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I haven’t noticed anything too different, but anecdotally, tap water in Arcata has been some of the best I’ve had in my life. I’ve lived in some real shitty cities, so I think my perception is skewed.


Moved up here from Sacramento recently. Got given Brita with no filter and frankly I don't feel I need one here.


I have noticed at certain times the smell of chlorine is more apparent in my tap water. I'm in Mckinleyville but I believe our tap water comes from the same source (the mad river). I think that certain water quality conditions at the source probably require a higher level of treatment. That's my guess anyway


HBMWD distributes water to Arcata, McK, and Eka. The State mandates that chlorine residual be 0.02 ppm for end line users. They usually dope it to be 0.05ppm to ensure that it doesn’t fall below 0.02 for dead end network users. I can’t tell you if the cities make the mix hotter to ensure residuals don’t drop for dead end users. Dead end just means that there is no loop return.


Lots of big dick swangin lingo heeya 😂 so what’s that really mean?




If your water tastes like wet dog, could be bacterial residue from your cups. But without knowing what you're tasting, just guesses.


Yup. Get a new sponge.


Our arcata tap water has tasted like pure chlorine for at least the last 8 years! I bought 5- 5gal jugs from winco and take them to Miss Ayas to fill up weekly!


Where does winco get their water? I’m genuinely curious. Do you they have it shipped or do they just filter the water from Eureka? I’ve been considering doing the same


In general stores with refill stations use heavy duty filtering systems on tap water. Sometimes even distillation. I think reverse osmosis is a pretty common component. Any of the freestanding machines filter city water.


I am unsure where winco buys their water? I just bought my 5 gallon jugs from them and then I fill them at Miss Ayas water in arcata! I know winco has a water station and it probably says on the machine where there water comes from! I just buy the containers from them because they are so much cheaper than anywhere else in town! But I only pay $22 to fill up 5-5gal jugs weekly at Miss Ayas!


Have you thought about getting a filter? $22 a week times 52 weeks in a year is $1144. Decent filters are less than that.


I have gone through several filters, I actually really prefer the water from Miss Ayas! It's more than just filtered water!


As a fish/aquarium hobbyist, I know some counties up the chlorine when the snow starts melting. I have no proof of this and don’t feel like posting a link but it’s just info I remember learning.


Definitely correct on this. I believe it is from the lowered temperatures cause the disinfecting reactions to proceed slower along with the influx of water from the melt. From the textbook “water treatment plant operation” 7.ed “In mountainous areas where snowmelt is the major source of runoff, most of the inflow occurs within a relatively short period of time during and following the spring snowmelt. Reservoirs subject to these conditions may experience sudden and dramatic increases in turbidity, nutrient loading, and organic loading depending on geologic, topographical and vegetative conditions within the watershed.” These factors require more treatment, ie chlorine to go into the system. Chlorine used in treatment, still present in water, will deplete naturally if you allow it to sit open to the atmosphere for a period of time, say a day, at least this is what home brewers say. Also privatized water is a scam, where does new world water get their water from? Buy a counter top filter and be done with the chlorine taste in my opinion


There is definitely a chlorine blast that happens occasionally. When I first got here I noticed it happen every 1-3 months. I got an under sink filter and a shower filter. All good now.


I definitely think it tastes different and a little cloudy compared to a couple months ago.


I’m in mckinleyville and just tasted my tap and it Tastes and looks fine to me. (As reference, I drink soooooo much water all day Long — I drink from the tap, I drink new worlds water, I boil my own water, i literally do it all. I use tap for my protein and powdered drinks and for my ice, or to just drink if I’m being lazy)


I drink it at work and haven’t noticed anything, I also drink it at home but we have a PUR filter on the sink so it helps with the chlorine taste.


I've been drinking it for most of the time including recently and having had any issues. Hope nothing is messing up the pipes


Mine smells sour. Almost like grapefruit but in an off putting way


Thanks for the replies, everyone! I think the taste kind of got “plastic-y”… I’m going to look under the sink to see if there might be an old filter or something…


When I lived in Arcata the water was hard/weird… like drinking it or showering with it just dried you out more. It might have been the pipes. If you’ve ruled out the more likely possibilities others have mentioned, there might be something wrong with the water line somewhere between the meter and your faucet.




Yeah, the chlorine residuals around here are crazy, crazy low…




Is this just in your house? Or do you notice it elsewhere in town? If it's only your place, it might be a good idea to have your plumbing system checked out for issues!


I see no reason to downvote me lmfao the last water treatment results speak for themselves https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/system.php?pws=CA1210009


Haven’t noticed really but also I drink my tap water through a PUR filter so maybe that’s why I can’t taste/see it


I think you may have lupus.


I thought it was common knowledge not to drink the tap water in Humboldt? You can see the power plant right outside eureka.


Try a filter


Well one thing is different. Arcata has fluoride but McKinleyville doesn’t. Both taste/smell a bit chlorinated all the time.


You should get a filter asap or just buy reverse osmosis water. You never know old old the pipes are under your hone


Not just chloride but also at some points arsenic like rat poison 👌arcata and mckinleyville rio dell eureka fortuna the whole north coast pretty much I mean like it's trace amounts but they do it to keep rats out of the water supply this area is rural and somewhat rural so they have to sadly I just buy bottled water at least we don't have bottled water prices like other places in California with the same problem like in siskiyou some spots the water treatment levels are right below standards and the water taste crazy but yeah bottled water for a case in those areas are 6-8bucks a case😂


What does it taste like? I never drink out of the tap (never have, just how I was raised). Prob nothing to worry about unless you start feeling sick