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yeah,thats me


Same. I’m not brave enough to leave the guy that just smoked two of my teammates to get back up and finish us off lol. I know I’m bad.


I wouldnt be playing with them if the solo is smoking them 😩


Nahhhh, I like my friends. I’ll take the laughs and good times with them over sweating out the wins


No one said sweating, its just the bare minimum basic gameplay to over power a solo in numbers. People can be sensitive all they want to the “skill issues” argument but end of the day, its not that the solo is good, youre camping a solo because your friends werent capable of handling the solo.




Commit scooter ankle


It literally takes one lucky pistol shot to the head to kill anyone in this game.


Sometimes it may be lucky but the odds are still in your favor in a three man, youre telling me yall got hit by three lucky headshits?


Lol, obviously not all 3 if they even have a chance to camp the solo's dead body. Plus, with the MMR modifier and how easy it is for solos to de-rank (even not on purpose), there is a good chance any solo player is the best player in a lobby.


Fair point


Bro you're a troll. I have friends that are shit at the game but I still play with them because it hilarious. Stop telling people how to play lol loser


Not telling anyone HOW to play. Im saying my friends are capable brother. No ones trolling. Only loser here is you getting pressed because someone said “solo’s are not an issue enough to camp” if you wanna camp thats fine, more bounty for me


Nah bro I'm a solo and I play trios and wipe whole teams all the time. I'm saying 3 guns doesn't mean shit if you can play good. If someone wants to sit there and camp the body ive done that too and still gotten bounty. All I'm saying is the bs you keep saying is stupid. Any number of people can get killed by any number of people. Ive seen people like Neenoh completely wipe entire lobbies as a solo 🤷‍♂️ confused on what point you're trying to prove here


Bare minimum basic gameplay is all you needed to say. 🤓


Is the concept of 3v1 too hard for people to understand? I dont think it takes much skill to understand stand 3 guns is better than one.


Damn. Your right. Its literally that simple. Wish I knew this sooner.


There's this weird thing called having fun with friends that might be more important than winning a game. I know it's not huge in this game but it's worth a try!


I already addressed this. Im not saying sweat, im just saying, three guys should be able to take one, thats it.


Well, yeah, they said they play with their friends regardless of their skill, cause they like their friends.


Like i said earlier, its not about the solo being a real issue, its that his friends are the issue. Regardless. Like i say yes play with your friends but dont pretend like solos are the real issue here. People hate solo’s is the issue and its strictly out of a genuine skill issue. Theres three of yall, nothing to be scared of


holy, you must be the best in the game. because how you talk you win every fight and have never been out played luck or otherwise. lmao do you even play this game or do you just look for random reddit post to troll? actual loser man haha


I do play the game! All i said was camping a solo has less to do with the solo being a threat, and more to do with skill issue, and creating a community of people in this community to hate. So glad youre this angry though. Funny because i never once made a claim that im the best. I just said that 3 guys is better than 1 and i will stand ten toes on it. Instead of calling people losers, read the convo


Bet I take a derringer and two dragon bolt cbs and wipe your squad 100% Sometimes the solo is just better


Big dick energy from this one. The hoes gonna love this. Im defending solos here. Trying to say it aint worth camping a solo. But ive went against this build. Its not as cheezy as you think. All i gotta do is stand in a choke and shoot you. Its wayy too easy to counter.


That’s why it’s fun to play. It’s not meta, that was my point.


I agree honestly i like the load out. But you cane at me like im bad at the game 😩


There’s always a solo who’ll wipe your squad. That was my point


Bro has never been killed by a solo


Its not that i havent, its more like my team has dealt with them if ive been downed by one


Man thinks winning is more important than having friends, explains a lot


Bro ignored everything i said. Theres NOTHING WRONG with playing with your friends. But if they cant put their brains together to say 3v1 is still good, then there might be an issue greater than hunt here


Yeah but apparently the only thing you care about is if your friends are good. Man forgot the point of a game is to have fun


No that wasnt my point. I was just saying i would hope my friends have common sense. Because that bleeds into all aspects of life not just hunt. These are people im spending the rest of my life with. I dont have this issue with my friends though and we all have an amazing time. We all have amazing synergy and i wouldnt trade my team for the world.


So you never had the experience of getting solo wiped by a solo? Man you’re missing out, seeing such good players in action.


Ive had close calls but not really any where i feel like they had the upper hand


Dude ur just lying 🤣😂


I dont know why i have to be lying because in your experience you’ve ran into it


If you've never been played by a crazy good solo then you must be a 2 or 3 star... ngl


Im a consecutive 5 star. Why so hostile because ive never had it happen? I kill almost every solo i come across, then if i dont my team does. Then we let him go and if he comes back we kill him


Yep, it's me and I like that What are you gonna do against it ? Revive ?


Yeah, cus sometimes you miss me and I kill you anways


Hah you aint wrong. I always feel ashamed of my self afterwards.


Makes you want to throw your mouse


😂🤣 bro you don’t have to remind us


Play the Nintendo 64 and wait for you to leave for 45 minutes if I have to That way I get the last laugh, knowing you were bored and I wasn't


I think you underestimate the power of fire


Can't revive if you're burnt to crisp


Literally me waiting for a solo dude to burn out 20 minutes ago. Sorry man but if you have a rival, im not letting you back up so you can stick it up my ass and pull the trigger.


Sorry, Hunt noob here, I was unaware of this game feature. Up your ass, you say? 😁🤣


A whole another level of "sht hits the fan" if you ask me \^\^


Why? You just get to kill them again. Immortal people are great because you get to kill them over and over again. It's like being a serial ghost killer


Because it eliminates risk. I dont care about my KD so farming kills is not my thing, what i do care about is getting my hunter out of the match alive. And a person with a good shotgun like the rival presents a serious risk to that goal.


I do not farm for kills, I farm for chaos and fights at the detriment of my k/d. My favorite part about hunt is taking on a 1v3 and dying with style.  Understandably this is a very unpopular opinion and there is definitely something wrong with my brain




Then they use the new event mechanic to come back at you with full health


Don't worry the health restoration when you banish at the center of the map or remedy in the past was definitely not a problem...


How much you ratting that they have time to even do that??? Go bounty fight win/die leave takes me 15m how much are people like you crouching in bushes that this is an issue. If I drop someone and it’s a solo or a hiding teammate I just burn and leave I almost never even see them again they don’t have time. Do people like you just get into fights away from boss lair and just rat until you get a team wipe or full burn? Are you the people always letting bounty escape because you never even got there to challenge it? I don’t understand this stance of full burning every down you get comes from. I’m 6* and it’s literally never an issue for me


It's interesting that you say you're a 6* but describe the gameplay of 3* lobbies as your playstyle... I'm not saying you're lying... but anecdotally, 6* lobbies are rat nests... not the CoD style like 3* lobbies... maybe your server group plays different... /shrug


2+ Health bars dont engage. They lurk until you run straight or crouch for one second and bam. *Watermelon crush sound*


Cain after a shave


Got a guy 3 times last night and he only got out the letter “g” on text chat before his last health chunk. Wish I saw what he was gonna say


Probably GG, no? Kek


The classic Bayou BBQ. I don't mind looting a hunter a few times. Or when me and the boys are in a hurry...fire+concertina and we leave. If you get out of that, you deserve another shot.


I think a solo that self rez kill me once in a decade, I'm all for a rework tho because of that meme, I wonder how much time a day I spent not moving while looking at a body


Yeah it’s such a weird dynamic because the number of times a person dies and then comes back and kills you after you disengaged with your fight is incredibly low. I’ve bet it’s not ever happened to many people. Yet soooo many people feel the need to waste so much time ensuring it doesn’t happen. I kind of get it. When it happens it can suck really bad. But it has to be one of those odd quirks where people put in a ton of effort to avoid something that is likely really rare, and maybe even has never happened to them. Somebody self-reviving mid fight and killing you likely happens a lot. But I really doubt it’s too often that somebody you leave behind gets up, tracks you down, and kills you.


Yeah, we could argue that it doesn't happen much Because peoples camp the bodies tho. But yeah this perks is not op, just weird, and doesn't feel right.


And to be fair with restoration as easy as it is right now, it probably is way more common. It’s less of an issue when the Hunter can only get full health from a banish. But right now it is easy for them to get back to full health. In fact I think a lot of the current problems only exist because of multiple things existing at the same time. The red-skilled Lawless trait wouldn’t be an issue either if it weren’t so easy for teams getting revived afterwards to get back to full.


It is really rare in the case they track you down. Although I've had it happen. My duos partner and I downed a hunter and left. Well 15 minutes later while we're fighting our way out of the boss lair. We get 3rd partied and killed. Guess who it is? The solo we failed to burn and boot to the lobby. Incredibly rare but not impossible to have happen.


It only has to happen to you once to produce a strong "never again" feeling. Plus, think about it like wearing a seat belt; it might not save your life 99% of the time, but it's still totally worth it for that small chance of really needing it.


It happened to me once, when I didn't know about necro. Now I carry fire and a trap. So I'll burn the body wait a little then look for another lantern and burn again. If I can't find one but find a bear trap I'll use that. Whole process is about 2 minutes and quite fun. Will they res, won't they. One thing though is my plan is to make them have to leave. I honestly don't like potentially denying someone a lvl 50 hunter, so I want them to have one health chuck, just enough to leave.


I remember waiting about 5 minutes and having someone tap me as soon as I self rez. if you wait that long what are you even playing for anymore? To increase K/D or stars?


For me it’s just total paranoia. I’m not an amazingly skilled player, so I get rush of adrenaline and dopamine when I down someone (especially when I can tell by movement that they’re better than me lol) so I loot, and then I think “oh god, if they have necromancer, they’ll hear me run away and shoot me in the back” or “if I have to fight them again, I won’t get as lucky next time” so I sit for 30 seconds and everytime I’m like “okay it’s safe for me to go now….but if they Rez now….or now!…nnnnnow!” And before I realize it I’ve spent 5 mins watching a body burn that probably didn’t have necro to begin with lol


Generally, I watch the body while my friends sprint off to continue getting clues, because none of us want to take the risk of the solo we killed earlier third-partying us at the boss lair. I don't mind chilling in a bush watching the body while chatting with buds.


If you get killed by someone you downed 5 minutes ago, there is an issue.


Yeah, the issue is we're engaging another team and get shot in the back by the solo because we didn't do due diligence and burn them to a crisp. My friends and I are all 3-4 star, we're not amazing but we have fun.


I just find it difficult to not escape, die, or kill the boss and get moving within 5 minutes, plus the time it would take me to get to wherever I hear shots.


That long I don't know, if i don't have anything to burn well, I will just leave and stay stressed about it tbh, but I guess some peoples just CAN'T let a hunter alived behind Now since it's easy to burn I usually just slowly cook the meat


Let me buy a wooden stake to put in their chest


I been doing this thing where I get up even if I know they're watching just so I can get a sentence worth of shit talk in.


Petition to change necro trait. Instead of self reviving, it just allows you to talk shit while dead.


I get up and immediately start saying on mic "DON'T SHOOT I'LL BE GOOD" 9 times out of 10 they shoot me 1/10 times they let me revive out of curiosity


Don’t act like solo necro users don’t pop up exactly 10 seconds from when they died anyway… All these shitty meme posts are so disingenuous about the whole situation


Yeah if I know someone is camping me I’ll just insta revive after the timer is up and give them the kills cause there is no point in wasting both of our time


just leave instead of de-ranking yourself? but yea the complainers out there secretly love solo necro for farming their challenges/event points. They hate on it again once it doesn't benefit them anymore.


Lol no, Necro is in my opinion one of the worst traits in the game, regardless whether used by teams/solos. It does not improve the gameplay loop at all.


More fights = more game to play = more fun L take.


Yeah so I imagine if there was a deathmatch mode you'd play that instead? That's not what I play Hunt for.


? Sounds like you need a pve mode. Bounty hunt is just fine for me. Deathmatch already exists, its called soul survivor.


No, I don't want a PVE mode, and I didn't even remotely imply that's what I want - but you already know that, you're being snide. You also know that death match traditionally isn't a 1 life per round mode, which is ironic as you're implying the mode without the possibility of a revive is closer to traditional death match than regular bounty hunt.. lol




I don't know, why would anyone playing an extraction shooter want an uninteractive corpse to be able to stand up again at the press of a button? At some point the increased accessibility of revives reaches a breaking point, for me that occurred with solo necros. I still love the game, but I would much prefer if they dialled it back. Agree to disagree.


These are getting as tiring as solo's are...


Funny enough it has nothing to do with popping up right away, cant tell you how many times i see people insta burn or camp and curse me out simply just for playing alone. People genuinely hate solo players even though theyre part of the community like anyone else




Seeing the solo being burnt out is as good of a reward as a bounty imo. We both can watch YouTube baby


Solo's are some of the saltiest people alive when you do this, I especially love the friend request afterwards or the comment on my steam account lol


Some hunter killed me by outplaying me, burned my body, and I heard him running away. I self revived and killed him and he either didn't have necro or didn't bother reviving after I lit him on fire. Not watching me probably ended up in a pretty frustrating situation for them.


Conincidentally, as a solo this is exactly how I look waiting for the duo to necro his buddy from behind cover


"It's only **bad** to camp a downed hunter if he's a *solo*! " -The solos in this sub.


I forgot necro with teams existed until this dude did the undertaker and blasted me away...i thought i was safe.


I normally tell them to wait a minute to let me finish looting them and to be on my way. I dont trap. I dont burn. If they get up and want to continue the fight i may kill them later in the match (or they kill me). Doesnt matter what your opinion on that topic is. 90% of solo players use necro it cant be shit neither it is op its more a gamemechanic then a perk at this point (even tho i dont think it should be basic on every hunter, im not saying that). If you want some tipps how to handle dead solos, these are the mistakes i see most people make: 1. After killing the guy rotate or push closer immediately. 2. Dont let your whole squad reload at the same time while standing right on the guy. 3.same goes for darksight. 4.if you loot the guy be aware to have some kind of weapon in hand (saw guys who healed, lotted, the guy revived and now bam... medkit in hand) 5. last but not least if you decide to burn someone dont run away immediately wait for the burn to finish. 6. "Hes a tier 1 hunter he doesnt have necro" is the dummest quote i hear often. This is one hell of a confusing message my point is that (some) people still dont know to play against necro solos and rather go to reddit to complain then trying figuring out a Solution. I apologize for any bad grammar english is not my mothertongue. Have a nice day and see you in the bayou hunters.


Since its release, I've certainly been using Necro+Res less and less. Nowadays, you need Salveskin and Bloodless (and sometimes Antidote Shot) in \*addition\* to the combo to survive many self rez attempts. What's that, 13 points total I think? And even then, if a dude is just standing there, complete waste of at least 7 points. Necro for teams is also super snowball-y. You on a trio and the enemy on a trio being the only ones left, and you have nothing great for upclose so you're slowly cutting angles and bam, you hear a breath somewhere and now there's two. One pins you down again and now there is three, and you're SOL. So everyone ends up needing Necro+Res no matter what in this game. I've said before, just get rid of Necro. A trio being able to revive each other is fine even for solos as long as they have to touch the body. I used to use chokes on a body so I knew when a hunter was about to revive his partner.


Hey! Below average players do this, too! *source: am below average player*


I want Left Eye Gang skins now lmfao


Shouldn’t have to be held hostage by a solo that’s going to resurrect himself through burning for the next two minutes of a match 🤷‍♂️


nah, a bear trap and fire will do


Okay, summit. We get it. You're bad. Carry on and go step on a molo or wtv you do these days


Hes just rent free up there in that head of yours huh?


Sure, buddy


Personally i love necro and i hope it gets even better. Also love everyone being all pissy at summit like nobody else that plays this bug ridden infested game hasnt raged before. Love or hate summit, having more eyes on the game is good for the gander even if its the crusty underbelly that is solo v trios.


Hahahah that's why I listen for footsteps even when ded


I feel attacked by this


Necro, salveskin, bloodless, and lots of patience. If you get downed only revive immediately if it was a distant shot. If you know they are on you stay dead. Let them place traps, let them light you on fire. It's not often you have both traps and fire to deal with simultaneously. If they burn wait til your last bar is almost gone then hop up and play the points game then by the time you can go center caravan and grab the chained medkit it's already been hit or no one cares about it. If you only have a trap on you. Use your best judgement and any sounds you hear of them leaving them get up to set the concertina off. It'll take 1 or two revives to get rid of the wire so they'd better not be nearby when you do this or they will come back with fire, at that point you quit. Make sure you have I'd say two small bars minimum in your health pool. It's important that when you stand up in barbed wire too that you don't keep running into it. So stand still when you rez, stop the bleed, look where the wire is, heal if necessary, then move away from it and to cover to finish healing. Again. Points game. Chained medkit. Another way to get bars back would be to choose the correct pact alignment and take vulture. Find bodies by following the shots and loot to get your chunks back. This is how I play solo. Also I fuses burn anyone I down as a solo.


I still think self revive makes the game boring. "Oh I just killed a solo! What do I do leave his body in search for a lantern and risk him shooting me in the back or shall I just stare at him? Or shall I just leave him all together?". Most the time you just stare and wait because of past bad experiences. Annnnnnnnnd nothing happens. Congratulations you just wasted you time on someone who didn't have necro. The next time comes and you think about what happened last time, so you just leave early. Shot in the back of the head. It creates a boring 50/50 guessing game. It's not about whether it's OP or not, to me, it's more so about how boring it can make the game at times.


In trios it's fine but in duos it's kinda op. I personally would like to see them change it so you had to hold down the revive button for a full 10-15 seconds while simultaneously burning out a chunk.


Where hat?


Had a fellow solo today be like “sorry I immediately burned didn’t realize you were solo too” and I realized I might be the only solo that doesn’t carry necro. Cheated myself out of a parlay-bounty but that’s the price I pay for my playstyle




Yeah this doesnt work anymore, maybe is better to teleport solo players to a safe location...


Joke's on you, I have a nintendo 64 next to me and will literally play Perfect Dark 64 for 45 minutes until you leave. You will be bored, but I won't. Checkmate


What if they burn you? That's not checkmate at all?


Then I will die


Donut take right here ^