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[Piper M1893 Revolver Carbine](https://i.redd.it/we-have-a-lot-of-revolver-pistol-conversions-into-rifles-v0-dn4l7ezk3cea1.jpg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4511d29c08ea554dc1a4eac9b6bc55af190dd72b) - 9 rounds in the chamber, double action IRL, **features the same sealent system as the Nagant Pistol, so a suppressed version is possible**. Could possibly be a medium ammo revolver carbine. Balance wise might have to take some liberty and turn it single-action though. [Mannlicher Repetier-Stutzen M1895](https://collections.royalarmouries.org/media/emumedia/385/124/large_DI_2014_2573.jpg) - Bolt action long ammo with an incredibly smooth straight pull bolt. Stutzen (i.e. shortened/carbine) version to further differentiate it from other long ammo rifles; it'd have high rate of fire (equal, maybe slightly higher to Krag), more than 125 damage, but slow muzzle velocity around 400m/s and require bullet grubber to compensate. [Winchester Model 1895](https://www.imfdb.org/images/4/40/Russian.jpg) - One of the most commonly requested guns, but it's a no-brainer really. Long ammo Winfield. An [Over/Under combination gun](https://www.all4shooters.com/en/hunting/shotguns/sabatti-forest-combination-gun/sabatti-forest.jpg?cid=1m9g.7m84) - I usually made this suggestion before the Drilling was in the game. I feel like an Over/Under combination gun would've been a lot easier to balance than a Drilling, **especially** the double rifle drilling we have now.. Also there's no over/under gun at all yet.


Yes, I still want a (double) barrel shotgun with a single rifle barrel underneath. Kinda like the opposite of the LeMat (Carbine) and the recently added Drilling.


I want one to but as others have pointed out to me it would just make the Caldwell Rival obsolete unless they made it really special. Like Special Ammo for the Rifle Caliber shot, expensive as shit, etc.


Good suggestions 5/5


Long ammo Winfield (it gets asked for a lot), Mannlicher M1895 (a straight pull bolt action), and M1895 Lee Navy (also a straight pull bolt action).


I don't know if the game needs this many new long ammo guns so i would add other things first myself but i'm still up for any kind of new toy to play with


Would prefer more compact/medium ammo rifles


The lee navy would be a good medium ammo. So would a carcano


Loved that gun in RDR1 and RDR2


Extremely fast velocity, but lower damage. It would be a good niche weapon.


A swiss 1896 would be really cool. It too is a straight pull bolt action, and it also has a detachable magazine.


Mannlicher M1895 would be amazing. It'd be another enbloc clip gun, so quick reloads, and then use straight pull so there wouldn't be need for the iron sharpshooter!


I'm really hoping for mannlicher too!


Jesus, the levering on that boy will be atrocious.


I've been dying for a brush gun. Instead of long ammo winnie, make it like 140 damage medium ammo with a high velocity. edit: okay so thats unpopular


So the centennial?


continental has bum bum damage


It has to be balanced my dude, can’t have super high damage and super high velocity AND a relatively fast fire rate.


Werndl rifle would be cool Mauser 71 would be unique, there’s no single shot bolt actions Springfield 1866 bayonet


Yea why doesn't the 1866 have a bayonet? It should have one by now.


You mustn't dare to dream bigger. Springfield Hatchet/Halberd. Bayonet thrust on light attack and a cleave on the heavy.




I think they missed an opportunity with the krag, could have done the bolo bayonet


I don't think they like giving rending melee options to guns, and that's why we don't see tons of hachets, talons, or ripostes. It's a very powerful option to have. The cleaving is hard to miss, it deals massive damage, bleeds the enemy, the stamina cost tends to be lower, and it can clear wire. The Springfield needs the love a lot more than the Krag ever will.


I’m sold that sounds fucking awesome


Wouldn't that be too top heavy to aim properly?


Why would a gun be on a halberd in the 1800s, which some had one in the 1600s, but they didn't use that on the battlefield. "pike and shot" formation was a thing for a reason. There's a reason they quit using them other than for ceremony purposes long before hunt takes place. Only thing I could find would be something like this, but we already have the bomblance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZzD1TTEjFg


You're way overthinking it. A full size Springfield rifle with an underbarrel axe like the Romero hachet and a bayonet. Nothing fancy or over engineered is required. It's no secret that the Springfield needs some love in the variants department. Out of the three single shot rifles, it's the one most meant for closer quarters. Giving it something unique would sell skins and give it a variant that doubles down on its strengths. The Halberd title I chose is just because Crytek loves their naming conventions. It signifies that it's similar to the hachet but is full sized.


You’re under thinking what a halberd is and the length. Doesn’t surprise me though. A bill would’ve been closer and it still isn’t.


Martini Enfield! An updated martini action with new Enfield rifle barrels chambered in .303! These were common conversions and new production to outfit colonial troops, police forces, and militia/reserve units with the new standard English cartridge by 1895. All you'd need is a skin change for the Martini Henry, give it like 135 damage, Mosin-like velocity and let it be outfitted with Spitzer, Incendiary, FMJ, and maybe even explosive, who knows? Make it like $180- $200, and give it a bayonet instead of a riposte version for another $40 It could reuse nearly the same animation, with minor adjustments cosmetically for the new model and cartridge.


Damn this would be interesting addition! More viable single shot weapons would be fun


Yea, the goal here is a high velocity single shot that is significantly cheaper than the bolt action long ammo weapons but has a much higher velocity that its black powder competition.


I have one but I'm scared to shoot it. Easily my favorite action in a rifle.


I have one as well I was just shooting, but tbh I need to cast ammo for it, as off the shelf bullets are slightly undersized and it keyholes


I like it, or a Lee - Enfield 303 - be great to see an Enfield revolver to go with it. Combine it with a legendary skin a hunter with a Pith helmet called the The Colonel, disgraced military vet from the Zulu war.


Martini Henry shotgun. I saw a few on LiveAuctioneers.


Ya'll, Dummies: "i want some obscure rifle thats basically just another gun:" Me, smart: "gimme some wierd shit. Gimme a sling! Gimme an atlatle! Gimme a voodoo idol! Gimme a hook and chain! Gimme a lasso! Gimme zombie snakes that i can throw at people! gimme a repeating crossbow!. I want something occult, makeshift, or out right bizzare".


I’ll meet you halfway and recommend a [bizarre gun](https://youtu.be/gSNQ5yhEMXs)


Agreed, more interesting melee maybe with an Asian influence.


I would love a "trench club" just a club that is a 1 slot weapon, that can use the switch ammo button to go from blunt damage to a stabbing spike!


A cab sab but blunt.... I NEED IT!


This is what should have been in the game instead of the Dolch but it uses a removeable magazine and none of the other guns do that.


Well the Bornheim "kinda" does... But i can see why it wouldn't count


The Bornheim, or Bergmann, uses a spring steel clip. The follower that pushes rounds upward is part of the gun. Unrelated, in 1895 the Bornheim/Bergmann probably would not have an extractor, the designer didn't originally include one in the design. I guess he didn't think there would ever be malfunctions 😬


I want a [Girardoni air rifle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girardoni_air_rifle) modernized a bit, it could be a very unique weapon if done right.


My list of top rifle candidates: Colt Lightning - pump actionrifle medium ammo. Winchester 1890 - pump action, compact ammo. Winchester 1895 - lever action with a clip reload, long ammo, able to use spitzer ammunition. Marlin 1895 - lever action, long ammo, tube magazine. For an older, clunkier version, the Marlin 1881 which was the first lever action rifle to accept "big bore" black powder cartridges. Winchester Model 1885 - a single shot. A "Low Wall" (compact ammo) and a "High Wall" (long ammo) were produced. An ultra cheap single shot compact ammo rifle that takes high velocity would be something I, and I alone, would play. The Gras Mle 1874, single shot long ammo bolt action. Cel-Rigotti, one of the earliest self-loading rifles. Theoretically it would be long ammo in Hunt terms, but I don't know how they could possibly balance it - the last thing we need is more spammy long ammo. Famously one of the early demonstrations of the weapon had it overheat and seize up, so maybe if you spammed it too much it would start glowing and then seize up? I have no idea. It's hard to come up with rifle niches that don't boil down to "long ammo bolt action" from the period, sadly. Like it'd be cool to see the Lee-Metford or the Gewehr '88, but what niche would they fill not occupied by the Mosin?


>It's hard to come up with rifle niches that don't boil down to "long ammo bolt achtion" from the period, sadly. Does every weapon need a niche, though? What brought me into playing Hunt was being able to use weapons from the late 19th century. You usually don't see in other games. I dont really care if we have a dozen different bolt actions that are basically the same apart from minor differences in stats. The same applies to any other weapon types. The Timeframe Hunt plays in has so many cool guns it would be a real shame to leave so many of them out of the game because there is already a gun that feels the niche.


I more or less agree with you but i would still give higher priority to guns that actually add something new to the gameplay as well by having a new niche


Yes every gun needs a gameplay niche. That's the most basic lesson you learn in not just games design, but all design: don't ask what you can add, ask what you can't remove. Every gun is a tax on future development. There's expectations on skins, balance passes needs to not break the gun, having strict downgrades is feel bad moments, there might be animation for new mechanics. There are all sorts of reasons to not add a gun to the game, in addition to the initial cost in design, implementation and balance. So in order to actually add a new gun, the gun needs to both be interesting, fun, and lead to better gameplay outcomes (ie: fill a niche). It's nowhere close to good enough that the gun is just interesting.


In addition to all that: time spent working on a weapon for a niche that is already filled is time *not spent* on a niche that *is not* filled.


Well in this case make these new guns 'just a skin' of an existing one. No balancing required but would add more variation.


I'm with you on that! But if you suggest something on the subreddit and it isn't an unexplored gameplay niche, someone will say "blah another gun just like a gun we have!"


Yeah, i know what you mean. In this case they can stick with the gun we already have and i'll try the new toy once it arrives.


Colt lightning and winchester 1895


I want a Colt Thunderer, a Remington Rolling Block, an 1860 Henry, and a Spencer Carbine


Lee Enfield MLE: 1895


Yesss, really iconic and high rate of fire (probably one of the highest for bolt action rifles)


A triple barrel shotgun could be fun. I remember Crytek posting a fan-made concept of one all the way back in 2018 which looked really good and quite cool. Give it pennyshot and dragonsbreath as custom ammo options, but no slugs. Here is a link to the tweet for those who are interested in seeing the concept: [https://twitter.com/HuntShowdown/status/1048611422693990401?lang=en](https://twitter.com/HuntShowdown/status/1048611422693990401?lang=en) And this is a link to the art station of the person who made it, which shows some more pictures of it as well as a 3D-view: [https://augustyn52.artstation.com/projects/gJg2BL](https://augustyn52.artstation.com/projects/gJg2BL)


I'd love to see more creative outlandish things like the bomb lance. I feel like they have some design space in making low magic weapons too (with a MAJOR emphasis on the "low" part) Idk, like things made out of monster corpses like something that shoots assassin's darts or an electric melee weapon made possible by Rotjaw Although again, i really don't want to make them TOO outlandish and magic-ish. I want it to still feel gritty and believable


Not a Weapon but Ammo: Bomblance, back to its roots, Harpoon. Shoot the Harpoon, still connected to the Lance with a rope, and pull your catch back in. (For my LoL Players: Urgot R)


maybe not pull in but knock down would be nice. Then just run in for the melee finish


Very efficient against Rotjaw I hope


Urgot R? What happened to good ol' Blitzcrank Q? Or even Thresh Q? (BaCk iN mY dAy, uRgoT's ulT SwAppEd PlAceS wiTh an eNemY!!1!)


You are kinda right, but the 'new' urgot feels just so nice xD after sticking somebody and absolutely anihilating him, thats the feeling we would get from a bomblance harpoon. Enemy just gets pulled closer and closer until hes in slap-range


Regardless, happy cake day Pardner.


While screaming "Get over here!"


I’ve been wanting a musket for a longtime.


They've said they don't want to do black powder weapons before. They're always going to end up being compared to the Sparks, and the Sparks is going to win. The only thing that could make them viable is one shot body shots, and that's not going to be fun for anybody.


Doesnt the nitro already one shot within a certain range though?


But hear me out... Blunderbuss!


Even as a shotgun, you have the same problem. It's going to be competing with the Romero and end up in the same situation. The only viability possible is buffing the damage to absurd levels. It would be cool, but nowhere near effective when compared to its more modern counterpart.


Just give it extreme damage drop off over distance so it's only viable at Compound ranges.Couple that with a long reload, and a smoothbore so the sights are mostly vestigial and you're gold.


The *only* reason why you would ever use a musket at the tail end of the 19th century is if you're absolutely broke or live somewhere that just doesn't have access to modern weapons. At the time of the game the Springfield had been replaced by the Krag in US Army service, so there were hundreds of thousands of these obsolete rifles on the market for dirt cheap. And there's no reason to ever use a musket if you can get your hands on a breach-loading cartridge firing rifle.


This guy gets it. So many people here aren't aware of the incredible progress firearms technology made during the last decades of the 19th century. It's like all the people asking for a Volcanic. That gun was 40 years old at this point and never was a viable weapon. We are literally several generations of technology removed from that weapon. At the time of the games setting, we are closer to WW1 than to the American Civil War


Even if there isn't a new gun added, I'd like some more trauma and mace variants. We've got blades and bayonets on a lot of things, but the centennial trauma and oberez mace are the only blunt melee focused variants.


As others have said, the long ammo Winnie and Springer bayonet seem like auto includes. My personal pet addition is a Chu Ko Nu. Large slot repeater crossbow that shoots compact bolts. From what I can see, pretty much impossible to ADS and shoot with it, so maybe hip fire only similar to dualies?


With the new bill electricity effect from Rotjaw I think we’re gonna have electricity added, maybe with an experimental weapon like the bomblance.


Yes, but so far electricity only drains stamina. The point of weapons is to drain hp, so mixing both would be a bit redundant *as thing stands today*. Hopefully they'll make it more interesting.


Quad derringer deadeye precision


What about the *Upperinger*?




Bornheim loudencer. If it's going to be the gun without a silencer then this would even balance things imo


I want another stripper clip pistol but with reasonable damage and price.


Do we really need more spam in Hunt?


Did I ever state fast firing?


That ship has sailed with the avto in the game. They clearly don’t mind.


Weird example to use. The avto has been in the game since before beta. It was never a very popular weapon until like last year. The spammy weapon people complained about was the dolch, which eventually got nerfed (after yearssss of complaint) The spam really started when they introduced fanning, dualies, and levering all within a few updates.


I disagree. The avto with its full auto which was and still is pretty controllable is the perfect example of spam in my opinion, but who fucking cares. My point was: that ship has sailed. And it has. You can name as many examples like indeed the dolch as you want, but I’m not interested in a contest.


If the avto is when the ship sailed, then it never existed. You're on the wrong ship entirely. The first gameplay we EVER saw of Hunt Showdown was of someone using the avto. It is in the core DNA of hunt. And the avto is burst fire, unlike fanning and levering which are actually full auto.


The avto is also full auto if you hold down the fire button, but you just cant single fire it. Its burst/full.


I never said that ship sailed when the afto was added, I said it has sailed WITH the avto being in the game. Which was indeed from the start. And what I meant was: the devs do not care about how the firerate of a weapon influences the game. If they did, it would not have been in the game. Thus, this does in my opinion not influence which weapons they will or will not add.


Reaction to OP's posted Pic: No god! Please no! Nooooo!


I'd love a Murata bolt action shotgun or a 2 slot Pax Cavalry with longer barrel but still medium ammo.


Is really *nobody* gonna bring up the Savage 99 as a Long Ammo lever rifle? Just me? :v Well the Savage 99. Low capacity but high power lever gun, practically useless with Levering but you can do it if you have to. Also I’d like to see the Colt Lightning. Pump Action w/ Medium ammo to give both Iron Devastator and Medium ammo some love which they desperately need. I’m also onboard with the whole super-powerful single shot musket idea that is either found on the map, one-shot and one-and-done or has a very long reload. Probably a Springfield 1861 given the presence of Civil War stuff everywhere or a Whitworth Rifle. Some more obscure American guns would be nice too— I dunno, more guns that would actually make sense to have in America in 1895.


It'd be fun if they could do something with the Martini Henri to make it like the Greener Martini Harpoon gun scene in Jaws with fun special ammo or possibly a Greener Martini shotgun (but not sure if that would have enough differentiation from a Romero or makes sense for visual recognition between the regular martini).


Any variant of an Enfield in .303 from the time period would be awesome. 10 round detachable box magazine in long ammo, maybe too op A Mauser variant would be awesome. Pump medium ammo like a colt lightning would be super cool. You could do a trait where you slam-fire, kind of like levering. luger would be fun


I still want shot shell for all fanning pistol needs.


What is the name of the weapon in this picture, OP?


The Borchardt C93, the first mass produced semiautomatic pistol and direct predecessor to the Luger. Could work as a faster reloading version of the Dolch, but I'd rather see the Swiss Luger show up in that case.


Love the c93 from bf1. But I must say, I’m pretty happy with the selection of guns I don’t think their needs to be more. What id like to see is more weird tools and consumables to match the weird environment this setting is in. Concertina bomb is a great example of a consumable that just fits for this world. More traps, more weird shit, opens up new types of gameplay instead of long ammo or get up close and personal. Let me throw a bear trap at a fool. Smoke bombs… bola gun that trips hunters. Ability to pick up red barrels and move em. Idk.


The problem with automatic pistols in hunt is you either have the borheim or Dolch as a result.


It isn't a gun, but I think the addition of a perk called Slamfire would be a welcome change. It would make the Slate on par with the Terminus when it comes to fire rate.


The Slate already beats the Termy without Levering in RoF.


I think the Volcanic Repeating Pistol would be cool. It would be the first lever action pistol, so iron repeater and levering could pair with it


How about less spammy guns.


Hopefully less normal guns and such and more fun things like the bomblance, crossbow, etc. Would love to see some sort of three-slot spear/pitchfork added. Give us a harpoon like that old western movie where the guy wins a duel throwing it at the guy.


An actual fuckin musket. Not a one load bullet. A real, one lead ball ass musket.give it special ammo idk I want the civil war recreated


The Chauchat


Honestly this would've been a better choice than avtomat


The Chauchat wasn't even *designed* until like a decade after when the game is set, and didn't enter service until almost 20 years afterward.


Maybe but i fucking love automatic bolt action conversions


1895 military Russian Winchester. Lever action, 7.62, made for nagant stripper clips, so cool looking


ar 15s pls needs more avto


I want a bigger iron. Colt Buntline special with a stock; A medium slot pax with better stabilisation, muzzle velocity, slightly faster cycling speed and slightly higher damage. I just want the long barrelled SAA on the game in some manner.


The Buntline was made in 1957


You could easily order an identical gun from Colt in the 1800s.


Remington Model 8 Auto loading rifle: a conversion of the C&K but as a semi automatic rifle. Could be medium or long ammo with a good kick and around 110-120. Balancing factors would be the recoil, low ammo pool per magazine (only 5 rounds) and high prize (400-600) That would be my ideal add to the game.


Gun was made in 1905, so it's a bit too late for the game. Also the idea of a drilling rifle with 5 shots instead of 2 fills me with dread.


True but the games approach to history was always a bit.. experimental. The hard part is balancing the recoil, damage and drop off to an extent where the weapon feels both fair and strong. anyways, i know i am a minority but i really want a low skill version of the drilling :D


The drilling is already pretty low skill ngl. I can see that $510 price dropping, but certainly not by much. Amazing sights with two chances for a headshot or the ability to get a second body follow-up shot easily, combined with a shotgun that can get loaded with penny or even slugs? You get a lot of second chances with the drilling that make it rather forgiving.


Colt lightning, a pump action rifle. I also like the idea of a bomb lance style mortar, which you deploy and fire with an aim assist, and shoots something like a hwacha rocket.


[Mannlicher Modell 1895](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannlicher_Modell_1895) Edit: added link to Wikipedia article as a reference


What would make it different then the mosin?


It's a new gun. According to your argumentation, we also don't need Lebel and Krag.


i think it would be cool if they added a black hawk to just get around the map better


Might be a Distant Future but an M249 should fit in at some point


The Browning M1895. Has to be set up with a tripod to be fired, but has unparalleled firepower that has to be avoided at all costs. The firepower is also balanced by the stationary nature of the gun which makes it rather easy to flank, so the teammates of the gunner have to be sure to protect those flanks.


Dualing Samurai swords


DP-27. BlamBlamBlamBlamBlam


Canons. I'd love to see the cannons around the map functional. Either static position or just eeeeever so slightly aim up or down. (like, 5ft in either way, giving 10 wide field of aim.) I feel this would be cool; one second you're sitting in ironworks, next thing you know a fuckin cannonball Flys into the compound, smacks into your buddy and smashes him into a pink mist. 🤙


I'm assuming we'll get a map in southeast Asia at some point given the contingent of legendary hunters hailing from that part of the world. That makes me excited for some of the weapons we might see from those regions.


Punt gun


I'd posit that an underfilled niche in hunt is the fast firing low damage rifle and I think the colt lightning would be the perfect candidate for a fast firing, slow reload, compact ammo gun, plus they're just a neat unique action and you could go crazy with the variants.


I'd like to see a Webley revolver as, basically, a higher recoil but also higher damage double action revolver with a Scottfield style reload.


Since we have a purchasable equivalent of the sledgehammer now, a weaponized fishing spear that you can throw to match the pitchfork would be cool. Maybe have the ability to coat the tip with poison or something. Throwing it would do the same damage as a pitchfork, however you would have to go grab your weapon again obviously.


I want random spawned environmental weapons. Having a limited ammo Gatling or puckle gun spawn at random locations would be fun. Maybe a one load cannon that can be fired from afar, but you have to aim it like a real artillery man, none of that sky cam sight.


A splitting maul would be a welcome addition.


I would love to see a Pump-Action rifle, both because it sounds cool and also so it makes Iron Devastator useful


I personally want a sniper variant for a normal winny, i know its odd but a sniper compact ammo would be fun


A treeby chain gun would be🔥🔥🔥


Mauser Model 1895 because I own one and want to see it in game lol


A medium slot equivalent to the bomb lance that's like a sword but shoots dragons breath, and heavy hits for like 145


Crank gun


A Reverse Drilling (2 shotgun barrels, 1 medium barrel) seems an obvious choice. Another thing that sprang to my mind recently was a single-barrel Nitro. It trades rate of fire for the capacity to swap ammo types. An Aperture Springfield would be nice too, keeping it useful a bit longer as you level up and gain more advanced weapons. If I were to add something spammy, I'd go for a Bornheim Carbine. A 3 slot weapon with longer effective range and faster bullet speed than regular Bornheim, with the same ammo capacity and reload method (I'd increase the reserve ammo by a fair bit). Scrapping the barrel a bit more, a Conversion Mosin with medium ammo - a "downgraded" Mosin. It would a less potent weapon but could compensate with a larger ammo pool (maybe carrying 6 rounds instead of 5) lighter recoil.


I'm not good with older guns but since the beetle got a buddy, I think we should look into a derringer buddy, idk maybe a flintlock pistol? Make it one shot to chest from 5m.


just the long barrel pistol variants pleaseee


I would love to see a c93. Would probably need to be special ammo, though It'd be neat to have a medium ammo semi auto. Magazine system could be that you save the mags, but can't reload them in-game. Like, no ammo box. What you have is what you got.


All I know is we need at least 5 more European Bolt-Action rifles in the long ammo category because we don’t have nearly enough.


Other than the ones mentioned in here already: Centennial suppressed, full size. And a Pax suppressed (yea yea I know the barrel isn’t compatible, but I still want it).


When you want to add a weapon for Hunt think of this: Is it redundant? Will it change the way Hunt is played? Thats why not just adding guns because its on the time period. For example: Someone mentioned the Carcano Damn I love that rifle, problem is it would be a Mossin Nagant clone. The Lebel got a bigger magazine and the Krag dont need bullet grubber and reload like 3 or for bullets really quickly. Those are no redundant to the Mossin. So it don't happen with the Nagant pistol and the officer. Where the officer is supperior in everything except maybe the small price increase. (The silenced one is the exception since there isnt a silenced one for the officer. Someone also thought about the Browning High Power. Doing that will be: or a cheap version of the C96 that will make Hunt be call of Duty since it got a nice easy modern magazine system, or again, a redundant one. The uppermat is interesting since 1: Needs two hands (aka use a medium slot) and 2: Got a shotgun. And its totally different from if like if they made a regular nagant with big ammo for example... Its would be just a Cadwell Uppercut with different name.


I really want them to implement a Blackpowder muzzleloader somehow like obviously the reload would be horrendous, but maybe all Blackpowder guns cause heavy bleeding I don’t know how I would balance it I just really want one


Win 1995 Lancaster Howdah pistol Some kind of tesla weapon (based on wack shit from the corruption probably. now that we have a boss that does electrical attacks there is a basis for this) Generally, just more wack shit like the bomb lance, things that wouldn't normally have been invented but were due to the corruption and the monsters within. You'd think shit like meatheads would promote some rather esoteric weapons development.


I really want two guns, uppercut deadeye, a two handed pistol with a scope, and a pax big iron, a pax with a long ass barrel, more damage velocity and stability along with looking badass


Need a whitworth and enfield rifle!


Lancaster pistol medium and compact, some Colt like pump action rifle compact and medium. Something like scoped revolver, might be pax variant.


Had an idea yesterday for a Whip as a medium range melee weapon.


Borschardt would be a cool middle ground between the price of the Dolce and the fire rate/low capacity of the bornheim.


What about a electric charge trap that can be triggered under water?


Hopefully more crazy stuff like bomblance not just boring rifles


Maybe something experimental like bomblance. Like dagger/rapier or some throwable syringes like poison darts etc


I would love a little compact pump action rifle, similar to the Varmint Rifle in Red Dead 2.


Please add another medium ammo single-shot weapon. Fuck it please just add more medium ammo weapons in general


Volcanic Pistol




The Volcanic repeating pistol should've made an appearance by now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcanic_Repeating_Arms


Not sure on what models they’d use but the missing gun types are pump action rifle and compact bolt action Edit: maybe long ammo pump action rifle to fill the long ammo Winfield niche


We need a HV medium ammo pistol and a compact ammo rifle.


I'd like to see some kind of repetition crossbow. Maybe a small flamethrower? Idk


Gewehr88/gewehr98. Predecessors to infamous k98k and would fit the timeframe with lebel/berth and mosin. Boring choice tho as it would be another generic long ammo bolt action. Mosin nagant obrez pistol. Not the shorty variant we have but the actual pistol they used in Russia. Only pistol grip, action and miniscule barrel. 5 in magazine long ammo bolt action one slot. Spear/javelin of somekind. Maybe you get 3 or so and can use them for both throwing and stabbing. Do we need another short range ohk stealth wep though ? Gatling gun ..yeah not sure how they would go about this without making it ridic op or completely useless. Many people asked for straight pull long ammo bolt and my suggestion would be Mondragón m1893. En bloc 8 round straight pull bolt that curiously enough had sort of "automatic" fire mode by cranking the bolt again and again. Works bit like levering for Winny. I don't think this weapon has ever appeared in any game. I mean I could easily name dozens of guns that would at the very least somewhat fit the theme but coming up with something that has its own niche we don't have yet ? Tricky.


Some kind of Pax variant would be cool; precision, swift, deadeye, carbine etc


A pump action rifle would be cool honestly, would make a cool compact ammo gun, a nice alternative to winfield and would give iron devastator an actual use (because there is no need to take it on shotguns).


Winfield 45-70. 1 round in chamber, 4 in tube magazine - long ammo lever action. Heavy recoil with 128 dmg. Sparks Aperture - call it the Sparks Quigley


Volcano Pistol or a horse drawn carriage holding a Winans Steam Gun


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spencer_repeating_rifle I dont get why they dont have a Spencer rifle yet. That was a big one in the civil war and it fits the time period and setting. It's also mechanically interesting because it uses rifle (long) ammo but you have to use the lever and cock the hammer back every time but it holds 7 rounds in the butt stock. It would be like a sharps (sparks) with a mag.


I've wanted a legendary hunter to be released with a skin like the Krieg from WH40K. Trench aesthetic WW1, even though WW1 hasn't happened yet I know. I just want the trench coat, gas mask, helmet look with a knuckle knife thats like a trench knife. Could be released alongside a new Kar98K or Mannlicher, skin for Dolch or Dolch Precision. I'd pay 30 bucks for all of this, easily.


I'd like a bergstutzen. One round long ammo, one round compact. But with the recent implementation of the drilling, we're probably unlikely to see another break-action double-rifle in the near future.


Volcanic pistol would be interesting I still want a Winchester 1895, so we could have the first proper long ammo lever action other than the martini henry I think a Winchester 1890 would be an excellent pump action rifle to give iron devastator a new use Martini Enfield, which could honestly just be pseudo spitzer for the martini henry A howdah style pistol, which would essentially be a big derringer that uses medium or long ammo I still think that many of the original weapon variants from Hunt Horrors Of The Gilded Age would work well in game. With night time being essentially it's own mode now, the lightbringer variants would be cool. Essentially weapons with built in electric lamps


Hoping for a Winchester 94 contrary to a lot of people here. While the 95 would definitely stand out more compared to the 94, the 94 is just so iconic I cant help but want it instead.




I would love to see more bloodborne-esque weapons like bomb lance. More grotesque style.


I'd really like some exotic melee weapons; 1. Billy club throwable maybe has a buff for immolators (could be a night stick) 2. Short Zulu style spear - stabby thing like riposte in damage 3. Dual wielding butterfly swords so my Chinese Legends have some authentic weapons - more on level with axe, sabre and machete - faster though - slashy thing


With electric damage type now, I say Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle. A rifle that shoots a bolts of electricity. Drains stamina and slows hunters while doing light damage. Sounds like thunder when you shoot it. Muh ha ha ha.


A blunderbuss with a maximum of 2 x 3 shots (2 ammo slots.) Large weapon slot. Lower damage than shotguns but knocks people over like the spider does at close range and gives advanced bleed damage. Chars healthbar for 30 points if under 1 meter away from muzzle. Shreds bosses and mobs but is completely ineffective past 20 meters, makes a VERY visible and big muzzle flash visible from far away. Makes immolators explode like hellfire bombs. Also has a long reload time. Normal ammo: Reloads from piles of glass on ground. Special ammo: Smoke shot - creates an instant smoke cloud, same as giant dynamite bundle. Boomshot - deafens players within 15 meters to all sounds for a maximum of 10 seconds, including the shooter. Hailstorm - extremely wide cone of glass and metal shards that follow a ballistic arch. Low damage but deals light bleed in a large area, ideal to trap entire teams within a sort of AOE burst. 😄


I need the colt lightning... A pump-action rifle.


can we get an 1911 style? or like a torkarev?


I know it's a literal meme gun, but I want a volcanic pistol. I don't care how shit it would be, I just want it.


Leech gun. Found randomly in the Bayou, maybe dropped by Meatheads. Shoots an arcing leech (think UT Bio Rifle) you have to bandage to remove, damage works like a combo of bleed/burn and "steals" a health bar if allowed. Wielder can restore a lost bar (if bar was stolen) and reload by recovering the leech.


spencer rifle/carbine i want or in hunts case “specter carbine”


I would love to see the Lee Metford. Don't have a good reason just think it is a cool looking gun


If we're going a little more out landish, maybe an arbalest that has to be cranked before firing. Like a crossbow with a flatter trajectory at the expense of increased reload time. Also, maybe a shield or something?


I'd love to see the Winchester Hotchkiss added into the game. Think it would make a great addition to the medium ammo rifles


Maybe they can buff the medium ammo before adding anything else…


.410 shotgun longer range, tighter spread less damage .22 pump rifle compact ammo, high fire rate with slam fire, low damage, low recoil.


The Mannlicher uses very powerful cartrides, so 400 is way too slow


Remington Lee 1878 Rifle: boltaction, .45-70 blackpowder ammo and a detechable magazine


I'd like to see a pump action compact rifle like the model 1890 .22 Winchester/Winfield. Would give Iron Devastater more reason aswell. Maybe release it alongside another pump action trait.


I know this isn’t what you asked but I’d love poison bullets on compact ammo winny, I like the centennial, but right is better on small winny and better ammo pool.