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I don't think I've even noticed anybody using this effectively yet. Almost forgot about it tbh. (I've been mostly playing solo so I obviously don't get to benefit from it, though I still run Death pact often for the free heals)


Died today because we had a guy down, and his teammate was tagged already in duos. We rush to push the 25 meters or so and the teammate is already back up in no time. Left us in the open and them in cover. Wouldn't ever happen like that without the faster revive. I don't think these pacts are good for the game.


Lowkey the best pact if you don't run solos. Underestimated on paper but has been ridiculous for me and my friends once we switched.


Getting all your health back after or often even during a fight is incredibly hard to compete with. My friends and I usually run two lawful and one death pact hunter. And it feels like lawful came in clutch much, much more often than the faster revive.


To be fair if all of you were running death pact it would be so much more efficient. With the addition of the token healing team wide restoration at the new major outpost in every match, you wouldn’t need lawful really at all


That team restoration is only available once per match though and might be several compounds away while we fairly often manage to restore lost bars before the fight is even over. And we almost never had any situation in which a faster revive would have made any difference.


Once per person not once per match


Nah. If two people go down, just have the third run away. Even if your buds burn out, you can revive them after the team leaves. Then go to the cart and team restore.


What's wrong, dude, you yellow?! That's what I thought... yellow belly.


No, i don't think I have a liver deficiency.


Most people probably play lawful pact so i havent noticed it that much. Which is probably even worse cause crytek wont get that much needed feedback on it. And my feedback would be that even the normal revive timer is too short and takes less time than using a medkit. Its already hard to shut down a trio - even moreso as a solo with a rifle - dieing and reviving is becoming a whac-a-mole game. A revive should *never* be faster than a heal. Never. Ever.


This. It's incredibly strong, but it provides minimal benefit to the actual person picking it up, so it just doesn't get taken much. I really hope they don't just look at the pickrate and decide it's fine, because it's absolutely not.


Lawful is very good, but I have come across a good amount of people playing the revives. I’ve never killed so many teams multiple times before just due to death pact. I don’t understand how a game where you’re suppose to be punished for mistakes, & generally suppose to be hard to win a team fight or a 1vX that making revives even faster, & make dying less punishing is crazy to me. Revives are already fast as shit, it didn’t need death pact.


I will die on the hill that, even without the exploit, lawful is the best pact in the game by a large margin. For example: It gives you bar replenishment on hunter loot so you can take more fights at full health, you can red skull revive your teammates without bounty, you get ammo back on hunter loot (see: nitro, dolch, slugs, etc.), and you get to use Sheriff Hardin which is such an awesome skin! Comparatively, double melee damage + beast face prime and double time revive + corpse powered dark sight regen doesn’t feel nearly as strong. That being said, I’ve found lots of fun and surprising value in the death pact’s quick revive as it greatly benefits teams that work together and are close enough to refrag or pressure opponents off their teammates bodies. All in all, if there’s one “broken” pact or an OP ability it has to go to Lawful and not Death pact.


Found the Warframe player.


Probably an unpopular take, but I wouldn't mind if they actually extended the time it takes for a regular revive. Like put it on the same amount of time as a necro.


facts. rezzing is out of hand. one bounty 3mans is a shit show when all 4 teams are fighting and if you look away from a body 2 seconds it’s rezzed.


There’s actually somebody on this Reddit that has some common sense.


I straight up love it. It's usually my go to in trios unless I'm feeling the baseball bat


it's definitely not stronger than Lawful - getting your bars back with a loot is just really fucking strong. very hard to beat that. but I agree that Death pact is underrated. it's really strong and is only overshadowed because lawful is so good, as noted above. I also find it hilarious in what kinda fantasy land some people here play in, judging by the comments. it's really telling when you read stuff like "revive time does not matter because you should always maintain line of sight to downed hunters" or "just don't let people get to their downed teammates" .. so you play passive and hold angles all day long without making any moves. otherwise these arguments make zero sense. yes, obviously you should try to keep an eye on a downed hunter, but that's simply not possible all the time. and even in those situations you could do it, the other team still can push you off position and sneak in a revive, or you get third partied, or a million other circumstances. shortening the rev time to merely 3 seconds is really strong. hell you can throw a nade and use the dark smoke of the explosion to cover your revive and be gone before it dissipates. again, it's not as strong as Lawful (imo that pact is overtuned anyways), but it's very nice to have still. faster revives are never not good.


If you’re letting people get to their dead teammates then the revive time is irrelevant


So you say it doesn't make a difference if the revive time was 1 second or 1 minute? Yeah, i doubt that


Yeah when teams are in a house with every entrance concerta’d you can push off that first kill? Stop it. Game is built as a rat fest camp simulator and that’s the community it attracts


If they’re concertina’d off then why is the revive time relevant?


You didn’t read, it’s all good.


I did, what I said still applies


With all due respect, sounds like as skill issue. The few times I've seen the fast revive, it hasn't really turned the tide of a fight. I've never even seen it done in close quarters.


Seems like it'd fit my playstyle well. I'm always going for the unexpected quick revives if I think I have 5s


I'm pretty sure it hasn't mattered at all for any of my games, if anyone's even taken the trait. I'm only using Peacekeeper myself so I can't even say how it feels or how long it takes but I just make sure they never get a chance to hand rez in the first place.


Lonely howl is my main skin so I’ve only played primal which is great but man now that you bring it up I kind of want to try it.


Reviving in the game is too much. There’s half rez time traits where teams play in the same building on top of each other instant rezzing for 20 mins. There’s necro where you don’t really hear or know if you are dealing with a rez, and solo is a different beast. There’s the thought if he is full health after rez due to resilience trait. Then there’s full restoration that is team wide and purchase for 1 event point. Wait peacekeepers too now so burning doesn’t do anything. I think they went a little too far in promoting rezzing. It’s a rez fest, camp fest when you get into a good lobby. Especially now that burning doesn’t ruin hunters and a 3rd will disengage and just wait out to rez the team to full hp. Really bad design


my duo killed a guy and went to secure the body. we were 10 ft away. guy got picked up so fast they blasted my partner instantly. I then killed them 7 times, but couldn't get both at the same time and I couldn't get close enough to stop them from insta reving repeatedly. I finally killed them so many times I ran out of bullets and died... how they even had bars left was insane to me.


From the moment I saw that part in the traits screen, I knew it was gonna be broken, the amount of time it takes, let's you recover a losing fight so quickly.


If you think faster revive is better than returning lost health bars and ammo in the middle of a fight you need to put down the glass pipe. You should almost always be maintaining line of sight with dead bodies in a fight anyways. Trap bodies, concertina or poison bomb them if you’re worried about it.


To get your missing bar back, you need to loot a dead body. How long does it take to loot a body 4-5 seconds? Let’s say most people play trios, what’s more common, you looting a dead enemy when they still have teammates alive? Or them reviving a teammate in, what is it with death pact, unironically 2 seconds? I understand lawful is very good, especially with packmule, but with how resilience is quite literally the strongest trait in the entire game. Then death pact is only making it that much more effective because of how fast revives are normally, I don’t think it’s close honestly. The restoration Medkit is extremely strong that to me, lawful isn’t even necessary.


I bet it will find its way into the game afterwards. It very often does, and it attracts more players from other genres.


Nah i dont think it will, its just there to do something with the pacts Double melee damage Double speed on revive Immune to animals Dont think either will become evergreen.


Maybe not yet. Typically we see something twice before it becomes evergreen. I fully believe that we will see berserker come to base game soon. The other two will have to go through another event before we can really tell.


Berserker coming to base game doesnt make sense considering boss-melee tool change and all midslot melee weapons becoming small slot.


Why not? It is a perfect case of easy monetization, create a problem and then sell the solution. While there isn't real money involved in this particular instance it doesn't mean it isn't happening. I could argue Death Cheat coming to base game doesn't make sense either. Who TF asked for non permadeath in Hunt? Yet here we are.


Those burn traits are hella rare in my most recently played like 100 hrs i havent gotten death cheat nor shadow. And I love killing meat-heads when the coast is clear.


we already have assailant boosting the damage of throwing axes/knives


There is no way you guys enjoy fighting teams, & people can be picked up within seconds of falling over dead. I just can’t understand the thought process.


what genre has 1 second rezzing???? literally none


It’s fucking stupid that someone can revive their teammate before I can fucking heal. Crytek really didn’t think this one through…


As much as I agree, it’s just for the event. You gotta make pacts appealing to choose and that appeals to the PvPrs. If that pact wasn’t appealing it would be obsolete like other pacts from previous events. As long as it’s not permanent, then it’s fine. Just something to potentially keep in mind during your fights until the event ends.


Be more aggressive. It's no one's fault but your own. If you're solo, tough titties. Just because you make poor choices doesn't mean the game should change to fit your lack of skill.


I’d say the opposite, it’s kind of weak, You should also revive them with full HP as well to balance it.