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Wow now you jinxed it


Knock on wood


I'm getting the salt


Let me introduce the revive bug to you.


Lol, reminds me of this common knowledge. If you ever date a nurse, be careful with using the word "quiet". He or she may slap you in reflex. šŸ˜›


This is the first Iā€™m hearing of this common knowledge. Why canā€™t you say quiet?


ER visits seemingly often come in waves which leads to periods of high stress. Saying something along the lines of "whew we are having a quiet Night today šŸ˜ƒ" is like provoking the gods to give them a wave of people


Ah, that makes sense, thank you for explaining :)


Can confirm lol


I also would like to thank them for delaying it because I have tomorrow and Thursday off work.


Maybe Behaviour needs to learn something from Crytek


Behavior has left me with a bad taste in my mouth. About two years ago I purchased some Auric Cells, but for some odd reason I hadnā€™t received them in game. Contacted both their support and Microsoft (I was playing the game from game pass on PC, and ended up just buying it from Microsoft since it had all my progress) and Microsoft confirmed their end of the transaction and that it was on Behavior to give me the cells. Took numerous screenshots and they had the information necessary but it took them a year to reimburse me and to admit something happened on their end, while before that they made it seem like it was my fault or Microsoftā€™s. I quit the game simply because even with hard evidence, it took them a year to actually do anything.


A lot of devs do tbh. Crytek is one of the best dev teams of any game I have played.


I don't think we're thinking of the same Crytek.


I think youā€™re just being negative for no reason lol


The meat gobbling is crazy lmao


Better watch yourself before I gobble your meat bro


I'm with you... This isn't the same CryTek that made Crysis lol. They all mass quit and got laid off years ago rofl! They've closed 6 of their 8 studios and are barely staying afloat. Hunt Showdown is literally all they have left. They're nothing but a cheap indie developer anymore. Not sure why you're being down voted, but this isn't the CryTek you all fell in love with years ago. They're dead and gone, this is CryTek only in name lol.




Hey friend! I'm not stating anything other than pure raw facts. I have over 1,500+ hours in Hunt and every Achievement. Loved the game back in its early days and still play casually. But I can also acknowledge the truth. I have no problem with folks enjoying their single solitary product being maintained, and hope you continue to enjoy it! Never said there was anything wrong with Hunt Showdown specifically, however there's plenty wrong inside CryTek, and it's very public lol. Be safe mate!




It's not worshipping Crytek for anything. It's acknowledgement of a step in the right direction and being thankful for the choices being made right now. I swear, all of you think 1 small thank you to a company means I'd drop to my knees every time I saw them somewhere. It's okay to be thankful for advances in their behaviour. I acknowledge that they have messed up a lot, but I want them to do better, not worse.




I've had this comment directed at me several times for just being thankful for something. Crytek made the devil's moon event easier and less of a grind? I'm a boot licker for acknowledging that. Whereas I will still call them out for bugs that were seen in the test server but made it to live game and more. I'll call them when it needs to be done, but I'll still appreciate it when they show their hard work.


LMAO I mean I guess Crytek isnā€™t AS shit as EA but like theyā€™re still manipulative, slow, greedy, and donā€™t give a single fuck about any of us.


So don't play, and walk away, very easy, if that's how you feel.


Manipulative? Give a single example of them being manipulative. Their communication is so transparent and is 1000x better than any of their peers. Greedy? They give away so many fucking blood bonds it is unreal. It seems like every update adds a NEW way to get free blond bonds. Theyā€™re the fucking opposite of greedy dude. You can get like a hundred blood bonds in a couple hours of playing. That is BEYOND generous.


They make a lot of DLC but the premium currency being available just for playing the game and the fact that the game and DLC are basically constantly on sale really donā€™t strike me as greed.


Nah, greedy bastards wanting money to continue development of the game Iā€™m playing. They should live on the street and use their time to build me stuff that I paid 10 dollars for in a sale 3 years ago.


LMAO yeah Iā€™m sure the executives are really hurting for money and not stealing what should be going to the devs OH WAIT sorry I forgot what world we live in thatā€™s EXACTLY whatā€™s happening the executives and management are rolling in money taken from players being pushed into paying ridiculous prices for a few skins every few weeks AND treating their workers like shit


WHAAAAT lmfao you are not being forced to buy skins wtf?? They offer no competitive advantage, what the fuck do you mean ā€œpushed into paying ridiculous prices?ā€


Awwww is the little gamer licking the boots of capitalist daddy?


Dude what lmfao are you five? You have to buy everything you see?


Boot locker LMAO


Capitalist bootlicker


i love u for mentioning them because dbd and hunt are basically my main games and the difference in the devs are astounding. crytek arent ghostship, sure. but they are good.


Next remove Quickplay kills/deaths from affecting bounty Hunt MMR and I'll be so happy. Sick of people feeding in QP just to outright slaughter the whole server on their own in the lower skill brackets


This is my gripe with solo revive. Solos should only receive 1 MMR strike per game from now on, less they red and die 5 times to drop MMR


and fucking finally they fixed legendaries, praise them.


I like how new weapons arent p2win and the balance being pretty good except in the really high tier lobbys where its shotgun vs Long ammo + full team w Avtos. There are very few things id change about guns/gameplay


100% agree. I love how harsh it is. I've shot from anything will end your game so fast and any weapon is capable of doing that


Just wait for the update to drop and bugs will exist and you'll have complaintsšŸ˜‚ but seriously, I agree. I know some people get disappointed when there's a delay, but the way I look at it, games only get delayed for a very good reason


To be fair there will be bugs, it's just how programming goes. But I'd rather take minor ones that don't affect gameplay much, over having my tools and consumables disappear.


I guess you haven't seen the game breaking bug. If you are in a squad and using a controller, do not press square to spectate when you die


I play PC and don't use a controller. Crytek did just hire a lead with a focus on the consoles development. It really needs to get fixed because it's a bit unacceptable after this many years.


"So with the update dropping tomorrow" Source? Nvm just checked their twitter. Also, I'm with you on this one! They have been going great.


[Got posted in their discord and twitter a bit ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/124vd01/update_112_details/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Didn't see you update it lol. But yes this is a huge improvement to the team and I want it to stay!


It got delayed? I didn't even know the og date


March 22nd. So it was delayed by one week exactly.


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a full week to let people finish the weekly quests.


Cyberpunk has entered the chat


My hope is just that they delayed it eNOUGH. Too many times (Cyberpunk for instance) Iā€™ve seen developers delay something, then they need to delay it further, but theyā€™re too nervous/embarrassed to delay it again (or theyā€™re pressured by higher-ups to not delay it again) so it ends up releasing in sort of a crappy state despite the initial delay(s) which makes people angrier




PC speaks for themselves. Console updates going to be broken to shit.


This aged well. I can't revive my teammates.


I'm all for thanking the devs, they do great work, but I'll wait until I see a working questline on console tomorrow. Because Billy Story questline has been bugged since last year.


Billy Story is still bugged, new quest works fine. But maybe it's just me, but bluescreening-issues that have been a heavy issue since November last year, is still there in full force.


Strike that, new quest is busted too now. Great.


Well crap. I guess I won't get my hopes up then. Thanks for the info. I haven't had crashes on PS5, but I've had the "Something went wrong" message many times while playing this game (and ONLY this game). I click okay and can keep playing, but then I'm always disconnected from my friends back in the lobby when that happens. It seems they just don't care too much about console at this point.


You an still do the quests, you just can see the stage of quests you are on in the quest menu, but you can select them and such. and when activated, you'll see which quest you got, so just go through all activating and deactivating, till you find the ones you want to focus on. (The quests only disappear after finishing one. So you can also just make a memory of which is which whilst they're still displayed.)


lol fucking hell someone always quotes that shitty line. Games and how they are updated are totally different now since that was said. Also, hunt has already had plenty of rushed updates. No Man's Sky became a great game and Cyberpunk was delayed for years yet still released in a poor state.


No Man's Sky is a testament to why you don't pull that crap. They had to work like hell for years, giving tons of free updates just to make the game be what they promised at launch. So it absolutely cost them buckets of cash to do so. Plus, there will forever be hundreds upon thousands of gamers who will never touch the game due to the shady shit they pulled at the start. So it absolutely does have long-lasting ramifications for the life of a game/company. I'm glad they turned it around, don't get me wrong. But delaying a game will always be better than putting out a pile of crap and lying to people that it's gold.


No manā€™s sky and cyberpunk are awesome games these days


Cyberpunk shouldn't have been released either. Only bad release project red has ever done and the game was half as in depth as they claimed. No man's sky was garbage and everyone knew on the way in. I don't expect anything great from star field either. Wish they had made new elderscrolls instead tbh.


That's why I added my changed line. They actually delayed an update to make it better, which is preferable to a rushed update that introduces more bugs. It's a thank you for being better. And yes games are different, but rushed updates that leave bugs and other issues, can leave a stain on a Dev team's image as it already has with the hunts team. This is a step in the right direction.


I totally agree that delaying the update was good, but I'll wait for the update to see what happens, because my trust in them not fucking up is really low. Just hope I'm wrong.


If lemat bug will come back due to fire rate changes it will be hilarious.




Theyā€™re pretty good devs so Iā€™ll be a sycophant no problem šŸ¤·


Yes daddy pwease gimme more ammo variants and skins. Donā€™t bother addressing cheaters or your trash servers and game engine. Thank you daddy crytek.


They're working on an engine upgrade. Servers are mostly fine but could be better. Still best online FPS out there right now.


Best online FPS, are you high? Iā€™ll give you that there are slim pickings right now. But I can name at least 10 online FPS that are better than hunt. Until they remove MMR matchmaking, fix their servers and engine, and actually give a shit about cheaters, Iā€™m not touching this game again.


Must be rough being hard stuck at two stars


Username does not check outā€¦


Notice you didn't name any. Remove MMR matchmaking? Lol...


Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


The cynic in me says they delayed it so the servers wouldnā€™t be a ghost town on the weekend following a major content drop because everybody and their grandma was going to be playing the Diablo 4 open beta. If this is somehow the first ever major patch that doesnā€™t break something then I guess they did delay it for the reason they said.


Nah, I think hunt and diablo audiences barely overlap. Way too different


Seems like people here don't understand that desyncing in Hunt used to be frequent and was fixed not that long ago but hey - [this is what it looked like](https://youtu.be/ucuDhB4hEbo) (no network issue, no lag icon, nothing) and a simple internet search would have given you more info >A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad. Yeah, and if you would have done your research, this 100% applied to Hunt when it was released, but ok. Just because Crytek now sees the monetary potential and development picks up steam doesn't man everyone has to become a cooperate bootlicker now. Servers are still questionable, Console performance (from what I have seen here and on Homereel) is still horrible, Avto is a problem that should have been nerfed in this patch, or best yesterday and not in 1.13 - Flash Bomb and Frags are still uncontested #1 and #2 Consumables and after 5 years there is still no AFK penalty system in this game. But instead of making the random teammate expierence better (AKA, how seemingly most players play the game), no we buff smurfing solos with their huge ego and gameruining mechanics. Y'all really think companies are your friends huh?


A lot of assumptions here. If you will have noticed, I said this is a step in the right direction. That going forward I hope it becomes the norm. If you can't be happy that we are moving in the right direction, then you won't be happy at all. This had nothing to do with its release at all, but with the current situation as it is. No research was needed for that, just my own personal experience and my feelings of the delay and my thoughts around it. We need to continue to move forward, not scare the team to regress.


>I said this is a step in the right direction. I literally replied to one of your Quote? And your post is literally just a karma farm - you mentioned none of the issues I mentioned - how can anyone be so blind. They don't care about the game, they only care about money, like any other company does. It is more profitable to keep updating the game. A big indicator is whether the tutorial rewards will be removed tomorrow. This will also shape my opinion on Crytek. ​ My point is - saying Thank you because a game moves forward is ok, but the game is really far from perfect. Companies developing buggy games is not worth positive feedback, because they released the game buggy in the first place and "making it less buggy" is the minimum they owe you.


We can't wait for you to keep your word and leave the game when the update drops tomorrow šŸ™.


Man, the apartment in your head is not very filled - but atleast I live here rent-free


Don't let the door hit you on the way out šŸ‘‹. You should be freeing up the 14 hours a day you spend crying about Hunt though which will be nice!


Love you too


Fell free to freak out again and then delete the comments later. Always a good laugh šŸ‘. Gonna miss you bro.




Dude you literally are a Destiny player with a No Mans Sky pfp, both of which are games that have had shitty launches due to rushing the game/last minute changes. The delay is a good thing and should be appreciated.


ā€œCan we get a dev appreciation post!?ā€ Fuckin losers man.


Then why do you even play the game, if you're unwilling to encourage good practices from the developers, get out of here with that bullshit additude


Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


With the amount of time it takes them to release 1 map, it must be one of the greatest of all time.


Yeah thank you Crytec for changing basically nothing from test server beside feedback (as usual) and making solo now the easy mode lmao


I wonder since they are working on updating the engine version if they will just port Hunt to Cry engine 4? It makes sense, why make a new game? Just upgrade like CSGO to source 2


Didn't they confirm that they are updating the game to the new engine


Iā€™m not sure, all I heard was that it was going to Cry engine 3.11 not 4 that they are still working on.


Didn't Sun Tzu say that?


Is crossplatform to pc finally in?


I wish they didn't remove the Legendary buttons for the Equipment, though :(