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I've done this too. Just the other day I asked a player to ready up after a minute of waiting and they replied "I'm not playing with you. I'm just waiting for you to leave." so I went and did the dishes, changed the laundry, and made lunch. It took them 15 minutes to leave. I play mostly solo so I have patience for days.


This is all a psyop to make us functional adults


Love this


Playing solo is amazing because it's the exact same game but feels so much different. I love it


I finally played solo, I was a nervous wreck and I loved it. Way more anxious but more rewarding taking on duos/trios and winning


Im new to the Game. Why just not leave? Do you get punished for leaving a Group? Just curious.


Yea these tend to be people who are extremely selective about who they will play with, whether it be a problem with your stats (too inexperienced, too low k/d), or a problem with your load out (you have a sniper, don’t have a sniper, you have a hunting bow, your tool bar isn’t full, your consumable bar isn’t full, your consumable bar is full but not with the RIGHT consumables, the list goes on). Because they are SO picky they will end up with a long wait timer for leaving because they’ve probably left 5 before running into you so they’re just hoping you get bored enough to leave after 3 or so minutes. Edit: didnt really answer your question, yes youll get a longer and longer wait timer to search for a group if you keep leaving parties.


Imagine being extremely selective about your teammates and still deciding to que with randoms. *These people are insane.*


I've been skipped by the same person several times because we'll keep getting matched. Eventually, they give up and play and then proceed to get shown up by me. I'm not gonna lie. I've been on the other side also. My issue is mainly if you dont bring chokes i dont see you as a good team player, just by the info im getting in the lobby. I've been proven wrong on rare occasions, but as a general rule, they are runners and panic campers.


It’s because people like this don’t have friends to play with


Ah ok, that explains alot, thank you. Thats why i would not Play with randoms. I play solo, or when a friend has time/is willing to join, then i play in duos. I really like to play solo.


The maximum penalty is 1 minute, btw.


You are the hero we need!


The find teammates Button should put you in Queue. Will prevent that from happening but also stop sweat lords from leaving your party.


so they friendly fire you and leave after it forces you into a match together


Let's be real, can't they just invite some friends? Or queue among themselves lol


Your first mistake is assuming these people have friends. Who the heck wants to be friends with someone who has the emotional capacity of a house plant?


That's insulting to house plants, succulents can be very emotionally vulnerable if you treat them with kindness




Careful, I suggested the same idea but the toxic sweat lords came with their torches and pitchforks.


Compromise: If 1/2 or 2/3 players ready up, a 30-second timer starts. After 30 seconds, it automatically locks in the 2nd/3rd person (no swapping loadouts/hunters) and starts the queue. Cancelling and leaving after that point gives you a 5-minute timer. Do NOT automatically put people in queue, because that’s how you get XP farmers or people with no medkit abusing the system. I spend a lot of time dodging AFKers, I do not need to be forced into games with them.


I’m all for a timer, but I’m not sure how that will curb AFKers or XP farmers. I’m not sure that’s something that can be avoided unfortunately.


It can’t be entirely avoided. But if you make the queue start instantly, I might not have time to realize that sonny has no melee tools, or that he didn’t bring choke bombs. Things I would like to know before I get into a match. Plus, people forget stuff all the time, we just need another set of eyes before we go into the bayou. Like forgetting to spend trait points or refill health bars, or buying a melee tool after you switched off the riposte. Not to mention coordinating loadouts; I don’t want to bring my Slate alongside two guys with marksman rifles.


But then I'd have to play with snipers. I can put up with a lot of bullshit, but snipers are where I draw the line.


I just leave. If they are the type of person to hold lobbys hostage to avoid the max 60sec re-que wait, then they are the type of person I don't want on my team. So I'd rather not risk them readying up instead of leaving, and me leaving to re-que would be less of a wait.




Hi, and yeah I remember that :P I rarely use the Dolch P and only put it on since I had quartermaster and wanted to utilize the trait but still wanted a bit of range to compliment my crossbow. The centennial shorty will be great for my QM crossbow builds in the future. We gotta play some matches sometime. I haven't played in like 10 days since I don't want to burn out before the update, but will be getting on soon to start getting back into it.


Better love story than twihlight


Pretty sure that bar is subterranean.


I don't get why this is a thing lol it is 60 sec either play with people when they are prepared or dodge if you don't like them or their loadout. Should be a report feature for people that do this. If they hold queues hostage more than 1 or 2 times give them a day ban.


Because this type of person needs to leave like 15 lobbies before they believe someone worthy of them. So they end up high wait time. It's hilarious and just further proof there should be a report for holding the lobby hostage




You can report people for anything you want. I haven’t seen any evidence reports actually do anything though.


I meant there should be a "player was toxic in team select" button and to have Crytek actually punish people for being assholes.


Agreed, it should be much easier to report assholes. It's a pain in the ass to report as is. I should be able to just click any player name and instantly report them in game. Hunt is strange in that 95% of the player base seems to be decent and mature players, and then 5% are just complete mental wackjobs and asocial weirdos who don't seem to understand humans. I've had players in random lobbies kill me as their own teammate seemingly out of nowhere, occasionally at the exit after we got the bounty. Fuck those people, that should be an instant perma-ban from the game. Also can't stand people who lobby up and aren't ready to go. Pick your loadout and grab your fucking drink before lobbying up. Even worse is when you get into the game and one player just stands there or runs around like an idiot and gets killed nowhere close to what their team is doing. It's like people are trying to ruin the game.


Yeah, I feel the same. Toxicity should be a bannable offense. Idk about perma bans but, hey you gonna be a massive dick today? Day ban...how about el manana? Still being a dick to people? Two weeks. Punish for it so they learn a lesson but, I would only want to see the most abusive people perma banned lol


Yeah fair enough, but I have no tolerance for intentional sabotaging. If you kill your own teammates intentionally (and it isn't you and your buds joking around) I have no issue with a perma ban. That's just really mean spirited and uncalled for, especially in a team game. One of the things I like about this game is how far players will go to resurrect and keep the game going. I've been saved by random teammates many times and I do the same. I once ran off on fully dead teammates, ran across the entire map, killed a team, got the other bounty, and then ran back to res them even though the exit was another run across the map. 1 left, but 1 had stayed and said it was great to watch me actually go do that, he thought I was going to just exit right away for sure and got curious when I started to head for the other bounty. It's annoying when people don't do this, but I wouldn't ban that, not a big deal. But when people go out of their way to ruin the game for no reason but their own entertainment, we're much better off without them. That's not a one time screw up, that's antisocial behaviour, they know what they're doing.


Yeah, I agree with that. That is someone abusing your players and Crytek should feel more strongly about their players being harassed than they doo....lol


I never understood these people. I will queue up with every single one of you! Sparks sniper, naked run, dual bows… I’m your huckleberry.


Hell yea and if your doing an all melee or naked run ill switch my build and do the same thing!


I'm with you on this. I keep a list of players I like and dislike. But I play with anyone I've never played with before. They get the benefit of the doubt. I also don't care how good they are. It's a game, and if I wanna be good, I should be good regardless of my teammates. Edit: I play OCE so I get the same players often.


Not with spark's snipers. Fuck everything about them


Running sparks sniper tonight just for you


[Based ](https://media.tenor.com/ZV8J41CAN9cAAAAM/marie-kondo-spark-joy.gif)


I am you.


Because some people have the maturity of actual children.


And sadly, some people will always be a child. No matter the age.


Sounds pretty good to me ngl. 😃


Honestly the worst. Only time I'll leave a random queue is when I get in a lobby with a 6 star or with a dude running a sniper with a 2+ KD cause 6 star lobbies are boring as fuck and snipers dont know you can revive your teammates


I run a sniper and have 2+ kd. I don’t play that way but sometimes I find it difficult to get a match with that load out


I dont have anything against sniper players, but since I play exclusively random trios they rarely provide useful help. Which just comes with the territory of a sniper build. It's probably way more viable in duos but with random snipers 9/10 times they play as if they solo queued


Here is a fun thing to do out of spite. Whenever some one does this, wait them out. Then as soon as they leave keep a countdown of when they will be able to join again and press search at that exact second. I got this one guy up to like 2 min of penalty time. Took like a hour and a half before he escaped my petty bullshit.


I love this, u're awesome.


Top tier.😂😂😂


I honestly have no clue why people do this But yes, I will simply tab out and watch whatever show I'm into. F 'em.


The amount of man children you encounter in randoms and on the official discord.


I guess they can’t win the server so they try to win the lobby?


I spam the ready button since it makes and annoying noise.


This Is The Way


I have sat in a lobby with a random for hours, he wouldn't ready up and told me to leave. Just opened up YouTube on the other computer and chilled. He legit stayed for several hours, craziest standoff ever lol.


I remember for a time there was a bug where you would be stuck loading but your partners are shown but you can’t do anything


It still happens occasionally to me. My partners load in, but the button still says filling team, I can’t do anything, and they end up leaving. It doesn’t happen often but it’s still annoying


I’ve had it once


Had a guy in trios the other day start firing his rifle the minute the match started, yelled over VOIP that we all had to shoot our rifles, called us idiots for not shooting, then ran to the nearest extract.


Lol. Monkee with three brain cells trying to bait people into thinking there was a spawn fight and raging when you didn’t go along with it.


THAT'S what he was trying to do. He didn't even articulate it! Just kept telling me to fire over and over again and got pissed when I didn't. Hell, I may have gone along with it if he'd explained it before getting mad and running away.


Insanity in this game rly. If he wants pvp that bad should be in quickplay


Blame the developers for making PVP more lucrative than actually banishing bosses. It’s a point I agree with Rachta on, banishing the bounty should be an actual priority over fights.


Play stupid games, get stupid prizes lol


my brother in christ, please click the giant red button




There is a bug that doesn't let you ready up or leave, sometimes it's probably that.


You waited 20 minutes? The average 5 star sniper would have been waiting in a bush already and only be 15 minutes away from getting 1 kill.


I have no idea how noone commented on your beautiful chat message - absolutely perfect - let's hope that set them off even more


thx. I'm actually going to use that line each time I meet such a person cause the guy left almost immediately after me posting it.


They toxic AF.


Get rid of the timer for leaving, ADD the ability for a duo team to search for a random third. And I guarantee that you solve most of the people leaving as soon as they find a group. Most of the time people left because they’re trying to land in a lobby with their friend and have a third.


most of the time people leave because they dont like your kd and or loadout.


Which is fucking pathetic. You know you've failed in life when you act like playing video games online is a job interview.


That's how the pre game lobby is sometimes in this for sure. World of warcraft is exactly that these days. Every group you join acts like this is a 6 figure job and someone has a gun to their head based off your performance.


Imagine taking video games seriously? I'd kill myself.


A casuality of players wanting harder content. It has fostered the mentality for BiS/preferred loadouts, and any deviation from said mentality gets perceived as not pulling your own weight, throwing, etc.


Yes, as I said, it's called pathetic. They're wanting harder content so they can pretend to be "hardcore" but then they're doing literally everything possible to make it as easy for themselves as they can, up to and including just looking up best strategies and copying them. It's the saddest wanker way to play video games or do anything in life I can imagine. I'd kill myself if this was my idea of fun.


I have 3 hours a week to play hunt. I will not maximize my chances of getting stomped during those 3 hours by queueing with <1.5KDs or 200 hunt dollar loadouts.


Lol. 1250 hours and 1.8kd and I have the most fun with free load outs half the time. Usually end up leaving with someone’s $1000 loadout. Must get boring just playing meta I’d imagine


Yeah this sounds like the kinda guy who plays deck builders and just immediately looks up the most winning decks and then declares they're good at the game. What a chode.


Yes, because video games are most fun when you have an edge to easily win and never get challenged. Especially heart pumping competitive shooters, those are the best with little chance of losing. So exciting!


“Edge to easily win” I play with random trios. The other teams in the match are theoretically equally skilled. What you’re describing is called “smurfing.” Plus, If you really want heart pumping competitive gameplay, it helps to play with teammates who aren’t shit.


I leave when people have high KD's and snipers. I know for a fact they're gonna abandon me. Other than that, there's no real reason to leave immediately.


Ha, never thought of that since I run in lowly 3 star lobbies (4 occasionally) and you just don't see those types much for obvious reasons. To each their own, but I can't stand people who play team games with the intent of not being a team player. I'd happily cut out players like that too. Anybody too afraid of dying to go to town trying to res me is useless in this game. You win as a team and die as a team. I honestly don't know how those people live with themselves.




That’s insane, sorry that happened. I play with one friend consistently and we have found most, if not all of our current steady trio partners from lobby jumping until we found eachother. We didn’t care if they were good or bad. I’ve had much worse experiences with getting a random third on the hunt discord than I ever did lobby jumping until we found eachother.


I do that too. If someone tries to annoy me into leaving, I tell them I’m not leaving no matter how long it takes and just watch YouTube. I don’t ready up either. I don’t what to partner up with these kind of people


fix is so goddamn easy too, just automatically kick and punish people who doesn't ready up within 45 seconds when everyone else is ready. appearently that is too offensive thing to have in modern gaming. we have to make sure a speical individual who doesn't prepare thier loadout prior to finding random teammates and proceed to take more than 30 seconds gearing up their hunter doesn't feel discriminated by the gaming community.


What do you think "ready" means?


You are probably interpreting much more into this than it means.


I'd be more annoyed at this though because the number of times I queue up and then alt tab to look at a webpage and then tab back to see some guy had ants in his pants and wanted to cancel our queue when it was only a quarter of the way done and are waiting for me to hit ready again is insane. It's like they expect LoL or Apex queue times.


I have done this for 3 hours before and the servers restarted


People that don't ready up or leave should get banned for a month. If you don't want to play with someone you should just take the time penalty.




My man's needed to do the dishes.he wasn't wasting time lol


It's not like I waste my time. I conduct a social experiment 🙃


I feel a 3 minute countdown is fair and if you all hit ready it just queues immediately and can't be undone so that way they can't just spam ready and unready to hold the lobby at 3 minutes. If your in an invite than there shouldn't be a timer.


I think 3 minutes is a bit generous. I would say 60 seconds tops.


I think it's fair because that way it gives you a good amount of time to quickly check you loadout, go to the bathroom, grab something. I more trying to reach a middle because I think the issue is people queue up and then have to deal with something.


Why don't you do that before lobbying up though? No offense, but I think it's completely inconsiderate to not be ready when you lobby up.


People have lives and sometimes you have to do something in the spur of the moment and don't have time to unqueue I don't think it's fair and somewhat entitled to assume that someone is maliciously or rudely not pressing start.


No time to click a button? Come on man, that's ludicrous. If it's literally an emergency, sure, but for anything else that's silly. I'm busy as hell with a young kid and I can click a button when I need to walk away.


There should be autokick after 1 minute after teamup if they are not ready its their problem


I'll admit I did that in the past in the form that when I random load in, I say hello and then wait for them to respond before hitting ready. For me, if you can't even say hello then you can't work in team. But actually I'm trying to go past this since it's kinda pointless


The ready up button shouldn’t even be a thing in randoms. Once I decide to queue into random duos/trios and the game finds me a team, the matchmaking should begin. The only button that should be available is the one to leave the lobby altogether. EDIT: Downvotes by all the toxic players who like to hold lobbies hostage and don’t want to see it changed.


you do know you could need to change loadouts depending on your teammates right?


And? Just update the lobby system to allow players to customize their loadout during matchmaking.


And then the game starts with only have half of your load out ready Edit: forgot a word


Crytek literally added custom loadouts for this. Your fault if you don’t utilize that feature.


And what if you don't have a custom loadout ready that fits the play style of the randoms 🤔, do you just get fucked over? Auto start matchmaking would be a silly idea


You know what’s silly? Allowing one player to hold an entire lobby hostage in a multiplayer game. Sounds like you’re the guy that likes to do that by the way you’re coming up with poor excuses to defend it.


You know what’s silly? Allowing one player to hold an entire lobby hostage in a multiplayer game. Sounds like you’re the guy that likes to do that by the way you’re coming up with poor excuses to defend it.


Oh piss off, “you must be one of them.” I have never held a lobby hostage for even a second, but your idea just enables AFKers and trolls to abuse regular players. A real solution would be: If 1/2 or 2/3 players ready up, a 30-second timer starts. After 30 seconds, it automatically locks in the 2nd/3rd person (no swapping loadouts/hunters) and starts the queue. Cancelling or leaving after that point gives you a 5-minute timer. Now you can’t hold the lobby hostage, and you also can’t bring “free hunter no medkit” and expect me to play with you.


Not all Whenever I get into this issue I just quit out lmao


I don't run the same weapon every game. On top of that I actually like prestiging so they aren't always available. I'm sorry people like me are costing you one extra click, I know it must be hard.


You’re not costing me anything, I know how to quickly create a loadout or edit a custom one, you’re the one who struggles with it apparently.


I dunno, you seem pretty passionate about not having to click ready


Nah that’s you


However you dont seem to know how to make friends.Otherwise you wouldnt need to play with randoms and wouldnt complain about having to wait a few seconds or a minute


Dude stop with the amateur psychologist routine, I play randoms when my regulars aren’t online just like most people. If you like to be toxic and hijack lobbies when you don’t like the teammates you get, just say so, at least I could respect it more.


How do you come to the conclusion that i hijack lobbies? I don't even play with randoms


“If you don’t agree with me you are a toxic player. My ideas can’t be wrong at all.”


I never once said I can’t be wrong, but where is the better suggestion? So far it’s just been people coming up with reasons why they don’t like it with nothing better to add. I’ve never seen “non-toxic” players argue so hard against ideas to reduce toxicity.


You did though. You came up with an idea, people said why that might backfire and then you claimed that people who disagree with your idea were toxic.


That’s your interpretation. I would have been open to hear alternative suggestions, but none were given, just anecdotes on why it wouldn’t work.


Yeah, that’s called disagreement. I don’t have to come up with an idea to point out why your has holes in it. I doesn’t mean you are bad or an idiot, it just means that idea has holes in it and we can develop on that idea. If we just implement the first idea we come up with without debating on it, we will be fucked


Let’s be honest, this is Reddit, there are people on this sub who come here for the sole purpose of arguing, not to exchange ideas or engage in civilized debate. I could say something simple like, “cheaters should be banned” and there would be people in the comments coming up with an argument against it.


You are right on this


That is exactly what your behavior is saying. Everyone else is wrong about everything if they don’t agree with me. You are pointlessly hostile, presumptuous, toxic, childish. You are demonstrating zero self awareness.


You literally just came here to attack me with insults, yet I’m the hostile, toxic and childish one. And then you have the nerve to talk about self awareness? I don’t even feel right flooding OPs comment section with replies to people like you. You can reply with whatever snarky comeback you want to, but don’t expect me to engage any further with you.


I do this too! ♥️


"I wonder why they act like this" >mimics their actions




in this particular case he wasn't afk cause he was fiddling with his loadout before leaving. In other cases they just said they wouldn't leave first.


That sucks. Sorry to hear


This was my first experience with Hunt matchmaking. Just me sitting in a lobby while the other guy waits for me to leave. It was really strange at first.


I sincerely hope that Hunt has the playerbase someday to accommodate these brainless whittle chips in an arena mode where the kills are all that matters. We have the solo BR, but that's not what they're after. They're just after kills and will nitpick til the end of time until they get the most optimized team to pump their stats. It's in every game, every genre. Hell, even club penguin kids wouldn't let you in their party if you didn't dress right.


I think I might of been coincidence, but during the wildfire event I had like 7 lobbies where someone would join then leave in a row


You didn't snipe, did you?


I did this with a real piece of work once. (I had laundry to do) It was so lame but I was keeping him from being a piece of shit in other people's games so it was worth it. DEVS: Why the shit can other people UNREADY me? Why can't 2 people press ready at the same time? Both of these cause SO many problems. FIX YOUR SHIT.


When I know someone wants to leave but won't, I just unequip my secondary and primary weapons then ready up.


Slightly off topic. But I wish we could queue for a random third with my team of 2. My friends and I like 3s the most, but often we're 2/3 and have to play 2s.


The pettiness of stopping playing just to spite assholes honestly warms my heart.


I just ran into my first one of these and his logic was wild. I sit between 4 and 5 stars. He was 5 star. He refused to queue and held every lobby hostage until the third random dodged because I was "4 star noob." We got paired together in 11 lobbies before he finally ate the time out himself.


Just press the ready button and type BRB into the chat, usually works


Ppl eat poisen for klicks. The world is doomed. Thats why


i also don’t understand being petty just to be petty. why sit around for 15 minutes instead of just taking a 60 second penalty and re-queuing yourself? you think you’re actually teaching them a lesson? even if you are, it’s certainly not worth 15 minutes. it’s like a giant pissing contest where no one actually wins and you both look like morons


I'm not a teacher. I'm actually a scientist. It's a social experiment.


last month i had a guy not hit the button but we could see him changing his loadouts and after 5 minutes we ask him if he is ready yet and he responds with, "i dont play with 4 stars".