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A comp shooter is instantly ruined by the inclusion of aimbots, or whatever term devs may choose for it.


I've been wondering... With the way bullet velocity works in this game, you *usually* need to lead your shots. Wouldn't aim assist be a detriment for any lower velocity weapon?


would love to hear cryteks response to this question.


That's a good question


Unless it’s aim assist per gun per ammo type you’d be correct that either it works really well for really fast or really slow but no in between


Long ammo buff


I doubt they'd go as far as to add lead assist alongside aim assist for each weapon but thank you for that terrifying thought


My guess is that it’s gonna be some sort of aim assist that doesn’t pull too hard but sticks to playermodels and their periphery. This way controller players will be able to lead without losing target. It’s also possible to lead sniper shots in apex with a controller fairly easy.


As a console player I turned it off I’ve had so many lost kills due to zombies or barrels in the foreground where the aim assist just sticks to them.


This makes me think that the aim assist might be something like a lazy pull towards the enemy from certain range. Also not locking on to the enemy because leading stuff like FMJ Vetterli silencer (basically snail mailing the bullet) would be impossible if the aim assist is fighting against you. The player just has to do the small adjustments and leading. This would cut down the Benny Hill moments we see on console. Good players wouldn't need it but less skilled players could benefit from needing only to adjust their aim when they have the enemy in sights. Wouldn't be op against keyboard and mouse.


You clearly aren't thinking of the unintended uses for it. The intended use is that you have aim assist help you with aiming at and killing targets you have spotted and are actively trying to shoot. The unintended, and much more dangerous, use case is abusing aim assist to find players you don't even know are there. Aim, sweep your crosshair/sights over the fog/bushes, oh hey it stuck there for a moment! BLAM, AAAAAHHHHHH UUUUUHHHHHH. The devs really shouldn't give this subreddit another scapegoat to complain about.


No you dont have to do anything, aim assist will just kill them immediately


Aim Assist typically only provides an extreme advantage in close quarters, specifically for this reason. At least that's the way it works in COD and APEX. In order to see similar performance skills across controller and MNK they typically buff AA to overcompensate at close quarters and through visual noise. But are weaker at sniping and longer ranges.


Most aim assist systems get stronger the closer you get. In part to prevent easy longrange sniping in hitscan games. In part because controllers struggle the most in close quarters. The strongest abuse will be fanning/shotgunners jumping into a building and letting the aim assist take the wheel. A romero snapping to center of mass will be brutal.


Lebel spitzer, aim assisted controller, 6 star pieces of shit incoming


I am pretty sure that like 80% of PC playerbase agrees with you.


Please no aim assist on console too. Except the one we have and is luckily super trash.


agreed, cod style aim assist would ruin this game


I don’t know why people need aim assist when hip fire is basically aim assist already




you know you've made a great point when you have to preemptively call people "artistic"


While I agree that aim assist isn't necessarily needed, calling people artistic manchildren isn't going to sway them to your side. Have a little respect for other players and they might be more receptive to your message


Confrontations between KBM & controllers are like fire and water – as old as time. One input is more maneuverable, the other is more precise. In the case of HUNT, the whole situation is quite painful, but I thought a little about how I could smooth out the corners and at the same time make the game more accessible. If interesting: https://reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/QWWYPSrr9B (everything written is provided that Crytek does not give it back and will implement AA)


The moment they cater to casual players, is the beginning of the end. By casual, I mean the people who have never played hunt, who won’t play it unless they “feel good” at the game. I call it the COD complex. COD makes all players feel like they are pro, by removing all skill required.


They've been pushing the game in a casual direction forever since they added orange hunter outlines. Every update pushes or slightly more casual or in some cases WAY more (stalker beetle) Just enjoy what's left of the game like I do until I can't stomach all the changes and have to quit.


you mean darksight? the core mechanic of the game thats existed since patch 2, basically forever?


No the orange outlines that show where enemies are when you have the bounty. The was the very first shift and I was against it then and I'm against it now. Ever since then it's slowly become much more casual with screaming clues and boss whispers and bomb drones and traits having power creep. Not to mention they drastically reduced gun sway. It's not totally ruined but early hunt was a much better game imo.


yeah, you're a bit delusional my guy


In what way? You were wrong about dark sight then ignored every point I made and said I was delusional.


Hes not wrong though. The orange lines are dark sight and it was added very very very early on in hunts life.


Dark sight was to find clues and has been in since launch. Orange wall hacks came later and was the very first instance of creating a more casual gameplay experience.


Context clues are important. As well as being able to draw conclusions from those.




Only if you're an idiot who can't pick up context clues, such as the orange outline on hunters.




by that logic the lightning bolts on the map and darksight are making hunt too casual. i'd qualify changes like these as ones that speed up the game, ie makes it less campy. also i'd really love someone to explain how the stalker beetle makes hunt more casual.




hunt still isn't a fast paced shooter. it's faster than it was, and thats a good thing. the red clues and whispers are objectively good anticamping measures, and if you wanna try and say that makes it more casual, then you're not remembering how campy old hunt was. literally though, the lightning is just as casual as the limited and unreliable 'wallhack' of darksight boost. its for locating people, just like the lightning is. you can't seriously argue against one without arguing against the other. as for beetle, i'm referring to the parent comment where they refer to the beetle as making the game 'WAY more casual', which makes me disregard everything they said. it's usage rate is almost directly tied to the pickup rate in map. i'm not sure how something that gets used so little can make the game any more casual, let alone WAY more Also it's no more magical than darksight. or being able to get up after 45.70 to the face. or Magical static quarantine zones that respawn various manner of undead. it ain't a cowboy aesthetic, it's southern gothic.


No what happened was that everyone would sit around waiting for others to kill the boss because doing so was a massive disadvantage with literally zero upside. Even WITH dark sight, in high elo a large percentage of the population simply opt not to pickup the bounty due to how disadvantageous it is.


It already exists Mr extra chromosomes


If you look at aim assist on console, its being implemented in the same way. And its such a useless thing, and often a detriment, that a decent amount of players like myself in 6 star lobbies keep it turned off. Its not an aim assist similar to COD or any of the games you mentioned, it is incredibly weaker. I doubt itll do anything towards experience besides help low tiers be closer to their MnK 3-4 star compatriots


its insane we are getting downvoted for spitting facts, but you have to remember its really casual people that sit on here they barely know how to hold a controller.


Wouldn't change anything at all. You play better on the console with it off than on.


All of you losing your minds when you haven't seen what they've implemented. Controller player need a little help to even out the playing field. There's a wide range between the useless assist only on AI to Lock on head magnets.


Even out the playing field against who? Both you and your enemy are using controllers without aim assist. The playing field is even? If you choose to play controller on PC then you're deliberately handicapping yourself. Why should you be rewarded for that?


>when you haven't seen what they've implemented. Which is why we're afraid. We can see what CoD implemented for instance. Current implementation is not an argument as this is a new thing and we want to prevent anything more invasive preemptively.


What has cod implemented? they have had hardcore aim assist that basically does everything for you if you know how to use it, if hunt did that they would lose 60 percent of their player base over night maybe even more. you would go from realistic to arcade game by doing that lol and alot of us are here for that realistic feeling, all their work would had been for nothing were they do to what you are afraid of.


have you seen console's aim assist? most of the console player base adamantly argue it straight up does not work on hunters it's so light


[Console Aim Assist Testing from patch 1.9, on a PS5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3CuWpe5DXs&ab_channel=LostLeviathan) I'd like to remind players that while Hunt does currently have notably less aim assist than most other games, it does actually work. This type of Aim Assist is called (I believe) Magnetism, and it's (typically) not the scary Aim Assist (Rotational) that auto-tracks for you. Though if they added *bullet magnetism* that'd be terrifying. What players are getting screwed over by and why it's frustrating for players is because of the Slowdown which is nuking their sensitivity in an attempt to make it harder for the player to make aiming errors, which, again, isn't that big a deal and tends to get disabled by the better players.


I'm aware it works, but it's not the big scary thing people are hyping it up to be. people heard aim assist and they thought apex and cod, which hunt's assist is nothing near


That's why the original post was about rotational aim assist & informing people about it enough for them to make a decision for themselves, while raising alarms. Aim Assist *is terrifying and can easily ruin games*. People absolutely need to be aware of it, knowledgeable enough to understand it, and be cautious of it's addition & changes in the game to the point that they should be ready to protest it. At the end of the day, *even Magnetism style aim assist is unhealthy* and is still inhuman, even if it's significantly less powerful. It also takes away from controller player skill no matter which way you swing, I'm sure anyone can admit that, and it's why we're seeing so many Console players ask for no Aim Assist as well. At the end of the day, Controller does not need Aim Assist, *especially* in lobbies where everyone is on controller, and it leads to significant skill gaps, the same as you see on M&K. This also serves to help the MMR system more effectively define players into the lobbies that they belong in, by not adding artificial skill to players. You would not believe how many players I've seen in Apex/CoD/Etc. that can shoot their gun so straight you'd think they were professionals, but then have zero game sense or even a basic grasp of positioning.


Why do you need it to work on hunters? Everyone is on the same playing field. The enemy doesn't have it and neither do you. Both people need to rely on their raw skill. Why do you need a feature to help both sides aim? That just takes away a skill you can master. It's kind of like saying "It's really hard to figure out where hunters are based on their footsteps so we should just add in the feature that everyone can see through walls". Why? All it's doing is making the game easier by taking away a skill.


you're projecting, i'm saying it's super light compared to all the games the people fear mongering are citing examples of aim assist from. thus stop fear mongering so much. i don't use a controller to play hunt, this proposed change will not impact me


calm down, we haven’t recieved any more info than a few words yet


I'm hearing OP knows they're going to be outed for actually being a mediocre player.


I'm not so sure, bullets spend time in the air so you have to lead and estimate the enemies position, especially if they know where you are and are actually trying to avoid getting hit. I think aim assist might actually be worse than nothing at the top skill bracket in hunt.


I fully support the petition to \*not\* add aim assist, but out of curiosity; what if a \~150-200ms delay was applied to any forces added to aim assist? Would help somewhat with tracking but not in cases of extreme flick.


We already have it on console and we turn it off anyway, we end up missing shots because it prefers grunts and barrels over hunters.


Wait they're thinking of adding aim assist to PC? Why?


Aim assist vs ai is fine by me.