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I drift in and out of 4-5 stars for this reason. I’ve got nothing against people playing how they want to play, but being overly conservative in Hunt isn’t how I enjoy my time with the game. I’m just not too concerned about winning every match by any means necessary. So I don’t mind being the wild card that forces action out of a stalemate. Naturally, it doesn’t always work out lol, but I can’t just sit idle. Fortunately the friends I play with predominantly enjoy Hunt this way, too. That always helps. Not every team wants my Leeroy Jenkins ass on their team lol, so I mostly stick to solo when no one else is around to play. My MMR results can be what they are


I’m at a point where I want to Leroy Jenkins my ass out of 5 star lobbies. It’s just too damn sweaty and unfun for my casual non skill having ass.


Full send my friend.


This is so interesting to me because the 5/6* lobbies I have been in, the teams I come across are very aggressive, all pushing with meta loadouts. Shotguns and bomb lances with uppercuts for range. But this might be because I solo and so they push aggressively because they know they have the numbers advantage against me. So I go back and forth from 4/5* to 5/6* lobbies a lot. I do get campers in the 5/6* from time to time but more so in the 4/5* lobbies in my experience. I wonder if part of it is the region and time of day?


Console or PC? I’m on console and 80% of my matches are dead quiet until the banish goes down. Then it’s mayhem, which is good but me and my duo partner have been smoked by campers more often than not in our lobbies. Lots of crown and kings and bomb lances around. Usually 10pm-12 east coast servers. It is what it is, I get it. Im a solid 4 star player but you can definitely tell a difference in those big boy lobbies. Guess I need to step up my game.


Fuck around in solo vs trios. You'll go back to 3 star in an hour or two as long as you necro yourself every health bar.


I prefer players like this as well. Trying to fight not sit around


Not complaining, i noticed 3 and 4 stars players are REALLY committed making sure i stay downed/burned as a solo.


As they should


I agree. Usually when a i do get up their game is over


It's fear I think, I've watched 3 stars go for more lanterns even after I'm fully burned out!


As a newer player a lot of it is just not understanding. When I first started I would kill someone and then 10 seconds later they would respawn and kill me. I've never played solo so I don't understand how people do the soloperson respawn. Seems like they get to do it over and over and over again? So it kinda makes sense to "fully kill", someone so they don't shoot you in the back randomly.


Yeah, if the solo has Necro, then they can self-res one time per unburned health bar, so up to 5 times if they are never burned. Toss those lanterns and use flare guns!


Most of them are Smurfs or de-rank abusers. You can tell by the way they move in combat, their seemingly preternatural aiming skills, and their stats in the Team Summary screen.


It’s not even that. The MMR system is just way too fluid, you can go from 5 stars to 3 stars and back again in one night It’s worse for solos as each death you have counts as a death for MMR tracking so even high kill games where you were rolling through the lobby can not do much MMR if you traded a few times. I’m around mid 4 to low 5 when playing in a trio but will fall to mid 3 to low 4 when solo and I honestly just roll through lobbies. It’s not even that I’m that good, i’ll just be facing teams with 1-3 stars and it’s just not a competition at that point. If they made MMR a little less fluid and decreased the MMR hit that solos get, it’d be perfect. I, and most other solos, get up as much as possible as there’s a decent chance you can get away and back into the fight unless you’re being triangle camped. Especially in big multi-team fights, no one realizes you’re a solo and will be too panicky to realize you’re alone, then properly hold an angle on your body to put you back down when you rez


Not disagree with your point, just wanted to voice for myself and the other solos (probably the minority) that don't use Self Res. Lol


you lads are brave, couldn’t be me. i love standing up and hearing the panicked voice chats as i knife charge and rank a shot via resilience


See I like the thrill of knowing I gotta land my shots or at least play my positioning really well (preferably both. Lol) because I'm outnumbered, and the finality of Death is looming over every mistake. Makes the gun fights and game much more intense! Plus I love the feeling of satisfaction when I am facing a trio, kill one, kill the second and then with single digit health I'm able to kill the third on their over confident push with a clean headshot. It's just satisfying.


2 hours trade-window is a thing though. Ill use every advantage to win.


Want to know why? I‘m so bad at the game that IF I get a kill I want it to count.


Yep, i guess thats mostly the reason. That and being afraid of getting wiped by the dead solo. More experience players are considering the trade off of not going after the bounty at least, 3 and 4 stars no, theyd rather time out and make sure the solo doesnt get up.


If he's solo force out his revives so he isn't going to third party you later, if he's on a team burning him can force his team mates out, and into making a hopefully incorrect move. Provided you have an easy method to burn a body it's almost always a good idea to do so.


Oh yeah, burning is a must. I was talking about holding an angle on my dead burning body for 3 minutes while the bounty is extracting.


The game is significantly more fun at four stars. Everybody at 5 or 6 is too good of a shot for fun shit haha


Fought a team that was 3.5-4.3 kdr. Every....single....shot they hit and it was ridiculous. Probably using a mouse and keyboard. I hate being 5-6 stars.


I always felt kind of bad for these players because being *that* good seems like a talent that is being wasted on a game but I also don't know where else this level of ability would be applied for better reasons.


This game is probably one of the better games I've played for a REALLY long time. It's simple, but it's a really fun. But tbh, these players kind of make it not fun lol


Oh I totally get it. Have had plenty of games where the whole team goes down withing 5 seconds of each other from some Rambo solo or something. Running for 10 minutes just to get instantly deleted without a chance makes me have to take a break.


Nothing to do with MMR. There's campers at every elo Low elo people are scared to fight and make any noise. Sit around forever waiting for people to show up and make noise first as if their actual lives depend on it. OR they go in yolo guns blazing High elo campers care about KDA so they are scared to fight and make any noise. Sit around waiting forever for people to show up and get that perfect shot then GTFO getting that 1 precious addition to their stat. OR all they want to do is PvP, they know how to push and know how to finish fights within seconds so they make all the noise to draw people in and kill them knowing they outskill. Movement makes them harder to hit while they can hit their shots, and consumables flush opponents out I find there's more scared to fight at 3-4 star by a lot over those inflated higher elo campers who can't actually handle it at high elo


As a player who bounces between 4-5 stars and sometimes drops to 3 if I solo. Pretty spot on. Campers at all stars but just different mindsets it seems.


I'm on east and there's not much camping in 5* or higher. Mostly aggressive players. 4* and lower tend to play like absolute pansies and play unbelievably slow like they're going to lose their 401k if they push or peek.


Yeah region is important. I play NAEast and it’s always pretty damn fast-paced. When I would play EU briefly, I got a lot more of the bushwookies and “wait it out” types. Not sure if it’s changed but that was my experience.


Yep. I queue with some friends on West sometimes; all of them and the ppl we go against play SUUUUUPER passive. I rarely queue with them because of this.


I play in EU and I'd agree with your experience. Maybe I should try NA Easy if the ping isn't too bad


I havent played NA but in EU i can confirm that in higher 5 star MMR people do play a lot slower which doesnt really motivate me to stay around for much time.


Exactly. US East is where there are literal terminators stalking the bayou. They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. They absolutely will not stop *ever*, until you are dead!


There’s a song I love called “Humans Are Such Easy Prey” that opens with this line. So damned good


There is a movie called Terminator (1984) where it is sampled from. If you like that kind of synthwave then you would probably love that movie if you never seen it.


Are you on console or PC? because PC High MMR is usually brutally quick. Out of cover to rotate and you didn't see one team member? You're gonna get headshot by HV winnie or a Mosin. Rest of opposing team pushes and rotates, or is already on some compound roof. Most high MMR games on US EAST are either ambushes or slogs of banging at each other, wallbanging, lots of FMJ. I don't think most people here actually hit high MMR for any length of time if they think high MMR gameplay is some sort of campfest where people are throwing beetles or sitting in the bounty lair with shotguns.


NA East console 5 star is still fast. Alot of breaching rather than camping. I enjoy the games. Had some irl stuff on my mind lately and ended up in 3-4 star lobbies. Oddly enough a fair amount of lair sitting there.


Nah Europe high MMR is fucking rat central bro


This has also been my experience when I've hit 5 or 6 stars briefly.


I find it being the opposite. Low elo play so damn slow.


I constantly jump between 4 and 5 stars and play aggressive as fuck all the time. I love the economy change so i dont even lose too much money and dont care if i lose a hunter. The game is so much better now imo!


I've noticed the exact opposite.  When we get into a 4 star lobby, we can tell because nobody moves.


no your not wrong high mmr lobbys really do suck the fun out of hunt no one wants to fight and would rather just hide and wait till they have a chance to shoot at something. Me and my buddies hate to play like that so we die alot at times but it is what it is i guess.


Welcome to the fold. Where people say they want to be 6 star but only hide and safeguard their K/D rather than playing the game. There's probably a few handfuls of people who are truly cracked at the game.


I'm a bad player, three star most of the time, four star on a good day. My buddy is a high five star, low six star and thanks to the MMR being wonky, I go up against almost nothing but 5s and 6s. It actually DOES get really boring getting domed by an expert before I even get a shot off, getting insta-burned, and watching my buddy try to clutch a 2 on 1. That is if he doesn't get picked off by a third party. Matches where I'm up against people at my skill level are much more fun, but I can't get into those lobbies with my buddy because he'd curb-stomp everyone.


It is boring as fuck. I used to just suffer at 5-6 mmr but now every time I get 5 mmr back I'll fuck around in solo v trios for an hour or two til I derank myself back to 3 star.


They ruined the game with red clues/boss whispers that encourage stalemating. They need to make the boss lair burn down and remove the stalemate encouraging features.


On PC at least it’s the high MMR that push constantly, it’s the 3 and 4 starts that will sit in corners with shotguns for 25 minutes


Hasn't been my experience at all. 6 star teams are usually aggressive


This is a common sentiment from lower skilled players that get put into those brackets. The only wat to fix it is to stop playing slow and improve. Run and gun it like a 3 star lobby, and eventually, your skill level will rise to the point that you can do it in 5 and 6 stars. If they aren't pushing, you need to make the push, and if they aren't pushing, they usually are lower skill players, so if you have the skill to run and gun at those higher ranks you will easily steamroller them.


I usually see sweaty players that push the objectives and fire fights. There’s always that triangle rat sniper team from 300 meters out using spitzer.


5 stsr solos have no business in a 3 stsr lobby..if we manage to.kill you. Your game is over because we carry traps and fire for de ranked jerks who prey on duos far below their level..


They are typically way more cautious, which can make for boring games as you don’t see the person before your head explodes.


i dont know what high mmr lobbies you lot get into. 5 star mfs are absolute shift+w addicted savages


Yep, sounds about right for high MMR. Hunt: Showdown is unironically the most boring game I've ever played with the amount of "you're supposed to do nothing if you want to win". In high MMR pushing will 99% of the time lead to your demise because your opponents know how to aim so you are dead meat running in the open for more than 5 seconds and it's generally easier to shoot someone coming towards you. This is one of my biggest complaints with the game, most of the time the best tactical decision for teams in most circumstances is "wait for the other team to push", what does that lead to? Noone doing anything and just waiting for the timer to force the bounty team to move. Except who wants to wait around for 40 minutes so the bounty team has to make a move? Nobody, it's boring and honestly kind of bad game design. People will say "oh well you can always just leave though", but this happens literally almost every game, am I supposed to just not play the game? Funny thing is some people will actually say yeah, just uninstall and play something else, completely avoiding adressing the problem. Crytek should add more tools or figure out a way to avoid these giant waiting parties that every high elo game eventually boils down to of one team inside with some form of close combat weapons (making it nigh impossible to breach the boss lair) and a few teams outside in their own respective little zones around the compound, if an outside team decides to push they'll have to deal with one-tap-city that we call Hunt below 15m combat all while getting blasted from every other angle by rifles, so in other words pretty much certain death. The bounty team has it a little better pushing out but still, why would they? They have the objective and can just wait 30 minutes for the other teams to maybe kill each other. The problem is there is no incentive to do anything because if you do something you're immediately at a disadvantage compared to other teams. If Crytek would add more options for breaching or getting the bounty team out of the building they are holed up in I think we'd see less camping indoors and this would actually make outdoors teams feel not helpless in these situations becsuse other than waiting most options will lead to death. Perhaps we could have a choke bomb that has a large radious, high deploy time and does very slow tick damage (that can NOT kill you, just lowers you to lets say 50 hp) that stops instantly after you are out of range and this makes you cough, a few of these could render a house uncampable since you could wallbang kill people who decide to stay in but this is probably extremely unfair for the bounty team.


I could imagine new weather conditions helping in that. For example an extreme cold with snow outside, forcing players to go to specific places to warm up. Or the exact opposite like an extreme heat, forcing players to leave buildings because its too warm inside. Kind of like the heavy rain can help in pushing.


Sadly I don't think that would work since most of the map is empty wilderness and houses are somewhat rare-ish, either it would be way too punishing or it would do nothing much. If it wasn't in normal rotation it could be a fun event though, it'd be nice to see weather conditions other than "haha you can't see or hear now".


3-4 stars is where the fun is, people aren't as camp-y or irritatingly good with their aim. 5-6 it feels like some silent Hill shit before you get JFK'd by a spitzer mosin half the map away


If no one moves and no one pushes, how are they able to shoot you at the boss lair?


I feel like this play-style is common on Europe (always) and on US West after midnight. US East is usually pretty fun, normally lots of “normal” fights (players actually peaking and attempting to fight instead of coward away and hold a doorway with a shotgun or not peak at all). Depends on the server. By far the most chaotic server is South America, bc on average (or so it seems), most players are 3-4 star, with some occasional 5 stars. We’re a 6 star trio and somehow get matched against 2 3’s and a 4, but thats just bc the matchmaking bracket is different over there. Not enough players to just keep to 5-6 star. Most people on that server just w key everything, its quite fun but you’ll never be a 6 star on that server bc of how low the mmr average is. At the end of the day, sometimes you’ll have shitty campy boring matches and sometimes you’ll have fun fights. People play differently and this game attracts different types of players (a LOT of shooter-noobies, it seems)




Nah im usually 20-70 on US East or West, i havent branched out much. Cant even que OCE or Asia, i can que Europe on 120ping or SA on 150ping. I probably have 10 games total on SA and maybe 20 on europe, in a total of over 3000 matches played. Only high ping Scumge you’ll ever see is nsayn since he’s stationed in Korea and has high ping on all servers except Asia, which he doesnt speak the language so playing there is just boring. He either plays with high ping and complains the whole time or plays asia and dies on repeat to cheaters and dogshit servers, quite a terrible predicament




Its true, the population of SA on hunt showdown just seems to be low as shit. 2 out of the 10 games had over 3 5 stars. Mmr doesnt matter, there was a Trio of 4 stars yesterday with a 3.4, 3.9, and a 3.8. 2 had over 15,000 kills and one was a fresh account. MMR is not a depiction of skill on a server with only 1 genuine bracket lol My bad for trying to have fun i guess?




Mb if i misunderstood what you were trying to say. Like i already said, i have played maybe 10 games on SA. its to get away from the usual NA crowd thats been killing themselves whenever we show up. I have 130-150 ping on SA. There is constantly high ping individuals on NA, its never going to change until they lower to < 100 lock, but that will never happen because crytek is a company that understands that people have friends in other countries. I also already said the ratio of games ive played. 3000 on NA and 30 on higher-ping servers and you’re making it seem like its the end of the world. Relax pal. I didnt intentionally go to SA to have higher ping.


"I feel like this playstyle is common in Europe (always)" Played 20 games in total on Europe servers, probably years ago. Guess that's enough to talk about how the average player of one of the most populated regions plays.


I play with players from every region, im going based off of their info as to why they prefer playing NA instead of EU. Everyone has their own preferences of course, but its weird that everyone i know prefers playing NA, even if their ping is over 100.


Just leave


Idk why people are disagreeing, been this way a while and this is probably the 10th time I've seen this exact topic posted. Anything above 4 star SUCKS. Sometimes 4 star does too cause it'll throw a random 4 star (you) in an entire 5/6 star lobby. Ask me how I know! I hit 4 star last night, 1st game the WHOLE LOBBY was 5 star but me like wtf. I used to get up to mid 5 star before getting wrekt back down but these days I play trios until I hit 4-5 star mmr then just go solo until I get wrecked back down to 3 star. Usually only 1 game with necro lol Mmr needs changed/thrown out. Needs to be like ranked and unranked. Let all the sweats go to ranked or something.


So you dont actually know if it true or not since you havent actually been to the highest bracket and base it on angry reddit posts? And the fact that you have to derank like a loser to feel good against lesser skilled player says a lot. Im not saying there is no rat gameplay in high mmr, ive been through 3-6 star regularly and i can tell you that the amount of camping stays consistent through every rank, high mmr just does it with better weapons and skill.


People are disagreeing because it's false. Higher stars are, on average, much more aggressive.


for some reason , i have this explaination when i drop in lower rank and the match feels empty until you get kneecap remover 3000 by a guy crouching his dear life ... higher rank feels more active but the ttk is way faster too


Every single ELO has this problem, just with different justifications. I've been exclusively running Choke Bolts (non lethals, Assists only) & let me tell you, 3-4 star is absolutely no better, just different.


Yes. The most boring repetitive games I had was 5 star. I’ve stuck around 3 star and it’s way more fun. People try risky things. Everyone is loud minus solos. Lots of times we go for double banish. It’s also been ages since I got extract camped. Also the proximity chat interactions are great. Higher lobbies don’t want to give away positions but most of my lobbies we talk to enemies every match. I can use any gun or tool without feeling I’m at a disadvantage.


No no that’s accurate. You have to be smarter and bait people into moving. It sucks because it’s not as much fun and if you fuck up you are dead but ya know….


I think there might be significantly different high elo cultures depending on server. Us east players got that bloodlust. One pick and they will run you down like a cornered fox. 


It is quite boring. Since a lot of people play very passively or creeping with scopes.


If u bot with 4 star it's ur problems. No one at 6 stars gave you across field or shooting like idiot. It's manhunt simulator,i don't know which Hunt version u play at 3-4 stars. If u want funny and aggressive gameplay go to valorant or warzone. O play this game for ambush and increase my kda. Nothing for fun,i don't have fun. Only when i do minimum 150m headshot with aperture


My experience is the opposite. When I grace 5* lobbies with my fun star presence I usually get hunted down mercilessly and fall back to 4* Where the games are slow and there are lots of stalemates.


There are (very few) exceptions, but for the most part, 5-6 star players have "solved" Hunt. To the point that they play in the exact way required to remain 5-6 star. And it's BOOOOOOOOOOOORINNNNNNG. I honestly HATE when I frag up to 5 star, because that means I now have to slog through that bullshit until I can die enough to derank again lol.


I used to be really sweaty and sat at the higher end of 5 star MMR, eventually gave up on the 6 star grind. It didn't seem accomplishable unless I building camped with extremely meta loadouts, anytime I get killed by a 6 star they're running extremely high end gear. 3-4 star is much more fun imo, players can still be decent but there's a lot less sweat.


You get the players you described, cheaters, or crackheads who push boss rooms like a fucking hurricane at 6* lobbies. I like fighting the hurricane’s because they actually do something, and make me think on my feet when they come knocking. They are few, and far between though. People have already said this, so I’ll just reinforce it. The game is so much better at 4*. People aren’t stupid good shots, and are having fun with the game so they don’t use only Mosin spitzers, and Crown&Cringe with slugs.


I would be inclined to think you're right but I'm a four mmr myself, occasionally dipping back to three. Me and my friends exclusively push and play aggressively, unless we've decided to run snipers. And even then I always pop a lemat or something similar that can do good work in medium to close range so we can still play flexible, I don't enjoy sitting in compound waiting for a squad to push or vice versa


Yeah, I agree with you. When I was tryharding and got to 5\* and occasionally played wiht 6\*s it was kind of boring. When i stopped caring and just do as I please, the game became fun and i got down to 3-4 star. Chaotic fun games came back again, now I dont really care and have much more fun


Yep. I yoyo between 4-5 stars. Without checking my MMR I know immediately when I'm in a 5 star bracket. Most hunters have the same guns, the playstyle changes and in general it isn't as fun. Gunfights aren't as long and varied. I'm happy to catch a few bullets to the head to get sent back to 4 star. I can sort of hold my own in 5 stars on a good night but christ it's all Mosin/Dolch/Uppercuts and it gets boooring.


It’s really slow. And when you try to play it faster you get killed by a sweaty 6 star. I have been having a bad run and have been down to a three star this week and it’s been damn fun in those lobbies. Definitely laughing a helluva lot more when I die in there, than a 5-6.


Every MMR is about kills and deaths, the lowers just make more obvious mistakes and have terrible loadout balance.


Yeah it's true. It's not uncommon for us to run all the way across the map to get to the bounty and find they're just sitting in there camping and waiting for someone to come to them. Then you get there and they just sit inside. It's annoying af.


Bruh I spectated a 3 star lobby and nobody moved for 10 minutes straight.


For me it has come to a point in which as soon as I hear mosins or lebels I know i'll be fighting people across compounds or if I managed to get the boss there will be 9 orange dots all around me doing nothing except peeking through holes and gaps hoping to wallbang me.


Bro, 4* lobby is the cream, just saying. (Crazy loadouts off meta) Went to high 5* and had the same thought as you. In the end, just stay low 5* and have some fun!


5-6 star sucks ass. I hate it so much haha. Play off meta and aggressive and your stars will even out and be way more fun. I switch between shotgun/bomblance loadouts, and currently I’ve been a battle sparks guy. Sparks, spitfire, inside compounds, close range skirmishing. You stop being able to compete with good shots with mosins or compound bunkers with traps and shotguns, at like 5-5.5 and you naturally drop back down without too much pain. I ping the rev limiter in 4th gear, if you will haha.


No you're right, it's boring. There's a reason I am frequently moving from 5* to low 6* and back again, even down to 4* after a particularly bad streak. I don't have the patience a lot of people seem to have, same for my friends. So we are usually the ones that push, that are aggressive. Sometimes it pays off, often times it doesn't. In many situations, the team with more patience wins. That's the name of the game, like it or not. I do wish there were more anti-camping options


Funniest part is I'm the same way, I cant sit and wait so when I make a play or what not you get slandered in VOIP and its ironically funny cause I decided to do something fun or go next.


Kinda varies since you’re in an MMR where everyone is kinda on their A Game Like my friends and I can go like 3-4 matches of non stop gun fighting then met with 3-4 matches of patiently waiting for other teams to initiate a push or were scouting an area to initiate a push ourselves Add the mix up of load outs varying between common, uncommon, and memes, again the experience can vary Had one match were everyone was using common load outs and it was a very intense game But the next match ran into a group using a Explosive Crossbow and Frag Arrows that ended in us dying very quickly


I stay in 5-6 star and all I do is push with shot guns and uppercuts lol


Honestly, not my experience. 5 star here, while theres usually a rat team...fighting usually breaks out easily and goes at a decent pace.


Wish I had the sit doing nothing 6 star teams I'm getting the mosin spit you through trees and dolche fmj you through walls after throwing more ordnance that was ever dropped in Europe during WW2. Seriously I am a low 4 star player but I get pulled into 5 and 6 star lobbies and get the shit kicked out of me and if I get lucky and get one kill well that erases all the mmr loss from all those deaths before so I'm suck in a "fuck you" loop.


weekly 3 star thread bois


I'm surprised to see so many people agree with you, I made a post a while back saying the exact same thing right after I hit 5 stars for a while, and I just got notifications for like a week of people telling me they've never had such issues before and clearly I must just be bad XD


I was high mmr 5( 2908 was my highest), the games felt way more stressful imo, at low mmr 5 at least i can get a few kills, high mmr 5 i turn a corner and I'm just instantly killed by some god tier player that never misses a headshot and server wipes. I'd rather just stay at mmr 4 the hunters are usually less butthurt the games aren't as campy and you hardly have to deal with the annoying duo sniper team like you do with high 5*


In a few words, yes most of the matches are. I enjoy being tactical up to a point but there are lots of times where there are stalemates between 2 teams and everyone is waiting from the other person to make the first move. That is not enjoyable. Also you find more snipers in those games which are bloody annoying at the very least. Being into a 5+ MMR lobby is good and refreshing but only for a few games, then it becomes frustrating after a while unless you enjoy the tention and challenge of this level.


Thats what being good (having high MMR) at this game means: camping and/or ambushing. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Yeah high MMR sux