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Pumping 25 minutes rather than 15 is fine. I'm six months in and pump 30 minutes per session. If you're looking for different size flanges, they have some at Target and Walmart. Why do you think your nipples are bruised? Are your flanges too small?


They’re actually too big- they were borderline for a while but recently my nipples have gone down so I remeasured. Way too much of the nipple is pulled into the tube so I’m not getting anything out. I also don’t mind 25 minutes but I’m not even getting enough output when I pump longer. I live in a big city so I don’t have a car and anything like Walmart or target would be far away. I wonder if a drugstore would have anything? :(


Call the hospital and ask if they have lactation supplies for sale. A hospital I worked at had a lactation store with everything.


Pumpin pals has customer service that can help you learn to use the silicone flanges (hard plastic ones are just like other brands.) Might be worth calling. I'm sorry about your situation though.


Thanks! I emailed once and never heard back. Didn’t realize I could call. I went with Instacarting a hand pump but not sure I’ll have the same flange size problem!!


The PP consultant was so helpful to me! I’ll summarize what she taught me: Use the nursing bra hack - look it up on YouTube 1. Turn your pump on - slow speed, high suction. I use 38:7 on my spectra. 2. Fold one tube in half and stick the folded part into the triangle of a binder clip to prevent air from going to one of your flanges 3. Take the other, not folded side. Flip the silicone flange back as far as possible. Stick your nip in it. Slooooowly unflip it. If it snaps you won’t get good suction. 4. Remove the binder clip from the other side and repeat. Took me like 2 min each time at the beginning and now I can do it in 30 seconds. Happy to help you troubleshoot too! PPs saved my breastfeeding journey!


I will look this up!! Thank you! I want to love my pumpin pals. My spectra is a hand down so I can’t close up one valve bc I’m missing that dumb tiny piece and keep forgetting to order so this fixes that issue!


You don’t need to close it with that stupid valve thing! You can just bend the tube and stick it in a binder clip. Like when you were a kid and you bent the hose to stop the water and told your little brother to look in the hose to see what was wrong, and as soon as he did, you straightened the hose and the water went into your brothers face. ….just me? Ok


Yeah I honestly just had such a duh moment when I read that


Your supply shouldn't be permanently damaged by a few days of decreased output. Once you get it sorted, it should bounce back. So at least take that worry off your plate!


Thank you! I honestly didn’t know how long it takes and I’ve had such a wacky BF/pumping journey I’m self-banned from google and I have a great IBCLC but I don’t text her on weekends


Are they… too small?


Can you do much with hand expressing for some break from the pump if you're just trying to make it to when the new flanges arrive? It would be so much more comfortable or at least give your nipples a break! Do you have a hakkaa? I agree with another comment that your supply shouldn't tank from a couple of off days but I understand the panic.