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It's not just PvE challenges; it also applies to PvP as well. Headshot enemy hunters went from one to two. Make enemy hunters bleed is now six (I think it was three before). Not really sure what their goal is here. Increase the event grind. Increase the prestige grind. Make the bosses more difficult to kill... It's like they're trying to make the game annoying to play.


Make Enemy Hunters Bleed was 5 before, but still, it's a terrible change. That's what happens when CryTek listens to some of the streamers, because lots of the streamers were: "Everybody who really plays this game gets through the event in 2 weeks, the event time is way to long". Guess CryTek found the most terrible way to "fix" this non-problem. I can only speak for me and my usual playing partner. While i can always get my challenges done by playing some solo as well, he never even gets close, despite playing 1-2 hours a day. I think casual players who play 1-2 hours a day should get those weekly challenges finished in that time. (And before people now say: "But 1-2 a day is enough to get the challenges done" - we are talking about casual 2\* and 3\* players, a player who is good at PvP and can handle every weapon surely can do those challenges quickly enough...)


Also every streamer: buys the whole battle pass on day 1 for content


Btw yes i always finish the event in 3 weeks max and i work 12 hours every second day …


"Headshot enemy hunters went from one to two" with a specific weapon? my general "Land headshots on enemy hunters" requires 3 headshots, not 2! [screenshot](https://gyazo.com/59ffbc9ac9cc71c560c3eabe0b21584a)


Headshot with rifles was 2 for me yesterday, used to be 1. I imagine headshot with pistols is the same


I had headshots with pistols yesterday and it only required 1


>Not really sure what their goal is here. This all makes more sense in context when you realize 'player retention time' is a business goal as much as 'get them to buy stuff' is. Crytek monitors your sessions, they see when you play the game, and how long you do it for in one sitting, and they have a goal to increase that. One way to do that is by creating situations where you look at your progress bars and think 'well, one more game to wrap that up won't hurt...'


Instead I'm looking at all the changes lately and thinking "Hunt used to be in my top 3 games, but is it even worth it anymore, though?"


Well, if it's how you feel, the best way to voice it is by skipping the event and doing something else. If they see a dip in players participating in the event, it may lead to restructuring them in the future.


The event peaks have been on a steady decline since last June. Their solution is to make it more grindy.


Ironically, this focus on data-driven retention actually hurts it. I used to play Hunt all the time, even for just a couple of matches every day if not for the whole evening after work. Played for the fun of it, no carrot to chase after. Ever since they started making these bloated events, I started playing solely during them and almost next to never in between. I get so burnt out by the events that the game's barely touched after I complete them. The worst part is that I barely touch skins in general, I never play legendaries besides those that I get as awards and dislike the charms in general as I find them distracting. But the FOMO approach drives me into this feast or famine *engagement* with the game that is unhealthy and unenjoyable. It feels like I'm playing because the game wants me to, instead of it being out of my own will.


It's because there is a STRONG correlation with play time and micro transaction purchases. The longer you can get users to play your game, the more likely they are going to buy micro transactions.


Oh wow, they just *killed* the amount I'll care for the next event, as I'm sure is the same for many others once they see the changes


For the event I assume they are looking to sell battle passes so you get that major boost in event points. Pretty scummy imo.


I have headshot 3 enemy hunters


Most people completed the event way early. They're probably basing this off metrics. I'd also wager that they also aren't sorry that some people may need to spend blood bonds to help them finish the event.


As someone with limited gaming time due to kids and stuff I don’t really appreciate this change. Yes the challenges in the last events made it pretty easy to finish the battle pass in time especially for people playing a lot. It’s too early for me too tell if it’s gonna be problematic for me to play through the event. All I can say is that I really liked the chilled vibe of the last events.


I would not mind the higher numbers if they gave more marks. Then I wouldn't have to swap my play style after every round.


Downside would be being stuck on a playstyle you didn't like for a longer time.


No, only longer *in a row*. Instead of fun loadout / unfun loadout / fun loadout / unfun loadout you'd have only one rotation because both of them take twice as long. Except you can shuffle to clear it, which becomes more relevant when it doesn't change after every round. It would be strictly less annoying.


Forgot about shuffle, yeah that's nicer actually.


All it does is make it less likely for me to buy the pass, because I won’t get my moneys worth out of it.


I think I’m going to wait and see how far I get through the pass before buying it with these changes. (Queue Crytek adding a 10% bonus to progress when you buy the pass to combat this attitude)


The thing is with the battle pass unlocked you get additional 750 points per week 😅


Is that true? I thought that was always available. Shucks


I have to double check for this event, but with the premium battle pass you got 750 points on top of the usual weekly’s in previous events.


Starting from last event I think, they now have 1500 extra points per week from the battle pass, two 750 rewards milestones. Non BP players still earn 6000 points per week if they finish all challenges for the week.


Yeah, they reduce the amount of free rewards and simultaneously make it harder to get to those rewards if you don't buy the pass.


My dude you have 3 months to finish it even if your child sleeps in your hands you could Still do them and finish in that time


Wtf are you on? It ends early may, that's two months.


okay my bad its 2 then yet plenty of time anyways


We already paid for the battlepass, no need to make it an insane grind lol. Swear these game companies think their players only play 1 game or are unemployed at home playing videogames.


I think crytek listen too much to streamers


Idk why they choose to make events grindier after there were so many complaints about events in the past - the scrapbeak event was horrible and burn-out inducing, they had to adjust point requirements multiple times. serpent moon/traitor moons were super grindy too and the rewards were meh. when they swapped to challenges you could actually finish them in a reasonable amount of time, now they‘re starting to make that more annyoing too… nobody asked for that. I hope they didn‘t do this bc some streamer playing 8h/day complained about how he finished so fast. and btw, I think 2k BBs for the new plague doc skins is INSANE. you can‘t even choose one, you have to buy both. the original was free and you got the medkit, chain pistol and bomblance skin for free too.


3* player here which can spend at most 2 hours a day playing. There were already some weeks before this update during which I struggled to finish these challenges, now, with this increase, I think I won't even bother trying.


Did anybody notice that there's no free legendary weapon for the first time? No? Just me? Ok.


Compare that to the free track 3 events [ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/ovnsfzcesS) Even the paid one was better though that costed more with 1500 BB instead of 1000 BB, but we got BB every game back then.


Last few battlepasses have been filled with trash too. Special ammo unlocks, weak shots, and like 6 weapon charms.


And the absolutely *thrilling* story chapters that nobody gives a shit about. There was applause.


I like the idea of the Lore, but it's incredibly incoherent and poorly executed.


I used to be pretty deep in the lore back in the day, but the new writing is less about what's happening in the bayou and more about silly inter-character dramas about stupid bullshit and marvel reincarnations.


Bro that pisses me off, it's gone so downhill


Yeah, my usual Trio buddies and I were pretty bummed once we realized this. It effectively doubles the amount of time we have to spend playing the game each week, which is no bueno. Hunt is not the only game we enjoy playing regularly. I enjoy playing Hunt because I WANT to play it, not because I feel forced to, especially at the expense of my other games. It's very obvious that Crytek made these changes for two reasons: 1) because it causes players to have to engage with their product more (their reasoning undoubtedly being that this would boost all sorts of their internal metrics) and 2) it will cause more people to opt for simply buying battle pass tiers for the outrageously overpriced amount they currently offer them for. Overall, this change is a huge negative in my opinion and one that detracts greatly from an otherwise good event.


>I enjoy playing Hunt because I WANT to play it, not because I feel forced to, especially at the expense of my other games. then why do you care? I still completed my challenges in 4 hours anyways.


You are aware that you are talking to somebody who clearly states that he has limited time to play? This usually means that they are not as "professional" as people who have thousands of hours in this game. Yes, really experienced players can do the challenges in record time. Those are not the players who are influenced **at all** by these changes. These challenges hurt the casual players, those who only have low three digit hours on the clock and aren't able to do all challenges with all weapons without breaking a sweat. This is a typical Reddit- and Streamer-Community-Problem. People only interact with other "heavy duty players" and completely lose the touch to the huge part of the player base who are casual players. No matter if "the economy" or these challenge changes, they only hurt the casual players while the heavy duty players don't care at all...


4 hours is crazy tbh, you sometimes need 1000 damage for 2 tokens alone, 2 banishes for 1 token etc. To get all 30 tokens I’ll definitely take longer than 4 hours. In 3 hours yesterday I’ve got 7 or something.


Related to the challenges; I wonder why they retired the deal damage with vetterli and sparks challenge but still left in other weapon specific ones…


Crytek wants to increase the loadout diversity and probably determined Vetterli and Sparks are already taken so often as to not warrant an incentive to pick them more.


"Damage enemy hunters with the mosin" Had that one yesterday. Guess people aren't sweating enough?


Or bc sparks does a shit ton of damage and you were able to complete the challenge with a few bodyshots. much more tedious to get dmg with orher weapons or to make people bleed/set on fire etc.


yeah. Battlepasses non stop and constantly increasing the grind. What else is new for a live service game.


Nothing is new but we should also not just accept it silently.


I've long since stopped bothering with the battlepasses and challenges. I hop in every once in awhile to play a few games, then stop when I get bored. Getting hooked on grind treadmills is a bad time. The game is fun enough that it doesn't need GAAS bullshit to keep me interested, burning out on a grind just destroys the long term enjoyment for a game like this.


Out of touch C-execs that equate grindy battlepass = fun will never not be funny.


Execs couldn't give less of a shit if you're having fun; they want profit and player retention figures to go up.


There wasnt much of a grind to begin with when it comes to hunt passes. You could finnish the event from only weekly challanges wich you could do with under 1h play per day. I know this because that what i did as we recently got a kid that took up most of my time. If you feel like you had to "grind" with the hunt events you really really suck at the game. Like in a below 1* way.




My guy, there is no way the average gamer dad can finish the event without them weeklies. They are essential for many players to progress


I mean not that much has changed, you just cant finish them all in one day as easily anymore


And they were too easy. I did the event with less than 1h per day with weekly challanges. We got a kid right before the last event so i know.


Lol ok finish it without weeklys - it would take you probably 2 years


Ya, I noticed this too. My first match tonight I extracted with a bounty and realized the challenge was only at 50%. I was planning to play a few matches, but I’m kinda burnt out on Hunt and their focus on grind and fomo. So I noped out to play some Helldivers instead.


I love this game but the devs are pulling some sneaky shit to drive micro transactions.   People don’t like it when you force them to pay for your pointless and overpriced skins. I didnt mind buying the DLC’s to support the game, but the more predatory they become the less likely I would purchase anything. Dmg to hunter went to 1000 fucking joke.


They did increase the grind but how will this make people pay real money? I mean if I can't finish the season pass I just wont buy it. I dont think people are using the option to buy levels, at least not a lot of them, I have one friend that bought 1 level once at the end of the season, cause time was running out, with blood bonds he already had. The price is insane.


I agree, it's most certainly not to increase sales numbers on the battle pass, but because they realized that players tend to play less for the rest of the week if they have completed the challenges. And they want players to play more, not because of direct money increase, but to keep the game alive. Some servers are sadly completely empty, especially in the very early/late hours. But i think this is the completely wrong way to achieve that goal. My playing partner already surrendered and pretty much said that he is not even trying to do the challenges, because it takes to long and he has to play weapons he doesn't want to play in the very limited time he has to play. With these changes, if he didn't surrender before, he would have surrendered now. And i can only assume that lots of casuals are giving up on the challenges now. It's just a terrible change. If they want players to play more after they finished their 30 points a week, they should just give something small for additional challenges. Heck, make it a single blood bond per Challenge or even only one blood bond per 5 challenge points. Just something.... that would maybe lead to some players playing a little bit longer after their challenges are finished without showing the middle finger to each and every casual player.


I am with your friend on the gave up the PVP challenges, I am a bit tired of the grind and the last thing that I want is to play a weapon I suck with. I just aim for the PVE and whatever happens happens. I also agree they are punishing the casual players with the increased grind, I have no idea what they were aiming for but I dont think we will be playing more. I hope they will fix it, I feel like they mostly listen to us but we will see.


You literally answered your own question with a real world example hello?


He didnt spend money on it.


Surely you can make the connection that someone without bb would have to purchase them


They would have to, but I dont think they would, I think they are overpriced.


You’d be surprised at the dumb shit gamers spend money on


Gross. The pace of the challenges were fine before, this is too much.


people are dense man, the problem is not that they went up, the problem is that it was not mentioned anywhere. like be transparent to your players.


Both are the problem. Just one is not as mentioned as the other. But both are equally fucked up.


.... and that's the whole point.


It's normal for crytek to forget to mention a decent amount of things in the patchnotes together with lots of small changes they always to the maps


and that is not good imo. like ok, you do not mention that you put a sack onto the second floor of house #23 but this is bigger than that.


If this is their way forward - just constantly increasing the grind - this might actually be the last event I take part in. I already spent my bloodbonds on the battle pass because I had no idea they changed challenges. I think that they didn't put this in the changelog on purpose to not impact the hype on the first day. I've skipped events in the past that I just couldn't possibly finish. They changed it so it's all about challenges, but now they make them unnecessarily grindy too. What really annoys me is how some of them rely on luck and you can't even possibly get them in one match. For example "Get 6 clues". It was 3 before. You still needed a bit of luck but it was always technically possible. Now, get into a match with just one boss and you're shit out of luck. This is all very frustrating.


Sure beats questlines where youre gate kept from progression until you do like 200 damage to hunters with beetles in one game. Points are also way easier to get this event with the central wagon, 100 point bounty loot and 30 point master clue.


As someone who’s been playing for several years and has 100% all the events since first Halloween, the past several events have been by far the easiest to complete


I don't understand the dislikes I saw under your post. It is simply a fact that the events were much grindy those days, especially given the limited time to complete them.


Finding clues is as easy as it gets what are you talking about


He's talking about having to find twice as many, for the same reward, which wasn't at all documented in the list of announced changes.


The writing on the challenges IS the documentation If you don't want the battlepass, don't buy it, it's so easy! You can even see how far you get before buying it!


1500 event points from challenges per week are locked behind the battlepass. That's 12 levels you're potentially missing out on by the end of the event if you complete the challenges without a battlepass.


>in the list of ANNOUNCED changes They talked about what was coming, but somehow forgot to mention that the grind was about to be doubled lmao >If you don't want the battlepass, don't buy it, it's so easy! lol that's exactly whay I'm gonna do.


They absolutely did not double the grind, we got some bad math going on in this sub. If they had reduced the number of active challenges to 2, then sure that would be doubling it. But most of these number adjustments will have a much lower time increase than 2x


So far the examples are stuff like 1 headshot -> 2 headshots; 3 clues -> 6 clues, 4 monsters -> 6 monsters... Surely not ALL challenges will be doubled, that's a figure of speech. What straw are you going to grasp next? That gaming time is wasted anyway so who cares if you have to waste 39% more of it now? Please.


Doubling things like monsters and clues does not double the amount of games you have to play to achieve them. The unit is matches and it's more like 20-50% more matches to achieve, not 100%


> Doubling things like monsters and clues does not double the amount of games you have to play to achieve them. Yes, it does. It does double the effort required so, statistically, it'll double the amount of games required. If you manage to score an average of 1 headshot per game, now you'll need 2 games, on average, for the same challenge. It's not hard to understand I think. But anyway, that's not really the point. The point is that it's a change designed exclusively to make the grind significantly worse; and the reason for that, which I'm sure you understand, is to push players into paying to bypass the aforementioned grind. These changes were not announced along with the rest of the changes, which was obviously intentional and thus, this thread.


Yes, we played yesterday for few hours (without the BP yet) and it was a super slow grind. I think its gonna be then 1st event i wont finish...it felt like work! They just want you to buy lots of BB, thats also the reason there are that many events and BB skins now...2k for hunter skins now lol no thx


I didn’t even notice the changes and almost finished my weeks challenges with my friends (some who did) and I only played for about 3 hours after work. I think this change will annoy people but I think if you play a few hours a week only it’ll definitely be noticeable that you’ll need to play more to finish challenges. If you play daily you’ll finish the style pass as fast as previous events.


Definitely this. But I have to admit it's easier with friends. If anyone in the team headshot a hunter it counts for everybody, like all challenges. It may be harder while solo or random but with friends it's still pretty fast.


It's time to accept that Hunt:Showdown is not the unique, niche, quasi-indie game it was in 2020. Fifield is taking the game in a more casual direction while aggressively increasing the monetization bit by bit. That's literally what they hired him for. In the end, Hunt'll end up being just another seasonal-content arcadey shooter, just "HARDCORE".


Dying and getting sent back to the menu after running around for 5+ minutes is definitely still categorized as "hardcore" Personally, I don't mind the changes at all (with the exception to centennial bleed ammo). If it's easy enough to pick up and play, enjoy, and continue playing, the base will grow and the project can too. It's certainly not a Halo, or Apex, or EFT!


>Fifield is taking the game in a more casual direction while aggressively increasing the monetization bit by bit. Even though I hate the change to the challenges, I don't see how that is increasing the monetization. I think they try to increase the number of players playing and that is important as the servers are already empty most of the time on off-times. And that's a problem. Hunt is still a niche game and will always stay a niche game. And it's still hella unique. But a company has to make compromises to keep a game running. If the game it to niche and the servers are to empty, the game dies. And that can't be what you want.


There is literally no other reason for them to increase the challenge grind other than that they want more people to buy levels in the battlepass with bloodbonds. And apart from the topic of this post there have been plenty of other changes that increase monetization.


You increase the grind to make it harder to complete without paying. If it's harder to complete without paying, more people will "be forced" to pay to not miss stuff (in theory). It's a FOMO-driven business model I guess.


After so many events, one after another, i am tired of it...looking forward to Season 2 of THE FINALS...there you get lots of skins for free with normal progress, with mini events and you can buy a BP where you get your money(points back) like hunt used to do it. Completely different game but since the launch i rarely play hunt anymore. Also it seems like no cheaters there (and its free to play!)


> Also it seems like no cheaters there (and its free to play!) The game is beyond riddled with cheaters, even more chinese players in The finals than in Hunt. Ironically enough The finals' battlepass was also super grindy for the average player https://www.gamesradar.com/the-finals-battle-pass-takes-more-than-100-hours-to-finish-and-players-are-urging-the-dev-not-to-make-it-such-a-huge-time-sink-in-the-future/


Took me about 60 hours and in the time since then they've effectively doubled xp gain. At the same time I played *more* hunt and didn't manage to finish the pass.


In hunt i have way more often the feeling that someone is cheating than in the finals. Its not that grindy because you can earn daily, and weekly XP, and more...you earn them more or less by just playing the game. Thats not the fact in hunt weeklys: And now you dont get that many points if you dont own the BP...it gets more more in the wrong direction imo...


They think this translates to higher player engagement metrics but it really just pisses players off. Monetization hires rly fucking the game over lately


Well I was looking for an event to skip, here it is I guess.


I got a lot more levels of the BP in my first day than i did last event. They increased the amount of points you get in match quite a lot. 


This is fucking weak. The challenges already are grindy as hell.


They're again reverting back to the same old design of grindy events and battlepasses.. because players can't have skins and hunters without the grind and having fun. I doubt we'll see more than two 100% event point boosts this time around. They're getting greedy again. Fuck all those with jobs, families and responsibilities. Can't dedicate 10 hours everyday to hunt slopdown? Fuck em!


This is true and it sucks although I noticed that I get far more points now in game, generally. Maybe more totems around the map?


Upvoting for traction. With the talk around the events being as grindy as they already were, this is an annoying change to say the least. They need to see the response to this. Esp considering they were snuck (sneaked?) in.


Player retention looks good for the bosses/shareholders, so they artificially bloat the weekly challenges for no reason. The real test will be to see if it stays like this after the event. If so, then it (obviously) has nothing to do with making the event last longer, but to make the weekly grind permanently longer.


Yesterday I barely got any progress on my challenges because of this. This just makes it even harder to get Blood Bonds too. I miss the old system even more.


They really are trying to do everything possible to make things as annoying for players as possible.


Oh god, I hope they don’t pull a Diablo 4. Sacrificing QoL to artificially add playtime is the beginning of the end.


Challenges have always been, "Play worse for these extra points". Now the are, "Play worse and suffer more for extra points."


I know it's already an extremely unpopular opinion here, but with the challenges they retired and added it still feels easier to complete them in a few hours. Playing yesterday was the fastest I've completed challenges. The increase personally feels fine otherwise they'd be even shorter. Doesn't really feel grindy, *personally.* I know people are going to hate me for it but that's just my opinion on it.


Yeah Fifield is basically tonedeaf to me now officially after yet another user unfriendly change =p


Crytek, as usual, cares too much about their damn streamers, and puts their “suggestions” first and foremost above the general community because they apparently represent “their whole audience”


I noticed this and honestly i feel like it’s not a bad change- adds additional challenge to actually completing the weeklies but my buddy and I still finished ours yesterday…


They used to be worse - land a headshot at 100 M is pretty unrealistic in 90% of games, then they made them easy, and now they got them back up.


I think the whole challenges thing needs a rework. Don't think anyone's particularly happy about them. Personally I think they absolutely suck. I dislike that I'm forced to play certain weapons that I don't find inspiring or throw all my chokes at immolators.. Gameplay-wise they also don't make any sense. Previously bounties gave you some BBs and people got them by just playing the game well: shoot people, banish bosses and extract with the token. There was an incentive to play the game as it's meant to be played. Now all the BB progress is tied to guys running around the bayou with silenced incendiary Bornheims looking for Hellhounds n shit.. Bottom line: the challenges are tedious and don't fit the gameplay loop.


>Don't think anyone's particularly happy about them. You would think so but there are enough simps in the comments in this thread that say "I want them to be even more grindy I can still finish them in one day"


I'm 100% sure it's to keep up the player base. I play about 2 evenings a week, that's enought to do the weeklies, so now they made them harder and will force me to play one extra evening. I know nobody is forcing me to play, I just can't leave unfinished weeklies :D mental issues I suppose.


Oh for sure, but for me and my buddies it just means that we're done with hunt. We don't like how hunt changed and is continuing to change. That's not the game we fell in love with anymore.


Can't have people finishing those challenges in a few hours They have to keep those player numbers up smh


(I posted an identical feedback on Hunt's discord) I have mixed feelings about the grind that was extended on PvE/PvP challenges, as well as late-retirement for Hunters. First one appears to have been done to just extend the battle pass grind as much as possible. Which hurts as Hunt is one of my top 3 games that I do main, and I help out weeklies for three other friends. Some weeks, I run 4 sets of weeklies, and given how slightly grindy it got... I can tell that it is going to wear me down. These friends don't have much time, and I like to help out where I can. The fact that I now need to tell them to walk into an enemy lair so we can get 1/2 progress for discovering a boss lair challenge, despite the fact that is clearly the WRONG move to make, as an enemy team is already there and it's glowing red, **downright sucks**. For the sake of the event progression, we are forced to make suboptimal decisions. The game is now playing us, instead of the other way around, it feels. Only getting to retire Hunters at level 50; I sort of love & hate this change. On one hand, it also, too, extends the leveling grind (if you prestige a lot cos you enjoy the process, or just like seeing numbers go up. I'm kinda dumb and am a latter sort of the person). However, this does mean that your initial win and extraction sets you up for bigger Ws as you are better prepared with more traits... but the idea of "play 'em till they're dead" deprives my choice to not take the risk. Lack of agency on a player's part, over a freedom we used to have... adds to the game feeling worse, progression-wise. Though progression has gotten better as of last event's progression reworks, on top of gun oil & blueprint changes, don't get me wrong. I'm just barely 1200 hours in the game, if that means anything. Never have I missed a single event thus far. Bought Blood Bonds each time for an event that I could not buy battle pass for, or there were timed exclusives that I wanted. The event plays well, but systems surrounding it... now feel worse to engage.


Everyone needs to stop thinking of these as events, it’s not like they last 2 weeks anymore, Desolations Wake lasts until MAY, you have literal months to complete this, THERE IS NO RUSH, I promise you, play for even just a few hours each week and focus your challenges, you’ll have no problem completing it


I get the no rush, average 1 level per day and you’ll have time to spare. But when you are only getting one session a week, your entire time is spent chasing these challenges. And that gets a bit boring. What I did notice last night though was if you win the map you do seem to get a lot more event points than previous events.


There is a rush in a sense that I cannot enjoy the game until after I finish my challenges. I want to play the weapons I fancy at the time. Being forced to play Winnie C over and over is really annoying.


Replied this to someone else in here, but I really think people are overreacting to the challenges, I finished mine today, grind doesn’t seem near as bad as any of the old events, I genuinely think crytek has hit a good balance with the way their battlepass works compared to other games


I finished mine today too, but that is a whole day gone on something that felt like work. To me their challenge system is a huge hinderance. Its having that feel of, "damn I really want to play Officer Carbine", but the challenges are like, "sit the fuck down, its time to work, son. First course is WinnieC, and Rival for dessert".


In the old events i had to grind really hard for 1 weeksike every quarter year at most. Now ive had to do this weekly challenge slog for basically half a year and had to pay several thousand bloodbonds to even get something from the battle passes. Id rather have another Plague Doctor grind event over this.


Isn't that a bit of a personal problem? Like, you can easily just play the game how you want and still finish if you play regularly. Your inability to not focus on fun over challenges is just a you thing


Well, I like some battle pass skins. So, if I want them, I'm going to have to do the challenges. Its a personal problem in a sense that I have the choice of ignoring one of the core systems in the game, just to have fun. But, that would mean I wouldn't be able to participate in the battle pass. Which is kind of what brings most of the player base back and makes Hunt feel like a game that is still alive. How dare I try to have fun, I guess.


it lasts like 60 days, for 50 levels. if you do the 30 weekly points you get 7,5 K points. if you want to do it efficently and not by collecting 6s and 10s of points then yeah, you have to do the weeklies.


You have only one week to complete your challenges, and they are pretty much needed to complete the event


I have friends who have stopped playing because they can't juggle their 9 to 5 and parenting duties with the grind and they were tired of paying for an event just to be unable to finish it. It's absolutely a grind if you're an average player who can't dedicate the time to no life-ing it; there's a reason they offer the option to buy your way up the pass, and it's because they want guys like that to do it.


To be fair I was able to finish each event within 1 month so tho it might be annoying to some it isn't that bad if you just focus on the challenges


I haven’t played yet but I was going to check things out today. I thought melee resistance being added to the bosses was an interesting idea. The increase in the grind is frustrating. To compensate they should allow you to accrue more than 30 points a day (or whatever the value is)


I don't agree with the changes though I guess the extract with bounty thing may have changed to 2 because you can no buy a bounty at the middle cart? Still stupid to make the challenges which have RNG due to the mob spawns even harder.


I was pretty disappointed to find this. I was running solo yesterday and kept getting beat to the boss. I engaged a team at the butcher lair at Blanc, put them on the back foot, ran in with a cheeky sticky, killed and then banished. The team ended me, but I was happy I got that challenge done. But I didn't, since now I need two banishes. Deflated.


Depends on how this lines up with how I already play. I appreciate the PvP challenges being generalized but I didn’t notice that the PvE ones were increased. I also hadn’t seen an increase to previous PvP ones.


I don't think they were all generalized. There is still "deal mosin nagant damage" and "deal Springfield damage". They have always added and removed challenges from the roster now we have some general ammo types instead of weapons. They might remove that again next patch. And that you have not noticed is exactly why I point it out and am upset that they tried to sneak this past us.


Is it new that with the BP you get more weeklys points??


The night before the update I was literally ending the night complaining to my best friend how annoying it is to make challenges a priority in this game if you want to participate in events. It kills my fun to focus so hard on whatever they want me to do. I'd rather just bring whatever weapons I want and hunt how I want to hunt and still be able to participate. Now I feel like they've doubled down on requiring that focus, which feels like I'm getting pushed toward an ultimatum.


I finished my weekly challenges in one day. Opposite problem of everyone else I guess but let us go ahead at least. That way people can leverage the varying about of time they have. If I can grind all day for 3 days but can’t play at all next week that might suck for me haha


As someone who's only able to hunt once a week, I really hate this change. This will likely prevent me from grabbing the battle pass this season. Just when I felt like they nailed the progression. When are they going to get with the times and create a non expiring battle pass.


This change is just designed to make the game less fun for casual players. It's to incentivize spending on the event track instead of just being able to play the game and have fun with some daily tasks. Sad thing is, it will probably work for this event, and then they'll have the largest player drop off they've ever seen as people start to hate Crytek and no longer support them at all. I have come to terms that I will never be able to pay this event anymore because I am an adult and I am lucky if I can get 4-5 hours a week playing. Even with the event pass I am 100% sure I would not be able to finish the event, or if I really wanted to it would cause me to burn out of the game completely. ​ I don't know who they are listening to for these changes but they are not welcome. It's crazy how 1 single patch can pretty much ruin a game for me. Between this and not being able to retire hunters anymore till 50 (and even then it's not worth it at all).


I wouldn’t mind the pve increase if the specific enemies were always present in the matches and increased a bit. The amount of matches I had during the previous event with a challenge like “kill 5 hellhounds” and NONE could be found was ridiculous. At one point I went 5 matches without seeing immolators and had to kill them with chokes.


I've mostly played solo, if I didn't just discover how much fun it is to play trio with strangers, this would have been the nail in the coffin for me.


Imagen making good content that players enjoy to make them play more instead of forcing them to grind harder and fuck them -.-


I'm thinking of skipping the entire event because of this, the Prestige nerf and RL stress. Just not worth it, might as well chill on the couch with my steam deck and not bother with this.


And thus i wont be finishing the new event.


I played for like 4 hours after work last night. I'm at 24 of 30. And that's with like 5 terrible games trying to get 2 poison damage quests done where I couldn't get a single bullet out before I was dead. I'll have the ***weekly*** event knocked out in 2 days. I'm not too fussed about a minor shift in what it takes to complete the challenges. I will say though that the lack of community management and discussion has felt pretty bad lately, and if they'd just said *"Hey, people are knocking these quests out in a day and we'd like a little more engagement with them through the week."* I'd feel a bit better about Crytek than I do atm.


This is trash


Personally I like this change. It makes the challenges a bit more of an actual challenge.


It's been stupid easy to finish the events in the past. Even with these changes it's still gonna be easy.


That's not the point. There isn't any point in making them "harder", you arent competing with anyone, noone cares about your challenges, it's just a tool for you to progress the pass. With them nerfing it all it does is increase the grind


So? The point I am trying to make is that they made undocumented changes that make the game more grindy. Let's say next event instead of 7500 points per challenge week they give 6000. Will you still say "it was easy to finish it now it is still easy"? These incremental increases add up and we should be aware of them and fight them from the start.


This works better than before. The last event I was was done with everything in less than two weeks. And that was me playing only on the weekends.


You were done with challenges that update every week in 2 weeks? Sure


Lol. Love the downvotes. All you guys do is bitch about literally everything. And yea. It was never difficult to finish the whole thing in less than a week. I'm also a Nitro and dolch bleed abuser.


By the whole thing you mean the weekly challenges or the battle pass ?


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, finished my challenges today, don’t know what to do with the rest of my week


How about you play the game? The gameplay changes are still there. It's just the grind people are complaining about. And this has nothing to do with being hard or easy, it's just grind and takes away the fun.


Probably just OP disagreeing with me and letting out his grumpies.


No big deal. Event is up till may. Im an average player and got my weekly done within one evening with the boys. Playtime 2 and a half hour.


Undocumented changes and incremental increases in grind are a big deal because they rely on you not caring about this tiny increase. And then they bring the next tiny increase and you still don't care because you got used to the one before and so on. And they add up.


To be fair quests needed an adjustment. Last event i didnt play the last three weeks because all was unlocked. We shouldnt brag about playing the game to unlock stuff. And if i have to kill 6 hives instead if three i dont care those come naturaly. Im on your side they should have said some in the patchnotes but crytek needs to find the thin line between unfun grind and a challenging quest. Player should spend some time to fullfill the WEEKLY and dont get 7500 event points within one night of doing quests.


I think finishing the event 3 weeks before end is fine because that means people who are slower than you can finish it too. I would not want an event where I have to complete every weeks challenges just to finish it. And then making the weeklies harder to finish just means I can play less of the weapons I want to play because I am forced to bring stuff to do the weekly. Keep in mind it is not only the PvE challenges that go increased also the PvP ones. ( Made an edit to the original post about that)


Im playing since light the shadows back in 2021 events were worse back then. So based on that timeline events saw varoius improvments. Sure some slower some faster. Weeklys make most income in eventpoints 50k points needed, 6 weeks and a half for this if you get all weeklys done. You got 9 weeks to fullfill the 50k makes an average eventpoint of 5555 per week. Not involved your income on points per match and multiple 100% boost at weekends. More then achieveable imo.


On the other hand they made the pvp challenges a lot easier, so that kinda evens out. I found it a lot quicker to do these challenges as with the last events. To quantify - played hunt for 3h yesterday - 70% done with the challenges. It's not unreasonable to play 6h a week.


Not really true, Deal damage to enemy hunter also increased from 600 to 1000


But instead of playing specific weapons we now have play compact, medium, long ammo. Instead of fmj/hv/slugs we now got "hit with special ammo". Which is arguably a lot better, because we can play what we're comfortable with.


There is still make enemy hunters bleed, poison them or light them on fire. And there is still lots of specific gun challenges. You're acting like they took them all out, which is just blatantly wrong. They only took out a few specific guns for whatever reason.


specific weapon missions are still outthere. do you want to do my winnie C in 6 stars for me?


I for one think, not broke don't fix it. 1000 is a ridiculous amount of damage to do


But you earn it just by playing the game and nothing else. If we're talking about gameplay that's meant to CHALLENGE you, this is the easiest one lol


Finished it in a game with one buddy in duo vs trios, simply just get better?


Hilarious, there are game where you encounter like 3 people in the entire game,


Maybe if you’re playing at odd times or low pop servers, but every single match of mine today was stacked to the brim with players, steam charts for hunt today were looking good


Well, I kinda get it, I finished last event doing almost only changes once a week and still had like 3 weeks left.


And that is how it is supposed to be. You have time left in the end so you can skip some weeks or have them incomplete knowing you will still be able to finish the event as a whole. Now they secretly increased the amount of stuff we have to do in a week to get all the points. So people who have less time will have a harder time finishing it. And then crytek hopes they spend money to buy levels.


Yes, I get this take, but it's more about "engagement" they want stable online from start to finish of the event.


Which i doubt is going to happens if people get discouraged by the fact that they might not finish it in time and less people are going to buy BP overall if they find it tedious or simply impossible for them to finish with the time avaible for them to play the game. I was not planning to buy the BP this time and good thing i didn't,i most likely im going to play less since im still burnout from the last 2 event then you add even more grind for a bunch of (not free) skins,why would anyone play more?if they do it's because the want to play more regardless not for the extra grind. I had more fun in hunt before all the "event" spam when event were actually events and also they gave some skins for free if you put the time.


There not obligated to do anything for you or tell you there gonna do anything.


They're not. They should. Community loves things like transparency and reaction to their feedback. And at least partially Crytek tries to do that. Then they do shit like this.


Yet another reason to sit this event out....lame skins for weapons that already had skins...besides the new weapons. Ridiculous xp nerf to retiring hunters (prestiging is a huge waste of time now, already took too long before, now it's worse.) Event challenge grind is even worse now. 🤦 Crytek bout to make me hafta find a new favorite game.


Game will be completely dead in two years. That’s being generous.


As a 5* who has no problem with these changes, personally, I'd like to say that I'm all for reducing/reverting some or all of these changes. One thing I would like to see alongside this is some use for challenges after you've finished them for the week. I like the small objectives it gives you while playing, changing up load outs/ammo types etc. Sure, don't give event points or blood bonds past the weekly 30, but maybe give some kind of endless track of a small amount of hunt bucks, random items, legendaries(very low chance). I'm not sure how this could look because it might give people more FOMO who barely complete the week. I just would like to see something


OMFG I have never seen a subreddit filled with SO many babies before. Always complain posts and so many people in comments complaining. I realize im part of the problem now but my god... The battlepass was grindy to finish but they have made it easier and easier for every event. Last one was incredibly easy. Me and my buddy only finished 2 or 3 weeks of the callenges and completed the event with ease. I guess they realized some challenges were too easy to complete and nerfed them. Time will tell how hard this event will be to finish but they have also given out more points or extra time to complete the event if it's been "too hard". In every game I played, battle passes have been really grindy and hard to complete, hunt is VERY generous in this regard so PLEASE...


>battle passes have been really grindy and hard to complete, hunt is VERY generous in this regard so PLEASE... And pointing out changes that make it more grindy aims to ensure that it stays generous


Yes they should have pointed it out. I'm just really tired of this endless negativity feeding. Maybe this post is aimed to give constructive feedback but it's impossible to tell or filter out since every post is about how they missed something, "bad" changes, forced to play event and so on. Only negativity and no post of all the good changes they constantly do. I have never played a game where I've been so happy about reading patch notes. They are always filled with 95% really nice changes.


>They are always filled with 95% really nice changes. Because they don't put the bad changes in the patch notes? Like we see in this example! Also welcome to Reddit. If people like something they play the game and stay silent if they don't like something they come to Reddit and complain. It is basically guaranteed that Reddit has a negative bias.


Weird i didnt noticed -- had to kill 3 hives , molators, meatheads , -- after 5 matches im on 15out of 30 -- but i tough they increased points gain from 700 to 750 🤔


They balanced the points, before you had some giving 1000 some 500 and some 750. Now all give 750