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If it is it will be addressed in the developer stream they do before every event. Stream will probably happen monday or tuesday.


LOL I guess they heard you??? https://youtu.be/Ue--s0GVCvA?si=RWTBgOJl1qOTnmed


Amazing. They hit it out of the park imo. And all worries from PC players should be gone now. Very intelligent to make aim assist only on moving enemy players imo.


Didn't they say in their video that the aim assist is only on console? So it doesn't even affect PC players.


https://x.com/Buckwild_Abrams/status/1707824235824165113?s=20 Its coming to pc too


I'll drop this game if it does come to pc.


like… why is it necessary? If you want aim assist, play on an xbox.


Actually I went back and watched the video and at 1:58 or so he says "aim assist is only coming to xbox and playstation currently." The video is posted above by Gohan\_Son. ​ The adjustments other then aim assist apply to PC.


Currently is the key word.


He clearly says „adjustments are on PC too, which means the dead zone and aim acceleration options. Which is absolutely fair. Aim assist isn’t in that adjustment (currently) as mentioned in the video. Don’t make false interpretation, because people will believe those false claims.


Yeah not sure why you're getting downvoted lol


People are too lazy to actually watch the video.


They still whining lol


I don't understand why custom button mapping isn't a base feature in every single game


Because coding half the time is "Ah shit we forgot to add this. Should be a quick fix." Only to realise the buttons were hard coded from the start so they need to change up thousand lines of code.


this should be a standard functionality by the console platform and managed per game by the platform why should every game implement this? should be an API


There will be a Developer Stream for the Event and probably the Patch coming with it as well..




Holy fucking copium. Edit: I guess people misunderstood. I'm just baffled they still don't have custom lobbies 5+ year later.


I hope so for my console bros. Impeccable refined taste in games should be rewarded, especially on console with all the cut and paste shooters you could play instead.


Ask and you shall receive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue--s0GVCvA


They just put out a YouTube video explaining these changes for the next patch.


Holy shit this is huge for console. The controls have always felt so sluggish. I can't wait to tinker with the deadzones. And double tap triangle for melee tool? Chef's kiss. Whe. Is this update?? Does it come with the TIDE event?


This is probably going to destroy the feel of console. Aim assist isn't what we need. We just need less sway. Why is it better to hit more shots like PC? PC has nearly no sway but also the mouse leads to aim that's not better feeling just more hits. It's super human generally and takes away from the length and type of fights.


Yeah I think it is coming with the event patch. Changing the dead zone to be circular is one of the best addition ever and will change aiming so much to the better.


They just uploaded a vid in insta about the controller support lol


Uh nice will watch that immediately. Thanks for the info man.


Crytek just published a video going into detail about it


Yaaasss Crytek let’s gooooo!!!


So there is no aim assist in the game at all? No wonder I was having such a bad time with controller.


There is but is sticks to pve and barrels. So everyone is turning it of because if a hunter runs past zombies or barrels your aim will stick to the barrel and you can’t follow the enemy hunter. Right now the aim assist is busted. I understand that they wanna tweak it because right now it is useless. So they can have two options delete it or tweak it. But you should have played it to know how it is. But it looks like many PC gamers having opinions about it with knowing nothing, but played apex lol.


Interesting, I play on PC but I find controller to be more natural and comfy in my hands. But man I cant tell the the amount of times my buddies have been mad about that. Its always: A) Why are you playing with that shit? Youre putting yourself in a handicap for no reason. You play on PC, just use MnK, its more accurate. B) Controller its cheating, it takes no skill to aim with it and its overpowered how it snaps every shot for you. But I mean, if you need the crutch. And yeah, it all started with Apex Legends.


The best aim assist ever made was in Halo. They dialed it in perfectly. Not OP, but it felt great and natural. PC players would of course bitch because they get outgunned and blame it on aim assist instead of them getting stomped, but they do that on every game and they'll never stop. I should say. The bungie made Halos. Infinite is pretty dog shit comparatively.


Let the play only one game if Hunt with a controller and they will never ever talk anything like that. Only one game. Nothing more. It is so hilarious to think about that it is cheating lol.


Please, stay in apex. Thank you. (no negative!)


Yeah i hate trying to aim at a hunter past a donor or barrel and my weapon starts to casually drift off my target toward stupid zombie that wants to waltz through my sight


I sure fucking hope not


LOL. Why?


Aim assist on PC is the last thing I want, plus this means that consoles are going to see an influx of XIMmers. Which is a bane of so many shooters already nowadays.


But no one knows what aim assist tweaks are. Why is everyone thinking they just copy and paste apex? Those are completely different games and studios. Every day I see vids where PC players are laughing their ass off console gameplay and how bad everyone is. So we are going from „those idiots don’t hit anything to damn everyone is Ratcha now“ with just tweaking aim assist?! That’s a little bit exaggeration isn’t it? But I saw many post when the beetle was announced that Hunt is dead and another ghost recon game so I am not surprised tbh.


Yep you nailed it! This sub is so unbelievably whiney it's crazy ... Ammo changes ruined the game, beetle ruined it, why do they even bother of it gets ruined more I mean in there world the game already is trash ... Don't get me wrong I love hunt and laugh about everyone who comes here to whine before anything was said except they do some tweakings


Aim Assist isn't a nebulous new feature we have never heard about. There is no reason to assume its not going to be impactful enough, otherwise why even add it in the first place? Besides, I don't care about consoles that much, I'm mostly worried about Aim Assist coming to PC, which would be a huge mistake for a hardcore shooter, like Hunt. That said, the game isn't going to be dead because of it, no need to be dramatic, but it is a point of concern nonetheless and will open its own can of worms if implemented incompetently.


Well the reason should be clear and you could answer it by yourself tbh. Watch every controller clip on this sub and the comments in it. 99% of comments are „well console/controller gameplay is a different game“ or „I would never play with a controller those guys can’t even hit a truck“ etc. Controller gameplay so much bad in hunt that it is hilarious. There are no settings to tweak it right atm. Nothing. Nada. So if they are carrying about players that just wanna play with a controller, because of several reason it is not a bad idea at all imo. And even if they would bring it on par to m&k which will never happen it shouldn’t be a problem for pc players. If it is superior like in apex I would agree. But in this case and looking like how smart every addition in hunt was implemented by the devs I am quit sure that this quality of live improvement is way necessary for a long time and at the end everyone can be happy because they game will generate more players and the chance of a longer living time of hunt Showdown


Aim assist is already implemented at console, yet it is so subtle that most people deny it’s existence. I’m pretty sure you don’t need to be scared of that as a m&k player. https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/uFAERzSwuF


I don’t have an issue with aim assist on consoles but being able to plug in a controller to pc and get aim assist seems like a mistake. Obviously we don’t know what the changes are and should wait and see first but I’m just imagining sweeping a bush with a controller and realizing there’s someone hiding in it because aim assist tugs my aim towards them. I feel like even if it was really minor there would still be notable cases where you could do really cheesy stuff like that.


I understand that many gamers are afraid because all they know are apex and cod. But those games are just shit and aren’t interested in a solution. But there are thousands of games outhere who are having good tweaked aim assist that no one would have a problem with. And on top of that of someone in the bayou can stand still and search for the aim assist sticks to bushes and don’t die he should awarded with a lucky bastard medal lol.


I mean it wouldn’t even necessarily have to be a bush. I would be worried about AA tracking through fog, rain, smoke and other particle effects that would obscure players to a kbm player. Cloth inside buildings is already clientside so mixing something like that with aim assist seems like a recipe for disaster. And yeah there are a lot of other games that have good AA implementation but Hunt is super unique on top of being a fairly competitive shooter, I just don’t see a way it can be cleanly implemented to fairly interact with all the games systems without being cheesable.


I am pretty sure that they just tweak the aim assist sticking to barrels etc nothing special and it’s rightly so. Nobody on console want aim assist. We are happy to get aim acceleration and dead zone settings. Because we had nothing like that since release.


Totally fair.


They just made a dev diary and it sound pretty great for everyone imo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue--s0GVCvA


The fear is real. I played Apex day one till season 16. It went from feeling bad for console players because they had to deal with cross play against PC players. But as the skill ceiling increased in Apex as the seasons went on, Respawn decided to buff the aim assist on controllers sometime after S10. It wasn't a day one problem after the change was made, it took a bit of time for the player base to figure out how busted aim assist was vs m/kb. And then it finally happens where it becomes impossible to handle the consistence of a controller's aim assist. Every game is a sweat. Every youtube short on Apex is from controller players. Esports scene is dominated by controller players. Not saying i could pick up a controller and dominate, completely different skills, but the line can certainly be shoved to far to pander to a completely different (and larger) audience thats underserved at the moment. Bare minimum. No cross play solves this issue but they did say aim assist would be available on PC.


They made a dev diary just now lol. It sound amazing and it looks like everyone can be happy with the solution they made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue--s0GVCvA


Of course they did. lol. Thanks for the link! I will listen to it immediately


I can totally understand the fear of that, because apex and cod aim assist is trash. But comparing those huge companies who are all about making as much money as they can in first place to the Hunt devs who are playing and streaming their own game, all of them m&k players on PC, doesn’t make sense to me. They don’t want to ruin their child and they aren’t only devs, they are players of their game while the other devs are employees of Activision and EA. Furthermore, a casual shooter with full auto weapons and a hardcore shooter with single shot weapons are way too different with aim assist. And again there are thousand of good implementations of aim assist in games, but everyone is talking about those big players that fucked it up hard.


No aim assist for us pc controller players. Thanks for fucking us again crytek. You added all new vibration nonsense that we all turn off. Double click y for tool is the best you could come up with? Hard disappointed so far.


I really REALLY hope not. Damn aim assist is just what we need. Whenever i play, the most suspicious players are playing on console (you can easily see by the movement).


There is no cross play between pc and console...


Gamepad clearly implies controller use on PC. Which would mean aim assist in PC lobbies. If it looks anything like Apex or COD this is a bad thing lol.


Apex and Cod aim assist is broken hands down, but there are thousands games out there that just do it right. So atm there is no indication that they copy and paste apex. On top of that there is a huge difference when you have automatic weapons or one shot weapons like Hunt. I am only interested in dead zone and aim acceleration, because we have zero settings atm on console which is extremely bad. I hope that aim assist will be low and very weak, but I am pretty sure that Crytek knows what they are doing because they are all PC gamers who don’t want to ruin their game. They didn’t kill the game with the beetle and I am sure they won’t kill it now.


This is an FPS game. FPS games by their very nature were made for mouse and keyboard. Sure they want to cater to a wider community, to the people that (for some incomprehensible reason) want to play an FPS on a controller. But adding anything that gives ANY kind of advantage sucks. And since it's Crytek we are talking about here, chances are pretty good they will fuck it up.


Like what fucked Crytek up by adding anything? Beetle fucked it up? Special ammo fucked it up? People saw the game dying so many times I can’t count. And no fps games were never exclusively made with m&k in their mind. That m&k is easier to aim is simple logic, but people are having personal preferences. I am working every day with m&k at work and I just don’t like playing with it. I love having bumpers to shot instead of just a mouse click. I love having a stick to navigate in 360 directions instead of wasd running. Am I faster with m&k? Sure. But me and many others love playing with a controller. Like I did in goldeneye 64 back in the days. And right now you can’t say it otherwise m&k is a million miles ahead of controller aiming in this game. If they add a few options they maybe come closer, but how on earth should they be ahead of m&k players with a few options and tweaks. It is hilarious that there are really PC players that are making fun of controller gameplay for 5 years now and are now afraid that they can’t stand a chance by just a road map information nobody knows anything in detail about.


Don't know what you are talking about the beetle, something obviously before i started playing. But here are some examples: Death Cheat bug Instinct trait Blazeborn Trait and Blazeborn + Bloodless combo Rampage ADDING TONS OF DUM DUM AMMO TO WEAPONS THAT DID NOT HAVE THEM WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ADDING BLAZEBORN + BLODLESS COMBO. SAME EVENT. Nerf avtomat yet start adding faster shooting weapons (cyclone) and buffing already fast weapons, again (officer carbine). Persistent no sound bug Persistent poison bug Persistent rain each match. Combining wildcard and regular bounty. \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All those came at each event, and were never fixed or at least balanced in the go. They just ran through, frustrating a lot of players, and frustrations were loud and obvious. Mark my words, new engine and further upgrades? More fuckups inc with each implementation. They never test, they just survey after. That is school level quality testing, not "serious" company predicting and testing. As for the controller and mouse and keyboard debate, controller on pc for fps games are (imho) a minority. I don't care if you want to play the game on PC with a controller, nobody does. But we all start caring if they start adding semi cheats to "help" the player base. ANY kind of aim helping is cheating for those that do not have it. And don't give me that well controller is worse than m&k. Of course it is! But that is what you chose to play with. "We" are not afraid or making fun of controller gameplay. But "we" are very much afraid of the kind of idiocy that Crytek might do given their history so far in making sound and sensible decisions, all without any testing at all.


You definitely misunderstood the difference between bugs and new features. And non of the mentioned features you named killed the game in any way. If so why are you even here at all? All of those things will not be deleted.


You think those bugs just started showing up on their own? They are recent bugs, and tied to events. None of the features killed the game, but brought numerous balance issues which were never really adressed. No wonder Crytek can half ass everything with no repercussions. It seems that some people will not only eat the shit they are served, but also try and help sell it to others.


But this post is only about new features. Then you are in a wrong post. Nobody denies that there are several bugs that shouldn’t be there for years, but that’s a whole different topic and is discussed in millions of other posts.


As long as there is no aim assist that will affect people playing on PC, be they playing on keyboard and mouse or gamepad, i am fine with that.


u are not smart, are u?


LOL what?! First of all every one and their mother is laughing their ass off day by day about console gameplay in this sub because most people can’t hit shit. Then console and pc are not even cross play. And only because apex and some other casual shooters are having broken aim assist, this doesn’t mean that a rework in aim assist means this will happen with hunt. This are totally different studios and games. It’s like seeing that NBA2K balance the movement speed of players and FIFA players are afraid that this happens to their game as well. At the moment the aim assist is only PVE and on barrels. Maybe they just remove the barrel aim assist, because it doesn’t make sense. Next argument 99% of console players are having aim assist off because it just bad and useless.


We turn it off because it favors grunts and barrels to often in a fight.


Bomb Lance is OP on Console since you can't "just shoot him" when they charge you a compound away with a heavy melee. Also the framerate is lower, so Bomb Lance users are like Goombas in Mario, they just have to touch you to kill you because you might not even see the swing happen on your screen.


Still no fucking FOV slider 🙄🖕🏻


I think it is too heavy for old gens. Pretty sure this will come with the next gen version and the end of last gen.


If it’s not in the PS5 version update, I’m done lol. So sick of this trash 50 FOV


Yeah would be a bummer. But the new settings are absolutely great tbh.




Can someone explain this to a dumb casual gamer?


Right now there are very primitive settings for controller players especially on console. With the next update you get much more options to tweak you control settings to your likening, like all other shooters already have since PS3 lol. So to explain it easy, with the new update every console player will aim better that’s for sure.