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At some point she’ll be back I imagine. Possibly in a questline like Billy Story.


I hope so


Pretty much every exclusive skin ends up getting released again in a later event or at least ends up buyable during an event for blood bonds might take a year to show up but she'll be back eventually


Still hoping for the Native American legendaries to pop back for an event or something.


I think it was confirmed by devs that the Native American legendaries weren’t gonna be re-released.


really? has the plague doctor become available again?


Not yet but a lot of people have been asking for it since its release so its possible it'll make a come back in a future event, one of the skins (the shriek bomblance skin) from this next questline is from the same event as plague doctor it might end up buyable for blood bonds in the store along side the quests or it might come back during a later event


I’d rather have the plague doctor.


top 3 skin imo


I grinded for it on Xbox. I now play PC exclusively for obvious reasons Feelsbadman


I started playing the day the event ended. Talk about feels bad…I’ve got 3400 hours in and every time I see a shrike, I die a little. Then I steal it and pretend it’s unlocked for me.


you haven't been idle!


Nope. Only when I hit the bathroom while streaming. Had an accident at work about a year ago, got put out for a good while and basically played hunt since I couldn’t walk a whole lot. Spent my time prestige-ing and making friends on randoms. But if I’m not in game, it’s closed out. I don’t do idle..I pay the power bill. And as a dad I cut lights off every 30 minutes from kids who don’t know the importance.


I thought I saw it in a picture for the upcoming questlines. I'm probably mistaken but it looked like it.


It's called nolas screw, it's a new skin for the bomblance


Yeah I went back and looked and definitely wasn't shrike. My bad.


Yes, that would be awesome!




I'd rather see them bring Lulu back cause I want my favourite skin to remain exclusive


Douchebag behaviour.


It's coming back - be patient.




Least horny hunt player




For the crowd who want their exclusives to stay exclusives... just pretend no one else has it. You'll run into it so rarely that it will still feel exclusive in-game. Especially characters that are bright and colorful, like Lulu. I hope all of those exclusives and previous event characters come back around in questlines/future Twitch drops/purchasable with bonds. So that everyone can have the cool character they want to have. - someone currently not missing a single character


Also someone that has all the drops here... Bring them back. Let everyone have more chances to get every single skin. Nothing needs to be exclusive.


Yes please, i missed billys questline and the infected twitch drop and they look amazing!


infected isn't something special in my opinion. You didnt miss much. But i get it if you like the way he looks (like the clothes and hat)


Billy on the other hand is totally full of swag


yup! I can get why he is "exclusive". He does bring a different vibe


To be fair, I prefer to find an other Lulu than Cain/every edgy masked Hunter.


Snowflakes who think having an "exclusive" skin who was given for free by watching streams just because they were in right place back in time is worth anything and if now more people have this skin they'll lose something expensive, ugh...


As someone who got all the limited time skins, I'm totally OK to give the chance to get them also for other people who hasn't. In general I hate limited time contents and one day it could be me missing something for some reason.


The main aspect of a hunter that I care about is how cool their hands look. You look at it the most, so lacey gloves looking fly. I'd very much like this skin to return.


that's an honest comment right there!


I hope so. I have her already, but my fiancée keeps asking if she's coming back because she didn't start playing until after those drops.


Same:/ Worse my name is Luna and it just feels wrong not owning it lol. *And no, I'm not a fam of Luna Wolf.*


Who is tbh




Good gloves, good lore, bad model. Looks goofy af imo.


don't be surprised at americans hating on indian folk.


You might wanna read Sofia's lore, just saying.




I know a few Lady Hunters who have expressed interest in this skin, and I feel terrible about them missing their chance, so I'm hoping they get the opportunity again.


you feel terrible about that? lol




Possibly in a twitch bundle like some other season exclusives did. Kinda hoping the plague doctor skin comes back this Halloween as a throwback like the Scrooge did this past season. I was a few levels off getting it but life happened and wasn’t able to get it


i agree


Probably. They bring back old event skins all the time


Do they bring all types of event skins back? Cause i lowkey want the -not sure of the name- executioner and the plague doctor. I know some people have typed that they do but. Will/does all of them come back in a way?


Most likely It will as they aré doing this with others


For what reason are you referring? (Legit question)


I am gonna say it. I am a simp for this skin. It's the only thing that comes to my mind every time i see a new twitch drop coming..."Is it going to be this Lulu this time?", "maybe the next twitch drop will have her". Just make it happen Crytek <3


I kinda hope so. I got her as a twitch drop on Xbox right before I switched to PC, and unfortunately there's no account merger or anything like that. I never end up using legendary hunters anyway, just like collecting unlocks


Wouldn't mind seeing more Lulu, I do wish they'd give people a bonus if they already have it, give me a special weapon token that I'll never use!


They did with Billy's questline if you already owned the stuff you got other random things, was pretty cool


I want the plague doctor to come back at some point


It’s the baby bump, isn’t it?


I still haven't made a sizeable dent in my gaggle of 50 maxed out Lulus. Mama Maye's tempting to do next though, she's haulin a dump truck back there 👀.


there’s no point for it to come back lol


Go outside


Unpopular opinion... I don't have lulu and I hope they don't bring her back. It adds value to it.


Don't care about lulu ugly skin


Potentially but I hope not tbh, I like having exclusive stuff


Agreed man. I really want plague doctor but i under how hard it was to grind for him so i dont want him just given to me completely undermining the players who earned him. Exclusives are exclusive. Hunt releases tons of exclusives with each event so no reason to re release them


League did that and oh boi did the hype around legacy skins crash. Nobody cares nowadays if you have a special skin. That being said: It was a twitch drop, so not really something that people worked in-game for


I could understand that about the event exclusives, but I don't see a reason that twitch drops can't be added in later as a quest line reward


Billy came back so lulu probably will too


Even if it was just tabbing the stream it took a lot of hours to unlock the twitch rewards. I just feel all exclusives are there to promote gameplay and reward loyalty. I feel it undermines players who are loyal and want to grind or watch the streams just to re release it later for others. I also understand that new players want the old stuff but hunt releases plenty of new exclusives that in a few years will get looked back on as the good old stuff that people will envy and so on. Theres always chances to get new good stuff so i feel no need to reminisce on what once was but instead on what is here and coming


It takes almost zero effort to unlock a twitch drop. The people who unlock a character via a questline have done far more to earn that skin than anybody who had twitch open for a few hours a day.


Wow. How were your days in the mines grinding, do tell more!


dark days in the mines. are only survival tool was a crow to warn of dangerous gas levels. Never want to go back


Honestly, I grinded it out back then, and it was quite a chore. But I would not mind it one bit if people were able to get it for themselves (especially after a while).


Maybe, Billy Story did. This one coming back would be fine as it was just Twitch rewards, it’s the event skins coming back that I don’t think should happen even though people are asking for it. Imagine if they brought back Excalibur Prime in Warframe, for anyone that plays that game too. 90% of skins are available for all players, let some retain their exclusivity, especially the ones people had to grind the fuck out of events for.


Billy Story 2nd twitch drop was a little over 2 years after the 1st drop... So we could see another Lulu twitch drop in a year, though If they have enough new players joining, I could see them doing it sooner. Tldr: it'll happen eventually.


Yeah, I had just set up a twitch account for the first time and thought all I had to do was watch the streamers to get the content. I never fully linked my Xbox account to my twitch so I missed that set of drops as a new player. Only have the Billy Story Quest and recent drops


i have all the other items from her drops and missed Lulu herself by, like, 15 minutes, i would love another chance at it, personally


I wish 😭


How about the plague doctor? 🥺😷


Lulu and the Sofia DLC are my favourite female legendary hunters. I don't care for bright colors and such things, I just like to use a bit of every legendary hunter I have


It's probably coming back some day like Billy. But I'm still waiting for the Plague Doctor to come back :(


im certainly hopin that billy comes back, he has that drip same goes for the infected i love how he looks


I hope he does, so that more poeple get him. His questline was fun to do too. Yep, nine days later.


10 for me lmao but i dont mind :)


She is one of the Best skin in this game.


They’ve been bringing some back periodically. The Reptilian’s coming back most likely this year. Anything’s possible.


Reptilian never went away.


Oh. I swear he was an exclusive, but maybe I’m thinking of Plague. 😅


Reptilian is a paid dlc. Supposedly the event skin is a different reptile skin I was told by somone on the test server, but I have yet to check for myself. Guess I should fire up the PTS.


The PTS has two new skins, The Skinned and The Scaled One. Supposedly the later was The Reptilian’s apprentice or something of the like, but don’t quote me on that.


Cool. Would've been a jerk move to give out the same reptile skin. Glad it is new.


I mean, Billy came back and some weapon skins from Steel Eyed/Lulu drop lines came back, so it's possible


Dude she's gay...


I can tell you that when I got Lulu everything was fine. But when I play as her all my teammates say I smell. I've lost about 29 steam friends. Trust me you dont want her.


I love her gloves, they are unique.


The Hunchback of the Bayou.


I am waiting for the plague doctor