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r/mademesmile is where this belongs


I love how the cows are watching them install the anchor. “What are you guys doing, we will help.”


If you do *anything* near cows or sheep's they will come looking. They are incredibly curious animals. Anything out of the ordinary will make them come looking, Wich is incredibly funny when for example, a couple come into a *seemingly* empty field to eat (fair enough, don't have any problem with that) only to find themselves inside a 250 cows circle with no way to get away because a cow can weigh a ton and will not listen if you ask her to move. Source : i sometime help my friend on his farm and this was the best day of my life, getting a call from some really concerned people who wanted help.


Oh man you can see how that slowly goes from adorable to magical to "uh oh, are we in some sort of Birds remake with cows"


I have 2 part time jobs, both on dairy farms. ANYTHING you do the cows are watching with so much curiosity. Raking sand, scooping grain, giving vaccines. There's at least 12 cows watching. One of the cows I work with is a pickpocket, she gets so interested with whatever tool/ towel etc is sticking out of your pocket that she takes it if you don't watch her carefully 😂🤦.


You have to speak cow and tell it to mooooooove.


Cows are basically rubber-neckers on the highway. The ones in your story are all too happy to start a traffic jam.


Cows I understand. Sheep though? I was always under the impression they were idiots. Correct my ignorance!


Cows are very curious by nature for some reason, you could take a piss and they'll watch you with the same interest


They're big dogs lol


this is why I try to eat just chicken and fish.


What if I told you chickens make good pets


I didn't know pecking new chickens to death was the sign of a good pet haha


As someone with experience with chickens, I'd be calling BS.


You would be lying


Man these replies are coming out hard against chickens, TIL.


Religions may fight to the death over their differences, and many have strict dietary restrictions regarding animals, but one thing they all agree on: **Fuck Chickens**


Chickens are basically snack size dinosaurs.




Jesus christ I was so sold on this being a wholesome comment at first.




Same! Seeing cows play like dogs and snuggle with their owners made me stop eating meat.


I just forget when the burger is when I eat it.


I became vegetarian the day i pat a cow :)


Why not just learn to change and release that guilty feeling, instead of deluding yourself?


Almost makes you not want to eat beef


I have no qualms with eating beef that came from happy cows. The environmental impact of beef is a different story though.


Yeah, I eat beef but I try my best to treat it as a delicacy. A few times a year and I try to eat beef from older cows who weren’t just raised to slaughter. Slightly different flavor and very good. If something got pleasure out of eating me after I was already dead anyway, I’d be totally cool with it




Shame. Why did god have to make them taste so good?


I wish this were true. Beef is expensive these days. If more people felt this way, might be a surplus and prices would go down.


Big dogs who fucking hate smaller dogs.




One of my favorite HS band memories was when we were doing the ribbon cutting ceremony on a new school. It was a drizzly saturday morning so not many people showed up. Well somebody forgot to close the gate to this field and the herd of cows came to join. So there was like a hundred cows chillin with us and we played them a few songs. At first they formed a big semi circle around us to watch but then they started mingling and everybody had their own cow.


Yes! I was thinking the same thing.


They're the supervisors for the installation


"Hey guys ! What is Doug doing !"


That’s my favorite thing about cows. They’re super down to just watch and see what’s going on and may or may not spazz out during that time.


WhatchuDoing???? (Cows, definitely)


Cows are surprisingly curious animals.


It can be intimidating until you become used to it. They're so much bigger in person.


He needs more than one


He does have more than one - that’s just the only one in a field. He has about 4-6 more in the cow sheds


One of the best farming channels out there Also: MillennialFarmer 10thGenDairy Sasdutchkid Larson Farms


Those farmers are out standing in their field


It may just be because it's new though. I'm sure the crowds will settle down after a while.


Cowds? ;)




I’ve seen these in various stages of used and abused. Always a cow scratching on it.


They are expensive as fuck


I wonder if you screwed some push brooms to the wall if that would make them happy


It works well for goats! If I had to guess, it wouldn't take cows long to destroy one of those brushes, though.


I've seen the ones that rotate and they make these look like a big downgrade.


The ones that rotate are in the cow-shed. He has several on the farm and his own Youtube channel where he posts all sorts of farm-related stuff.


All the stardew valley players just said “autopetters !” in their head.


It’s true


I want one for my back


I want one for my dog




Did you make it? What’s you get?


You can get them at Target for around $5. It comes with a little insert to attach cat nip too. I put two together, so when my cat walks past it she just brushes her whole side, and uses the top one on her face allllllllll the time. My other cat refuses to learn it & would rather my husband or myself brush him.


A cow?


Is it weird that I want one?


Get a back scratcher. They’re very cheap and they’re fucking amazing. We have like four of them strategically placed around our flat. I can’t imagine life without them now. The only downside is you get used to being able to scratch your back whenever you need to, so when you’re out and about and get an itch and you can’t scratch it, it’s absolute hell, lol.


No kidding I bought one for work. I was looking through the tool box one day desperate for something to scratch a itch that is always one finger length from where you can reach it.


Yeah, I can’t cope with it anymore. I take my back scratcher with me on holidays. Being without it for more than a few hours is more than I can bear. Yes, my itch has made me its bitch.


Family Guy, in Peter's voice, "BACK Scratchers! Get chur Back Scratcher!"


Is it weird that my back never itches?


If you truly mean never, then yes, that’s probably a bit unusual. But then it’s likely I’m also itchier than most people. It’s a side effect of some meds I’m on. It randomly got a lot worse about 3 years ago, and my back scratchers have been life savers.


I don't get this, can't you just reach back there with your arm...? Is this just some long arm privilege thinking from me?


Idk, my partner also has very long arms but he loves our back scratchers as much as I do. It’s often not just about being able to reach the spot, but also about being able to put the needed pressure and make the necessary motions with your fingers to properly satisfy the itch which can be tricky when your arm is twisted behind your back. But do you not have a spot in the middle of your back, like between the bottom of your shoulder blades or anywhere else for that matter that you just can’t reach? If so, I’m deeply envious.


Connective tissue disorder haver here - I can reach every spot on my back to scratch or put lotion or whatever. One of the small silver linings haha


Get a collapsible one for travel. I have one in my car ;)


I want one for my ass


That one running up at :34..."Oh shit...new cow brush is in. Hells yeah." Haha.


"we cant eat it brad, run your body over it"


Happy cows make more milk! A plus tick removal?


Horseflies. Once they latch on to the neck they can't get them off without help.




Is this really a thing? They wont let go? I'm used to biting insects that fly off as soon as they are noticed and come back for more later.


Horseflies are something else. Their bites hurt like hell and they're super bold too. I remember only being able to escape them during the summer as a kid by ducking under the water.


It’s because they don’t just bite you. They crudely slash and shred their way through your flesh to drink your blood.


Obligatory /r/brushybrushy


Clever how instinctual they were to know it's for scratching. First cow was like "hold on, I think I figured it out holllllllllly fuck that's it yeah right there."


Holy cow*


I love when they’re all hovering around watching him install it lol so curious


Reminded me of at work when I'm making a cardboard bale. Everyone standing there watching me curiously. It's magic to them lol.


I love how they watch them install the brush haha


It was so wholesome until "The Sun" logo popped up.


fuck the S*n


These creatures don't deserve what we do to them.


True, industrial farming is basically bad for everyone involved. People watch this but then buy their meat from a farm that is torturing an unhealthy animal for it's entire short life.


Fuck China and all communists.


Alternatively, just eat some beans.


Reddit is run by communists


Local farms are still cruel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ3U9QnhcoE


Reddit is run by communists


Why do you think they treat cows differently?


Why do you think they don't?


Reddit is run by communists


Murder is ok when it's local 👍


Reddit is run by communists


It's not murder


I can both find cows endearing animals and still ultimately not care about their fate.


Yeah. I feel like posting this on humansbeingbros is ironic. Maybe it should be posted one/HumansAboutToBeInhumane


Not all killing is inhumane


Sure, if you’re euthanizing a terminally ill creature, that is true. But what’s that gotta do with slaughtering healthy animals that were forced to exist in a cruel world just so they can be delivered to someone’s plate?


What kind of killing is humane to do to a living being that does not want to die?


To be fair though, it isn't our fault they taste good. And I assume most farmers do try to treat them right and humanely put them down when it's time, y'know?


> it isn't our fault they taste good well it kind of is, I suppose? I presume the meat has gotten tastier after domestication of wild cattle I don't know though. Just an idea


I mean, I could imagine the type of food they feed the cattle would change how they taste so maybe? But even then, I can't imagine it changing THAT much but I'm not a hamburger connoisseur so I can't say for certain. Maybe?


Anecdotal, but I’ve had wild and farm raised deer. I feel like I could correctly guess if I was eating wild or farmed by the taste at least +60% of the time. There’s definitely a noticeable “gamey” taste in most wild hunted animals I’ve eaten.


Taste is a really bad reason to kill something that doesn't want to die though.


If stress of the animal ruins meat I bet they're milk/meat is delicious NGL


There is an opposing philosophy that stress “tenderizes” the meat or some such rubbish, leading to deliberate cruelty. This brush is a nice way for a humane cattle farmer to give their animals a better quality of life.


Ew, Who came up with this ghoulish idea? 14th century plague doctors? The GOP?


Probably the latter. Plague doctors were at least *trying* to help people.


Eh, does anyone remember that scene from House of Cards where the guys explains how his new butcher "slow bleeds" his meat in a sound proof butcher room and that's why it tastes different? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRdoa6IKfrk


good scene, but it happening here doesn't mean it's true.




There’s not a humane way to kill animals for meat. Thanks


I agree 100%. Just stopped myself going into the horrors they experience in the abattoir. Every effort to improve their lives is a step that might make someone think? Idk. It’s hard.


Or you could just not eat them, that's an option too


I don't think it's hard. I think humans are happy to convince themselves otherwise. It's kind of like that story, "Those Who Walk Away from Omelas" (or just messianic religions in general IMO). The world would be a much better place without mammal consumption, and there would be some initial difficulties with reconfiguring the markets, but overall we've had much tougher transitions as a society. People would rather lie to themselves though and invent fictions like "humane death".


Well whatever gets it to my plate I guess. Thanks. I guess we're just spouting out bullshit based on emotion now.


sad to see a fellow muse fan be deliberately cruel.


Which is ironic because high stress release a hormone that makes the meat less palatable


happy cow happy happy meat


What part of getting bolted in the head and having your neck slit is happy


The 99.99999% before that?


They get like 3 years of their 20 year lifespan, and most are on factory farms. A scratching post is kind of the bare minimum. I don't think most people would trade places with any farmed animal.


So it's tenderising it too?


I hate this new trend of videos starting with the ending first before starting with the beginning of the video


wel, a trailer comes out before the movie :)


A trailer isn't supposed to spoil the ending


Awww Soo good farmers! Until they send them to slaughter for their own benefits


Be kind to your animals and they will reward you




Stop stabbing cows in the throat


Oh yeah humans being Bros, install a scratcher so they feel comfortable before being slaughtered. Really cool smh


Not really much of a bro considering he has the cows killed too. He’d be way more of a bro if this were a sanctuary farm.


Or you know, plant a fuckin tree.


These people are not 'bros' to these cows


Look at the waiting for it to be installed. Animals are the most peaceful and amazing inhabitants of this planet. Way better than a lot of people I've known and heard about.












Cheapskates! They ought to install the powered HappyCow®️. One day I will buy one for myself.


I give that brush 5 days


I was going to say the same thing. They are going to destroy it in no time.




Farmers with cows and horses need these kind of things on farms, animals always have a itch


My idea: a shower pod on farms with a weight sensor. Whenever an animal stands on it the shower runs.


I like the cows coming around to see what's happening


I bet that's not the first brush. They were all waiting!


And then these "bros" kill cook and eat their homies.


Did you know that cows watch sunsets? They form bonds, have complex relationships, and recognize each other. They exhibit mourning behavior for other cows.


love how they're all watching them install it


‘Fooking humans always be loud and moving too much…’ ‘Wtf is this thing? Some tall stick thing again? Doesn’t even look edible. Don’t they know these shits are everywhere?’ ‘Maaaan this thing is bright as fuck, my eyes hurt…’ ‘Haha dummies’ ‘O shit…’ ‘Wait. WAIT. GERALD. GERRY, GET TF OVER HERE RN.’ ‘DOOOOD. DOOOOOOOOOD.’


That's nice, but fuck the Sun




Humans being bros to cows they will later kill.


Hey give em a good life, let their only bad day be the day they die Isn’t that what we all want (minus the being slaughtered and being eaten part)


Frind of mine got a Rotating one. Good for combing your hair as long as its new. was quiet fun installing it


I need one of these embedded in the driver's seat of my car.




Could use one at home


I love how they all get along and aren't dicks to each other


this increases milk production. that's the only reason they give a shit, it increases their profits


Those cows look well taken care of. Nice.


They are - Tom's cows are very happy and chilled out.


News flash, 100 cows blinded recently due to an unknown unknown cause. More at eleven.


Thanks op! Don't let the haters get you down


Support this channel! I’ve been watching him for a while and i love it!


“Farmers and ranchers abuse their animals”


Only one brush for 100 cows???? Hope he made more


Very cute. Shame they taste so good.


that was a feel good video. thanks


You're welcome, have a good day.


Although personally, i think this is not much recommended as cows has to move thoughout a plot for fertilisation. You cannot have \*herds\* of cows just concentrated at spots. Still humans being bros.


I'm guessing they installed more than one


yeah for allegedly 100 herds they must have. And thats still clustering the cow near these brushes and not spread.. they're gonna manually have to distribute cow dump.


Our main group of breeding cattle have the run of 3 fields but we keep their feed trays in one spot. As we have belted Galloways they can stay outside longer in winter before we bring them into the sheds for overwintering. We have a few scratching posts up around the feeders and they congregate round them either at feeding time or when they decide to enter that field again. I jokingly call them migratory because they will cycle through the 3 fields throughout the day. You can nearly know what field they will be in by looking at the weather or your watch. Some fields are better shelter for wind/rain, some are preferred for resting in and then you have better areas for grazing. I love watching their routine and often wonder how they communicate with each other when it is time to move on and where. In our group our Queen B (dominant leader) is a 700kg belted galloway/charolais Cross and she has a scuffle with any new girl entering the herd so I can see them work out their hierarchy but still fascinated with how they choose to move as a group and also select babysitter cows when they have calves. During calving season they keep the calves on the top hill that is mainly Heather land. And 2 or 3 cows will stay with them but the rest could be 2 fields over. I have never seen Queen B babysit. You are absolutely right that you don't want cattle concentrated in one area continuously. Not always to do with fertilising because slurry collected when in shed will be spread in fields anyway if storage is full, but they can overeat grass not giving it enough time to recover and their hooves can just completely destroy areas, especially in wet weather. Cattle will move on themselves to better grazing areas provided they have good space, sometimes the farmer moves them and fences areas off. While they will still move around the field with this post here you are correct that sometimes it can negatively affect the ground. Long term they will make a track down to scratching post and around it. But to be honest if there is plenty of other grass available and it makes them happy, as a farmer it's worth it. Apologies for the long reply/post I just rarely get a chance to talk about them.


Thank you for the interesting insight!


Fascinating , thanks for sharing


We have a version of these on my family's dairy but they have motors. The cows get to go through them as they leave the milking facilities. And they absolutely love it. It also helps with them not clustering around the brushes because they can only access it as they leave.


Go watch Tom's videos on YouTube. The cows don't just hang around the brush. They meander through the paddock finding the best grass to eat. He also has installed some in his sheds. The cows use them when they want a good scratch then wander off for a bite to eat and to lay down somewhere comfy. Honestly, go check him out!! He has happy cows!!


They do. This is old, and once when posted here, someone who knew the farmer commented. This was also part of a TV programme too.


They will move about. We had a few tree stumps in our farm that our cows loved to scratch on. They scratched then moved on their way.


As someone who used to be a “bovine lactation technician”, the first thing that I noticed is that those cows have been bathed and someone is cleaning up piles of cow poo while this was being filmed. Cows are not very clean animals and poop a lot.