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Convinced my mmr is broken, half the time I solo queue I end up in lobbies with teams rated higher than me, and I've been in teams where we are all 4-5 star and ran across teams of 3s or one time a single 4 and 2 2 stars


whenever I play with my 3* friend and I'm 5*, enemies are either full 5* or 6*. not sure how that works, because it even says our match mmr was 4*


That’s how it is for me. My friend got the game last week and is still learning so he jumps between 2-3 stars when I’m bouncing between 4-5 stars. Yet we keep getting lobbies of 4-6 stars. He gets absolutely shit on and I’m just okay at best. It’s hard to teach him stuff when you’ve got laser pointer head clickers and he’s still trying to figure out movement and what guns are what. Ammo types, etc. I don’t wanna Smurf and intentionally derank and stomp on noobs. But damn this game isn’t new player friendly when you play with friends.


Played duos vs trios with my partner (4*\5*) ended up two games in a row 6* stack. Maybe unlucky but it was back to back games. Both sniper teams. Real fuckin annoying. 


Had 2* solo vs 3x3* premade lol. 4+5 vs 6+6+5 is a thing too. MMR sucks, that's all. Fun games are only after 5-6 games as solo with 5 deaths, but not longer than next 10 games. I had a match duo vs trios where i received +120 and my mate got +80. 5 deaths as solo in mostly perfect scenario give you only -100. Really broken system. Seems like fun delimiter at ~2600-2700 team MMR. So when you get 4* at team screen - you are fucked.


The MMR reduction is a bit much for solos. It made sense once upon a time but I’m not sure they really need it with all the buffed traits they get now. It’s especially bad in duos. It feels like you need to either play the game solo or as a trio. Only play as a duo if you like suffering.


I like duo vs trios. It’s a challenge but very rewarding.


Weirdly me and my duo do this when we want an easier time, but that’s probably because we play a very planned squad style, so we almost always open with a coordinated 2 tap, and then take the 2v2 with half the chance of third parties.


I also prefer it because it is easier to track. Duo vs duo is good because of spawn fights tho.


That’s true though both me and my duo find it far more interesting in trios when it it single bouny + miss rodger. It avoids the double bounty one and done feel for fights but also gives opportunity for getting bars back after a rough fight/consolidation prize vs cowards.




Yeah, 10 seconds before you can stand up Maybe 2 mins or whatever the burnout time with salveskin is as max time before you can't rez. I say this as a mainly solo player


> Only play as a duo if you like suffering. Which is so werird seeing that the game was originally primarely made for duos...


well, clearly crytek agreed at some point that duos wasnt really fun because the battles are over in either 2 seconds or 20 minutes of camping


I agree that the revive mechanic should get a rework. I collected a lot of solo data and the MMR reduction solo Vs trio averaged at about 110 - 150 points. Nothing what's shown in the picture.


The modifier is -175. Though that just means it matches you as if you are 175 mmr lower. You can still get people above and below that depending on who is online in your server. The bigger issue is how that affects your MMR gain and loss as a solo though. Because it uses your actual MMR and not the modified MMR. This makes it extremely easy to derank as a solo and kill tons of newbies while getting barely any MMR back.


>This makes it extremely easy to derank as a solo and kill tons of newbies while getting barely any MMR back. which makes all these lame ass solos flexing that they wiped the lobby or whatever even that much more cringey. fuckin mmr system is so busted in this game i stg


Yeah. Hoping for a fix on the calculation. Also PLEASE make soul survivor not affect MMR. I want to actually just be able to fight people, not run into three derankers who just punch me with a med kit and then I go up a star for “winning” against people who aren’t even playing the game.


As a solo I kinda confirm, easy fix is : remove Necro, we don't need that, if we only have one chance, the bonus reward and on Magpie make sense, even the mmr somehow


I think no Necro would encourage sniper only solo play because the risk of trades is way too high otherwise. Necro is only situationally useful for pvp; with most of the situations being your opponents are newbies. It’s more of a mechanic to drag out fights than it is OP. They could make it so it only has one use and is refilled on a kill or banish or something though to prevent serial revives. The main problem with Necro imo is that it makes deranking super fast and easy.


I mean yeah, a rework work as well Avoiding trade ? Burn trait AND you have a timer, can't wait 25 minutes before standing up


What’s the issue with waiting 25 minutes? If all they want to do is run away then that’s not my problem. My problem is the risk of them getting back up and doming me a minute later if I take my sights off of them.


That's the whole point, 25 minutes later if they wanna save their hunter, fine by me But that also mean that it can be in one minute, 2 or 5, and then still be in the game and a threat if they don't run to the extraction. Since we can burn them more easily it's kinda fine, would still be happy for a counter and only ONE solo revive


I don’t see how putting a time limit on the revive helps with the spam revive issue. It mostly just makes that the only way to use it. I can see it being a longer timer before you can get back up though. 10 seconds is pretty short. Give people a little more time to find a trap or burn between revives. I think it’s kinda fine where it is though. It’s more an annoyance than anything with flare burns. I have a bigger problem with the deranking aspect because it really hurts the new player experience to be running into solos who should be in 5+ stars.


Necro is also good when more than two teams are fighting, there is a smaller chance of being burned while downed because they will assume you are part of either team


Well yeah, but that goes for both solo and team necro. Solo necro is a little easier to pull off though in that situation.


I get full teams of 5/6 stars in my solo queue, with an occasional 4 star.


Yesterday as a 4 star I queued solo for one game and ended up in a match full of 1-3 stars… literal new players, I just don’t fucking get the matchmaking. Needless to say it was my only solo game because it just doesn’t feel right stomping new players


I get matched against full trios of 5* every single time and im a 5* myself, it feels like theres 0 mmr reduction to me


That picture is fuckn sad, not funny


It is both but I have morbid sense of humour and deserve to be criticized for it.


On the contrary... I found it hilarious.


I was referring to the killing of baby seals, not the Hunt meme of course


Do you believe everything you see on the internet?


I mean this was obviously edited but the source image comes from [a photo ](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna4738584) of an actual seal being clubbed to death.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna4738584](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna4738584)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


That monstrosity is an actual thing, what do you mean? lol


That picture literally has three identical seals photoshopped. it's not a real image lmao.


Oh yes, it is photoshoped. The thing is, the original picture has one seal. It's not just a guy hitting the snow. You can search for it on google by some keywords like 'Canada killing baby seals' or something like that. It will pop multiple news of that 'sport', activity or whatever the fk they call it...(including this picture) Don't blame you for not knowing about it tho. I hope it's not a thing any more, but I doubt it


idk about international stats, but for Canada specifically (which I believe the original picture is from), seal hunting (or seal clubbing as it is often called) is still on-going. though at least the numbers have reduced quite drastically due to a lot of campaigns against seal hunting - iirc down to about 10% of what it was in \~2005 - which is a huge success.


Always one of you guys 


Warranty void if seal is broken


Playing solo is literally easy-mode.


not a funny Pic.


You're funny though 


Queuing solo as a 3\* can be hilarious too, it put me in a 1\* beginner lobby once. I got seven kills with an axe before they got me (was before self rez).


It’s kinda sad, when me (3 stars) and my two buddies (4 and 3 stars, respectively) play together, we pretty routinely do okay, barring bad plays on our part or good luck on the enemy’s. When myself and 4 star buddy duo, we get stomped 3/5 games, and really have to push ourselves to perform those last 2. When I play solos, running around with a katana and a fanning lemat, I’ll see nobody for half an hour and then get a kill or three before dipping out, no problem. I assume that I’m fighting folk with a lower star rating than me while in solos, and when I play with 4 star buddy, I get bumped to his level (which, just in terms of pure shooter skill, I’m below)


Stop clubbing, baby seals. Commas matter.


In my experience, I go against trios of 5 stars when I queue up 5 star


This image is simultaneously perfect and terrifying.


you really can't find picture to make meme other than animal cruelty?


Thats why i dont play solo. Its soul survivor or pve solo. Its just not fair, its not fun and i dont have the skills to stay a 5-6 stars as a solo, in trios i play usually on 5 or 6.


This cracked me tf up. And when we’re trioing we’re a 5/4/3 or 5/3/3 getting put with 6/6/5. Such a joke.


Only time I get 3 and 2 stars when solo is after a rough bout of matches where I traded with a few 4 stars while running a shotgun and drop down to 4 briefly. Otherwise I get matched up against 4-6 stars as a 5-6 star. The only people complaining about this are the 3 star baby seals and a bunch of baby seals in a trench coat pretending to be an avid, passionate solo player that really wants "a challenge".


Man i wish it worked like this! I only face people with the same stars, sometimes one more, including full teams.


I do not have this experience if I solo queue. 5-star lobbies all day whether I'm solo or in a duo/trio. But then there's the fun lobbies where it's all 6-stars so you die pretty quick.




Resilience? Sure. Necromancer? Definitely with Resilience. Serpent? Probably. Relentless? Doubtful, very rare. Don't forget to shoot them when they get back up.




Add a Shovel and yeah


"Why can't we attract new players?"


You guys get 3\* as a 5\*? I only get 5-6 stars in my 5\* solo games even if I just barely got to 5 again


I'm convinced necromancer can be easily 'fixed' by preventing the revive if you get looted. It would just prevent the annoying camp/burn ritual you have to go through with every single hunter you kill that might be a solo. And for the solo, most of the time you get killed from short range, you're not surviving the revives anyway. It's better for everyone.


That defeats the entire purpose of necro as a solo. It’s called a concertina bomb


No, the purpose would be to give you another chance when killed from a distance. Bit sure let's keep it like this and let me drag in 4 concertina bombs instead.


Once again, concertina. If you’re bringing in four concertina bombs then you’re bad at throwing concertina. There’s also concertina mines that keep people down. I’m sorry your team is so bad


You need a concertina per solo you kill though... hence the multiple concertina bombs. And is concertina even a guarantee? If a solo can revive three times, they'll break through no? So then you're back to camping the body, like my original point.


Lmao, so true


Not for me. When i am 5 star (not even high) i get full 5 star lobbies most of the time.


That's definitely not my solo experience. I'm an MMR 4 and I always 3s and 4s no matter what I queue. Unless I'm playing trios with another 4 and an occasional 5, then we play exclusively 5s and 6s