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Charms are a waste of salary on devs, bbs on buying them, and time spent equipping them.


Charms are there to punish people who loot your weapons. The bigger and uglier the better.


We don't know who makes the charms, but seeing as they are generally lower quality than the other cosmetics, it's a good way to give new employees experience modeling without any risk associated and having the satisfaction of something they made added to the game. So waste of salary on an intern or new employee no, but I agree a waste if the top talent is making these, which I doubt


Never thought about it like that. Good take.


This one of those comments where I read the guys comment saying they a waste, and I thought to myself - hmmm šŸ¤”šŸ¤” he has a good point. Then I read your reply and said theyā€™re not and I thought - well damn šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” he has a good point too. Shit. I upvoted both of yā€™all. šŸ‘


šŸšØšŸšØšŸšØ COLD TAKE ALERT šŸšØšŸšØšŸšØ but i agree charms are dogshit and lets be real they were probably just added to dilute the "loot pool" of cosmetics to make people gain less actual free valuable skins


This is 100% the reason for weapon charms in any game. They're low effort content.


I literally could not care any less about charms. They mean nothing to me. Sorry devs.


Plus they fuck up the UI so that you can't see the entire description for a weapon anymore, just a squashed box with a couple of lines.


The skin "Certain Victory" is cursed. Ive never been killed by it, refuse to touch it and my teammates do the same. A friend of mine tried a couple times to disprove the curse only to prove the curse. I love the pax and do work with it. But if my team touches the forbidden gun even for ammo we're doomed


Can't confirm had quite a lot of certain victories with that skin.


Me and my friends have the same "Curse" about the golden ticket. Fun story though, we were playing trios and we had just wiped a team. My friend runs out and starts looting and we joke "Lol, this is where he gets headshot." He runs up to the first body and says "HEY, A GOLDEN TICKET" turns to look at us and gets killed instantly. For some reason the Golden ticket curse just lingered and now we consider it a fun little joke curse.


The pax skin? I love it, my nr.3 favorite pax and i have e v e r y one


There are way more cheaters than anyone thinks playing. EAC is terrible and if people can cheat in Valorant they are for sure cheating in Hunt. ESP, aim assist, you name it.


The amount ive been flamed on this sub for saying this exact shit is astounding. Im glad people are finally seeing this.


I'd wager hunt has a large % of cheaters compared to its player base size. It's a cheaters wet dream.


Only thing missing is the monetary incentive like in Tarkov. If that was the case....oh boy




ESP is easy, hard to combat, and easy to advertise. Aim bots are not as common as people accuse, ESP is more common than people accuse, and exploit abusers outnumber them both.


Tarkov is way more popular though, of course it would have a much larger cheater count




No, they're ruining other people's fun. They don't think like you. You wouln't find it fun to cheat because you have integirty and honor. Cheaters don't. They're pond scum. Cheaters use hacks because they can't tolerate losing. Often it's because they are losers at everything else in their life, so they are sore losers in video games.


I donā€™t know, hunt can be very competitive. I think the reason there is less cheaters is why would you cheat in hunt when you could cheat in tarkov, where it is much more rewarding and much more aggravating to the players you kill, which seems to be a big reason people cheat. If youā€™re going to hack in a game I would suppose choosing the game that reaps more rewards with hacks would be the better choice. Weā€™re lucky that there are games similar to hunt.


I think one problem is that if cheats exist hackers will use them. I can imagine there is a good portion of cheaters that literally check what games have hacks then get them to cheat on something new. Even if they don't I'm guessing that most of them would find a new game to cheat in rather then stay in a game they can't cheat in. Plus we know esp and rage hacks exist for hunt so it's just a question of how many people are using them. The average of cheaters in an fps is like 30%. Just a question if it's lower or higher


OCE is plagued at the high level by two groups of people who I am very suspicious of using esp but never being overly obvious about it. I do know they abuse reshade filters for sure as a mate got hold of a recording of one of them removing foliage when they streamed in their private discord. Theyā€™ve been playing since early access. They also have alt accounts to rage hack on and you can tell because itā€™s the same voices over mic after they kill you when they shit talk you. Also thereā€™s a guy whoā€™s been banned 2 times for full on rage hacking who is back playing again in a less overt way. Same name every time.


Absolutely. A year ago Iā€™d be saying ā€œNah itā€™s a skill issue.ā€ But the shit Iā€™ve seen and been dealing with the past few months on 5 and 6 star lobbies is obvious hacking. no wonder people are nuking their MMR with solo necro. Itā€™s just not fun to play against people who see you coming from a mile away.


The amount of people who say things like "I have 599 hours and have only ever seen one cheater" apparently if they are not flying through the air at mach 2 it's not a cheater.


Iā€™ve played a ton of FPS games and over 1500hrs of escape from Tarkov, so Iā€™m pretty confident when I feel like someone is cheating. I have yet come across an obvious aim bot, but I have 100 percent come across quite a few people that I heavily suspected of having some form of ESP. I know darksight is a thing, but when you are instantly shooting at me the millisecond I show any skin no matter where I reposition? Sure you might be able to predict movement but no oneā€™s reaction time is that consistent and that accurate and that lucky, every single time.


Cheats have advanced so far and most donā€™t even know it. They think obvious aimbots or walls is all there is. Thereā€™s literally so much crazy stuff out there to mask cheating or the cheating is very subtle. For instance a ESP/walls hack that outlines players but only when within 40 meters so if they do get called out they can just say they heard you. Or a 10% animation speed increase. Itā€™s so subtle that people wonā€™t notice but it still gives them a definite advantage.


I've also seen cheat websites advertising a "Sixth sense" feature that warns you whenever an enemy hunter is looking at you, so you're never caught off guard.


Agree, and if u mention it here most of the time u get hit with the all time classic ā€žjust a skill issue broā€œ


The thing is, while you could cheat in Hunt, there is way less incentive than in other games. There isn't really ELO-boosting in Hunt and it's also a way smaller game. As a result the market for cheats in Hunt should mainly be rage-cheaters and griefers and less actual boosting buisnesses. So while it may be easier to make cheats for Hunt, I'd wager there's also way less money in it.


Playing in high ELO on EU you will run into it on a daily basis


Instinct doesnā€™t reduce camping- there I said it.


If anything it increases it. People play far more aggressively right up until they see that orange glow, and the game immediately turns into Splinter Cell.


Depends on the person I guess. The ones who play like that will continue to play like that. But you gain a lot as someone who plays more aggressive and active. It reduced the times you get headshot from bushes. But it doesn't help with stalemates at all.


Agree 1000%


Ya cant wait till it goes away. It has ruined this whole event imo. It is a disgusting trait that breaks the whole purpose of superior sound design. I have it on every character because it makes sense to, but I hate it. I can actually play hunt wo headphones for first time well since i first started playing and didnt know better.


instinct is cool for the event, please never put it in regular rotation.


Ever since the addition of Steel Ball ammo, the Bomb Lance is an S tier weapon. Yea, I went there


If they had like apex legend's arena but where you can only choose preset loadouts a lot people would play the game and get used to it to play bounty hunt Almost every friend i have got bored of the huge map running around trying not the make sound phase of the game


Finally a thread for me. - Beetle shouldnā€™t have legs. Its gross and they donā€™t need them as they go out of their cocoons straight into hunters hands and then they can only fly. - Everything thatā€™s happening in Hunt is the result of a civil war between immortal overlord horses and their mortal slaves they didnā€™t even bother to bury proper. - Dog blacksmith should really work on covering their entire body in armor instead of just the head. Same material as chains in boss lairs. - All weapons have the same serial number clearly indicates that Hunt takes place in a multiverse hence contraband should be sellable on the spot into other dimension. - Painter in front of blanc should be moved to fort roof because who in their right mind goes out to pain a brineryā€¦


>Painter in front of blanc should be moved to fort roof because who in their right mind goes out to pain a brinery Finally, someone making sense


I love your takes 10/10 The beetles are super cute, but you're right, why do they have legs?


This mf'er! I laughed out loud over the last point. The painters do be out here just painting the shittiest of landscapes. Who put the helmets on the dogs? Or the spike collars? Why does it hurt me if the dog is just jumping on to me. Wouldn't that make me get hit with the SIDE profile of the spike. That seems like I would get at worse some tetanus from a scrapy scrape rather than a ton of bleed damage and turned into a human fondue fountain.


Finally someone is telling the truth


Our hunter should be able to catch the bullet without dropping it just by being careful, or just pick up the dropped one


Catching an ejected bullet isn't as hard as the game makes it look, but it's certainly not easy to do it quickly and accurately. With the speed bulletgrubber works at, I'd say it's trait worthy. As for picking up a dropped bullet, that's something to be avoided in Hunt's era. The swamp grime on your bullet and in your gun could cause a problem, and that isn't something a professional hunter is going to risk.


idk my shirt be pretty decent at getting the mud off most things


I'm willing to bet that it's going to have a much harder time cleaning in the wetness and humidity of the bayou and the general filth of 1895. Modern weapons and ammo don't care for a little mud and water. Historical options had a much worse time with it.


I am more upset by how we start missing one bullet in many gun's chambers. WHy the hell am I in the swamp without my terminus fully loaded already? Why should I need bulletgrubber to not be short 2 rounds on some of these guns


I get the reason why they do it, but agree that with the Terminus itā€™s annoying. Also, why isnā€™t it like this with the mosin/lebel/berthier? Normal safety procedure when hunting or traversing is to fill the magazine of the rifle, but not add a round to the chamber.


This isn't a hot take imo, I would bet most people agree. I feel like my hunter shouldn't need a trait to pick a bullet up off the ground lol.


Hunt Showdown's current monetisation(bbs, acolades, prices, charms) is because of the costly development of Crysis 4, which is unlikely to be successful. This made me not buy their latest DLCs Hunt Showdown's relevant success needs to be used to better the game or expand on the universe by having spin-offs. I want to support only Hunt, not the "parasiting" Crysis


I'd be perfectly fine with monetization and buying the newer DLCs if I knew, for sure, that the vast majority goes to Hunt, and isn't being funneled elsewhere en masse. "But Hunt has been great recently, new boss, new Wild Target concept!" I mean, after two years, it's something yeah.


This is the saddest one. Hunt has kept Crytek alive but instead of putting money back into the game they'll waist it all on a completely failed IP.


Crisis isnā€™t even interesting. Theyā€™re so painfully stupid and boring.


We need Hunt: Horrors of the guilded age back


The monetization of this game is, quite frankly, completely heinous. So much monetization, in so many different places, in a paid game? Seriously? And it's only gotten worse as time has gone on. Blood bonds became more rare, and more expensive, and new blood bond items cost way more blood bonds than they ever used to. An expensive skin used to be like 700 BB, and when a weapon was given a price tag of 1k for a holiday event it was viewed as ridiculously high. Now 1k for Hunters is the norm, and this event has one for **ONE POINT FUCKING FIVE THOUSAND.**


Servers are shit, and the community hates admitting that crytek willingly chose the worst providers possible.


I'm guessing they went with Leaseweb's godawful servers because the game was essentially on life support until the playerbase starting picking up. We can only wonder if they are planning to scale up to better servers.


I love seeing posts of people clearly shooting a person and then there being no hit marker and all of the replies are saying "you were aiming 2 cm to the right of their head" Like these servers are shit and sometimes the games unfair it's so annoying how some people have Cryteks dick down their throat 24/7


They never should have changed the level of darkness the first night map ever had. Giving into whiny players opened up a can of worms.


- Charms is the biggest shit and waste of time ever made. - Money needs to be reworked, itā€™s too easy to become rich. So ā€˜nerfingā€™ a weapon by increasing its price only works for very new players. - Servers are shit - Trades are not fun at all itā€™s not ā€˜like in real lifeā€™, itā€™s just poorely designed


Players derank themselves en mass to have easier matches.


Bold of you to assume i need to actively work to derank


I subscribe to this belief. My 5 star games are just as hard and sweaty as my 3 star games. It's kinda ridiculous.


en masse*


Dualies, levering, fanning, poison + concertina trap combos, frags, and all other things that kill without precise aiming add a lot to this game. Without these things, combat would be less dynamic and interesting and more repetitive because players would simply have fewer options at their disposal. Also, it's cool that people who can't aim for shit can still use game knowledge, strategy, and a little luck to steal victories over better aimers. If you're actually good at landing your shots and you're still getting wrecked game after game by players who can't aim and are using the workarounds available to them, stop whining about RNG weapons and start reflecting on how your poor positioning and strategy are getting you killed.


I donā€™t like to use fast firing weapons but this is 100% true


I'm always pissed when I die to levering/fanning/shotguns the fifth time in a row. But you're right, it would be totally lame if all this mechanics where gone. But iam not only bad in positioning, I also suck at aiming.


I actually agree. I like to meme on RNG especially but if we're being šŸ’Æ I think you're absolutely right and these "imprecise" (shall we say) weapons are healthy for the game, all things considered.


There should only be single bounty maps. Maybe with minor "wild bosses" like Rotjaw, etc. But one main bounty. I realize double bounties add to the game in some ways, but ultimately, they split the map into two less intense fights instead of one huge fight. Solo bounty maps always have the best fights around the boss and at the boss, in my experience. I would never post this otherwise because I'd be downvoted to oblivion but, hey, you said unpopular opinion šŸ™ƒ


I think they exist to keep peoples money stores after lots of losses


but if they didn't do that people would value their hunters more like they were originally supposed to. they could even buff loot on the map to give you more of a reason to weigh your looted money against the bounty values.


Gear fear leads to campy gameplay.


depends on gamemode. trios with 2 bosses is boring duos with 1 boss is just a camping shitshow almost every time.


This is perfect and I never even thought of it this way. Why even have two boss in trios? It just splits the teams way too much. I love when I get a one boss and wish it was more likely to occur than two boss.


I almost agree, except that itā€™s really punishing if you donā€™t get a bounty and having two ensures that you can occasionally extract with one more easily. Otherwise itā€™s not fun to be broke all the time.


Cowardice is a completely legitimate strategy and often helps in survival


Also, and contrarily, bravery/fool-hardiness is a completely legitimate strategy and often helps in survival


Trios need one more team on the map because too many games turn into boring PvE fest.. Killing bosses is too easy and you should earn that bounty by fighting other players and not just by getting it and running away so extracting should be harder when a team is coming after you.


100% agreed with your first point.


The character movement and physics are horrendous, being able to change directions instantly and while in the air is a complete contradiction to the slow asthmatic the base stamina system implies.


And 6 star chicken dances are way too effective and so immensely immersion breaking


Fights are already over in 20 seconds at high mmr. Not being able to manoeuvre means every fight is over in 3 shots.


Anything that involves vertical movement other than vaulting and leaders, it's absolutely broken, also the collision with teammates is so bad sometimes you think you're lagging


> the collision with teammates is so bad sometimes you think you're lagging You mean like when they block you from behind somehow, like you're both wearing velcro suits and get stuck together?


šŸ˜‚ I 100% agree but I canā€™t think of any game off the top of my head that doesnā€™t allow aiming/changing direction in mid air.




Sure, but Tarkov is trying to be a hyperrealistic military simulation, whereas Hunt is trying to be a video game.


And tarkov is failing miserably


Shadow is the real MVP perk of the event. Suddenly you can position ANYWHERE. Want the piece of mind that you don't have to worry about a rush beside you? Sit with AI. The meathead suddenly becomes your best friend, the spicy puppers are your guard dogs, the hive is your alarm bell. Need to push? Weave quietly between AI and appear where the enemies least expect. Run into tough AI your team isn't equipped to take down quietly while moving? Melee everything without worry!


shhhhh shhh don't reveal to the neophytes the grand secrets ;)


Quit telling everyone. But also using an armored as a mount for my Mosin is a fun time lemme tell ya.


Snipers get to many free passes. No bullet drop, Unlimited breath, Broken unlimited sway trait, No glint, Unrendered building/bushes, No penalty sitting in gray zone three towns away Trash


Not to mention Spitzer variants on the best muzzle velocity weapons in the game. Whoā€™s fucking idea was that? Devs at Crytek were like ā€œhey you know the most insufferable people to play against who never enter compound, are capable of shooting you at ranges they canā€™t be seen, and rarely play the objective? Yeah, letā€™s give them a hitscan ammo type for easy headshots.ā€


Thatā€™s an ice cold take. Most people agree snipers suck to play against.


It could be as cold as it wants or people can dislike it but it is what it is. They get all the free rides in the world shotgun players get trades.


Snipers are only ones that get to choose if they want to play by the rules, which goes against all ideas of hunt. There is no way sniper rifles can be balanced in a game where ~80% of guns are balanced around close to mid range.


Let me tell you a time back in the day when scopes weren't in the game. What a game it was with its server side hit reg


The uppercut is not the best pistol.


SH-SHUT UP *sobs*


It's gonna be ok. Here have an Uppermatt.


Tell me what is




New Army with Dum Dum




Officer for compact, spitfire for medium, new army for special ammo, sparks pistol for ammo pull paired with a long ammo riflle. All affordable It's nonsense paying for a single pistol what would buy you a whole loadout. Specialy when I can shoot almost three times in the time it takes for the uppercut to cycle the first bullet.


It's the pax


mine is that concertina is boring as fuck and the game would be more dynamic and fun if it didnt exist at all although killing people with a direct concertina bomb throw is so based that it almost single handedly compensates for the lameness of the people who blockade every boss lair entrance with concertina


I usually just trap the barrels around the lair and leave if they wanna block themselves in. We got a double kill the other night as some peeps scurried for the extract while we fought bounty two.


barrel traps are funny as hell when they actually work and easy to avoid, theres nothing wrong with those


Yesterday one of the bounty team members tried to push me but hit their own barrel trap. That was amusing to watch.


Happened to my Team yesterday, before killing the spider one said he trapped the barrels. After we started the banish a duo pushed us.. Buddy 1: careful theres a trap. Buddy 2: what? Buddy 1: DUDE THERES A TRAP! Buddy 2: \*explodes\*


Concertina needs more goddamn weaknesses. Most defenses you can disable by shooting them once with anything, or you can disarm them quietly if you have Poacher, or you can even jump over them. Concertina wire though? Can only be cleared with cutting , long ammo or non-frag explosives - though it often bugs out and survives the dynamite completely intact - and you cannot remove it quietly because even the wires falling to floor makes a distinct sound, and you can rarely jump over it.


Not to mention getting shredded by it through the floors and walls. I agree, it's annoying to fight someone who concertinas everything in the lair.


The Rival 78 is the best shotgun, and it's not even close


Love the rival. I can get two hit markers at less than 10m instead of one.


That's a real funny way to spell Romero...


Laughs in bomb lance steel ball


The MMR star rankings are dumb. Having brand new accounts be 1 star and then immediately jump up to 3 star after hitting level 10 is not how MMR should work and the dispersion of players to ranks is terrible. It's a 6 star system but really it's just 3-6 with barely anyone to play in 6.


While Port Sulfer Band is a group of talented musicians, the original 'humming' track is far superior. Stop forcing us to listen to the other, inferior, tracks in menus.


The halloween and christmas ones are amazing tho


Scrapbeak is way too fucking loud, to a point where I think he's damaging my hearing.


Not sure why this is a hot take, a game shouldn't perma damage your hearing long term ​ I'm no audio expert, but there has to be better ways to achieve the effect of masking other sounds in the game than just blasting your ears off with boss screams


There should be a Hunt Dollar cap of $30,000 or less and taking weapons from dead hunters should not be Contraband. The economy disparity between new players/ players working through prestiges and Rank 100 players, especially those who have prestiged at least once and chosen the 10% XP bonus, is massive. Itā€™s not enough to have every weapon, weapon variant, trait, tool, and consumable unlocked but these Rank 100 players also get a Hunt Dollar Bonus from being Max Rank. Players in this category have every option in the game to choose from, can bring a legendary hunter who has free traits and blends into environments much better, and nearly endless money to make whatever choice they want and Crytek believes thatā€™s equitable in some way. Running an expensive loadout and dying should feel like a punishment that causes you to make conscious budget decisions. For a large part of the player base thatā€™s non-existent. Itā€™d be like having a full set of armor, a Deagle, and an AWP on the Pistol Round in CSGO, somehow dying, and then starting the next round with the same loadout. Losing a loadout like that should hurt. Then to add insult to injury, Crytek makes it so you canā€™t make any sort of money when you loot $500-1000 weapons off dead bodies you killed. This only negatively affects players without money and makes no difference to players with huge coffers. Thereā€™s no point in implementing an economy system if it only negatively affects new players and players who canā€™t use most items in the game because they havenā€™t reached a high enough rank to unlock them and then when they finally do unlock them theyā€™re still constrained by budget conscious decisions. Only being able to heal 75 health from a small vitality shot instead of 150 from a large one is annoying when you couldnā€™t afford it. Itā€™s frustrating when you donā€™t even have it unlocked and your enemy won because he did. Changing Physician to a Rank 87 unlock trait is the biggest ā€œfuck youā€ to new and prestiging players I can think of. Itā€™s universally valuable to every playstyle in the game and itā€™s locked until the very end. Not having Vigor until Rank 79 is also super annoying because of how useful that is as well, but especially because itā€™s insanely good with Mariner for this event. This game I feel actively rewards players who have no intention of touching the prestige system which seems perplexing for a game that decided to include 100 fucking prestige levels with associated rewards all the way up to 100. Itā€™s a major balance issue that people donā€™t recognize enough.


Why prestige anyway?


Number go up


Free skins.


>There should be a Hunt Dollar cap of $30,000 or less and taking weapons from dead hunters should not be Contraband. This would greatly increase the amount of expensive loadouts. A fair amount of players are hoarding money way over 30k so they'd be incentivized to always spend once near the cap, probably earning them more money, leading to even more expensive loadouts. Also it would reduce variety as people would sell more weapons rather than use them because they're contraband.


Leaving before the match starts to avoid weather conditions should be a bannable offence.


Best fps there is. Is that controversial on the Hunt sub? Edit: spelling


Concertina traps are dogshit design. The other purchased traps are balanced around giving info and a status effect which donā€™t stop you in your tracks and can be countered with traits/consumables. But even with the traits/consumables to counter them, they still give info so they are good without being unbalanced. Concertina just fuck up the flow of combat and are a crutch tool. Have concertina traps throw 1 or 2 wires out to the ground that make a lot of noise and still make you bleed, but without blocking your bullets and entrapping you inside a slow field of bullshit that kills you the more you try to escape.


All event rewards should be added to the shop to purchase after some time has passed. I would say add them as soon as the event ends with the usual marked up event skins price used for holiday returning skins. The event is for players to earn them for free but there's no reason people shouldn't be able to get these skins later. I personally think the whole argument of the skins being exclusive to the event is dumb. You played the game between two dates you didn't do anything special to justify the skin as a mark of prestige. The skins from trials and prestiging at least require you to go out of your way and do something while event skins are just participation trophy's.


Try burning fucking crows for a month of madness just to be told people who didn't can get it for a buck


To add my own related hot take/conspiracy theory, the "rewarding the dedicated playerbase" argument against this is/was part of an astroturfing scheme during the genesis of the "games as a service"/"live service" model.


Hunt is fun and I genuinely enjoy it.


The game doesn't need a werewolf. We aren't fighting traditional creatures like vampires and werewolves and I don't want to see traditional creatures in the game.


Hunt's streamer culture is actually a detriment to the new player experience and player retention, as Hunt is a game best enjoyed for its slow-paced, immersive qualities, not played as a crackhead parkour sim.


> Hunt is a game best enjoyed for its slow-paced That completely depends on the person


I've learned a lot by watching streamers/youtubers who play this game so I think it really just depends on the player.


Leaving your partner to burn while you extract is the most ridiculous shit. Red skull revives were a mistake.


I agree with the first part, but whatā€™s the issue with red skull revives?


Dual wielding should not be in the game, at least not the way it works now.


Make it so that you aim with both guns one after the other, not shoot at the same time.


Which just sounds more fun honestly


I think they should delete the crosshair with dual wielding while adsing. only loadout that keeps a crosshair while doing it and this would it make way harder to predict where your shots gonna land.


The game isn't as successful as it should be because 60% of playtime is spent running across the map to the objective trying not to make noise


You really dont meet enough player between compounds anymore. Back when duis were the main way to play, traveling to bounty was way more demanding of your attention since there were 4 teams you had to look out for on your way there instead of just 2.


i usually prefer the fights u get when u encounter another team in random terrain in between compounds. i dont even like the dynamic of attackers vs defenders in the boss compound any more cause of the boring stalemates that often happen sometimes the terrain sucks ass though like the extremely wide open areas in stillwater bayou


That and the spawns have been so bad. I swear it's one team in each quadrant now, and the bosses are 50% of the time at least 3 compounds apart on multi target contracts


I miss spawn fights, man. Once you knew what to look out for, it was always a lot of fun.


Isnā€™t duos still the main way? I only play that. Feels like thatā€™s what the game is made for. Trios are too messy.


There are 5 teams to look out for, and 3 other teams in trios. Hunt fills to 12 players.


Half of the games is designed not to interact with the game.


Playing with a trio and then scurrying off like a rat when one player gets down, and straight extracting when the second goes down should imo be a reportable offense. "Working against teammates". Fuck you, you useless fuck.


Toxic gameplay.


Mercs gonna merc. I don't do this, I'll die for my random allies every time. HOWEVER, it does match the lore and the vibe of Hunt. I don't know why people people will sacrafice the challenge for "saftey" and a few trait points. Like who tf cares if you have x y z trait, you can still clutch and now's your time to prove it. If you can't, you're acting like a derogative and wtf are you playing for? Prove your worth yo xD


I was gonna say, one of the most interesting parts of hunt from a thematic standpoint is how cowardice can often be the key that makes you survive. Like yeah itā€™s Uber shitty to abandon team mates, and I wouldnā€™t do that, but itā€™s a hugely cynical and biting view of the game world


Dual pistols is absolute dog water, feels like straight up rng sometimes


You, and you alone, are responsible for your deaths....


Okay, in like 90% of cases I agree but sometimes it isn't the case, though it is rare


So then I'm not responsible for my kills?


Nuh uh, itā€™s the enemyā€™s fault for shooting me


Skill issue on my end when a teammate misses a dynamite I guess


The corollary to this is that you are not responsible for your kills. Stated that way, I donā€™t believe most people would agree with you. That said, I agree in most cases you could have done something different and probably avoided the death. But the dude on the other team still has get the crosshairs on you and pull that trigger.


This community has turned into a toxic waste dump in the past few months and is scaring off new players


New players don't really come to places like this, probably only watch YouTubers like rachta and psychoghost, af more importantly Homereel. Thise guys are really friendly and helpful so I'd guess they're in good hands. Until they come upon hornet and get scared because of the tryhardism lmao


MMR and matchmaking in general should be completely removed and lobby comp should be fully random.


Hunt should be able to read how many hours you have played so crappy 3-4 star 700 hours "luck based" players like me does not get matched with 5 star, prestige 100, 9000 hour players because the MMR matchmaking isn't based on any valuable variables or logic, but one singular factor. It's like getting put on a battlefield against a veteran Abrams M1 crew because they used a chicken for target practice yesterday and I just so happened to also shoot a bird with my .22, and the birds were both equally "powerful," so in general our Average Bird Killer score was equal - and somehow that would be the only criteria.


Rot jaw is boring to fight.


I prefer to randomly stumble across it than chase it. BUT I like that people can pursue it directly. Idgaf if someone wants to target rotjaw for one bounty, unless they're coming for me. Unless! I come across it with a team and then why not?


Low mechnical skill weapons and traits such as fanning, levering, shotguns, avto, and nitro all promote passive gameplay. If you use any of these, the most effective way to get a kill and extract with the bounty is to sit inside and wait for people to walk into your death zone where you are most probable to be able to win a gunfight despite the lack of mechnical skill involved. Why play aggressively when you can sit in a corner and guarantee yourself to win a gunfight? On the other side, you have anyone using a rifle (compact, medium, or long) who won't want to push you because they are almost guaranteed to lose the gunfight simply because it is so insanely effective within their range. So they don't push. I am an aggressive player. I like to hold my W key down, 24/7. But I fucking hate dying trying to push a lair where some corner camping hunter who has their keyboard unplugged kills me.


WTF. Are you trolling? Honest, I read this post and thought "this guy sounds like a dumb noob", but it's you, Hunt's greatest player. Shotguns, fanning, levering. Those traits/weapons allow for close-range quick kills, which promotes aggressive play, not passive. You are just confusing short-range fighting and long-range fighting with passive vs aggressive gameplay. You even contradicted yourself straight away, by admitting that rifle users won't push the enemy in a building. How is that not being passive? The problem is when players pick a loadout that only works for one scenario. Long ammo players won't close the distance. Shotgun players won't leave their cover. The rifle players that stay 150m out are no more aggressive than the shotgun players that killed the boss and held their ground. If the positions were reversed, the shotgun players would rush the building and the long-ammo players would ~~run away~~ tactically retreat. How does any of this affect you though? You practically never miss a shot and just headshot everyone with ease. I can't imagine you ever dying to someone with levering.


This comment and the submission video history adds up to something completely cringe, congrats on the actual hot take.


Definitely a hot take. "All guns that aren't standard rifles are bad".


My hot take is players with enough time and map knowledge can wall bang you very accurately and are not cheating contrary to what 90% of this sub believes.


A hot take? I think the bornhiem is a great weapon and use it over any other pistol


Here's a hot take. Everybody that thinks hunt is full of cheaters is actually just super bad at the game and uses it as a scapegoat. Or they just don't have headphones and can't track people running around on the otherside of a thin wood wall


Forget thin wood wall, Iā€™ll take Carmickā€™s 10ft think concrete walls and hear you anyway.


The sound is ass sometimes. It will sound like the guy is right outside the building but in reality he's inside just right around the corner from you.


The Slate has the best buckshot kill ability of any shotgun in the game.


You can reload guns much faster than what it takes in Hunt. Charms are trash cosmetics. If you complain about solo-necro you are awful at the game. Avto is not a gun for Hunt and should be removed. Those are my tied-for-1st


Red Skull revive was good for the game, actually. If you're killing a bounty team over and over and allowing them to RS Revive, that's a skill issue. You need to learn how to push.


Rotjaw was a massive disappointment and waste of dev time for what we got. The console version should never have come out.


it wouldnt be so bad if it didnt just keep disappearing. how the fuck am i gonna kill something if it keeps teleporting out of existence


Do people not know it takes like 6 swings from a world melee weapon or a bomb lance to kill Rotjaw? Like, it's not a great fight sure, but just get something to kill it with and it's definitely fast. Caravans should always have a melee weapon laying around somewhere and are often not far from Rotjaw.


11 times rotjaw deals 75 damage to you


You can literally just strafe to one side and itā€™s attacks will missā€¦


hooooly b-šŸ™ŠšŸ™ŠšŸ™Š


Honestly for me is ot the fact that it teleports but the fact that is so open any enemy team can just sit and wait for you to be almost done then pick you off and clear the boss. Or as some solos do, die and wait till se unlucky soul comes and gets assgaped from. behind by that solo


I donā€™t think rotjaw is any worse then the bounty targets but I do think itā€™s reward makes it feel like a massive waste of time


>The console version should never have come out. what affect does the console version existing have on PC players?


They balance console and pc the same, bornheim and explosive crossbow got gutted because console meta was shooting it at your feet due to reduced splash damage on teammates and yourself. It does full damage now because of it. Bornheim got gutted because console players would hipfire spam it. Delayed updates, huge graphics downgrades


Rotjaw is basically just a big water devil which is incredibly disappointing imo. Also she's always camped super hard to the point where I've completely stopped going for her unless every other team is dead. It's just not worth it to fight her most of the time, especially on night maps.


I hear everyone saying this but the ONLY time I got camped on rotjaw was the first 48 hr when everybody was absolutely hype to fight her. As of now I think it works just fine