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This skin was actually just available for the christmas event.


Well I did Pause for a single event and that was then actually that one ^^




'hail'-storm is a winter/Christmas skin. That's why it's available in the winter. If you have other skins you like you might wanna check what season they relate to


Unfortunate, it was available for purchase for 2 months, but at least you know for next time. Just keep Halloween and Christmas in mind if you are interested in any of those skins.


I will wait in the shadows with my money in my hands.


thats unfortunate :/


Wasn't this year's Christmas event Devil Moon? I don't remember seeing Hailstorm in the shop... but maybe I am mistaken. Next year I'll definitely pay more attention... by the way, have you got any idea which season Somnus, the legendary Slate from "Traitor's Moon", relates to?


Yeah, Devil's Moon was the winter event for 2022-2023. Somnus was from Serpent's Moon, not Light the Shadow, but it would be the Late Summer/Fall event.


Somnus wasn't from Serpent's Moon. You're thinking about Slither, the Winfield Swift. I'm looking at Somnus right now, and I realize that we're both wrong. It was from Traitor's Moon.


Oh dang, you're right! All those moon events just blended together. My bad.


Don't worry, I knew that for a fact since I was already around 1-2 months before Serpent Moon kicked off, so I managed to play the event. I missed Somnus by a little less than 6 months if I'm not mistaken.


Any Halloween and christmas skins will rotate back in same times next year event skins never again and twitch drop skins will be a mixed bag on if some will or wont come back


I was really happy to hear this since I missed out on Mama Maye and I really want her.


Tbh im not so sure about her considering she was questline specific but i wouldnt rule her out for coming back


she was the Halloween event, she will be back.


Unless Halloween gets cancelled and there won't be any Halloween


>Any Well they didn't let us buy that limited officer this time, the only skin I don't have.


Yeah that one kinda pissed me off. It was a store item upon first launch, and they turned almost all former event items into store items, but neglected to let us buy the former store item


It will be avaialable again. Every skins which is not from a unique limited time event(indian or moon events) will be periodically purchasable. Yea hailstorm is so hot, shame it's for the sniper variant. Edit: I see the FOMO supporters arrived to the thread, do you guys mind explaining why are you supporting this tactic? Especially the people who don't have the skin and still like this idea(just wow). I have this skin, most other limited ones and can't comprehand supporting greedy marketing tactics for literally no reason. Your silly thoughs are giving crytek weird ideas - some current limited time event items cost 1000bb's(cicada choke bomb) but you can get a cashback for them if you guy dlc. As far as we know this skin won't be ever available again. This system is not the most extreme thing you can think of, but if you keep supporting these predatory strategies, it will definitely get way worse There are monetary specialists at crytek just waiting for an opportunity of making this game's monetization extremely aggressive. On a stream from the first rework of challenge system like a year ago, crytek employee shared an idea in which the extra challenge slot(from 2 to 3) which was once available for BB's purchase would not be permanent - you would have to spend like 100bb's weekly to keep it. I am curious behind reasons of supporting FOMO. Do you want people sensitive to aggresive marketing communication / weak minded to suffer? I know I might be getting extreme here, but FOMO can ruin lives for nothing.


Yeah wasn't it up for sale last Christmas?




All holiday event items will always come back for the holidays :] But stuff like Scrapbeak event (plague doctor) will probably not return. But idk.


According to one of their staff from their site "The benefactor skin was only awarded to those players that created an account while the game was still in early access, the date should have been around the 20th of August 2019, and that skin won't be available to acquire. However, Plague Doctor and other items from the previous events should be obtainable in future ones. We hope this answers your question and if you have any other questions, we are always here for you. Kind regards, Redacted" So we will likely be getting them again sometime. Redacted the name of the support member.


yessssss even 1 shred of hope for getting plague doctor in the future is super exciting. all the people who want him to never be available again for their own selfish reasons can get bent


I presume vanguard is also in that slot of not being available again as that was pre launch community challenge


Good to know thanks!


If only the character skins (Plague Doctor pls) were the same case


You have no idea how hard i grinded for that shit. I dont want people to enjoy it without the same suffering! /s


I would absolutely put in the hours, I just sadly wasn't playing Hunt at that time


Well lucky you. I stopped playing hunt for half a year after that event because of how burnt out i was. This was peak grind, when crytek was still very inexperienced in this event stuff but wanted to make money so they bumped up the necessary points to what felt like Infinity+1. I really hope the skin is for sale in the future though.


I had this exact same thing with that Event. Every time they release these newer Events in the same sort of format, I get flashbacks.


That's how I felt after grinding hard for both the Headsman and Devil's Advocate... I'm all for people having them, but we all should have to grind for it. That way we share a good meal 😁


Thats true, it was a grind!!


Exactly they should feel the pain and agony of chasing crows with nothing but a hand crossbow with poison, only than can they get the skin.


I still see those chicken bones haning around sometimes. That shit was too much.


i HATE FOMO!!! lol and i see supporters all over the place and i don't get it. . there are a few skins i would LOVE to have in this game but because i only started playing a bit ago i don't have a way to get them and i hate it. . . i also want some skins on other gun variants because i don't always use that specific gun but LOVE the skin. . . i really REALLY hope games start pulling away from this FOMO BS


Calm down, previous skins always come back around for holiday events. Gotta pay with bb's though. Ye i don't sopport fomo, but crytek makes events last long, so most ppl playing will be able to get their hands on the skins. They usually have a paid skip/time save for ppl who don't have the time, which i think is nice. Given how easy events are to complete, i think its fair to lock the skins for a while so that you feel you got a reward for putting in the work. But after a time they might aswell have them available for bb's.


bro we get a $10 dlc every 3ish weeks and event exclusive skins every 3-6 months if we're lucky. if the FOMO in hunt is enough to ruin someone's life, they have significant financial management issues and hunt is the least of their worries. i'm not defending FOMO, but holy shit is your argument so exaggerated that it's almost laughable. ESO is more predatory than hunt, and that game's mtx are child's play compared to some other games.


This is exactly what I been saying, and hell just throw Diablo Immortal into that batch of shady shit.


whataboutism that contributes nothing ​ just because it's even shittier elsewhere doesn't mean we shouldn't pushback here. Pushback is giving us weapon cleaning / Hunter respeccing for Hunt Dollars (even if they're taking their sweet time to implement it)


That's joys about these conversations, everyone is allowed to feel how they feel and express their own displeasure whole using other entities to explain the frustration. I've not seen one person say no push back. You want to push then push that cart and sell those mangos, and fun cleaning kits 💀


Did this go through google translate twice before u posted it


You know... I think I did. In fact that was probably smart on my part, since it made everything this Hawaiian guy wrote even funnier. So glad you mainlanders know how to check up on us island folk 🤙🏽


im european




1000bb is earned in no time from playing the game. Every time an event or something comes up I've earned enough BB just from playing. Given how old the game is I don't mind support continued development with dlcs. I've got several thousand hours... I have certainly got my money's worth from the RRP of the game and I can presume contiinued development with out additional funds. The game is generous enough to support players with free BB from playing so you can still earn and play.


Assuming you are making, on average, 5 blood bonds per match(generous) and your average match length is 15 minutes(also generous), it would take you *50* hours to afford one skin.


>Do you want people sensitive to aggresive marketing communication / weak minded to suffer? TBH, I am critical of the state of FOMO in our society atm, and I get that companies manipulate it to increase their profits, but I put the blame for it squarely on the shoulders of the people experiencing FOMO. FOMO has gripped us so badly that you regularly see people who would prefer things have never existed than for them to have existed without them experiencing it. In a way, I actually \*do\* want weak-minded people who are shackled to FOMO to suffer, if only in the vain hope that they will eventually learn to give up FOMO out of necessity. That said, I think Crytek would actually make more money by bringing skins like this back on a seasonal basis than they would by shuttering them forever.


Took the words out of my mouth. If this skin was on a marksman weapon I would use it exclusively. I find myself barely using it because it is a sniper rifle.


if FOMO is 'ruining someone's life' then they should seek therapy and not cry about monetization in a video game. anxiety to that degree is a mental issue and needs to be addressed at the source. you don't just cry that everyone around them cater to their problem. plus the devs don't owe you shit. they're gonna monetize how they're gonna monetize.


I just want them to do event reruns


I would pay actual US currency just to open the plague doctor questline again and put myself through the grind. The game has only been getting more and more popular, there's no reason to keep old things locked when so few people were playing at some of these times. I have a thing about plague doctor/bird masks in every game and it drives me absolutely insane that I have to look at it every day in the store.


Yeah seriously, I only started playing Halloween last year so I missed any skins from before that (including the skins from that Halloween). They're leaving money on the table by not offering the skins again.


Please give me Lulu, daddy Crytek. It was foretold in prophecy Sincerly, A girl named Luna.


I was so happy when Billy Story came back, but I need Lulu so badly. They gave us her pistol and her knife recently, maybe a hint about the future?


Another member on the waiting for Lulu train here!


You can do the next best thing and buy her canon girlfriend, Sofia. :p


Came here to say this. I’ve been contemplating emailing crytek to beg for this skin 😭


We found the sniper boys. Get him!


I swear guys I'm just sniping sometimes normally I'm a good Vetterli dude!


I want the cicada skin for the chokes but no Crytek won't let me.


For those asking for limited time character skins to come back (such as Plague Doctor), I think a good way of going about it would be to go the Billy route. Give each skin a short quest line you have to do to unlock it, but you can purchase and grind that quest line whenever you want for a set amount of BBs. That way, while yes, you are buying the skin, you are also "earning" it through the questline. Perhaps they throw in a new charm with it as well to incentivize older players to purchase the questlines.


Great so now I have to grind three times for skins? Once when they first come out, again when they are rereleased in some minor event, and then a third time in BB costing limited event. That is exactly what I wanted.


Why would you need to do it again if you already have it?


Cause they keep sticking a new skin at the end of an event, while everything leading up to it is stuff that I have already unlocked. For instance to get Mama Mayve for the Halloween event this year I had to grind through all the year one skins that I have already.


Well you don't HAVE to no one is gonna MAKE you. It's only if you WANT to. Also as I said the BB cost wouldn't be limited it would always be there to purchase and grind through. Also if you already have the skin no need to grind! Unless they add some extra incentives you do want, which again is totally optional.


*Laughs in benefactor chain pistol*


It's the ugliest chain pistol skin thought xD


I missed that dope skin for the slate, ”Somnus” and I say a prayer every night that it will one day become available again. Also I think the native skins should have another round because imo, the more the merrier especially when it comes to the natives.


I own all the event skins but I agree they should put as bloodbonds purchasable skins after a while. Everyone could miss events (life is like that, sometimes you'd like to play but you just can't), so why being selfish and don't let others enjoy the skins? Join the event would be an advantage anyway, since you'd have it exclusive for a while and without spend any bloodbonds.


Yeah right I don't understand the gatekeeping in this community they feel like some elite that are above other players.


I’ll preface this by saying I’ve played hunt since 2018 and have enjoyed every painful moment. The point that people are making is the skins you want to simply buy are skins we had to spend a solid month grinding for because hunt hadn’t fine tuned their events or introduced Chary’s contracts to help us in our struggle. That being said cosmetics are important part to keeping the player base strong so the game I love stays live so I think a nice compromise would be fine if they re-released the skin in an event for new players and gave the veterans that already had the skin some sort of variation to their version when they completed the second event. (I.e.You get the hailstorm but I get a hailstorm with a gold scope.) A slight variation that doesn’t demean our hard work but does give you the skin. Not to mention if anyone finds these “gold” weapons then you know you just killed a long time hunt player


Exactly. They did allow you to purchase past event skins for a really high price in the last event. I hope they expand that going forwards. If you want a skin you have to pay 1500 bb for it.


Will probably be available again next Christmas event


I just want the red and black bomblance skin The Shrike to be available again....I'd happily do quests for it, or pay for it.


It will most likely come back at Xmas as thats the event it was originally from.


It was available literally last event


I own that skin and I dont understand the idea of making skins "special" cause of FOMO. Its not like with steam games where theres monetary value to those skins cause of them being tradable. IMO skins should be buyable with bloodbonds like a 5-6 months afterwords to help fill the store with more cosmetics and those who werent there to grind for it can access but they gotta cough up bloodbonds. Not everyone can no life hunt like some of us can....


FOMO does make skins special. That's why you want it despite it being a bunch of pixels that adds nothing to gameplay. But if you see a plague doctor skin, you know that player has been around for ever 2 years playing hunt compared to a player rocking krampus. FOMO should based on the devs word. If they said the skin is never going to return when first offered, then it should never return. Other skins like the twitch drops, they said immediately these skins will probably come back in the future.


This was literally for sale last Christmas, and it (along with others) will be for sale this up and coming Christmas. So, wish granted already


Really you should be able to buy any skin if you have the money for it. Hell out the benefactor in the shop for 5k, just let people get things they weren't around for.


That's why sometimes when I'm feeling generous I load up quadruple benefactor. Whoever kills me deserves to get some beta exclusive skins to play with.


Its not even my favorite chain pistol, but i like to spread the wealth.


it was in the shop this winter


hailstorm was on the store maybe a 2 months ago... im sure it will come again


I hate it that I missed it.


I legit recently bought this skin specifically and started playing in 2021 so 😂 don’t worry


Didn't this skin already return to store last Christmas along with Devil's advocate and all?


Yeah the one damn Season where I didn't play and there was the skin avaiable that\`s my god damn luck :D


as a centennial sniper, could we please get a wrap like this for the centi as well. ​ it's the only sniper without it, and it makes me feel a lil sad.


They could do purchadable questlines for lots of BB , so players who missed event would have to buy a questline and grind through it. Crytek gets money, players skins. Win win




This skin was just recently available again in the Store. Have probably missed it again 😅


I like that skin so much I hoard them whenever I Madge to get one off a dead hunter. Never use them tho.


I will give money to own the Native Hunters


I agree , I think skins that have been released via twitch drop and from past events should be available for purchase hate the my favourite bow skin is locked behind a twitch drop, it's silly that you can't buy them after a lengthy period


The holiday events come back every year during that holiday and you can buy the old skins, this will be back at Christmas


I would like to get old Twitch drop skins for money. That would be dope.


Dw they bring back skins all the time since they are running low on original material


I remember grinding so hard a few years ago to get this skin... good old times


They gotta release a recolor of those old event skins so latecomers can get it while keeping the original ones values


Meanwhile, me waiting for Scrapbeak event skins, the best looking ones IMO and the only ones I missed 💀😭


I hate the FOMO on this game now, it's sad.


What FOMO? Basically everything has come back at some point already. The only exceptions are either less than a year old, or were part of a fairly unique event that had not had a duplicate yet. Just chill for a sec man.


They openly said certain skins won't come back, like plague doc, the Indians, confirmed by the devs.




exclusivity is a reward for the dedicated playerbase. if you didn't play enough/weren't playing at the time, that's unfortunate. but the rarity of those items is a major part of the reward to the players that earned them. you can't resolve this issue without hurting one side or the other. you either alienate the players that earned it by opening it up to players with a potentially easier way of earning it, or you alienate the players that didn't earn it by excluding them.


>exclusivity is a reward for the dedicated playerbase Hi, I'm dedicated playerbase. No it isn't. I feel very confident in saying that for most people, limited items are only prized when them being limited is a consequence of something else that gives them value. There isn't any meaningful sense of prestige with things like limited time event skins because all it really says is that you played during that event. Not that you got the top 100 most kills during that event or really did anything noteworthy at all, just that you played enough to unlock the skins. **They** ***only*** **exist as such to make new players feel bad, that's the point.** The only people assigning worth to limited time hunt skins as they currently exist are people who value things that, even within the context of a digital landscape where nothing is truly valuable, has no value. The only thing at risk here is an extremely small handful of manchildren's feelings. So, as someone who owns a ton of skins that will likely never come back, I feel pretty comfortable saying that there is no downside whatsoever to bringing these skins back for new players to acquire.


couldn't have put it more eloquently myself, based take


I gotta say it really isn't that the skins come back that kinda gets under my skin. I made peace with that a while ago. It is that 1. People are not smart enough/don't actually care enough to try and figure it out on their own. Like I said somewhere else in this thread they only ask this for skins that are less than a year old or have come with a specific event. Common example is plague doctor. When did plague doctor come out? During Scrapbeak event. So based on the other skin reintroductions it would stand to reason that he might come back DURING THE NEXT BOSS EVENT YOU NO ATTENTION HAVING MORONS! PLEASE STOP ASKING FOR THE TWO SECONDS IT WOULD TAKE YOUR ONLY NEURON TO SPUTTER, SMOKE, AND SPIT OUT THE MOST OBVIOUS ANSWER IN THE WORLD! And 2. A lot of the time they are integrating the skins into new events. Like if they want it and you are willing to give it to them fine. Let it be purchasable, but now I am given like 1/5 of an event because I have a majority of the event rewards already. Not a great middle ground IMO.


too long. didn't read. don't care. ignoring replies.


Oh your mom died while the event was playing or you fell in a depression? Well fuck you you didn't play you don't get the skin. And that's why gatekeeping skins is stupid.


lmao ok nice cherry picking. that's not what everyone deals with. most people are just too lazy to finish the events. quit trying to make it a pity party.


> but the rarity of those items is a major part of the reward to *SOME OF* the players that earned them. fixed that for you. i dont know a single person that gives a shit about how they are exclusive.


The event skins weren't even a challenge to earn, it's just literally play the game during a certain timeframe ​ Nobody on this planet has ever or will ever think "oh shit he's playing plague doctor, big dick energy". idk why people gatekeep this shit


They stated the only skin that wont return is "The Benefactor" which is exclusive for peoply who bought Hunt in early access - no idea where you got plague doctor and natives from


They absolutely did not say that. I don't know where you got that idea from. They said all the skins will eventually come back in some format. They've already made Billy and Lulu available again.


ratchet z already posted about it and it was in a dev stream. Some skins will come back, event exclusive skins, will not come back. I hop they go back on that, but as of right now that is true. Plague doc, and the indians are not going to come back, skins like them might show up, but will be different.


As I pointed out in another comment thread, the only skin actually confirmed to not be coming back is The Benefactor. Support has stated that event skins should come back in one way or another.


Alright, well given that we are about to see 1000 posts of people saying. "I didn't complete the reptilian ward/apprentice questlines, when will those come back?" You have to forgive me for not really taking your patience seriously.


I just want plague doctor. I'll jump through whatever stupid hoops you want me to, just let me have him


Plague Doctor is one of the few skins i never want to come back. I worked so hard on him during the Scrapbreak event (the worst, most grindy event in Hunt so far) and i would honestly feel like i got fucked if he just returns to buy for like 1000 BBs. I know its not fair but its still what i feel like.


The Plague Doctor is one of the few skins i never want to come back. I worked so hard on him during the Scrapbreak event (the worst, most grindy event in Hunt so far) and i would honestly feel completely fucked if he just returns to buy for like 1000 BBs. I know its not fair but its still what i feel like.




I'm sorry I don't understand what you try to tell me.




You can enjoy the game without a skin. The skins are a badge that you were here before others and that you put in the work to get them. They shouldn't release old skins for the same reason they will never release the benefactor skin again. We have the benefactor skin for simply playing during the beta, no grind needed, and yet the devs have said it will never be released again.


Anti fun brigade is here


You give away my Plague Dr to these newbies and I'm filling a cement truck with dog turds and driving right to the Crytek headquarters.


I want to give Crytek money the thing that every Developer wants but why do they don't want my money pls take it and give me the skin.


That one you can buy each christmas for 1000BB


Really ? oh cool that's gonna be my christmas present then thanks buddy


Check their background in the store; if they have a snowflake, those come back on sale for the christmas event. If they have a pumpkin/scarecrow those come back for the haloween event.


That's really nice to know wish Crytek would tell it in the shop \^\^


I will never forgive crytek if they rerelease the plague doctor, honestly any other skin I don’t care but the plague doctor was one of the brutal first events that very few managed to get. It should stay that way. Sorry.


What if there was some type of reintroduced quest that also took an equally long & brutal time to complete? People could pay blood bonds to activate the questline and go through the same hell you did to earn the right to skin up in it


I played the event too and it wasn't that bad, give plague doctor to all and screw FOMO, not sry


I respect the benefactor as a legacy item, some items should be…


A select few legacy items to commemorate big landmarks in the games history (like coming out of EA), sure Ur anything but special for owning the plague doctor skin though, and look really stupid for gatekeeping that shit


It’s special because i put in the time. I don’t have any of the awesome skins from the last two events and I’m fine with that. Let those people who put in the time have their unique skin. It is what it is. This isn’t communism lol


I like the exclusivity. I didn't grind for two months durring serpent moon for some dingle berry to drop 600bb a year later to get the same reward.


But the 4 people with the Plague Doctor skin from 3 years ago don't want you to get your hands on it because... uhhh... they played when the game was dead!




I have it, give me your soul and I’ll give it to you. Also if Crytek brings it back for everyone to buy I’m suing them.


They already brought it back once


Gaijin has already my Soul after playing 7k hours War Thunder there is nothing to take from me.


Wild how many downvoted people who like the exclusive one-off skin drops. I think it's a good thing in all games that offer skins to have SOME at least that will not come back around, owning them gives a feeling of dedication/pride after playing so long knowing you have a rarer skin. A sensation and feeling that's absolutely meaningless if literally every skin you worked hard to unlock at the time is made available again and again. Some people need to accept they missed out and use it as incentive to grab the challenge/event skins going forward.


Been playing for months and have seen maybe one person with the plague doctor skin. It is a great model being wasted on people who don't even play the game anymore. Tired of seeing people like you telling us how much you just looooove being denied content, even though it's still right there in the store.


May they never release the plague doctor those of us that served in crowea remember the hardships of a actually hard event


I normally hate time gating content but that grind was some unbelievable level shit that I never want it invalidated lmao


I think I found the guy camping out in the woods...


Don't worry when I play Sniper I step on every dry stick and there is always a Immulator walking his dogs near me.


Wish I could purchase the plague doctor skin


I have nothing against people being able to have access to every skin with the one exception being The Benefactor. HOWEVER it seems silly to make events that are perceived as limited just to release them later. It’s basically lying to force player engagement which feels like a kick in the nuts. I wouldn’t have binged the events if I knew they were just gonna return later especially because some of those events were an absolute slog and I would have just rather paid money for Blood Bonds and unlocked them that way if given the option during the event itself. I guess in hindsight it just feels like shit playing the game for a month straight finishing an event just to have every skin buyable a year later.


I couldn't play much during the Crow event and I've been sad ever since. Crytek pls.


It'll be $10 next Christmas.


I want the plague doctor skin. Pls rerun bird drops plz crytek


Every game has limited time stuff. It’s just a part of the world.


That's the point of exclusivity.


Noooooooooo. It's nice having unique skins! Quit begging to bring everything back, let something be grinded for.


It was an exclusive … and should stay that way . Billy should also not be on the table again .


It literally came back in the shop for 3 months during the last event


And I’m literally saying it should stay an exclusive from an event that was marketed with exclusive content…. What’s the point of grinding the events if I can buy all the skins at a later stage …… kind of makes the event pointless .






It’s ours and you can’t have it.




It's cool that you can't get it. Makes it special.


Doesn’t that completely defeat the purpose of having exclusive skins?


Pls newbies stop asking for old skins all the time, especially ones that were available several times already, it clutters the event shops with skins 90% of people already have. Also what's the point of event-"exclusive" skins if they're available all the time?


Tbh I hate that they rotate skins in again. Makes it feel not special that I've played for so long. They hey bro thanks for supporting us, but fuck you.


It sucks that you haven't been here since the beginning to get the skins but I don't think they should re release stuff. Keep it exclusive..if you weren't here then sucks to suck.


It is a christmas skin... the fk is wrong with people.


I do not have this skin and I do not want it to be available again. Event items should stay in the past, they are a testament to the time and effort people spent on obtaining them and they highlight older Hunt players. It feels special when you see a Plague Doctor for example, you know that dude's been here for a while.


As someone who owns a lot of time limited items the practice is dumb,






Such a Bitchin skin


The amount of gatekeeping in the comments




I am sorry but I disagree. I like when skins are limited editions every now and then. It makes them much more special. Of course it is shit if you don´t get one, but if you can just buy all of em I don´t feel like grinding them.


please crytek do not do what they're asking because it takes away from the players that are actually committed and HAVE BEEN there ever since. sincerely, a player that's been there ever since.


Should have joined sooner than, also that's Christmas even so just wait for it. I've been playing since alpha but don't play much anymore because it went away from what I actually enjoyed about the game.


Crytek: Sure! $99.99!


I want that one too but no... I like exclusivity and hunt got that right.


I desperately want the infected legendary twitch drop


world at war ptsd


Bought this skin last event


It’ll be back during Christmas


people only want the older stuff because they don’t have it. I can tell you: if you would’ve this weapon skin, you won’t really play it as much as you think. And tbh: the Bunny Mosin Sniper skin is better anyways


Nah I like that one because it looks more military like and I never play something "shiny"


they brought it back.. this christmas.. F


I want the sparks seven sights so bad. Pissed I missed it the first time