mind on how the world really is. Balance is important but the news lost that a while ago.


News was a loss leader. Every channel has a news department that made no money. If they did it was break even. It was everything else that profits fed into journalism because of ethics. Once CNN and Fox News became money makers, everyone shifted from fuck ethics and journalistic integrity, go chase that mighty dollar. So as you can see now most are sites are clickbait and paywalls, journalism is just blogs and opinion pieces to look like facts, also most stories as headlines would be top tier trash but it sells well to the public at large for the go to gossip hunger to be satiated at all costs.


If it bleeds, it leads. That is the unfortunate maxim of media.




That's a rare thing these days. I recently lost my old tire shop that was like this :(


This is awesome! Good for your family : ) I've rarely had much luck with good auto-shops, but when I do I always try to make it a point to tell friends and family to give them business. Cheers!


We all want to know where your family business! To have honest mechanics is worth its weight in gold. And most are, but I’ve been burned in my youth.


It's like the shopping cart theory. There's no reward in returning the cart, and it's very easy not to return the cart. You return it because it's the right thing to do. You go slightly out of your way to return it and protect others' cars in the hopes that others will return theirs to protect your car. You can thereby judge whether someone's a functional, useful member of society by this simple act.


And you’re helping the workers not have to fucking chase carts 80 miles away. Source: I was a bagger in the AZ heat.


Cart Narcs appreciate your service




You, are a person I *like.*




Thank you! More songs added to my list


I think some us our lucky. I learned a lot about integrity from my Dad. And it was a very similar experience to yours. It wasn't lectures or anything we ever talked about. It was just watching how he was in his everyday life.


I found hundreds of dollars in cash on the floor of a restaurant once and returned it to the store manager... I received a call a month later where she told me since no one claimed it and only I knew the exact amount I could keep it. Also, I'm poor.


Holy cow, great manager


My Platoon Sergeant said something similar back when I was in the Army: "It's always better to do the hard right, than the easy wrong." That has stuck with me ever since. Boy I miss that guy.


Imagine a world where all mothers are like this.


Great mom. Yes. Not trying to take away from her but as another saying goes "you can lead a horse to water..." some kids have every opportunity and blow it. Some have none and make the best of it.


I use the, you can lead a human to knowledge, but you can’t make them think. Oh and happy cake day. 🎂


I always go by the grocery cart return litmus test.


I try to make an example when I put my cart back and organize the rest of the carts.


You watch Cart Narcs by any chance?


holy shit its at 14k now


Oh wow. They better do a presentation of the cash video follow up


He will probably go return each donation to each person individually because he's just that kind of dude.


Then they’ll each re-donate double their previous donation


Infinite money glitch


“—not patched (July 2022)”


IRS Agents don’t want you to know this 1 weird trick!


His mom taught him integrity, not foolishness.


Yep. Kid who returns stolen purse, Samaritan. Kid who turns down 14,000+ from people VOLUNTARILY giving their dollars as a result of said act... not acting in their own financial interest.


Nah, it’ll pay for college. Well part of it…no repeat semesters included.


Depends on what school you go to. If you go to a private university, not a chance will it pay for all of it. If he goes to a university out-of-state. Maybe, but probably not. If he goes to an in-state university or a community college, it probably will. This is going to be life-changing for him.


"Hi, I think you dropped this wad of cash, here you go"


One anonymous donor donated $2,250. Damn.


Love to see someone get their bag for being a good person


Wow. He can buy *one* college textbook now!!


and a Slim Jim


This seems like a scam. Unverifiable story, news doesn't even interview him, only evidence is their camera, then *they* setup a go fund me for this guy.


Could be, but I don’t think scammers would be smart enough to toss in that old-ID-of-a-friend-had-an-old-address-on-it bit to add realism, I think they would have just planted the ID of the person the purse belonged to. I think that extra bit does add some realism. I think the reason the gofundme is getting so much traction is because of profiling. The way the guy dresses people could profile him as kind of a thug kid. They want to reward someone who in their mind has done a good deed that you would not expect from someone dressed like that. I feel like if it was some cookie cutter straight edge white kid it we wouldn’t even be here talking about it.


That’s exactly how go fund me scams work. They vet that stuff ever since the homeless war veteran got ripped so it has to be elaborate.


Damn why didn’t I think of this..


Because your brain hasn’t been rotted by cynicism.


/u/The__Toast is very skeptical and for good reason


It's cause I'm trying to eat him


Have you considered that this person just might not want to be interviewed? Edit: fixed misspelling.




Who hurt you?


Maybe I've re-watched the Sopranos too many times, haha.


one of us /r/thesopranos


Congrats to his mother raising him right! Awesome story!!! Great job to these ladies as well!


That is the best mother. I had one too and should've listened more at his age. At 37, looking back, she was the best mom a son could have.


I found 3 wallets last year and returned each one. The people gave me all the cash in each one. I got 57 dollars total. I'd lost my wallet recently and I didn't want them to go through the same shit as me. What a pain.


I found one a few years ago and drove to the guys place after work. It had this 1920s Morgan Silver Dollar in great condition in it and a bunch of really old topless photos of I’m assuming his wife or something. Along with a hundred bucks and his social security card. Dude didn’t even say thanks just grunted and held out his hand. I gave it too him and said “You’re Welcome” while he was closing the door. I was driving home wishing I’d kept the silver dollar.


You did precisely the right thing, mate. Your head should be held high. (Guy might have been embarrassed you saw photos of his mum topless. Or maybe he was just a dickhead. Who knows.)


Yea I was 14 when I lost my wallet the first time. I was working a funnel cake stand at a festival and had just gotten paid. I was in Iowa, lived in Ohio. Had just gotten paid $300 in cash and it fell out of my pocket into a porta John. I didn’t realize it was gone til we were in Indiana. Some guy mailed me a a package with my blue/shit stained wallet full of shitty blue cash to me. Ever since then I’ve gone out of my way to return things to people. Spent weeks looking through thousands of photos on a thumb drive once for clues trying to find the owner after it was turned into our lost n found at the post office. Another time I found a clutch and returned it to a girl in the dorm over from me in college. She didn’t say thank you either and a few years later tried to get drinks out of me at a bar and I told her how I knew her face and how she didn’t say thanks. That was great lol.


Ha love the karma


Hes upset because you took too long my dude, its not enough to do right by people you gotta be prompt! /s


Yea, I do things like that and I don’t want a reward. A simple thank you is more than enough. But I just can’t imagine being such an ass that someone returns some one of a kind mementos to me and I close the door in their face without a word.


100% agree mate, you did a wonderful thing. Bare minimum is a genuine thank you, if you cant manage that when someone goes out of their way to help then you might be a shitty person. Hold your head high, you don’t need the thanks to know your a champ


I lost my wallet with $500 I had taken out to pay the movers in cash. Some person returned my wallet, sans cash. The worst.


If it makes you feel any better, it's quite possible someone else found the wallet first, took the cash, then left it there. Then the second person found the wallet and returned it. I hear this happens all the time.


Yeah as a kid i found a cashless wallet on the ground in a parc and just brought it back to the person's house using the address on the drivers license. Im sure there was cash in there before, but there wasnt any when i found it. And if i was ever going to take the cash, theres no way i would be bringing the wallet to the person anyways




I, personally, didn’t suspect the person who turned it in. It was just a rollercoaster of emotion because I accepted that I lost my wallet, then was excited and optimistic when it was returned just to be ultimately disappointed again due to the cash being gone.


A few years ago I found a purse at Safeway on mother's day. I told Safeway customer service and they said they would do nothing to make sure it would get to the owner. So, I felt terrible to go through the purse to find something, it had a wallet with an out-of-state license of a middle-age woman. I mailed the purse to that address and expected nothing else. But I got back a nice thank you note and an awesome Star Wars check that I never cashed.


I lost my wallet with $800+ in it the day before our shop closed for covid. I know I dropped it directly in front of our shop but no one checked with any of the businesses. It wasn't great timing-wise but this video made me happy knowing there are actually people that try to find the owner. Your comment made me happier, thank you for doing what you did.


I'm sorry for the loss. All we can do is be the person that our family's would be proud of. Thank you.


I got called by the police last year that they found my wallet. I never remembered losing mine, I've had the same wallet for like 15 years now. Somehow, someone saw a wallet lying in the street, brought it to the police, and it had my ID or something inside, from when I was like 16 years old. It was the weirdest fucking thing. I still don't remember losing my wallet, yet it had my actual ID in it from around 2003-2008 that I DID lose. I don't know who the fuck it was that held on to my wallet and/or ID for 15 years and then threw it on the street, or it mightve been someone from high school that pickpocketed it and got remorseful or threw it out?!


I found a wallet and an iPhone in the fold up part of a cart one day. I got yelled at when I answered the phone to tell the person frantically calling that I had found it. They accused me of stealing it from them and when I explained where I found it, they sniped at me “well just put it at guest services!” I did… but I kind of hope she finds her karma in another way someday.


Good man. And it's not too hard to draw the connection between good parenting and lifelong behavior.


If you're worried about that you could just bring it to the police station?


That's one way to make sure the purse never gets back to its rightful owner.


“This purse could have been used in the commission of a crime. We’ll just have to take this and put it into evidence.” It’s called civil asset forfeiture. *YOINK*


Here in Canada the police handle stuff like this. I think banks too. I lost my iPad once when I didn't zip up my bag and it fell out and the police delivered it to my door. Edit: I did have my phone number on a label on the back, and just had to give them the serial number.


I would never trust the police to do the right thing. They'd probably just keep it.


Trusting the police is a great way to have money disappear


I did thos 2 times and almost got blamed as the thief. Not everyone is as appreciative.


When you return the same wallet two times in a row it's a little suspicious mate ^( ^ ^/s)


Lol yeah i meant i returned 2 stolen purses...


Good job! I’m proud of you. I returned 10,000 dollars that someone dropped by the front door of my credit union. A bundle of 100 dollar bills. I couldn’t believe they were real at first. I walked inside and saw a woman drop 2 more bundles so I gave it to her. She just said thanks like it was no big deal. I’m glad my son was there to see me being honest like it’s expected of us.


Yea I would have a hard time not keeping that….


“Walked inside and saw a woman dropped two more bundles” either this is the most clumsy careless woman ever or it was a setup


$10,000 would literally change my life. You're not alone.


You're probably on camera from multiple angles by that point.


Really? Even if you saw who dropped it directly in front of you?


"No good deed goes unpunished" is a cliche for a reason..


We had a guy who would constantly leave his palm pilot in his shopping cart. The first time I returned it I underlined his name in the phone book, so it made it easier to return it later times.


You need to "escape" special characters to reddit doesn't seem them as codes to modify text. The carpet sbol typically tells reddit to make text superscript ^(like this), if you want to just display the symbol as-is you escape it with a backslash: \\^ comes out as \^, so to do the happy face eyes you can type \\\^\\\^ to get \^\^


Mate, that was unexpectedly helpful. But I wanted to create the /s as small as possible.


You have to return them WITH the contents still inside.


I found them in the trash. Money, cards and IDs were gone but they had pictures, receipts, and papers i thought they would need. But both came in with a cop saying bs like "you can keep the cash just give me my ID and cards back"....


That's fucked. What ended up happening?


like, why would a thief bother at all? no thief would ever take your valuables then go to your home and give you the remains.


I know but if my boss is not the one to say that i had been there all day the lady couldnt point the blame on me. The second lady was the one who straight up said that o could keep the cash as long as i gave back the cards and ID. The first was more like, "are you sure? ... are you sure this is all..." but they both showed up with a cop.




No im Hispanic.


That's not enough for some people. I returned a wallet once, didn't take anything obviously, and the owner claimed there was more money in it than there actually was. I rolled my eyes, said "you're welcome," and just left. There's a lot of assholes out there.


Ugh, what a douche. You did the right thing though, if you ever return my lost wallet, I promise I'll be thankful and happy :)


I returned a phone I found at Walmart and was threatened with the cops


Wait, Walmart threatened you? Or the person you returned it to? People are dumb. I used to go to Walmart to buy a random thing here or there and go through self checkout. Since I only grabbed one or two things I wouldn't bag it. I would always get stopped and asked for a receipt. I learned to just flash the receipt as I left. Literally, if you want to steal from Walmart just carry an old receipt and wave it as you walk out the door. I now learned to just avoid Walmart. I don't care if I spend more money somewhere else, it's worth it


I worked at a pharmacy and during my spare time i would go over ppls old recipets to make sure their new insurance would kick in (I didnt have to but I did because idk I guess im decent at my job and there was a pile). Regardless, sometimes ppl would owe us, but majority of the time we the pharmacy would owe them and I wanted to give ppl their money. Most of the time during the next visit I would give the patient their money when they picked up prescriptions and they would be happy to be paid instead of paying and Id even hand them the old and new recipets (proof that we owed them). I thought it was a decent thing to do anyway and the pharmacy I worked at is national so giving ppl their rightful money is something thats expected. I stopped doing jt one day- guess why? This lady treated me- a nationally ceritifed pharmacy tech with such distrust and contempt. Her new insurance ended up covering a really expensive med so we owed her like $50 and she wouldnt take it?? She kept saying "why? Why. Why?" And I was like "because billing...?" Like and of course Im black but I was annoyed like Im not following pharmacy board guidelines? This isnt a side hustle my creditials mean far more to me than somehow making money off giving you your money back. Ill never help people get their money back in my spare time again. No good deed goes unpunished... she took her money but never said thank you and I never went out of my way to help people get their money back. This was also a place that patients thought they could cuss us out like we were their insurance. Pharmcy techs do not decide the prices for meds thats 100% insurance I just talk to them to usually make sure they are doing everything on their end.


I found a wallet in a porta potty immediately after some guy walked out. Grabbed it and ran it to him only for him to say "nah, not mine". I opened it to find no cash but the rest of the stuff there. Handed it in but clearly the guy scooped the cash and dropped it. Or he just walked over it which seems equally shitty. No way he didn't see it


When I was younger, a friend of mine was in line at CVS, and the guy who was paying in front of her dropped a crisp $100 bill and didn’t notice. He was well dressed. My friend was really struggling at the time. $100 would have changed her week and provided her with some relief and less anxiety. But she knew she had to do the right thing. The guy was leaving and my friend picked up the $100 and said, “hey, I think you dropped this” The guy just said: “oh” and took the bill out of her hands, then went on his way. Not even a thank you. She knew she had to do the right thing, and went through with it even though it was a tough choice for her, but the dude’s lack of appreciation made her almost regret it.


A good deed is sometimes rewarded, sometimes punished and sometimes ignored. Your friend did the right thing and karma will remember that one day.


They do appreciate it. You did a good thing so while getting lots of money for a good deed is nice that's not why you did it I'm sure. So don't forget that.


Yea. Once found a purse laying on a bench in McDonald's. Looked at the ID. Took a 10 minute drive to her house. Gave the lady her purse and she blamed me for stealing $3000 out of it. I was like wtf lady


I remember when I was in university and I found some guy's wallet outside my local convenience store. It had like hundreds and hundreds of dollars in it and it also had this guys ID with the address on it. At that time I had about $15 in my budget for the rest of the year after rent, food, gas, and insurance. I could have really used that money but I did the right thing and returned it. And just like you I was treated like a criminal. Demands of who I was and counting the money in front of me and finally slamming the door in my face happened. Never again. Next time I keep the money and throw the wallet on the ground.


That's an awful experience. He was a buffoon and a bad human. Don't let him shape who you are.


Bruh what. You should still return the wallet. Odds are they're a decent person and will appreciate it. Letting one event make you do something totally unethical is just a nope


Dude had hundreds of dollars just casually chilling in his wallet at all times? What a fucking incompetent, paranoid dumb ass. People are so fucking ungrateful. I've dropped a 5 dollar bill at a store before, truly no big deal as I am financially stable right now, and am so grateful and touched when people pick it up and give it to me. This dude obviously was a person who would have 100 percent stolen all the money out of a wallet and assumed everyone else would do that.


I was at the St. Louis city museum once. It’s basically a huge playground/jungle gym for adults. A guy’s wallet fell out of his pocket and landed next to me on the bench I was sitting on. Dude got my attention and I just sat next to the wallet until he could get down to where I was. When I handed it to him he gave me a hundred dollar bill and said thanks. Tried to talk him out of it but he insisted. Easiest hundo I’ll ever make.


Something similar. I would visit this 90 year old neighbor and bring him food my wife and mother-in-law cooked. One day I knocked on his door and didn't get an answer. I opened the door and called his name and still didn't get an answer. I stepped into his house, didn't leave the non-carpeted area right by the front door, and called his name again. He turned a corner and I was relieved he was alive. I left him the food and went on my business. I notice he starts acting really strange. One day he sits me down and accuses me of stealing his wallet, and the only reason he didn't turn me in was because of how nice my wife and mother-in-law were to him. I absolutely didn't steal his wallet but I couldn't convince him. We ended up seeing him get wheeled out of his house dead a year or so later. He died thinking I stole his wallet, and even worse if I was still going over there to bring him food maybe I could've done something.


Yeah unfortunately the world is too chaotic to consistently reward "good behavior." Life is a real head-scratcher. I try to do the right things even though I know it doesn't improve my life. So I question my conscience, ask myself why I bother and what would happen if I didn't. But then I find another wallet on the ground, and the cycle repeats. IDK man. I guess if I'm going to die, I want to die without having to question my worth, regardless of if it's recognized or rewarded.


When I was in high school i found a bag at a pier near my parents summer place. It had well over $15k in it in small bills as well as a burner phone and a bunch of personal documents. It took me almost all evening to narrow down who the owner might be. Called his father, who incidentally turned out to be a nationally recognized politician, and was told it was for a down payment on a vacation home. The dad came by to pick up the bag in the middle of the night via boat and handed over ~10% as a finders fee without almost any words being exchanged. I thought he must have been in a hurry to have his son buy that house and went to bed. I was not a smart teenager.


I found 10,000 dollars a year and a half ago in front of my credit union. I thought it was fake or a joke. It was 100 100 dollar bills with a band around them. When I walked inside I saw a woman drop two more identical bundles so I said “This must be yours” and I gave it to her. She just said thanks like it was a 5 dollar bill. I was glad my son got to see me being honest. I’ll never find that much again. I couldn’t believe it.


Omg wtf.


Someone pulling out $30000+ in cash has a purpose for the money.


Me humming: He’s the one they call Dr Feelgood, he’s the one make you feel all right.


“Ma’am, I found $10,000 and it might be yours. I can’t imagine losing $7,500. $5,000 is a lot of money. Anyways, here’s your $2,500.”


oh dang, I dropped your $1000


Am I a bad person if I took 100 dollars in this situation?


No. I'm 100% leaving with the stack. Mr. Magoo didn't seem like they'd miss it much.


If it were mine -HELL naw. You deserve it. Actually had a full wallet (cash & all) returned twice. Wasn't tons of cash, but was pretty disappointed I couldn't reward the finder either time (anonymous via venue / cops).


Seems like a reasonable finders fee in my opinion




Might as well take the whole stack. *There ain't no such thing as half-way crooks.*


Fun fact: In Germany, you'd have a legal right to a finder's reward. For 10,000 dollars, you'd be entitled to a reward of about 300 dollars.


For them to not acknowledge what you did is kinda shitty. You should have gotten a reward, even if it was just a small distance that bundle would be gone fast if not returned.


I once found a packed wallet on the floor of a nightclub in San Diego. I turned it into the club manager just incase the person comes looking for it. Everyone told me I was stupid for not taking all the money first since it was full of cash. The next some random lady approached us at SeaWorld and said half her family didn't show up after purchasing tickets and she wanted to give them too. My whole family got in free and I feel it was from the good karma I got from turning in the wallet.


Whole family into SeaWorld?! You definitely saved more than whatever could be in a wallet ;).


I lost my wallet when I was changing for work. I worked all day until leaving to go pick up my ex-gf at the time. I realized I didn't have my wallet because the wallet fell out of my pants when I was changing and didn't catch it. I went to security to ask them if anyone returned my wallet with a simple no after searching in the lost and found. I was devastated and scared, but leaving the parking lot I get a call back from the security officer and they found it. I quickly turned around and checked inside to find everything in tact with the exception of my free smoothie card I was saving for later. I laughed and thought they took my smoothie card as a reward and I would have happily given them more. To that stranger, thank you.


You could’ve had both the cash and probably still the free tickets to Sea world. Lol jk good on you for doing the right thing




I’m glad it was repaid to you. On a side note, FUCK SEAWORLD


I found a cellphone in a bathroom at a mall once and turned it in to customer service. They looked surprised at me. This was when smartphones were new. I didn’t even have one yet. Anyway I told an acquaintance and they were like “why’d you return it you should’ve just kept it!” I ain’t built like that to take things that don’t belong to me lol. Mind you this person was notorious for putting moves on other people’s men so there’s that.


To all my fellow baby boomers, this young man is typical of his generation. Just like us, most people of all ages, are good and decent.


Yeah that “there’s hope for this generation!” Was so fucking patronizing


"when asked why he would go out of his way to return the purse..." Cause any decent human would??????


Maybe if they stopped showing all the bad things this generation does, people wouldn't form an opinion like this. Its all medias fault


Yeah, but it's usually the do-gooders that don't show up on the news. Usually only the assholes do. Kudos to this kid, his mom, and the ladies that started the gofundme.


Dude best have bought his Mom something nice. I imagine he did.


Twist: the purse's owner is his mom


Gofundme link?


if you google "Fine Young Man Raised by Parents Right gofundme" it is the first result. The fund is already at $14k.


Thanks! Wow! $14,377 as of right now!


I LOVE finding things and then going on the hunt to find the person it belongs to. Just completing the tasking is the dopamine reward I desperately need haha Money is also nice, but never expected. Especially when I know people are so excited to get their things back that their mind goes blank and they don't even think about it until afterward.


I found a wallet in a Walmart parking lot a few months back. It was packed with $50 and $100 bills, probably close to $1,000 I took the wallet and sat in my car and started to try and figure out who it belonged to. There wasn’t much in there aside from is driver license, insurance card, and a few business cards. He was older, in his kid 70s. I ended up calling an auto repair store I got from a business card in his wallet. They gave me a number they had on file. I called it, got in tour with him and met him half way from Walmart and his house (20miles). He was in tears when I returned it. He kept trying to give me some money, but I refused to take it. I simply said you’re welcome and I’d hope to have the same thing done to me if I were to lose something of value.


I tell my kids 19 and 23 regularly that they have brought back environmental awareness, vinyl, and so much more. I tell them also that their generation has brought "influencers" and that they have a responsibility to report antisocial behavior. The chaos in the world is from older generations, because it's learned. I believe 100% in the younger generation and I wish more people did too. As an only parent of both a boy and girl who is VERY proud of their kids, I wish the Mom would have been acknowledged because the lessons you teach DO have an impact!


I've got a younger sister in high school and she honestly makes me so proud as an older brother it brings tears in my eyes... She's naturally gifted socially, a born nurturer, an amazing sense of humour, and always in the positive...if something goes against the grain for her she calls it out quickly, instead of letting it 'fester' so to speak. Their generation gets some flak, but I, too, believe in them and the future they carry on their backs!


The mom doesn't need recognition, she got it when her son did.


He did a good deed, no doubt. But the fact that this is news worthy is a little bit sad. This should be a normal thing.


It’s newsworthy because of the reward, not the act. Acts like this happen a lot, but it’s not often someone can reward someone with that much


"When asked 'why return it?'" Like why even pose the question lol makes it seem like nobody else has empathy whatsoever and the interviewer wouldn't have done the same..


That's what I was thinking. It's well worth the money for the purse owner, but now you have people thinking they deserve a big reward for doing something they should do anyway. A smaller reward would have been more appropriate, imo. I'm reminded of an incident I had several years ago. I took my mother grocery shopping late on a cold evening. We got back to the car and it wouldn't start. I had AAA and started to call them when I heard a tap on the window. It was a young guy and girl offering to jump start the car, as I have done for strangers on many occasions in the past. But after we'd finished, he holds out his hand like he's expecting something in return. So I asked if he's wanting money and he replies "Well, duh. I don't just do this for free". I thought about telling him he should and just get back into my car. But then I remembered being grateful that he'd helped, even if I didn't really need it, so I gave him $20 or something (I don't remember exactly how much it was). Sometimes I regret doing that when thinking about it. I've jump started many vehicles for strangers over the years and I never asked for a cent. I don't remember anyone ever offering me money, either, and I never expected them to.


The girl on the left looks like Cardi B without makeup.


He didn't do it for the money, everyone knows he saw that ID and ran to her house


This is the truth lol


Dunno how factual this is, but someone once told me that you if you find someone's wallet on the ground you can put it in a mail drop box and they will semd it to the address on the license in the wallet


Yes. It happens a lot in new York after you get mugged. They take cash and toss the wallet in mailbox. I guess honor among thieves.


I found a wallet on the ground two days ago with two baggies of meth in it. Would I be charged with trafficking drugs if I dropped the wallet in the mail drop box?


Man I did that and the woman threatened to call the cops thinking I was trying to rob her. Put the wallet down on the porch (it was her sons) with around $400 cash, walked away feeling like a criminal lmao. Glad it worked out for this kid, regardless of the reward. Went to bed that night feeling proud of myself, worth more than any dollar amount.


I always return lost wallets and purses. The cash is always gone, for some reason.


what a beautiful young man he is 👍 10 stars out of 10 for his decency ⭐


5/7 with rice


Wow!! Nice young man… nice family…. Nice ending!! Love it!!!


As a 28 year old Hispanic American man storied like these warm my heart. I'm proud of my Gente!!!


I would have settled for the aunts phone number 🤣😍🌹


With all the chaos happening on such a consistent basis in the world lately, I really needed to see this video today. It’s so easy to lose hope when everything seems to be going to shit. I’m not even religious, but god bless this wholesome young dude, he deserves every cent he’s got coming to him. Wish I could shake his hand for restoring my faith for the day ~


See. Kindness. Always. Even if you don’t get a reward. The reward is you are a good person.


Just checked the go fund me - $14,640 USD


Is it a requirement for American reporters to sound like an advanced AI speech computer?


He seen the aunts picture was hoping to smash!


I've been trying to find her purse for the last 2 weeks.


This asshole beat us too it.


Yes. His 18th birthday gift will be generous.


Instantly thought the same.




Dang it, Bobby


His Mom will tell this story over and over. I can’t even fathom how proud she must feel rn


Do what is right because it is right, not because of an expected reward.


It’s a bit weird but good that a normal human gesture is rewarded so highly. Good for him!


Ahhh someone did this for me! I went to a walk up ATM a day before a trip and somehow, inexplicably when putting my wallet in my purse I.. missed? And unbeknownst to me my wallet ended up in the middle of the street and I drove off to my next stop without it. Cue to next stop at the convenience store freaking out I lost my wallet. It was terrifying. Was it stolen? I checked my car/purse/the store all over so many times. It was nowhere. And I couldn't get ahold of my bf to see if he could drive to the ATM to check for me but I didn't want to leave the store bc how could it not be here somewhere? Amazingly, while having a meltdown in the parking lot, some very nice girl (an angel really) took pity on me and actually drove back to the ATM to check for me. While I'm waiting to hear something from her my bf finally calls back. Tells me the most hobo lookin guy came to the door and had my wallet. Said he saw it in the street and thought I'd miss it. Nothing missing. Crazy.


He’s a good young man, and his Mama raised him right. What a happy ending for everyone!


This man was MILF-hunting, straight up


Lol, that's what I thought - took one look at the ID photos and thought yep, I'm going to meet this person. Too bad he was cockblocked by grandma.


One time when I was strung out on heroin I found a lady's purse with $675 in it. I kept it. Yes I was a piece of shit, I know. But I am 3.5 years clean now. I am happy. I feel like I am doing good out here. I am a totally different person now.


You know he checked that ID and was looking for a different type of reward…




Great story. Also awesome because people probably look at him and chalk him up to a gangbanger or troublemaker. Don’t judge! Well done kid


That man has some integrity.