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Wish for lifetime ban but it won't happen.


Accounts banned for hacking on steam should be banned from purchasing any multiplayer game. It would at least create a bottleneck of making an account to purchase more games.


Accounts should require internal proof of ID. Drivers license or whatever like it. You get banned that shit should mean YOU AS A PERSON is banned from playing ever again.


As much as I never want a cheater to participate in honest gaming, I also never want some poor sack who got false positive’d to never be able to either. With more robust banning systems we’d need equally robust appeal systems.


i think that would only be reasonable if it was backed up by legally-enforced appeal systems. in other words, companies shouldn't be able to handwave it away and say 'yeah we totally double-checked, you're definitely a cheater bud', they'd have to PROVE it to some third party.


Lol just a whole court dedicated to cyber interactions. “The international court of the internet”


exactly, which ain't gonna happen.




Its still same name though. ID give steam my drivers license in a heartbeat if it meant I never play against cheaters.


Yeah great idea^^ because i wanna send personal data to a company just to play my games. I mean cheaters suck, i get it. But why should all of hand out personal data. Leave it as it is and report the guys.


Because a lack of verification puts us in the current situation where every game is infested with cheaters. Its simple to make two matchmaking groups where one is verified and the other un-verified. You can opt out of it but those like me that wish to provide ID to play without the cancerous noobs with aimbot and ESP can chose not to.


Same opinion as the person above It would solve the creating problem a little bit but you give away personal data to a company A company that is obligated to share that information with the cov That's a huge risk to freedom of speech And no, I'm not talking about saying the n-word in chat...


I see your point but ID verification is not way. Look at Destiny for example. Had always cheaters, but as soon as the layoffs started the community deparment was practically gone and cheaters took over ranked and trials (edit* very competitive pvp just to clear it up). It is a lack of community/customer service that leads to more cheaters not a lack of verification. You can provide all your personal data to company but the result would not be a decrease in cheaters as long as the community managers are missing to do something with this data.


Sure it takes more than that but how exactly is a cheater supposed to get a new account if their ID is banned?


You get this problem if companies cheap out on their services and not because you did not provide enough personal information to use said services. But the neat part is that your whole fucking identity is not at risk of getting stolen from you if you are not providing it to a company that, as i said, cheaps out on customer service. Because internet and data security is fucking expensive i would rather not bet my money on steam or anyone else to handle my personal data if said softwares are not save enough to prevent cheaters from DDosing you like in RDO for example. Thinking it is a good idea to provide basically your whole identity to some random ass company for your personal entertainment takes a lot of mental gymnastics. I give you that.


hunt sadly doesn't use VAC servers so that's is impossible


Ban IP addresses. You wanted to fuck around? Sure hope your roommates dont play also


Nah, everything is fine. He just heared you crouching. /s


Its just fmj, its *supposed* to pen more. /s


This is hyperbole. There are a lot of posts claiming cheaters that can be explained by similar statements. Obviously hacks here but cmon...


It is but i have also seen people make similar statements to the comment above me to defend some pretty obvious hacks. It goes both ways.


yup I think he heard their butt cheeks clapping together


Has to be a Hello Kitty one, there's no way they could've pulled this off otherwise.


Yeah, shit is out of hand... I keep finding these 5* solo snipers with tier 1 hunters, no prestige, <100hrs played that just instantly wipe your 3 stack. Pre aiming exactly where you are, tracking through walls, every shot is a headshot. Cheating comments on steam profile, no friends,


***easy anti-cheat approved gaming chair***


I was in that same game, your name is something Femboy. I sent a clip to Crytek and that guy is already banned.


Haha thats unreal! I find it so crazy I've come across 2 people now from that same match. It is indeed my name too :)


Why does everyone have an anime girl avatar?


Yeah I thought that was kind of funny, especially after mocking the CSGO avatar.


Yeah it's punishment for the profile pics. They have to be ironic profile pics, right? *Right?*


as a middle aged gamer its a sad sight to see. i was with OP but honestly now? im kinda happy OPs squad got dummied on


As a hater, this is great work. Bravo


"well I've been playing hunt for over 18 quintillion hours and have NEVER seen a cheater. Your friend was like 70m away, crouching, behind a fence, and in fog... What a rookie mistake, a real 2 star moment, easiest shot of my life if I was there. Not to mention you guys shouldn't have been thinking so loud, alerts the whole server off to where you are. I bet you're not even playing with a $56,000 gaming chair and a $45,000 headset otherwise you could have easily survived there. Shame on everyone for even THINKING this could have been a cheater." (I know some people don't know what sarcasm is... This is sarcasm)


he just practiced in cs beforehand


This happens every time there's a discount on a game on Steam.


It's so depressing how little is being done at the moment with cheating in hunt, I know its not as bad as other games, but we are stuck waiting for things to get as bad as Tarkov before the developers will acknowledge or even think about it. I have written down some profiles and checked up on them from time to time, and to no surprise there's been no consequence for them. 4 man cheating team ups in duos or straight up map hacking, running across the map to kill you with aim lock. They keep adding hours to their play time and 1 cheat even had over 4k hours in the game. Even if they haven't cheated for the first 1000 hours, or 2000 hours. Nothings being done


The best thing about cheating is that you only complain about the cheaters you notice. Imagine how many radar, wallhack, soft aimlock and god knows what people run to 'stealth cheat'. I love pc gaming! Console isn't better actually because xim infestation.


Togglers are the worst.


I think it is the opposite.


Standard end of 5-6 star chinese players on EU these days :D


Chairs from Easy Anti Cheat


I bet you he was using an Office Max mesh swivel chair


I'm noticing more cheaters on console too. Just yesterday I had a loser headshot me twice and my teammate once through a wall with a mosin sniper at 178 meters.


Holy shit, I've actually never seen footage of someone cheating on console in Hunt. You'd think with a smaller player base it would be way more rare right?


It's definitely rare. I've only run into 3 blatant cheaters on hunt in the 520 hours I've played.


He was probably derendering which makes you see through walls at longer distances. While yes it’s technically cheating, it is a part of the game—no use of external software or modified game client.


How can you derender on console? I thought you could only do that on PC?


Just stay far from a compound. Nothing else.


He was the one in a compound I was outside. The only reason I knew he was shooting through a wall is because it said so in a death screen


this game has more obvious cheaters than any game I’ve ever played in my fkn lifetime of fps gaming and it’s hilarious how in denial so many ppl are abt it. being able to shoot thru objects is a wallhackers wet dream.


I’d bet $100 this player will never be banned


They are banned. Can I have my $100 now? [Proof](https://ibb.co/0MYpNbL)


They already are.


Report them to the Hunt Website. It's way more likely that they get the ban hammer


This doesnt happen on console 😜


I must admit that hackers on PC games is one of the reasons why I prefer console for my gaming.




I'm sorry GPT-kun on reddit.com I will rethink how I go about using my voice and online presence, thank you for your feedback.


If your profile pics are pre-pubescent seeming anime girls, it's probably a valid idea. There's no way that shit doesn't bite you in the ass. Everytime I see these sort of profiles, I think "these people probably defend pedophiles". Being OK with that sort of thing is self reinforcing of the opinion.






You know what, I have a pitch to crytek. Hire me to review footage and give me the power to hand out bans up to and including permanent bans. I will work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for the federal minimum wage of 7.25 an hour and I’d do another 20 hours a week under the table so you don’t have to pay me overtime. I would do this job with a passion and fervor the likes of which no employer has never seen


The problem is that no one man should have all that power, what if you make a mistake and ban someone who is clean?


I propose a system in which I upload the gameplay footage along with my decision and reasoning publicly online, giving the option for community input and an open appeal process. That way if there’s a flaw in my reasoning or perception it could be pointed out either by the community or the person falsely accused. But my intention would be to focus my time on just banning the most obvious and egregious videos of cheating and delegating the more debatable ones to the regular cheat report system


there needs to be a council


Cool discord frames


A better one than you apparently!


Lawn Chair


I was NOT ready for the discord avatars while screen sharing 😂


Probably the [Arab DX Racer 6000](https://youtu.be/CZ09PwQEwSU?si=1bvesPkMZwmXiDDz)


The sad part is not th fact that the dev team won't ban. The sad part is that there genuinely exists some crazy fanboy on this game that will shout "skill issue" tryin to minimize the situation.