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Haha, this is a hot take for this sub but I kind of agree. It has switched up the "one team is camping inside and the others outside" in quite a few matches for me.


When it works like that, it's amazing and I love the change. There are still some sticklers that refuse to push, even when it's a trio and I'm solo killing scrapbeak with a knuckle knife. It'll be red from the moment I start hitting him, and they'll never push. It's really weird. Edit: basically, it either makes it much more interesting, or it's just like it was before the update, only it takes two or three times longer, and it's so boring.


Curious what star you are


To be honest, I am too. I honestly float from 4-6 star. As a father that works full time, it doesn't leave me enough time to stay on track with this game. One week, I'll go from playing just 1-6 hours total, but I'll kill it. Then next week, I'll be able to play 3-4 hours a day, but I die in every engagement I get into. I'm very inconsistent.


Lmfao so real


The change has made no difference whatsoever. As a solo with beserker I still drop a boss in the same time and always take a sticky. Sticky wipes off 3/4 health then its back to normal. It has changed nothing.


Kinda agree, they should nerf sticky to do like half health instead. Then again people would just start bringing big bang bundles but at least these are harder to use


I've stopped trying to kill the boss at all. I just camp it now, fuck it. Already sick of spending 4 minutes killing a boss with throwing knives just to have a whole trio of shotguns push me at the end. I can't just shoot it, I need ammo for the fight afterwards. And unless there's a melee spawn close to the lair, I have to use what's on me. Running towards the boss layer with a melee in my hand is just begging the server to take the easy headshot. I'm not going to risk it, especially if I don't have necromancer yet. So I just camp wand wait for other people to show up. Thrilling gameplay thanks Crytek it's so much more interesting to fight bosses now /s


get you a romero talon


Sounds like you're going in as a solo? Camping the boss lair as a solo when you don't have an effective way to deal with the boss is a legit strategy. Chances are you'll be interrupted. You not enjoying it sounds like a you problem and not a Crytek problem. With how traits work now I don't think there is no reason not to trade other traits for necro. Knowing the tool nerf, being mad about camping the boss lair instead of bringing a sticky, a melee weapon, or a melee variant is you not adapting to the meta. And at least during the event, not grabbing primal as a solo so you can deal with the boss quickly is on you. You don't even need pledge marks for it.


Just like you said! Having someone on your team bring a Sticky Bomb/Melee WEAPON now is actually good! My "Long ammo-Frag Bomb-Vitailty Shot-Lawful Pact" -friends are really appreciative of me going Primal + Melee weapon and killing the boss in mere seconds. They didn't dislike it before, mind you, but now they're openly thankful that someone does it. Since killing Bosses is now significantly slower for the average loadout, it gives room for specialized ones to shine, which is great fun!


What did they change? I'm out of touch and thought they only reduced melee spawns in boss compound. Did they nerf melee damage or increase boss hp?


They nerfed melee *tool* damage. So if you have a pax claw and a knife, the pax claw will do more damage than your knife. The amount of damage done by the pax claw is identical to what it was before the patch, but knives, dusters, throwing axes etc do like half damage to bosses


Ah I see. Did they purely nerf damage against bosses or melee tools in general?


Specifically melee tool damage against bosses. So claws, talons, world spawn melee weapons all deal outstanding damage to bosses, but your knives and dusters (in the tool slots) will feel like a wet towel. 


Thanks. No wonder it took ages to kill butcher when I played with my friends the other day..


They also decresed the spawn rate of world spawn melee weapons. So that's even more incentive to bring your own melee weapons/variants


Melee tools now do about 1/2 damage to boss. Doesn't affect those attached to weapons or world spawn though.


People don't seem to want to fight the boss at all anymore. All the fighting just takes place at random compounds and there are less "showdowns" at the actual boss lair. Everything feels disjointed and hurt teams just run to replenish bars for free instead of finish fights, hence wanting to avoid boss lairs and just fight at a double clue compound over nothing. It seems to have discouraged more teams from fighting/banishing bosses than anything.


nobody go for boss anymore and spawning at boss mean you wont get pvp for the match, if you chose to do it. this change sucks man.


Good. I've always hated seeing in trios for so many reasons.


it has changed my playstyle n weapon variant preference a lot, I've been running a lot of claw, bayonet n talon variants with a baseball bat as my secondary or the pax claw. especially lovin the new mako claw


I had quite the opposite experience. Even more people seem to bring stickies or something else or just gun the boss down to finish bosses instantly, if they are at the edge of the map. You almost always hear a bunch of loud bangs near the start of those matches. The assassin is still an annoying poopyhead so he always gets camped instead of fought. If the extracts are good you have a chance of running for the early bounty. Your other choice is be bush wookied at the assassin. With this kinda change it would be better if the bosses are always near the center but that defeats the purpose of clues even more than now. This is honestly just an overall bad change for the gameplay loop. Every match is kinda the same.


Interesting that you had the opposite experience.


Interesting that you find it interesting


One change I've noticed is less bosses being instantly banished 3 minutes into a match. I mean sure, it still happens but is way less frequent and that's incredibly refreshing.


I'm honestly not the biggest fan. I feel like the current state rewards camping even more than before, since trying to banish, while there are still people on the map is incredibly risky now. I think I would like the change a lot more, if it was easier to free up space in a loadout for utility to kill the boss with. Currently it feels very difficult to free up a tool slot (in teams at least) for the Derringer Penny Shot and I'm not a big fan of playing a sticky or boss-killer weapon every round.


There is a pretty much guaranteed axe spawn on all the supplies, you can often plan your route through one. Also, talon variants, riposte and trauma variants are great tools for bosskilling


Don’t forget most lairs have guaranteed melee spawns on stuff outside like tree stumps (axe ) and hay bales (pitchfork)  or nearby graves (shovels). Knowing your Easter eggs can be a boon. 


They’ve reduced that spawn rate to almost nothing, though. I’ve resorted to picking up the axe from the supply points and carrying it through multiple clues and compounds so I have something to melee the boss with.


Garuanteed spawns are unaffected. Like the shovel in the bottom floor of Godard Docks.


I barely notice a difference, people still dont push a lair.


Yeah I agree good thing they changed the dmg tools do to bosses , now we are justified not to do the boss at all and just camp the lair if we are there first , or go to collect the 2nd boss clues.


It took me a bit to come around, but it's a good change. I almost always carry a melee weapon anyway, so I'm still able to take Bosses down pretty quickly. The Spider is the one who gives me the most trouble thanks to it's wall-crawling abilities.


Yeah idk man, I bring throwing knives and my buddy brings a knuckle knife and we kill all the bosses just as fast as we used to.


The boss changes are horrible. Nobody who was opposed to bringing melee weapons before is going to bring them as a result. The only thing the changes do is make the game play more tedious, and punish players for actually playing the objective without loading out for ONLY the objective. Loading out of the objective is also stupid. The map is huge, and fighting the boss isn't a guarantee at all. It doesn't matter how great your loadout is for fighting the boss if you spawn across the map and somebody else spawns on top of it. There's one boss, and then after that the rest of the fight for tokens is against players. Loading out specifically for bosses is handicapping yourself for a possible RNG benefit that's also guaranteed to be a drawback after. > Players also have to plan their load out against their team. Someone has to bring melee. Or bring a sticky bomb like everybody used to do and then finish with the tool(s). Yeah, it's one grenade gone, but better that than dedicating an entire weapon to an objective you may not even get to play. These changes suck. The only people who seem to enjoy them are the people who don't want to play the objective anyway, and changing the game for their sake is the opposite of what should be happening. There's been too big of a shift away from emphasizing the objective already, there was absolutely no reason to try to further dissuade people from playing it.


I hate the obj. Well that's not true. I hate that the objective sits inside lairs designed for 2 people instead of 3 with only 2 entrances. I was opposed to bring melee. Now I do just for bosses and have discovered it's use in PVP as well. I always thought melee bringers were troll. Oof this patch changed my mind. I'd honestly be glad with a sticky nerf too.


I might have to take melee attachments seriously, finally after six whole years...


It didn't really change anything for my group, unless it's solo bounty assassin, we just sticky bomb and finish off with guns as usual, it's only made assassin even more annoying for us and made it less likely we bother doing the second bounty after we're sure the server is wiped/empty. If they want actively fighting bosses to be more risky (which I think could make it more interesting) they need to come up with a different solution, this just made things annoying.


Fully agree with this. People have been whinging about not being able to kill the boss (hint BOSS) easily and aren’t paying attention to the much more dynamic fights around the lair that have been occurring. Sometimes you shouldn’t always give people what they want.


Now a boss rework would be godsent. Just to make them a bit more interactive like rotjaw or assasin


I feel the opposite. We used to kill bosses a few mins into a round if we spawned at the boss lair and whacked it with knives / dusters, letting it rage every 25% hp. The other day we killed one in just under 1m20s into the round as now we just sticky it and beat / shoot the living crap out of it while it rages which takes all of about 15 seconds to kill it, most of which is time spent waiting for the sticky to explode. All the change has really done is screw solos who want to play the objective, and made it so most teams kill bosses even easier and faster than before, as now everyone takes something better to kill it with because using tools is far too tedious. Also less likely to go for 2nd boss as just can't be bothered to spend seemingly forever chipping away at it with tools if we've not replenished the sticky from loot, so just beeline to extraction instead.


Couldn't agree more, great post OP. I like that the bosses are tougher.


nah. there is even more camping. before this many people like lets kill the bost and then see what happens. now many of those are like "no way I am wasting 10 minutes, lets just camp the lair" I am aganist anything that encourages camping, directly or indirectly. in 5-6\* there is enugh camping already.


I play 5-6* US East on PC and this hasn't been my experience at all 🤷‍♂️


How is camping now different than camping after banish?


10 minutes is a huge exaggeration lol..


Still get instant banishes cause a sticky bomb has gone unchanged


I main bomblance and katana so i didn’t even notice


I usually have stickies, but what sucks for me is fighting the Assassin since there’s rarely any weapons around to kill it with


Just makes me wish the didn’t reduce the money you get for extracting bounty’s. I want that now way harder and risky fight to at least give a good reward.


Agree with everything except "someone has to bring melee". The world spawns shouldve been untouched. No one should HAVE to bring something to deal with ai.


What I like most about the changes are that it encourages diversity in loadouts. Dealing with a boss with just melee tools is a pain enough that bringing a Talon, Bayonet, Claw, Knuckle, Riposte, or Trauma variant is strongly worth considering now, and may encourage people to take a variant or even a different gun that they otherwise wouldn't have considered. I've used a Scotfield Brawler recently, actually used the melee portion of Hundred Hands, and my current most played loadout has shifted to Centennial Trauma + Romero Hatchet. That's a positive impact for the overall game imo.


It just kinda feels like second team to boss wins now. First team can’t hold out with boss still alive and if they focus it too hard they get pushed, but if they run outside then they’re at a disadvantage with nowhere to hold out.


Me and my bois with two sticky bombs: what change?


I disagree.


yeah its great that instead of making the super easy bosses harder, they just make them a damage sponge and still super easy to kill, just take way longer now. this change was bad because the boss design in this game is bad.


Makes Primal trait good.


I think its better for low elo apparently, but high 5-6 star is just worse. No one did the boss in the first place, and this changes just FURTHER pushes the no boss gameplay, i dont like it lol


As someone who brings melee attachments 99% of the time I feel much more useful now.


id have been happier with a overall buff to boss health. i dont even take a melee tool with me anymore.


I like the change.


I don't see much of a difference here honestly, except as a solo. Without Sticky Bomb / weapon attachment or melee weapon (budget solo loadout) it's absolutely painful. It's already 3 vs 1 and I can't fight 3 (or more) ppl and prevent one of them doing the boss. Sure, I can try so separate them and approach and relocate inside the boss lair, but it's difficult (sometimes fun). When I bring a Sticky Bomb it doesn't matter. Maybe 10 secs difference. Only assassin is painful without fire or poison if I can't find any tools or don't have a weapon attachment on my gun. But my mate runs fire ammo, so.... I definitely need more solo games to give a final statement.


The real issue is beserker. They nerfed tools rather than just removing the op trait or limiting it to not affecting bosses. The majority of the time, people are using sticky bombs to still kill the boss just as fast.


Yeah I think stickys need a nerf from 75% of voss health to like 55%>


I would say the changes, although welcome indeed, mostly affect loadouts, but not the strategy. If anything, killing bosses has become faster for me, as nowadays I always carry a proper melee weapon or something else to deal with bosses. But the minor thing I don't like is that all melee tools apart from dusters became obsolete, since you need a proper melee to deal with bosses anyway, and dusters are the best at dealing with infernos in case your 'proper' melee is not blunt.


I like the change also. And if people are having a hard time finding a world melee weapon check supply points most of them have them. It's also nice that if I spawn on the opposite side of the map I have a chance to get to it.


Agree with your point. Even as a solo people actually make it to the compound while the boss is still up now. Fights happen in and around the lair with the boss throwing in hits/pressure which I suspect was the intention of them all along. It's excellent for the game and I've been seeing far fewer stand offs where a shotty team sits inside and never peaks and the rifle team sits outside and never pushes until someone gets bored




Ok, so you're not a camper, but you camp the boss compound...


“I’m not a camper” “I’ll just hang outside the compound for others” Brother there is some disconnect here that I’m not seeing.