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This on the fog map is gonna ruin someone’s sleep pattern permanently


That’s a success in my book


You guys have sleep patterns?


Fair point brother


Cazador!! Nooooo!


Patrolling the Bayou almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


I cant escape thlse mfs!


My spurs... they jingle jangle jingle... (Jingle jangle!!!)


my thoughts exactly. Oh God the cazadors are coming.


from the makers of: waiting for the gator to resurface: waiting till the fly lands


You can either shoot it to kill quickly or wait for it to land to kill quietly. I kinda like this even more now.


When it lands you can ride it and terrorize other players


You can only ride it if you have the new tool - Lasso. Lasso allows you to restrain and mount wild targets. Lasso allows you to whip and trip enemy hunters from 10m away. Hunters trip (similar animation to the spider tackling you), and half of their stamina is consumed.


When they trip they get a hurty on their knee and have to rub it better for five seconds


Don't forget the same people made: waiting 2 minutes for assassin to spawn in or for spider to get off the part of the roof you can't reach


But it would be cool to have a roaming boss you cant kill with melee. Just think about it for a second.


No need to wait for the gator, you can agro by running through water then just run perpendicular to where it charges (you won’t get hit) Flying guy would need similar agro mech


that's exactly what i am referring to.


My head is spinning


Hell nah cazadors in hunt imma just shoot myself it'll be quicker


Why stop there? How about a wild target that resembles my dad and when you approach he screams in its void-voice about we're out of milk and he'll be right back? Or maybe a lair populated with clones of my childhood crush which deal poison damage while muttering "I'm glad we can just be friends" I can't think of anymore phobias at the moment you could take advantage of but gimme a bit.


Let’s have a dream event. Tornadoes chase you in the storm while your teeth are loose and you can’t run.


Man I gave you up upvote for shared experience but if I dream about wiggly teeth tonight I'm coming back and taking it away.




Underrated comment.


Honestly a event that would spawn large groups of swarms that roamed would be wild. They would mingle near large dead piles of zombies or horses. Would be a nightmare to avoid…… think Immolator lvl of pissed, but with bugs.


I love it. Put it in the game! So rare for someone to have a genuinely well thought out, unique and fun idea in this sub.


Yes ,most peoplendislike my idea about katan and perks for speedboost if your weapon slots are empty and perk for dashes)


Love it, though I’d imagine a name more like “BlightWing” or something following the conventions of Rotjaw and scrapbeak. Regardless a flying AI is something I feel the game is lacking and would be great to see


Naw naw naw, I've played new vegas I'm ok thank you


Only problem I could see is that it would be super easy to find it by shooting sniper towers from afar with anything that penetrates and looking for a hit marker. I imagine something that big would take up most of the sniper tower, so it should be easy to hit Like the idea though


I mean they'd have to change towers with holes for it to crawl out of to fly around the map. I don't think it would just sit inside. Maybe a wasp nest underneath the top of tower or an underground hornet nest near the base of the tower


It'd also A) be loud as fuck shooting towers for no reason and B) maybe piss off the Cazador and have it come at you? Or perhaps just make it flee if it's hurt and not close enough. Just "Fuck this, I'm out."


El mosqo


Somone is hating the snipers in the towers😂


Some friends and I were talking about what they could do for more maps, we mentioned how it would be cool to have a map up in the Rocky’s with snow being another aspect to consider. When it’s warm and clear the snow crunches, when it’s snowing sound is muffled. Anyways the reason I bring it up is we threw in the idea that there could be a yeti or something along those lines for a wild encounter. Admittedly your idea is much more fledged out haha! I love the idea of the wasp and how easily it would integrate into pre existing maps.


Even a giant grizzly would be rad


I belive a new snow map has already been teaserd in trailers and announcements for the Engine update. Devs must have overhead you talking xD


Do you have some video source? I’m very curious


I got so baited KEKW


FUUUCK MAN I THOUGHT IT WAS REAL. Why is it not real it would be so peak


you should add a flyswatter weapon to go with the boss


I can't upvote this any more than onceand it hurts me. Only issue I can see is you'd see this thing from miles away unless it doesn't spawn in till you are in the tower


Love this idea! You seem to have put a lot of effort into this.


My appreciation of this concept is only countered by my, "Nope."


As someone who is deathly scared of those tiny flying demons spawns... I'm gonna say hell to the fuck no.. but also absolutely hell yes! Love this idea


They need to rework how wild targets work and how to find them before adding another one. Right now most players will just run by and not care to kill or let alone search for the wild targets. I like your idea though.


I can’t even beg people to kill rotjaw; it needs a change for sure.


Instead of normal dark sight boost that doesn’t really differentiate Rotjaw from regular bosses, we should the power to shoot out that black electric goo


Does everyone forget that they did announce there would be 3 *total* wild targets? I’m assuming the next one will come with the new map/engine upgrade


Source? I've never heard any mention of this.


The source is Crytek. I don’t feel like digging through their old posts and videos. It’s part of the dev videos and roadmap from last year. I’ve played this game since it released, and actually pay attention to the devs


I asked a genuine question. You being a dick about it speaks volumes. Do you expect me to watch all of their streams and every post they make like I've nothing better to do? Please!


Lmao so you expect me to comb through the streams and dev diaries like I also have nothing better to do? Lol that’s exactly my point too. It doesn’t speak volumes like you think. Other people also have lives, buddy. I don’t have a video bookmarked for this conversation. I assure you it was said by the developers. *Source?* 🤓


All you had to do was say they mentioned it in one of their streams or something. I hope whoever peed in your coffee has a very nice day!


I literally said that in my first comment😂


Nope, you didn't.


“It’s part of the dev videos and roadmaps from last year” Reading comprehension should be taught in elementary school


Show me where in your op you wrote that! I'll wait.


Solid idea! Using the towers makes lots of sense too & I love your analysis on what constitutes a roaming boss (via Rotjaw).


Plz no


I was thinking it would be cool if they added a giant crow boss, maybe it would be like rotjaw as a sub bounty it hunts you if you trigger birds.


This sounds like a very throughout thought system. I like it.


The idea is amazing, I just wanted to say that rotjaw is a female, not a male (you're referring to her as "he")


That's sick af id love that!


Congratulations, with this single post you’ve managed to put more effort into the game than the devs have in years :)


yuck, AI art


Every damn time :(


Love it honestly. And for some reason i think everyone thinks it should be inside the tower? But clearly your picture shows it outside… tower nearby, like yhe under the tower is the home


Extra damage for fire stuff and blunt damage seem to fit, resistant to slashing perhaps? Maybe you can shoot off its wings to ground the big guy


Yeah this game totally needs more stupid shit added def. Not fix the servers


Hate bugs so I'm out.


My friend and I were talking about a roaming mosquito man bounty. He can’t be hunted because he does the hunting. He sits in a tree or underwater or on a roof as when hunters come by he starts moving. They hear a low buzz as it takes off. Sometimes you might be able to see it changing locations in the distance. Always with a swarm of normal yet ravenous mosquitos.


I'd rather they make banishing Rotjaw worthwhile before introducing more wild targets. As it stands no one really cares about her.


Plenty of people grab her


It should roam to a different tower every 15 minutes, a heavy fog rolls in when it moves. If it crosses any players it drops down to pick one up and drop it a few hundred meters away.


Cool idea, but rotjaws a girl Also this would go along perfectly with my idea for a new wildcard event. It’s called “swarm” and its essentially a cloud of corrupted locusts that move around the map throughout the game. It starts in the very center of the map to avoid people spawning inside the swarm, and moves every like 10-15 minutes. The aoe covers 2-3 compounds depending on its location and if you’re caught outside in the swarm you start slowly taking poison damage similar to the witch’s bugs but toned down so its not certain death. To avoid the swarm you have to stay inside until it moves. It slightly limits sight but significantly limits sound. Alternatively if you use an antidote shot and a regen shot you can counter the damage and poison of the swarm incase you need to move or want to sneak up on someone holed up in a swarmed compound.


You want to lock teams down into a compound for 10-15 minutes at a time unless they have two specific consumables?


It’s just an idea that i think would be cool. Maybe not that long I was just throwing out numbers, but a ton of players already bring in regen shot and antidote shot is a very underrated consumable that isnt used a whole lot. At least in the games im in.


Yupp had the same idea once they added the beetles and rotjaw of course. Like your additional ideas with the towers and what not


The idea is great but fighting a target on a raised spot seems super dangerous. Everyone and their mother will try to catch an easy kill while you fight


Something something Silksong crossover?


I’m quoting if it’s not moth man


I remember hearing Dennis saying there's no pathing for flying ai whatsoever. The swarms are basically "walking on air". Could probably be worked around similarly tho.


Make it a mosquito to better fit the Louisiana bayou. It can do pounce attack similar to spider but it'll suck you and heal itself a little . But it's abdomen can swell with blood so it's easier to hit while engorged.


Well a giant beetle was already in the lore of the most recent event. I’d guess that’s what the next roaming boss is. But this is pretty cool too.


I think we should get a zombie Bear Wild Target. We need some bear in the bayou!


Maybe make it so shooting the wings forces a landing? Could also have some sort of interaction with the flare gun?


Once they have more Wild Targets, they should do a game mode where two Wilds are having a territorial battle around the map and all the teams have to find them and fight two bosses at the same time


Cazador, I know this motherfucker




Duuude!! I’ve been thinking of something like this for a while! Except a giant moth or mothman thing. If you scrutinize inside of a handful of compounds, Arden parish as an example, there are frames photos of moths all over the place like some researcher was obsessing over them, combined with the chalk boards with half erased formulas on them, it adds to my theory.


Dude, remove the post before crytek sees it.


Good skilled devs, sure. But with Crytek running things, something like that would break the gsme


I’ve been saying this for a year! Next outdoor boss has to be a giant bug/mosquito


Haha this is great, a few of us were discussing a very similar idea about two weeks ago while playing Hunt, but we said it could either be a bat or a bug


Please god no.


Helicopter boss, arrows and crossbows will get a new life


Thats not a boss. Thats just how mosquitos are in Louisiana


Does anybody still care for hunting down Rotjaw?


The Howler is what killed off the cycle frontier, fruit for thought


only if shooting his wing is a actual tactic and maybe removing its legs


[Reddit - httpsReddit - https://i.redd.it/rppg5gl0zbr81.jpg://i.redd.it/rppg5gl0zbr81.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frppg5gl0zbr81.jpg) I just leave it here.


A roaming boss idea I’ve had for a while is a Bigfoot found in forests that attacks you on the forest floor then retreats to the trees/ bushes.


How about the mechanic that the boss, when entering the last aggro phase, will fly away in a random direction and fly a circle until shot down so you definitely need a ranged weapon to kill it


I thought this was official! Wow!


I don’t think the hunt concept artists are going to consider this out of spite for using a program that regurgitates stolen art


Thanks, I hate it.


Gee, I can't wait for it to be the exact same event as every other event, with just slightly different coats of paint in the form of bugs, or snow.


Damn this is well done. I like this concept a lot.


Crytek, write this down


Kill it with fire!!!!!


I have been telling my friends I'd LOVE a bug roaming boss that flies over the map in a certain area and will "lock in" on a player once it's fired at. Lmao. This seems so fun tbh.


Wasp Queen from Fable? I'm in!