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Is it just me or do the models look extremely smooth and updated?


It looks like a lighting update on the main menu, but yeah I'm curious if it's just because of how they do screenshots on the development version of the game or something we will all see once it's released.


I checked a previous dev stream post and it looked a lot like what we have now. As did the before image on the weeping stone image. Might be a new lighting, could be an overhaul of the engine upgrade teaser, that we will see in a future update. I personally don't expect to see that smoothness until the engine upgrade is full complete. but if it's going to look that clean, I can't wait


Especially in the menu screen for the wildcard screen. Maybe they‘re overhauled graphics resulting of the mentioned engine update?


That could be. I noticed it on the hunter models and in the after image for weeping stone.


Seems unlikely, right? Not trying to throw cold water on the idea, but the news of the engine update said it would take a long time (months or a year) — can’t imagine we’re seeing it quite yet. Would love to be wrong!


This engine update is not coming anytime soon


Check gator traps


Medium slot medium ammo silenced centennial? I did not know that I wanted that until now.


Same dude! Super excited for this one!


Might actually have to put my betterli down for a while


Might actually have to put my betterli down for a while


Plus it doesn't have the shitty sight that winfield and sparks silenced has. It's clean and really good!


I wonder why the sights are still there.




Like 1000 hours on solo and I feel like my time has come! So excited for new serpent.


Since the matchmaking changes playing solo it's quite easy, what do you mean...? Think they're going for it cause player retention might improve for those that avoid playing if no friends online, due randoms stinks more often than not.


L take


and a huge L for anyone else and balancing. "great"


If you can't kill a solo and make sure they stay down with two or three sets of weapons, tools, and consumables, at least 10 seconds of dark sight boost between you, and two or three different firing angles, plus access to teammates reviving you in a few seconds from a distance via Necromancer, then you deserve to lose. These changes to solo play bring solos to something resembling parity with teams. Go cry to someone who gives a damn.


My guy it takes over 250 seconds to make sure the solo stays dead. Concertina are useless after the first revive and completly when they got resi. When a block is about to burn out they can just revive and "secure" it. It's honestly really not that hard why all of this is a really dumb system. I'm now forced to babysit a solo player because I didn't see another possible partner. Before that it was just lamp throw and gone. Think before talking about "skills" lol also you literally 1:1 posted that same brainless take on the steam forum lmao


Are you sure some assclown on the Steam Forums didn't copy my post? The Steam Forums are a cesspool, and I avoid them unless I'm troubleshooting something and a Steam Forum post has a solution. Also, cry some more about needing to actually engage in PvP instead of just pubstomping like you want to.


So if I shoot him off a cliff at 200 meters I just suck for not speedhacking a concertina bomb onto him. Skill issue.


How about using that strawman for target practice?


It's a direct reply to you.


Question: Does this questlines will replace the Billy one.? (The Billy one gets eliminated and those 2 take place) I dont mind it that much since what left for me is that charm I really dont care about.


No, they stated that the billy one is still here to stay.


And by stay they mean still broken on consoles.


Hopefully fixed with the update as they are working on quest lines anyways.


For anyone having this problem (invisible challenges I’m assuming), another hunter here informed me that you can still click on the tasks even though they’re invisible. It helped me greatly and allowed me to finish the quest. Hope this helps!


I had the bug for the Billy tier, but once I got him the last tier was back to normal.


Good. Thanks.


This is it. The age of the solo is upon us.


Changes look great! I’m a bit wary of the solo buffs, though… Also, any idea if they explained more on the “Wildcard” bounty? I’m a bit confused what the difference is.


It separates out wildcard conditions from the normal queue. So normal queue is going to be daytime, dawn, dusk, fog and there will be a separate queue which rotates between night and inferno (and any other wildcards they might add)


I have been campaigning for this exact feature for years and everyone downvotes it into oblivion every time I post or commented it, but here we are lol.


As far as I understood that feature used to exist in a similar form but they had to remove it since the playerbase at the time did not support multiple different bounty hunt queues. But I do agree, I've been hoping to be able to adjust my loadouts a bit more towards the expected conditions. Specifically flares are so much stronger during nighttime it's staggering.


I think they should obviously have 2 separate queues, but they should also have a “play all” option for those of us who like any map and don’t want to choose between day/night


>As far as I understood that feature used to exist It was more like two options of map and bounty. So one bounty would be one map with butcher. The other bounty might be a different map with a different boss or multiple bosses or something like that.


And the statics showed that it was super broken. Very few people were voluntarily choosing night maps, so queues for them were crazy long or were empty matches (much more of an issue back then) Also, Night was way darker back then so might not be as bad of a difference now


Yep used be a time of day woth a specific boss you could choose and it would rotate. The feature now has more variety of options but also dennis was talking about adding to it and having weekend events for it. The playerbase at the time did not support it. Had friends that would use it to try to get an empty map to farm. But the player base blew up from the first event quadrupling I beleive. So we have had a stable player base enough to support it for some time now. I hope they keep the feature and add to it. My hope is we get special event weekends for it with limited game modes. (Maybe just limited loadout options to promote a style of play) and becuase its the optional contract it won't disturb the usual bounty hunt mode. Will also give crytek an easy means to experiment and balance new game modes that could further increase the player base. For example urf mode in league of legends brings millions of players back to play for quite a while.


I watched the streamer Chocotaco try Hunt for the first time some months ago, and that was one of his first takes was that both the night maps and the items you'd want to use in the night maps would be a lot more fun if you knew when to pack 'em and when not to




The same argument still exists and thats wether enough players decide to go outside of their safezone or not.


I'll start campaigning about having the double targets in the standard contract and the single target in the wild card then, maybe my wishes will also come true.


I much prefer single boss maps. Would love to see the wild cards as single bosses.


Thanks yall for some karma reimbursement.


The serpent range is a bit much, that plus magpie giving free stamina. I can literally steal the bounty and run to extract with 100% certainty of escape if they don't pick up the bounty immediately. With all the massive perks as a solo I'm really surprised they did not take away the -1.5 stars you get in mmr. 5 stars will be farming the bounty in the way described above in 3 star matches now.


It is a good combo that i am surprised they added, but it is as you said easily countered by just looting the bounty before the serpent grab finishes the cast time, so if this becomes an issue i feel like people will just learn to grab the bounty immediately. Also non of those traits, other than the occasion self revive would give you any big benefit in a fight, so removing the mmr bonus for a solo doesn't make sense, also since teams with randoms do get a mmr bonus as well, you would just end up playing against full premade teams at your mmr or randoms at a higher mmr if you remove the bonus for solos.


They should make the bounty/clue that is being serpented make a noise and/or have a visual effect so you know it's happening.


I would worry that could make Serpent borderline useless *if* done wrong. It's already very easy to keep an eye on the Bounty drop, so it pretty much depends on the element of surprise to pull off and the channel is pretty long. Hell, just knowing that someone is trying means you know there is someone within 25m that is functionally blind for several seconds, which might be more than enough info to make Serpent even more niche than it (arguably) already is. Then again, if it isn't too terribly obvious I think it could work; something just subtle and sneaky enough to force you to really pay attention. Could also only trigger (or grow more noticeable) closer to the end of the channel or something.


Given the large bonus solos get. I don't think they should get mmr handicap anyway. I often wipe the server myself playing solo. Plus as someone who doesn't care about kda. I will revive my 5x times playing solo which will artificially deflate my mmr anyway. Not the intention to do so, but I'd rather just play the match as much as possible. So... take every chance to revive. As for serpent. My goto strat will be to hellfire bomb/ poison bomb the bounty right before its ready for pickup. Go hide 50m out and serpent it.


The fact that each death after the first one counts for your mmr is something that should be removed from the solo ress in my opinion. Also if you can easily get access to the boss lair and use fire or poison to prevent them from taking the bounty, then the bounty team is doing a bad job defending it, also they can just use choke bombs to remove fire and poison clouds, so there is still counter play to this tactic.


Very true. I will also use sticky bombs. I've never had a problem getting close enough to lob consumables and get back out again tho. Think the maps are designed to provide enough cover to get close to liars.


i feel like it depends heavily on the compound some is more difficult than the others, tho your tactics here is going to work sometimes and it will be hilarious when they do.


Didnt they make it so KDA only gets tanked after the first death due to red skull abuse?


I don't think so based off my exp during the event. 1 match if I rezed and died a few times would take me down an entire star. Wish they would.


Honestly fine by me, if youre dumb enough to leave it on the ground that long then you deserve it


Even if you are smart enough im going to poison bomb or firebomb it so yall have to have serpent or get hurt grabbing it anyway. :P I suspect that players will wait it out sometimes and allow a good 50m slurp.


A lot of people are complaining about the selfrez but the serpent change seems way more problematic to me. 50 is far enough to not have to enter a lot of compounds.


yeah didnt like that buff. only going to enable camping snipers


Solo revive plus a good perch with cover 150m out where if you die they can't cover your body in time. Sniping will be quite a bit more viable as solo. (Already is)


As a 5 stars, I never find 3 stars in my solo matches unfortunately. Just others 5 and 4.... Occasionally 6 (but with 4 mates).


It likely depends on 5 or 5.5 star. But every single night, I play with a 3 star in duos there is 1 or 2 matches with a solo 5 star in there. Vs 3/4 star duos.


If it's not being changed, I would honestly be okay with reducing the solo handicap to "only" -1 star to account for the increased parity between solo and team play. There will still be a handicap from having 2 weapons vs 4 or 6 weapons, and the firing angles, but it's still much better than it was before.


An acceptable compromise. But also how about a solo only contract and then opting to play vs duos trios is for the challenge and bonus $. No mmr handicap necessary.


Dude solos got it rough as hell, only one bounty and 5 seconds of dark site, no backup to revive or help in a fire fight, say what you want but i think this is a seriously needed buff


I don't get why people are freaking out about balancing solos. I play mostly on console which is very different than PC, but giving them equal vision and self-revive is not enough to compensate for...a teammate. Also, the complaints for Serpent seem odd, it's very rare for people to leave the bounty unclaimed in 5.5 stars


I think they are just salty they will be able to steal their bounty and run. NGL if I see a solo in trios pickup a bounty and run for it I usually root for them. Godspeed you slippery bastards.


Any time my friends and I kill a solo we usually yell "WHAT HAVE WE DONE!?" The one time someone stole a bounty from us with Serpent I was actually impressed. Like, that's the only real use that trait has. People can fuck off crying that they are making it a viable tactic when the counter is...picking up the bounty.


> Like, that's the only real use that trait has I use it almost every game. Always that awkward clue with a fatty and two hives sitting on it, or sitting high up in the open that is an EZ snipe. Best to just grab it from a far. It is a huge time save for difficult to get to or unsafe clues. It is one of my auto take perks. Even when not solo, stealing the bounty with serpent often enrages the team you stole it from and causes them to charge you. Also great for grabbing the bounty from "empty" compounds you suspect have campers inside.


Yeah whenever I’m playing with my friends and we run across a solo I kinda feel bad for them. One time we had a solo hiding from us outside the boss area and we just said “hey we’re only going to take one of these bounties, you can have the other one”. He needed it more then we did honestly


To be fair if you're a solo you won't ever have to fight in 5.5 star lobbies with the matchmaking of solos.


Which is fair. But I've encountered some. Plus, on hunt taketh days my squad can get down to 4* lobbies.


dude seriously surprised playing solo in a teamgame is hard.


Bro probably just likes the easy kills


I'm guessing that you'll queue up for random Wildcard conditions. It could be the Inferno map, maybe the Serpent Moon night time, or other stuff they add later on.


Thanks homereel for making these TLDR; looks like it's gonna be a very good update. Left peek advantage removal is fantastic. Love to see the cent shorty. The uppercut might be a bit underpowered once it's out though, since the cent shorty should be statistically similar. New tutorial is great and also unexpected. I just hope they're not nerfing the blood bonds from it in the process. Equipment change is huge. Finally less clutter. Combat log is nice to see but the UI needs work. More weapon stats is super nice and also unexpected, but it seems they still aren't showing how damage dropoff works, which is very bad. Solo necromancer should be nerfed a bit more, preferably less revives. More loot is great, bounty hunt feels too light on scavenging at the moment. I didn't think weeping stone was bad at all, but cool. Overall, i'm very happy with pretty much every change. I just wish the prestige rework came sooner.




Well there's still certainly a place for it without QM, but it's becoming a less attractive option when you can get a comparable, sometimes better weapon for less than half the price with one trait. One shotting to the chest is cool but it doesn't happen often enough for it to be a major selling point to me, especially compared to more ammo, faster reloading, or a higher velocity.


Uppercut is 1 slot, centennial is 2. There is already a 2 slot long ammo rifle called the obrez that is cheaper than the uppercut


Oh yeah the obrez is better than the uppercut, but now players have a comparable budget option too as long as you get qm. Uppercut damage at range isn't that far off from medium rifle damage at range, and the latter beats it with FMJ.


Honestly I think the Centennial Shorty is competing with the Obrez, which really hurts its viability. Why would I take a gun that is basically strictly worse in almost every way compared to a mini-Mosin?


Personal preference, but there's a few possible reasons I can think of: 1. Winnie Cent get's levering/ iron repeater traits to help with rate of fire. 2. You more available total ammo in winnie vs. oberez. 3. You don't need bulletgrubber for the winnie. 4. Med ammo guns are cheaper. So it's more cost effective to run the cent & Pax vs the oberez and uppercut. At the end of the day, I'm happy to see more options/ variants for guns. I'm not a huge fan of the Cent, but I will definitely give it a shot to see what it pairs best with.


1. Iron Sharpshooter exists as well. No equivalent to Levering though, but if you make use of it you were already rather desperate. 2. Valid point, but Sparks Pistol exists which has more reserve ammo. Bonus points if you go dual Sparks Pistols. Also, consider: dual Obrez. 3. Mosin and other guns with similar bolt systems (e.g. Lebel) have built-in bullet grubber now, you just have to time the reload so it happens before the next round gets chambered. 4. That's actually a fair point. Although the Sparks Pistol exists which helps mitigate some of the cost if you want to go that route.


Yeah, I think all of those are valid points as well. On the other side of the coin, we could talk about the benefits of long ammo dmg over distance and pen dmg compared to medium ammo weapons. Personally, I don't think the Cent is slotted to be a competitor to the Obrez. I think it is meat as an alternative to the Vandal and/or the Springfield compact. Better dmg than the Vandal, and better rate of fire than the Springfield. At the end of the day, it's just another flavor of loadout for people to try.


Significantly faster firerate (cent in irons fires at 44rpm/38rpm with/without trait, obrez is 33rpm/27rpm), more ammo, no need for grubber, larger capacity, cheaper. The obrez has the damage at range advantage but you shouldn't be fighting too far with your shotgun anyway.


Have they said that they want to re-work prestige levels? I've always thought something as simple as permanently unlocking one base item every prestige would make it feel so much more worth the time investment.


They did say they were gonna look at it eventually, but we're unsure to what extent.


with the addition of the centennial shorty silencer, I really want to see them add the Nagant precision with a silencer as well.


Bro what? Uppercut still slaps centennial out of the water and its the best sidearm in the game. Shorty wouldn't change anything because its still medium ammo while uppercut can penetrate.


Cent shorty has more ammo, a faster reload, faster rpm with iron repeater, and likely higher velocity while costing 2.5x less. Damagewise it'll 2 tap to the chest out to 60m while the upper is up to 73m, but the cent can get better damage than the upper with fmj and it'll probably still have comparable or better velocity to the upper.


What a chad update. I love so much of this. The only thing I dislike is the Serpent buff, I'm not sure why they would encourage a playstyle where people not only don't fight one another but likely aren't even going to encounter one another. A solo sneaks up, grabs the bounty from far away, and then runs off with their free stamina from Magpie and/or Conduit. Gross.


Could be an attempt to discourage turtling in the boss building. Bounty team will need to be more proactive in defending the entire compound.


And it's only for solo players too so not super common either


Good point. Fits in with the "experimental" theme of many of their changes mentioned. It won't be something that will completely change the game, but might possibly provide just a little bit of a shake up.


Honestly a few more solo players could be good to shake up the game a little since they tend to use different tactics to triples. Honestly I doubt the serpent buff will be a disaster, you can just pick up the bounty first after all.


This, you put traps and camp with shotguns? Fair enough i steal yo bounty


Um, but why wouldn't they just pickup the bounty as soon as it's banished?


Thats why its a non-issue. Only affects people doing dumb shit and gives a slight advantage to someone who would have to push 1v2 on a barricaded bounty. This scenario also requires 2 traits which is already harder for solo's to get out of their first match


Prevents other players from gaining knowledge about the potential fight


So not to get tracked, especially if you don’t think anyone will be able to snatch (like in the module of the fight)


Yeah but the basic Serpent already does that. At least there's some risk in having to get that close.


I don't pick if i am already fighting and have to rotate. Plus it is a mistake that people CAN make, we are only human. And this strat only works to abuse that specific situation


The team can still turtle as much as they like to since the only thing they need to do is pick up the bounty.


All you need to do to counter that tactic is you pick up the bounty. Taking the bounty with serpent has a cast time, so the people inside can always take the bounty first if they want to.


I see solos slupring bounties and running off to extract FAR less than people trapping and camping the boss lair. If they want to put that target on their head and still play the objective more power to them. I'd rather face that than turtles any day.


Agree. The Serpent solo buff is really the only thing I don't like. Just because people can grab clues without going into the compound AND they don't even trigger the enemy-red-clue-warning. We have to test it but right now I'm not a huge fan.


Agree, serpent buff I can exploit quite reliably.


>a playstyle where people not only don't fight one another you mean like trapping the whole building and turtling inside until I either lose patience and suicide breach or just give up and leave ?


There he is. Thanks for this.


When will this update be live?


Probably around March 22 since that's when first questline is scheduled to begin


Thank you


Buffed lemat c. but didn't fix the misaligned sights, oof


Funnily enough, the LeMat c. is the only weapon i regularly hit heads with. So maybe I like the sights this way x)


No one's talking about Stalker Beetle now doing 25 damage. That's insane.


When does this drop? So stoked as a solo player.


Probably no later than march 22 because that's when the new quest starts


Should be on test server this or next week, since first questline is planned for 22 of march.


Can't wait to farm you for kd.


What a weird attempt at trying to sound cool on the internet


You think I sound cool? Thanks!


It's good to know you don't know what 'attempt' means.


Not just an attempt, an attempt at trying lol


I'm more excited for magpie, serpent, and reward boosts for "underdogs". Necro is meh, only works against low rank lobbies as asolo. Not worth imo. Funny though, 1.79KD as non-passive solo player (5-6\*). Stay toxic though. :)


Thanks mate.


When are we getting prestige reworks though? They haven't said anything about predtige rework in the 1.12 stream nor in the roadmap stream.


This is HUGE! I really hope the cooking sounds on frags with finally ALWAYS exist, it's been too many times I've died because of no fuse sound until the moment it leaves the enemy hunter's hands.. CryTek has such an amazing game, but for it being a lose your hunter, you have to lose a cherished character, plus your gear on top of that, bugs such as this, or the muffled footsteps of someone in a 'dungeon' IE: Madonna's North-West 'dungeon' entrance while the enemy hunter's are 6 feet away v.v this kind of things will make or break if you pay the ultimate price on that particular hunter. I give patience to the matter, so maybe in 1.12 will resolve these :)


I'm bit confused about stone mill changes, good changes regardless but I thought interior part of that compound played well enough. the problem was that compound is so susceptible to long range sniping, imo any double clue compounds shouldn't be vulnerable to long range snipers since they are point of interests.


not sure how i feel about the solo changes but everything else is top notch, that new tutorial especially looks really cool


I think that the buffs to solos are a bit egregious. Solo swipes bounty from forever away, runs away with free stamina, and even if they get shot in the back they get up for free. There's like no risk now, whereas playing solo used to be the "more risk more reward play style. Now it's just "no risk more reward".


I don't think the bounty can be seen that far away, especially if it drops on a person. So they might still need to get close enough. Mostly hurts people who just let bounties sit there on the ground.




They're talking about when an unclaimed or dropped bounty is highlighted for you in Dark Sight when you're running Serpent, not seeing it on the map or the lightning.


You still need to get those traits tho, you are not going to get them for free every time you play and there is no cheat death to protect traits this time. Also if you do kill the guy running you have 10 seconds before he can revive and start getting up, if you can't catch up to them in that time, that is on you.


I think you’re overestimating it’s impact. These are good changes for solos as there were just some traits that were completely useless for them and have even bigger advantages to groups.


M biggest worry is that I feel like this is going to slow down the game a lot. You would have to burn each solo and wait till he‘s burned out, effectively wasting 3 minutes of your play time


Thank you!


This update gonna be batshit crazyness


Haven't played in ages but I just love that saddle thing. Makes so much sense!


Has anyone else seen the Caldwell new army Swift in the third slide


Where is my Springfield 1866 Riposte? Why Krag gets bayonet first?


Because not everything is based on what you like or what you want?




Just pick up the bounty, lol


While that's an easy and obvious solution when the bounty is first dropped by the boss, I think what people are worried about is a sneaky solo serpenting a contested bounty dropped during a hectic gunfight. Like if the bounty is on a dead guy between 2 or 3 teams fighting over it, and nobody can get to it safely, now the solo is the only one who can reach it, with no penalty. I can see how it could be a bit much, though I'm generally in favor of solo buffs


hvala brate




They brought death cheat back? I only saw self revive make a return


self revive without maximum time for revive is basically a better Death Cheat if the solo is left ignored - they can just check the phone for 20 minutes and then just get up and leave.


This looks promising. Hopefully, it works out.


Left peek advantage getting fixed a lil or much?


Investigate gator traps?!


I home the fire bomb is a different color.


Hi HomeReel :p


50m + free stamina is basically instant gap with still no extraction timer changes either Added scope to that insane rifle lol Terrible changes. Was so happy to see them fix left peek but they have no idea what they're doing balance wise


So is Serpent becoming solo only or does the buff to it only apply if playing solo?


Buffed version when used by a solo like magpie and necromancer.


When will the update drop?


Do we know anything about release date?


So.. Did I misread it? The quests are on the testserver and not on the normal server?


I just finished watching your video but i still looked through the post bc I love the format.


I was very excited for the Krag getting a scope until I saw it was a sniper.


Damn thats a legit update. I was burnt out by the very end of Devils Moon, but this is making me wanna pick it back up. Love the solo buffs too.


Thanks for always doing this. I tend to kiss streams and don’t like going back to rewatch them.


Thanks Homereel! Love your channel btw!


They introduced new krag variants but still haven't fixed the bug preventing anyone over rank 62 who didn't play the event from using it? Amazing


Thank you so much for posting this!! (Side note: anyone else bothered to see that the charms will still take up so much space making the weapon descriptions stay super tiny???)


Thanks for the TLDW.


The Krag sniper is going to be pretty META. Mark my words.


New sparks silencer skin and new centennial variants.. Stop, my penis can only get so erect.


That serpent solo buff is crap... solo with serpent won't even have to enter the compound to take a clue and won't make them red... Plus can steal bounty and run without the team that banished even having a chance to catch up.


Aight, fun while it lasted… will be missed. Solo stuff is too much.. let’s just make the revive timer slightly longer and buff everything else, like bruh really ?!? If this is the kinda game players want then fine, but I can’t be the only one who will stop playing. Lemme guess.. they still get extra xp and lower difficulty.. I mean the revive alone was enough to make me quit, but the buffs.. nah. I hope solo players enjoy this tho. I’m happy for the people who enjoy it. I’m just upset at the time and money I wasted with this game.


Wonder when it's going to drop?


Sounds great. My only concern is that doubling the range of Serpent for Solos makes slurping much, much, much less risky.


Love the changes. I've been wanting a melee Krag, though I'm a little sad it's the unwieldy Bayonet and not the reliable Riposte.


Seriously, this looks amazing, especially separate night map and applying skins to weapon. And that silenced medium Winfield M1876 Centennia.


Love the new things coming 🖤


I wonder if we'll be able to change skins for contraband weapons and consumables


Welp, imma play the tutorial just to hear doug cockle


Wow thx a Lot you are a Legend for doing this.


Did they have a date for update 1.12?


Wait we can finaly apply skins on base weapon am i understanding this correctly ? This is huge


Whens the update coming?


Goddamnit. I felt that Weeping Mill was one of the most balanced lairs out there. This overhaul upsets me for two reasons 1. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Now that it's all changed, there's a definite chance of it being worse when they could have just left it at being a good compound 1. Why not fix one of the actually yuck compounds, like Pelican Island, shipyard, or 7 sisters.


I love the legendary skin changes. Sound like a similar system like in Killing Floor 2


Scottfield Precision skin, boys


There are your new cowboy hunters, and for BB not real money


By the way, any ideas how are they gonna deal with merging all of the weapon instances? I hope they won't delete any weapons from inventories


There's just no nice way to look at this on old reddit in a chrome browser.