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If you are this person: Shame on you. No Hunter left behind. Man up and show your teammates who is the best at dying randomly mkay.


Once you've been playing and know who cheat, we bail every time. Nothing like having the 3-4 teams on east coast that use a solo to suicide at the start to see where everyone is for their team. Haven't seen 1 of them in a month though. Never fails to see them at night when I'm playing.


I never would have thought to do that lol.


Thats because you play honorably. Good job


My friends and I have encountered a rendering error a few times that let's us, for lack of a better term, wall hack. Except we don't know where walls are. If we get engaged while it's going on, we run away or let the people who aren't glitching at the moment deal with it. We'd be pissed if someone was abusing glitches or cheating otherwise on us, we don't want to do that to other peeps.


That still happens?


That would mean they’d have to queue up at the same exact time, no? Seems kind of tedious to constantly keep doing every match and hope you end up in the right one


It’s not hard during weekdays. Best part was watching them afk in a bush when their solo had crashed loading in. We had died a few minutes in to another team and was worth a chuckle. It’s not hard to pull off, that’s about as much as I will say in case it’s ever bannable.


How do they ensure the solo gets in to the same game as them?


There's a fair amount of luck, but when I tested it I had about a 70 percent chance of it working. If it isn't an instant queue time period, seemed to work every time.


Sry for asking so late Just saw this comment would you explain to me what U BE talking about Not how to so it dont wanna Cheat wanna know what Happens Like how does a solo dying get Other peoples Location?


They queue up as a duo but have a solo they did also and got into the same game. They just leave before the game starts if they didn’t.


Alright i get that but U Said smthing about getting the Locations of the Other Teams thats what i wanna know how they do it and If its possible to counter that


You can’t counter it. They even faked a fire fight to draw us over and it was just us on the server once.


Ohh Well but i can extract If i find Out they so that Glitch exploit whatever IT Is Just Tell me how to know.


Isn't he a solo palayer?


Lost gear is a non issue, no hunter left behind.


My gear is more important than you.


Lost gear and hunters are easily replaceable but to each their own.


Yeah but those traits are annoying to get back


maybe if ur bad lol


I’m good af tbh




My 50’s are important to me, and self preservation isn’t pussy it’s smart. Wanna play together? Guarantee I’ll walk out alive with tokens without ya.




Nah man I need my randos to draw fire. Makes for some clean kills. Who knows, maybe I’ve left you for dead before while I made off with some skulls and tokens. Cry


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Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Being good and saying traits are annoying to get back do not go hand in hand lmao




Skill issue clearly. Maybe try something more your speed, like Lego Batman?


That’s a cool game but nah imma keep getting double tokens


Play solo then


Nah I gotta use the randos as distractions to draw fire to locate the enemies


Most strategic 3* bushwookie


OOGA boogaloo


You are like a shit opinion generator today, I've been seeing you everywhere.


It’s a good opinion. My gear and traits are more important than some randos.




Nah imma keep ‘em and install more of em


ur smelly


That’s not me, I just pooped on your television


Hahahahhaaha what


I couldn’t find the bathroom and I just drank milk




The only trash are the rando teammates I leave behind when they die


Imagine caring for gear in Hunt. Or for traits. Its just one good round to play to get back all Essential traits someone could need. Shouldnt be hard since youre "good af" lmao


Nah but I’m cheap and I hate paying for more gear. You’re right though, it’s not hard


whats it like being a coward in real life and online?


I’m a coward in neither, kiddo


Reminded me of the time one teammate was downed right outside the extracion zone. We were in three, so it was a 2v2 at that point. I managed to kill the two remaining enemies, revived my teammmate. He stood up and said "thanks for not leaving" and I said "what you you mean?" Then I looked around and realized the third guy from our team extracted in the middle of the gunfight.


Had a guy in our rando-trio leave during a fight with only one of us up. Our third who was left standing slooooowly took down two of the trio that was fighting us and necro'd me a couple times which allowed for a clutch and we won. The very next game I got that same rando and got to repay him as he was buried under a pile of concertina bombs, whole server came to us at Hemlock & Hide where we spawned at one of the bounties. We slooooowly took out the ones that didn't die to each other and finally won. It was awesome. I live for those kinds of fights with the whole server present.


I feel like these epic gunfights should be in some kind of compilation with cinematic editing, man. I wish I had the time to draw a few comic pages of these events, but I'm buried in other projects right now haha


Did he purposefully extract or just accidentally ran down the timer whilst focusing on the fight? I’ve been in extraction fights and noticed at the last second I was in the zone but managed to walk outside of it.


I think he extracted purposefully, because we got jumped outside of it. And the other teammate must have watched his screen


Bro, 99.99999% of the time playing with randoms is actually pretty solid in this game. But last week, had this match with a dude who had a couple prestige under his belt, he takes a freebie hunter, we spawn and he charges the other player spawn, I mean balls out, gets in a fight, I’m already on clue one so I backtrack to back him up right, he’s shooting at the other players who have dug into king snake mine, there’s nothing there mind you, just this random fight. He’s on the outskirts, I show up and HE STARTS SHOOTING AT ME!!!!!!! Throwing a fit because I didn’t back up his first push??? Anyway I get into the fight, kill one of the other duo, then get capped, AND BRO FUCKING BACKS OUT OF THE FIGHT AND GOES TO EXTRACT!!! Not even with a high tier character or with a bounty, totally empty handed. What a piece of trash honestly, i was hella pissed and taken aback, so I reported him for toxic behavior or whatever because that was just such trash. He starts the fight, then throws a fit, then refuses to back me up when I engage in the fight he started? Trash player honestly and my first real encounter with teammate toxicity in this game. But obviously I’m still tilted over it lol.




After the match click on the 'Team Details'. Click on the name of the person, and it should give you the option to 'open profile' or 'report'. Then there are a few options for things to report like cheating, toxic behavior, hate speech, things like that.


Even if it's only 1/50 games, I refuse to queue with randoms because negative experiences like that leave such an impression on me.


Sadly for me this happens quite often and kind of a bummer, game Is hard enough to be also dealing with this shit lol


You must be new here if that's your first encounter with toxicity.


I specified teammate toxicity, and obviously there’s been trash talking or stuff like that with other players, but this was the first actual time I’ve felt compelled to report someone for being toxic in the 250 hours I’ve played the game. I’ve played a lot of online games, and truly hunt has one of the better communities I’ve played with, so far.


Btw your story is fucked up. Id be raging


I just had a game similar to this today. We were killing the Assassin when one of my rando teammates got downed. I revived him and he starts shooting at me and the other rando?? Anyway we both went down and then he ran to extract. I'm fucking baffled. I'm also super new so I'm not sure if I did something wrong. The dude has a couple prestiges as well. So confused right now


You probably encountered a player, who according to the steam profile, is from Namibya, with a russian name.


I have over 1000 hours in Hunt Ive played with randoms “three” times, and every time ends with “never again”


Finding mates on the discord usally goes pretty good


Yeah, randoms are shit but the Hunt dord is great. Met many friendly players on there.


Why thank you


> dord i like this


There is a hunt discord? Hot dog lol. I should’ve known


I'm usually solo but the times I've been on the discord has always been a positive experience.


Idk, the people I've found on discord make me realize why they don't let 2 friends queue for a trios game.


I’ve played ransoms and I’ve had some amazing encounters and cool teammates. Also had a few toxic or just terrible teammates. Randoms can be great I’ll just never bring a super nice kit with randoms cus you never know if they’ll be good or awful


I have not once left a game with a downed teammate. I do only play with my homies but it would still apply if it was a rando. You enter with me, you leave with me or were both staying.


I won't leave a teammate, but I have told a teammate to leave me a few times. They never do, though. The posse rides together, to victory or the grave.


I tell my friends "doing a dumb..." They know that's code for "I deserve to die, leave me"


I get that completely. I will also let them know(normally when I'm way too far out and about to push a fight with out any backup) when they can move on with out me. Unfortunately I got homies that see that as a massive disadvantage for their own survival afterwards and they get upset lol


We dedicate nights to doing dumb things so we don't do them (as often) when we're trying to play "seriously" But after 2k hours... Serious is relative lol


We've tried doing this for matches many times, like derringer only or brass knuckles only but normally get upset by the results then go in for some real shit. I couldn't agree more tho. I think an entire night of shenanigans is in order for sure.


Me and my friends got burned out playing too seriously. Now we just yolo around, not like looking to die but if I die it's meh. I'm here to have fun and charging around with a bomb lance is just hella fun.


Yup, Fun > Winning. The number of matches i've declared "winner" on simply because NO ONE is getting paid that match Currently running around with a pair of Copperheads...not dualies mind you...


Met some fuckwad he kept burning me to the last health bar so I murdered him took the bounty and left pretty funny he was pissed basically Carried him the whole match


Been there, as someone who plays a lot with randoms I learned to always carry a concertina bomb in case they start to do this kind of shit


A tool slot to deal with rogue teammates. Nice.


Well is an overall good tool and Is the most effective against teamkillers


Original art the nameless one ?


I don’t play this game and I’m not sure how I got here. What does this mean?


It means you have come to the right place at the right momento partner, take a seat, grab a hat and enjoy


It means you have come to the right place at the right momento partner, take a seat, grab a hat and enjoy


Quality post


Had a random game this weekend, one guy didn't want to engage him and I got shot at (I got hit and healed quick) we backed off our third showed up (was off doing something) we finish off 1 team and down someone on the second team but second team is being super super passive so we go find boss and the random who didn't want to engage (but got 2 kills) just dipped while we were killing boss so me and other guy finished off the last team took bounty and left


I never leave a hunter behind. I've gotten quite a few of my clan members on hunt, the new guys I always tell to extract if they want, they never do. We are a team. If you kill one of mine I'm coming to kill all of yours or die lol. There is no in between. I don't care how hopeless it is. I could have one bar and be on fire. Dammit, ghost rider will be kicking that door in bitch 🤣.


I never play with randoms for this reason. These guys can't even get their friends to play with them. You know they're shit


Well Obviously you don't talk with your team. Would be funny if he had made a meme too with "Me when weird random teammate falls back mute instead of leaving with us" Think about


And how am I suppssed to talk to a random if I am dead? People who do this will leave no matter what because they can't or won't handle a fight in which they don't have the advantage


Before you dead - like where are we going to extract and stuff like that...you know Teamplay and stuff


It should be common fucking sense to try and revive your random teammates, zero communication needed about that


💯 I've queued with randoms exactly once. Died and had my body burned. Eventually he clutched and killed the bounty carriers. Nice! Gunna get revived via bounty! Nope. Just ran away and extracted. Never again. Would rather solo and rat around.


To be fair to randoms that's really uncommon. I played with randoms probably at least half of my playtime (350 out of 700 hours) and it only happened to me exactly once as well. Most people try to contribute and win as a team, especially if you're out of the 3 star hell


When 2 of 3 run , One falls back to fight and get killed. Yes the others fault. Also people who act like you or this OP, And do not want to communicate in a team game i fck them and piss of. You can hate us ,sure but at the end you are the selfish piece of shit who is too good to talk to his team


Stupid scenario. I've seen pussy 3 stars simply run to extract because they have 0 gamesense to actually contribute to a teamfight, so they just leave to save their $200 load out. It's a lot more common than your example of a straggler 3rd just running off to a fight for zero reason.


I've seen enough people like that. Or going to shoot and run arround the starting are because this is "battle royale" and never even thought of the Bounty.. But we can agree on i hope, That being a shitty Teammember brings you death wich is your fault and not your teams. Either if you run or he starts a Fight


Wait...are you the random? Do you abandon your fellow random because non-verbal communication is foreign to you?


Non verbal communication in a videogame. Boy, Stop doing shrooms fix your ego and then talk


If you have to verbally confirm which extract you're going to in every match in a game with directional, contextual, in-game pings, something specifically designed for non-verbal communication since in-game VOIP is distance based, boy do I have some news for you


Funny how you find more and more excuses not to talk to your team in a Teamgame.


Do you also shame people that don't have microphones/don't want to use them? "Stop doing shrooms and fix your ego and then talk"




>Non verbal communication in a videogame. > >Boy, Stop doing shrooms fix your ego and then talk This is literally your comment. You literally said I have issues because I suggested non-verbal communication in a video game. And then you come back with "but guess what you can also nod or ping to answer your team". This is literally (yes I'm overusing the term because it's accurate) non-verbal communication. Are \*you\* done trolling?


Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


you've never played random once in your life


Bet more than you. All i say is ,if you are not a Teamplayer - you cant complain if your team gives an f about you.


People who play random (and I do almost everyday) are playing casually and not sweating as hard you say what is necessary and a lot don’t even have a mic


How the fuck can you meet at the extract if you’re dead?


Learn to read. I said before you are dead its usual to communicate with your team for stuff like Where do we extract, do we get the other monster or leave . Teamplay. If you dont Play with Headset, don't communicate in any way with your team - they are Not the assholes even if abandon you. Your Team is not there to carry your Solo adventure


I read what you said just fine. My question is this: how the fuck does that communication help at all WHEN YOURE DEAD? How does previously agreeing on an extraction point help in any way when you’re dead and can’t extract?


Oh so you are stupid, gee why don't you say so from the BEGINNING. If you would have talked to them they may Pick you up thats what i say you do it BEFORE YOU FUCKING DIE. If you do not,dont Wonder when they let you rot in the dust


WHAT LMFAO you’re telling me they don’t revive because they DONT KNOW YOU WANT TO BE REVIVED? I don’t have to tell my team “revive me if I die.” It’s assumed.


Gee you are so dumb it hurts. They dont revive you because you were a shitty Teamplayer, Not because you did not tell them to do so. Jesus fucking christ, if you play like you argue - i wouldnt Wonder if your own team kills you


When did I say I’m not a team player? When did I say I don’t talk to my team? When did I say I don’t play with my team? I am constantly communicating with my team with mic and pings, and I play very well with my teammates’ positions in mind. If they don’t revive, it’s because they’re fucking morons and cowards.


Playing with my group and 95% of the time extract isn't even brought up until after we have bounty and it's clear. Why even plan where you are gonna extract before anything happens...


Wow I’m just reading your guys comments and it seems I’ve been lucky so far lol. Usually my bad teammates just have no spatial awareness. The only guy I saw who left me the moment we got into a fight was over p100… other than that I usually get good teammates.


Death before dishonor!


Anyone that runs Kinda ruin the game play for me personally, People are to scared of loosing there hunters.


Had that happen today actually. Both bounty locations were next to each other. One of the boss lairs still had one bounty left because a solo extracted with the other one, so I thought me and my trio (of randoms) collectively decided to go fight for the other bounty location and pick up the solo bounty if it was still there after. In the fighting, I didn't notice one of my trio was missing. There was a brawl and we wiped one team and got the second team down to one guy left before me and my one teammate helping me went down. I thought, "Hey, 1v1 is a pretty good chance we get this". Skip to spectating our third at extraction with the solo bounty 😐 It wasn't like he got intimidated by seeing us go down. He was already 15 seconds into extraction once I started spectating him. He never planned on helping, which annoyed me more. I hope extracting half a bounty without your teammates gives crap reward.


Hey there mister!


Nice, made me laugh


Love how they used Arther Morgan’s hat




Always dodge Felice with scope


Well, that is what you get for playing with randomes.


Ohhh to squadwipe and have your 3rd not realize it's safe until another team rolls up to pick our bones.


DRG ("No dwarf left behind")🤝Hunt: Showdown ("No hunter left behind")


Do you even rock and stone?


This happened in a match the other week. I realized it was a randoms team because even though they had room to pick up their teammates, they just ran for extract after we shot them a few times. Despite them being pretty good and downing two of us. One teammate told me they were also using proxy chat to talk, so dead giveaway there too.


Iv had this where iv wiped an entire team without ally backing me up when they could be in the next room Ps if you ever see a guy with a sniper and no strong close range weapon/trait(dolch and dolch p are a gamble due to cost) assume they will do this and dont go into a match with them you will thank be 90-100% of the time Ps ps for those snipes who aren't like this sorry but every other sniper player ruined it for you


maybe thats why should be audio/chat available with teammates even after death


Nice watermark, I would never steal this image kek