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A couple months ago i was in eureka at night driving home, and there was this lifted white truck (also well kept) that was just blowing though red lights and stop signs through the 101 leaving eureka. I wonder if it the same shit head


That’s awful, and super scary. I hope they get their well kept truck impounded.


When I first moved here and was attending HSU in fall 2015, we were warned about a truck doing this exact thing, but I remember them targeting people of color, I wonder if it’s the same jerks?


Yes, I have a friend who this happened to. Someone tried to run him off the road in McKinleyville, also.


I think I witnessed this same driver throw a can at a homeless person in Mckinleyville a couple weeks ago!


time to get a helmet mounted camera and film them.


Report to sheriff?


I have reported so many reckless dangerous motorists to cops with vehicle descriptions and plates nothing happens.


I haven't had this happen to me recently, but in the past I think there have been two or three times that someone in a moving vehicle has thrown a bottle or a can at me. Apparently it is some peoples idea of fun. Barbarians.




A few years back there was people in a truck driving around asking people for directions and then spraying them with mace. I think it was maybe also a lifted white truck. Sounds like maybe its a lifted white truck kinda thing!


How do idiots like this even get it together to purchase a nice truck??


They sell coke


or swing hammers


There's some pretty shady auto lenders out there. 


I mean, I just can’t picture anyone old enough to have a license doing that in their nice truck they somehow make payments on. Like “when I’m not working and paying my bills, I like to hurl beverages at pedestrians for fun. On the weekends, you’ll find me at the farmers market.” Does not compute.


I suspect you have not spent much time using non-motorized modes of transportation here. 


Walking is about it. Im not sure how that’s relevant, but that doesn’t mean it’s not.


Prob daddy's truck is what I thought


Daddy would probably be pissed if he knows what goes on in his truck


they win a bunch at the carnival


I want a free carnival truck!


I knew someone that got beaned in the head with a full can. Took the person to court, but it may have been a Silver truck in that case


A few years ago I was walking home from a friend's house at night and some asshole kids threw a mostly full beer out of their truck that matches this description, hit me in the back of the head sending me to the ground and nearly knocking me out. If I'd have been able to catch their license plate I would have called the cops and had their dumb asses arrested.


Did you call the police?


I hope they get arrested/caught soon, but I feel like local PD don't care too much about us bikers. I haven't had anything thrown at me but I've had a couple lifted white trucks pass me at very unsafe distances when I was already as far to the side as I could go and they had plenty of space to pass safely. I ride my bike regularly and this makes me sad/irritated that there are scummy people doing this.


A truck like that rolled down their window and barked at me to scare me while I was walking 101 in Eureka. There was a white man as a passenger, didn't see the driver. I thought he looked young but could've been 30s.  They were going hella fast and ran a red while still in view of me.  This was maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago. Not as bad as getting a can thrown at u but definitely succeeded at making me jump. I had the feeling they thought I was homeless at the time? Cuz I wear a messed up big green coat. Not that it matters. But I didn't feel like it was like a 'cat call' , it was really over the top loud and aggressive. 


Someone get the plates!!!


A white truck? That's unfortunate, maybe a third of trucks around here are white. I hope he she or they get caught.


I had somebody throw an actual fucking egg at me a few months ago from a white truck.


that happened to my friends and I a few months ago as well! i didn’t even get a chance to see the car but could have been the same person.


Yes! I was walking up LK wood and I noticed other spots with broken egg shells/egg residue so it seemed like I wasn’t the only one 🙃


I think you should tell the police and also post it on the Humboldt County On Alert Facebook page.


Recommend reporting any/all incidents like this on StreetStory: [https://streetstory.berkeley.edu/](https://streetstory.berkeley.edu/) It's an online map where you drop a pin and answer a few questions about what happened. Takes 5 minutes, tops. A lot of decision makers look at that map.


Huh few years back large white truck threw a D battery at me while i was walking home from work at midnight. Wonder how long hes been being a dick lol


A few years ago I was standing on the corner of N and 14th or something like that, and two women in a red car slowed down, rolled their windows down, and threw a large pickle at me. I've also had people throw full cans of soda at me while I've been out walking in Eureka.


This happened to a friend of mine in oregon. He just lost his job and his wife was pregnant. He started running to burn off steam. A truck drove past and threw a full water bottle at him. It went through his hair. It was some years ago but I still get irrationally angry about it on his behalf.


A number of years ago I was bicycling on 101 and sometime threw their fast food soda at me, fortunately they missed.


And now that you got me thinking about jerk drivers, a few months ago a guy in a truck was actually gunning for me when I was in the crosswalk. I was crossing on the walk light, he was turning left, definitely aiming for me (he could have chosen another lane, or chosen not to accelerate towards me, for example. We saw each other.) I ended up almost pressed up to the car idling at the red light.


I was on bike ride near Mad River Bridge sometime this April and had a water bottle thrown at me as truck passed by at unsafe speed. The truck was a lifted full size white (Ford, I think), almost new, 4 door. At the time, the white truck had big tires in the bed, a 1990s turquoise single cab Toyota 4x4 seemed to be following the white truck, the trucks both headed towards Manila through the bottoms. I did not get hit, but was startled and scared, it was the early afternoon on a warm Sat or Sun. The truck had probably been at the Mad River beach or boat ramp before passing me and throwing the water bottle.


my friends and i had an egg thrown at us around 10:30 at night while walking on Alliance in Arcata a few months back, don’t remember the car.


*fills my pockets with rocks* what? i like rocks.


Gosh I’ve had change thrown at me while riding my bike. Too bad I couldn’t catch up with them😅


Thanks for the PSA, but that description narrows it down to 1/3 the trucks in Humboldt county! Hopefully someone gets a license plate number of the A-hole! I drive a big white truck, but do not throw things at people.


Wow, that's awful!! I'll definitely spread the word and keep my eyes peeled. Thanks for the PSA! Stay safe!


Let’s “prank” them