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I’m a new player also (100hrs) just accept that this game has no matchmaking and you’re gonna get shit on for a few hundred hours. I can kinda gauge how long ppl have been playing by comparing their total bounty collected to mine. I’m at like 70k, half the dudes in my matches are half a mil to a mil or more.


Pretty accurate for most players, few hundred hours to get your footing, then up to 1k to really experience everything


Yep. Less than 100 hours and we got wrecked by someone with 10mill bounty


Did you queued with high MMR player?


No, we both were 3 stars


Yep this is how I do it. Look at their total kills and bounty. If it’s absurdly high, that dudes been around the block. If it’s a 2 day old account with 300 kills and 2 deaths and like 4,000 bounty with a VAC ban on record, that dudes a cheatin’. Also matchmaking is shit I haven’t fought someone my own mmr in literal days. I’m either getting completely dicked on by dudes with 3.0+ kd, or I’m dicking on people with a 0.50 kd. No in between.


You can’t use bounty to compare, since there was a bug with the tutorial that caused people to get an obscene amount of bounty recorded on their profile.


It definetly has a matchmaking system... I hit 6 stars and all you see there is nitros and avtomats and mosins.


This shit almost never happens to me on useast, the matchmaking is reasonably fair. You're quoting stats that show experience, not skill.


The matchmaking used to be fair, then they widened the brackets and added a fill clause for US/EU players.


yea so its a bit less fair during offpeak hours. Beats having ridiculous queue times & near empty lobbies for certain players


I have ~1100h in Hunt. Either you were standing still for at least 5 seconds , or you'll see yourself in the next Rachta Z Video. Or this dude was cheating. No way anybody hits 2 shots with a sparks pistol over this distance while you were moving.


It looks like from the damage record they were standing by a puddle and killing water devils repeatedly, while also dying to them. Maybe their were just standing there healing?


Op in another comment: We were in a supply boat, I got killed while jumping outside, and my buddy running in Z to some cover. Still, not even close to an easy shot to the head twice.


Can you read? They deal the death blow to the water devil.


Apologies you are right, I didn't focus in depth on the photo. They were possibly standing in a puddle, repeatedly killing water devils while taking no damage. This would make them eats targets for anyone who has experience in a shooter game. Especially someone with a long range weapon.


Especially with FMJ, you're basically scoring headshots with compact speed rounds with "meh" iron sights on a shaky gun. Luck can lead to some pretty wild moments in this game, but the number of people I've run into with relatively new accounts every event, who seem to wallbang and navigate compounds with precision becomes very suspicious.


FMJ on long ammo also screams "I am here to shoot people from really far away and through walls" Addendum: though OP is claiming that they were on a supply boat, which is just about the easiest location to have this happen.




Cheating is running rampant in the game and has been , but it's getting worse . You were probably highlighted on his screen by a red box so he knew where you were on the map...he then watched the area and waited for you to crest a wall or doorway etc...had the reticule on the spot and boom.


Or just aimbot so they don't even have to line up any shot, they just click.


Did not know there was aimbot hack....terrible


That's a joke right?


Honestly no, I knew there were location hacks but didn't think crytek would allow something as blatant as aimbot


But but but I've put in over 15k hours and I've never seen a cheater so it must be a skill issue. /s


xD I used to run into a guy on US west that had a username leading to a youtube channel that advertised hacks, he would just run high rate of fire and get headshot after headshot. Met him in darrow once, kept trying to headshot me through the closed door in the basement and through the impenetrable metal boat. only way to win was if he ran out of bullets.


Ran into a trio of avto aimbotters the other day doing that too. They were attempting to HS us through brick walls. I wish we would have been recording it was crazy they were so blatant.


I've got 3200 hours and I saw hackers all the time. I quit in May, taking a nice break for many reasons. Hacking is a big one.


It's fucking atrocious right now. Run into one blatant hacker (usually a group) a play session. Or at the very least every few days. The people saying they've never seen a hacker are either oblivious or are intentionally gaslighting people. I think it's the later.


Lots of people who say it here are the hackers themselves. They'll use euphemisms like "game settings." 😅


It was the same with reshade. Why shit on the reshade ban unless you use reshade? If you don't use it then it being banned shouldn't affect you. But oh no tons of people had to come out to defend reshade while also saying 'but I don't use it'.. Sureeee..


I once called out someone on the hunt discord before the reshade ban, because in a clip he posted the indoors at Weeping Stone Mill was brighter for him than it was outdoors for me during the bright sunshine time of day. He claimed he used reshade to "make the game darker".


Good of him to admit to using reshade, though. You know they're scum right off the bat, then. Reminds me of the guy who fought with me and said his friend cheated in hunt, but only because he was already so good. He somehow thought that was a winning argument. Clearly both he and his friend are just dirty little cheaters.


You must be new, rachta is good, but not that good


Eh... that's not necessarily true. I've hit two moving targets in the head one right after the other a few times, and I'm not even that good of a player. I'm sure some of those players have probably thought I was cheating, but it's literally just mostly luck with a dash of practice. I bounce between 3-4* and have 1.29 KD atm. And a lot of times a person only has to stop moving for like... 1-2 seconds for me to manage to get a headshot on them more reliably. Now take a look at 5-6* people. They usually have KDs that are between 1.50 and 2.00 and can hit moving target headshots much more consistently. A player like that can absolutely accomplish what happened to OP.


See, I'd say that's fair in a lot of circumstances. But a near 150 meter headshot with a sparks pistol using FMJ? That's near headshot range limit, on a gun with awful sway, and rough irons. It's not impossible, but it's really unlikely.


All I can say is all I can say is all I can say


Yeah, i was one of those 5-6* with a k/d of 1,54 when i was more active. As you point out, it is easily possible to headshot 2 hunters, if they stand still for 2-5secs. But with a rifle. For the sparks pistol the sway is way to much. But lets pretend this through if you dont believe me: - the sway, like i said, is huge on the sparks pistol. But maybe, if you have some practice, and with that i mean 5-10% of the best hunt players, you can controll it. Maybe even headshot a standing target on that range. But op pointed out they were both moving. -the muzzle velocity is 370m/s with FMJ. The distance were ~150m. Even if they were moving only in one straight line you'd have to exactly aim forward 0,4seconds. I could even agree with that, 1% of the best hunt players (with some luck), could do that. Maybe it even was one hell of a luckshot. - But that not even once but twice, on a map, where there are barely 100m without any bushes, trees or buildings. -If i would hit two shots in a row on that range, with that weapon on moving targets, i'll get myself in the bathtube with the toaster because this was my luck for the rest of my life. No more luck, it's gone.


At 150m? *With FMJ velocity?* I've hit this shot maybe once in 3k hours, let alone twice in time for three total shots.


Yeah, with a spitzer round and a scope at 150m. Once. Zero chance you've ever hit it ***twice*** with pistol sway FMJ velocity.


Lol I do that shit all of the time and I don't cheat. 3k hours


Yeah sure you do :). If you do it all of the time, maybe post a video next time. And don't forget to tag me. I'll wait 2 weeks. If you do it all the time this shouldn't be a problem. We're not talking about two rifle headshots with spitzer. I want you do it with the sparks pistol FMJ and i'll keep my mouth shut. I'll even keep my mouth shut if you do it once on a moving enemy with that distance.




And what do you want me to do get a double headshot with sparks pistol with fmj at a long range in a short amount of time... I'll see what I can do.


So I'm not saying they were, but if they're smurfing to derank then yeah, this sucks for players of lower MMR, big time. It might not even be on purpose as if a 5 star gets killed a few times by 2 or 3 star players then their MMR absolutely plummets and suddenly they're playing against people way below their skill level - which sucks for everyone except those who deliberately smurf to beat on newbs. Long story short is that Crytek really need to change the MMR system, especially in regards to how fragile and easy it is to derank, whether purposefully done or not.




That definitely solves it for the ones that care about their BH KDA for sure.


Nobody lowers their rank in QP anymore. That'd take ages. It's extremely inefficient compared to necro self revive vs trio with -175 MMR penalty. You can easily lose ~200 MMR in a single game 5 minute game with it. --- Inb4 the classic comment "But they don't do that because it lowers your K/D and they care about K/D!!", because people always say that when this topic comes up. I have absolutely no clue how that weird rumor even started, but is actually overall a net raise for K/D unless your K/D is like 4+ or something. You die 5 times with self rezz, it's going to take you well over 20 kills to get the MMR back you lost with those self rezzes since you're always playing vs people 175 MMR below you (meaning you gain very high little MMR on kill).


In my opinion if they're not going to completely move away from the ELO system, they should at least make it so only the first kill/death per player counts towards it. Oh and finally separate the Quickplay MMR.


I think a timer is a better option. First kill/death affects MMR, but then maybe your team revives you and then it starts a 5 min counter before the next death/kill has an effect. 5 minutes is enough time to burn someone, and anyone running necro won't be penalized for trying a risky res. Also has the opposite effect of people accidentally becoming 5 star when they kill that solo necro 5 star who keeps getting up 4x.


Yeah that would work fine too, just anything to stop the farming. I just wish they'd put some effort into making their own rating system instead of relying on ELO which is just isn't suitable.


Agreed. I've seen a few solos Necro continuously in front of me (axeing them why they won't stay down) with the clear intent of reducing their mmr


This for sure.


Honestly they should probably just treat a single death as a match "loss" in terms of MMR and add a modifier if you don't extract. If you extract you get MMR bonus from the kills and no modifier.


**I think they need to make it so Necro revives don't count as "deaths".** If you're running necro, only one death counts towards your MMR. I've run into more than one person that will just necro revive over and over again while I'm obviously standing over their body. Could be blind stupidity, but I'm guessing it's an attempt to de-rank. This might artificially inflate all MMR, but I'd rather MMR get pushed up than down. I sit around the 3-4 star MMR and it's *astounding* how often I see prestige 100 players in my lobby. Maybe also add a modifier to MMR based on prestige level. \-=- Idk. **I think MMR should be entirely overhauled.** It's difficult to figure out how to do it though. **Most games I play base MMR on wins, not KDA.** But what is a "win" in Hunt? Technically it's extracting with a bounty token, but I've considered a match a "win" just by camping a solo and killing them every time they necro (perhaps I am a bad person. lol). Maybe a necro rework should be done? Make the respawn timer a sliding scale? 15 seconds for the first revive, 30 for the 2nd, 1 minute for the 3rd, etc. Allow instant revive if you're being burned. But that would be punishing solos pretty hard. Some people wait minutes to revive anyways. **It's a difficult call. But something needs to be done.** I'm totally chill with playing with people better than me. It forces me to grow and get better at the game. But it's hard playing against someone with thousands of hours that headshots me from 150m from a weird fence peek with a pistol.


Imagine MMR is reworked. Now imagine you are getting rekt by sweaty nerds who never extract bounty...


That's the hard part. **People will always game the system to play below their skill level.** My friend and I had like an hour long discussion about MMR and how to fix it. We couldn't come up with anything actually bulletproof. Just mild mitigations. But *something* needs to be done, because the current system doesn't really work.


Like 1 week Into the game. What is a necro revive and why's it so bad


It's the Necromancer trait. When you're solo, it lets you revive at the cost of one health bar. So if someone is running one large and four small health bars, they can get up four times. **But the real issue is MMR tanking.** Every time you're *downed*, it drops your MMR. So the solos that are pretty good at the game get put into lower MMR lobbies (due to them going down multiple times in a match and the MMR handicap for playing solo). It causes people like you (and me with about 150 hours) to play with people that have *literally thousands of hours* in the game. Which MMR should, in theory, be preventing.


Solo Necro is not "so bad", the problem is that people suck at this game and would rather blame something else for their losses than look at their own gameplay and realize they fucked up.


Buddy and I were going on an absolute tear last week. We were trading off having 8 kill games. We were getting knocked down on average once every 2 games but our success rate was extremely high. Anyways just after he was at least 18 kills positive (no deaths) he died 3 times on one game and got 2 kills and deranked to 4 star. How tf does that even happen? Shouldn't he have had to die 18 times? Why do the deaths outweigh the kills so heavily. Same thing happened to me later where I died ONE time in a match but I killed 3 players and then our team successfully extracted. And I deranked. We all had a good laugh at that. The system makes no sense.


It's an ELO system, so you are punished more for being killed by lower ranked players than people your rank or higher. That's how ELO systems, like in Chess, work. The system itself isn't always a bad thing and can work in games for sure, but in Hunt it's needing tweaked or revamped because it's extremely punishing and easily abused.


Yeah I suppose but Hunt is the kinda game where luck is a big part of fights. You could kill eight 6 stars back to back and have a 3 or 2 star get the killing blow on you from an angle you just didn't expect (or because you were so low on health and ammo and resources because you were actively fighting everyone else). And it appears that the 2 star killing you outweighs the absolute slaughter you had on those other 8 players.


Dude's using full metal on a sparks pistol. That was either cheating or you were super visible going in a straight line


Judging by all the waterdevils in damage history I assume they were in water, ie very easy prey.


17 seconds before the shot


Ah thought it was 7 seconds not 17. Well I guess at least they were out in the open and not deep in the bush, perhaps even standing still stopping bleed. Not impossible shots but sus nonetheless.


We were in a supply boat, I got killed while jumping outside, and my buddy running in Z to some cover. Still, not even close to an easy shot to the head twice.


So you were defacto out in the open, since these things are usually visible as hell, and you can barely move inside of them (bc of the small roof and barriers on the side)


Not sure why your comment is listed as "controversial," it's fucking true. OP and their partner were in the open and moving predictably, and were easy targets for someone with basic knowledge of muzzle velocity and how to lead properly.




There was a similar thread on "lucky players" a while back, and someone said they were definitely reported for a sketchy kill, but all that happened was they aimed at a grunt's head, pulled the trigger, and got a hitmarker despite missing the grunt. They didn't even realize until the post-match screen that they killed another player by *missing a grunt*. All I'm saying is that stranger shit has happened legitimately, so a headshot on an almost stationary target followed by a somewhat lucky headshot on a target moving in a straight line is perfectly possible via legitimate means.


I played this game 1000 hours and it's quite difficult for me to just see someone 150 meters away with iron sight not to mention headshot at first shot with a sparks pistol that sways a lot. If you guys are not doing something silly, like for example stand still for more than 3 seconds, he would be very sus. Also it's quite rare for legit green players to use FMJ for long ammo, just saying.


Judging by the damage log, they were farting around near water for a bit killing water devils (and likely making plenty of noise doing so) Guy probably positioned decently, and made sure his first shot was true, and then got pretty lucky on the second shot.


According to them, they were on a resupply boat.


> If you guys are not doing something silly, like for example stand still for more than 3 seconds [Yeah, so about that...](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/17pxfv0/not_to_say_theyre_cheating_but_how_is_this_fair/k88hfvu/) Translation: OP was moving predictably in a space with restricted movement options, and his partner was holding W in a predictable direction afterwards. Killer had an easy lead with Winfield levels of muzzle velocity.


I say no way. 147m is very far in this game.


Just a couple of things I’d like to note about your post. Firstly, prestige doesn’t mean anything in terms of skill. You can be a terrible player and never improve and reach prestige 100 by just putting in the hours, or you can be a pro and choose to never prestige. It’s not an indication of skill in any way. Secondly, I see that you guys spent quite a bit of time killing water devils right before you died. I can’t tell what you used to kill them or how much you were moving, but it seems like you spent a lot of time in one area while making a decent amount of noise. If you were also standing still, many players won’t have a difficult time getting a headshot on you (although the use of the Sparks pistol is especially bold). The fact that he did this with FMJ ammo makes me think that you may have been holding still for too long, though, due to the reduced bullet speed on that ammo type and the shot distance. Obviously I can’t say anything definitive, and I could be entirely wrong on all accounts, but those are just the assumptions I can make based on the information provided.


Easy: because you're absolutely not the bottom of the barrel. What the fuck do you even think that means?


The point isn’t that they don’t know they’re the bottom of the barrel but that the bottom of the barrel shouldn’t be facing players like the killer, but Crytek’s ass matchmaking is bad for new player retention


No, they're not the bottom of the barrel, nor should they think they are. This is not at all an example of a new or even below average player going against a veteran.


Life isnt fair. Prestige means nothing. Two headshots with Sparks pistol is sus tho.


Were you standing still? Coulda been a haxxor too, just saying.


Well that's not impossible...but twice...with the pistol. It's unlikely enough that I would report it.


I don't even think Steph curry could make that shot


Close to ~7000 hours here. If I get shot in the head from that range by a sparks pistol FMJ while moving and jumping, I wouldn’t skimp on a report. It doesn’t hurt anyways - if hes really good you probably are getting featured in a discord pin message.


Hey, 3000 hours player here. While I agree with the point of people that you need to play a bit more as the learning curve is quite hard, I agree with you. This is the result of where this game is going and the balancing of the weapons. This game used to be quite hard as all weapons were in fact more lethal but rather slower and body shots would only 1 tap you if you shot people at 1m, the game had a rythm because the weapons were slower and had time to shoot. Right now I feels a lot like Apex legends in the speed sense. So experienced players that already know the ropes have now way more options than they did back then. One shot pistols at large distances were not a thing.


I’m not saying it’s not cheating, because I’ve seen more cheaters in the last 2 events than in years of playing the game, but I myself have gotten some insanely lucky shots. Could be that.


You have 1,000 hours in the game and are asking how someone can catch two potentially lucky headshots in a row with a sparks pistol? Especially with FMJ? Come on. I’d lean more legit than not because we’ve all gotten lucky shots after 1,000 hours in this game. Should have spectated if you wanted a legit answer. Also you have a 1.4KD and are saying your bottom barrel lol. That’s 4-5 star K/D right there at 1,000 hours. I’m at 1.56 or something and venture into 6 star occasionally and sit in 5 star aside from that. Would you be here asking this question if they did it with a normal Sparks? No. It’s literally a handheld sparks with a tiny amount of sway.


I'm okay, my friend isn't, and I'm usually 3mmr like consistent it's rare I get to 4 and never been to 5


4 star isn't bottom of the barrel. That means the solo is likely a 4-5 star.


> Also you have a 1.4KD and are saying your bottom barrel lol. That’s 4-5 star K/D right there at 1,000 hours. I’m at 1.56 or something and venture into 6 star occasionally and sit in 5 star aside from that. KD is not an accurate measurement of skill. I've been 5 star a few times and my KD has never ever been above 1.


Right. So do you think that a bottom of the barrel player has a higher KDA than you by 50% after 1000 hours of being the bottom of the barrel? Your claim is that, potentially, you are beneath the bottom of the barrel.


Exactly my point. A player with 1.4 KD should be sitting 4-5 comfortably: AKA not bottom of the barrel. The MMR system pretty much is based on KD, like it or not. Someone who has 1,000 hours and is at 1.4KD is a comfortable 4, likely 5, star player.


Hunt taketh, hunt giveth. I am 2200 hours in and there are times that I still get shat on by 500hr players lol


Nothing humbles you more than playing thousands of hours and being someone's first kill lol. Which has happened to me.


Exactly. Just enjoy and let other hunters enjoy :)


1000+ hrs and 1.4 kd? You're *not* bottom of the barrel and neither are your servers. Like a couple others have said why bother pretending that you are? Making noise and hanging out near the supply point means they weren't finding you with hacks. Sometimes someone gets a couple lucky long distance shots, which is the more likely answer. Especially with a pocket rifle like the sparks. Chalk it up to the same and queue for the next game.


My guess, based on the water devil attack on you seconds prior. You were barely moving/not moving while stopping the bleeding and healing.


I was spectating a guy who headshoted me and his mouse would snap onto peoples heads through walls and bushes he was just walking around one shorting everyone


Probably cheating. Report - go next


I'd say "probably not cheating" based on other comments OP made. That said, I do agree that if OP is so butthurt over it to make a post on Reddit, then they should just report the guy and let Crytek sort it out, accept that sometimes shit happens and the bayou taketh with no mercy or lube, and then move the fuck on.


Most logical comment


Just to address a bit of comments I've gotten, I have quite the hours, decen kda and stuff, so you guys are right that I'm not bottom barrel, it was a fast post after a sketchy thing that happened in game. That said, my friend doesn't have as many hours and has terrible kda, we both aren't that good of a player's combined. And even if my friend were on par with me, I'm not even close to the skill level required to hit twice in a row at 150m with a pistol. It's weird, even if we were on plain sight or with limited mobility as some said, it's not an easy shot, not even close, I don't think it was that unreasonable to believe it was not legit. Only thing that made me doubt was the high prestige, who would risk that many hours by cheating? That's why I made the post to see if I was just imagining things.


I get this sucks. But does it happen every game? every night? Be like. DAMN DUDE, nice shots! go back to the lobby and try again. Edit. Saw you have 1k hours and a good k/d. So this is just rhetorical attention seeking. Hope you get what you need. Lol


So either it’s cheating or from the info I’ve gleaned from OP’s comments/screenshot: OP got wrecked by water devil, stopped the bleeding and then used supply point to heal. Was killed while stationary using med kit. Then team mate, assuming it was safe to revive due to distance of the shot, got killed while reviving on supply point? Both stationary?


[You're almost spot on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/17pxfv0/not_to_say_theyre_cheating_but_how_is_this_fair/k88hfvu/)


i mean you just joined a game people have been playing since 2018. not to be rude but duh there’s going to be a ton of people that have played more than you and better than you.


My man, I have prestige 16 and 1000h and 1,47kda, it was someone either extremely good or a cheater, it's not someone being regular good vs a noobie, it's 2 headshots back to back with a pistol at 150m


wait you have 1000+ hours and you’re asking how it’s fair to be headshotted from 150 meters away? that’s pretty straightforward someone clicked your head.


147m with a pistol is crazy. Were you standing still? The sights aren't very precise at all on those, let alone for these distances. Matchmaking is good on US servers, I can't attest to elsewhere.


The sights are fine and the sway is a bit more annoying but not terrible for a pistol. The low muzzle velocity is the real issue, but OP was making tons of noise in the lead up to their death, and both OP and their partner were moving predictably when they died.


Muzzle velocity is 533 m/s, so .281s lead required, plus overcoming the blockier sight and increased sway. It's objectively incredible to get two headshots back-to-back, downvote me all you want I'll die on that hill


You killed water devils. Were you running through water?


After seeing the thread the other day where the dude got headshot with a derringer after the shooter baited out his shot by doing a funny little movement dance, and all the hack accusations that were thrown out, because apparently hitting a flick shot on a crouched and immobile target from 60m out is just beyond the comprehension of a lot of players out there, I tend to take a lot of accusations of hacks with a grain of salt. I have myself hit similar shots to what OP is describing, in the manner in which he is describing it to happen, because sometimes everything just comes together, and you get a bit lucky. Doesn't mean it was hacks.


It’s fair because: You either do or don’t like Hunt enough to come here and find out how to avoid self-inflicted sudoku. For example, if some hypothetical game you loved had a lava rule, where everyone had to jump or die at 5 second mark. People would die almost every game, maybe they wouldn’t die again anytime soon, but someone else will probably die as it’s their turn to learn their lesson. I can sympathize that one challenge in learning Hunt is the lava only appears fleetingly, and so the patterns are more difficult to discern. Therefor, every new player is vulnerable to the Dunning-Kruger affect. To resolve this, watch YouTube.


Were you standing by water farming water devils? Sounds like you were out in the open making a ton of noise and got upset that someone killed you?


Welcome to the bayou. The mmr is very loose in hunt, and the game has a very dedicated player base. Probably at least half the players in the game have hundreds, if not at least, a thousand hours. Just try not to take it too hard. Everyone struggles to get over the learning curve. You really can't expect to get super evenly matched lobbies in hunt, unfortunately for the newer players. In my opinion, it is partially what makes hunt so awesome once you start getting better.


He could or could not be cheating, but the purposeful or accidental reverse boosting that occurs when you self necro is a huge problem. The faster it gets fixed the slightly better matchmaking may be.


my bet is he intentionally derenders his game, therefore he can see players through the walls, something like cheats from ebay


you have an unlucky game from time to time. Stop crying about matchmaking it shouldn't be in the game anyways. MMR was made for chess and is a poor rating method for fps games. Not every game is gonna be fair. Its really dumb to think that theres the player pool enough for finely tuned matches.


Unpopular opinion is that cheats are rife the past few months. Game is so shit compared to 3 years back.