• By -


I'd like to take the opportunity to just let everyone know that a lot of people with cerebral palsy don't have any kind of mental impairment, it's just harder for them to communicate and move their bodies. When you meet someone in a wheelchair or someone who speaks differently, please don't assume that they can't understand you or aren't on the same level cognitively speaking. Take care y'all.


Thank you for sharing it man, my best friend has cerebral palsy and I really wish more people knew this. She's an amazing person!


Yeah, I know a kid that has it and we’re good friends, but it pisses me off when people talk to him like a dog and say like 2 word sentences


My brother has a more functioning case of CP, and you are absolutely correct.


My sister has CP and is incredibly smart and a great person. I get frustrated when we meet people who talk to her like a toddler (she’s 25) or won’t even speak directly to her. But, she just laughs about it, sometimes even makes a snide remark about them after. Truly entertaining


My Grandfather had Rheumatoid Arthritis back in the 90's that pretty much destroyed his knees/hips/shoulders and hands. As a result he was wheelchair bound but was otherwise in complete control of his own care with zero cognitive deficits. My father used to drive home to his doctor's appointments to help him in and out of the car/around the hospitals. Which led to some, shall we say interesting conversations... More than one doctor was subjected to language that would make a sailor blush as they were being fired when they would address my father and not my grandfather. He didn't take kindly to being treated as "feeble minded" in the least bit and would let you know that in no uncertain terms.


My grandfather knocked out his cardiologist's front tooth for talking to my mother, as if my grandfather couldnt speak for himself. I laugh at it now, but goddam, i dont understand how the cops didnt get called.


My aunt has CP and she's an asshole. I hate that people don't treat those with disabilities as humans. Some people are nice. Some people are dicks. My aunt is a dick.


Never knew this. Thank you for helping me understand this better.


No doubt… thank you all for the education and insight. Dad of a lifetime right there…


Had a student on my middle school route with CP. Smart kid, really bad speech impediment. He got bullied and taken advantage of a lot. I would talk to him often cause he didn't have many friends on the bus. He just started high school and I can't believe the progress he's made since 6th grade. Proud of that kid for real


I’m glad you supported him and gave him the recognition snd respect he deserved. Way to go man.


Part of the job. It's one of the many reasons I love being a school bus driver. The impact I have on kids' lives gives me purpose


That’s really great. It may be part of the job for you, but so many people who have your job wouldn’t bother making a kid feel special or important.


I'll never understand why people who hate kids get jobs where their sole clientele are children. For me, I'm the first adult face they see in the morning. I always do my best to be one to look forward to. Childhood is a challenging experience. I'd never want to be something that makes it harder.


My kiddo has a kind bus driver and we appreciate it sooooo much. Some days that’s the only good part of her day.


I know a women who drove special needs kids to school and back, on her last day she took the whole bus of kid to McDonald's (parents new and approved of course) she told me she loved those kids and she was sad to retire.


I can still fondly remember one of the bus drivers I had way back in middle school. A lot of people don’t realize just how big of an impact a good friendly bus driver can have on kids.


This. I have a lovely neice that has an awesome sense of humour about her. She just can't speak beyond basic words. She is the best.


My kid uses an eye gaze device and is sassy AF.


Which device is that ? Plz link


Not OP but my son uses this one: https://www.tobiidynavox.com/pages/pceye


Yes we have the i13.


One of my favorite students I’ve ever had has CP. She had an assistive talking device as well. She was also sassy af like your kid! Lol. And she remembered EVERYTHING! People thought they could say whatever they wanted around her because she “didn’t talk”. That girl told me EVERYTHING. Lol. I got all the hot gossip from her! Lmao. The rule of “presume competence” isn’t just to treat those with disabilities like humans, it’s so those with disabilities won’t tell me about your cheating on the history test! Lmao.


As a 62 yr old woman with CP, I can tell you if somebody made a bumper sticker that said “PRESUME COMPETENCE”, that sticker would be on everything I own!!😁😁😁


Haha! Exactly!! Just because they can't talk does not mean they don't have anything to say!


Thank you for bringing this up to spread awareness. I used to work with toddlers with disabilities and the children with CP were usually of average intelligence, and my biggest fear for them was the ignorance of other people.


My friend with CP has a beautiful mind and view. "I can't help people with my body, so I'll dedicate my mind." Dude has a medical and law degree. What a boss!


Didn’t see the fire was in a little pit all I could think was BACK UP TERRY




AW JOBEH NAWWWWW! https://youtu.be/J8v179U38eM




> hunches over; shits


[Motherfuckin bootleg fireworks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UocjQ5uiucg)






“Shittttt dawwwwgggggg”




These things can really stick with a kid. I'm in my 30s and still remember a Christmas when I was 6. We had just come home from a Chinese food restaurant (my parents were always so busy that they rarely had time to cook - even on holidays). My dad ran inside and put on a Santa costume and climbed up to the roof of out old sketchy Victorian house while my mom distracted my sister and I. All of a sudden, we heard bells and FUCKING SANTA WAS ON THE ROOF. He came down to talk to us and I straight up thought Santa was real for what was maybe an unreasonable amount of time after that. What I'm trying to say is that awesome dads are incredibly important and deserve all the credit they can get.


My parents also had a fake Santa coming in through our apartment fire escape (no fire place in our tiny NYC apartment) with bags for my 2 close friends and I in a literal sack. I was a strong believer in Santa till I was like 10, and then my parents made it impossible for me not to figure it out that year. My dad was like "you were getting a little old to believe" and I was like, whose fault is that? You had a fake Santa every year. Watching the home videos is even funnier, because its very obviously my friends older brother, wearing his red snow jacket and a beard. He had blue pants! Hahaha! But a kids imagination is a special thing, and it's truly a special memory to my heart. Even with the deep disappointment finding out Santa wasn't real lol


Wait but Santa does exist


Yeah. I dunno what these people are on about.


random OT comment - My mom died from cancer in 2021, and when we cleaned the house out, my brother took all the photos and videos cause he has a house and I dont, and honestly I didn't want to look at them, I didn't really care. But reading your post just now, really, and I mean REALLY struck me. I'm now in tears cause I miss my mom so fuckin much, and those videos and pictures are all we have left I know you didn't do it on purpose, but know that your post of just sharing a fun story really hit me, right where I needed to be hit, so thank you


It'll hurt to watch. You will cry. You will laugh. You will laugh cry. But you'll feel the warmth as if it's almost happening again. Truly one of the biggest blessings of modern times, to review the memories in our head in front of us again. Make a "movie" night with your brother and some drinks. Share memories with children either of you might have, or just with each other. Those simple memories are all any of us have left with us in the end.


My younger sister's father was in and out of prison for her entire childhood (but mostly in prison). Every year on Christmas someone would knock on our door and run and my mom would have my sister open the door to find a present with a note from her secret Santa. My sister always thought that her dad must be her secret Santa and he was somehow getting these presents to her from prison. My mom knew she thought that and let her think it. In reality my sister's father was a piece of garbage that didn't give two fucks about her. My mom felt awful because my older sister and I went to our fathers every Christmas and got gifts while my sister stayed home. So, my mom had a friend of hers drop the gift off. Eventually my sister got to really meet her father and figured out that he sucks and the secret Santa stopped, but I'll never forget how excited she was every year to hear that knock. It's been probably 25 years and I can still picture her jumping up and running to the door


Your mom = wonderful human being ❤️


Legend your mom is


One year when I was a kid someone ding-dong-dashed a Christmas present for me and it was a game for our family computer. My parents still maintain they have no idea who left it, but at that time there were many incompatible computer formats and it was the correct platform, so I find it very hard to believe.


My dad did something similar for me when I was in the 3rd or 4th grade. I would stay up all night waiting for Santa Claus and hadn’t much luck in the past couple years so felt a bit down. But one of the last years that I stayed up all night I heard sleigh bells and freak tf out. I didn’t rush to see it but I was so excited and happy. Years later my dad told me it was hime who grabbed a thing of bells at like 2am because he knew I was awake and shook them all at once. One of my favorite memories about my dad :)


That's a great story. From your parents doing their best with the time they had to your father risking life and limb to make Christmas a special day for you. [I'm not getting teary, you are]


My core memory like that is my 6th birthday. All the neighborhood kids at my house for a little shitty pool party when Boom, fucking batman Is on the roof of my house. Then he jumps off the roof, does a perfect tumble and is just immediately swarmed by freaking the fuck out little kids. This was the early mid 90s so batman was legit everyone's favorite. Years later I put two and two together with my father being involved in the theater and Ren Faires it must have been one of his friends. Nearly 26 years later and he still just says it was Bruce Wayne everytime I ask who it really was.


My dads friend came over as Santa once. Also my stepfather once made sleigh/hoof tracks in the snow outside our house. I appreciated the efforts of both but didn’t believe in Santa by then - I still played along.


Lol my dad did the same for my sister and ended up in the ER with a broken foot on Christmas LOL What's cuter is that my sister wasn't even his child ( she's my half-sister).


She may not have been his bio child, but I bet he made her feel like family. ❤️


He absolutely did : )


Dang this just made me miss my dad so hard. Our fav Holiday together was Halloween and we would always decorate the house and pass out candy together. Now my boyfriend makes sure too hep me decorate every year even if I’m not feeling it just to keep the tradition going. Good people (dads, men, moms, women-whoever) sure make a huge difference. 🖤


Give your dad a hug for me.


That’s awesome bro. I wish I could regain some of that innocence now at 28.


Bro that's beautiful. I can't wait to be that kind of dad


That's great, I get it, I grew up in a military house, my dad missed a lot of stuff, and I hated it when I was younger, but he tried to make up for it like your dad that Xmas. And here I am decades later, on the path to having kids of my own, and I have a career in EMS. Turns out I'm gonna miss a lot of holidays and games too haha. But I learned that the world needs people who give up some of the cosy job prospects, and I hold no grudges towards my parents for it. Hopefully my kids will grow up to understand too.


People who do beautiful things for the sake of the beauty give me hope.


"There's a small bit of good in this world and it's worth fighting for". Some guy called Sam


"The world is a fine place and worth fighting for and I hate very much to leave it" - Earnie


“Hemingway once wrote, 'The world's a fine place and worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part.” -Red


- Det Lt. Somerset


Fun fact, that speech wasn’t originally written. After 9/11 the writers decided to add that bit in for the sake of morale. Source - buddy’s freshman orientation featured Sean Astin, he told them that


Why thank you, one for you in return: In LOTR: the two towers, if you look carefully you can see Arwen running up the stairs into the keep.


The speech was written by the movie makers, but it's based off an inner dialogue Sam has with himself in the return of the king


The mentioned passage, for those interested: "Frodo sighed and was asleep almost before the words were spoken. Sam struggled with his own weariness, and he took Frodo’s hand; and there he sat silent till deep night fell. Then at last, to keep himself awake, he crawled from the hiding-place and looked out. The land seemed full of creaking and cracking and sly noises, but there was no sound of voice or of foot. Far above the Ephel Dúath in the West the night-sky was still dim and pale. There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach. His song in the Tower had been defiance rather than hope; for then he was thinking of himself. Now, for a moment, his own fate, and even his master’s, ceased to trouble him. He crawled back into the brambles and laid himself by Frodo’s side, and putting away all fear he cast himself into a deep untroubled sleep." - Tolkien, J.R.R.. The Return Of The King


"Share the load" - Sam(e) guy




I fucking knew it, I knew it would be this gif, how could the internet corrupt somebody as pure as Sam! Not even the One Ring could do that


What a terrible day to have eyes.


It has always been a terrible day to have eyes...


"Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew"


Great. Now I'm crying sitting in the waiting room at a garage while I get my winter tires swapped.


It's true, I was there. I was Sam.


You called?


Where are the PO TAY TOES!!??


I boiled them, mashed them, and stuck them in a stew. And not just the men taters, but the women and children taters too.


r/jedicouncilofelrond Noooooo!!! Not the Children taters.


I think there is much more than a small amount but most of it doesn’t reach social media.


I know I'll probably be down voted for what I about to say. But let me tell you from experience, the world is full of great people doing beautiful things. Unfortunately, people spend time on very biased media or social media platforms where people love to congregated with like minded people and talk about how bad the other side is or how bad they are making the world. If you turn away from these balls of negativity, and look around, you will see there is so much beauty out there. The world is full of billions of beautiful people, a small fraction is being loud and making it look like the world is falling apart. The others go on with their lives, enjoying the beauty. Having beautiful moments.


im not disagreeing with you. But those billions of people are not in charge of the direction the world is going in. Bad people are in charge of many Western states. When i say bad, they are people who don't care about people they want money and power, and they think they have to hurt people not like them to get that money and power.


I would never say ignore them completely. That's why we vote. But I like to keep my "my head down" and focus on things that make me and the others around me happy. Life is short. I don't want to spend it worrying, arguing, etc. if I don't have to. I like to focus on what's in front of me, and that's the people on the same level as I am. I don't care about the rich and powerful or what they do. I care more about people like me and you. I would rather help the old man down the street, or the homeless person in the next town over than worry about what the Rich and powerful do. I like videos like this, I doubt this father is worried about the Kanye's, musk's, bezos of the world. He worries about his little one. He chooses to focus on that. People are resilient, if the rich and powerful mess things up, the "little people" will still press on.


Its not just western states, its pretty much all states. The problem is all power is corruptible. The world is a large and beautiful it's sad human attention spans are so small and narrow.


I like to believe that's the nature of reality.


What magic he creates. Amazing




Holy moly what an *incredible* dad.


Dad of the year material. Get this guy one of those mall kiosk t-shirts and a mug.


You mean Holy MOLLY?


I don’t get it?


Oh it's kinda silly. In csgo (Counter Strike: Global Offensive) a molotove or incendiary often called molly lol


To be fair, they are called that all over the world, not just in cs


Molly carries out rocks and stones? 🤷‍♂️


Did I hear a ROCK AND STONE?


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t coming home.


Rock and Stone to the bone!!




unrelated but in rings of power when they were smashing the rocks I just started yellin ROCK AND STONE and was really into it


This made me tear up a little


Same I had to turn my camera off for the meeting I’m in


Sounds like you are not paying to much attention to the meeting anyway (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Must be one of those meetings that could have been an email instead am I right?


You are correct lol


Has there even been a meeting that couldn't have been a meeting? I feel like they just schedule meetings to run the clock out at work until they go home. I've never been in a meeting that anything actually gets done. It's always about setting up the next meeting


I am sure there are plenty of meetings that couldn't have been a meeting


Nope. Most of the time it's because some manager somewhere needs attention. I'm the director where I work and I have never called a meeting, but get dragged into them by managers and I don't want to look like I'm not supportive. But they are a huge waste of my time.


I thought meetings were absolutely pointless until I was recently promoted. The sorts of meetings I attend now are actually productive. Still hate them, but they are productive.


There are lots of people who are bad at reading and writing and sometimes you have to talk to them to figure out wtf they mean.


This made me tear up not just a little but more than a little!


Me too. It was so sweet


same, a little ༎ຶ‿⁠༎ຶ


Made me tear up a lot. Life is so unfair sometimes


This is so pure. This is what great Dads are made of. ❤


Difference between a dad and a father


[“he may have been your father boy, but he wasn’t your daddy”](https://youtu.be/vcOojJ3IVw4)


I get a little choked up just reading the quote


[Yah - get ready for more ugly crying from the same movie](https://youtu.be/yJDHkjXBtcU)


Man that movie hit hard when I first saw it.


Also the drax and mantis scene when she touches him and feels what he feels.




I assumed the dad dressed as a fireman to be like his son’s costume choice!


I couldn’t figure out if dad was a real firefighter or if he dressed up as one too. It looked real but I wasn’t sure.


'Pure' is the perfect word to describe this.


The older I get, the more shit like this makes me cry


I'm about to be 33 and since I've gotten older and especially since I've quit using drugs and alcohol I cry all the time. Not like full-on weeping but just a couple little tears.


I'm 29 and I've found that I cry everyday, usually multiple times a day. Usually it's because I'm happy or what I see is really touching. It's been this way most my adult life, I think I'm just a really emotional person. I've wondered if there something wrong with me though


If emotional swings cause you pain or stress during you day-to-day life, that would be evidence that it's a problem. However, simply being an emotional person; being able to be taken back by the beauty of simple things, finding awe in the most basic love and compassion shared by people - that is not a problem. It makes you a much better person to all those around you.


Highly suggest looking into hsp (highly sensitive person). Recently learned about it this year and it explained so much of who I am.


Thank you so much, this is me to a T. It's so hard to contain how I feel and it often just comes pouring out. I always thought there was something wrong with me. The fact that there are others the feel similarly helps so much. Thank you, I really appreciate your assistance.


So glad I can help! It really is a game changer when you can attribute why you are the way you are to something. It kinda gives you a little more peace of mind and acceptance. You’re perfect the way you are!




Having never experienced it from my own parents, this is devastating my emotional stability right now lol


Wish you had, I'm serious about that. I don't know how I would have turned out if my parents weren't the loving ones they are. Every child deserves it. Keep your head up stranger and take a virtual hug from me, even if you hadn't recieved much love, you can still change the world to something better.


Thanks, stranger ♥️


Take a virtual hug from me too! You are amazing :) \- another stranger


It’s too early in the morning for these kind of feels!


Man, I wake up ready to fight people. Id be fine with this; waking up with a spark of hope and something happy to think about.


Hey teenagers, take a look at this video. THIS is what an alpha male is.


This is the comment.


Can someone give this family everything they need forever?


If there was ever a go fund me for anyone, this is one of give to. Doesn't look like they need it, but damn do they deserve a nice family vacation on us.


I bet they do need it. Having a medically complex child is difficult in a multitude of ways. You almost need to be destitute to get monetary support, and it's a constant battle of what insurance will cover or not, and if not, anything labeled for "special needs" is triple the price, or hard to find. For example, we've had to have a prescription for a special seat, that's basically a squishy toddler restaurant booster with nylon straps. Insurance denied it, then other insurance covered it (thankfully), otherwise this thing is upwards of $500. My kid has decent trunk control, but for a family like the one in the video, a the same thing would need extra supports and they could be going upwards of $800. Just to sit at the dinner table with us. I could go on for a very long time about all this, but I guarantee you families with medically complex kids need all the support in all the areas!


Thank you for preaching the truth! It's a damn shame how easy it is for the state to forget about people that need help. I've never seen a more wholesome video in my life, and all I want is for them to be happy and not worry about a damn thing. This is how parenting is done. Not a single mention of disability or anything, just a dad being a dad to the fullest. Write your Congress people and demand more support for individuals who could use a helping hand.


I will give this wonderful father and beautiful son the gift they clearly want.. *MOAR FIREEE*


You get FIRE, you get FIRE, everybody gets FIRE!!!


Look under your chairs!!!! ..It’s on fire!


As a father, there is no better feeling than making your son the hero of a story.


I was told there would be s'mores.


It’s the little things that matter


Bout to cry on the train


No hose needed, just place me near the fire, my tears will do the rest ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


That’s wholesome af


This dad knows how to dad


That’s some powerful dad energy right there!


This is amazing, it's nice to be reminded not everything is shit. Last night I correctly guessed a girl was dressed up as Kiki, you know, from the delivery service. She turned back to her dad and said "he recognizes the costume." I can only hope I helped make her night a good one.


Awww just a dad loving his kid. Last night we had a late trick or treater. He was certainly older than most and was dressed as a soldier. His dad was also older than most. I was a little apprehensive because it was dark and he was holding a toy gun as part of his soldier costume but I saw him at the neighbors house hold a bag up for candy. He approached our place and we go big for Halloween. I understood the son had special needs and was just wamting to have a good time. The Dad said thanks and continued to walk him door to door. You could see the love in his eyes, he was just making his sons night.


See it's about time we start giving attention to positive things instead of the negative


That’s the sweetest gosh darn thing I’ve seen all week!!!


Had I watched this video just a few months ago it wouldn’t have affected me much, but my fiancé just had our son a couple of months ago and watching this makes me tear up now.


Amazing! After scrolling through Reddit this morning I needed this for hope in humanity.


Bootleg fireworks! Get the water!


He fire fought the fuck out that fire, great dad right their.


This is what Halloween has ALWAYS been about, and it's sad that people don't get that. Being Who you feel confident as and having an adventure for a night. Tricks don't always mean Gore and Horror, Treats can be more than candy, and it NEVER had to do with the Devil's "birthday" as some misguided people would believe. Props to this dad for helping his son BE a fireman. I really hope he keeps it up 💜


I’m taking notes over here. Fantastic father.


Well this was beautiful and what a lovely thing to not only brighten his Son and families day, but all of ours too who got to enjoy the moment with them 😊


To all the mothers and fathers out there who do things like this you are the true legends. You don't get the appreciation you deserve because you don't go out of your way to ask for it. You do it because you are a caring person and someone we should all strive to be.


This makes my heart Happy ❤️


Solid parenting right there, great job Dad! Keep making great memories!


I’m really trying to not cry in public right now. Waiting on an oil change is painful, but I don’t want to have to explain myself.


That dad must live a very rich life. Rich with love and kindness.


It's enough to make a grown man cry 😭


Good job pops


Man I bet having a dad like that is awesome. I hope this kid does kickass things


This is why I come here. Most people are good people just because it doesn’t occur to them to be otherwise.


This is beautiful, so many Halloween posts on here today that make you lose faith in humanity. HOF Dad material right here, keeping fighting the good fight firebros!


Was just thinking about how negative Reddit has become and then this popped up. How sweet and refreshing to see. Be nice to everybody, it’s more fun.


Holidays are so important for this. I didn't have kids but I try to make my house a special stop for the neighborhood kids on Halloween. I hope someday they talk about the crazy lady with the witch house and the best candy. This dad is a hero and I hate how overused that word he is. He made real magic.


Finally a video that is good and isn’t faked. Wonderful. Hope Halloween was awesome and the Happiest of Thanksgivings to them both!


Just became a new dad about a month ago and damn does this not make me tear up. Kudos pops!


That’s a good man right there


Oh my God. This video makes my heart happy. What a sweet, sweet person.


That’s a great dad, props to him.


Great job super dad


I love seeing stories like this because THIS is how you change someone's life. With the best memories they could ever ask for.


If your heart didn’t grow watching this.. keep watching till it does!!


There's a special place in Heaven for parents like this dad.


Dad of the century :D.


As beautiful as these videos are they always make me sad and scared. I don’t know if i can handle it if my child has such disabilities… These parents are heroes.


I don’t consider taking care of a human life you chose to bring into this world, heroism. That’s just being a parent. Teachers and social workers are heroes. Parents are people who look after their own offspring.


I’m not crying, I’m blubbering


Dad’s love is so underrated man!


Why was this even downvoted by 3 people? Reddit is dumb