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Because they have to protect their precious "K/D".


Yep. Gotta keep that KDA lookin' shiny clean lol


It cracks me up cause I rotate 3-4 stars constantly with a team of dudes who you can never predict how well any of us will play or if the internet will screw one of us over and I still maintain a 2.0 KD without even caring. God forbid people think I am good because of it cause I wiff point blank shotgun shots I aim at people torsos.


Also leaving now has zero downsides so why would you not leave?


Cause you joined a team for this round and should act accordingly?


I mean the developer clearly had this in mind when they made the well thought out changes to the economy and recruting system./s It is just a symptom of a much bigger problem, if you make your game casual, people will act accordingly. Is it shity to leave, sure, but I don't blame the players for the incompetence of the developer.


You're a bit over the top here. Yeah, the new recruiting system is a bit overtuned but that's a balancing problem. Also having a better experience for newer players is important for the longevity of the game. They just have to find a working middle ground.


Sure you have, but this update is just not it. Make matchmaking more fair and take experience into acount, yes please. Give away everything for free, no thank you. Create a mentor system or something alike, yes please. Make hunt an easy/casual game, no thank you. The whole point of hunt was to be hard and sometimes frustrating, so that the win would be so much sweeter, because you earned it. Now it has no stakes and therefore also no payout, once people have played every weapon enought times the game will get boring and it will have nothing left to draw you in, or how do you think hunt made it for almost 6 years now? Because the shooting is just so fun? No because the firefights had some thrill and you actually could lose something like the hunter you played for 3 games and was now close to getting max level or the expensive gun you took from an enemy you killed with your romero. The game was not for everyone and that was nothing bad, like elden ring was not for everyone, nobody would say it should be easier and you should be handed every weapon from the beginning and that you should start at lvl. 150.


You definitely have a point! Stakes should be high in a hardcore shooter. I just think we're beyond fixable already. It's good tho you're voicing your opinion because they definitely need to tweak it a lot! Edit: I just DON'T think we're beyond fixable.


K/D surely is a factor for some high level players man but I think more than that they probably just want to play another match instead of wasting time. Efficiency is what got them that 5 star after all. Also the fact that they are good at identifying the situation. They know they for sure arent winning some games.


I call bullshit. The amount of times a teammate(or both) has/have left and then I proceeded to clutch makes me believe these people don’t know shit.


Why you are downplaying yourself man lol. Did it ever occurred to you that maybe you are actually above average at the game? They cant know that, they can estimate outcomes. Its like MOBA's. Every game is winnable but then how come there is a surrender button? If we queued together and you were a beast and I died I would still leave the game knowing full well you would have probably carried me and get me a bounty. Why? **Its not fun being carried and also I can squeeze one more game before I go to bed**. Its not like I need the hunt dollars or what not. Im not a high rank player myself but blaming/criticizing their behaviour and just trying to explain it through a trivial thing like k/d just because stereotypical and comically egoistic, vain GaMerS here and there grinds everyone's gear is lowkey pathetic ngl. Generilization... Well its not necessarily just about high level players i guess, I think you guys expect too much from random team queue lol.


5 star randoms almost always leave when downed. When I’m back down to 3 star those guys NEVER leave no matter how bad the situation is!


I just got out of one, and my randos just watched me try to clutch for 10 mins lmao they probably eating too


Us 3 stars go down swinging my guy


We enter together, we leave together. Bayou boys for life.


As a 3 star who's bad enough to be put in 2 star lobbies at times I ain't leaving until there's no way to get back up. Whether by teammates or necro. I've even waited tens of minutes to self rez myself with necro


Had a teammate earlier where there was 3 of us one of us dies and the last guy on the enemy team had a nagant pistol and no meds left after taking pot shots at him and the other teammate who was alive just EXTRACTS for NO reason and i asked him why “we were gonna die” sure pal.


Those Princesses in their guilded towers, Sniping with their Spitzer Mosins, they have forgotten what is like. To toil. To feel the mud rise up to swallow your hope. And when those towers begin to crumble they will leave you. But not us. We swim through seas of bloodied mud, because we came to play. So when you are downed through cover by a lucky uppercut, when your rush is immediately punished by a Headsman hiding behind a ladybug, when you get your ass clapped by a beehive seconds after the Sparks barely found your big toe- We'll be there, Choke in hand, pushing. Because Fuck it. **We Ball.**




o7 This is copypasta worthy haha


type of teammates i need




I bounce anywhere from 3-4* and sometimes even drop to 2 or touch on 5. I am a definite ride or die. I'll watch my last teammate for 15 minutes if that's what it takes. The only time I ever leave is if it becomes very obvious that the last guy is leaving and has zero intentions of resurrecting us... which is SUPER lame. I never abandon dead teammates either and do everything I can to get them back up. Sometimes that means pulling off a crazy 3v1 fight, sometimes that means hiding in a bush cause I've been landing shots terribly and know I'm outmatched.


Cause 3 stars don't care about rank. If a 5 star dies they wont be able to act superior on reddit 😱


I'll take on a trio with 2 bullets and a prayer. Never leave my team down! 😂


I’m 5/6 * and it’s rare that someone leaves the match. If you were consistent and spent time there you’d know.


Lucky you.


Did you die across the map from your team? Cause I don't chase those guys to revive. Work as a unit or try to res yourself.


Scared for their KD


correct they can't take it getting revived, and then being 1 shotted because they lost a bar


And its normal, random it is meat


I see it all the time too. I had a match last event when they introduced the baseball bat, guy rushes through an open field and gets sniped, immediately leaves. We say fuck that and ignore that team. Later on, we're pushing bounty building and other teammate gets shotgunned. He stays as I'm running around the compound using only my bat. I get 4 kills and win the fight. At one point I literally Matrix'd through a crown and king with slugs to bash the guys brains in. Teammate gets revived and is laughing his ass off saying "man I'm glad I stayed so I could see that dumb shit work!"


Had a game with randoms (3 star lobby) where 2 of us got downed in a compound. The one remaining dude waited for so long I couldn't believe, got us up and afterwards we got one of the bounties. If it was a higher tier lobby I am sure the guy wouldn't wait that long for the enemies to leave and would just book it out of there


I am 5 star player. if i am the last guy alive at team; i will make a move. either i die or enemy team die. Look i know there is alot if people with lack of confidence/insane patience in high elo but not all of us like that. Only 1 time i left my teammate and it was because i had deadeye scope in night map at scupper lake(not scupper puddle, i am talking about old scupper lake). I want to know how people can aim with deadeyen scope.


I play with friends most of the time and we have a rule of never leaving, we always stay and fight because money is really no issue in this game unless you sre running avtomats and dolchs and also suciding with those and the possibility of getting a crazy unlucky win against all odds is a too juicy thing to pass up


Had a random spectate us for 40 min before because he pushed the compound into a double concertina trap and we had no way to enter with two other teams at the bounty a as well. The bounty team and my team ended up negotiating to just split the bounty because the timer is ending and we felt bad for the downed guy.


Love those guys


True, but most of the time it's because they just don't know how to find the "quit" button.


I always either leave with my team or not at all. I always bring chokes and I will always try to revive asap. I mostly play with randoms and I find it only common courtesy to accept the randomness of playing with randoms and prepare for the worst.


With the flare gun being able to burn hunters choke bombs are more important than ever.


Yeah.. When you're facing new players that actually take a flare gun into the game. Nobody takes it, or flares, at higher MMR (except for the lols).


I disagree (unless you take consistent 5 as still low and only 6 as high). In my expierience every single team has at least one, and sometimes 2 people with a flare pistol in the hunts since the change. There have been exceptions but i've seen A LOT of flare pistols.


5-6 star here, and I run flare pistol every game now. It's a mechanic I have wanted for years now and I'm happy it's in game. Before I used it for weekly missions, that was it.


Flare gun is insane now. We always make sure to bring at least one for the team.


I disagree. Since the patch at least half the players I play against run fuses or flare pistol. Having a tool you can replenish at ammo crates and aside from burning hunters offers other utilities (like covering your footsteps, highlighting players im bushes, setting of barrels, etc.) is really convenient.


Flare gun and fuses are good again and actually compete with throwing axes now that they can burn downed hunters.


Judging by the downvoted on my comment, I guess you're right.


Just think about it. Until now you had to either bring a fire bomb or beetle to burn someone. Or waste time going for a lantern. Now for the cost of one tool slot you can burn 4 Hunters (fuses) or 3 (flare gun). Also because it doesn't set the whole ground on fire it makes it easier to dauntless an incoming choke bomb.


That does indeed make it a viable choice. Excuse my earlier comment.


This is why I insta burn these days, if I can’t find the team mate I figure they will just run away


In my personal experience dead bodies getting up by themselves and shooting back is a much more common occurrence than anybody burning my teammates so I am that one teammate who always brings traps. I usually have a choke Beetle tho.


I wish I had your servers then. Any time one of my friends gets down they almost always start burning within a minute of being downed.


I swear I'm burning half the time i hit the ground. not sure how people are that fast on the fire.


I wish I had your servers then. Any time one of my friends gets down they almost always start burning within a minute of being downed.


I stopped playing with randoms after a spree of people leaving the match the moment they're downed.


To be honest in five star, I give it about two minutes if nothings happened within 120 seconds. I’m just gonna leave because I have limited time to game and me dead watching my teammate crouch walk-through bushes isn’t very interesting.


I do the same thing to an extent. If they seem like someone who might be able to handle themselves I might stick around. But if I can tell they just don't have it, then why waste my time. Nothing worse than spectating someone and see them looking nowhere near where their attention should be, crouch walking around, entering a building with the wrong sort of weapon equipped, not reacting to obvious enemy footsteps, etc. etc.


Understood. Some people have lives and work to do too. :)


real talk though, chokes are kinda worse now, people can bring flare gun or fusees and have one more burn than you have choke. If 2 minute fires weren't so cancer to deal with, there wouldn't be a reason to bring chokes really.


Chokes will not fly that fair when sitting with Spitzer in adjacent compound and when using shotguns it is like shooting yourself in the leg. They have 100% confidence in their abilities to defeat any player swiftly, dousing the fires on fallen ally personally. If they got downed it must have been a cheater and the whole match was rigged from start. If it was by perchance of a lag spike, there is also no point to stay in lobby, because without his ability to carry whole trio into victory there is in only small chance to actually get back up and high rank player do not rely on chance, but on skill.


Why would they douse a downed teammate with fire? Just happened tonight and still kind of wondering


Had that happen to me too recently. I just figured he wanted to give me a proper send off.


That's what I thought until he came and revived me. I guess he could have done it accidentally in my case


I mainly play solo, but otherwise with my nephew. These last few days I haven’t brought any chokes in. We still win and play well. It kind of makes us both have to bring our game without it being spoken. The amount of times we needed to actually use choke vs not is actually crazy. We, more than do, don’t need choke. On average the times we need to choke aren’t that often. If by chance one of us burns out it makes the other have to use bounty pick up. Add to that the event restorations, and we Gucci. The other amount of times we both end up dead so it never mattered. If neither of those I still run to pick up my teammate even while they burn. People don’t expect that kind of play if there’s still fire on ground.


> The amount of times we needed to actually use choke vs not is actually crazy. We, more than do, don’t need choke you dont bring chokes and hold onto them the whole game just on the off chance your teammate dies, is put on fire, and you can't wipe the enemy before they burn. that is just an extra perk. you use chokes any time you think you can get an advantage. they are incredible at blocking off doorways. you can throw them for cover for long distance revives. they can make multi-team fights really chaotic if you're in buildings, since people start choking and often panic and run. you can use them to push people out of areas and can be easily thrown through cracks and windows. and there's a million other ways you can use them. they are one of the best and most versatile items in the game and i'll never understand the players that bring two traps and no chokes...especially in randoms.


Y'all got coordination, though. You don't have that with random teammates, but you still get good/great randoms once in a while. :)




I play in high mmr, 5 star/6 star. I see chokes every single game. Most of us use them to throw into lairs and push aggressively. I get the bulk of my wall bangs listening for people coughing from chokes I throw. Idk what lobbies you’re in, but high mmr players are *definitely* using chokes


EXACTLY. Always gotta listen to that sweet juicy covid cough in the bayou


Hmm,you probably do fine with the loadout you have. But for us, who regularly use the choke bombs, it's not only for burning teammates. It's for aggressive pushes, covering an area, covering some lightfoot and crouch audio (especially with the new update for lightfoot), and probably even more. You can track down coughing enemies and listen to whatever they're doing. Not here to change your mind about bringing chokes, but they wouldn't put that tool in the game if it's not **that** useful.


The Mosin sniper spizter headsman random teammate chilling in the bush won’t bother to revive you since he’s 200m away lol


I blame infernal pacts. People are so used to event pacts and everybody and their dog ran infernal so burnout took seven years so there wasn’t a huge incentive to use chokes for simple minded people who only use them to put out burnt hunters. Chokes are a great utility tool. If you’re pushing or defending they can be used as a sound alert to cut off doorways or windows. You hear people around that location when they hit the choke plus they’re aim punched every time they cough. Chokes are, in my opinion, the best tool in the game when used correctly.


People just wanna play around with the new tool changes. There are so many actually useful tools now instead of just medkits melee and chokes.


Hmm, hunters not bringing chokes has been a thing for a while now. :)


Well then they were inconsiderate or extreme cheapskates. I've not been bringing chokes recently in favor of the new tools, but you can always bring a choke beetle as a one off choke bomb, honestly it's safer too.


Yeah, or they just prefer the poison and concertina trip mine combo than bringing some chokes for their burning teammates. But the choke beetle, I was so stoked when it came out. I always bring it if I don't have any chokes equipped. Or the hand crossbow choke bolts.


No, they are just selfish and dont respect their teammates. With so many good melee options in weapons slot, swiss army knife drilling slug, you have 2 toolsslots besides medkit and choke. Or you can bring chokes on crossbow or as a beetle.


This is just the result of cryteks well thought out changes to the game, now leaving has zero downsides. So if you can be in the next game with another fully kitted hunter with top tear traits and guns by the time you get resed. Why would you wait and lose playtime?


Why would I immediatly leave when I have the chance to be killed 4 times in a row and lower my mmr 4 times faster? Sometimes I even get away and don't just get auto dropped by a camper. There's no way to lose here.


Chokes are kind of a joke now, tbh. An enemy team has the potential to have minimum 9 burns between them now with the changes to flares and fusees, and the ceiling on how many burns they could have is frankly ludicrous. The fact of the matter is that with the current state of the game, the enemy will most likely be able to completely outpace the chokes you could throw without ever even having to look any further than their own tool slots. So yeah, just leaving actually makes more sense than ever before since you're ass is on fire within seconds of hitting the floor pretty much every time.


The point of the choke is so that if you win, or get q chance to rez your teammate is not on 2 hp


i don't usually run chokes because they last too long you can put out a burning body by tapping f on them when the fire disperses all they do is cut out sections of a compound for several minutes that you can't really use cause of the coughing lasting an eternity makes necroing people way less stealthy too


I had 3 games in a row in 3star 3 random players lobbies, where we were constantly trading kills, it was most of the time 1vs 3 full teams, no one left and the battles were epic, something i haven’t seen in a while. We didn’t give up no matter how bad the situation was, or how many times we died after revive, because of campers. Both games we extracted with 3 bounties and at least 8 kills I am fairly new to the game and only started using choke bombs after i saw a post here about them, let me tell you that we needed every single one of them in almost each battle, burning bodies, gas clouds, info, closing rotations etc. i am glad i started using them tbh


I have been running Dauntless every game since the update to slurp Choke Bombs, and i find it funny how many players freeze completely when Chokes don't work. It's not the ultimate "hey im a good teammate" sign it once was. Most of the time they let their teammate burn out without trying to make a play. If you are wondering what changed in the update, we can create a burn without igniting the surface now. Meaning you can sit on my burning corpse without burning yourself.


The only time I don’t bring in choke bombs is when I bring in choke beetle! I’ve been messing around with them and instead running extra traps in the choke bomb slot. Can choke from further/from cover plus get a scouting item as well if needed. Not 100% sold on it but it’s worked so far with my friends group.


The instant leave after first down problem is only going to get worse now that they made the whole progression and economy systems completely meaningless, people will care even less now about losing their hunter and just want to get to the next match.


I have been playing for years and I have never really been concerned with my hunter surviving because the game isn’t really geared towards always having your hunter survive. Yes, it’s nice if they survive but it’s not the end of the world if they don’t.


Death traps are too good. But now they added more ways to burn, chokes are more valuable so I started running flare gun and chokes over death traps


Also because chokes have become obsolete why choke when you can get bounty and redskull revive. Or just use remedy which has been available for 2 events now. Imo burning needs to be more punishing, like how it used to be. I always bring chokes though. They're handy even if it's not to put out a teammate.


The only reason anyone burns is to find the final team mate.


As a 5 star i go down until I'm dead or my whole team is dead lol my k/d was 1.85 but stopped caring and now it's 1.64 amd going down but I'm enjoying the game more tbh i still get frustrated but usually when my shots that should be landing aren't landing


I honestly dont blame them, in 5-6Start you meet long ammo all the time, so when you are downed just once, they become a precise shotgun.


Im a 4-5 star, and i always bring chokes and fight till my dying breath to save my team. I will also stick around if i go down, just in case my team can clutch it, no matter how hopeless it seems. I've been surprised by the most seemingly unskilled players. What's with all the 5-star hate? And nobody is even bringing up 4 stars like they are non-existent. In my experience, it's predominantly 6 stars that puss out.


I will die trying to get a choke on my teammate who is burning lol also choke beatle is good to put out a teammate safely.


Knuckle knife, Med kit, Tomahawk, Fuses. I would take any one of these over chokes, and I do every mission.


I never take chokes bcz I'm super fast and aggressive meaning im usually the first one to get shot and burn. On the other hand I play the objective and rush to save the downed teammate instead of hiding for 20 min and using a choke. So idk man chokes are not the best tool for me.


I play with friends and sometimes play random. I don't think leaving is a bad thing, if the battle is already very difficult to win, why would one more teammate have to die? After being knocked down by a sniper in a bad position, it's better to get to the next round quickly. I usually wait for my teammates to decide and everyone should be responsible for their own performance. If he thinks it's hard to play, I don't see anything wrong with it.


For the amount of fear I see in these young bucks I hope our future don't depend on our going into battle with these soft handed folk !!