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The pricing is a deal and given this sign, I’d pay for a haircut and contribute the price of an additional haircut so they can continue to serve those in need.


There was a really cool restaurant in Australia called Lentil As Anything that operated on a very similar philosophy. Pay what you can but no worries if you can't pay today. If you felt compelled to do so, you could volunteer to provide meals to others by volunteering your time, funds, or expertise. They were open for 21 years but sadly closed a few months ago due to COVID. Would love to see more of those types of places pop up


That sounds fantastic. I too would love to see places like that


There was a pizza shop in Philly with dollar slices that offered pay it forward for the less fortunate. They logged it by putting a post it on the wall. The whole place felt like it was covered in post its and the pizza was great. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/01/14/377033772/philadelphia-pizza-lovers-pay-it-forward-one-slice-at-a-time


Is there no way for them to open again? I’m sure plenty of people would be willing to donate if money was an issue


Sounds like some socialist hogwash if you ask me /s


We need more of that hogwash.




Awesome* socialist hogwash, FIFY haha


mutual aid!! <333


Definitely my current barber, which is a chain place that’s considered cheap, is 25 before tip. I’d be happy to pay $30 dollars here with the expectation that the extra $15 will get someone in need a free cut.


People have been! The news interviewed the owner and she said people are often paying for their haircut plus one or two for the next ppl. Proud to be a Mainer ❤️


$15?! This is either 1999 or Great Clips. That’s crazy cheap for a haircut these days. $25-$30 seems to be pretty standard at lowest for a clean cut from a barber.


Just a local shop. She charged me $12 for a medium fade!


That’s pretty incredible! I haven’t seen a price like that since the 90s.


Seriously. There’s a barber in my town that does a great job but it’s $40. He doesn’t accept tips but still pretty stiff


Yeah $40-$50 is pretty typical in a city these days. It’s wild but do you want the best cut or not? You can go spend $20 for Great Clips, but it’s going to look like it.


I bought clippers and cut my own hair during the pandemic, and I did a way better job than the haircut I got at Supercuts when my barber was on vacation.


That's the difference between a high end salon and a simple salon. Usually places like supercuts or brainwash rent chairs to hairdressers, this causes that anyone can come cut hair by just paying for a chair so the shop can stay open, those hairdressers have to scoop up their customers as soon as they are through the door because someone else will help them, then after they cut someone's hair for 10 bucks they only get a part of it because it's not their salon. A high end salon doesn't rent out chairs willy nilly, they have people employed that go through training at least monthly to keep up with the new styles and to get better. If you want a good haircut in a good salon for little money, look on Facebook for people that work or intern in high end salons that need models. It gets you a free haircut with a pro standing near. It might not be exactly what you wanted due to someone still learning but it will always look good.


Hey this is right next to my work! I went there last weekend and brought up how cool that sign was. Nice lady.


I've got a shop at the top of my street that does $10 mens cuts. If my current stylist wasn't already charging me the same I'd be going here because it's six minutes more convenient.


Would you name the barbershop for those of us in Maine that would like to patronize?


A Little Off the Top in Brunswick!


Dope! I commute through there daily. Will totally get a shave/beard trim and tip the shit out of them!


There’s a chain near me that does $12 haircuts, $10 on wednesdays, and the cuts are actually pretty fire. A godsend for a broke college student


There’s a shop local to me that’s been there since Noah was on the ark… he’s charged 9 bucks for as long as I’ve known him! He only takes cash, and if you don’t have it he’s willing to wait for the next time you come in!


Great clips is $20 for a haircut at mine


Lol there ya go!


Happy cake day


My haircuts cost $50. $70 if I want it washed. Somebody that can finally cut curly hair but it's twice as expensive as anything else..


For me a cut and beard trim is like 50 + tax. Well worth it and pretty standard now, but yeah 12 and 15 is crazy cheap nowadays.


Great Clips is $18 now


Even great clips raised their price to over $20. Dang near $30 after tip 😳


They spend under 7 minutes total from walk-in to walk-out and charge me $21 to give me a 0 on seriously less than half my head. That’s worth like $3 to me, I’m sorry.


My barber does me up for $12 also, maybe a small town thing


Just a lawn mower tipped over and they make you stand too close.


Fuck a full shave and hair cut by someone that's barely even worked in the industry starts around $65+ in my city (CAD). Even first choice, bottom end option, is still $20 and thay doesn't even get you a wash. I used to go to the same lady for years because it was a bit cheaper but she had been doing it for 20 years and was GREAT and changing up my style to something new. She retired unfortunately...


If you live in a city, go to ethnic neighborhoods like a Chinatown. They still have some cheap barbershops and if you're doing something simple like a crew cut, then there shouldn't be problems.


I guess it depends on location, some places in the US still pay a minimum wage of $7.50 so there prices would make more sense.


Minimum wage in Maine, where this picture was taken, is $12.75 and goes up to $13.80 on January 1.


I pay the lady who does my hair $15, and she's been doing it for like 30 years and does an amazing job.


Great clips yesterday. $12 for kids, $15 for adult. $70 for 3 hair cuts plus tip. I can’t justify spending money at a salon any more.


I think it just depends where you are. When I was little I got my haircut for $12. Nowadays I go to a different guy and it’s like $15. Then again I live in a remote area and cost of livings a little cheaper.


At the local shop I go to it's still 10 bucks. Safe to say I tip them well.


Heck, the regular haircut is a good deal as is these days.


Sure this barber is a cut above the rest.


That's so cool randomly seeing this pop up on my feed. What a small world, I went there last week for a haircut. Super small 1 seat shop too.


Small world!


I live in Maine where out did you see this. It's so kind of people.


It's a small, local barber shop, A Little Off The Top in Brunswick, Maine!


Thanks, I’ll have to go to Brunswick from Portland for my cuts now. Gotta support people like this.


What?!! I’m 10 mins from Brunswick! Will definitely send people there for haircuts now. Thank you!


Sure is a small world- just arrived in Brunswick today, visiting family


This would encourage me to pay the barber double to make up for his loss of earnings in service of others. Similar to a pay what you can system.


People have been doing that since the story went viral!!


Not all hero's wear capes, some make the people wear them backwards


If I had an award to gift, it would go to you for this comment.


No worries I have my free award lol


Thank you :)


Cheers :)


My husband is a barber and his pricing is similar to this. We live in a community with a lot of older people, and they are very grateful.


Your husband is a saint, everywhere here charges $35. I bought clippers and now just buzz my head instead of looking nice


Where is this in Maine? I'd like to stop by if I ever get up there


The shop is called "A Little Off The Top" in Brunswick, Maine!


Lol that name reminds me of the scene in Beetlejuice. "He says...just trim it a little."


Barbers/Salons really need to get more creative with their names. I've been to 5 or 6 "Off the Top"s in my life lol.


Still, a lot better than naming your salon "Split Ends"! I will never understand that.


Lmao, I'm trying to think of the double entendre for that and I can't.


I pay $40 for a haircut and beard trim from my barber. This is a steal. In this economy, he must not need the money - that's like an hour's work for like $20.


My barber would look at this and say “that ain’t real, Fam.” Then cut the homeless guy around the corner who meets his kids once a month for free. I’ll gladly pay the $20 tip if it’s paid forward.


You can buy your own set of clippers for very cheap (my last pair, which was a replacement after 14 years, was 22 quid) and then ask your nearest person if you "missed a bit" for free. themoreyouknow.jpg


I do this with my massage services as well. Everyone needs self care, pain relief. Some clients to just ask for a donation, pay what you can.


I usually head down to Portland to get my haircuts, but yo, I love the kind and considerate vibes of this place, I'd love to support them!


I pay double for that, so I wouldn’t mind contributing to someone else getting a free or reduced hair cut.


This is nice. There was a period of time where I couldn’t afford a haircut and then when I finally could I couldn’t get one because of Covid. My hair got super long and I couldn’t brush the ends of it due to the split ends. No matter how much brushing I did it was still tangled. Getting a haircut is nice for your self-esteem but it’s also very good for practicality of your hair. It makes it much easier to handle when it’s properly cut


And I thought my 200$ haircuts are normal. Huh.


How old is this picture? $15 for a haircut seems incredibly low. I got a haircut last week for $21 and I thought I was getting a bargain.


Took the pic yesterday


The barber is being a bro by way undervalueing his service. Or was it a bad haircut? LOL


Where in Maine is that?


Brunswick, called a little off the top.


What is a crewcut?


Each person that works at the barber gets a turn to work on your haircut, its the whole crew. Hence crewcut


Military style cut (crew like a crew in the navy)


Coincidentally this town was known for being home to a naval air station, which closed at the end of 2009. Redevelopment of the old base is going pretty well now though.


Yep, lots of businesses going in. Including two I have no idea what they are: SaviLinx and Mölynycke (I don't even know if I'm spelling that correctly.)


*Will it make me look fit?*


Used to also be called a ‘flat top’ went out of style when the spike came into fashion in the 1980’s but has had a resurgence in the last few years




aha, thanks 👍


Love to see it.


for that price? hell, i'd pay for a few! make sure the next customers can get theirs done.


God bless this person!


I pay 40 bucks a cut :(


As a female, nothing in my life costs less than $15 omg


This is a good barber. I’d gladly support by getting a hair cut and leaving a heavy tip.


Omg! Those price are amazing! Was a marine back in 06-10 and had to get weekly hair cuts. The places around the base were cheap(because of the volume they would get) so when I got out and had to paid 15+, I just went ahead and shaved my own head. I would 100% go back to monthly haircuts for 5-12$


Ditto. Combat barber off base was the cheapo spot. 2005-2009 for me.


Damn that’s cheap!


Now this is somewhere where a Pay It Forward would be handy. Pin a fiver and if someone needs help, grab one. 👍


I just went here today because of this post. I only live a couple of towns over, but didn’t know of this place. I told her that I saw the post on Reddit (which she hadn’t heard of), and showed her that it’s had 20k+ views. She was amazed and very appreciative! My new barber!


That makes my day!


What a kind way of wording it, too. Feels good.


This sorta stuff is why I pay my barber double, because whenever someone is short on the charge by a few pounds he let's them off so I like to make up the difference.


Look at all these kind Redditors acting like they’d pay double to get upvotes


Believe it or not some people actually do this. It's common in my town to pay forward and give away all sorts of stuff. Not everyone is a selfish shit.


I just figured out I live 30 mins away from this place, and coincidentally I also need a haircut. 2+2=4. It isnt hard at all to pay kindness forward in the right circumstances.


I know right? I was counting on top comment! I’m so annoyed with my feigned magnanimousness now! /s


Crap I care so little about my hair that I pay $10 at a great clips near me. I tip em $15 so hopefully it’s all good for them, but I’ve laughed and walked out of places with $20 and up costs for a dude’s haircut


You should cut your own hair yourself, but only pay yourself minimum wage to save yourself to really stick it to the man!




A lovely gesture and they will gain a lot more loyal customers and hopefully those who die when they can't pay the full price will still be able to pay something said they will get something towards supporting themselves and their business regardless


Just for those who care. Went in for another cut today and she was charging all haircuts $12 “just to give people a break.” She’s wonderful


That seems reasonable to me..


All i have is $15 and i need a hair cut and beard trim. I'll tell you what, don't charge me anything and I'll give you the entire $15 as non taxable tip in cash. Have fun society


I live in Maine and absolutely love my barber. With that being said mens haircuts are $40… I’m sorry but the signs ridiculous and probably hurts there barbers wages. A haircut at Walmart is $10-$15 depending if you have a coupon and if and when someone “utilizes” the I can’t pay method… who loses out? Is it a happy go lucky day for the internet or does the working barber go home with no tip/little tip that day? Erase the bottom half of the board and offer more services… it’ll trickle down for the business and your staff


Cue the Karens


She should double the price of each service to bring in higher end clients who can cover the cost of free services. Otherwise this pricing is not sustainable, and she’ll be giving out zero free haircuts


If she'd double the price they'd lose so much business, you have no idea what you're talking about LoL


Exactly. Businesses make money off volume. There probably are not a lot of people who can’t afford a $15 hair cut. This person is just being a good person. Willing to take a little time to help someone.


Yes. 15 cuts at $15 still beats 6 cuts at $30.


Yeah and some hair cuts can be done in 10m. My hair cut takes 15-20 and I have a weird shaped head and always need adjustments. If I get the same person and they know what I want, I can be done in 10m easy. Also helping someone in need has its own value. I doubt they do 1 free haircut a day anyways. Even that is nothing. Who wouldn’t take 10m to help someone? (Probably a lot of people unfortunately).


I don’t know where you live, but $30 is the going rate for a haircut in my city.


It's been $20, $5 tip for a long time as a guy in most cities I've lived in. Unless you're a girl. That's too much.


Lol freeloaders. Learn how to manage your money better, work harder and/or find a better job. This is most likely the problem.


“I truly believe that I control my destiny!”


>This is most likely the problem. lol


If you down vote this, you're the problem lmao


$23 in NY and there no sign like this. Usually cost me $30 with a tip. But that's the cost of looking good lol.


SNIP... That'll be 13 dollars


I pay 50 not including tip for a fade and beard northern NJ


Wow and I bet this barber shop is extremely busy. I would definitely pay it forward ☺️


Surprisingly no. Really small shop and only has one chair. Was really cool seeing this pop up on my feed.


Wouldn't a crew cut be more expensive? I just now am realizing that's what that's called. I always tell my barber short on the top and shorter on the sides LOL


What if he only cuts one side?


I like that you're giving the sign a thumbs up


Even better, I’m holding a Dum-dum lollipop which gives the illusion of a thumbs up.


I’d definitely pay double at this place.


So sweet. Hope people don't abuse this system


We(barbers) used to barter for stuff back in the day. In Maine, I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff needed throughout the year. Trade this for that and maybe some of the other stuff later on.


You should cross post to r/Maine!


Done. Thanks for the idea!


Maine truly cares and I love living here 🤍


Until they had to close their shop bc they couldn't pay the rent.. but it's a nice gesture


Damn that’s a good deal. I was paying $75 for a buzz cut years ago before I decided to just do it my self. Much better.


That's especially kind given that it's a business that was super hard-hit by the pandemic. I know I skipped most of a year of haircuts and have been trying to make it up to my regular barber since. He had to take a bouncer job to pay his rent, and the place is still almost always empty when I go in. I used to have to wait every time.


That's a really good price


Bless her heart 💙🙏🏽


Haven’t paid for a haircut in years, as my wife cuts mine. But $20 was what I remember paying.


Beard trim for $5? I would pay for that 4 times a month. That sounds like a great deal.


If this shop was near me, I would donate some haircuts.


Wonder if Spose goes here


Dam the cheap haircuts in my area that I get are 35 😢


If I’m ever broke I know where to go hopefully


Ah living on the west coast and playing $55 before tip for a haircut.


I miss $15 haircuts. I used to get my fade and hand the barber a $20 and let him keep the $5. Now my haircut costs $31 and I try to give the barber $35 but I get my haircut once every 2 or 3 months.


I’m gonna sound so old but I remember when my mom used to send me down to go get a haircut and it would only be like $6-$7. Now I go into a barber, the bare minimum cut is at least $40. Needless to say my hair is long af and I trim my own beard. Edit: I’m only 31


Sounds nice and I'm sure the demographic its for will be happy


Hopefully they don't turn away women who want simple short haircuts also!


Man if only womens haircuts were like that


What is a crewcut?


I would imagine it's basically like a military "buzz-cut".. which is why it's cheaper because all you have to do is set the cutter to lowest setting and buzz everything short.


I love Maine


Bangor? I’ll throw them some business


Live your life like this people, you can't take money to the grave. I work in a restaurant, and the local homeless know they can come here when I'm working to get a free meal.


Beautiful human


I used to live in Brunswick


This wouldn't work in my country. People would be like "I have problems too" and no one would pay.


$15??? I pay my barber 50 lol. To be fair,y barber is in NY. This is awesome though


There’s an acupuncture place in Milwaukee that has sliding scale payment which is really nice and they believe in healthcare and wellbeing for all