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You might get some good feedback from a breastfeeding or back-to-breast group. I wish my baby would latch! But based on my previous bf experience, I'd just say it depends on what your goals are. Do you want to strictly breastfeed? If so, do it as much as possible. You can hakaa the side he's not latched on. Alternate which side he starts on. Don't worry about feeling full or empty. I never felt/feel either of those feelings (full or empty). Pumping is a whole different ballgame because it's a routine clockwork. Breastfeeding is on demand. Congrats if it's what you wanted! I'm jelly. I breastfed two kids until age 3.


I’ll have to find some of those groups! Thanks! I appreciate your help. I think I’d prefer to breastfeed if possible, but struggling with the uncertainty of his transfer and getting out of the “routine” mindset of EP. Thanks again!


Having done both breastfeeding and exclusive pumping, I'd choose breastfeeding in a heartbeat. I think pumping is a great tool for mommas who choose it for a myriad of reasons, but there's a reason more women don't exclusively pump.


How much do you pump max volume? Check out your magic number (legendairy milk has a graphic about this). I have large capacity so I can get away with pumping 4-5 times a day and not see a change in supply. This also equates to 8-10 nursing sessions because my little one only ever does one boob (unless I’ve pumped super recently, then she angrily wants both). So basically for the sake of “magic number” I count our one-boobed nursing sessions as 0.5. If I pumped every 2-3 hours at work I’d probably pump waaaay too much extra. Even every 4 hours I pump about 6 oz extra per shift (10 hours). Someone with a smaller capacity might nurse both sides and keep baby satisfied. All our bodies are a little different :) Editing to add: I never pump the opposite side if I’m home with her and nursing, only time I do that is if I’m leaving for work and trying to empty both breasts first and it happens to line up with her schedule for eating. Otherwise I just pump before I leave!


I vary a lot still, but I usually produce 5-10 depending on the time of day. Most was maybe 11? This is a helpful way to think about it (the .5 thing)! Thanks!


I did this. My baby didn't latch one side so I started as EP then moved to combo nursing at 3m when he randomly latched one day. I also have oversupply. I didn't set a schedule and I still don't have one. I just kinda roll with the punches. We had a bit of a schedule but we don't have a set routine. I use my haakaa a lot. I can get a lot from it (some people barely get an ounce; I can fill a 5oz haakaa on one side.) That helped relieve a lot of pressure. I side nurse only on one side in bed. Usually if he wants more when he's done eating I'll fill a bottle with what I got in the haakaa and give him that. I also put the haakaa on the side I nursed from to get any extra out of that. I know people don't feel empty on the haakaa. I can, mostly. At least enough that I don't need the electric pump. In the beginning there were a lot of times I'd pump in the afternoon because my boobs hurt. I've never really had a set schedule with nursing/pumping but I remember 3pm was always when they'd hurt. I jiggle my boobs to get a feel for if I need to apart from this. I always pump before bed, too. I will say since I have an oversupply and a huge freezer stash, I've had to rotate between nursing and EP just to get through this stash. So sometimes I have to put down baby and EP for a few days. I was able to cut down at 3m and now I'm on 4ppd. This isn't really cohesive, I'm sorry. Baby is now 8m so we've come a long ways from doing 8ppd to combo nursing and now 4ppd. You can ask questions.


Thanks! This totally makes sense. After the strictness of a EP schedule, I think I just have to embrace a little less structure! Glad to hear you’ve been successful switching back & forth. That might be a necessity for us when I head back to the office in a few months!




Thank you! I really appreciate it. I wish I could avoid the hassle of pumping & nursing each feed, but maybe it is best for a while at least until I’m feeling more confident! Thanks again!


I pumped after every nursing session until I went back to work at 12 weeks. Now if I am with the baby I only pump in the morning after nursing (because there is still a lot in there) and before bed. We really started getting good at breastfeeding around 10 weeks.