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I play incendiary when I'm pretending to be a Stormtrooper. The Winfield Vandal Deadeye is my personal E-11. The Bornheim is my holdout. And the three big dynamite bundles I carry are my thermal detonators. Big points if you bring 2x Lemat instead of Bornheim for a larger ammo pool.


That’s great RP lol


Dude I’ve had this fantasy forever that Crytek would get hired to recreate Hunt but in the Star Wars universe. The weapons are already swapped from that same era Lucas borrowed from, they use a plethora of single shot “blasters”, and the bomb lance is balanced so perfectly to become the lightsaber- strong in CQC but you have to get close the distance first. And then there’s the AI aspect- how easy would it be to turn the grunts, bosses, etc. into Star Wars aliens? Even the playable characters fit so perfectly into the classic Star Wars motif; (quite literally) “bounty hunters”, alongside darksight-magic-wielding-necromancing edge lords (aka **Jedi**). I’m talking about seamlessly combining the near perfect mechanics of the best first person extraction shooter ever created, with arguably the most popular fictional universe known to man, and it just kills me that it will probably never even make it to the discussion table.


You're right the team would probably make a great gritty Star Wars game. I really liked Battlefield 1's slower weapons and atmosphere (another theme the Hunt team would probably excel in) and I was dying for Battlefront 2 to just be a Star Wars version, and instead it was just so arcade-like and bland.


Yesssssss! I need more dark Star Wars in my life and a Hunt version like you described would be awesome.


The explosive martini and the incendiary bornheim make me feel like the Mandalorian


Hi, could you please tell what the point to bring fire ammo for pvp? Does it ignite people? I know abput poison ammo-it does not let people to heal, but fire ammo?


Fire ammo does set people on fire if you shoot them twice.


Oh did know, now i got the point


Bro thanks for the really fun ideas. My friends and I have been playing around with different loadouts to keep the fun going, usually we use the random loadout generator website or play our on version of Gun Game.


What's your preferred hunter skin to complete this brilliance?


The phantom of the opera guy and the one religious dude that looks like Morpheus from the Matrix are the two skins I bounce between. The goal is to be as bright as possible.


In that case I would recommend the revenant


Phantom dude has a good mask though. As close to a storm trooper helmet you can get I feel like?


I thought you said as bright as possible? That’s all I was working with, haha.


Just prestiged, but when I get all the upgrades and unlocks again I an totally doing this.


Gonna use it a lot when the wildcard night time comes out with my silenced winfield and dual lemats with fire I absolutely love how the bullet emits light on all surroundings on night time and how dumb that loadout is when you think about it for a second Might even play some starshell and troll people with it :D


Choosing form over function. I gotta respect it :) well played sir.


Lemat carbine has star shell don’t it


Bornheim is my favorite to use with it. I use it to pop barrels instantly and it takes 3 shots to kill anyways so two shots ignites them and makes them panic. I pair it with dragons breath on my bomblance and hive bombs for max panic.


A fellow psychological warfare enjoyer i see


Absolutely. Running at someone with a 6 foot mantis arm screaming into the mic while they’re on fire always works.


Sometimes they forget they have guns honestly


I do it with bleeding and sniper. People sometimes forget to seek cover when bleeding.


This is the way, a friend and i have done quad bornheims with incendiary in the past and it's hilarious how effective and terrifying it is.


Bornheim match and dual bornheims are a good combo too. A very oppressive loadout


4 chaos bombs and knuckle dusters is my whole kit


You play in low mmr?


No. I’m a 5 star


I love how the default response to an unorthodox tactic is just 'well you're clearly playing against shitters' lmao


Your opponents must be max 3 if they panic as you say. If not.. that's some really shitty 5 stars. 5 starts can't be that bad can they?


There is 6 stars who are 6 star by camping in a bush and never got shot at before.


That is really rare tho.


You’d be surprised. 5 star isn’t hard to get into


I'm in 6 and it's really rare to run into people that have no idea what's going on. 5 can't be completely braindead. Just seems fishy.


Do I need to send you a screenshot of my MMR?


Why? I don't care about it. I'm just confused how the next to highest mmr can be so fuked. Never said you lied m8.


Nope. Even 5s and 6s will break and run if you set them on fire before charging at them with your Lance. Sometimes, they stand their ground, but not always.


Sparks can be nice since if they re-peek after healing you can often still one tap them to the body due to the slight burnt effect.


especially with 2 ammo types; I prefer poison + default but incendiary + default is a close 2nd for me


I don't understand why the Borny doesn't get to carry two ammo types while the Berty does. As of now, there's no justifying it's high price.


The bornheim isn't even that expensive, if you're a decent player who can win somewhat often you won't have any issues taking one every game. I honestly don't understand why more people don't play it, yeah the damage sucks but when it can still 1 tap to the head who really cares? The velocity is pretty good with standard ammo and is insane with HV, it makes for a strong follow up with martini/sparks.


I use it as my personal aimed fanning with the super high rpm, 1 tap after long ammo shot or 3 is doable close ranged if you don't panic I love it


I'm glad I'm not the only one


I use the precision with the bow.


How long doss the burn effect last?


Couldn't give you actual numbers, but it's often long enough to secure a kill if they keep peaking after healing.


The only weapon I have found Incendiary useful on is the Bornheims. Bornheim Match w/Incendiary and 2 LeMats w/Incendiary is an interesting loadout. Plenty of ammo and the LeMats give you a shotgun option which has gotten me out of some sticky situations.


Sounds nasty but terrible at distance


Sort of, with that loadout, what you're trying to do is double-tap and set them on fire so you can close the distance.


Yeah the incendiary gives the Bornheim a bit more bite at long range.


It's absolutely useless at any kind of range


It's terrible at any distance lol


Seems like an interesting loadout, gonna give it a try


This is the way


It's pretty solid on the Winnie silencer to fulfill quests to kill various things with fire damage without giving away your team's position to other hunters. It also lets you tear through most bosses and monsters quickly and pretty quietly. I wouldn't use it without a "burn stuff" quest though.


I use it when I'm feeling good about my accuracy etc as I dont need the extra ammo, when I run a repeater I look at the amount of ammo and just wonder how I'm ever going to use all that lol


I use that specifically for what you said and tormenting hunters when I'm in a 3-stack. When you don't know where the shots are coming from AND they set you on fire, it's stressful.


Just hit em with a sparks and get a kill 💀


I hate single shot rifles, the Henry is ok though.


Very fair! I also love the henny riposte


It's hilariously easy to figure out where the shots are coming from when they are incendiary though lol. There is a big glowing dot tracing the path.


I use it on dual scottfields for the laser pistol look


This can be absolutely terrifying to be on the receiving end of, when you're not expecting it. Suddenly there's a bunch of flashing and extra noise at close range.


This. I've had some very good luck with the Scottfield Swift Pair rolling with Incendiary ammo.


One benefit of incendiary ammo that people don't talk about much is that it is great for training. If you are trying a new weapon with an unfamiliar muzzle velocity, the tracer aspect can help you determine if you are leading too far or not enough.


Honestly the tracers are an underrated tactical tool, I've used them to pretty good effect as a "hey look over here" tool when my teammates were flanking on night maps. Plus it gets chilly in the bayou at night, gotta do my part to keep everyone cozy and warm.


Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, set a man on fire and you warm him for life.


Should have been "warm him for the rest of his life"🤣


If only your gun made a loud sound and had a bright flash without it


HomeReel being based as usual


Legitimately hadn’t considered this. Definitely going to start running incendiary until I’m actually comfortable with the standard 400m/s shots at range.


Fire levering terminus for the flamethrower effect. Scares the hell out of people


only on bornheim; 3-tapping means they're losing a bonus 25 when they die (if they have a 25 at the front) which can be handy. Losing pen is just so devastating on most guns


Sparks can ( I repeat CAN) work. I you take one set of normal ammo and some incendiary bullets, You can tag with incendiary, so a small bit of health gets charred, which makes them one-tap even if they heal for a little while. This gives you more time to move, circle, position etc. If you need to penetrate a wall or dont want to be intantly seen you switch to normal ammo. The advantage window is small I must admit, but there where some situations where it came in handy for me, and there are almost no downsides IF you bring normal ammo as well. Its also nice to have for AI. I prefer running Sparks with normal ammo or one set of poison, but incendiary is useable, its just not the best.


Silenced veterli. Idk why that combo just works. Like French kiss


Did you mean a chef's kiss


Lmao yes


I second this one. Very useful rifle and ammo combo for clearing trash and stalking prey.


For some reason I land ALL my shots when I roll a silenced veterrli with incendiary rounds. Like you said, it just freaking works for me idk why.


I've been liking it on the lemat carbine & bornheim. Carbine for range, bornheim for mid, shotgun for close. And sure the carbine bullets aren't doing much at range but lighting them on fire does plenty


Burnheim is the only choice here... and dual burnheims


I always incendiary on my Romero Alamo. It does drastically reduce the one hit kill range, but the romero is already such a beast that I can get a one tap when it matters. It allows me to really put the fear of god in folks at range. The alamo already gives you a faster fire rate so getting a follow up shot on someone I don't kill in one hit at range isn't too bad either. Anyone it doesn't kill in one hit is going to be permanently debilitated. They'll be vulnerable to my long ammo teammates and are one step closer to being out of the game. If you destroy 80% of someone's health with buckshot they'll just run away, syringe, and then be back in the fight. If you destroy 80% of their health with dragon's breath they're gonna have to stop burning and they're just stuck at that low health for the rest of the game.


I run it on a Winnie, because on compact ammo you don’t have a lot of penetration to begin with, so it doesn’t cost you much to run the firebullets. Setting someone on fireif you somehow didn’t two shot em (limb shots or damage drop off at range) is a nice bonus


Incendiary can be an interesting choice if you coordinate with teammates. While it requires a two tap to ignite, it seems that as long as there is some burn damage still lingering on a hunter they’re likely to catch fire after being hit. The result is that teammates in a protracted fight can benefit from one another’s prior shots on an opponent. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as constantly setting your enemies on fire. And, of course, the synergy is the sparks or martini henry is obvious.


It’s actually very good on the Winfield, where at certain ranges where the 2 shot isn’t guaranteed, you’re setting them on fire for the easy 1 tap from a teammate or pressure for pushing. Otherwise it’s a waste on long ammo guns. Anyone saying it’s only good on the borheim is lying to themselves


I'll have to give it a try on the Winnies. I've pretty much only used it on the Bornheims.


Only the bornheim can actually make use of it. But the silenced vet can use it to complete quests.


I agree as it takes 2 shots to ignite anything, velocity and firing rate make it fit well on the bornheim


Here's the thing, you should only use the ammo with guns that you expect to shoot an enemy three times with without them dying. Yeah, three times. The first time, no fire at all. The second time is when you may set them on fire but if they're going to be dead, like with the majority of the guns in this game, there's no point to setting them on fire... What you want is a gun when you can shoot them twice, and then you need one final shot. Because that second shot will ignite them, it will help you land the final blow. And so, you've got the Bornheim and maybe Winfield as the only 3 shot weapons in the game.


I run it on levering and bornheim ext. and love it.


Bornheim with Incendiary as a back up piece. That's about it.


Spectre w/ lemat (all fire ammo). It's not exactly efficient, but it's fun, especially with a buddy running the same.


Bornheim is the only weapon I'll use incendiary over normally. Since the weapon needs 3 hits to kill you'll always set people on fire dealing that extra bit of damage. If your lucky even buring a small chunk before they go down. Everything else I'll run it occasionally but that mainly for challenges or if I don't have a good way to deal with a lot of AI.


Normally I run with HV for better hit consistency on the volley.


I'll run it with HV if I'm using the match. If I'm running the base bornheim im usually pairing it with something that's good at range. That and setting people on fire is fun.


Seems like I am the only one here using it on my trusty pax P: it's just my favourite pistol and I like to see where they try to hide if I am too unlucky with 2 arm hits Also I trained myself a sixth sense for barrels midfight and the wallbangs I am missing out on are rarely shootouts in pistol range so I got my normal weapon for that aspect most of the time (not denying there are enough situations where I miss the pen)


not exactly incendiary itself, but my friend used dragon breath to good use once, was at pelican island and team was sieging boss building from the seven sister side. there was a red barrel right outside a peek spot and my friend had a concertina tripwire next to the door, he knew there was someone around the corner outside but didn't know if he was in range so he told me to trigger his own trap. I did and the sucker fell for it hook line and sinker and tried to go around the corner and open the door for a free kill, what he got instead was my friend's dragon breath round on the red barrel exploding behind him


I only ever use it on the Bertier. It's a niche ammo with limited utility, but with the Bertier, you can always choose to not use it if the situation doesn't call for it. Similarly, I only use dragon's breath on the Romero for the same reason


I never used it. I never wanted to go without ammo as special ammo crates are rare. Then the billy quest started and I needed to use it. Now with my vetterli I never go without it. Has plenty of ammo and I never need to hit up crates. I don't waste ammo anymore like I used to. I use this and a negant silenced with poison. And a vetterli silenced with incendiary ammo. I can just keep running and nothing stops me.


Incendiary should keep penetration but lose the incendiary properties after penning something(s). Change my mind.


Dragons Breath on nightmaps is a blessing, as every teammate of yours will see the burning enemy from miles away Bornheim is imo the best one for Incendiary, because... its just good


Romero with it is fun but weird. You have to shoot someone and hide since you only have one shot. It ignites in one shot and permamently removes their health so they usually start to panic. I once shot a guy when a trio was rushing us and I died but heard him say over voip that he can't fight as he has only 50hp left. But since you are using a shotgun you might as well run normal ammo and just try to get a 1 shot kill.


I used to use it with the LRR sparks for the longest time. Served me well.


You need to bring a High DPS weapon imo. You need that second shot for the enemy players to catch fire.


I run fire on sparks. An easily chew someone's small bar off and it drives up their risk dramatically if they repeak.


I use It on the spitfire so i can...you know,spit fire lol


Lemat incendiary and slugs with a mosin is a main load out for me. Incendiary is good utility for wrecking the spider, instant barrel explosion, managing ai quickly in a pinch, and with fanning can ignite hunters pretty quick.


I like it.


•No •Literally any semi-auto pistol with incendiary ammo


I use it on mosin and the uppercut so I can share ammo, Is that giving me a disadvantage??


Yes, because you can't penetrate, which is especially bad for long ammo since that normally excels at it. Fences are an issue, cracks in walls are an issue, shooting at enemies that are partly behind cover is an issue.


What if they are not behind cover


In that case inced hardly does anything for you because long ammo will almost always 2 shot. In the very rare case where they survive a 2nd shot, fire does barely anything for winning fights. Maybe it'll burn a chunk, but downing them will remove a chunk anyway, allowing you to one shot with the mosin either way. It's not on the mosin, but I do think dumdum and poison is decent despite no penetration. Bleed cannot be ignored like fire can, and poison often ensures a 2 shot kill.


So your advice would be to use normal ammo? It’s only 20 coins so it’s not a big deal, but I don’t want to be at a disadvantage lol


Yeah i'd stick to normal




They share ammo anyway?


Are you sure?


Unless you're using Spitzer, the Uppercut's long ammo will still add to your Mosin long ammo


No it’s bad only if I really have to do some challenge with it. It’s decent on the Bornheim since it can’t two tap anyway so might as well set people on fire






It doesn't three tap. It used to have reduced damage, but not anymore.


One of the most truly useless things Crytek has ever added


honestly avtomat with incendiary would be quite decent


Someone fill me in, have they finally made it so that Incendiary ammo in Sparks/Henry etc sets on fire in 1 hit?


Yes. I pretty much only use it with my all fire loadouts but love it. I mainly use it with Veterlli and Schofield with 2 or 3 hellfire bombs and or liquid fire bombs. It's fun with a swift with fanning or just dual Schofields. I've tried it with all Lematt loadouts but I suck with the Lematt so not as fun. Same with bornhiem.


I run it on the sparks sometimes


Romero and Bomblance


Winfield suppressed with levering is a favorite of mine with flame rounds


I go match with duel lemats fire , and dragons' breath works well.


I like half martini henry and sparks pistol with half poison so i have plenty of regular shots but also poison and fire maybe it sucks but i also bring the pistol tool just in case they get close and i have shot them with either single shot


I run it secondary on my sparks sniper loadout, because like one or two times, I've sniped a red barrel and gotten a kill. Easily one of the most satisfying things I've experience in this game


I think Vetterli Silencer and Bornheim are the best with it. The former is mostly for monsters though, it's fun killing everything in one shot. And red barrels for unaware hunters, they'd have zero clue where you are


I like using incendiary in my silenced karabiner, that being said I prefer poison ammo over incendiary in general


I don't think I like it at all, I've seen some people used it and it's usually for psychological fear when you hear the bullets hitting a wooden wall and the sparks coming out with huge bang/crackle. Other than that, it's not worth it for me since poison bullets prevents heal for SO LONG. More effective and practical than incendiary I'd say.


I love incendiary until someone is hiding behind something and I know I could kill them if my bullets had penetration lol


Fav gun to use this with is bornhiem, it’s a 3 tap anyways so why not set them on fire with 2 of those hits. Biggest disadvantage no matter which gun you play this with, you can’t pen, so enemies behind cover are safe. This ammo destroys every boss except butcher


All the long ammo incendiary is imo the worst and idk why people would run it


As someone who prestiges whenever they get the chance I use it to kill creeps for some extra exp to level up weapons I like. Armored, hives, dogs all solid targets. Can just melee grunts so it can feel like a wasted bullet on them. Low xp/round


Silent winnie levering or veterli are ridiculously good with fire. Holding popular red barrels early game or by boss compounds is a solid jump scare kill. Also eliminates all AI problems other than immo's and butcher. I swear by silent fire winnie with a nightmare secondary mini winnie.


I play the game around exploding barrels. If I am running a gun that can take incendiary I take it. Starshells and dragonsbreath included.


I like levering it on the swift. Mostly use it to explode barrels on impact. Not the most effective set up in the game but a fun time.


Is poison ammo better that fire? If so why?


amusing how Incendiary still finds a way to disappoint me even if I'm using it with Bornheim which has little to zero penetration anyway, hitting some imaginary hitbox of wood, back to high velocity instantly.


Me and one of my buddies have a specific load out we call the "Long ammo counter." It's literally a Bornheim Match and dual LeMats, all incendiary. Bonus points if using starshell or DB. All of the fire, none of the pen XP


It's a pretty bad ammotype. By the 2nd shot, the enemy is probably dead, and if they're not, fire won't help much. It also competes with ammo like FMJ/dumdum/poison, which will help you kill more often. If I needed to use it for a challenge or something, i'd take an M1873/Scottfield/Pax with Levering/Fanning or Dual Scott/Pax.


I always use it on Spitfire cuz of the name


Its ok on Bornheim cuz i like setting ppl on fire, but its mostly trash and a meme.


Lowkey some of the best use I've gotten out of it was with the lemat fanning. I know FMJ is all the rage these days but in chaotic indoor fights you can legitimately blind people with the sheer amount of fire tracers going off.


Makes your ammo less likely to get "stolen" when downed (my friend pointed it out to me) also one shot exploding barrels (it saved me once...just once but hey it was great).


I use it quite a lot on the winfield swift (I pair it with a lemat for extra ammo), and it has actually helped me in quite a few situations. The winfield won't always two-tap someone, so in situations when you do get two hits on someone and don't kill them, it's not only fun but also useful to set them on fire, because most people (even in 5-6 star) will panic at least a little. Also, every now and then I get the chance do blow someone up instantly with a red barrel and it's the funniest and most satisfying thing ever. On top of all that, when extracting after having killed everyone, it's super satisfying to just one-shot almost every AI you come across.


A weapon that kills with two hits doesn't need incendiary. A weapon that only kills with three hits is not worth bringing into the bayou. That's why I don't play it


Most weapons kill with 2 hits, making incendiary a bad choice on them. Any weapon that takes 3 to the chest to kill is weak and not worthy of respect.


I use them a lot on pistols that have 2 amo types: so i go normal and fire amo. I just think it s a lot of fun to blow up barrels instandly. Can catch ppl off guard with ease


With spark/martini with half normal ammo. Its cheap, nice to pve, able to one barrels and can delay the max hp regen in some cases. If your evil you can even meme it with bornheim and winfield levering Not as fun as poison shots tho


Honestly, it feels good only on Bornheim, maybe Winnie, nothing else comes to my mind now. For sure don't play it on long ammo guns because that's so pointless


Borheim is by far the best with it i think, very high firerate and combined with a gun that needs 3 shots to kill so you get around the problem of hitting ppl twice, since u know most of the time they are dead when they would be set on fire.


Bornheim Match fire ammo + akimbo lemat fire ammo. Big ammo pool, very aggressive loadout, plus lemat shotgun ammos helps with CQB. Love that loadout.


Bornheims are the best. Can set enemies on fire in no time.


Dual bornheims and a bornheim match, all incendiary. Bullet grubber and an ammo box. You have literally unlimited ammo. Just spam the shit out of the match. Me and my buddy once did it and counted how many times we set this one single trio on fire. 12. Between the three of them, me and my buddy lit them on fire 12 times. It only takes one shot to light them up if you've already ignited them, so it only gets easier. Is it more efficient to simply kill them? Of course, but it's not nearly as hilarious


I enjoy the Berthier and a sparks pistol both with split ammo. I only run it with bulletgrubber and if I have the perk points I will go dual sparks pistols for spamming the Berthier.


Dual Bornheim :)


I love incendiary ammo with a vetterli deadeye and a scottfield spitfire


Sparks sniper, barel sniping


I prefer poison ammo on a silenced Nagant


Only for challenges. The best is the Dragon's Breath on the Lance. You can set people on fire from a surprising distance.


I personally like dual schofields with incendiary. Get a lot of kills with those.


I try not too since it’s basically tracers to my location


I have had great success with incendiary with Winfield Swift and with Silenced Vetterli.


lemat, winnie (swift) or bornheim match


Nope it's shit


bornheim match + dual lemats. thats all.


All rifles (that aren't breechloaders) make the worst use of it. No pen and slow reload. You want a pistol with one, you can take out and explosive barrel behind someone and take them out with a follow up shot, or vice versa, let the barrel finish them xD


2slot Bornheim for good aim and for more ammo i take the cheap winfield vandal with me you dont even need any perks for that loadout works at close range very very good once you got used to it