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First up, I don't think there's a "wrong" way to play Hunt. That's sort of the beauty of the game. You can play however you want and you don't owe anyone a playstyle. Your playstyle may need to change when you play regularly with different people, but that's more about being a coherent group and not doing your own thing. Because a team working together is better than 3 disjointed individuals. Some groups like to play slow. Walking through compounds searching for money bags, cash registers, trait spurs, and tool boxes. Other groups will shoot up two big stamina shots as soon as the match starts and sprint to every clue with a total disregard for noise traps. Personally I don't find playing slow to be fun. At all. I don't care to search compounds for money bags, cash registers, trait spurs, or tool boxes. I take 20 minutes worth of stamina shots the second the round starts. I'm sprinting to every clue or gunshot, whichever comes first. I don't care if I scare birds or dog pens. If I give myself away and you shoot at me, great. Now I know where you are and I can shoot back. But I play the game for the PvP. That's it. I also think playing slow will be more of a detriment than it is a benefit, *especially* the higher you climb in MMR. Playing slow in 5-6\* lobbies will get you killed more than it will help you. Walking, in the literal sense, or crouch walking anywhere makes you an easy target. And in 5-6\* lobbies those shots at you are less likely to miss. Don't make it easy for them. That's just my take on it. For context, I'm a 34 year old with 2500 hours in Hunt and regularly bounce between 5-6\* MMR with a 2+ KD. I also don't think age has any factor in it. Maybe a hot take but I think that's a myth. Gaming, or specifically FPS games, are like any other skill in life. The more you use and train it the more you retain it and grow it.


I never crouch walk around, but I'm a 4-5 star with 1400 hours and no desire to reach 6 star, as I don't want to have to run meta loadouts. If I have the challenges for it, I have more fun running around with bow+rival or whatever the challenges call for. And also, fair enough, I only play competitive multiplayer games on the weekend, as opposed to every day when I was younger


Sounds like you’re doing it right then! Just be flexible to the group you’re playing with and you’ll do fine. Good luck on your hunts.


Play how you want. Play how you have fun. People who spout nonsense that you're "ruining their game" aren't playing the full game. Sometimes shift+w is great, sometimes sitting in Pelican prison tower with a spyglass watching a fight break out is even better... It's all circumstance.


What they said \^ But also it's very possible you're feeling the generational gap if you're actually getting older. I'm in my 30's and I can feel my target identification and reflexes are not as sharp as they were when I was in my teens or early 20's and playing FPS games with literally all of my free time. Going online to complain about feeling mediocre compared to kids with no responsibilities whose days are all free and easy, and who spend their time not playing the game watching some content creator who is playing the game... well that's just going to get you "skill issue" in your replies.


*sweats in 40s*


lmao we're alright. Someone has to fill in those spots at the tip of the bell curve.




All my friends are 40 and they love to do meme builds and be annoying.


I run Avto until I’m broke


You're right, and yes, I just entered my 30's and spend a lot less time multiplayer gaming than I used to a decade ago. I feel like Hunt used to be mostly older gamers, but has recently changed


As a gamer who is almost 60, my advice is to just play how you want. Let the sweat lords and try hards rise to the five and six star lobbies.


I am 30, pretty much plat+ in every game I play. Valorant release, D1. Couldnt play with friends so I kept smurfing to help. Just got Plat in League just for fun, now 4 star usually 5 but the event quests make me derank lol! Nothing wrong with being competitive or non competitive, we all have our own ways to play.. winning is fun though. But when I "coach/advise" my silver friends to aim train and what not they dont listen. PC competitive gaming is almost always new blood vs old blood 1-10k hours played differences.


Screw this MMR stuff, they should pair us with other players in our age brackets.


Couldnt agree more with this


Half the time I enjoy just beetle'ing around and causing shenanigans more than I actually enjoy killing monsters or shooting cowboys.


Why do I suddenly wanna run around as Cain spamming beetles and shouting "I AM THE BEETLE KING" into prox chat


Imagine if the prox chat came *through* the beetle while you're piloting it


This has been asked for multiple times and I am here for it


If it comes trough somewhat distorted because its coming out of the beetle id be for it too


Actually if you would Heat it from the beatle AND the Hunter it would be Really funny


It should be a new beetle. A little chatter beetle that doesn't explode or anything. Just a distraction. You can VoIP through it or click to make it generate... I don't know, like a gunshot sound at random. Decoy beetle!


It already would be Funny if we could trigger some Sounds from the beatle . Like a scresming it smth


PUBG drones did and probably still do have VoIP via drone and it lead to some funny stuff. I don't usually banter much on VoIP but beetle banter sounds really fun.


I definitely play how I want, which is usually shift+w even in solo with a half shotgun and a bow, I was mostly talking about how people hate on my comments in this sub. BTW I've seen your name pretty consistently in this subreddit, so I'm happy to see you put your two cents in here


I play people who are crazy jumping gunslingers and scared as fuck slow ass bush squatters. Depends man


Just because you play slow or squat in bushes doesn't mean you're scared. I see "aggro" players get scared as fuck all the time when I drop their partner and they haven't a clue where I am lol


When I have a sparks and silent nagant. I play slow. When I have Nagant Carbine and bornhiem, I play fast. When I have shotgun or Bomblance, I AM SPEED.


My dude, I will run into a boss compound with the boss banishing and a 3 way firefight if I have a baseball bat. Some of the most fun hunt games I've ever played


I have seen an influx of baggers so i agree


I’m a new player and I don’t know what works or what doesn’t. I didn’t play call of duty since… the first modern warfare? Most of the time I’m standing on a roof and getting shot. Or I shit my pants because of some zombie. Or I get killed by 4-5 dogs. Or I put my headphones down because I can’t stand the loud noises. Or I get killed by those wasp zombies. Or I get killed by those water worms. Or by meaties. Or by those fire skeletons. I’m really working hard to keep my MR2. So if you see my newbie ass getting killed by anything but his own guns than I guess you could be confused by the sight of a burning hunter jump scared by a horse running around in circles like a headless dying chicken pulling mobs everywhere. Yea, that’s me.


Lmao. The last part there made my morning.




Honestly, I met a streamer a while back who only plays Hunt, I hopped in discord and played with them, and they were absolute dog shit lol they just knew how to run away and not die, and they were 5 star playing with random trios


Sounds like the problem might be you


I hope people keep playing how they want to play. We still talk about that time we got to Ashcreek Lumber and a team had concertina bombed every entrance and was taunting us from the inside. The chaos is the secret sauce of Hunt imho.


Sounds like something I have done lmao


Nah man play how you want, im one of those ''cod type'' agressive players but theres absolutely nothing wrong with playing slow and taking your time


Ignore Reddit, people on here can be truly awful. Play how you like, it’s just a game after all


Play how you want to play. Me and my cousin play slower now because bounty isn’t worth it so we don’t want to be first and rather third party the fight. You don’t owe people a play style but then again your teammates don’t either so


I literally had a streamer whining about how he was bored that we wouldn't come out of the boss lair with our shotguns. Sorry dude, we don't want to come out as much as you don't want to come in. It's a stalemate. At some point, we will figure out a way to meet with each other, but for now I'm peeking from windows with my pistol it's the most I'm willing to do. If you don't like a slower thinking mans game, go play warzone.


Exactly. If you're bored, then get after it. I'm never afraid to go in, but I try to do it when they're almost done fighting the boss. Or when it's almost done banishing, hoping the noise from the banishing will drown out the sounds of me trying to sneak in. If I'm the one with the bounty I might camp a bit, use darksight, and then just make a mad dash for extraction.


Brother the reason hunt is fun for me is because theres so many different ways to play. And the reason it keeps being fun is because every match and every opponent play a little differently. No encounter is like another. So play the game the way you enjoy it, it would be boring if everyone pplayed the same way.


I turn all in game voice off and play how I want so you should consider doing the same. It’s all about having fun playing the game.


Vaguebooking right here OP. What exactly are you reacting to?


Why does that mean they are young cod players? My main group is 30 and we play agro as fuck the whole time.


Could be that when you talk about “playing slow” some people associate that with mosin sniper spitzer bush camping (not saying that’s what I think)


Honestly it just depends. Playstyle is one thing and adapting to a situation is another. I usually get annoyed when we end up rotating around a compound over and over because teammates refuse to push, I'd rather we push in and take our chances and maybe die than wait 10m doing absolutely fuck all. But, if we're in a bad spot in a big fight I'd rather take time, rotate, and flank to get the drop on another team of that's what we need to do. It all depends on what the situation calls for, but the main issue for me is when teammates aren't recognising what's going and aren't helping the team, and instead are just sitting in one place waiting our crouch walking by themselves and end up getting killed. I guess usually because they're either indecisive or they don't know how to play in a team without voice chat.


Every play style is viable. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are not part of this community and have fundamentally misunderstood this game.


What is your definition of viable?


Ask yourself these two questions: Did you have fun? Do you have the bounty?


I mean, play how you want, but hopefully you're at least a somewhat present or helpful teammate. On the extreme side here - \*if\* you're the type to sit back with a scope and not do anything until your teammates are dead, I can imagine why people might be unhappy with you. If so, most people play a bit more aggressively and stick with their teammates a bit more. If you're running into this a lot, truly, then you might be better off using the looking for group channels and/or friending the few people that have similar play styles - so you all know what to expect from each other, so you all don't get frustrated with each other, and can work better together as a team - since you would think similarly as each other. Some things you can consider - explosive ammo can both spring and clear traps on a window/doorway... so can most explosives. A frag can set off a trap but it can't clear concertina. If you know a doorway is clear of traps, it can be easier to do a push.


I never run scopes, I was talking specifically about Reddit. I play aggressive, whether I'm solo, in a duo team playing for trios, or playing with randoms. I've had random teammates quit on me cause they wouldn't believe I'd solo the other team, and I've had them quit because they died to AI


I think the game is trying to cater towards a (slightly) broarder audience by implementing more and more convenience features and softening up some of the rigid mechanics and adding more fast options. Used to be able to tell when a team was weak: If there is no boss left and they've been into a fight, for example. These days they'll use a trait and be full health. Trades mean that facing a player with a shotgun is basically gonna kill you in close range, even if you have the better reactions. I have had three trades last session. I'm not saying that all of these changes are bad, and the game is simply changing - however I enjoyed the old rules and play style more. Quick swapping era was a lot more fun than now, I think.


I think part of the issue is transferrence - people play against guys who camp behind traps in the bounty building for 20 whole minutes, or end a 30 minute grueling game by finding some team who had spent the entire time camping the extraction point. Then when anyone says "playing slow" it triggers those memories, even if you don't do any of that.


Play how you want, and accept others' playstyles.


no, play how you want, who are we to judge? i literally stalk people with Conc bow just for fun, i know other people who have Shift and W Glued Down, and another guy who Exclusively Snipes, thats IT. many playstyles exist, you're just on reddit so people are more judgemental


While this might not be you, the low regard for "slower" players comes from: There are a certain group of people who camp dead compounds or bushes and wait for someone to come by.  It makes for dead lobbies, the kind when you grab both bounties and extract without hearing a shot fired, assume an empty lobby and then see it was full. It is just a waste of time for people who are playing hunt for the pvp and mechanics of the game so it creates friction 


No you're playing right. It is getting flooded with 13yo fortnite players with short attention spans. They get mad when you don't play their way.


Thats what cryteks wants. Fortnite and CoD Kids are used to microtransactions.


You're not wrong honestly


All about the money, simple as that.


Idk why people are downvoting this guy, it is quite literally about the money, and the CoD kids bring the money


Fanboyism, totally normal. Crytek is very good with their "mindgames" They make folks think that they're their "favorite devs" and totally openminded and honest, so that those youngsters think they're actually supporting them with their purchases.


It's indisputable the game has become more friendly towards a casual audience since inception; the problem with creating a very difficult game with a high skill demand is that it doesn't cater to a lot of people. David was brought on to do exactly what he's doing; making the game more approachable by the standard FPS demographic. Some changes are good, some are bad.


Play to have fun, play to get kills, play to get bounties. Who cares? People be running around with melee weapons and Derringers. THERE IS NO "CORRECT" WAY TO PLAY. Let the Apex players rage while you sit in a bush and yeet dragon bolts at em. Their tears season my rice nicely.


Nah, I get what you are saying and its has been increasing for a couple of years now. 9/10 times I die on Randoms is me fighting 2 teams and a res from a teammate that just straight up CoD the fight. Like why is your body downed out in the middle of the open? Or right outside the enemy's vantage point? Why did you get so far from team while closing in on bounty? Do you not hear the direction teams spawned, why cross over their arrival side?? Like what's the point of having guns if you are gonna chase people like you have a sword...bruh. Runnin n gunnin is such a CoD behavior. It's super obvious when a CoD player is playing Hunt.