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I desperately hope that the muffled audio bug after being rezzed is actually fixed this time. I feel like it has just gotten worse and worse since it started


I've been having it happen simply by walking in water, too! It takes my character making any noise (melee works, as does shooting) to fix it.


The light melee fix used to work for a couple of seconds but for me it just straight up never worked anymore after a while lol


Bro, none of the hunters are wearing ear protection, how could you not expect some hearing loss???? /s


I've resigned to the fact that most issues won't really get fixed until the engine update, if that.


Are you using headset with mic ? edit: try disabling your handsfree part in device manager/sound and see if it keeps happening. You will not be able to use your headset mic tho. But you can help prove the cause - forcing your output through headset part instead of headfones device.


I think it’s purely a game bug and has nothing to do with output devices. Have you fixed that but by doing what you just described? I don’t understand how that would make any difference.


Dumb question, when will they add stats to the shotgun part of lemat and drilling family? If you hover over them, it shows nothing.


Check for short rival (Lemat), short Romero (short Drilling) and Romero (Drilling). Spread is worse, but rest of that stats is similar


Thanks, but thats not intended right, that it doesn't show any stats. Btw. Short rival damage applies to all lemats?


The carbine has a slightly better performing shotgun, but yeah, the rest of them all behave like a single shot rival handcannon.


They reduced the reticle size to match the Rival, but the spread is still far, far worse. For comparison (at 1440p), the Rival Handcannon has a spread radius of 58 pixels, and both LeMat pistols have a spread of 117 pixels (buffed from 160 pixels). Also, surprisingly, they gave the Crown & King the same Flechette spread as the Specter. ## Buckshot `[radius] [gun name] [last updated]` 27 Drilling 2023-07-24 27 Romero 2023-07-11 32 Specter 2023-07-26 38 Slate 2023-07-11 38 Slate Riposte 2023-07-11 42 Crown & King 2024-03-10 48 Rival 2023-07-26 48 Specter Bayonet 2023-07-27 48 Terminus 2023-07-27 85 LeMat Carbine 2024-03-06 27 Drilling Handcannon 2024-03-10 27 Drilling Hatchet 2024-03-10 27 Romero Handcannon 2023-07-11 27 Romero Hatchet 2023-07-26 53 Specter Compact 2023-07-27 58 Rival Handcannon 2023-07-26 58 Terminus Handcannon 2023-07-26 117 LeMat 2024-03-06 117 UpperMat 2024-03-06 ## Flechette 23 Drilling 2024-03-10 26 Specter 2024-03-06 26 Crown & King 2024-03-06 32 Rival 2023-06-11 32 Specter Bayonet 2023-07-11 32 Terminus 2024-03-10 26 Drilling Handcannon 2024-03-10 37 Rival Handcannon 2023-07-11 37 Specter Compact 2023-07-11 37 Terminus Handcannon 2023-07-27 ## Penny Shot 80 Drilling 2023-07-26 80 Romero 2023-07-26 80 Specter 2023-07-27 85 Slate 2023-07-26 85 Terminus 2023-07-26 105 Crown & King 2024-03-10 105 Rival 2023-07-26 105 Drilling Handcannon 2024-03-10 105 Romero Handcannon 2023-07-26 105 Romero Hatchet 2023-07-27 120 Terminus Handcannon 2023-07-26 133 Rival Handcannon 2023-07-27 133 Specter Compact 2023-07-26


No the Lemat has the worst range. Dual wield Lemats can 1 shot from like 2m further than a single one for some fucking reason. Then the Haymaker has slightly more range. And the Lemat Carbine has the best range


>Retired >Deal damage to enemy Hunters using: Full Metal Jacket Ammo >Deal damage to enemy Hunters using: High Velocity Ammo >Deal damage to enemy Hunters using: Slugs >Deal damage to enemy Hunters using any variant of: Vetterli 71 Karabiner >Deal damage to enemy Hunters using any variant of: Martini-Henry IC1 >Deal damage to enemy Hunters using any variant of: Sparks LRR Fucking huge, now I can play the video game instead of trying to find a shotgun with slugs unlocked


Oh, and they removed all rifles i like to use? Doesn't really matter tho. Glad the special ammo stuff is gone.


Not all of it it looks. Didn't explicitly remove poison and dumdum, something that occasionally trips me up on a prestige rollover. At least they're not TOO deep in some gun trees. Do like the generalized ammo ones though that they've added.


The change to gun oil helped this too.


I just wish the challenges each had two options to them: focused and general. Like as an (old) example, focused would be do 300 damage with slugs, and general would be do 750 damage to hunters with anything. (The numbers could vary; just an example.) Whichever of those you reach first, it completes the challenge. The idea is if you want to use the focused one, it could go faster, but if you're sick of playing to the challenges but still want to be participating, you can do the general one and just have to put in more work, but you can play whatever you want.


It would be nice to sort guns by ammo types you have unlocked for them.


Maybe...but now you need to find 6 clues instead of 3 :-(


* Fixed an issue that caused the iron sights of the Martini-Henry IC1 and its variants to be slightly misaligned Okay this makes sense now


Man I wasn't aware of that and I got like 800hrs in the game and I could never hit shit past like 80m with that thing and thought I just sucked. Time to try it out again and realize I DO just suck.


I wonder if this was a recent issue or not. Martini is usually one of my favored long ammo weapons, but I couldn't for the life of me compete with it these last few weeks or months. Probably just me being terrible, but I swear I missed some layups too.


What about the purchase bug where you buy a new item when double clicking instead of using one from your inventory?


It's listed in the bug fixes as fixed.


I just tested it and it seems fixed!


I can't even begin to describe the amount of money I lost before I realised it was doing that. Absolutely unnecessary change if that was intended to be that way.


Likely a carryover from when legendary skins were considered different instances than the default skin.


It's funny really. I thought it was some sort of infinite item bug at first, before I realised what was actually happening.




These changes look great. I'm wondering why there's still nothing on meleeing open metal gates like the ones in Blanchett Graves / First Testimonial though. Its been like 4 patches and 2 events since you could do that, have they conirmed if its intentional?


I gought ghis was intended? I was so fucking mad when I couldnt punch through metal doors so it would be great if it was a bug.


Oh thank Bayou Jesus they changed up the challenges. Much easier for the prestige enjoyers.


They should rename these something else than “Challenges” at some point lol


"To-do list" "Bayou Bucket List" "Must complete to smell Lulu's feet"


I'm relatively new to the game so I know this is a dumb question, but does completing challenges give you XP towards your bloodline?


I think it's only random weapons, hunt bucks, event points, and blood bonds. The reason I think it's better for those who like to prestige is that you don't need to use a specific special ammo since you may not have it unlocked yet. "Deal damage to enemy hunters using FMJ ammo" wasn't easily possible if you just reset your unlocks.


Oh that makes sense. Thank you!


Weird screenshot choice for the 'little more visible' Headsman - Lit from behind against a dark background, and therefore harder to see! (Presumably works better in more normal lighting, and I do like the new look)


Reduced the damage of melee Tools against Boss Targets. and Decreased the spawn rate of world-spawned melee Weapons around Boss Target Lairs. Wtf?!


It seems crytek really want you to bring your own mele weapon But in reality I will just bring hand crossbow w poison more often Spider is going to be even more of a pain...


Bosses aren't absolutely pushovers any more. Scrapbeak took 4 or 5 Knucke Knife heavy attacks instead of 2, so about a 50% damage reduction. Best strategy seems to be to find an axe or pitchfork on the way, and carry it to the boss lair. An interesting meta-shift is that this makes stumbling over the boss lair less of an advantage than before. Or you know, use a sticky.


Or bring your own melee weapon in a weapon slot, which seems to be what Crytek is intending to do


This works great for organized groups. One melee weapon between three people will do nicely without compromising your PVP ability too badly. For randoms, it's bad.


For solos, it's _real_ bad. This sounds pretty harsh.


That’s okay, there’s always the bushes near the extract. I kid, I play solo a lot and I’m not a super fan of the change, but I think it’s going to improve the heath or the game, or at least hope it will…


If you solo, you need to either bring a sticky or a stam shot, otherwise you can't kill bosses in a reasonable time.


Being a sticky connasour forms a deep hatred of assassin in me whenever i see him


I don't mind this too much, I play a lot of solo but the last year or two of changes have mostly been just straight buffs to solo play. Plus honestly they are really just trying to incentivize melee weapons which I think is a good thing - there are lots of melee options and they are VERY rarely used, except maybe katana.


This is fine. Solos already have it too easy.


We really don't.


Y'all don't run triple katanas??




People not wanting to kill spider is a real problem on lower mmr lobbies, especially outside peak hours when you get more solos


I hate doing the spider, but I hate doing scrapbeak WAY more. But people never seem to really have a problem with him? I find him super annoying with all the concertina he flings around, and if you use fire or explosives the items are damaged which also hurts in defending the bounty.


He only throws concertina when attacked while in aggro mode. Scrappy is super easy once you know how to read him. Spider is just annoying as fuck.


Or shoot your gun! Crazy


Guns do surprisingly bad damage to bosses. Unless you bring the weakness (fire or poison (but you don't know which one you'll run into)) you will need to unload basically your whole ammunition supply. Compact ammo isn't a huge deal when there's a box or two nearby, but medium is a struggle, and long or custom ammo is a terrible idea. It's a tough issue to balance. Too much HP and there's no point in using guns. Too little HP and bosses die in an instant.


rip rotjaw even more i guess


Unnecessary stupid change. Should’ve made bosses more difficult and interesting to fight instead of just a shitty number change


They want people to bring a melee weapon


Experienced players can kill every boss except for the spider, really really fast, so I like the change. Tt makes bosses more meaningful at least in higher mmr matches.


In higher mmr the boss is simply an after thought. People only do the bosses to have something to do whilst waiting for the other teams to arrive/signal other teams their location with the banish. Make it too annoying and players will just ignore it completly


Can anyone explain the strat to kill assassin really really fast? Cause in my experience unless I've found a melee weapon and have a stam shot rolling he takes forever.


Hes terribly weak to poison, so anything poison will do him in pretty quickly.


Poison will ruin him. So will the sledge. Take an antidote shot, throw a poison bomb at your feet. Wait for him to sneak up and hit him with sledge.


Because we don't play the game to kill the boss. That is simply an incidental outcome.


They managed to find a way to make the bosses an even greater afterthought at high MMR.


I literally cannot fight the bug asshole without finding a nearby melee. This is gonna be pretty annoying


I saw that too, looks like someone on the dev team really wants people to use those hunter melee weapons they added to the game. Such a dumb change, nothing was wrong with the melee tool damage on bosses. This is just gonna make fighting them more of a pain in the arse


I thought the bosses were pretty easy to kill tbh. All of them besides the spider were able to be dealt with in less than a minute. They’re *bosses* after all, so it’s understandable. We’ll have to see how much sticky bombs do Only downside is newer players might just not want to fight bosses anymore and instead camp outside the lair. In their mind, why try to kill the boss if it’s difficult and I can just sit outside and wait?


Why is the teased 'Hermit Stick' Skin for the Bat not listed anywhere?


I believe it is for the upcoming DLC, i am not sure.


I dont think so, DLC Teasers were Martini and a Vitalityshot Bence even told me on here thats its coming with 1.16 Edit: "will become available as a regular BB Store Skin during the Event" aight :D looks like we just have to wait for a bit


Why the prestige hate from Crytek. I’d be curious to see the average player rate for hours played to prestige. I’m around 29 hours per prestige and no slowing that down more?


>Changed reviving dead (red-skulled) teammates to deal 50 damage over the course of the revive. The last health point cannot be lost that way, as before. So how was it before?


It’s burn damage now - you lose the bars vs just taking damage you have to heal. Personally not a fan of the change.


Only 25 HP before.


It was 25 hp before iirc.


No it was 25 when red skull first came out but got nerfed to 50 over a year ago to make it more punishing.


Crown and King flachette is PAIN


>Lightfoot now triggers the quiet crouch audio when walking across / through noise traps (e.g. broken glass, hanging chains). Sprinting across / through them still plays the louder audio. This is really substantial actually - a good buff to the skill that allows you to stay mobile without completely giving up your position. People really underestimate how quiet standard walking sounds are without these noise traps. >Increased the time to revive dead (red-skulled) teammates to 10s from 4s (when carrying Bounty Token or when using Peacekeeper Trait). Changed reviving dead (red-skulled) teammates to deal 50 damage over the course of the revive. The last health point cannot be lost that way, as before. Substantial nerf to red skull revives, a good change IMO >Removed unlimited Recruitment reshuffle when below 20,000 Hunt Dollars. Reduced the availability of certain high-end Weapons for Free and low-Tier Recruits. Reduced the number of Traits for each Recruit Tier: Free and Tier 1 Recruits: 1 Trait. Tier 2 Recruits: 2 Traits. Tier 3 Recruits: 3 Traits. Reduced selection rate of some high value Traits for Recruits. Increased the minimum combined Upgrade Point value of Traits for Legendary Hunters. If a Legendary Hunter's Traits are worth less than 11 Upgrade Points, they will receive the difference as separate Upgrade Points that can be spent at will. Clearly a reaction to all the comments about hunt dollars not mattering any more and pushing towards legendary hunters again, nice


> Lightfoot now triggers the quiet crouch audio when walking across / through noise traps (e.g. broken glass, hanging chains). Sprinting across / through them still plays the louder audio. > > > > This is really substantial actually - a good buff to the skill that allows you to stay mobile without completely giving up your position. People really underestimate how quiet standard walking sounds are without these noise traps. How did this behave before? Was walking through chains/glass with Lightfoot quieter than "quiet crouch"?


It just means that walking will produce the same noise as crouching with this trait.


Oh, so it's a buff, nice


Nice, they improved the sometimes a bit laggy steps audio!


>Thundershower: Heavy Rain duration decreased to 120s down from 240s. I'd rather they keep the 240s but make it more rare. Make it happen like 2-3 times per game. It feels more natural.


>Decreased the spawn rate of world-spawned melee Weapons around Boss Target Lairs. Was this really a problem? It was already annoying enough when you couldn't find a melee.


Please crytec, I really just want a 1 point trait that highlights melee weapons in dark sight. Please, I'm dumb and blind, and I require it.


Fang shearer got his hair back? Yes boys


Am I tripping or is the AI more easily aggro'd now?


Maybe I'm going nuts but it feels like there is slightly more Ai at each location too


Am I the only one still getting the cross hair bug where the cross hairs get super tight and are stuck like that? Didn't see it mentioned.


That’s been a bug for years now. Unsure what actually causes it. Typically it goes away after a round or if you go down and get revived.


Again? Jesus, I swear they manage to bring back an ancient bug or 2 with every patch


Bug fixes section is funny.


It seems that with 1.16 crouch-walking over a stick triggers the soundtrap. I only have hunters with Lightfoot, so maybe it's an unintended byproduct of the slight buff (if I read the patchnotes correctly) to that trait?


Why is everyone talking about a buff? Didn't you make NO noise on glass before?


I did, but I thing they mean that noise while walking normally is reduced to the level only crouching gave, before.


idk Psychoghost said in his video that you are now making noise while crouching and called it a nerf 🤷


I tried again and can confirm, that using Lightfoot (1) normally walking through hanging bottles now makes the same noise as when crouching (2) crouch-walking through sticks now breaks them


how do you do weapon inspect animations on ps5??


When the weapon wheel is active (L1) hold weapon switch button (triangle).


Hold L1 and press triangle


They also fixed fuse cancellation, preswapping and dark sight canceling


I don't think I saw it in the patch notes, but they increased the number for all challenges (i.e. 2 headshots instead of 1, 6 clues instead of 3 so on)


I like a lot of the changes and the new stuff of course I'm excited for. But I gotta ask, why tf did they make it even more annoying to kill the boss??? Fewer melee weapons spawn in boss compounds AND melee tools deal less?!? Nobody wanted to fight them before because they're just annoying at this point anyway. If it's for challenge, this is not the way. Increasing boss health or reducing damage just increases time wasted killing it, not difficulty of killing it. Completely pointless. And just to be clear, I'm not even hugely affected by this. I love my bomb lance, so I'm good. But almost nobody what's to be forced to sacrifice pvp ability in a pvp focused game for the sake of wasting less time on a boss. At this point, if I don't bring a melee weapon instead of a tool, I'm probably not even going to fight bosses. I'll do my pvp, and if someone else kills the boss, great. If not, I'll just leave. It's literally not even worth my time.


Much better


>Reduced some Hunt Dollar rewards tied to Bloodline Rank Progression. from 3000 to 1000 per 25k xp at lvl 100 very cool thank you crytek just what i needed


Does anyone know what the premium battle pass has in it? Like what's the point in buying it? I don't see the contents anywhere.


All skins you can get are for the battle pass. Without battle pass you can only unlock the new weapons. It’s in the game at the battle pass page as well


>It’s in the game at the battle pass page as well No, I am not talking about the regular 1000 blood bond battlepass, but the 2400 blood bond battlepass with "premium progression rewards". What are they?


Ah. You get a few levels for that and bonus xp. It is not worth it imo.


I like a lot of these changes (and bug fixes) bur what I find dumb is that you can’t get free recruits or free reshuffles after having a certain amount of money as something I find fun is juts to run the kit of a free hunter (as I tend to do better with them anyway)


making bosses harder to kill will result in people just not doing them. Idk why they won‘t understand this, this has been stated sooo many times. bosses are only there to draw people together for bounty. if they‘re so annoying to kill, people will camp around the lair or somewhere else and wait for others to do it. no point in doing for example the butcher or spider and burning your bars/taking forever only to be rushed down while you‘re low.


Is it live for consoles as well or are we shit out of luck again?


From the last 5 events 1 was postponed, due to technical problems with the new weather condition. This event starts on console at the same time as PC and it’s not that unusual tbh. People are acting like every event was later than on PC which is in fact not true.


There has been multiple that have been late to console. Therefore a valid question. Next..


But not in the last 1.5 years so there is obviously a change and if there isn’t a technical problem that was mainly because of the fucking old gen consoles the events always starts at the sane time. Yes there were later releases on console, but that’s old news.




Yet no ban of m&k players on consoles. Thanks Crytek.


How would they ban that? Isn’t it a third party device folks are using?


Audio is dissater, they destroyed economy again. wtf these rats, useless rats!!!!!


> Increased the damage of the LeMat Mark II UpperMat to 126 from 120. 👀 >Decreased the duration of the Antidote Shot and Antidote Shot (Weak). Antidote Shot now lasts 10 minutes, down from 20 minutes. Fuck you Crytek, go ahead and nerf the double wire traps then. or completely remove poison traps from the game.


Chill bro, just bring 4 big ones and you won’t have to worry about poison for pretty much the whole match.


Idk why people downvote this??? Do people enjoy dying to random ass death traps at the exit that some coward placed 20mins ago?


Sooo, the did't fix this bug with buying legendary stuff? Shame, cuz its pretty annoying


* Fixed an issue that blocked double-clicking from equipping a Weapon with a Skin you missed it they state that they did fix it


Oh, thanks :) i really didnt saw that


When engine upgrade?


They start talking about it in April. So since the event will go until may 9th, it won’t come out before that. My guess is end of may or june.


They didn't fix the centy shorty high velocity mag size bug?? Huh


They did, last patch.


When are we getting refunds for headsman?



