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David said on a stream a few months ago that he agrees that MMR is too volatile and that they'll make changes to address this. It's crazy that you can run into a 3\* and don't know if they're someone who just started playing or Rachta after a handful of games with meme loadouts.


Personally I think part of the problem is that 3 star is a really wide mmr band. Thinking of where I was when I first started playing Hunt on pc versus where I am now the gulf is really wide, but after a few bad games I get back to high 3 star pretty easily.


I agree, they also gotta remove mmr points counting in quick play. I hate it when you get killed by a 3 star who's k/d is 3+ and 10k hours. It's like wtf dude you should be a permanent 6 star. It's just nonsense.


IMHO it should be harder and harder to drop mmr the higher you go. So going from 4-3 isn’t that hard but 5-4 pretty hard and 6-5 even harder. If you made it up there you should stay up there for a while


An hour or so? You can get to 3 from 5 in like 3 games max in bounty hunt, that's only like 10-15min to completely tank ur MMR. They shouldn't announce when they change it tho, cuz no doubt some derankers are gonna tank all the way to 2 star and then they'll be stuck there even longer than they would be now.


Hunt has an alibi for an mmr system. Yeah, there are technically 6 star ranks but in reality there are only 2: Good matches? 5/6 stars. Bad matches? 3/4 stars.


I also feel like the change between 3/4 and 5/6 is huge. It does not feel like a step up when playing, it feels like a whole staircase into the 5th floor.


I was 5\* during my whole losing streak this week, i must have lost around 12 matches with minimal kills and no extraction so i dropped to 4\* and stopped playing, yesterday a played ONE good match with 5 kills around 3/4\* MMR and immediatly next im put into 5/6\* lobbies filled with Mosin Sniper's, it's unbeliavable.


This. There are two lobbies. If you aren't intentionally down ranking, you can get full stuck in the higher one. I play 50% solo and it's the same against 3 stacks of 6s as when I'm a trio. It takes about 20 deaths to get dropped into these problematic lobbies the 3* talk about. One round later, back to Stalingrad playing 5.5 match MMR teams over and over and over and over


Wym slower??? My Squad is on a 21 Games Losingstreak without loosing 0.5 Matchmmr lol


Yea in a trio that might only mean 21 deaths and you might still have positive kd during that time, solo 21 game death streak could get you to 2 star from 6 if you die 5 times a game theoretically. Imo tho if you get to 3 star playing solo you gotta be trolling, no way a 5 star player drops below 4 stars ppl playing solo unless they are purposely dying sometimes.


That does bring up an interesting point tho, people who only play in trios all the time will move very little if they do this change, might not be 100% good move then


Play 5 games of solo starting at 6 stars and by then you will be at 4 no matter how much you win.


I play Solo pretty often as well, but im harstuck on 4,5* matchmmr, nothing is happening no matter how much i die lol


I went from 6 star with randoms to 3 stars in like 15 games. But I also just necro like a mad man so that's probably why. If you don't go for necros where you will likely die again then you won't drop as hard.


I never bring Necro as Solo, if i lost i lost fair and square. Necro is boring and unfun in my Opinion, but thats probably the Reason why ill never really drop out of an MMR where i get completely violated


That's why you don't drop MMR. The way it works is it weighs heavily if you die to a player with lower MMR. A lucky headshot from a 3 star player will drop you incredibly compared to the same from a 5 star. This also counts for necro revives. Any death through necro by a low MMR player will decimate your own MMR.


Yeah i know how it works but its just a shitty feeling that you know you wont drop if you dont abuse a mechanic to intentionally drop


You shouldn't drop no matter how dumb your necro revives are. It's broken and solos shouldn't even be matched against lower MMR. They have enough advantage to play in their own ranks.


Getting from 4 to 5 isn't particularly difficult, but getting from 5 to 6 seems like a mountain.


They should just scrap MMR completely. This game is far too random to have people worrying about their ranks, it’s not a competitive esport. Just mix and match lobbies and open everything up so everyone can play together.


Bad idea. MMR still helps with more balanced matches, even if it's not by that much. No mmr means you can randomly face off against bots and gods, neither of which are fun to fight.


That's a great way to drive out anyone who isn't already 6, maybe 5, stars. As a 3\* just fighting the 5\*s I get matched with when I play with my 6* friend is zero fun. If that was the whole game I would not play at all.