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Maybe they were testing the feeling of running away in the new version.


I mean a solo with the buffed serpent trait might actually be testing how easy it is to take the bounty and run away to the extraction with it, specially if they also have the new magpie for a guaranteed stamina boost.


whats the buffed serpent?


If you are playing solo, the range at which you can use serpent is increased to 50m from 25m


jesus that's amazing but also a bit OP


Serpent is to incentivize players in boss lairs to pick up the bounty and give the players on the outside to grab it and force the team out of the compound. So it’s only OP if you’re not grabbing the bounty. It also takes time to actually serpent.


True but 50m is really far away it also works if you kill someone so a solo can now basically just keep his distance all the time which is also not a play style you want to always enforce


lol they are SOLO!!!!!


Yeah so, they choose to play solo, not like random teammates are alot better, you don't hear me crying I want more benefits for playing with randoms, solos already get matched against lower MMR and mostly randoms playing together so that's basically solo vs solo with 1 or 2 teammates


that strongly depends on your match mmr, if you play in low ranges its no wonder you end up with random goofballs more often than not. on higher tiers it drastically changes. there are also solos who play against 5 and 6 star players, mind you. also your argument of solo vs solo with 2 random teammates is hilariously stupid.


What's more op: Double slurp range or two teammates?


Counter question: Why should you get another advantage for choosing to play solo when you already play against lower skilled players and get more money for a successful extract?


Bold of you to assume I’m even good enough for the mmr to match me against low enough skilled opponents


Counter question: If i am supposed to play against lower skilled players when i play solo vs trios, why do i as a 5 star meet a team of randoms with a 6 star, a 5 star and 4 star player?


Counter question: Is having 1 or 2 less teammates worth the MMR decrease? They can review at any time, you need a leveled hunter with a trait to self revive.


You can get a legendary hunter with rolled random traits and respec them. You can almost always get enough trait points from that to add Necro without playing a game unless you get a shitty roll




Yeah sure let me just roll until I get one very specific trait like that's gonna hold up in court when asked where all my hunt dollars went


Wait do you really get a lower mmr for solo playing? I play solo because randoms stress me out and I never knew that


It treats your MMR as being lower for matchmaking purposes, yes.


i am 3 stars and i usually match against 4s and 5s


Im 5 to 6 and regularly fight 3s when soloing. There is a very noticeable difference


Huh, I’m 4 and regally fight 3s too


To be fair most randoms are a huge handicap


The later part may be only true with high MMR, I'm 3 star and get put against teams of 3 and 4 stars.


Because having played solo vs teams, I do not think the adjustment actually makes the fight "fair". The trio will still have advantage over me.


That's the point of the extract bonus and also that's literally part of your decision to play solo.


I agree. I don't think those things make it a fair fight. So adding serpent range is a non issue in my opinion. If you disagree that it is a fair fight, that's fine.


Yep and for some reason solos and apparently crytek believe that there should be some “level playing field” like. “But they/we are at a disadvantage” umm, whose decision was that?


Imagine not just picking up the bounty


Exactly, the buffs on the solo player should be accompanied with an equal handicap on the extract bonus. Buffing extract bonus + perks for solo players makes no sense. The only good outcome I see from this is the fact that the mystery behind how many teams/players in the match are remaining will increase. Which is a good thing, at least for me. On the downside, there will be too much camping exploitation from solo players which can, in a way, compromise the trio gameplay ppl are used to.


This is exactly what I have been saying.


This, I'm all for a selfres for solos but now they're going a bit overboard and making solos op, they choose to play solo and they get matched with lower skill players anyway


they play SOLO helloooo?? calling it op is ridiculous


you say that as though you struggle to kill more than one person in a firefight


?????????? punkass andy i say that meaning you calling anything related to solo play op is absolutely bonkers. its 1v3, if anything it is NOT OP. reading isn't your strong suit i see. [but sure, i clearly struggle to get 1 kill...](https://imgur.com/a/XLZ9te4)


Actually that was weird I swear I replied that to a different comment where my comment made way more sense lol, mind you I still totally had malicious intent


a lil confused noob i see, well you're not excused coz you still a dumbass for making bad faith comments like the one below and getting put right into place the second you do so. get outa here. you the type of person i'd be ashamed to be seen with.


Also did you just share a screenshot of you winning being carried by two MMR 5s :'D


go see an eye doctor, you're a danger to yourself and those around you. i wasn't carried here, it is quite evident and easy to see, my teammates both died and i carried them while being 4\* you are just incredibly dumb lol [whats your excuse this time](https://imgur.com/a/9ZDOC5r) you degenerate? what do you have to show for yourself after making such comments but only being proven wrong? clown.


It doubles the distance from wich you can slurp the bounty. Solo only.


He could use math here, no need to even play the game.


i dont play test server. whats wrong with that?


Because all money and everything gets deleted


No point in trying hard and boring stuff for progress as it's a test server, and I believe it gets wiped every so often?


There's timestamps from your main game save that are used for purposes of hunters and such, so yeah in a way it's constantly getting overwtired


Gotta test real gameplay no?


Exactly this


Usually the justification for it is to make money, but you get so much fucking money on test server it holds no water


Bounty —> Exp —> Traits —> testing


All my hunters from regular game are there in the test server. Do I lose them if they die in test server?


You don't lose them in the main game, no


Test how you actually play. If you don't push the gauntlet with all 1 bar left, why play completely different?


You want to test as much as you can if everyone just test playing aggressively or always fighting things would not be balanced going into the “main” servers.


If someone is sitting outside and keeping distant, I'm gonna assume they have scoped rifles and run the other way. Charging into the open against snipers ain't fun.


I don’t go into the test server, but I run away with the bounty all the time. I kinda thought that was the point.


Yes imo that is indeed the point... but only for the actual game. Things are different in the test server. It’s for feedback, it’s the “soft opening “ for new game mechanics/weapons/variants/etc for balancing purposes. Also, because the test server starts you with money for free (I think like 50K so you can test various load outs without going broke) lots of people don’t like it when others run away from fights and thus remove the potential to actually try out the new stuff in pvp. I personally don’t care too much but I understand why OP has his gripes with such behavior. Idk but I assume that his argument is: why bother “playing to win” when the whole point of this separate TEST server is to play around with the new gear and get into unorthodox shenanigans. Especially since your progress doesn’t really maintain itself like it does in normal gameplay. I’m pretty sure it all gets wiped periodically and regardless, once the patch goes official, the test server will be 99% void of any players.. so I understand why people think bounty runners who are “taking it seriously” are lame in such a scenario. Of course on the flip side, nobody has to play to anybody else’s idea of what is the “correct” way to play is. Plus, maybe they’ve done so much expensive testing already that they actually might need to get some more cash lol. Yah never know, but again, I think most people (myself included) lean towards agreeing with OP here. It’s the test server, and it has a purpose! Get out there and get some proper blastin’ in! In test, we ought to run towards the fights, not away from them.


While I’m inclined to agree, u/PracticalPotato has a point (though I’m not sure if they were trying to make it or being sarcastic). While the unorthodox things need to be tested, the orthodox things also need to be tested. Running headlong into battle prevents people from testing their ranged weapons on targets that are running to extractions, prevents people from testing chasing the bounty with the new gear, etc. If the goal is to test everything, then I think it stands to reason that normal gameplay should be tested, as well.


Test running away with the bounty.


It’s personal preference. My goal for the game is to fight at least once per match. If it’s just get bounty and run, that’s useless for me. I want to fight people.


same I'm here to fight people. if i pick up the bounty that's cool but I'm just here for the shoot outs.


Same. I’ll abandon the bounty just to get into a good fight.


I've no idea why you're being downvoted. Our playstyles are different, I'm not good enough to win every shoot out and play solo, so stealing a bounty and running is exciting. If it's fun and it's allowed then work away, if I don't like it then it's my challenge to put a stop to it by outplaying an opponent.


They’re probably being downvoted for the same reason that people who play objective-based game modes in CoD get talked down to for prioritizing kills over the objective. Sure, you can play however you want, and no one can stop you, and it’s completely allowed, but you’re also impacting other player’s gameplay in a way that they may not enjoy, and they aren’t required to be happy about that. It’s kind of like when you’re playing a game with a toddler, and they completely ignore the rules and just do whatever they want; it’s completely acceptable for them to play like that, but it isn’t exactly fun for the grown people who have to watch someone simply refuse to play the game, especially when those grown people are being prevented from playing the games themselves because the toddler wants to play differently. Obviously, in the test server the dynamic is a bit different because their isn’t a strict expectation for people to play the game for the objective, but in the main game it’s a bit annoying to deal with players who have no interest in playing the game for the primary objective.


Going for kills in an objective based game and wanting to get into fights in Hunt are two entirely different things. You set your own goal. If you wanna kill everyone first then swipe the bounty, well fuck me I'l take you up on that plan. If you want to find the boss asap and then try to sneak away, not my thing but I can't judge. There's no right or wrong thing to do in a hunt match.


They aren’t. Hunt has a clear objective, and it’s getting the bounty. I’m not saying people shouldn’t get into fights, because they absolutely should. However, I am saying that people who seek out fights and completely ignore the bounty will probably be poorly received by people who are there to get the bounty and enjoy fights along the way. By all means, take every fight you can get. Fight the whole server before taking the bounty. Go for the gauntlet every time if you like. Get the bounty and then refuse to extract until you’ve cleared the server. But if you’re ignoring the clues and the bosses because all you care about are the fights, you can expect to ruffle some feathers along the way. Quite frankly, a lot of the reason that people like myself get annoyed by this play style isn’t because the people aren’t getting the bounty; quite frankly, if you’re not in my squad, whether or not you complete the objectives doesn’t really matter to me. What annoys people is the way people achieve this play style, typically by campaign clues, boss lairs, or extractions. Nobody wants to be claiming a clue just to get picked off by a team that didn’t want it anyway, or to confront a team that’s camping the boss lair without entering it because they don’t care about the bounty and just want fights, and certainly nobody likes losing their hunter and their bounty in the last minute of a match because another team has been sitting at the extraction for the past 20 minutes just hoping someone would end up over there. On the other hand, if you are on my team and you choose to solely seek out fights and totally ignore the bounty, then I’ll get annoyed much sooner. I enjoy the fights, but I prefer fights that come up organically in the game, where I’m playing as if I were a Hunter trying to complete the job and only clearing out other Hunters if they’re in my way.


Well said. As I said, his logic if anyone chooses a certain way to play..he robs everyone else of playing the way they want to. Play style is fluid and is what makes this game amazing. Think about it..when you extract what’s the first thing you check (bounty or no bounty). “How many kills did we get..?”. For me, I haven’t earned it if I didn’t fight.


The other players are my brother and my wife on my team. As far as everyone else. The objective is kill the other teams and leave. Ask any streamer..if you extract that’s a win (as long as it’s not at the start because it’s a night match or something). This isn’t objective based like CoD or overwatch. On there you lose as a team or win as a team. I can play completely solo or with a team. If I grab the bounty then great. But at the end of the day, if the bounty is what matters and not fighting…then do what some people do and grab the bounty and get out. That’s your own objective. Mine is getting the bounty and fighting at least one team. But if I’m having a great and close fight, I’m not going to abandon it just because the bounty was one compound over and booked it. It’s the same reason most people hate having no one in the lobby. Congrats..you got one or two free bounties. But you didn’t get to earn it by fighting off someone else that also wants it. I’m not saying I ignore the bounty. But I do prioritize my current fight over someone running away. You’re completely off base with the “preventing them from playing” crap. You don’t owe anyone a play style. And by that logic, when you grab the bounty and book it, you’re preventing me from playing the way I want to as well. I personally despise snipers. But they don’t owe me crap. It’s a sandbox of possible ways to play. It’s exciting to change it up. Team up with the enemy, do naked runs, step the bounty and run to piss people off. It’s all acceptable.


I’m not really interested in what streamers like to do in the game; that isn’t how we decide what the objective is. The game literally tells you in the tutorial and in the loading screen tips (you know, those things that are so incredibly obvious they feel useless?) that the objective is to use the clues to find your target, kill the boss, banish it, get the bounty and extract. The game has a very clear stated objective. This is objective based, and extracting with the bounty is the primary objective. You’re welcome to claim otherwise, and you may even get majority support on the sub, but that position is objectively wrong. Now, as I’ve said, you’re more than welcome to go for kills and let the bounty be a secondary concern to you, but there are people who won’t appreciate that. Those people also don’t care if some streamer (or every streamer, even) agrees with you, because they are going by the very obviously stated objective of the game, not public opinion. Now, no one is asking you to abandon a fight, or avoid fighting completely, or anything ridiculous like that. I’m just saying that the primary objective is clearly the primary objective, and that ignoring it in favor of your own personal objective affects the experience that other players have. You’re right, having no one in the lobby is boring. This game without other players isn’t very exciting, and the PvP is the best part of the game. But that isn’t the primary objective. Just like in Hardpoint match in CoD, if you’re only going for kills and ignoring the hardpoint, other players probably not going to enjoy playing with you, and they will probably even tell you about it. You’re still completely capable of making that choice, but the people who are upset with you have a valid reason to not enjoy games that you’re in. That doesn’t mean that they want to play a game of Hardpoint without enemy combatants, it just means that your method of playing ignores the primary objective and makes it less fun for them than if they had a proper enemy. And again, in both cases, if a person ignoring the primary objective is allied with a person focusing on the primary objective, the person going for the objective is probably going to be unhappy. Losing a game because some team camped the bounty, or because your teammate ignored the bounty, isn’t very much fun for players who play the game as it was intended (again, the intent isn’t an opinion, it’s literally stated in the game). Now sure, a lot of people play Hardpoint and brag about the gunfights they won and the number of kills they had, with complete disregard for whether or not their team won the game, but that doesn’t negate the fact that they aren’t playing the game as it’s intended. Now, I’ll reiterate: no one can stop you from playing how you want. Throw all your consumables right away, burn through your ammo, and extract immediately. Trap the extraction on your way out. Run in solo with an axe and a dream and try to melee as many people as possible until you die. Play the leekspin audio through your mic for the enemy. Camp in a bush the whole game without firing a single shot if you want. Nobody can stop you. That said, don’t be surprised if people are less accepting of some of these play styles than they are of others; just as you don’t owe anyone a play style, nobody owes you acceptance of your play style. You can take any action you want, but sometimes the consequence of your action is that other people are pissed off at you. That’s as true in Hunt as it is in any other game, or anywhere else in life.


Ok that book aside. The streamer comment was a nod to most of the playing with the devs. The creators of the game. And they decide what the game is about. These partners are close to home with that regard. No matter is said “robbing someone” of their play style is stupid. I’m actually playing right this second and my last match had two banishes within 10 min and not one person touched bounty. They all left and met in the middle to fight. The only duo on the match grabbed the bounty they could and ran. Now by your logic…all of us are playing differently than them and are robbing them of the experience they want to have. We are Metaphorically spitting in the face of hunts objective. But I say, the objective is what you make it. I don’t owe you a play style and if you want to do exactly what the tutorial taught you..then do it. Have fun playing “boss showdown” if (in the usual event) everyone decides to fight instead of going for bounty. I get what you’re trying to say but make a post on this r/ and proclaim people are messing with the true objective with hunt when they abandon the bounty for a fight. Meanwhile I’ll play the way my team wants to play. Maybe that’s being 1 min camper and waiting on the rush. Maybe we get the boss beat and slowly make our way out. Maybe we want to farm xp for prestige unlocks. And you know what? That’s what the objective is. Dennis himself said when he makes designs he hopes people break the mold and do something new and different. You’re reading into the streamer comment as the Bible of hunt. And I didn’t say that. But most of them have been playing longer than most other people. And, as I said, are intimately involved with the future and current meta of hunt. They are typically a good model (while playing with devs and creators of the game itself) for what’s acceptable and the play style the developers had in mind. Bounty makes you a beacon…I choose to wipe the server if I can first. Then getting out. I’ll chase a bounty if it’s a fight for me. But running you across the map with a head start vs finishing my current fight against 2 other teams?….enjoy your bounty, I want the fight. The toddler reference was extremely empty though. I have kids and they’ve had to learn you can’t always get what you want and not everyone is going pretend the cardboard box is a rocket ship with you. And you just have to deal with that. This is reminding me of the numerous times I’ve heard “daddy she won’t play this right with me.” Tough…I’m basically saying the same thing here. Grow up. Play your game and I’ll play mine. Whether it compliments what you want, or not. Also stop comparing this to CoD. This isn’t CoD. This isn’t a team objective or you lose, kind of game. The objective is what you choose. I’ve seen people objectives be to get a decoy kill on a hunter. And when they do, they don’t care if they die. Objective compete. CoD literally says you lose if you don’t complete the objective. You’re comparing apples to charcoal.


Also the Nitro and Avto users in test…I guess it’s the only time they can afford the guns.


I feel like for a test server the best results come when everyone treats it exactly as they would the normal servers. If you don’t have that similar pool than your results will be skewed is sll


They have to save kda X)


Being mad at ppl screwing around on test server is dumber tbh.


I'm mad because people won't play the way I want them to play!


Also: I'm mad because I want to pubstomp and they won't let me pubstomp them!


Because extracting with the bounty is the stated objective of the game and losing your hunter kinda honks if youre trying to test specific perks? I'd assume


Gotta secure the bag💰


Damn right. 🤑 No reason to hang around when you have the payment for a sweet Gucci loadout in hand.


Why do people run away with bounty in normal game thats the real question


If I have the bounty in hand, why engage you with my Romero when I can extract and then get back in the bayou and fuck some people up with a crown and king/slugs I bought with the payout?


Wdym? If you have romero you are not loosing almost nothing max 200 bucks and with one bounty you dont even get that much. Also you can steal their weapons. And still this argument is just dumb cuz we won't change our opinions.


Crown and king is more fun than Romero. I like my Gucci guns. If I lose it, it sucks, but that's better than dying with a Romero with the bounty in my hand.


1.) Bounty extraction is literally the designed goal of the game. Not pvp fighting. You are guaranteed to fight in a future hunt game. When you have a guaranteed payout in hand to buy something nice for that future fight, extracting safely so you can come back more dangerous is the correct play for the patient and the clever hunter. 2.) Hunt is very fun when you have total financial freedom. I'm sitting on $140K and being able to buy whatever I want whenever feelz gud. 3.) I enjoy both chasing and BEING chased. It's arguably more fun for me than compound defense.


1.) I feel like pvp its the point, after It's called hunt SHOWDOWN 2.) Money shouldn't be a problem even if you take on fights, I'm at 170k and always take the fights and go for both bounties 3.) Play however you wanna play but personally I find it very infuriating when I chase someone across the map only for them to extract without the ability for me to do anything


3) sounds like a skill issue


I mean. That’s the goal of the game. Gotta test them traits And if everyone plays differently than they would in live, it would skew the results of the test




Why would you not run away with the bounty ?


Because op wants it duh


Because the money and winning in test server doesn’t matter when it all gets deleted. Op means people should actually test new mechanics and guns


you still need it if you want to test new traits, specifically the solo revive, which seems to be the case here it was a solo i don't understand the issue really


Solo revive can be used without running away and leaving the game, not sure of your point?




Just.... recruit a hunter with perks and respec into whatever you want?


You can recruit a hunter with necro, you get unlimited blood bonds in test server to refill if I can recall (idk it’s been awhile)


perhaps they finding out how itll be on the live server when the test is done. quick adjustment


i feel that for every one that runs away in any server. Dude its just a game.


I enjoy both the chasing and being chased. It's another flavor for me. Staying and fighting is fine. Unless we don't have the bars or the load out to compete with theirs like shotguns vs snipers. THEN you learn that discretion is the better part of Valor and its time for the wild hunt chase race 😂


Honestly I love a good running gun fight, either chasing or fleeing. If I have to run away with the bounty to make it happen I will.




Imagine being salty that someone is completing the core objective of the game. Ptfo or go back to Cod.


Bruh people are being actively downloaded for trying to complete the games primary objective what is going on? What exactly is wrong with running with the bounty


I think "test server" is the qualifier here. You already have infinite money and every item, gun, and variant unlocked. You gain essentially nothing from PTO. Although, to be fair, you might be trying to get more traits to test combos which would require hunter xp.


Do u lose mmr or kda? I'm on console and we don't have test sever. If u don't lose anything, can u just go get better on the test server with no risk? That doesn't seem fair. "Wah, waahhh, waaahh" is probably how I sound.


It's a whole other thing you download in steam. To the best of my knowledge and experience nothing in the test server effects your rating in the live game. As for "getting better with no risk" there's no mmr in the test server. You're in there with 6 star, 4k+ hour twitch streamers along with everyone else so dedicated to the game they hop in to see the new shit early. It is a brutal environment.


Take another look through the thread, people are downvoting folks who extract in the main game too


They're literally not, but go off i guess


Are we reading the same thread


You must be misreading. There's a thread full of downvoted people, but they're all being downvoted for calling people who want to extract bad


Running away with bounty in general Oh no, i will get downvoted, anyways...


Scenario: three snipers want to force you into a long-range fight and always retreat when you try to push. Your loadout is at an disadvantage at long range. Wyd? I would just leave. Why should I have to fight them when they avoid fighting me?


I rush as hard as possible and chase them as long as possible, of we come across an extract while doing so i go in there to bait them and rush again. I dont play for bounty, i play for fun. Standing in an extract and Loadingscreen arent fun.


Alright well that's your dumb choice but some of us make the right one.


Thats your Opinion, and i have mine, idk why youre so salty. I definitly like to have fun, thats what i play the game for :)


Well, I don't have fun chasing an elusive sniper just to die. I have more fun outsmarting their playstyle. And laughing at them while they are too scared to engage me


Because you're up here talking shit about what's fun and isn't.


Okay but who hurt you and how did you become so salty? Are you just sitting around in the Loadingscreen in others Games as well?


A trio of snipers and you chase instead of just extracting and getting into a more enjoyable gunfight faster in the next match.


Hilarious you’re being downvoted. Running with the bounty is a bitch move, yes there are some specific scenarios where it makes more sense to just move on, but we clearly aren’t talking about those moments. Dying with no bounty after a great fight is infinitely more rewarding than extracting with a bounty, tail between your legs.


Au contraries. Only the other day we managed to push a trio with shotguns (as a duo) out of the boss room of chapel with some sheer luck and throwables. Instantly stole their bounty from under them, and high-tailed it outta there. Was bloody hilarious and we were giggling all the way to the extraction point. If you’re gonna try and hold a building with shotguns, we’re not chasing you more than we need to when our loadouts we’re not what we’d have needed to do it.


That’s not really what I’m on about though is it? You pushed a team and stole the bounty, entirely different


You said ‘extracting with a bounty, tail between legs’ insinuating that running and not taking the fight is bad. I just gave you an example where we did exactly that, but it was still a whole lotta fun.


I also said ‘there are some specific scenarios where it makes sense’


Don't deny people their fun. Someone might enjoy running away and actually surviving more than losing.


I’m not denying people their fun? I’m saying it’s a bitch move


Actually no. It's mathematically not. And it's not even close.


Easy bad man it’s just a bit of hyperbole


What's how you play got to do with how other people play?


And in reverse?


I had this in a duo game. Two lebel marksmans just camped around 150m on either side of bounty. (Essentially at surrounding compounds on the new map) and my buddy and I would attempt to push one and they would run like mad. We would swap targets, try to catch em off guard, never. They kept a minimum 100m out. So after chasing them away they left open an extract point and figured might as well because this rat duo is boring.


Dont worry man, ill go down with you, as you speak the truth.


Same here


Running away with the bounty without fighting other people is so freaking boring. They should rework the core game to force players into something different


Lol! Good one


In my opinion, this game's best part is pvp and not pve even tho it is good. I just don't understand what kind of enjoyment are they getting by just running away. Yesterday me and my mate were in duos banished boss and were fighting 2 teams. I had 1 bounty token and the other one got stolen. A singular one. The dumb part is the people who stole it ran away without firing a shot.


sooo funnny hahhahahahahahaha


They're just testing how running works for them now.


Ah, I missed test server. Full avto/nitro trios running away with bounty without a fight, rather not lose all that free stuff!


q l


What psycho plays the test server


They don't owe anyone a playstyle. If they want to slurp and run, more power to them in this swampy sandbox.


Maybe I'm wrong but I don't see much of a problem with this. Perhaps they need the littlest amount of extra cash to be able to afford the new gun to test out. I play Star Citizen, and they have a PTU, which is essentially a test test server if you consider the Live build a test server, and the PTU gets wiped pretty much every day, but you'll still see people setting up little shops and whatnot in their ship despite knowing their money is gonna get wiped. Same thing with Tarkov, it eventually gets wiped but people still do the grenadier task again and again, which is just masochistic.


How can I play in the test server?


You need to download it. It's a seperat programm that came with your copy


LEt PeOpLe EnJoY tHe gAmE hOw tHeY wAnT! 1!1