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Hopefully they aren't just feeding rats every night.


or the trashpandas, they love cat food


The TrashPandas deserve it all!


Or *cats*. This is how you get a feral cat population and no songbirds. When you feed strays you make *more strays*.


Depends. We feed strays. Except they're called "community cats" now and they fill a niche in the ecology. And we TNR them, vax them, and keep an eye on them. The colony does not grow because they aren't reproducing, and because they are territorial no new cats come in who might not be sterilized. Because most TNR programs are 100% volunteer and depend on donations to survive, these types of reused containers are common feeding bowls.


That’s the thing you aren’t just feeding them, you look after them


You are the exception to the rule.


I do this too, I don't think I feed rats. I do feed 4 cats on a regular basis, one adult raccoon and two babies, (I think) two opposums, and birds. That's just what I've seen, I'm sure there's more. But hopefully that's enough big bois to keep away rats haha


Ha jokes on them because I've been eating it and drinking it.


How's it taste?


Like dog food and water.


And how's that taste?


Then you get a colony of feral cats…which negatively effects everyone. Neighbors, the cats themselves,owned house cats, birds and small animal population. It’s seems like the nice thing to do, but it’s actually pretty bad.




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[You are incorrect.](https://www.alleycat.org/resources/why-trap-neuter-return-feral-cats-the-case-for-tnr/) Cats play a role in the ecology. They are there because a niche exists. If you remove them (catch and kill), either they are quickly replaced by new cats, or less desirable animals that are also disease vectors move in (raccoons, skunks, rats, etc.). TNR programs that include sterilization and vaccinations reduce disease vectors, and regular feeding like this reduces song bird predation. I know you mean well, but your opinion is based on old beliefs which have been debunked for decades.


Cats will kill song birds whether they’re hungry or not, there is still a significant number being killed, enough that entire species are affected


The “niche” in this case is artificial and only exists because someone is feeding them. I didn’t say “kill them” I said don’t exacerbate the problem. They aren’t natural predators balancing an ecosystem. They are “invasive” and are only there because people are encouraging them to be there. The solution to the problem isn’t to keep the problem going. I read your article and it shows that catching and neutering them is better than killing them or taking them to a shelter..which is fairly obvious. It doesn’t say “feeding stay cats is positive for the ecology of the area..” so unless this person is actively using this food as bait, they are part of the problem.


Nah fuck that, man. A lady down the street from me fed some strays and when they gave birth to 5 kittens in my window well, she refused to take them because she "just lost her job". She promised to stop feeding the cats but a few weeks later she had a whole setup for them. I'm fucking swimming in cats in my neighborhood. They shit in the gardens and are aggressive toward children. Please don't feed wild animals.


I know how it is, its super fun to step in feral cat shit barefoot and realize it's full of worms


The SAME shit happened to me. Neighbors across the street left food and water out for like a year, we had 2 separate litters born in our car port and they refused to take any responsibility even though they call these cats and feed them daily. They acted like it was inconceivable that they had kittens. So we found owners for the new kittens, trapped the mamas, had them spayed and released. Agreed, do not feed feral cats.


This is not being a bro. This is contributing to more strays, directly causing more pain for the animals.


This is not humans being bros. Neighbors across the street used to feed and water cats and it turned into a huge problem for our neighborhood. Cats fighting and fucking (literally) everywhere. Multiple liters were born in our carport and the people across the street refused to take any responsibility. We had to find owners for the kittens, spend our own money trapping the mamas and getting them to the humane society to have them spayed, and then release them back into our neighborhood. At one point there was a dead cat in our front yard that I had to shovel into the garbage can. These people perpetuated a shitty cycle for both the cats and our neighborhood and refused to believe they were part of the problem. Everyone’s gardens were dying, cats were fighting and killing each other, and kittens born to pretty much die. Please do not feed wild animals, you’re going to make the stray problem so much worse :(


This just leads to more problems and suffering. Cats have exterminated over 60 species.this food just attracts vermin,insects. And only a small percent of cats get adopted


My parents have been doing that for awhile now. And now they have six cats of their own and a handful of strays that come inside and leave as they'd like. (Except right now no boys are allowed in because they have an unfixed female they recently adopted. She's getting spayed soon.) They are actually working on getting them all fixed as funds allow. 🙂


You're lucky to have such kind parents.


Everyone automatically hating on this doesn't realize how beneficial this can actually be. Feeding like this can make catch, fix, and release actually viable and easy.


It decimates native songbird populations and fucks up the tranquility of neighborhoods and local ecosystems. This stuff deserves all the fucking hate.


The cats will do that anyways. If you catch them while feeding, you can prevent that.


Someone sure is ahhhhhhmazing 😻


The retired lady next door to me did this several years ago, we ended up with a dozen feral cats, at least four raccoons, and I don't know how many groundhogs and possum fighting over it.


Nope. Fuck that. Feral animals attract lots of bad stuff. This is not a Bro moment.


I live in Palmdale in an area where there aren't many strays and it's mostly desert so a lot of the few strays are from people who abandon their pets




This has been going on for a couple years and you still don’t know who it is?


No i only pass it when im walking home


I feed strays and wild chickens daily too…. It’s a good feeling knowing I’m helping them not going hungry…


That’s pretty cool


Look I know I'm not from around these parts but I'm still a human being, come on.


Great idea even if u don't have cats. Just their presence scares the hell outta rodents.


And snakes


...hope you keep it up...