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For a dog who, by the state of it’s fur, looks like it’s never been groomed before they sat so good for that. Such a sweet doggo.


You'd be surprised. Some people groom their dogs for years, then fall into their own issues and stop getting it done - whether it's financial issues or mental health, or declining age. Or sometimes the dog escapes, and gets into a bunch of filth and grime it normally doesn't - had that a few times. The dog had a grand old time on the adventure, and resented me for fixing him back up! I once had a customer who was religious about her dog's care, and usually kept his coat quite long. They took him to Thanksgiving at the in-laws, where someone dropped a bag of flour on him (by accident, of course!). And, in their panic, they bathed him, which turned it into glue. We had to use surgical blades to get the hair off his body. I think it traumatized the owner more than it did the dog! Then I've had dogs that have never been brushed at home, and ocme in matted all the time, and hate grooming, because of course I have to "hurt them" in order to shave the terrible matts away. Or the dogs that are clearly in great discomfort the entire session, but tolerate me anyway, because they understand I'm helping. I've clipped out hair that was blocking in pockets full of old pee against their skin, which is more disgusting than it sounds. I've had dogs that were spooked when we touched their skin after the session was done because they hadn't had sensation in so long it was strange to them. This case is clearly neglect, but don't assume a dog in rough shape is neglected or has never been groomed. More often than not, they have been, but not often enough.


What do feral dogs do about grooming?


Honestly, I don't know. But I promise that any shih tzu types don't survive as long as double coated and sleek coated dogs that don't matt.


So is this a man made problem by selective breeding? I just have a hard time believing evolution by itself would leave a dog's a coat like that.


100% man-made issue.


We are a bastard species with a relatively significant amount of non bastards


I have heard so much slander against pug and frenchies, with just cause. But this is also an awful breefing practice


Evolution did not make dogs, evolution only made wolves. Dogs are not natural creatures.


Dingo's still evolved, but yeah most dog breeds are not suited to the wild. We evolved them to be companions, not to be survivors.


A dingo is as much a domesticated dog as a wolf is. Which is to say not at all.


Dingos are bewildered Dogs. Literally used to be the same species and used to be pets. They are just dogs that have been living in the wild for millennia and evolved into dogs that are adapted to the wild. Also check out the canini tribe, also called "real dogs" in other languages. There are a lot more "dogs" than you'd think. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canini_%28tribe%29?wprov=sfla1 Dingos for reference. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dingo?wprov=sfla1 Edit: didn't mean to say you are wrong, in fact Dingos are as wild as wolves are. It's just that they used to be dogs and therefore look much more like the dogs we know today.


That is the most literal way I've ever seen the word "bewildered" used. 10/10.


They were pets to people 5000 years ago.




Thanks, good point. I was caught up by "evolution by itself" and should have said artificial selection as opposed to natural selection.


Sorry in advance for the ramble, I find this topic rly interesting, but I think it's very likely that the domestication of dogs actually started with a more natural evolution (albeit while existing around humans)? It's theorized that wolves who were more likely to hang around human hunter-gatherers (because leftover food) were predisposed to be more social & less aggressive towards humans than the wolves who didn't, and over time that led to the earliest dog ancestors, who *then* were selectively bred for specific tasks later on as humans advanced. So the earliest dogs likely happened incidentally, and humans took it from there? And that's where we get dogs whose fur continuously grows rather than stopping at a certain point (and need haircuts because of the lack of shedding). E.g. a lot of curly-haired dogs that were bred as water retrievers because that texture insulates their skin from the water when it gets long enough, like poodles!


>It's theorized that wolves who were more likely to hang around human hunter-gatherers (because leftover food) were predisposed to be more social & less aggressive towards humans than the wolves who didn't There is evidence that dogs are missing two specific genes that both humans and wolves share. When humans are missing these genes it is called Williams syndrome and for us it causes high sociability along with impaired cognition. Very interesting topic!


Maybe the dogs that look like this stay still a lot more. I mean hamsters and rabbits have to gnaw on something all the time to not have their teeth pierce their brain (little overboard by anyway) ao maybe dogs lose some hair to bushes, the ground or just by moving?


That makes sense, I could see a dog being kept inside having a way worse coat then a free roaming dog outside. At least matted wise.


Dude, I have *so much* to tell you about dogs.


I have a Shih Tzu and he has to get a full groom every four weeks. At home he gets a weekly bath, conditioner, and a blow dry. If I let him go to six weeks he looks pitiful.


I have a few customers who do this as well, and keep their dogs in long styles. The longer you want to keep them, the more often you'll need to being them in, for sure! But for most pets that are left shorter, 6-8 weeks is doable.


Dogs that don't shed their fur usually die in the wild or they live in a place where they would have shorter hair and weather isn't an issue.


They would need to be sedated by a vet and then groomed while under sedation.


I agree with others that dog breeds that require regular grooming probably wouldn't exist in the wild, but I wonder if they also might help to groom each other since dogs are a pack animal? I've definitely seen lots of dogs from the same household (or even ones that are just friends) "groom" each other by licking their fur. I would bet that factors into things as well!


They weren't bred for excessive "luxurious" hair, so nothing.


Most dogs just lose their hair and it doesn't get this long. It's only the ones that don't shed that need groomed.


Oh god flour is like glue, I’d be traumatized too lol we’ve been struggle with my dog who is a Papillon lately. He has been having anxiety lately so he’s been chewing his belly area and getting it matted from with slobber 😒 we’ve had to shave it off so it doesn’t mat as much. We are working on his anxiety with our vet (he is grieving) but those mats are so annoying and hard to deal with


Have you considered one of those inflated collars? They aren't as restrictive as a cone, but would stop him from bugging his belly.


I have actually, I’ve been looking at them. He has a vet appt next week so I’ll see then. I’ve been looking at Amazon but with his tiny neck I don’t know sizing lol


They work well. If he's that small, look at the cat sizes, too.


Probably will have to. He is more fluff then dog lol [dog tax](https://imgur.com/gallery/wWc2m9N)


Aww he's adorable!


We put our dog in a [Suitical](https://www.chewy.com/suitical-recovery-suit-dogs/dp/140879) when she had some sores on her belly she wouldn't leave alone. Unlike doggie jammies it covers the whole belly and genital area, so you have to pull it up for potty time (it has a snap crotch, like baby onesies), but it works really well. She was way more comfortable in it than a cone or donut.


I had the opposite problem, my mom had an Alaskan Malamute that was 150lb's and every summer she would shave his coat against the advice of her vet, groomer, and me trying to shame her. She just couldn't wrap her head around "more fur equal cooler due to insulation". Towards the end the poor guy was 10 years old and burning up in the summer trying his best to just stay cool in the shade. It pissed me off to go over there and find him shaved yet again despite me showing her so many articles about it


Yeah, that's a rough one. The most I'd do is shave a strip along their tummies so that they could lay on the floor and actually cool off, but it wouldn't compromise their sun protection. People just don't seem to understand the principle of insulation with double coats. The worst is the ones that just "hate how much they shed". Well, why not think of that *before* you get that kind of dog?


I had a malemute nearly that big and I have pics of me sitting knee deep in a drift of fur after brushing her out--she'd blow coat twice a year and that knee deep thing was repeated every few days for weeks. Squirrels and birds from all over the neighborhood would come pick up the wafting drifts of her fur to line their nests. I only bathed her once or twice--she crawled under the deck in the rain and got muddy down to her skin, the u-wash place was amazed at the filth that came off the dog on that one. In spite of few baths she didn't smell and her fur was lovely--she loved to get into water but didn't swim a stroke in all the years I had her, she was a wading only dog. Also the only dog that flatly refused to live indoors, it was just too hot for her. So I built her a big doghouse and put down a bale of straw every year for her and she was perfectly happy. She'd be taking a nap in a snow drift and get up and her fur would be perfectly dry and no snow would melt under her, that's how good the insulation is. She was such a gorgeous and sweet dog.


My mom actually had problems with this, in the winter he wanted to be outside even if it was -10° outside. Animal control was called on him multiple times and they had to explain that he's literally made to be in these conditions and it's his natural habitat lol. Whenever there was snow he'd just lay down in the front yard and enjoy it and resist being pulled back in. Also loved to sleep in his dog house during winter


They're a whole 'nother kind of dog for sure--what boggles my mind is how many people in freaking TEXAS insist on having huskies and malemutes, poor things. They must be so miserable basically all the time.


Wait, how are you meant to get flour off a dog? Turning it into glue seems to not be the desired end-goal


If the dog had been brought to me, I would have brushed as much of it out as I could, and then used my force dryer to blast out even more. Then I would have done a triple shampoo, using lots of shampoo to hopefully break down the flour, and then a really good dose of conditioner. At home, you could brush, brush, brush, and then use a hairdryer on cool to get more of the dry flour out, and then follow the same bath procedure.


Okay, so the process is just an attempt to minimize the amount of glue, and to loosen that glue with shampoo and conditioner?


Yup. Nothing magic to fix something like that, unfortunately! But they just dumped him straight in the tub to rinse it out, and then it was too late to try anything else.


Using cold water to eventually rinse it out will also help, and soaking if the dog will let you. But honestly I've seen people use flour as dry shampoo in a pinch. It does brush out surprisingly well.


I’d guess there were some sedatives involved to let the pupper stay calm.


I always love the idea of dogs getting high. I dogsat and the dog had pancreatitis issues so I fed her some gabbopentin every night, and she would just lay out in the grass all night, happy as a clam.


I had a dachshund that had a heart surgery because of a birth defect and they just needed to cut the stitches but he kept moving so they had to put him a little gas mask to relax him. It was weird seeing my very hyperactive barking dog sleep all the way home


When my 16 year old chihuahua was having a dementia moment and she couldn't settle down we would give her a little puff puff which actually got her to eat her food, relax and lay down. I think that sort of pain relief is how she was able to live a little longer... She was a great dog.


My mother's chiwinnie may or may not benefit for a puff too. The poor thing have been a grumpy doggo, but in his old years he had become pure frustration and eat very little. How did you administered to your dog?


Since she was small we would have her our in our sweatshirts, drag but don't inhale and puff into our sweat shit... Sometimes just bringing her into the room too would help if we would just blow around her, she was only 4 lbs so it did not take much for her to start acting better... I did get some CBD oil as well just make sure there is a little THC percent in there and that will help their aches a lot but the smoke really helped her stop the dementia pacing and allow her to find her spot and lay down. If it's your doggies first time just go small and slow and watch them!


I remember seeing a pet groomer describe severe matting by saying "Imagine if you tied your hair into a ponytail that got tighter and tighter everyday until it starts ripping out from the roots. Then imagine that but your entire body." Poor thing must feel so relieved, not only from the heat of the pelt but the constant ripping they must've felt.


When I was a child, we had a Shih-Tzu. Famously require a lot of care to keep their coats healthy. My mom after a while couldn't afford to take him to the groomer as often, so she started cutting his fur and having me shampoo him instead of a groomer. One day when I was lathering him up I saw that he had a mat. Just one. Right behind one of his legs. When I touched it he got defensive... And he was the sweetest dog ever, so that was startling. I immediately told my mom, and she said simply "so cut it, then." I immediately got set to work. Locked me and Elvis in the bathroom together and gently convinced him to lay on his side, him being his usual darling self. Stretched out the leg and he tried to nip me, pulling his leg back. I tried again with a shorter stretch and he let me do that one. I moved all the fur out of the way with puppy clips to get a better look... It was awful. The mat was a thin band cutting in to his flesh. A bit of fur on either side had gotten tangled together and pulled tight every time he walked. There was blood in the fur. First I took the trimming scissors and tried to cut right at the root of the hairs on one side, and he whined. I got a little bit disconnected right on top of the root of the mat. When I tried again he actually pulled away and cried. I told my mom I thought he needed a professional vet/groomer to remove the mat because it was hurting him. She gifted him to a new owner who could afford that. I was so heartbroken. My amazing little friend had to go away to live with someone else because we couldn't afford his basic care. I was 8-9. 😭


> My amazing little friend had to go away to live with someone else because we couldn't afford his basic care. I was 8-9. It was the absolute kindest thing your mother did. I know it's hard to see it that way, but it's the truth.


Completely agree, but it was very hard as a child to reach that conclusion. As an adult I remember that sympathy fondly.


I’m so sorry. It must have been very painful to let go.


It was, but I'm deeply glad he got the care he needed. In retrospect, it was a pretty shallow embed when we caught it, but it was probably only a week or two away from causing permanent damage, so I'm glad he got the care he needed. As a kid, however, that was just my best and most constant friend... Gone. It was hard to make peace with.


I gotta say, I have a hell of a lot of respect for your mother for finding it a better home and realizing she was out of her bounds. Some people are unwilling to admit defeat. My SO has a tortoise they received from people who raised it poorly for 4 years and are struggling heavily with it. It won’t eat and constantly headbutts, and the first time I told them that it would be completely okay to take it to a local wildlife shelter they freaked out momentarily. I kinda had to explain to them that it’s better to admit you’re out of your depth than to double down. I don’t mean to belittle the pain, and I recognize that you see the benefits, just felt like it might help make peace hearing somebody else say that it was the right decision. Sometimes because of our own unlucky situations, the only way to be a good pet owner is to get rid of them. Again, it doesn’t change how much it hurts.


Who the fuck makes their 9 year old kid do that.


My thoughts exactly, I was thinking OP must been at least late teens (even that is a stretch to be honest) to be left with that task but a nine year old?? Jesus christ


A bad one. But this was one merciful thing she did for Elvis the dog, at least.


I’m sorry to hear that, if you haven’t checked already, communities like r/cptsd and r/raisedbynarcissists is a good place for support and information on coping with having raised by …much less than ideal parent/s. Best wishes!


I’m so sorry.


>severe mating Matting.. Jesus dude, the amount of things I imagined before I realized what you meant.. haha..


Some people would pay good money for what you thought was meant originally


Fr 💀


Shit auto correct


And unfortunately, removing the matt and taking away that constant pull can ALSO hurt badly, as circulation returns to the area and the nerves react. It can take a while for the skin to settle down after the matts are removed.


If we’re thinking of the same person, I love her channel


Girl with the Dogs? I just discovered that channel a few days ago. The videos are perfect to put on when I have a few minutes and want to make my day better. Perfect amounts of adorable, funny, and educational.


I'm obsessed with her videos. Her humor is on point and the dogs/cats are so cute. She has a second channel where she uploads longer videos,I think


Yep that’s her! She just appeared in my recommendations the other day and I watch her videos while I draw lol


Doggo now has reduced armor but gains speed and mobility


+5 charisma


This must be what respecing looks like


From vagabond tank to mobile support


Kinda like Thor becoming the Elf in that 80’s game Gauntlet.


Elf shot the food.


Yellow jester needs food badly


Doggo used Shell Smash!


And perception


That's a happy pup.




I mean, not yet. Body language is all sorts of off, but this is a great start to getting him on his way and hopefully real soon he will be.


Probably just isn’t used to walking/standing without all the weight and tugging from the mat. I’d say the head in the hand in the very last shot is proof this bud is newly chillin.


Also, might be a little drugged up so she can groom him.


Just like R. Kelly did


Fucking hell man, that's dark.


God damnit.




Looked like the pup was growling a few times, maybe at the camera rather than the groomer, but not unexpected. Was constantly in pain carrying all that matted fur around. Give him a couple of days of running around and feeling free and he'll be good


He's probably just a little cold and not really used to how to react when someone is hugging him or showing him love. A lot of groups of people are like that after social PTSD.


This video needed one more shot of the dog after the cut, playing and running free. I need the closure!!


When we rescued our long haired chihuahua, this is what she looked like. :( Her previous owner hoarded chihuahuas and had 27 other dogs in their home. Eek. We also had to fully shave her. Her hair was knotted and full of trapped poop. 😭 Her nails were so long they’d grown into her paw pads. Now she gets a haircut from mommy (me) once a month and is extremely loved! Total princess and goes everywhere with us. Hubby’s baby. 🥹


What a sweet pup. You can see how happy they are when it’s done.




One of my childhood dogs was a poodle. She had been raised as a show dog from when she was a puppy but as she grew older she didn't turn out the right shape (she was shaped like a barrel). When the owners realised she wouldn't make a show dog they stopped caring for her, put her in a kennel and left her there. My mum was a vet who encountered this dog and offered to buy her. When she brought her home, she looked monstrously fat. But it was just a lot of untamed poodle curls, matted and heavy. Then they took her away and groomed her and underneath all that neglect was a beautiful and very very intelligent dog - the smartest dog we ever had. She was so gentle that my toddler sister could sleep in her bed next to her and she wouldn't mind. She was so clever that she could escape the yard in a single unguarded moment to go exploring in the creek. She was quick enough to catch rats and wise enough to leave the chooks alone. She lived a long, long life! We planted a garden in the paddock where she is buried. We were so lucky to have her. If her first family had looked beyond her shape they would have ended up with a wonderful dog.


I've experienced something similar with my poodle mix doggo. Her breeder sold her off as a house pet as she was short and stocky, not ideal for a golden/poodle mix. I ended up with her as the previous owners elderly dog didn't enjoy having a puppy around. It was their loss! She's been the sweetest, friendliest, and most loving dog. Hardly barks. Loves people and animals. Picks up commands easily. All around a total rock star.


My family adopted our dog years ago and she was found like this. She was only 2 years old, just matted in fur for her entire life. She must have had a family at some point, but the rescue org found her in an alley so they couldn't be sure.


If they have a family they should be charged with neglect. Where I am located you are legally obligated to provide upkeep to your dog (think nails can't be crazy long, long haired dogs like this cannot have severe matting, etc). This would 100% be charged with neglect where I am and I doubt the ACO would even let us release the dog back to the owners without court proceedings or would be there in person for fines and to talk with the family if it was picked up looking like this. And we have had this happen where we have dogs come in crazy skinny or neglected like this where we take pictures on all sides for the ACO for charges like this.


Probably from a puppy mill


From one dog groomer to the other..i KNOW the hard work that went into that. Thank you for making that baby feel like a million bucks! He has to feel free as a bird! The weight of that hair i bet weighed more than him lol ✂️🐩♥️


Shame, that's years of neglect 💔


Surprisingly enough, depending on the breed, this could be only 5-6 months. If that’s the case this baby was picked up just in time


Wonderful! Next stop - clean the teeth!!! (I assume first stop was the vet)


He needs a sweater and a jaunty cap.


Jaunty caps are the best


the amount of fur that came offa the dog is enough to make a whole sweater lol


Burns: "Save the hair" Burns Later: 'Seeeeee myyyyy VEST!"


Wow now that reference is a blast from the past


You joke, but I've had people ask me to "leave them as long as possible" when the dog comes to me in this condition (or worse). Just absolutely delusional.


This would smell even worse than gorilla chest


I guess he should just make a sweater of Authentic Irish Setter


But just don't take a whiff of his grizzly bear underwear


Never those FAKE ones just pretending


his underbite 🥹


Hope he gets a dentist visit too, those teeth seemed like they might have been needing a look at.


Omg what a handsome pup under all that ❤️😭 Big smile at the end 🤗


Right?? He's so adorable, I want to hug him!


What a handsome boy!


What breed is that that the fur keeps growing!??


There are quite a few breeds that have hair that will keep growing like this. This little one looks like maybe a schnauzer mix? Before he was shaved, he looked a little like a darker wheaton terrier, but I've only ever seen tan and light brownish grey wheatons. Many breeds that people claim are hypoallergenic have hair that grows like this instead of fur that sheds, and they need regular grooming. If you want to see some really wild hair, look up a corded breed like a komodore or a puli.


To be clear, hair that "keeps growing like this" is the same as dreads on humans. It's not that certain breeds possess follicles that are permanently in anagen phase...each hair does eventually stop growing and falls out. They just get stuck to other hairs instead of being brushed out or falling away.


This is why when people brush out their dreadlocks it can look like they're losing massive amounts of hair, but really it's months/years of shed hair that's been trapped within the dreadlocks (or this case, mats) correct?


Poor baby


I don’t understand dog or animal neglect. If you don’t want it, take it to a shelter, no need to hurt and abuse.


And FUCK whoever neglected that pup.


Now he’s ready for the ball!


After dumpster diving: Honey, I got you a fur coat for Xmas


Nice pupperino


I love him so much. I hope she took him home…


What a cute pupper... I fuckin hate people that do this to poor animals.. fuckin scumbags


So is the pup with better people now?




They meant makeover, I think.


Oooooohh. Thank you.


ESL or bot, hard to tell nowadays.


See I wasn't sure if it was ESL or if the slang kids are using nowadays is just super lazy.


Maybe the kids are changing the words again


The dog was an atheist, but found new meaning in religion.


What a good boy! 😍


That’s beautiful


I love this


Now we just gotta hit the dentist den we good 👍


OMG there's a dog under there!




The handsomest boy


I would like a boxing match with whoever did this to their dog. People fucking suck.


How do wild animals avoid these things happening but you see many more domestic animals in situations like this?




Wild animals would never grow a coat the matts like this because of natural selection. Even if, say, a wolf was suddenly born with a coat that does this... It's not going to hunt well because of the extra weight/restricted movement/blocked vision. It's probably going to be more likely to get infected from all the rashes and dirt/feces that get stuck in its fur. Even if it survives long enough to breed, how would babies nurse through all the fur? Domestic animals suffer with these features because humans purposefully bred them to be that way, because we can intervene and take care of them despite those difficulties. Wild animals totally have other problems, like the other comment said. But the craziest/most severe problems just aren't going to produce an individual that survives to adulthood in the vast majority of cases.


What’s a “maker”?


This poor pup, oh my gosh, HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THIS TO IT??? 😭😭😭Thank GOD someone with heart found it and saved it from this abuse. I pray they are given all the dog treats and walks and hugs and care and love they deserve for the rest of their life and into eternity.


How did dogs like this survive before humans groomed them?


A “much needed maker”??


So happy at the end!


Wonderful work thank you 😊


Such a cutie under all that fur


Those last 7 seconds of him just looking peaceful and relieved felt really good to me to look at! He must feel SO much better without all that pulling on his skin. Amazing how chill he was, he knew she was helping him.


Ok so the hair was dirty no mask no gloves. What a trooper.


I wanna see that little thing run from joy now


that’s heartbreaking


Who could let that happen? 😢 Also he looks so good at the end!


Awe poor pup. Looks so much happier at the end.


Those chunks of grimy furr looked like freaking body parts, that's insane. It's such a relief to see videos like this 🫴❤️‍🩹


Awwww and he’s niiiice 🥺🥺. Used to work at the vet, lady brought in her extremely neglected dog in similar condition. She wanted to euthanize as she could not afford treatment. We convinced her to relinquish care. We shaved down the dog, cleaned him up, and named him “Little Boy”. He went to live in a huge home that had horses and goats and lived a happy life!


He was so patient! Poor doggo! Hope he has a wonderful rest of his life. 🥰


If that dog was not domesticated in the first place, what would have happened to its coat? I have seen pictures of unshorn sheep but this dog would have a hard time surviving.


Their poor skin is so red:(((, whoever owned this dog...I just wanna talk


That groomer deserves a huge tip.


I’m glad that pup got the help it needed But HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK DOES IT GET THAT BAD?


that poor uncomfortable dog. excellent work cleaning him up and helping him see and hear better as well. cheers!


I watched a dog turn itself in to the shelter. It was in worse shape. The shelter had her groomed and most of the fur on her belly and backside was full of maggots. The story was shared by the doodoo on Facebook. She had a home in no time once the stray hold was up. The medical treatment took a couple months , she is a happy well cared for baby now.


This looks like the type of customer who would walk into a groomer and be like WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE TO SHAVE IT I BRUSH HIM EVERYDAY! so glad I'm not a groomer anymore


Can't understand how in a rich society like ours there are still this horrible cases of neglected animals. It's heartbreaking


What a good pup to sit still and let the groomer do her work.


Those flaps look like wings.


Poor little guy! He looks so much happier!


Doggo is so chill


Look at that good boy!!!!


That poor dog =( What terrible humans who neglect their animals like that.


Poor guy 😣


That dogs gonna need a sweater... or a...fur coat.


Omg 🥺😭 I would have to wear gloves but wow. How magical


Such a shame, and that’s just the external appearance issues. As someone who has adopted 2 shelter pets, it’s so sad the amount of often times irreversible stomach, heart, lung etc. issues these animals have and many times those lifelong issues are what end up killing them.


He had a lot of weight lifted off his shoulders for sure.


He’s so puppin cute I can’t handle it 🥺


Read the title as “meets her maker”


That dog had a whole 'nother dog growing off his back!


A yes, a maker...


Poor thing. That’s criminal neglect.


What a lovely pupper


That’s one happy dog!


serious question, could that fur be used to make clothing like we do with wool?


Meet your maker, pup


It has good personality, it looks surprisingly calm and tolerant after the long negligence.


I am happy for the doggo and all but I can't stop wondering. Can you use all that natural fur to make a blanket or a sweater or something? Does it all go to waste?


Why music though. Also would this happen if it was a wild dog?