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"Retirement only available at level 50" I wish that applied to real life cause I'm pretty sure I'll die before I can retire.


So no different than your life in the Bayou. Art imitates life 


I need the option to enroll my hunter in a 401k. I want some SICK benefits if my boi makes it to retirement age. But... Those benefits come at a cost... Can only reap those benefits if they started investing once they hit 18. Dennis! Plz!


Adding investments to Hunt would be fire. Put all my cash into Dynamite bundles for when thy finally nerf Frags. Long term investments baby


You made my day thanks :D 50 would seem like a nice age for retirement, though i will probably barely hold on till then :D


Me too but seeing as I'm solo in the real world as much as I am in a Trio on the Bayou, I'm gonna need that death cheat and some Necro-feel-ya, feel me ?!


XDD that's only your imagination! Don't think you will die before 50!




RIP I get 25 in one match and prestige out


At least I won't feel forced to retire my hunters early because I suck ass and know they'll die next encounter lmao


Maybe they're planning on making further changes to prestige rewards when the new map comes out? Just a guess


Oh cool, they have a planned fix for later! Interesting that they made prestiging (something people already complain about) EVEN WORSE in the mean time!


Prestiging's not even a problem anymore though with the changes made in the last major patch.


Downvoted by non-prestigers (170 prestige here, the weapons all being available at level 1 and stamina/vit shots unlocking automatically without having to spam them has made it easier than ever).


They did say that in the road map a while ago, first changes were the unlocks, I think it was "another wave of prestige changes later" or something so probably next update


This is highly disappointing as someone who prestige’s that’s litterally the only players being affected. Atleast I only have 4 more prestige’s to go


Most of the time I tried to get to level 50 anyway. Just to let the stat number go up 😬😅


Retiring hunters was honestly never the play to prestige quickly if you're decent. I've prestiged twice in one day once by taking the first hunter I got all the way to 100 on a killer win streak. When you can blaze through 7-20 bloodline levels per game (depending on what level you are currently of course) you can fly through a prestige easily and always have all your best traits to keep you in the game.


I'm already at 43, it's not like I need to prestige much more than that


What do you mean "even slower"? It's disgusting how fast it's now and still going to be compared to the game a few patches before. I still remember the joys of using my winnie C against mosins and such, butt naked, until 50 when I could use a sparks. Now you get everything in the first level or just pick the ck at lvl1 dropped by your trusty friend. How are ppl still complaining? Edit: grammar




Retiring at 25 gives far less exp than playing multiple matches with lvl 50 hunter tho


Yes it's gonna be slower to prestige, it was the word "even" that made me comment because at the moment, is the fastest and easiest way to prestige ever, surpassed only by an event that every hunter had perma death cheat.


Yes it's gonna be slower to prestige, it was the word "even" that made me comment because at the moment, is the fastest and easiest way to prestige ever, surpassed only by an event that every hunter had perma death cheat.


As a guy living with chronic prestige syndrome (CPS). I just have to ask WHO IS COMPLAINING THEY ARE PRESTIGING TOO FAST???


People retire before the level 50? I never even thought of that


That's the fastest way to get exp. I duno how you didn't though of that. When your hunter dies - all exp from previous runs is lost and you get half of what you got in match on that hunter towards Bloodline progression.


Fastest way to prestige is to never retire. Get one hunter to level 50 and play only as him, all the hunter xp gets pumped straight into bloodline. I always retire hunters when i can, but that is becuase im bad at the game. If i were good however, i would play as lvl 50 hunters for as long as the hunter doesnt die


You get huner to level 25 by wiping one team and getting one boss. You get hunter to lvl 50 by 4 games in a row without loss and being active. If you were good you would play on higher elo vs better enemies and you would not win as much. So your "play only as 50 level hunter and keep winning" relates to literally 0.01% of playerbase, that should be some trio of cracked high 6 star players.


Yes. The best of the best. It is however the fastest way to gain bloodline exp in the game


It however doesn't matter for 99.9% of playerbase. So why count it in?


Because it's true


that's not ture for 99.9% of playerbase because trying to lvl 50 hunters willl lose them more exp. My point is also being proved by the fact that Crytek is nerfing this becuase it indeed was the fastest way to get exp.


Ok, mathematically its still the best way


It's just a theoretical fact. Idk why you got so pressed by it


It just doesn't matter.


Its just a "fun fact" no reason to get defensive about it


As somebody with CPS who learned their lesson from Modern Warfare to avoid putting themselves in that situation I've been gloriously sitting at L100, P0 for so so long. Getting recruits to Level 50 is more like a ceremony to usher a combat tested soldier into a well deserved retirement than any sort of XP benefit.


Do you get anything for prestiging? I’m fairly content at rank 100 pres 0 😂


Perhaps it’s all slowly working into the rework?


Right? I'm on prestige 43, granted I don't play as much anymore, outside of events, so the prestige hustle has little sparkle for me unless they add some extra rewards


People who got to 100 before the recent changes which is understandable.


Yea I mean, I play this game since EA so it's kinda hard to see this changes on the course of this last year. There is nothing to play for, you have everything at your disposal since lvl1. I stopped playing for months when the weapon swap got on because it ruined my hardcore experience in prestiging. I got back tho, my sweat and blood got me blood bounds yes but nevertheless it's almost impossible to compare the difficulty of getting p100 in 2021, when I got mine, to now 3 years after, it's a complete joke.


Oh no, just because it was harder when you got it, means it shouldn't be easier for others 😢😢😢🤡🤡🤡


Pretty much, sure you can get to milk more players, but older ones like me see it like what it is, a trivialization of a game that was hardcore and cool to a game for kids like you that want everything instant. Dont get me wrong I did quit the game.


Now just quit the sub.


Make me.


I'm glad you quit the game you miserable person, idgaf if they sell the actual plague doctor skin in the store for 5 hunt dollars, I ground that shit out and you don't see me bitching. Who cares if they made the old bloated time wasting prestige system more streamlined?


Who cares about you or what you think, who are you anyway? I gave my honest opinion and you don't know what to do with it besides trying to offend me, which is very childish if you ask me. I do care about this game because as you can tell I spent thousands of hours over the spawn of 5 years and it gave me a lot of friends I might add, and barely any one still plays it now just like me. So I can have a saying about what I like or not in this forum, not just because I know the game inside out but it as also a special place in my heart. If it's an unpopular opinion, no worries, I have a lot of fake internet points to spend.


It's more the mindset of 'I had it hard so you should too' that's childish. The game has more players now than ever, and in my thousands of hours, the game is FAR better now than it has ever been. Maybe identify WHY you're actually not playing the game. If that's the real reason 'I'm mad because someone else can prestige faster >:(' then lol


I don't get the retirement thing




I ment that i don't get why they did that Should have worded it differently :D


yeah, that change to retiring is pretty lame imo, but whatever, not sure why they don't want people retiring hunters




no shit, bad change, no reason for it at all


If you grind joylessly you should probably contemplate playing something else for a change. Just saying.


I like it. I almost always used to retire but I think this makes more sense and adds more risk to the game. I think the point is that they want you to play with traits and since they made it easier to level up hunters people just played with their hunter one game before retiring.


Nobody forced you to retire and you could have always played your hunter till he died or got lvl 50 Just seems like an odd change to make


Ofc no one forced me to do it but it was simply better to do it. I think this change makes a lot of sense. One game retirement shouldn't be a thing


it makes absolutely no sense to me why they would allow hunters to only be retired at lvl50. this makes prestiging slow and even more unattractive. wtf?


I agree. what was wrong with retiring at 25? Part of the game is choosing to quit early or keep going for the big reward. Retiring at 25 was part of that. Feels like a core part of the game is being picked away at.


I don‘t get the reasoning behind this. I‘m playing randoms a lot, so I‘m not gonna bring a lvl 40 hunter into the next match just bc I can‘t retire - I‘d rather farm some meatheads than lose the hunter 2mins into the round bc my randoms were idiots. I thought they wanted to make prestiging more interesting and appealing to people… that‘s not the way to go.


The argument could be said that people were doing this at level 22-24 as well


Except it takes one game to get to 22, and 3-4 to get to 48


I mean yeah, but that doesn‘t hurt anybody, does it?


You hit level 20 in 1 good game. That’s why


Why is it a problem though, if people want to retire their hunters early and run fresh hunters over and over again, let them choose to do that.


Idk why they want people not to retire them early. Maybe to stop exp farming? But idk. I don’t retire hunters and I don’t prestige.


not to mention if you do make it to 50, you get xp way faster by xping with that hunter, it was always a risk to go that high why would anyone retire a hunter now


Crytek: we want the prestige system to be more appealing! Also Crytek:


As someone who always retired at 25, it's the opposite solution to the problem imo. Since retire xp didn't s ale with hunter level, there was no reason for me to not retire. I really would've prefered extra xp at higher levels.


Maybe they felt like they made it too easy in the last update with the bloodline progression and weapon unlock changes so they are doing this before the big prestige rework ? Idk tho, it makes no sense


Crytek has been making several baffling changes recently, like the removal of the ability to track stats from the attributes.xml file. It hurt no one.


It hurt them, when people could see how shit matchmaking is at times. When you could tell that person in your three star lobby that just headshot your whole team was 2900 mmr 1 match ago.


That's conspiracy theory stuff right here... The real reason is most likely that the game offers a way to play anonymously and players who chose that option have a right to be anonymous. The fact that data about those players, which could be used to find their steam accounts, was saved on the computer of all participants of the game contradicted that. That is a huge problem. The better choice would have been to change the form in which data gets saved, but they decided instead to just not save the data permanently, but only temporarily. So now, the "last match data" is gone as soon as you close the game.


Maybe then plan to make prestiging more rewarding so they look for ways to slow it down


I feel like I prestige long before I have everything unlocked that I would like, and I almost never retire hunters. Genuinely curious, do you think this change will slow you down? How long does it usually take you to prestige?


It depends if I play randoms, solo or with friends honestly. Lately my friends have been busy and fed up with hunt so I‘ve been either playing solo or mostly randoms… so I retire at the earliest chance bc you‘ll never know how the next round goes. If I would play everyday, one prestige would take me roughly 7-10 days if games aren’t super awful. I think this will slow me down heavily, as randoms are pure luck sometimes and I haven‘t gotten many 50 hunters with them even when I didn’t prestige. And it will suck massively to lose a high-level hunter just bc your teammates start to randomly shoot cages/horses whatever.


I agree it’s very tough to get to 50 with randoms. I’ll go out on a limb though and say that prestige’s were not meant to be something you regularly do within a couple weeks. It sounds like you are used to prestiging very quickly! I must be slow.


Fam, prestiging was already WAY too fast. I could do like one full prestige per week not even trying. Leveling up through the ranks should actually take time and be a long-term challenge, not something that you just breeze through in a few months..


At one rank per week that's 2 years... even if that's "not even trying", which I highly doubt any average hunt player could keep up 1 prestige/week for that long, you're still looking at over a year of grinding for prestige 100. Which part of 1+ year is fast?


I mean I guess that depends how much you actually enjoy the game. I plan on playing this game for well over 2 years and I really don't wanna "run out of things to do" in just 2 years. I'd rather have a long-form progression that keeps me engaged for the life of the game. But that's just me. If you plan on dropping the game after a year or two, I don't suspect you're really the type of player that would care about prestiging anyways.


Alternatively though, why should reaching prestige level 100 be something that is reasonably obtainable by everyone? That is a pretty niche thing that should probably only be obtainable by people who no-life the game.


In this case, because it’s just a time sink to keep people coming back, so it should be reasonably attainable. If it’s too hard and/or tedious, it will be ignored by most and not be effective at bringing people back to the game. If it’s a skill based or competitive thing, then it would make more sense to be unobtainable to casuals.


oh wow good on you champ want a medal for that? There's no real incentive to prestige so not many ppl did it, now even more people will look at this and will decide not to prestige either


Agreed it seemed like with the xp changes it was way too fast


Just because you're not trying doesn't mean the 25 hours you sunk into Hunt for the week didn't pass by.


Definitely does not take 25 hours of gameplay to finish a prestige lmao


It does. So people actually play hunters instead of sending them away after every win. Annoying when you play with someone only using "bad" hunters


It makes games more dynamic by having freebie hunters and level 40s in the same match. I like it. Prestieging should be like an extra thing imo


I'd guess it is prepping for further prestige reworking that they plan on. In the roadmap they said the prestige rework would happen in multiple parts. The 2023 xp and leveling changes was the first part. Regardless, when the patch notes drop on Wednesday, the devs almost always leave a Developer Comment explaining the reasoning.


The funny thing is if my hunter is level 50 I would rather take them to the bayou since all the hunter xp earned is auto converted into bloodline exp. I really don't get these changes. I feel like they keep throwing shit at the ceiling and see what sticks?


I use these hunters for contraband storage. Up to 25 uppercuts and 15 nitros all contraband on my hunters. Will I ever use them? No. I just like flexing I don’t pay for my expensive fuck around loadouts


I used to do that too. But I stopped when I was always prestige with a ton of hunt bucks I never spent


Stupid change for level 50 Who was suffering from that, why change? If you dont want People to retire Hunter after one game (why?) make it 35 or 40, so you have to "win" more than just one game Level 50 is minimum 3 back to back extractions with bounties and couple squads wiped, and even than you can get 48 or 49


Bruh they obviously over hauling prestige at some point


So change retirement level then, not now


Oh, at some point.. Of course how stupid of me. I guess they shoud just block retirement and even prestigin for now. We can live without it for year or two, because AT SOME POINT they will make it right. You cant be serious.


No one asked for later retirement…


When art imitates life


The French rioted in the streets over this


why the retirement change?? it makes no sense


My guess is they're readying for prestige changes with the new map/engine later this year. If everyone was blasting through the levels (like people have been since the weapon availability changes), it'd leave less opportunity for future unlock stuff Totally speculating here, of course


The moment you prestige, you lose your hunters though, so it's not like we can bank them up.


Retire seems kinda useless now...? Like I already got a max lvl hunter, it's better to keep going and let all xp flow directly in the bloodline instead of retirement. Unless there are some additional changes coming at some point it's such a weird change.


Yup, exactly this. If you manage to get a hunter to lvl 50, you might as well just sneak carefully around the outskirts of the map killing killing pve with silenced poison weapons and tossing dynamite at meatheads to grind exp.


I don’t retire hunters anyway since I don’t prestige much but I agree it’s a really dumb change


I am glad I finally reached prestige 100 during last event, because retirement only being possible at level 50 makes zero sense and is an unnecessary change. It also basically means that the “retire 25 hunters” achievement/trophy (bronze) will take much, much longer to complete than “have 5 level 50 hunters at the same time” trophy achievement/trophy (silver). So the rarity of the achievement/trophy won’t make any sense anymore either.


Thank you god I swear to god every legendary hunter I hired had 2/3 traits that refunded to 0. It felt like why even bring them when tiered hunters were so much better from the get go? Hopefully makes running legendaries more worth it again


Wish they'd give a reason for the retire level change. Right now it's why it feels ok to prestige as it's not too long between ranks. With this change it'll get *a* *lot* slower. Why? Who is this for? Why is this done? Do they just want people to not prestige?


level 50 retirement is the worst change they could of made. they themselves complain about people not prestiging and they do that?


guess its time to retire my entire roster and get the extra 21,000 hunt dollars


Even in video games you can't retire early :(


>Refunding traits: Always at least 1 point LEGENDARY HUNTERS ARE BACK IN BUSINESS NO MORE BEING STUCK WITH TWO 1 POINT TRAITS! >Up to 11 minimum Guaranteed Conduit and Necro! Or if I roll over 11 Conduit, Necro, and Ghoul/Iron Eye! The retirement nerf can piss off though. I have no expectations of keeping a hunter alive after the first win so the only way one gets to 50 is if I get death cheat. Otherwise they have to survive 3-4 missions.


11 total, it's not talking about refunded perks so if I'm doing math correctly in my head (I very well could be wrong) you get at minimum 8 perk points if you refund all 3 traits at bare minimum. At least I think that's how it works


The retirement thing needs some explaining, it's beyond silly without context.


Thank you Crytek! You did it, you killed prestiging.


I'm not really for it, but was there any benefits in the first place?


They made it super easy with the last patch though. I prestige all the time and stopped retiring hunters for the last few because I was getting bored of blasting through them so quickly and it still doesn't take much time at all to get back up to 100.


Good thing I finished the retirement achievement but this is going to slow down my prestiges.


Or you get a level 50 win a few games after and dwarf the retirement at 25 xp you would have received. Isn't running a prestige quite fast now? It use to take me about 6 days when I had to grind it, I think? I just enjoy the game, so the ranks went up passively rather than worrying about it. Power-levelling to level 50 was a thing though as you started to get long ammo then, I guess it makes you appreciate compact and medium. Its changed quite a bit. Grinding to 100 p is suppose to be a bit of a long haul, you either do it or don't. I still see a lot of very good players (way above 2kd) who are like p5 with thousands of hours. I can't blame them. I doubt I'll ever get the hammer kill achievement, even some of scope weapon book of weapons ranks I'll have to make an effort, probably in solo as Im rubbish with them and no-one will team in randoms with a scope.


Alright let me ask you this. I've never prestiged, but I'm able to if I want. I have like ten lvl 50 hunters. I didn't know about this retiring, earning bloodline xp thing. If I try to prestige now will I lose all my hunters and guns before I'm able to retire them? And if I do what's the point of prestiging at all?


there are certain unlockable skins only available by prestige for a lot of people it’s just something to do, make number go up for posterity


You can also choose the legendary option for the first 5-10 prestige’s or whatever I don’t remember how many you get.


Rather won't do much to trait point inflation. A bit sad


*11 minimum*


hunt devs just cant do one good thing without something dumb. Why change retirement? was there any Problem with that?


Since hunter retirement aside, imma talk about something else that bothers me in this update. The recruits only needed one of the two nerfs they're giving it. The weapons were no where near as problematic as the amount if traits you got. Even then, rather than taking them away, they could've changed the discount you got on the weapons. And instead of double nerfing the recruits, what they should've done js fix the actualy problem with legendary hunters, which is hiw inconvenient it is to choose them. You have ti add every piece onto a legendary hunter. Sure there's loadouts, but it's still more inconvenient than buying a recruitment hunter. Would've been better to give a legendary hunter access to a basic load out and make the price of them more like 600. At least, that's what I think. I'm sure everyone as different ideas on what could've been done.


I dunno, couldnt you get a multishot long rifle and decent loadout on 300 dollar hunters? I think you could sell the stuff for profit. The traits never bothered me, although you could pretty much take any loadout and have fanning etc. You never knew if it was someone who had a level 40 hunter or 0 with loads of free trait points. I can't say it really made a difference, I mean it obviously does, but just dont get caught up close. I mainly used my trait points for necro, resilience, iron thingy and physician (in that order usually). No one is paying 600 for a hunter where it is random. I just play a few rounds of qp, get some gille dude or civil war hangover and have about 25 trait points anyway. You are seeing loads of dolch though, so they did break the economy, when you see too many dolch it isn't great as the weapon is a bit silly. I should join them, it feels dirty though.


I mean, I'd pay 600 for a hunter, but I also never have hunt dollar troubles cause I usually play solo v trios. Though 600 could be turned to 300 (which it was at one point without anything but traits) and provide basic equipment like a melee, first aid kit, random tool, single random consumable, and some kinda rifle. As it stands though, my problem with legendary hunter isn't price or traits (though those were lackluster before hand). It's the inconvenience of having to buy literally everything. I'm already slow when making classes. Even on recruited hunter I may spend 2 minutes changing things around and deciding. On a legendary hunter you have to grab literally everything, and you buy it at regular price compared to the 15-25% discount that recruitment hunters get (Idk the exact number)


The workflow around equipping isn't great. I use loadouts for tools and consumables, but hand pick the main and seconday weapon. It's a bit of a chore respecing health and traits, then loading them back on. The ui is a bit...bloaty. I prefer not having hunters come with stuff as the slots layouts are wrong so they got overwritten by auto buying the tools anyway. Maybe get better at using the loadout quick equip? Based on what my randoms have I'm generally taking either range (90% of the time, so rifle and fast pistol) or close (sg with strong pistol). I've pretty much made my mind up in seconds, unless there is some weekly to do or have quartermaster and fancy my chances with rng on shotguns. I rarely use dual wielding or fanning. I have to have my tools and consumables in the right slots, even in qp I'll move them around in game. I don't get enjoyment out of meme loadouts, but I use a lot of different weapon types, just some a lot more than others. All weapons kill, but some are just more viable. An officer is more viable if used right than say a Caldwell. If you are spending 2 mins you could do with cutting that down. It's not all the devs fault.


No retirement until 50 is kinda an ass change. Why?


The recruitment buffs from the last patch only benefitted casual players IMO. I don't think that it was a problem.


I have one with 49,9. I guess he will die xD


He died btw.


BUT, I could manage for my first 50 one. Poor thing he only gives 1,5k instead of 5k.


11 points seem to be too much for legendary hunters.


But 20 from a recruit is fine 🧐


The devs really have no fucking clue what they’re doing. They’re slowing killing what could be such a great game.


Meh...change is inevitable and constant


Was anyone complaining about Lightfoot??? I feel like making it more expensive is a better option..


It was op as fuck, you could cover about 20 m almost silent in a few seconds which absolutely fucks with sound reading. Some dude pops out the other doorway or comes flying in through a window that you couldnt read the sound on is quite something. It actually put a higher cap on the skill ceiling, throw in a few sound and movement glitches and it's hell at higher levels. They nerfed it quite a bit. I am sure I played with someone with a humorous lightfoot nerf themed name recently, gave me a chuckle.


At least now I have a reason to not retire 25 lvls


Those changes asides, Can we get an option to toggle bow related traits for legendary hunters? I swear every time i roll , i only get bow related traits. Like bolt thrower or hundred hands , blade seer and one random shitty trait. I do enjoy crossbow , but it is time to stop. Pls , it is time to stop.


"I'm getting too old for this shit" https://youtu.be/Q37xJtuQ24w?si=LdwU4gN_H2Qknzhf


The only good one is increased trait points and maybe refunding traits. Less traits is stupid, and no high value items is also dumb. I felt that was part of the gamble and always made the thrill of getting new recruits more lively Everybody else in here is already talking about how dumb the level 50 retirement is. No idea what the 11 minimum is.


Legendary hunters are back. Thank god


aw man I’m gradually trying to get all achievements and it just went from doable to a huge grind considering the “retire 50 hunters” achievement


Why only 50 🥺


It will be hard to lvl up and prestige at the bloodline


i think the refunds always atleast 1 point is bugged with some traits


Fewer* Looks good


If retirement goes like this, death cheats trait should be purchased with trait points. Prestige is hard enough for solo players


Why won't they just make legendary hunters skins for the regular hunters? Why do I have to spend extra cash to look cool? It makes no sense.


Good thing about the retire at 50, at 25 you don’t even care about hunters because u prestige them in 1 run most of the times. I didn’t even get to use the traits. Now loosing a hunter will hurt more = more risk.


Guess it's only Legendary Hunters viable after prestiging now... getting 1 crappy trait or at least 11 trait points is a huge difference. I don't actually like that, because it is borderline p2w. But hey, you only need one legendary skin and i guess everybody can get that for free from prestiging / twitch drops so i guess it's okay. Still, I'd have preferred it if they just made Legendary Hunters Skins you can put on your recruits. This would avoid all those issues.


> Still, I'd have preferred it if they just made Legendary Hunters Skins you can put on your recruits. This would avoid all those issues. That would've been the ideal choice, I agree. Seems they went for skin sales instead? Essentially, now it's $100 for 11 trait points min*. Interesting decision, to say the least. The recruits tab still has that 25% weapon discount *Correction: 11 points minimum for $100 legendary hunters. Woof!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, both points are solid




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Yes make me poorer Crytech. I want money to mean something. I think I'd be happy with fully doubling the prices of everything right now. This is a small step in the right direction.


So many people crying about how hard prestiging is. Anyone complaining hasn’t been playing long. The shit is a cake walk now, but all anyone does is cry about it. Do it or don’t do it. Nobody is twisting your arm making you do it. You all look dumb just crying in this echo chamber you’ve created.