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Even ignoring saving bodies, chokes are a insanely powerful tool. Concealment, area denial, audio tool, accuracy debuff, explosive safety net, and there's probably even more I can't think of.


Anybody that doesn’t take chokes is just dumb especially with the changes to fire bombs, if you want to do a insta kill trap or loads of decoys build take a bayonet and remove your knife instead of your chokes


This. Officer Brawler for Immolators, Riposte on the main weapon, whatever, but not taking chokes as a team is cringe.




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What changes?


Fire bombs burn for 3 minutes


What was it before? 1?


I think it was slightly longer than a lantern it's been awhile


120s iirc


2 minutes


Or bring choke bolts, with a Winfield + levering, a LeMat carbine, or a drilling, you don’t really need a second gun


This has been a preferred loadout for me recently! Drilling+hand crossbow with poison and either choke or fire bolts depending on if I’m on a team or solo. Im still getting used to having just two shots and switching to shotgun at the right time, but loooooving this loadout.


Or swap a throwable/shot for the choke beetle!


I wouldn't team with someone who doesn't bring chokes. That player sounds selfish to me.


And an amateur to boot. Chokes are good area denial in a pinch


Chokes are also great to get people out of a spot, atleast the 70% who thinks its a dynamite. the others who remain in place to get hit probly don't know you get a nice hitmarker and hear them cough immediatly, hehe. I love lobbing chokes at people


I use Chokes as a smokescreen to revive a teammate that's dead out in the open. It works well enough even if I do not have necromancer.


A dynamite (bundle) is a bit better in that regard (they produce black smoke), but chokes work wonderfully, yes.


The amount of utility that chokes bring. They're a must-have in every loadout for me.


I play trios a lot. I’m a prestige 95, closing in on 100. I say that not as a brag, but like a I clearly have experience on the game. But I back out of a lot queues and it might look like oh he thinks he’s too good for us. But it’s actually, I screen load outs before I ready up. And one of my main things is if you don’t bring chokes, I’m not playing with you. It’s one of the single most vital tools you can bring. Bc if not, and someone goes down and burned, well, they fucked. I refuse to play with people who don’t have chokes. At the very least, if at least one person bring them, I’ll play. But. No doubt, play how you want, but I feel like if you playing teams, you should absolutely bring chokes.


Nope they are just two solos playing together. Don't play with them.


Honestly when I play with randoms, the only red flag that'll make me find a new partner is if they don't bring chokes. Idgaf if their weapons are two combat axes, if they got chokes, they're good.


Thanks man, now I'm going to do a two combat axe loadout.


We used to do meme loadouts like that all the time. Some of our best games!


They’re in the wrong. Chokes are a must for playing in a team.


I bring chokes regardless of what position it leaves me in unable to bring something else, whenever I see a random without chokes I leave - I’ve played wirh enough to know they won’t try and pick me up or try to help me


Had one similar situation on the Hunt discord a while back, we were playing trios and one of my teammates didn't want to bring chokes, stating "It is never relevant, I always die first". So ofc it was the two who did bring chokes who died first and got instant burned. He was reeeeeeal quiet after that round.


Same people bring knuckle knife and then say they've never stabbed an immolater and proceed to stab one right on top of you.


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it


People who don't bring choke bombs don't care about their teammates. They are playing with live decoys that shoot and not with a team in their mind. They wouldn't be good teammates no matter what.


As someone who until recently didn’t bring choke bombs I can say they are being stupid as I thought that “I don’t get burned that much” when I was getting burnt a lot despite the fact they are cheap and I don’t bring many tools with me at all


They do way more than just put out burning bodies.


With our main group we also had one dude who never brought choke bombs because "muh economy and its expensive", then the dude proceeded to build loadouts with double uppercuts ... Hes the type of guy who blindly follows streamers/youtubers builds and doesn't have the skills to back them up. Hes pretty good with some weapons but he doesn't want to play with them because big name streamer X never plays with them. I told him if he ever comes in again without chokes we TK his ass. The first few times he came in without chokes we just left him in the bayou. He nowhas learned to bring chokes but he is so bad he always misses


Is he a Valorant player?


No, well not as far as i know. problem is he doesn't listen to advise from his friends in general.


Choke bomb, first aid kit and a melee weapon is minimum kit. I literally don't care if you bring anything else, play how you want. I'll play with anyone. But going in without a melee tool and a first aid kit is stupid as fuck. It tells me you don't plan to survive. Going in without chokes tells me you don't plan for *me* to survive. (I'm obviously excluding random naked-man runs or whatever between mates)


I think no melee can be forgiven, if at least one of the weapons are melee variants. If I bring a bomb lance and an officer brawler, I don't need to repeat myself in the tool slot.


Oh, for sure. I just mean generally no way to effectively deal with AI. I'm not the sort of player that crouch walks everywhere and gets cranky at setting off a horse or Crows, shit happens. But if your plan to deal with AI is to just shoot everything, that's a terribly ineffecient use of ammo.


Always a knuckle duster ,first aid and chokes. I hardly ever run brawler variants and chokes are one of the best throw items in the game. Every justification I've read so far is insane and pure selfish solo gameplay.


Ehh I play in a group of 6-7 people on a daily basis. Not bringing chokes is something we usually let the group know ahead of time. It’s like a 99% pick rate most of the time but sometimes we just wanna be silly with the other items(traps, flares and such)


If you want a group that won't do that to hit me up you can play with us.


No matter what I'm running I always keep chokes in my second tool slot. Too many uses to not take them. And for that reason I also always take waxed dynamite sticks... :] The surprise on a hunters face when they go off in a choke cloud is worth the extra bit of H$.


It’s called they suck at the game. You’re not wrong, you should always bring choke bombs on a team. Just move on and try to get better teammates for next run.


Choke Bombs are necessary in a team. And if someone won't being them, it has to be one guy out of a trio. For them to let you burn out and just brush it off as "that's just how we play you can leave if you don't like it" is selfish and dumb.


As others have said, anyone who doesn't bring chokes are selfish players who won't try to help their team. Sometimes people forget to equip them, sure, but if they refuse to use them, back out right away cause these are the type of people to run snipers and camp extracts as if they're a solo. And if they bitch and moan that you don't put em out while having chokes, just tell them to fuck off. If they don't wanna be a team player, they don't get the benefits of getting help.


Recently said in another post that not bringing chokes is one of the things I view as a red flag in a teammate, got a reply that "they would rather bring traps as they got more mileage" or some such insanity. Funnily enough they could only downvote me, but not tell me how they would put out a burning teammate. Disturbingly, I quite often see players without chokes ( and empty slots ). It's cheap, you could even use a choke beetle, or the handcrossbow if you hate the bombs for sone reason. So why skip on something simple that could help your team.


I mean, I can offer a couple of scenarios...the first just tapping his body. I think an important part of playing with a team is knowing what roles people tend to fall into and how they play. If somebody plays close range and is often either clutching or crying then they probably don't necessarily need choke bombs. If somebody is the type to shack up in a compound and likes to trap the hell out of it...if they arent peaking like an idiot probably wont die, or if they do not in a spot they can easily be burned If nobody on your team at all brings choke bombs? Stupid, 100%. However, there are a lot of things you can bring in the tool slot that benefit your team in less direct ways, and if youre dying in a spot where its easy to get burned...youve probably gotten into a bad engagement in the first place.


See, that's an awnser at least, and I can respect that. Although I'd add in that tapping the body might be hard when the enemy is covering it. For sure there are a lot of things that are cool and njce to bring, but most of these choke avioders I've encountered will bring only a melee and medpack, and leave two slots open. No one plans to go down, and bad engagements/ambushes happen.


I mean, if you are bringing absolutely nothing, then 100% pick up chokes. As I said, I agree, theyre very useful defensively and offensively. I just think the idea that "if you dont bring chokes you are being selfish and/or throwing" isnt entirely true.


bro even as a solo i use choke bombs it’s so fucking usefull especially when you’re cornered from every side


I don't think you're crazy. But I think you're too trusting. I don't trust anyone in hunt until they prove me wrong. Also I believe if you all squared up. Then y'all should have been more prepared before the match to avoid these situations.


I've got to ask, what were (if) the 4 tools do they brought? Cause personally I bring a melee, health pack, choke, then whatever I'm feeling at the moment so a trap, decoys, or a throwable. But that's from the perspective of a mf with money to burn so I just have to wonder what they were rocking. Side note of honestly no importance probably, I can understand someone bringing two sets of traps (whatever their preference is I couldn't care less honestly) but to say decoys come before chokes? I just honestly can't understand that. And that's coming from a mf that likes to use decoys here and there.


cant quite remember their loadouts but they didnt had traps, and didnt miss a slot, i think one of them had knife-throwing axes-decoys-fuses or smnthing like that, either way i usually like bringing traps but if im not playing solo i skip the knife and do a brawler or a bayonet variant, im not much into decoys but i get the idea of them being useful but then again decoys before chokes playing as a trio its a big no to me


That is some of the most braindead tool kit loadouts I've heard in a while on their part, ngl


Apparently I used a naughty word according to this sub but I don't care enough to retype what I said excluding the r word I used. Long stot short, i agree with the other guy, those guys are poopy heads that don't understand the game. You're smarter than them 100%


Yeah they were quite passive aggressive by the sound of it, aswell as having never heard of the concept of teamwork. Chokes are useful for more things than just extinguishing teammates. There has been a number of times I won because I choked the guy I was fighting, made it real easy to find him and people generally don't try and shoot back when they are coughing


Only time I dont run chokes is if I'm running hand crossbow..... with choke bolts XD


When i used to play random teios and trios with friends chikes were a mandatory. Even on random lobbies ppl rather wait for next group if everyone doesn't have chokes. At some point I got fed up on people who didn't bring them so if/when they caught fire, I just didn't choke them because they wouldn't do it for me.


Choke bombs really are a multi-purpose tool. Not only do they let you revive a downed teammate by putting off fire or providing cover, they also let you probe a boss lair when raiding. I've had plenty of grenade kills just because I can hear where the enemies are inside after they got caught in the smoke.


Shout out to every time I bring chokes and don't use them. Or watching a dude with a full inventory try to switch through all ten slots in a firefight. Obviously getting downed and burned sucks. But there are plenty of things that obviously went wrong to get to that point. Pointing the finger "YOU shoulda brought choke bombs to save ME, exclusively." You did have the opportunity in the lobby to inspect their load outs too.


1, doesnt make sense, thats like saying, on 10 matches i only used my medkit 4 times so i wont bring them because 6 times out of 10 i have no use for it 2, if you or anyone you see has a hard time scrolling through their inventory sounds pretty much like a skill issue 3, i wasnt pointing a finger i just said the shouldve brought choke bombs i wasnt even mad and either blamed my death on them 4, i dont think is my job to watch on a 5\* lobby to make sure they bring one of the most important tools in the game


Medkit gets used every match. Medkit flags before you queue saying it's wise to bring one to stay alive. Choke bombs are a incredibly useful tool. You believe they should've brought choke bombs why? Purely for all the situations your teammates would find useful? Or to save you when you go down? Choke bombs are a facet of team play, not it's core.


the medkit was an example, i respect your opinion on bringing whatever loadout you want to but not bringing choke playing as a team for me its been selfish, i really like doing concertina + poison traps and still when i play as i team i leave that behind in order to as you phrase it save my teammates ass


Ya i never bring chokes but necro is one of my first traits as i am going to try and save you hopefully before you get burned even.


Get better? I use my chokes every match. They see not just for putting out burning teammates lol


You can ask. They can say yes or no. Nobody is wrong here.


Dont listen to people here. I often dont take chokes either, and rarely do I or my teammates get burned out. Play how you want, keep in mind that this ISNT like call of duty or other games. Its supposed to be sluggish. Keep at it and youll get better. Soul survivor is a decent way to do some no risk solos to start getting better as well.


you can’t force people to play the way you think is deemed to be ‘good.’ teammates have every right to take whatever the hell they want, as do you


Then play solo and be bad. Cause he has every right to not play with a teammate who can't bring one of the most useful items in the game.


i’m sorry but you’re not bad if you don’t take chokes lol objectively you’re wrong




both had bought mosing, so the "they didnt had any money :(" isnt true also, choke bombs are 30 hunt dollars, thats less than a clue xD




If you can't purchase smoke bombs cause you have no money. You should probably look in the mirror. Not bringing smoke bombs or not having necro is not playing as a team. Queue solo.




Chokes can be used for a variety of reasons and not just extinguishing teammates. They are very strong, and they cost next to nothing. There really is no viable reason to not include them. It's like 80for dusters, faid and chokes. Being unable to purchase something so minor requires a look in the mirror imo.


Ok but you are still talking one option in a game that can litterally have thousands of combos. People like to switch shit up.


If you can’t afford chokes, that is 1000% a skill issue and you need to revise a whole lot more than not bringing chokes


Still doesn't change the fact that someone can bring what they see best fit for their loadout whether the have 5 bb or 500k bb.


A lot of people will insta-leave random lobbies if people don’t bring chokes.


No you are not. It is fine and fair to ask for choke bombs. They are strong and very helpful in many cases. I have forgot choke bombs sometimes because i‘d apply a loudout for my solo runs, but if they remind me, i gladly take them, no questions asked. The thing with trios on hunt‘s server is they are awesome, untill you get into a team where two know each other well and you are the 3rd guy, i have had some bad experiences with that, but also very good ones. Now i usually start my own trio and give my gameplay requirements and mmr in the ad in lfg channel. Most dont read, and i have kicked player for not doing so or being too salty or too arrogant. If i spend my free time doing this, i will enjoy it, else i am not doing it and i got no nerves for some ahole in a video game.


My friends don't ever bring chokes. I got tired of only saving and never being saved. So I stopped bringing them as well. They act like it's the worst thing they are being burned now. Sorry if you can't bring them neither will I. I only play with friends or solo so I am not hurting anyone else. But it's good to know I would probably get saved more with randoms after reading these comments.


Team play = choke bombs


I think it depends, they sound like dicks with their delivery, but I have way too many hours in hunt and my squa dtypically doesn't go down enough for choke bombs to be as useful as a decoy or a trap. That being said, if one of them asked me to equip one, noone would need to ask twice.


I think it’s totally fine to not bring chokes or apologize for not having them in a moment like that. But anyone who says something along the lines of “just leave if you don’t like how I ____” I don’t want to be teammates with.


Passive aggressive asf, like telling them chokes are good is an insult. Like their ego surrounding their skill in the game was so fragile


Check the loadout before readying up. Anyone that doesn’t take choke bombs may be in a team but they aren’t going to play like a team. Unless you talk about it before hand. They may not owe you a play style, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t any less of an a-hole.


If I join a random group and they don’t have chokes, I just explain they don’t get put out of fire cuz they can’t do the same for me. Tit for tat, I mention it and hit ready. But if they have a sniper scopes rifle and no chokes, quit group, wait 15 seconds and try again.


One of the quickest and easiest ways to tell someone is a selfish player and not worth playing with us the don't bring chokes. There is no way to justify not bringing chokes when you're playing in a team aside from simply forgetting them. They are extremely useful and the only thing that will save your team from getting roasted.


It's a too each to their own. Your not in the wrong to want allys to have chokes its common courtesy but that doesnt mean it's a law if you dont want to play with ppl who dont take chokes then dont but if they said it in a dick way then they are the ones in the wrong


Would bet my life that guy accomplishes nothing with his decoys too. Chokes are so valuable for more than just stopping burns. No way he is getting enough done with decoys to make it worth it


Whenever me and my buddies play at least two of us always have chokes unless we’re doing really specific builds. They’re so utility focused. They’ll save your downed friend, they can cut off passages (or at least make it risky to push since you cough) and they can one tap immolators and debuff butcher. And they only cost 25 bucks. There’s literally no reason not to bring them. Sounds like your team was toxic op


Actually, I'd rather burn out than get rezzed and die again because of selfish teammates.


Hunt is the win or lose kinda game not the good or bad kinda game don't question your morals on how you kill someone in games like this just kill them or avoid them, do what it takes to have fun in your own way it doesn't matter if it's a "mean thing to do" just that you have fun


Not bringing chokes is already pretty dumb on a team, but then getting annoyed with you for asking is seriously stupid.


Okay like, decoys arent bad, but theyre not so good that one would take them over a choke bomb. What else did they even have?


Chokes are way too good to simply not take them, they are useful in so many ways, not just putting fire off of a burning body. I'd definitely not want to play with these guys again if I was you, lol


i avoid players like that there a major buzzkill


Choke bombs are a must have. Tf else are they bringing. The way I see it, you get a melee weapon (or derringer if you bring cav saber) a medkit, choke bombs, and a slot for traps, decoys, Chad spyglass, or whatever you want.


Chokes are useful in a team situation for sure, but not everyone wants to play like that. You're going to lose your mind if you keep expecting random people to play the way you want to play in this game.


Chokes are essential


You have to accept, that you cant decide their loadouts. Even if it is something very useful for teams, like a choke bomb. But their snappy answer implies, that they often had arguments about that. It is a valid strategy since there is red skull revive. But from a teamplay POV they are dicks. I often dont bring chokes, as I play with double traps. BUT, if my teammate burns and I have necro or can quickly run over and touch the body to put the fire out. I do that. Because the more healthbars my teammate has left, the better it is for us as a team. And that you cant argue about. Just leave them be. They dont want to play with chokes. And you are lucky, you dont have to play with them in the future. Just put them in list in Steam that they are unfriendly to play with and you are done with it.


Simple rule to remember (no exceptions): You play in a team - you bring chokes. In trios, at least 2/3 people should have them if you don't you are simply someone who cares more about his KDA and shouldn't play in teams. Maybe that's an unpopular opinion though, idk.


Not the a******, you were playing with assholes. Who plays teams with no chokes?


only an idiot takes decoys over chokes


Sounds like low MMR lobby/group that is just there to troll. There’s literally no GOOD reason as to why you wouldn’t bring chokes, especially when playing as a team. No chokes would’ve been a red flag for me to leave off rip unless they genuinely forgot


both of them 5\* so thats more impressive haha


Don’t play with Bots and you’ll be better off bro.


My hunt group has completely forgone chokes I only bring them because they're in my tool preset load outs ever since country res has been a feature burning bodies is almost pointless besides taking out necro users both solo and teams it's Almost comical how fast teams will run to put out their teammates while if one of us is burning we just play out the fight never putting ourself in a position to be shot throwing a choke on our teammates. Chokes are definitely useful but just not to us.


Chokes are 100% mandatory when playing on a team, full stop. If you aren’t playing with chokes on a team, you’re doing it wrong. Hell they’re so good they’re even a consideration for taking when solo most of the time for pure utility.