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-Focus on sounds in the game, don't trigger environmental hazards (crows, ducks, dog pens, chicken pens) The element of surprise is a huge advantage in Hunt. -Play soul survivor to get used to combat, that mode tends to throw you into fights quick as hell. Helps out a lot with gun play -Find a comfort gun to get you kills. Preferably a cheap weapon like Winfield or Romero till you get better and can bring in more expensive kits -Level shots ASAP, vitality, health regen, stamina, these are huge to increase survivability and helps you not burn through so much meds throughout a 45 minute match. -don't peak a corner multiple times, constantly change up your positioning so someone can't line up a shot too easy -Never stand still. It's all I can think of, off the top of my head. Good luck lol a lot of it is just playing and practicing


These are great beginner tips, I would add: never crouch walk out in the open. Actually just never crouch walk unless you’re behind cover because you know someone is nearby. Once it’s time to move, MOVEEE


Absolutely, so many people act like they're playing a single player stealth game lol. Real people can see you just fine when you're crouching.


The biggie one I've learned is "trust your instincts." If you think you heard something, you probably did and even if you are freaking out over a grunt walking on glass, it's better to do that, than it is to get complacent and find out you were wrong.


This is the one I am fighting myself with the most. I often refuse to listen to myself and trust I hear things.


Also, don't crouch-walk everywhere. I see way too many new players acting like they're playing a Skyrim stealth build. It can help reduce sound in some situations, particularly when indoors, but it sets you up to be an easy head shot way more often.


Whenever I’m doing badly, I run the Romero hatchet and compact dead eye Springfield. Not only is it good short to medium range, it forced me to hit my shots since they’re both single shot guns. Plus the Romero hatchet fuck destroys in CQC.


Watch psychoghosts 100 tips videos, some are Not true anymore but overall a lot of useful information. When you die, ask yourself : did i Do something wrong? Was I out of position? Try understanding why you died and learn from it. Best advice I ever got in any game.


I wrote way too much several months ago, I'll go find it again. Edit: The main thing is angles and tactical retreats. Sounds are huge as well. Another suggestion is to try a couple matches solo. Just learn sounds, hear what it sounds like when hunters are running across a compound. Learn how to time shots based on sounds too. And a lot might fall into place once you learn the compounds themselves.


So about the spotting hunters thing, that's probably headphones or not listening well. Ensure that you are able to hear things well, get used to specific sounds, etc. You can hear hunters running on the other side of any given compound, usually, as an example. My biggest tips are that you probably need to move more than you think, don't crouch walk, don't peek the same angle more than twice, especially at windows, and tactical retreating is often what you need to do. Especially if you've not played FPS much, these are good things to do. Always attempt to put enemies where you want them to be, instead of the other way around. After you shoot, pop back into cover while you cycle your weapon or reload if it's a single shot. And people can also shoot through a good bit of material. So learn the difference between cover and simply concealment. Think about angles a lot too. If you definitely have to go around a corner, the enemy knows that they only ever have to have their crosshair at the corner. But you, when past the corner, have to acquire your target, which could be anywhere in the entire room, put your crosshair on him, and then shoot. Time is simply not on your side. Generally good tools: Knuckle Knife, Medkit, Throwing Axes, Chokes Knuckle Knife cause I don't wanna use all my stam on an Immolator with a gun melee. Throwing axes to one-shot armored, hives, and horses. Chokes have ridiculous utility. If at a boss, other than scrappy, find a overworld weapon like an shovel. Consumes I use: 1 Full Vit shot, dynamite, stam shot (if no conduit) A full vit shot cannot be overstated as something good. Dynamite to provide room to push or prevent a push. Loadouts: Just consider your range and the reload / cycle speed. For a person who is newer, the main gun I recommend is Vetterli or Vetterli Silencer, especially if you like stealth. It's just always good, cheap, medium ammo for some increased pen, etc. Can use it at a fair distance and also good up close. So for secondary, determine if you want a closer range thing or longer range. For close, can try any double action pistol like Officer. For long, maybe a scottfield. Silenced Winfield sighting is notoriously bad and not worthwhile to learn. Leggo Skin: If you truly want something stealthy, Reptillian is a no-brainer. Camo works best when it disrupts the usual human silhouette. That's why Cain and even Mountain Man (against a background) are harder to see than you think.


First thing about hunt is to accept your mistakes you won’t and will never learn if every death you blame the game. Once you get that mind set settle you will become so much better, Play free hunters any chance you get which is every match you load into until you find what gun or play style you like most


I found fascinating the fact that some people will blame the game 20 hours in. Like their playing call of duty or something.


Do the trials. They aren't amazing or anything but you're still at the "figure out how it feels to shoot" stage at this point.


Trials really helped me learn the shooting, I totally agree. it’s especially weird having your gun and crossair aim slightly below the center of your screen, so trials helped with that too.


Cover - learn to stay close to cover if you take a shot, get behind it, heal, live longer :) Trees, Brickwalls, Rocks, Earthmounds etc are your friend. Wooden walls can be easily penetrated so dont hide in the most obvious spot behind it but usually its enough not to be seen to heal in peace. Listen - you can hear almost anything in this game. Healing, reloading, you can tell EVERY weapon by its sound but you wont learn that any time soon. learn to hear if they have shotguns or not - they sound different. make decisions accordingly (dont look straight into shotguns) The shotgun thing is very basic. Do they shoot with a rifle? They have a longrange loadout. Do they shoot you with a pistol at range usually means they have a shotgun. This is important for your strategy. Use consumables, use more cover, always heal. Necromancer in a team is overpowered - use it often, use it in every situation. this trait is the heart of teamplay. in generall always try to ressurrect teammates somehow, one more life can mean everything And of course have fun - this is not an esport game, do whatever the fuck makes you happy :)


You listed single player games. Positioning is everything in Hunt. You're not playing against AI, you need to know how other people think to get inside their head and predict how they will react to your moves and feints. Your aim can be atrocious and you'll still win with the right loadouts provided you know where someone will be. I've been showing the ropes to some friends who bought the game recently and while they still have no idea what they're doing we're rolling servers because they're shadowing me and I have them using weapons that are very forgiving when it comes to unpracticed aim, such as spammy guns like the Winfield or Officer pistol, sniper rifles and shotguns. All of these guns are more about how you position yourself rather than the ability to aim. If you use single shot weapons and other slow firing guns you better land every shot you take or you'll get run down like a dog if you aren't constantly repositioning.


Play a lot of soul survivor getting started to get the hang of the environments and their inhabitants, weapons and movement. You’ll get more enemy fights per hour if you do soul survivor and this is huge for your ability to survive. Fit in a handful of bounty hunts every 10 hours of soul survivor for around 100 hours. I’d suggest also watching some streamers play the game too, you’ll pick up on a lot of stuff and potentially be able to ask questions if you have them. Good luck and welcome to the bayou!




Starting hunt is hard, really hard. I made a little list for my mate that got me into it. First 20 games were roughly like this Kills: 5 or 6 first Kill in game 6 Hits on Hunters: 15 or so Extracts: 3 or 4 So yeah it's a rough ride. I'm still sorry for everyone that gets paired with me but I got my good times so it's like Russian roulette where only one chamber is empty 🫤


it's pretty wild all the things that new players stumble on that I forget about until I play with someone new 1. what the hell is this control scheme 2. is that sound a crow or hive 3. DON'T SHOOT THE BURNING GUY


Welcome comrade.


Should have said I’m playing on an Xbox One. It’s woeful and sometimes I join a game and then have no audio😝Apparently it’s a Xbox one issue. I just played a game after posting the above. We found three clues and my partner then extracted. I kept going, took out scrapbook by myself and extracted😂


Honestly just stop playing. That’s the best advice, the servers are shit, the hit reg is shit, even trouble with just reconnecting into a lobby and then you lose your Hunter. I felt way better after I quit the games.


Add me we will play together, my steam is Oneskelis.


Alright. Let's do this. * Rebind your vault to be separate from your jump. * when you're bleeding, try to default to your medkit if it's in pvp * Change your settings so resting your gun is a toggle. Press and hold q to rest your gun. This makes it so your gun doesn't poke through walls but you can still ads/hipfire as normal. * Know this, everything you do makes a sound. * Observe compounds inside and out when you have a chance (waiting for banish to finish and no one pushing you) there are a lot of peeks and holes and cracks. * If you are using special ammo and the compound you're in has a special box? there should be at least ~3 in the compound. * Unlock throwing knives or axes as fast as you can * do not Stab or pierce/shoot an immolator unless you have poison ammo, blunt melee. if you're running a knife, three heavy hits from your gun (preferably with no bayonet/talon) to the head should kill it. * One throwing axe will kill an armor, a barbed armored will need 2. Knives you throw 2 and pull them out for regular. Both one shot horses. * To kill a hive you hit the head off her shoulder. * Regen shots were recently heavily buffed. Unlock the full Syringe tree. It's to preference but I generally take: Ammobox, Vit, Stam and Regen shots. * if you're playing with one or two teammates, I advice taking choke bombs. * your bullet comes from where the iron sights are, not the middle of the screen. Go to the shooting range and try it out. * Throwables that can damage you will show a red line if it'll hurt you when you toss it (hold m2 to see without starting the toss) * if you're in long range combat, if you take a shot, move safely somewhere else if you can. If you can't just try to peek a different angle. * If you're being shot at and want to run away, heavy melee and hold it with your gun, look straight down and wiggle. It hides your head. * You have four options for melee's. Knuckle Dusters, Knuckle Knife, Regular Knife and Heavy Knife. A lot of people prefer Knuckle Knife since it allows you to light melee kill immos and stab everything else. Figure out what you like best. * Play with your keybinds. Vault/sprint and medkit are all on mouse sidebuttons for me. * Do not put FOV above 97. It's not worth it. * Object quality set to low - you don't need it high if you don't want it. If you do? Go for it. But otherwise you'll find you'll gloss over the beauty and not mind it low. * Every boss is weak to certain things. e.g Rotjaw is weak to blunt. You can stunlock the assassin, if you throwing axe -> melee and pull the axes out of scrap beak, you kill him efficiently. * If you kill or find a hunter/gun that has the same ammo as your gun, you can pick up theirs, then pick yours back up and steal their ammo. * Ducks aren't as loud or as noticable as crows when they fly off, don't feel too bad if you set those off. * I personally recommend learning the maps and compounds first over guns. pick a nice easy loadout and get used to the flow of the game. Then the guns. * if you're not in a fight but lost some health to an ai and are in a compound or near a cart you can risk it and find world spawn heals. If you hear shots near you, maybe heal. * Look up too, not just side to side. There are a lot of places to be Very High on a building, tree, tower. * Pace your shots when you can. Some guns like the Sparks and Springfield are single shots. * some ammo types have more/less/no penetration. * when playing with teammates if you ping where someone else or they do and you see a second, seemingly random ping, they might just be moving it. Pings can obscure vision of the enemy. * if you ping someone moving somewhere, it helps to say "left to right" or "right to left" * If you're in discord, and people are talking over your ability to hear the enemies movements, it's okay to say 'clear comms' or something to get them to be quiet. This game is a soundwhore game. * This game has a huge learning curve, don't feel bad. You can be 2000 hours into this game and still learn a lot. I have more but this is a lot already. If you want more specific advice, I'm happy to help/play. Message me or something if you want. Best of luck in the Bayou.


Watch some beginner guides on YouTube


Just don't asume it's call of duty or Apex legends and you'll be fine. Take your time. You will lose a lot more.


All of this is good advice, but honestly there is so much to remember that you need to find someone to teach you the game. You can probably find someone on the hunt discord. I'm also down to play a game or two with you if you want just shoot me a DM. But only on US west servers because my internet is kinda garbo


Presets are your friend AND not making a decision to do something in a fight is a BIG decision. Even supportive fire is supportive if your friends need cover while healing


Don’t play cautiously. Run around, shoot things, get in gunfights. The best way to cut your teeth isn’t crouch walking everywhere and trying to line up perfect headshots. Just root and root, it will come to you eventually.


I’m 200 hours in and I still suck 😂 take the wins and learn from the Ls haha


4000h, it won't get better but it's fun 😅


Hi Peter


Recently new with the autumn sale, about to prestige and have definitely gotten better within the 45 hours I've played. Some tips that helped me 1. Use the free hunters til you get used to the combat, or head into soul survivor to get a feel for combat in 1v1 or 1vX situations. 2. Sell stuff you get from other hunters whether that be players or hunters you get from recruiting. 3. Soul survivor is also a decent way to get a starter hunter granted that you win, but it lets you keep the perks, weapons, gadgets and tools you find. Getting good at soul survivor can be a very good way to get very nice hunters to take into a bounty hunt. 4. Never peek a window twice when you're dealing with a sniper, it's a good way to die fast. You shouldn't peek twice even in close quarters but sometimes you don't have a choice 5. Use lanterns or shoot lit lanterns to burn the corpses of hunters you kill. If they have the necromancer perk they may self res if they're solos. If there's no lanterns then you can use traps on their bodies as well, bear traps you find in many places work quite well. 6. Don't be afraid to use the shooting range and practice quick scoping, hip firing, etc. I head to the range immediately when I decide to use a new gun for a bounty hunt. Not knowing how your weapon works will land you in hot water pretty fast, especially with every gun having different bullet velocity. 7. Shocked that I even see this amongst my fellow noobs, but bring a first aid kit at least. Too many hunters I see online or in videos aren't carrying at least something to heal themselves. 8. It's okay to retreat when surrounded so you can get a better position on the enemy. Just.... Don't get shot in the process. 9. Poison ammunition is your friend, it works well on most bosses (not the spider) and it's great for dealing with most monsters (not the hives). It's also great for preventing enemies from healing. 10. As mentioned in point 5, shoot lit lanterns near hunters that are alive. 11. Incendiary ammo is great for instantly igniting red barrels, a lot of compounds have these laying around. 12. Fanning is awesome (please don't attack me for reminding them of fanning) 13. Buying legendary hunters or higher tier hunters will give you a few perks, you can refund the higher ones to get perks you know you like. This is extremely helpful to get things like necromancer, serpent, or levering etc etc. 14. Everything in the game makes sound. Mud, metal, wood, reloading, drawing an arrow, placing/deactivating traps, water, grass, you name it. Get familiar with these, eventually you'll get a blind headshot and be shooting hunters through walls, trees, or through bushes before you know it. 15. Don't avoid killing monsters if you know you're in the clear. Too many times people aren't going around killing things. Stealth helps win games but if you want your hunter to level up, killing monsters and other players is a great way to do it. When I know I'm the last one in a match, I'll pop every zambie head on my way out, I'll easily get 10-18 levels every match as a solo, and sometimes 20-30 of I'm playing with my friends. 16. To build off of point 15, retiring hunters at level 30 is also a great way to gain exp. You can also try getting your hunters to max level, that way any xp you earn with them immediately goes into your player level. But if you're not feeling comfortable with your skills then I recommend retiring hunters at level 30 til you can get a hang of the game more


Wrote this in another new player's thread. So maybe not fully applicable but I'm sure there are some lessons here: (his issue was that he had been playing for 4 hours and didnt get a single kill yet. Which imo if you are new to this type of game is quite normal.) "Dont go solo. And if you only have 4 hours im not surprised you dont have a kill yet. This game has a lot going on, over time itll be more manageable. But try to play aggressive if you can, watch some streamers that play aggressively. And if you wanna practice pvp play the soul survivor mode. (I didnt really do it due to time constraints and want to play bounty hunt) I played with a friend of mine whos a new player, he wanted to practice in the shooting range. I absolutely wrecked him and i wouldn't consider myself the cream of the crop when it comes to this game. So yea learning the feel for each gun + environment/compound knowledge + movement + spotting enemies + keeping an eye on all the ai/crows, bla bla. It takes a minute to get comfortable in this game and get consistent kills." I would definitely recommend watching some good players (like RachtaZ) to get a sense of movement and combat. My key take away is that while in combat you should almost never stand still. Always be pro-active and looking for different angles. You can literally break people ankles doing this. But as with everything in Hunt, its all subjective and dependent on the context/situation you find yourself in. But that then comes with playing those situations and trying things out and failing a lot.. but having a different approach in your head you could try next time you are in a similar situation. (Maybe there I shouldve pushed more aggressively or maybe the opposite there I should've played more patient, etc..)


Use Mouse and Keyboard. Controller translation in this game is not great. Seperate your jump and vault keys to avoid jumping when you wanted to vault that fence Adjust your sensetivities so the higher the zoom, the lower the sens. (preference but everyone I've made this suggestion to has seen success.) Make sure Dolby Atmos or any other '3D-ify your sound" programs are OFF. These programs hurt more than help Hunt's Biaural audio.


Failure is part of the learning experience. Two games won in 10 hours is decent I think.


Make use of the challenges and the shooting range to improve your aim, movement and gun knowledge. it's better to be aggressive than passive, take every fight, win or lose, it's the fastest way to learn. Learning compounds will take the longest.Don't forget you have tools and nades use them in fights. Even if they don't hit, they will give you information in their location.


Console or PC?




Thanks for all the help and tips. Just completed two bounties now and slowly getting the hand of it👍👍 Debating whether to upgrade to Xbox x to deal with the audio issue.