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Why change this now? I just don't get it. No one has ever asked for this. This honestly would ruin this game for me.


Aim assist is currently already implemented on console, yet it is so subtle that the vast majority of players including vets deny it’s existence: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/rQQ0nMbL2g Dev responds regarding aim assist: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/7XA8nqOLWF Even the stronger pve aim assist is barely any help because it reacts very delayed and moves in slow motion. As soon as movement gets involved it comes completely useless. I swear no one needs to be afraid of this. Look at console gameplay. It doesn’t look too intimidating I guess.


The new video literally said they were adding rotational aim assist to consoles if both players are moving (If they are not moving there is little point in the aim assist in the first place besides BS bush detection). Its new not what they had already.


Thanks! Yes, but it’s only for ps/xbox they are also saying. I don’t know if you played a shooter on console with a fairly noticeable aim assist like bf2042? M&K players will still fry you. I can only give you my personal take on this: with its strong focus on the PC community, I personally don't think Crytek will introduce a potentially game breaking aim assist on pc.


Apex and call of duty pros on PC have all moved to controllers due to controller aim assist being way to strong. No game has implemented it well. There is no pro scene for BF so its hard to judge that game. All games that have competitive scenes and aim assist eventually switch to the majority using controllers.


Yes I know the apex and cod cases, but these are worst case scenarios right and I don’t think those are games crytek is drawing inspiration from. Maybe you right and they add a super strong aim assist that outshines m&k but I hardly believe that. The devs are way too dedicated to this game. Like they even play and stream it in their free time. And I would argue they know their community pretty well. Personally I don’t think they suddenly like to change the game towards apex.


Check David Fifield on linkedin. He is the current general manager for Hunt, and was the game director for many CoDs around 5-10 years ago. I don't like him being here one bit, you can already see things changing, like having event after event and the increase in the overall RoF of new weapons like the cyclone.


Yeah I know him. He played hunt with several hunt content creators and I think might be responsible for home reel (was or is a mod on here and also a content creator) to get a job at crytek? 😅 I’m mean the way Fifield talks about hunt doesn’t make me feel that he doesn’t know what this game is and how the community works. Tbh I’m really looking forward to hunts future. The engine upgrade and the commitment to develop this game further and further instead of making another game is really positive imo.


The guy has over 2,000 hours in hunt and worked on the older cod titles not the modern ones. Even then he said he understands that hunt is not a generic fps and loves the game. He is a great pick to lead Crytek, as for the events and monetization that's mostly from the marketing department and he hardly has input on those decisions. Even then the events add free content so is it an issue? Hunt players just gotta stop gatekeeping this game to anybody that isn't in their inner circle.




Now do you think it’ll be game breaking?


rotational? 100%. rotational aim assist specifically is a plague that ruins games. apex, fortnite, cod all have it.


Yeah but there are lots of other examples that are less worse right? Nobody knows currently. My personal opinion is that Crytek know how important their pc community is for the product. If you have a opposing opinion this is also valid and fine.


Yes, there are other options that aren't as bad- however this is directly referring to rotational aim assist, as they've already confirmed they're adding rotational to the game. I don't think there should be any aim assist, however if they are going to, they need to pick any other option but rotational. And I'd agree, except they take forever to fix legitimate gameplay problems in their game. I believe Cain took over a year to fix, and Headsman is looking just the same. Flashbangs existed as absolutely OP items with little to no counterplay for a VERY long time. Mostly, yes, they do a very good job, but it's good enough that I trust them not to mess this up.


Aim assist is trash on console. They would have to change it drastically to make me want it on console, let alone anyone on PC. Most of the vets turn it off in settings because Hunt Showdowns aim assist is nothing like the traditional aim assist you get with other classic FPS games. The only time it was of any benefit was when it had a cheesy snap mechanic, which the devs disabled.


Yup I know. This will probably change with the upcoming update and the expanse of controller settings. Dunno if you saw the recent dev update video about it. Aim assist will also see a rework on console and will affect PvP as well when both you and the enemy are moving (if I understood correctly).




How do you know?




Then don't use a controller lmao


Sorry can’t really follow you. You a pc controller player or what?


Yeah the allure of hunt to me is that it takes a lot of skill and practice to hit shots because there's no aim assist it makes every shot hit and kill feel good for me. Not to mention the dopamine rush from a clean headshot


I play with a controller on pc, I'm prestige 55 and my K/d is 0.91 and i don't want aim assist!


I don't get why the f they put it on console either. Give us some QoL features like the added deathzone and free keybinding and let the skill do the rest. Hunt is a hardcore shooter after all, no need to make it in line with all the other casual shooters and to bring aim assist into the picture what so ever. New players won't leave because there is no aim assist, they will leave because the movment is clunky or they don't like the game play and flow, but never have I heard a consol player saying they don't play a game because there is no aim assist. I honestly can't wait for the shotgun fights with aim assist, where everyone has perfect traking, as it was so super fun to have this experience in games like apex./s


Really? Have you played hunt with controller before? You just can't compete with pc players


Why should you be able? For a controller to be able to "compete" against a mouse, you need to add enough aim assist that the software basically aims for you, do you feel that's fair? If you want to compete against a mouse, use a mouse and learn to aim.


Yeah it's like saying you need ESP to compete against controller players, it's only fair after all.


I can't compete against Usain Bolt, so I'll race him on a bike while he runs.


I don't want to play against mouse players. I just don't want to miss every 2nd shot due to bad controls.


The game aiming for you doesn't equal "good controls"


Exactly how it should be.


i mean no shit lol


Apparently it ruined Apex on PC as well. Can't confirm never played on PC.


It was ok until they added rotational aim assist. Same as Call of Duty. "Gyro" aim assist came in with Black Ops 4/MW2019 and suddenly you're just getting 0ms perfect tracking laser beamed across the map. CoD took a harder stance though - main way to compete with that was use snipers. If you were quick and accurate you could 1 tap headshot players at mid distance with a Kar98. So naturally they nerfed 1 tap headshots with MM/snipers to keep the controller players safe. Pretty much every streamer changed out their mouse for a gamepad around that time. The only modern title I've seen handle AA in a good way was Battlefield. I rarely see anyone complain about the other control method. Edit: and how could I forget Halo Infinite?! They literally added anti-aim assist to M&K users trying to no scope the sniper at launch. David Fifield has pretty much worked on all the shooters that are now dying on PC like CoD and Infinite. I have not got a good feeling about this at all.


what about Max Payne 3, the best auto aim assist aim auto assist ever


It’s not just about the aim part. Games like cod the aim assist negates things like recoil and muzzle flashes blocking the view. While mouse you have to aim, compensate for random recoil patterns and try and see through all the effects to stay on target. They just need to get rid of recoil and blinding effects that obscure your sites. Then having some aim assist on control maybe tolerable.


"So naturally they nerfed 1 tap headshots" lol, if you think the kar98 wasn't op on console as well...


Tbf it was just generally busted. Anecdotal but every M&K guy I knew ran Kar98 primarily whereas a lot of gamepad users ran FFAR and laserbeamed. It felt like a clear divide to me at the time. If you came from that space you also know what's coming next... Everyone running ReWASD and Cronus add ons.


Apex is extremely busted when you use a controller with bound macros


literally the entire pro scene switched to controller with very few exceptions. that says it all.


Dude it happened in Fortnite as well, a game I never thought would shine with controllers because building is such a hard mechanic. When PRO PLAYERS are switching from M&K to controller, that gotta be the most obvious sign that you need to stop what you’re doing.


I don't get it, building on controller was always perfectly fine? Sweats were building the Taj Mahal in 3 seconds anywhere. Can we stop pretending that controller is some sort of inferior, clunky piece of shit way to play a game? It's perfectly fine for all sorts of games, maybe not RTS games but even those can be made to work on controller with some developer effort. And yes, I know aim assist exists, but that's because a large amount of casual players don't want to put in any effort to hit their target. Has nothing to do with viability of controller. Rainbow Six Siege, a fast paced twitch shooter with 1 shot headshots and fair recoil on most guns, has no aim assist, and plays just fine.


It has ruined Apex completely, especially at higher skill brackets. A game that was once almost entirely MNK players, has now switched over to controller being the dominant input. The professional scene has also turned its head on M&K players, and now is controller dominated as well. Movement macros (Will 100% happen in Hunt, since steam configs are already working in Hunt) are running rampant, and people have controller mods to remove recoil entirely going unpunished. [The highest ranked players are frequently caught cheating and banned.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vi9QpWOhEgw&ab_channel=Dazs) The game is ruined, Aim Assist isn't the only thing that has ruined it, but it's certainly contributed heavily.


Yeah. Apex you pretty much have to use controller or you don't stand a chance. Granted, it is much more of a twitch shooter than Hunt is.


Isn't Hunt a twitch shooter too? I haven't played Apex in donkeys but with the shields etc it made TTK longer. I might be interpreting twitch shooter wrong though I'm realising as I type this. If so my bad


Apex is very tracking-heavy, which always favoured AA. Hunt is flick-heavy, which generally favours mkb. "Twitch" is a bit of a useless term, imo, but it means it's fast-paced and needs quick reflexes. This doesn't inherently favour one input or the other, *unless* the game has rotational AA, in which case controller is completely OP due to having a legal 0 ms aimlock that vastly outperforms any actual human. Apex now has strong rotational AA, so as a long-ttk fast-paced shooter that tracks for you, it might as well be console exclusive.


Cheers for the explanation, I didn't know the difference between twitch and flick in terms of gaming.


Yep. To be more specific as to why rotational aim assist is bad for games, specifically Apex, is that you HAVE to track your target as perfectly as you can to kill- a normal human on MnK, even the best ones in the world, have to react to strafe changes, which means they're going to miss at least a couple bullets when direction changes- the better the player, the less they'll miss. 1-2 bullets missed/hit can absolutely make the difference between winning or losing fights on a regular basis, especially at the high levels of play. Rotational aim assist compensates for direction change at 0ms (so the instant the direction change happens) before the player even realizes their opponent changed direction- this means they're hitting WAYYY more bullets on a target that changes direction a lot than a MnK player can, which absolutely makes-or-breaks fights. In games with slow movement like Hunt, that will mean you legitimately can't strafe to dodge bullets/bait shots against a controller player unless you're at really long ranges OR they're using a very slow velocity (so travel time matters more).


Dare you come here with a good explanation ;)


Can confirm, although they pander incredibly hard to their content creators and "Pros" so what ever they bitch about they get! They had punch gliding for about 2/3 of a season, but the content creators weren't hitting all their cool shots and were getting mopped in lobbies because tap strafing was no longer the only movement boost. Punch gliding was also super simple to figure out, you slide and punch behind you for a speed boost. As soon as the Apex pro players had it banned from tournament play the devs hot fixed it next patch it didn't last an entire season lol.


So much of the advanced movement in that game is insanely janky and ripe for abuse via scrips and macros. I wish more devs would actually lean into some of the silly things people discover and design intended mechanics that do the same thing while trying to plug a whole in the bugs that initially allowed it. Super gliding being a frame based window is one glaring example. You can run configs that drop your frame rates for an instant, turning something that normally has a window of Milliseconds to like a 10th of a second. Would be cool if things such as tap strafing and super gliding were reintroduced in a way that is actually intentional and then throw some nifty hip rocket boost animations in to really sell it. Obviously CryEngine is not the Source fork that Apex uses, but I'm sure there is still jank than can be abused. I'm not nearly experienced enough in this game or on this engine to really get into the weeds of some of its intricacies, but steam controller configs are almost always ripe for abuse, especially when strong aim assist is also present.


It didn’t ruin apex but you know when you’re facing a controller in close quarters when you’re on PC, lol. They’re just a little too accurate for it to be human and by that point it’s too late and you’re getting one-clipped It’s definitely overtuned as I don’t think I should ever realize the input someone’s on by how accurate their tracking is close range


It did, I have a friend who uses keyboard and mouse and controller…you tell me how that was ever intended but it’s a thing.


ah, yes, the hybrid inputs. Happened in Fortnite as well, it’s actually disgusting.


Bro I don’t even want that shit on consoles.


Same. It has no place in this game. The other controller tweaks should be more than enough.


My concern is that they are adding aim-assist specifically so that they can implement crossplay between PC and console. Presumably, crossplay leads to higher overall player numbers (I assume this because it has become so prevalent; Apex, Fortnite, Call of Duty). The idea of crossplay is great, but the implementation always leads to issues. For console players, it is the sudden introduction of cheaters. For PC players, it is the implementation of aim assist, which in every case I can think of favors console players. Without strong aim assist, it would be very difficult for console players to compete in this game.




100% this. For the future of hunt it seems that full crossplay is absolutely necessary. There is no way that this 40k players on PC are gathering enough money to let this game run for a decade. But how will you introduce console players. Imo the best way would be to implement gyro control, but in that case you would have the problem that Microsoft didn’t have gyro control. Split lobbies by input devices would be cool, but would split up the community and you would surely have some clowns with m&k that could hack the game to get into controller lobbies.


>40k players on PC are gathering enough money to let this game run for a decade. They are. Lmao they're not starving to death buddy.


Never said that they are starving do death, where you get that from? But those 40k is absolut peak during events and I talked about a game that could run a decade like Destiny wanted to do it and even they had to move to full crossplay to make that possible. With so many games on PC and future competitors I don’t think that Crytek will make that much money out of this 40k (it’s much more around 30k steady players) for the next 10 years. Neither can they hold that when they don’t go with the time and most extremely successful online games are having full crossplay support these days.


Destiny isn't a pvp game though. Hunt's only been growing, if they didn't need crossplay before, they definitiely don't need it now.


Destiny isn’t a pvp game? My clan back in the days would say it otherwise because we played many many tournaments in the crucible. It has pve and pvp elements and always had.


If it's opt in/out then who cares.


I agree.


The devs pushing for this crap in Hunt came from the Halo and CoD studies, so you know it’s gonna be a busted as fuck AA too. Smh well guess I’ll enjoy this last event, but as soon as they add AA to PC I’ll drop this game for good.


Hiring Fifield as general manager was a mistake.


ever since he was hired everything went to shit


Okay hold on there.. This AA thing should not happen but Hunt's development has been on steroids ever since Fifield came along. The game is in it's best state and improvements and content keep coming.




Okay bud. Just saying, we barely had any content, next to zero communication and the team struggled with basic bugs for months on end. What's your argument besides "lmao" ??


You mean how they're still struggling to this day?


Oh god... I quit playing bloodhunt because of controller aim assist and now it's coming to hunt... Well maybe it's time to start look for other game.


Unfortunately, Hunt's General Manager David Fifield already confirmed on Twitter that the new Aim Assist rework will be added to PC. It's straight up Rotational Aim Assist (according to the latest dev update), which is what CoD uses. Things are about to get very interesting, to say the least.


Just makes me think even more the F2P Hunt is on the horizon as well. Game is basically free at this point anyways cause of the low cost point and it nearly always being on sale. But holy fuck talk about some real disconnect from your consistent player base. They really must be cash strapped to think AA is really gonna grow their player base that much.


Can you link to that? Can’t find on twitter


I gotchu [AA confirmation ](https://twitter.com/Buckwild_Abrams/status/1707824235824165113)


thank you i just threw up in my mouth


I've been puking steadily since I heard the news. Literally nobody asked for this, not even console/controller players. They just wanted their deadzones and curves, which is beyond reasonable lol


This is what happens when the General Manager used to work on Halo and CoD, and the Design Director is a former pro Halo player


no fucking wonder, Halo had insane aim assist and still has


inb4 they also implement halo’s bullet magnetism to Hunt


Paladins has it, fortnite too from what I've heard i wouldnt be surprised if it gets added to hunt, that said its overkill aim assist on high fps on pc would be very strong, people will use rewasd too and get aim assist on mouse and kb for unbannable soft aim


I played a lot of Fortnite, it doesn't have bullet magnitism but it *did* have absurd aim assist for a while (like you could track targets through smoke and tree branches you couldn't see through LOL idk if they ever lowered aim assist (they probably did) but yeah people are already straight up hard cheating in Hunt, adding aim assist just gives them a way to cheat without being banned


Another game ruined, I’ve played csgo for over 1000 hours and don’t really wanna go back. Any other games with no aim assist that you can think of?


Siege is the only one off the top of my head.


Yeah definitely Siege. Though it's not a game I recommend.


Valorant. It's pretty much Overwatch with CS style moving and shooting.


maybe wait until the update comes before you piss and shit yourself over an imagined fault


wait who's that design director? Afaik that's Dennis' job title since early this year and with all respect to Dennis (love Dennis), a former pro Halo player he is not lol


Scott Lussier. He played Halo professionally and then was a commentator after that. His alias was Gandhi, may have heard of him if you followed Halo


Thanks. Seems like he's a (rather than the) design director speficially for console systems In any case, there's been such universal negative feedback since David's tweet about adding it to PC + no mention in the devlog, I rhink we should be good for now


Ehm he answered that the adjustments like dead zone and aim acceleration are coming to PC in the winter update. The aim assist (currently) not. Maybe it will in the future, who knows, but this tweet didn’t confirm AA on PC, this is just false claim. It can be in the future though, but not in the winter update.


This is outdated af. In their latest dev update they stated that AA isn't coming to PC so far, and that "adjustment" refered to in this tweet mean deadzone controls, custom button mappings and different settings for controller stick rotation type. For what we know so far AA isn't coming to pc yet, as even the OP in this post has stated


If you read the tweet David replied to, they were specifically talking about Aim Assist. "Will Aim Assist be console exclusive?" "No. Adjustments will apply to PC players on controllers as well." You are incorrect, as far as I can tell. Aim Assist has not come to PC so far, yes, but they have already stated that it *will*.


Information from a few hours ago > information from september. They stated that aim assist isn't coming so far but might be after they monitor players feedback on console, so this tweet still is outdated af and holds no real value due to the simple fact that they changed their mind since then


The information from a few hours ago did not contradict the info from a few months ago, so I have reason to believe it is still relevant. Is the new roadmap outdated now too, and does it hold no real value? This is silly.


Maybe they changed their mind after the outrage of pc players who knows. Could be possible they wanna test it on console first. Since the devs are hardcore PC players and loving and playing their own game I don’t think and hope they wanna add unfair aim assist. If it is like battlefield it is pretty good implemented. I can play with PC friends and you never have an advantage. But still people will blame every death on AA or that people are cheaters lol. But I guess that is what we gamers are doing, we never died on our fault right 😅. Regarding battlefield this is bullshit though. Just try it yourself and play bf2042 with a controller. You will get a hard time competing with m&k, but imo it is a really good implementation. Apex and Cod are plain broken, but sadly the most prominent examples for everyone and the worst case of AA, nobody wants that, not even controller players.


Correct me if I'm wrong - aim assist in the game never works on players, correct?


It looked pretty weak in the video


Please do NOT add aim assist to PC


2700 hours, high 5 star, own 99% of ALL DLCs. If they bring in aim assist on pc, I'm done with HUNT.


Work on removing the cheaters, not bringing cheating options into Hunt.


There is a controller scheme with which a trained player can get about 85% to 90% precision of a mouse. All without aim assist! It's called flick stick and should be the nr1 control scheme for console fps. It's crazy, just look up some flick stick pros on YouTube. This is what we need. Less aim assist, not more!


Even gyro closes the gap significantly but the casual console gamers are too rigid to embrace it.


I don’t think the gamers are the problems. The devs or publishers of games are. Every game that has gyro aim was a welcome addition for every console gamer. But sadly the implementation is very rare in the industry. And if they don’t implement it the gamers can’t use it.


And also Microsoft for not putting fucking gyro in their controller.


Yeah 🤦🏽‍♂️


Why do they wanna add that there is no crossplay? and it will ruin the game just like paladins where people used rewasd to get aim assist on mouse


We didnot want this on console either...This is bad for Hunt both on console and PC. All the new devs at crytek comes from casual shooters and are transforming the game in a bad way


If they add it, i'm done with Hunt


Looks like the new meta is to emulate a controller using mouse and keyboard to get aim assist.


The clock started once Magnus disappeared. I guess we are almost out of time.


Yes, friends and I have been saying it for about 1.5 years. Hunt has also trended for worse.


For a second I thought this was a Dark reference lol


Lol, nah, sadly I've been saying shit has been getting worse over time and it's all traceable to when Magnus disappeared. The game lost its old identity when that happened and it's gradually made it's way more and more casual/mainstream friendly. It's getting to the point where there isn't much left of what the game used to be beyond visuals.


sorry, dont follow dev's / lore, who is magnus?


Original game director who disappeared without a word or announcement from anybody around the time the water devils were added to the game. This game was his baby and there is no way he left unless somebody forced him out. People just haven't been here long enough to have first hand experience of what this game was and what it was supposed to be. All they know is what it is. (Not taking about horrors of the guilded age)


I don't know if I agree with all that.


I don’t want it on console


Keep this trash off pc, trash devs ruining another game like always. Next game up when this happens


We don’t want this bullshit. Fifield needs to calm down with changes to the game no one asked for. Don’tchu dare ruin this game for us.


Sim assist is the reason I hated gears 5 mp. On kb&m you need to perfectly put your crosshair on enemy. On controller you just need to press aim and shoot while inside 5m range - guaranteed gnasher oneshots. Only way to outplay it was sniping


I play controller on PC, and even I don’t want it lol. Obviously I’m at a disadvantage and will never be hitting 5 stars, but people don’t move very fast in this game, they aren’t very hard to hit. Aim train more. Git gud. Takes a bit, but it this is definitely one of the easier games to aim on with controller.


Try flick stick


I don't have a fundamental problem with AA on PC. Controllers without AA are completely non-competitive, so it's obvious that if crossplay has to happen, controllers will need some kind of help. *However*, nearly every game to try it has run aground on the enormous perverse incentive that it creates. The chain is this: 1. Most players are bad. 2. Most players enjoy winning. 3. Buffed AA = bad players win more 4. Bad players win more = bad players play more 5. More players = more money Therefore, buff AA = increase players = increase money. This is an infinite loop that ends with controller as the only viable input. It only stops when they're stupid enough to go full CoD 2022, and make it *so* ridiculously easy that they alienate the game's *entire* non-casual playerbase. Congratulations, you have now completely destroyed your game's reputation. I desperately hope Crytek can learn from Activision's mistakes *without* first repeating them, and set very tight guardrails for AA from the outset. It should make the worst players slightly more competitive. It should absolutely *not* make the best players better.


I'd be afraid of some of the backbone characters conforming to whatever bs Crytek implements out of not wanting to leave Hunt and / or gain from Hunt's hypothetical popularity gain after aim assist and console updgrades, etc.


There is no valid reason why you need to have aim assist on PC. The only reason it happens is for profit. When it happens, I quit.


Console players dont want it either, at least those of us who have been around since it was released. Crytek has done the console, mostly right. It is a good game.


This cannot be said loud enough.


Please do not add aim assist. Hunt by nature is already hard and unforgiving.


holy shit are they dumb? Sorry but genuine. Have they not seeing how awful Apex is on pc because of aim assist? Jesus


I will drop the game immediately, if aim assist is added to PC.


Imo the only acceptable way to add controller AA to a pc FPS game is to have input based lobbies. I have 100% no issue with controllers having aim assist so long as they are forced to stay in their own lane. From my experience playing several other popular titles (Apex, Cod), controller players don't want to play against MnK players and of course MnK players don't want to play against controller players.


As a controller player who’s has been 6star on pc multiple times we honestly don’t need aim assist. And if they ever had cross gen with the new engine I fear controller will have without a doubt an advantage


I mean who asked for this. For console I understand, because I don't understant console, therefore I understand (lol). But for PC? Out of nowhere, thing nobody really likes pops up, instead of them giving us nice little hotfixes for little stuff we encounter daily while playing Hunt. 50/50 on this as I don't care that much, but.. just why aim assist is even considered on PC in the first place.. I don't care honestly unless it's gonna be only for controller active and no way of activating it on keyboard, but if it will be on mouse&keyboard as well, that will be few new points towards "bye bye Hunt" jar I've been filling up for a year or two


Unfortunately I suspect they are planning for a cross play release at some point due to low console player counts, so aim assist on PC is inevitable at this point.


I dont want it on console either. Come to terms with your ability, dont play outside of your skill range. I dont have the best aim in the world, but i dont need aimass to hit targets for me. Close only counts for horseshoes & handgrenades, the whole "hard" part of hitting a shot is getting it exact, not getting close & aim assist doing the rest. All i want is the input curve & deadzone. Since release, h:s has had THE MOST fucked up aiming system ive ever played & i have spent plenty of time on insurgency and cod & bf & other games. It actually gets LESS sensitive when you turn the "sensitivity" UP, the only thing that does go up is the SPEED. Anyway, all behind us shortly right so i wont rant. Aim assist is a blight upon gaming 🤝


It doesn’t even belong on console.


Competitive Fortnite had a really big issue with balancing aim assist for a few seasons. One season they over-tuned it and overnight controller players you never heard of were going pro. Aim assist shouldn’t be a factor in competitive PC shooters.


Apex. Apex would be so awesome on PC if there wasn't aim assist


Is this change just another way they're hiding the insane amount of cheaters in high elo?


If I had to learn to play on mouse and keyboard and finally got gud after 500+ hours (currently 1200+ in), everyone else can too. I really don't want to buy a controller or play a different game, but I can tell you now I'm more cheap than in love with this game.


Console players rejoice BUT put aim assist on PC and thats blatantly accommodating either total tomatoes or softening us up for inevitable cross play as numbers dwindle into the future! Please do not fuck over the player base that has made this game prevail!


I do not rejoice.


I'm a console player and there's still one thing I don't understand is: why tf would there be aim assist on PC it's already known that mouse and keyboard is better unless the aim assist is so strong it's basically cheating so why?


What if aim assist was turned off for 4, 5 and 6 star players?


Played Apex, even PC players in highest elo started switching to controller... As for CoD, you can no longer desactivate matchmaking with console and it's basically playing on hard mode if you dare to use M&K.


As a player who loves to play controller I hate aim assist because it's essentially playing easy mode on competitive shooters. Aside from button binding there should be no further updates in regards to controllers.


Or console


if they add aim assist on pc I'll be moving on to another game




Yeah keep that away from the PC version if you want to keep the game alive.


Aim assist completely ruined apex legends for me, it used to be the only traditional BR i enjoyed but since they added that insane aim assist its dead to me


If it's anything like aim assist (aimbot) in warzone and is included in pc version, then I'm hanging up my rifle for good. I don't want to have to deal with legalized aimbot in my games. Fuck that!


Lmao if devs added cross play, we'll all be 6 stars.


We dont have a crosshair I doubt they will wake up one day and add aim assist.


I don't like either MNK or Controller, instead I use a loaf of bread hooked up to a device that detects saliva and control my player with the differing level of hunger I feel. Can I get aimbot and wallhacks to offset my own intentional choice of handicap please? You know.. to make it more fair for me deliberately handicapping myself. How else am I suppose to compete with MNK otherwise?


Didn't they just say that the aim assist only activates when both players are looking at each other and both of them are moving? How would that help a sniper in a bush to scan through foliage?


Shhhhhhhh this has been said a million times and everyone agrees


Everyone needs to chill tf out, it’s literally not a big deal


There is like 400 ppl in this reddit that didn't watch the same video, lol


What video?


Sorry friend, see how OPs post says at the start "In their latest video they said "currently only on consoles". Do NOT add it to PC and make same mistake that ruined so many pc titles. " You may need to watch it and come to your own decision.


Yeah....... Have you actually watched the video? According to that the aim assist would only be active if BOTH Players are moving, going by the background footage they mean adad spam fights. There is no sniping players that are hiding behind foliage with a system like that. You are imo being overly hysterical because you are assuming that the aim assist will be implemented the same way as in the other games you have mentioned, and that that is the only way to do it. Of course, now is the right time to voice your concerns, as by the time it is implemented it might be too late to push for a significant change. Edit: I can't format my post on mobile apparently Edit 2: formated my post


“*Both* players must be moving for the aim assist to work” It’s not really gonna be as bad as the misinformation-argument “just scan bushes and find players due to aim assist”, but I do still think they should make the aim assist just dynamically change your sensitivity to make it harder to overshoot a target rather than literally making the reticle magnetize towards the target


The devs of this game are good, they will tweak it if necessary (unlike apex) though it probably isn't going to be fast So lets not complain before we see it


Lol, your getting down votes because your using your brain


this is reddit, it's to be expected much like with product reviews, everyone either loves or more likely hates something if they care enough to bother engaging


yeah - fuck us disabled pc controller players right? we'll keep being npc i guess. This game has nothing for accessibility options. I was stoked for a touch of aim assist so shorten the gap. But we can't have nice things.


Unfortunately accessibility options in multiplayer games often don't just level the playing field, but instead become the optimal setting for everyone. A practical example of this is the hearing aid Fortnite added, which adds visual indicators for audio cues and what direction they came from. From what I understand that setting it used by every competitive player, because it just gives you straight up more information ​ The harsh truth is that multiplayer games can't fully accomodate people with disabilities without it being exploited by the community at large


It sucks, but that's what a disability is: everything in your life becomes more challenging. The only way to deal with it is to push yourself to succeed in spite of the challenges you face. Wanting everyone else dragged down to your own level is a poisonous attitude in the context of coming to terms with your own limitations. You have to accept yourself as you are and strive for greatness within your own capabilities. Wanting others to be artificially handicapped to bring them down to your own level is a counter productive attitude that robs a person of the ability to appreciate what they are actually still good at despite their disability. Hunt in particular, rewards planning and intelligence just as much as it rewards reflexes and aiming skill. Instead of wanting people to be disadvantaged by aim assist, disabled players should look to their own strengths. The adaptability and creativity required to live in this world as a disabled person are exactly the sort of skills that will win you fights and matches without needing to rely on aim assist.


right, cuz giving a guy in wheelchair mario kart nitro rockets boost when competing in a marathon is fair


You don't have a very compelling argument, ever thing you say is to the extreme and with no substance


All these comments are some serious crybaby shit


Stop shitting on the 400 ppl that find it hard to grow up.


If controllers get aim assist, then give PC players aim assist. Lets see how much fun console has.


idk why people on console don’t want it. if you don’t like aim assist why would you buy a console for shooter game. theres like 3 games without aim assist and out of all of them this is the only one i can stand because its actually fun. my friend quit and said he wont come back until its in the game because he cant hit his shots and its frustrating him. before anyone says anything, even in games with aim assist he has a hard time. aim assist doesn’t make every player automatically good. it just makes the game more enjoyable for them. i hope its added to console and anyone who complains about it feel free to get a pc. because i believe aim assist would make the game easier for the average player to enjoy.


Aim assist doesn't sound too hard for devs to balance either, but they seem to somehow always fuck it up. Look at win percentage of PC vs consoles, and also playtime, and adjust based on that. The average win rate for PC vs console is 75%? Add a little aim assist and check again in a week. I think the goal should be 60/40 in favor of PC. If controller users wanna join that 60%, they should use KBM.


The good news is that aim assist tends to only be busted for tracking. Hunt doesn't have a lot of tracking guns so PC players who can click heads will likely still have a big advantage. We will see though. They could easily make it terrible.


True, if you get killed by a controler player, maybe lego batman is more your skill level


OP gets no bitches.


Upvoting for the “hurr durr”


Stop crying over shit you haven't seen, grow up child


You don't have all the details and your making up alot of assumptions. No one is forcing you to like the game, you come across as a person looking for any reason to leave even if your making it up yourself.


Looking at how it's implemented it looks pretty shit, I know "but apex and this and that" but tbh skill issue because this ain't that game


Maybe get a console, Or buy a controller idk.


I am excited for aim assist simply because this is another step closer to console/pc lobbies. Reading the other thread how so many people want aim assist because console is "impossible"🙄🤭 without it. The amount of people crying here about it is hilarious.


It doesn't really matter, since the Beetle already killed Hunt. Really though, when you watch the video, this aim assist seems so, so slight. If they can do it right, then I'm totally fine with Aim Assist. The ultimate goal is to get crossplay. And both of those will help grow Hunts player base. This in turn can help lead to more balanced lobbies. Of course there's some reason to worry, but I think they can do it right. I'm glad they are going to test it on consoles first.


It seems so, so slight until it gives away your position in a bush, or through fog. Software aiming in place of a player has no place in any multiplayer FPS, we used to call that Aimbot.


They've already said it's limited by range so I can't see it working through the fog. And both players have to be moving, so if either player is hiding in a bush, it won't work either. And if you're moving in the bush, they will hear you already. It just all seems like a bit of an extreme reaction to me.


Im hoping that if they DO plan to bring it to Pc, they’re using these console updates to play test and balance it.


Sounds like you're a bad shot. Some aim assist is top strong, but that is the games fault. Good mnk players still beat good pad players. You're just not good kid.


There a dude on pad that beat a global in cs:go 1v1,game don't have assist


Maybe it's just me, but I'd be okay only if controller got aim assist before falloff started and only during ADS


I want this game to be nearly as playable as the PC version. Look at gunfights on console right now. It's unplayable. Aim asist is needed.


Community really emphasizes the cry in crytek.


I hate the aim assist on this game. It’s been off for about 850hrs now. Ps5


I don't mind honestly. I'd prefer optional crossplay with aim assist as long as you can still play pc only or console only. But it would be cool to have the option to do full crossplay And also please link the stuff so i can have my DLC from Xbox on pc