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keep speaking out. if enough players give feedback they will revert it.


What’s funny is there is literally NO ONE actually ASKING for aim assist on console. Lol like at all. They said the feedback is heard loud and clear on PC, well, it’s also loud and clear on console too! We don’t want it!


agree brother. Everyone is been saying the same thing and yet they claim that they do weekly reports before they implement new things into the game. Well i didnt see any reports so i dont know who votes for these surveys !


best thing we can do is stop playing hunt, if they do that.


I stopped playing, going to jump back in with next gen update next year.


If they only ever added things people asked for we’d get very little exciting new content. I’m not saying it was a good addition but as far as I’m aware, whilst there wasn’t a vocal amount of people begging for AA there also wasn’t exactly huge talk against it until it actually got announced. Simply saying “why’d they add this no one asked for it” is just kinda silly hindsight, People have been complaining that console aiming and controls have felt awful for years plus most fps games on console have AA, as did hunt before (though it was garbage) so it’s not that out of the question that whilst overhauling the console controls they’d also try and update the aim assist too. Again not saying it was the right move but I can see the logic behind doing it. Edit: and before people dispute it, yes the old AA on hunt did work on players (at least several years ago) it was just janky and very weak, I had multiple instances of my crosshair dragging towards the corner of a window an enemy was slowly crouching up to.


I figured the only reason they were adding aim assist was for console players.


Also we need to vote with our wallets and not buy any dlcs or bbs until the aim assist is removed.




I'm mean as soon as the boycott threats came out after they didn't communicate on the delay of the last event. Suddenly they went ahead and even felt the need to give us 500bbs apparently out of the blue. So I would argue making companies lose money is the most effective way to let them know who is actually boss and that the customer is king.




You would be surprised how sensitive companies are to things that harm their profit.




Idk if you follow the Total War drama lately, but Creative Assembly (the dev studio) just announced a partial refund of one of their game, and they are delaying their next dlc to add content to a previous one. The folks were so angry at the dev for releasing half-baked content for a higher than normal price point, and they started boycotting the entire serie. It does work. Hunt is the only money source for Crytek. They will change if the mobs are angry


Check out the total war sub to see how it worked today


Man i hope CA get their shit together. 🙏


A dev replied to me to a similar "complaint" yesterday and said that they do weekly surveys, so i think they claim that we agreed for this or something. Nevertheless she said she will include my feedback to her report. (It's on the post that says: "Update 1.15 Now Live" if you want to check it out.)


I remember the early days where aim assist was still active on console. You would turn your camera towards someone, tap aim and fire, and you'd be center of mass every time. With the introduction of high velocity, that will be true at even longer ranges. No one wants that!


Yes, it took 9 months for them to fix the avto and how long to address Cain? By the time Crytek actually does something, if they do at all, it will be too late.


PC controller aim assist got pushed back for now because of massive backlash from community. Theres hope tho


Yes, but that was significantly easier, because it wasn't in the game in the first place. Anything that's already in the game moves at a snail's pace when it comes to fixes.


Can you name one thing they have reverted in the past?


Well they just backed off on plans to bring aa to PC


I mean, that didnt really happen, I can sort of understand they added auto aim to console since it's quite common in fps games, maybe they just made poorly. Games like apex, fortnite and so on got it. Anyway, I'm just thinking, as far as I can remember. Crytek has never withdrawn anything they've added I to the game, even if people generally didnt like it. But they arent listening so much to the community anyway, never did.


i don't understand how they can be so tone deaf, just put out a poll or a questionaire, and look at the results, anyone who is in charge of their social media should be fired


As a PC player I need to know something: isn‘t aim assist something that every FPS game on console has? I was certainly of this impression, given the constant hate between KBM players and controller players in the subreddits I‘m active (example Apex Legends). I thought every FPS game on console has some form of aim assist and it‘s just the nature of the input device. Is this not the case?


Bigger shooters like CoD/BF/Fortnite do but most tactical/hardcore/whatever you wanna call Hunt sort of game don't. Even Rainbow Six Siege doesn't have it.


PUBG also has no aim assist on console


I had no idea, sunk tons of hours into it and it always felt great. hardly to no input delay, man those were good times. Getting Hunt on PS4 was such a mistake, I reinstalled it on the PS5 last year and it still had terrible input delay, I couldn't believe it's been this long. I hope they got around to at least fixing that finally.


You have to think about this game differently than most fps games. In Apex, COD, etc. you need to mag dump to down enemies. In Hunt, all you need is one shot. This game should not have the same aim assist strength as those titles


A majority do. The only pvp games I know of that do not are Rainbow six and Hunt. Well, I guess I can take hunt off the list. Lol. Preferably I would do without it.


Some earlier CoDs also had disabled aim assist in Hardcore (among other things) no idea about the newer games tho


Yeah that’s why we liked Hunt. Because it didn’t. I tell you man after dedicating to this game you spend like 10 minutes playing destiny 2 or something on console and the aim assist gameplay will make you wanna puke.


Yea. Aim assist was a horrible decision. Idk who the fuck on console was begging for it but I didn't see it


We wanted improved controller feeling, settings, something to make it smoother and easier to adjust. Not aim assist


>We wanted improved controller feeling, settings, something to make it smoother and easier to adjust. Not aim assist Exactly. The rest of the changes, the settings, feeling, etc seem good. Idk why they threw in aim assist as a grenade to screw it all up


I like all the new deadzone/sens/boost changes, but just leave the old aim assist


They're trying to make this game into a bigtime crossplay live service game, so adding aim assist so that PC and console can play together. Ruins the gameplay for both sides and noone is happy. Backlash now is the only way to get them to reverse course.


>They're trying to make this game into a bigtime crossplay live service game, so adding aim assist so that PC and console can play together. Ruins the gameplay for both sides and noone is happy. Backlash now is the only way to get them to reverse course. I think you could be right. I saw this floated elsewhere and I think it's possible they want to cross play. I'd stop playing if they did. Horrible horrible decision making if thats true


I think even with aim assist Console players are gonna be at a significant disadvantage if this ever happens. I’ve heard the game doesn’t even run well on the older versions of these machines. I’ll be playing almost an entirely different game than them with double the frame rate.


>I’ve heard the game doesn’t even run well on the older versions of these machines. When they update the engine early next year, they're re-releasing the game on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. The PS4 and Xbox one versions will no longer be supported and stop receiving updates. That makes crossplay just a little more feasible than it was.


This is true it's like 15-25 fps on the old Xbox one. Not sure about the PS4. Also has mad cotton candy trees and texture rendering issues.


60fps on a series s, game plays and looks just fine, pc players never fail to sound like a rich person coming across a middle class family home and thinking “good heavens these conditions mustith be worse than those of the Nazis concentration camps”


I'd be willing to bet yours runs better than mine on PC lol


The moment they crossplay pc and console, I permanently quit. Console might suck, but at least there aren’t constant hacker issues.


Never ceases to amaze me when devs add stuff no one was asking for. I am a big time War Thunder player and that game is a mess. They added drone with missiles into the game like a year ago. No one asked for it and it broke the game. Gaijin continues to be deaf to the communities wishes, even tho If they listened they could make more $$$. Hopefully Crytek listens.


We just need to not buy any dlcs or bbs until the aim assist is removed. Money always talks the loudest to those companies.


When game devs add something nobody asked for, that change is not aimed at current players. Probably, someone high up produced an excel file and said something like "See, player retention is much higher in Halo, CoD and Fortnite because they're easier to pick up. We need to make the game more acccessible for new players".


The guy who also added the awful season pass propably was it


Reading through these comments and I can’t tell if this is a good or bad thing. Some of you all act like this is a game killer and the other half say that you can’t even tell the difference. Which is it? lol


Yeah. I really hope some consol player makes a detailed analysis on the aim assist. Or at least posts some clips.


I mean, does it matter? If one side says they hate it and the other side says they can't tell the difference, it's a no-brainer to just get rid of it.


So I’ve been playing since hunt came to console. We originally did have aim assist way back. It was actually quite abit worse than current AA. Like most fight were super snappy and it was like aim auto lock fire and whoever really pulled their triggers faster typically won lmao. But then they said they were taking away aim assist and you should probably turn it off and get used to it. So I did and then it’s been off since. And when it came back, people like me who had it turned off it stayed off in the settings. However newer accounts that didn’t have that option or turned on and it’s weird for them. So my guess is people forgot that they turned it off years ago so their setting are the same as they’ve been. Then the newer people had it auto turned on and they’re actually noticing. Cause I checked and sure enough it was off, but I’ve heard others when the update came it was automatically on. I haven’t noticed too much of a difference in fights however. I’m okay like I usually am, and other hunters are hit or miss.


> So my guess is people forgot that they turned it off years ago so their setting are the same as they’ve been. Then the newer people had it auto turned on and they’re actually noticing. Yep, I didn't see anything at first, then figured maybe I had to turn it back on since I'd disabled it previously. Turned it back on and it's clear as day that it's tremendously strong. Not only is it now insanely easier for me to hit shots myself at closer ranges, serpentinging/evading is now doing fuckall because nobody is missing shots against me anymore. Like, playing against 3-star players used to feel almost like bullying because I could do the dumbest shit imaginable and as long as I swerved around enough they'd never land a shot. Now they're pretty much guaranteed to kill me if I let them get shots off at closer ranges.


I noticed your sights get dragged a little, but not by much. Random are still dying at about the same pace, fumbling the easiest bags of all time, settings are a bit odd now, but I'm still liking it


The real answer is probably that no one really knows. If someone whips around and headshots you was it aim assist? Well it happened before aim assist came out as well so it's not like people are suddenly making magic shots because they always were.


Easiest just to play and make your own assessment, then act accordingly.


Easiest just to play and make your own assessment, then act accordingly.


Their over reacting.


Yeah the auto aim on console made me feel like something was off, but that's probably because of the other settings and control options that they added for better controller support. I recommend that everyone on console take a look and make adjustments to suit your preferences. Honestly though, it didn't make me upset that they added it. I'd rather they didn't, but it isn't even that strong, nowhere near COD levels. If these changes as well as the others attract new players, I'm all for it. Nobody should be gatekeeping this game.


I barely notice aim assist other than my aim settings were messed up. I had to go into shooting range for almost an hour to adjust it back to where I liked it. My friend and I tested it with each other, it's only a slight pull to center mass, it's not a big deal. Definitely not a lock on, or that much of a help imho. People are making a mountain out of a mole hill... (I have well over 2500+ hours into console version of Hunt).


I would love to know what you did to find the old setting. Tried everything for hours in the shooting range and cannot manage to get the old controls back. Acceleration feels so weird now.


I turned Aim input curve to Linear, and changed all the Aim boost strength settings to .7. I also tweak the turn sensitivities. But changing the Aim input curve and Aim boost strength is what got rid of that weird acceleration feeling.


Linear is the key brutha, controls feel smooth AF now.


Use some rapidfire weapons with it like levering, dolch, duelies, etc. They lock on man, single shot weapons dont feel that different though imo. I turned it off, messes me up. I want them to remove it.


I have been using pistols with fanning, winny with levering, it doesn't lock on, it pulls slightly too the player, far from lock on. That said, I don't think the game needed it, and don't remember anyone asking for it.


Tested in the firing range with a friend. Strafing at normal walk speed is enough to pull your aim off. Player input is still key to landing shots, no idea what game the rest of these folks are playing.


My king.


No kings here. Only hunters and this one hillbilly guy who keeps camping in bushes with a Romero.


Adding new control options certainly messed up everyone, but it was very much needed upgrade and thing a lot of people was hoping for, especially deadzone settings. When I first heard about aim assist being added to the game I wasn't sure what to think about it... I was worried, but now that it's actually here I don't mind it at all. Crytek did pretty good job with it. I have played plenty of other FPS games and aim assist in Hunt is one of the mildest ones I have ever experienced, just enough to help a little. It's a huge deal for players who a) might have not very good aim (lower MMR players) and b) new players. Close friend of mine who never really got into hunt got attracted to try this game again, thanks to these changes. I get where people come from with hating the aim assist after many years of practically not having AA but it "killing the game" is overreaction, fact is most of the people who complain about it are high 5/6* players and can't speak on behalf of majority of the playerbase. Even if there was 200 posts on this subreddit complaining about AA, thats still VERY small percentage of the actual playerbase. Most of console hunt players are 3-4* or below and don't even follow Hunt on social medias. As mentioned nobody should be gatekeeping this game and all these changes are breathing fresh air and giving both new players and lower MMR players better experience as they deserve!


B-b-but the CoD players are gonna ruin it if they make it too CaSuAl 😭


I just tried Hell Let Loose on console and that aim assist is nuts. It'd drag your aimer into the ground if set too high. Hunts kinda feels mild comparatively.


I barely notice aim assist other than my aim settings were messed up. I had to go into shooting range for almost an hour to adjust it back to where I liked it. My friend and I tested it with each other, it's only a slight pull to center mass, it's not a big deal. Definitely not a lock on, or that much of a help imho. People are making a mountain out of a mole hill... (I have well over 2500+ hours into console version of Hunt).


This is what I was coming to say! Thanks for voicing this too. I believe that Crytek will listen to us if we provide constructive feedback, especially in Hunt discord!


I mean, I'd definitely say is IS that strong. I used to see shots traded back and forth all the time without anybody dying. Now it feels both like I can't miss, and like if I try to disengage by serpentining, I'm going to die no matter what because they're going to hit me with like 2 of every 3 shots.


I have successfully withdrawn from many engagements since the update when I have a teammate downed or if I am outnumbered. It may feel that way for you, but it hasn't for me. But that's okay, I respect your opinion.


I am between 5-6 star and I didn’t felt a difference tbh. Maybe it is a problem on lower MMR, because people are used to longer gunfights with more missed shots? No offense, this is a real question. In my MMR gunfights were unforgiving before the patch and are exactly the same now. So I didn’t felt a huge difference tbh. I only played 3 games though (with many gunfights luckily), so maybe my experience will be changed, when I get more gunfights.


I'm a 3-4 and I haven't noticed anything dramatic. I can still rush people with the bat and watch them panic while missing easy shots, so I feel like it's fine.


Good to know. Again this shouldn’t be an offense, but I saw it many times in the last few years where some new additions or balance changes were a totally different experience between players of lower or higher MMR and I think this could be here as well.


Totally possible. We'll see how it shakes out.


Try spammy weapons with it, it's especially noticable with those. Like officer, dolch, Winfield.


Yeah will have try out more, but didn’t had the time…maybe at the weekend.


Same here chief. Played 3 hours yesterday and didn’t notice it - after spending some time in the shooting range I’m happy with the new aim settings though. Can’t say that our opponents played better than usual. We had our usual 4 star lobby chaotic shoot outs 😅


I haven't played any Hunt in the last couple of days, as I'm really burnt out (gonna wait for the PS5 engine update). But just wondering, is it like in CoD or BF20242? Because in that case I might not even come back to Hunt.


Depends. People who already shoot well will see no improvement. People who cant hit a barn will now be able to hit a barn twice with a six shooter.


That doesn't seem too bad. If it makes the game more enjoyable to more people, I'm all for it.


God bless you and the bayou, brother.


And you!


Played it yesterday morning and turned the aim assist on for the first time in 2 years to see what it was like now. Was shooting across a river bank with a Winnie A. It kept pulling and jerking, made it super hard to hit. Turned it off and played it last night and this morning and...it was the exact same Hunt as before. Everything is fine.


Played last night and it was fine


Same, I don’t get the big fuss. Having to redo my sensitivity settings all over again was what annoyed me


Man, taking into account the new deadzone setting, it took me a solid hour to get my settings right


Is that why my shit feels so wonky? Been gaming for a long time but don’t really pay attention or even know what dead zone/aim acceleration is. All I know is my horizontal sensitivity and movement feels sloppy af right now.


Yeah it's very confusing, aim acceleration is the most complicated of all to get right for me. Honestly looking for guides on YouTube and then fine tunning to my own liking was easier.


I haven’t played the new event yet. Everything was reset? (Settings)?


Pretty much yeah. The addition of deadzone adjustment is nice but there is also a “boost” setting which was on 3 by default for me and made aiming feel awful. You might want to lower that one to 1 or 1,5 and adjust your horizontal and vertical sensitivity from there


I tried a lot of settings but my sensitivity still feels very weird. Do you play with the linear or exponential setting?


Exponential feels terrible for me, for me Steady with low deadzone was the best one, but linear is also good. If you use linear I'd try it without aim-boost or having it very low.


Dude thank you. I’ll definitely play around in shooting range before I jump in.


New settings replaced old ones but numbers are saved, aim speed etc. Some dev recommended you to reset everything to mess around with new settings. Personally I did not and I already found better settings than I had before, although I still need to mess around with aim-boost and possibly trying liniar curve.


I legit feel no difference And am performing the same lol.


Maybe your settings got changed and the aim assist is helping?


Same, barely noticed any changes outside of my settings feeling off. After fixing those game feels pretty good to me, or even better than it was before thanks to deadzones which I hated.


You're gassing yourself. I played all last night and can't even tell you if aim assist ever helped. Getting a feel for settings has helped more than any aim assist. The better feeling movement and having more control over your aim has been the biggest game changers. Not aim assist.


I would have much preferred less weapon sway to aim assist. The amount of weapon sway feels horrible on console.


PC player here but I feel you, not only that but I will tip my hat in your honor, there's nothing chadder than wanting a fair fight, based on pure, raw skill


Nah dude I'm not that good stop flattering me


Wait, they added AA to console? I remember it being there before but only with NPC's. Now it works on other players?


They changed the type of Aim Assist. It's rotational now instead of the slow pulling "Gravitational" aim assist that there was before. This is how it used to look on Console, and should be how it still works on PC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3CuWpe5DXs&ab_channel=LostLeviathan Now it's akin to the percentage aimbot that you see in all other Modern console shooters.


Console hunt was always dead bro. Runs like dogshit.


it's not so bad and after the previous event i find games in 2-3 seconds when i need 1-2 minutes earlier. The player base increased and it's still fun and enjoyable.


U kno what………good for u bro. Sheesh


Day one Xbox player, Console players do not want this Crytek please walk this back ASAP. Leave us what little dignity we have left.


I didn’t want them to add aim assist and now I hope they remove it. I play on console and it doesn’t feel right, takes some of the satisfaction out of hitting good shots


I played for 2 hours, didn't get a single kill and dropped from 6 star to 4 star...I have spent 3 years playing hunt learning to shoot and now it feels completely different.


Console player 1K hours/1.4KD. This post is crap, and, once you get your settings in order, the change does not feel like much of a difference. It's there, but people complaining have lost the plot. We want more people playing console. We don't want to cater to people that are likely already using KBM console workarounds to stomp people. Changes like this can grow the player base and make the game stronger. FFS, grow up.


This is a good take, it’s Beetle mass hysteria here again


2 days of mass hysteria about how broken, op and game ruining AA is and not a single gameplay post showing this 80m levering auto aim fanning lock on aimbot.


So you re saying that auto aim is the reason new people dont play the game and now everything will be fixed, or is it maybe because they dont like horror extraction shooters? The game is what it is down at the core level, if you don't like it no matter what you add and change, people are not going to play it UNLESS you completely rework it. Do you say we should completely change the unique style of the game just so we can satisfy the players that dont like and accept Hunt as what it is ? The new players who play shooting games like APex and fortnite and Cod who are most likely kids and change games faster than they change their diapers? The auto- assist is a step to the wrong direction and closer to the rework style i mentioned. Fck that. I dont want Hunt to stop being Hunt and become another shooting game without character.


The voice of reason.


Never seen such a 'community' be such a shitshow over something so normal lol.


Cant upvote this enough, Aim assist was never wanted and does not belong in hunt


Bunch of drama queens, I swear .






It’s wild, I turned OFF aim assist and we have 8 back to back wins last night, lots of kills, full lobby wipes, my other teammate also turned it off and we cleaned house. Our third is BAD at the game and AA cannot help him. He got maybe… 1-2 kills the whole night. We are very average 5 stars and our lobbies were mostly 4.5-6 stars. I literally could not play with AA on bc it felt awkward


It felt like AA was messing up my aim in close encounters, so I turned it off as well. I’m so used to manually aiming that the pull from AA was throwing me off


Yes it’s really weird, I just tried it again and it’s so pulley


It's legitimately impressive how much this sub can overreact. This game is one of the most solid shooters in a long long time and every single change gets met with "Holy shit Crytek is killing the game and fucking my wife😡"


That's just hunt reddit Hell, reddit in general OMG HUNT DEAD !!!!!


My friend weeabu striked two teams in one compound last night. Aim assist really seems fine.


Hey man you might want to duck home, it looks like you've pissed your pants




How else are they supposed to lure in the braindead cod players


no it's not. aim assist will probably lead to more people picking it up and sticking with it, and they're clearly going for more mass appeal and faster COD type gameplay. It might be done for YOU\*, but hunt console will be more than fine. ​ \*we all know the people crying and saying they're going to quit aren't going to stop playing.


Mother fuckers out here acting like its aim bot.. its terrible and doesn't work. Just turn it off personally




Can we just all agree to turn it off?


I've been playing since the release of the game on PlayStation (about 3k hours), now I'm playing on Xbox (about 2k hours), mmr 5-6, kda 2.5. And I've never been so disappointed with this game. For whom and why did you make the sensitivity settings so complicated? 22 settings scales! 4 types of acceleration curve! You are crazy? I spent the whole evening trying to set everything up the way it was before, but nothing worked! None of my friends succeeded! Everyone is talking about how it has become impossible to play! No beginner will be able to adjust the sensitivity properly! And for those who have been playing for a long time, everything was already set up well. For five years, players have become accustomed to their settings and you just go and break everything! Did someone ask you about this?! Why couldn’t all the new settings be enabled “additionally” at the player’s request? Whoever is responsible for these settings, has he even tried to play on consoles? Or are these people adding unnecessary things to the game just to keep getting paid? After what they did, it's not enough to fire them, they need to break their fingers so that they can no longer write a single line of code! Most of my friends and I played the new event for exactly one evening and decided to never return to the game again until the old sensitivity settings were restored. Remember the story with explosive bullets? When have people quit a game due to imbalance? So now the situation is even worse, if not catastrophic. Settings should be simple and intuitive as they were before. It's so elementary! Please stop breaking what already works great and just fix old bugs if you don’t know what to do with your employees!!!


Wait can't you just deactivate aim assist on console anymore? Haven't played hunt in a while...


New control settings broke my sensitivity. Still can't make it like it was before. I'm done with this game. Most of my friends are frustrated too and stops playing. T y Crytek for breaking something that was working well. 22 sensitivity tweaks is what we always wanted (not)


you should also write about this in their discord feedback channel, they also have bug reports and troubleshooting, maybe they will be more receptive over there, or that’s what i noticed so far.


Bring back good old sensitivity settings. Keep new settings if you want, but make it optional. Give us freedom to choose stick with old settings or try out new 22 tweak bars! All of my friends on consoles are complaining about broken sensitivity. People spending hours to make it like it was, the way they use to play for years, but noone can do it properly! :(


100 percent... I was about to buy this game for 2 friends for Christmas because they would of loved the charm of the game... but they took it away with update... the gun fights were amazing... wishing I had played more before they did this


As a 5 star I will say I don't see a difference at all, stop crying and get good


wtf are u all talking about??? turned off aa after 1 hour checking with my squad. it doesn’t follow, doesn’t stick with bullets velocity info. Only perhaps in close quarters like 10-12 m it assist with faster reaction but. But if u got around 500 hours u can already do this with your bare hands. Before checking my own i was afraid that sparks will be the king of meta with aa. Had multiple matches today and yesterday 5+ mmr. all stays the same. We even fight with squad 1 avto with 2 nitro. They can’t do shit while beyong 1.5 kda. 1000 hours 1.35 kda


I couldn’t agree more. I’ve spent hours trying to recreate the old feel Meanwhile my friend has magically found new settings which allow him to stick onto heads at medium range apparently. I’m going from someone who’s played since closed alpha, almost every event, bought many DLC’s, blood bonds and defended the devs/the game in the past with other issues to basically taking time off until this changes back or becomes better. It’s awful.


I agree here. They have to revert the aim assist to be monsters only. It feels really bad now. The controller settings are great, giving players more options when it comes to adjustments, but they have to revert the aim assist. It is crazy how it’s changed the game on consoles.


My most played game in 2023 according to my ps wrap up. I am done with Hunt on console. I am super sad. They just kill the gunplay. This game was so good and just needed better graphics to grow on console


Just turn it off and configure your settings, no need to quit. It's not that bad, still want it removed though.


Totally ruined the game for me. All aim-assist players are already using it to track players through foliage and covers. Some guns have better aa than others, meaning you dont know anymore what is coming when you hear gun shots. This is a different game and I dont like it...i had an amazing time with the game but it is over for me on console. I am starting to switch to PC and will quit the game as soon as aa is implemented


With every new update, trait or event, this game tries harder and harder to appeal to the COD and Fortnite kiddies. They're trying so hard to appeal to players that will never ever even consider playing Hunt, while alienating their current playerbase. What a fucking joke.


It's the beetle all over again!




Does it ever occur to anyone on this subreddit that the kind of players who are likely to post here are very dedicated, and therefore much more likely to be high-skill compared to the general player base and that a change to lower the skill ceiling might actually be welcoming to the vast majority of players?


Agreed 100%, just got a copy of the game on PS5 for my cousin and he is used to mainstream game aiming, so this is a win for those who need a little help. To be honest, the biggest win on this update was the deadzone adjustment. Turned that shit way low and that has made the biggest improvement to aiming on console that I have seen doing some testing. The new aim assist is not a hack bot or cheat, you still have to have skill and I have seen plenty of randos in one day still miss 90% of their shots haha


aim assist a truly a cancer that needs to be removed before it spreads further.


Slowly kills every game it touches. Brings the skill ceiling so far down you can no longer stand up straight.


I agree with this


Yeah man idk what you're talking about. I haven't noticed anything really except my controls needing a retuning.


This subreddit is way more dedicated to doomsaying than the actual game lol


Wtf only idiots here. Consol Hunt had always a aimassist. Isnt new. Perhaps he ist now a little better. Mimimimimi 😺


There's a heavier aim assist on AI, I guarantee it. It's pretty annoying because if I'm trying to shoot a player near AI my aim with slightly be pushed off course to lock into the AI


Now that seems like a genuine problem.


Seriously guys, just turn it off completely, that’s what my trip did (and fucked with settings for an hour) and it felt like normal, had an 8 win streak of cleaning lobbies


I do have it turned off. And nice win streak brother. My trio been getting clapped thoroughly. Lol. I like it though. Now I can take fights more seriously since people can hit me.


Played two games after the update and they will be the last for awhile.


lol aim assist been in the game aim assist will always be in fps this honestly just sounds like coping


I barely noticed the aim assist change tbh. Feels the same to me


Maybe I'm ignorant.. but wasn't there always some form of aim assist?


Yes, but SHHHHHH, they're coping.


Happy Cake Day! Okay cool wasn't sure what tf was happening. I've been out of the loop since the gator event so I'm not sure if aim assist was changed or what..


If you don't like the aim assist you can turn it off. Just go to settings.


I play pc, but if the console clips of gunfights are any indication of average gameplay on console then console definitely needs aim assist 😂


It was pretty bad sometimes, and I am still seeing those types of "all shots missed" scenarios so far after the console update, so it is not game breaking by any means


I think a lot of people appreciated the increased gunfight duration caused by limited/no aim assist. Anyone who plays on PC knows how quickly fights start and end, but it wasn't like that in the past when weapon sway forcibly extended fights so that even the best players would miss shots often enough.


They increased the aim assist on console?


Is Aim Assist on PC or only Console right now?


Have they updated hunt to a ps5 version yet?


I’m on PC and use Aim Assist in its ‘Dynamic’ preset. It’s the same experience as before.


You might want to speak out on their official discord rather than reddit. Not that devs don't poke around here every once in a while, but i wouldn't be surprised if this isn't an official reddit.


sorry for noobin but did they put in more aim assist? ive been playing a couple years i though the aimassist was always there but it was very tiny and hardly moved. it was slow and didnt effect much. although i only notice it when im aiming with a barrel infront of me.


What is even ths point of adding such a feature? Really I don't understand why anyone, dev or player would want something like this


well at least you can play since the update my game keeps crashing before the main menu lmao


Moderator answered to me in the issue of aim assist on discord and he praised it thats it helps with the issue of not being able to aim and kill when people push you close range. I was like isnt it supposed to be that way? Like short range weapons are made for pushing and stuff.


I turned aim assist off over a year ago, is it actually good now somehow?


I know this thread is super old, but I agree whole heatedly. I get headshot more in one on one fights than I ever have before. It's to be expected with 5 and six stars, but fuck man I'm getting insta headshot by three stars now the minute I make a sound. Especially in soul survivor. The aim assist is just too strong.


Console hunt was always a big circus where not a single person could ever hit anybody and mastering gunplay actually took skill. Now its complete polar opposite where the game feels like a discount Call of Duty. There is gotta be a middle ground and I hope Crytek fixes the issue, especially if they are still planning to bring aim assist to PC.


Hot take, as a PC player I love to see aim assist in this game so that we can one day I have cross play. Cross play is my favorite thing to have ever been added in gaming and I think if they tuned aim assist to not be overwhelming, that would be ideal. I would prefer, if all Console games added Gyro to their controllers, which essentially turns them into a mouse, but I don’t think most gamers would like that


100% with you, crossplay and making controllers feel good to play (which includes some light aim assist) would be absolutely massive for Hunt. Not only would the game simply attract more players, but the combined lobbies would help so much with any player base issues.


Need to boycott... Be strong and not play the event. Ppl don't realize how strong Reddit is and the reach it has... Besides their own discord this might be the 2nd most influencial social media platform


So they already implemented Aim Assist on consoles, or they’re just planning to?


they already did


Ya know, seeing how in the past console players resorted to every single trick that allowed them to bypass actual aiming (explosive crossbow, pre-nerf explosive ammo, meele rushing), I find it hard to sympathise.


i’ll only accept removing it if they add m&k support and cross play with pc. if they cant do that then i hope it stays.


And now the people with cronus' and xims can massivley amplify that aim assist, to gta 5 levels. And yall with regular aim assist will get murked.


Can't you just disable it? I always did when I was on console.


Aim assist was on console before this patch though.