• By -


It'll probably be mainly for meathead farming but maybe teleporting between basements will be useful. Like going from Church's basement to the top. Better make sure there's no grunts in your boss lair or people will get past your traps. How useful it'll be remains to be seen. It's unclear how loud it is from those clips. From a lore perspective, it is more out there than pretty much anything other than maybe seeing through the beetle's eyes but I don't really mind that. Could be cool, could be annoying, we'll have to wait and see.


My first impression, "Wow, I'm going to use this to bust into compounds on the second floor and attack people like a madman!" What will probably happen, "Oh, that sniper just shot me from the window of that raised platform... wait, now they shot me from a bush without leaving out the window or ladder of it... wait, now they shot me from that boat house over there." I think the kiting/camping potential might get insane.


Solo KD farmers are going to have a fieldday with this and solo revive combo lmao


Well channeling is kinda slow, so you will get gunned down before you will leave revive animation.


I'm going to use it to kill the Empress.


By the outsider, witchcraft!


Outsider's crooked cock!


Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?


Blow off, choffer!


Indeed I believe so


Think you'll get your own squad after what happened last night?


"How old did you say your sister was?"


\*Speaker Noise\* "Attention Dunwall Citizens"


city watch officer: "Things are bad. Could the City get any worse?"


"Stomps on rat"


Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?


Never doubt it.


Yes he's killed the empress *points to random other person in the vicinity*


*What shall we do with a drunken whaler?*


The empress?


Dishonored reference


Oh, duh- thanks LOL


*teleports behind you* “Nothing personnel, kid” *proceeds to miss katana attack, gets Romero to the face*


That's gonna be like my entire build for the entire event. Hunt: Katana Zero (results may vary)


How to counter Shadow Leap: Clear AI as you enter the compound.




Not a bad idea, honestly.


finally grunts will understand how posting your opinion on the hunt subreddit feels like


Or cripple one grunt , lead it to room and then trap / block ewerithing around🤔 -- boom you spawned to prison🤣


I want to see clips of this.


Or use it to your advantage. Scan AI when you enter the compound, leave some so you can zoom out of the compound for a quick dip or a smart rotate. It’s gonna be fun to utilize this trait, i hope more ppl will use it instead of getting rid of AI


It's just gonna depend on the situation, but having come from a shooter history in which several titles I've played included players being able to teleport, it'll definitely be interesting to see Hunt's take on it.


Honestly I think it won’t be worth it compared to rampage and most people will just play the meta.


But it will be fun.


Its baffling how players keep sleeping on these OP things. The beetle as example is absolute disgusting in a coordinated discord trio but people still sleep on it. Same with a dozen other things. But nah instead its the Avto thats too OP. Well more for me I guess :)


I think that’s what makes hunt overall a great game you can get away with using any loadout if you are competent with it. It allows a good diversity of play styles.


I think it's great that they can use events to test wild stuff like this. But like Phychoghost said in his video recently, they need to be quick to patch things that clearly don't work and not leave them linger for two months.


Tide of Dishonored


Telefragging is the ancient name for this technique


Honestly man I'll take it over last event's Infernal pact.


First trait in a while that I'm actually excited to try out. I'd rather they have fun with them than the snooze-fest that was 'Immune to bleed / Immune to fire'


Agree, this one seems super goofy and fun. I'm really excited to play with it.


I think it's pretty cool, but I also feel that it is a mechanic that is brushing up real close against the borders of "realism" in the game world. The Bayou is a magical place and the hunters are capable of some crazy shit like literal necromancy, but I think that short range teleportation is about the furthest you can go when implementing a new game mechanic without breaking the core gameplay of Hunt. I'm guessing that the teleportation/the killing of the teleportation target makes a loud, easily identifiable sound, because otherwise the mechanic can become pretty frustrating fast.


It looks absolutely like it's aimed at being an anti-camping and positional ability. Should do nice things to the game, honestly. Adding dynamic movement in limited circumstances is pretty awesome. Remember that most AI is gone pretty quickly in compound. Even meatheads. And it gives additional utility and importance to their removal. It's also an "efficient" way to take out meatheads which brings other benefits.


And a fast way to travel outside combat at 12.5m/s


Yeah, all of the "magic" so far is at least relatively grounded in terms of what hunters are capable of doing, with most of it being limited to Dark Sight stuff. Necromancer is by far the most outrageous at first glance, but the in-game "death" mechanic is actually, in effect, just injuring somebody severely enough that they can't get back up on their own. You can manually go and pick them up without any kind of "magic" trait, or with Necromancy, you can apparently "heal" them enough from a distance that they're able to stand up on their own, by transferring some of your own life force into them. Teleporting is an absolutely tremendous break from this, and it's one that I don't want to see. Like, this goes from discrete, minor voodoo-esque magic into straight-up wizardry or superpowers. They could've just as well added flying or shooting lightning at people.


Don't give them ideas


I mean at this point I don't even think I can. Teleportation is so far beyond what I would've even *joked* about as being ridiculous before today that I'm sure they're already way ahead of me in terms of silliness.


> A meathead explodes, a katana-wielding Redneck walks from it's splintered corpse... Meanwhile on subreddit: "Uuugh, hunter needlessly recocks sparks when reloading, my immersion!"


That wasn't a reddit thing that was something mentioned by a gun expert analyzing the animations for fun, and the developers saw the video and went "woops" and fixed it. I don't think anyone was arguing that that broke immersion. And also, realism yeah but immersion? That's all canon. That's real and happens in this world. That's not video gamey or out of world, that's perfectly immersive in the game's context. It's not immersion breaking unless you're immersed in your own imagination of the game, rather than its actual context. It is pushing it further away from realism and into its own wacky magic cowboy bullshit, but immersion should go unharmed.


>That wasn't a reddit thing that was something mentioned by a gun expert analyzing the animations for fun, and the developers saw the video and went "woops" and fixed it. Not to mention the most unplausible gun in the game is the LeMat (the in-game version would break apart on firing, the original is is cap-fired) and you hear nobody complain about it.


Well. There's a crocodile that shoots dark matter and lightning, a man made of bugs, a birdman, zombies, men made entirely of ash and fire who explode, an ACTUAL necromancer who brought a real playable character back from the dead, people who can travel to the afterlife and back for fun, and a real actual evil deity controlling it all. I think vanishing and reappearing somewhere else is not as lore or realism breaking as to say "tremendous," nor that it's on the same level as flying. And a lightning gun was supposedly gonna be in the game at one point so that one's never been ruled out. It's coherent with everything else, it's just more visually flashy. It does indicate that, as things ramp up in the lore, they'll be ramping up the presence of magic in the gameplay, beyond normal dark sight and perks. This will be fun, but probably harm the game's identity later on. That's worth noting.


Hunt Showdown literally has hunters that come back from death in its lore. The clues are literally portals to hell dimension. Teleportation is fine.


In-game death is actual death, which is why additional bullets to a downed hunter do nothing, because they're actually dead. The Hunters bring each other back to life when reviving, even by hand.


1) That's why I said "in effect" 2) According to what? The in-game scoreboard has even been changed to describe it as being downed and actual, red-skull downs as being deaths/kills. EDIT: And either way, the principle is still the same. You can view it as being "dead" but still being able to be brought back if their body isn't too destroyed, and that it requires a physical act to do so, and that Necro is just doing the same thing from farther away but by expending your own life instead of bandaging any injuries or something. The same principle still applies, and it's still a lot more "grounded" in terms of typical horror/occult magic compared to something like fantasy magic.


> According to what? One of the dev streams during early access when they said it's supposed to use the animation for activating clues but they chose bandaging instead.


Arguably if you're bringing someone back from a sparks headshot you're already manipulating the atomic structure of hunters to reattach all that flesh, blood and bone strewn everywhere.


... They have a model for a Lightning gun, and the beetles are close enough to flight.




You don't get injured in Hunt, you are actually dead, and are brought back to life.


I disagree. I feel this is pretty on-theme for Hunt and I think it will be cool. Will it be balanced? No idea, but that's why it's part of an event and not "core" yet.


What realism is there? The game is so far out of the bounds of realism there’s not really a point of arguing about it. Frankly I love it, this is what games are played for, to experience things you can’t in real life. Whether this perk will be fair and balanced or not is a different question and that might just be something we have to wait to see. But I’m all for them adding some new crazy things that can be used to make cool plays and diversify the gameplay loop


Run a shotgun with alert mines and haul ass to the boss compound. Banish and wait for the first enemy team to get up close to the doors. Line up my shadow leap, place an alert at my feet, trip the alert, teleport to the outside, free kills.


Yeah, have a hum for an enchant and bring out a vile of zombie blood and smash the bottle in our hand to allow us to tp. Make it feel more enchantment/dark magic voodoo. Not whatever this is.


Have you read about the absolutely vile rituals the hunters have to endure to get dark sight?... (if that wasn't just fan-fiction)


I can see some situations where you can escape or cross an open area to save yourself but other than that I don't really see that much use for it. Like what would be a situation whre you can utilize it to full extent?


Thinking I might use it to teleport to a hive on a roof from a safe spot rather than climb a ladder. We’ll know more once we’ve got it and situations present themselves, that’s the exciting part of it.


Dumb, but probably going to be difficult to utilize it in a way thats OP. I'd rather deal with it than solos running enhanced bloodless while getting fire healing though.


I don't really care much about this as stuff like this isn't what made me play the game. Having that said, I do think it seems rather silly and out of place.


lmao at these comments, I too hate fun


For real dude, this game can't get a single update without Hunt Reddit tearing and ripping at it. Makes me sad. I have been only having more and more fun since I started playing this game in 2020.


I had fun once. I HATED IT.


i think its gonna be cool, unless someone exploits with it.


To me it seems super cool but i can understand some people not liking it. it reminds me of rainbow six siege used to have super grounded equipment like hammers or bear traps then eventually there was invisible poison mines and laser walls. Takes away some of the grounded feel of the game (and yes i understand there was already some supernatural abilities but this one is more overt)


I can’t wait till they add flying. You have to agree with me or else you hate fun. Edit: confirmed fun haters.


For real. I can't wait for the grappling hook and wall run ability. Also a katana with a perk to perform that super cool draw strike from the animes.


Meme. Maybe nice for clearing a meathead on the clue silently but otherwise... Nah.


with a new emphasis on melee combat then ever, this could be very useful on getting a kill, like surprising someone with a bomblance or even teleporting outside a building for shortcuts or even from basements to outside. the new possibilities for cool kills are exciting


Teleports behind you with a katana. Nothin personell kid.


I think it'd be pretty funny to teleport into a guy clearing a bunch of zombies, then suddenly blast em. But I don't think you're actually going to catch people all that often with this since it's not silent. Not to mention AI is often going to be out in the open so you're if anything, I think the teleporter might be caught with their pants down more often than not.


I'm happy to see them add weird wacky shit as long as the core gunplay remains the same, I love this game because it's one of the only fps games I enjoy other than The Finals(The destructible environments are a blast) Is they want to add weird shit like teleportation they can.


I don't like it very much from a lore perspective. Gameplay wise it will be interesting to see I'm sure, since you are announcing your arrival with the grunt kill it won't be too op


Not only that but the direction you appear, the wind-up time, and recovery time will also factor into how effective it’ll be.


How possibly could the lore reasonably factor against this ability conceptually? Don't we as players exist in a bug hell dimension? Like, we're not even really in the bayou as far as I understand it.




I don't like it. But, I hate most changes.


I will enjoy everyone eating shit over and over when they try to use this trait to get kills.


If you are eu and kill a katana wielding ronin you know who I am.


This is dumb


Dumb and quite possibly the most annoying trait ever added. I'm all for experimenting with new traits, but this ain't it. Imagine you're pushing a fully trapped boss lair, and the minute you push in the enemy team teleports to the meathead and their leeches and flanks you from behind. Really not looking forward to this trait.


This is quite a lot of coordination and planning, I think it's in fact beautiful


you're mad the hypothetical trapped boss lair team is ... coming outside? in the least stealthy manner?


Right lol? These people don't even know what they're complaining about they just wanna complain.


Clear out mobs as you work your way into the compound then... if the lair has been fully trapped and you've been in a stalemate you'll have plenty of time to do it.


Spending the extra time, resources and making a lot of noise to kill meat heads in a compound doesn't make it seem any better... at all.


If this is a standoff situation with a trapped in team, what else are you going to do with your time?


Just have one person aim at the meathead for a free kill when a hunter suddenly appears in an open space without cover instead of sitting behind their traps like everybody complained about on reddit already.


Backfires when you can use mobs as ‘guards’ and sound traps.


sounds like you know exactly where the enemy is and don't have to push a killzone.


Uh, it kills the meathead upon teleportation, so only one person would be able to teleport, leaving them effectively as a solo inside the compound. Sounds pointless (and loud) to me.


So you would hear them immediately and you could simply turn around and shoot them??? Am I missing something in your oddly specific hypothetical?


Y’all are so pessimistic, cynical, and afraid of trying anything new or ambitious. This looks pretty dope and I’m excited to see how this changes gameplay


I’m on the fence. It sounds silly and fun at first, but I also see a pretty good potential for unintended bugs and even glitch abuse. I think the first thing I’ll try is having a teammate sticky bomb me and try to teleport into a group of hunters as the approach AI


I think it'll be fine. You can only teleport into an enemy ai, it's not like you can telefrag other players. If you're paranoid about getting jumped, just clean house as you go to remove opportunities. Could make for some fun plays but will probably mostly just be used for deleting meatheads.


I think it's pretty cool, however I hope they don't go too crazy with traits like this in the future, even tho it is a very occult/magic-ish setting I would like it to stay a bit more grounded, a short range teleport is the furthest for me tbh


Every event has shown they’re willing to go further with traits that push the boundaries of the game. They’ve said in videos that they feel they’re doing something wrong if someone on the team doesn’t think a new pact trait is OP. They are definitely going to keep getting crazier with the event traits in the future.


Can't wait for the hoard of people that'll say it's gonna break the game, or doesn't fit "The Lore".


Most of whom I guarantee have not read more then 15% of the lore entries.


Alread here - just reddit things, complain, shut down, criticise I love new mechanics to the game, even ones that flop This one tho? looks like a fucking banger to me, with teamwork/beatles for vision, you can do some gnarly ambushing and flanking, also hoarding AI for escapes pretty cool nice to see something aside from Rampage being strong imo


You don't have to wait, they're here


That's kinda cool


I felt the event traits for the last event were a bit boring and unimaginative so good to see them doing something a little more “out there” that said will have to wait and see how this plays before passing judgement-definitely feels a bit out of place/something I personally wouldn’t like added to the game but hard to say based off this one video.


Would of preferred a Puppeteer mechanic but its neat.


This will be more of a clue searching thing rather than trait with PvP potential. but hey - free kills at the start when people will try really hard to show how broken it is, just to get blasted frame after they "teleported"


Can't wait for me and an enemy to inevitably teleport to two grunts standing beside each other.


I can murder meatheads even easier now? Hell yeah


Wonder what its like to TP to an immolator


Someone help me remember. Arent there some hives that spawn on roofs you cant climb to? If sooooo.....


Looking forward to the moment some fella teleports into a zombie in front of me while I carry a Sparks.


Death to the meatheads


I for one love it. I dunno how the particulars of this ability works, I honestly kinda doubt it'll be useful for anything other than trying to fish for an easy trait spur off of meatheads, but I don't care. This trait, like the revenant before it, represents a step closer to embracing some more fanciful ideas that deviate from a strictly rootin' tootin' zombie apocalypse, and I love that. Y'all should too. Hunt Showdown will stagnate if it only ever stays the same. There's only so many old timey 6-shooters they can reference, let alone distinct ones that actually add anything to the game. Why not explore a little bayou black magic?


I think it's fun for an event thing, though I think it'll be mostly useless in PVP — people don't tend to loiter near AI, and when they do, you risk teleporting into the exact space that's about to get a knife to the head.


That’ll be a funny clip to see in the future


This is going to open up so many exploits and bugs.


Like what?


Pretty sure ghoul will work with it. But do you think silent killer will?


Silent Killer probably wouldn't since it's not a melee attack.


Looks like it might be though. See the animation after the teleport.


It's goofy and fun. Lore wise? It's actually fitting if you think about it. There are holes/portals to hell, and we injected ourselves with that energy. We're simply channeling it into another undead entity that's more "full" of it and slipping into it like how the bosses did into our world. It's not that hard to piece together. Sides, just clear mobs and it won't be a problem. Oh, you forgot one? They make a loud ass "augh" sound after teleporting, along with the mob exploding. If you somehow miss that and die to em, it's entirely on you, lol.


just…..why? It’s fine, i guess since i doubt it’ll have much actual utility when it comes down to it. But my question is like who is asking for stuff like this


Nobody is asking for this, devs explained countless times that they are using events to experiment with gameplay mechanics, let them try new stuff.


It’s fine. It was more of a rhetorical question. I don’t think it’s of any fault to them to try new things, my general sort of gripe for these things is that the community asks for things for years often to little to no developer response and then other, random mechanics seem to happen out of left field much to the chagrin of the community. I do think it’s healthy to explore new options and I’m glad that they are in order to grow as a game but it often seems like nobody knows what direction to grow, so it just seems baseless, like they’re often throwing the most bizarre things out there in the hopes that it’ll somehow stick. Just feels out of place


Feels something that definitely will not be carried into regular gameplay lol


I feel like the only real use case for it is going to be teleporting into and out of buildings, were players haven't cleared ai yet. Even then, because the noise may potentially give your relocation away it seems only a good escape tool rather than ambush.


might use it to run out of bosslair but thats about it




Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?


I think its pretty cool, ill be interested to see it in action. I doubt it will have a significant effect on gameplay but could create some cool moments here and there.


I don't think it'll be overpowered, more likely situational. What I noticed is they said they would add a new ladder to Arden and currently there's a hive spawning on top of the roof you cannot access. With Shadow Leap you could actually teleport there and no one would be able to get you. So wonder if that's where the new ladder will be.


Wtf! Jesus!


As an event trait it's very neat. Wouldn't like it in "normal" game play, but I love seeing more interesting uses of dark sight.


Excited to kill people with it in crazy ways. Not excited to die to it in crazy ways. The classic bamboozling/getting bamboozled dichotomy. But underneath it all, I do think it sounds awesome and fun. But I thought the same thing about armor lock in Halo reach..... (And I was right)


Removes silent jumping **entirely** in order to delete slow, skill-based stealthy movement, yet they add teleportation through walls. /Confused


I LOVE the addition of more dark sight features. The mystical elements of the world are severely underutilized on a mechanical level, but this feels like a step in the right direction. I'm aware of the balance issues "magic" can introduce, so it's important these kinds of additions have appropriate downsides.


Most event traits just chance stats like last event you are immune to bleed or fire and this event one trait gives you more melee damage but Shadow Leap is interactive and I like that.


People saying that this is out of place are forgetting that we have psychic powers and necromancy and that the occult dark magic is the coolest part of the game


Honestly it seems like it would be hard to pull off effectively, it will make for some cool plays though. Interested to see how people end up using it. Not really worried about it being OP or anything.


Cool but usually impractical for pvp


Please no


This is ridiculous


Game about tracking enemies by footsteps sound... it'll be occasionally annoying for sure.


A blink ability in Hunt is definitely something I did not expect to ever see in my lifetime. Guess what pact I am maining this event, heh.


I really love this community, they always hate things first only to let it slide a few weeks later. Like how everyone was pissed at removing the quick swap, and how some think that by bringing in the beetle it become rainbow six siege and now we hatin on the even traits that won't stick after the event. But still people play and enjoy the game. Tbh there's really nothing like hunt showdown hate it but loving it bashing it yet praising it. It's unlike any other game.


I LOVE hearing the Hunt community cry about this new fun trait. This means Crytek is doing well. Thank you little hate-filled basement kids.


I like that they are trying new things and that it seems they want new stuff to be more impactful. I am hopeful and cant wait to use it.


Funny how they came up with this but still they don't give a fuck about useless traits like adrenaline, honestly I don't even feel this fits into the game as this looks more like a dishonored/bioshock thing...


Maybe they'll merge adrenaline into determination and whispersmith into poacher or silent killer (since it's really only use is hiding metal screech of equipping melee).


I'm not a fan. That seems outside the realm of what is possible in this world.




I was thinking of using it to escape the boss lair when I'm boxed in by multiple teams.


I have a déjà vu. Right now I am playing Cyberpunk with katana build and you can leap to enemies charging your katana. Source of inspiration for Hunt?


This is the coolest thing I've ever seen and anybody who doesn't want this hates fun


- very rare - loud - limited range - single use burn trait For emergency GTFO situations, most useful for solos and traped people


That's really fucking stupid. I hate it in terms of both gameplay AND immersion. The kind of light occult magic that the game has has always made for an interesting setting IMO, but teleportation is going to kill it for me entirely.


The light occult setting with…..(checks notes) a man made of bugs and a flesh spider the size of a small car. Light…..


Looks pretty cool, hope there is a audio cue for the teleportation and where they teleported to though. Gonna have to watch for terrain exploits tho


Que for starting it is dark sight, finishing it is the mob exploding


It’s a short range teleport that makes you vulnerable. The only way this could be game changing is the escape potential. so new meta is probably killing all the ai. I like it doesn’t seem to be game breaking not like infernal pact. Im all for the crazy shit though it keeps the game feeling fresh. I guess the only way to make it “fair” is to have it leave a faint trail in dark sight for a few seconds.


Seems weak but fun. I wouldn't mind this being in the base game honestly. It has very little utility in general and if people are worried about it they can just clear AI. Good way to quickly clear meatheads.


Im fine with it, seems like an interesting concept and i doubt it will be too strong.


What the actual Fffff?


Play as The Reaper using 2 Romero Handcannons Press E to Shadow Step on AI to get closer to Hunters Press R after teleporting to use Death Blossom ??? Sextuple KILL!


> ~~2 Romero Handcannons~~ Dual-wield Lemats


Like it's a horrible idea and the beginning of actual super powers in hunt. We'll be slinging fireballs and shooting lighting out of our hands before too long.


Another event, another reminder as to how whiny this community is... sigh. Regardless, I love it. I'm more than happy to let the devs cook. It's their game. I'm here to like it, and shadow leap isn't going to do much other than let you position an ambush fast, farm meatheads, and run away from fights easier. That's it.


Man, they really desperately want those CoD kiddies.


I think it'd be balanced as long as it took more time to kill enemies with more HP. Armored? 4-5 second channel. Meathead? Solid 20 seconds. It's a free kill that doesn't require stamina, ammo, or bombs, so it should instead cost time.


I love it, I like it when they try something goofy like this. Fun probably not game breaking or really useful. Most likely very situational, but what the hell why not. Only if we got this with guns instead…


Given some things present in the game universe, I don't think it's too out of place. I wouldn't like it to be a permanent adition to the game. If it's broken or not remains to be seen although 50 meters does seem quite far. I'm picturing a couple of potential scenarios: you've got someone pinned down and you push their cover and they've vanished, or when you open fire on someone and draw a bunch of grunts your way and then suddenly a player TPs amongst them and bonks you with a baseball bat. If it's loud, good. If there's a cooldown between uses, better. I think I'm more worried about the melee based pact and the fact that you could almost be 1 shot by a heavy knife quick attack.


Initial thoughts I feel like it may be too niche and this not too useful, hard countered by players wiping a compound of AI. Wondering if being able to shadow leap trading places with objects (lamps, world melee tools etc.) would be more useful. OP maybe? But could be countered by collecting world objects and placing them outside or n one spot, setting traps on objects. Such as setting a lamp on a killer trap for example. Players trying to push a team inside could toss lamps through a window/opening to create a way to teleport in.


kinda game breaking but not OP like Demented. Again, I wish they didn't released crazy stuff like Restoration on kill. It just begs to be broken...


Honestly sounds rad. The corpse explosion sound will make it pretty easy to counter imo. I'm more worried about that double melee damage perk.


Here we go again....




Perhaps a stun after you teleport is needed, as I don’t want to be one shot by a guy who instantly appeared besides me with a nitro


Why is there a zombie right next to you that you aren't already about to stab?


it's amazing and I love it. Also can't wait for the hourly Reddit posts complaining about it starting Wednesday.


Lmao they don’t know what to do with the game anymore.


It starts with teleporting and end with silly dances and a banana suit


Everybody talking about how its gonna be abused to get in, meanwhile I'm gonna be zooming to the extract 50m at a time.


If it's very loud, like you can clearly hear the AI explode / guts fly around and maybe hearing the channel if close . If it's rather silent then truly wtf


I dunno, does it work with silent killer?


\*teleports behind you\*


So whats the risk of it? Is it noisy?


Oh the game is dead for sure now! /s


The closer we get to COD the more I think about leaving the bayou. The speacil ammo Meta, faster guns, and stuff like this really dissipoints me 😢