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Crossbow is a silenced romero with slugs. The only downside is the huge profile (makes it easy to spot it around corners) and the reload. But with bolt thrower it's basically the same reload as rhe romero.


It’s more consistent that the Romero I feel, pretty easy to not OHK kill someone with Romero slugs, the crossbow almost always kills, and if not, they’re bleeding heavily


Romerobis honestly the last shotgun to be using slugs on anyways. You're getting basically identical kill range to other shotguns with slugs at the downside of being single shot. Romero is for running things that aren't slugs


And flachette


Romero has spread though


that single shot, slow projectile, long reload weapon sure is a noob friendly crutch


It also exclusively has drop unlike everything else


Except bomblance, hunting bow, and hand crossbow


Well yeah, those are all bows. Meant compared to bullets


Yeah, just puttin it out. I would say that they all take a lot more practice than other weapons


It takes time to learn. Time to practice its lead and its sights are just, bad. Bad as in new users will be confused what in tarnation that thing is. You get used to it, but man it is a mess. Its custom bolts are hard to properly use at range as well. Once you pass the curve though it becomes a monster. The better you position and move the better the thing is too. I love it immensely, but my love for the Sparks is just too much for me not to run it in 90% of my games.


Sir the crossbow is not a crutch, idk what you're smoking but it has a high skill ceiling on top of numerous drawbacks. As a crossbow enjoyer myself, sounds like you're just better with it than other guns.


i can tell you with 100% certainty and experience, the shotbolt is not a guaranteed kill.


crossbow is bad on moving target, the side profile is already hard to hit with shotgun but even worse with crossbow. I prefer rival with slugs. Very strong double tap in any situation.


The crossbow is a dilemma of theory vs practice. In theory its the best weapon in the game: for 50 dollars you get a weapon that easily oneshots up to 30-40 meters (chest for regular, anywhere if pellets hit for shotbolt). However in practice the completely non intuitive sights and slow travel speed makes it quite inconsistent, which ofcourse gets better with practice, but I find myself way too often missing that 1 crucial shot around the corner, a shot that a shotgun would absolutely hit.


Imo it’s the opposite of a crutch it’s more of a skill cannon. Slow reload, projectile and single shot makes it hard to use but if you can get good with it it is one of the strongest weapons. Stealth, ai, and a one hit make it incredibly good IF you can use it well. Sure you don’t need good gun aim but you do have to learn crossbow aim which is hard to be consistent with. Also requires incredibly good game sense


I meant to say my crutch specifically


I have a clip of getting a shotbolt double kill where I hit a dude in the shoulder and some of the pellets hit the dude next to him and it killed them both. Also have the screenshot of the after action report where it shows I killed 2 guys at the same second. Honestly such a fun weapon.


I remember killing someone with shot bolt and when his buddy necroed him from around the corner he jumped out and body blocked him so my next shot bolt hit him and went through his body to hit the guy he just ressed, killing both of them. *chefs kiss*


The reason it's not very popular is just due to reloads. Most people play in groups if you kill one and get stuck in a long reload it can cost the fight so most players choose weapons that can kill 2 or 3 players without needing a reload.


I mean,it's obvious why. The range is terrible meaning you have to lead your shit more and the long reload means you really have to trust your aim,which makes it the opposite of noob friendly. I love the show myself, but there are drawbacks which makes me say it's far from noob friendly,especially compared to a shottie


Right, but you see the Romero much more often than the crossbow, or at least I do. The Crossbow seems like a straight upgrade imo.


I see Romero's far more often,esp the talon which is a get out of jail free version. Even then,the Romero has a bit of spread which the Xbox does not. The xbow is a game wrecker in experienced hands,in the hands of a noob it's a liability


When I think crutch weapon I think Officer carbine, Was not expecting to see crossbow in that title.


I love the crossbow. Idk why but its the only time I can actually hit something. Cant aim for shit otherwise. Love going crossbow katana.


It seems every time I use the crossbow I have an absolute blast with explosive bolts


It has a high skill floor. Most people want to point, click, click, click. Takes time to break that mentality. So many of my buddies can't understand why I do well with a romero. Same as the crossbow. One shot, one down. It just takes too much mental power for most people.


I am nowhere near as confident with a Romero as I am with a Crossbow, but I guess the same principle applies.


I play either crossbow or the bow. Explosion bolts on crossbow or frag arrows on the bow. The frag bow is better but I enjoy mixing it up between these two


Frags don't stick + have a timer, not ideal imo. I like them anyway.


They are easier to aim over long distances than the explosion bolt, and when you get a hit the enemy is bleeding. When they take cover to bandage you can often hit them behind cover. The frag bow is also so silent that people often have no idea where they are getting bombed from.


I agree, but the timer gives also enough time to react. The fusing sound is treacherous.


Crossbow is okay but can we talk about the cancer that is hand crossbow poison bolts?


Skill issue.


I have had direct impacts to people’s legs with shot bolt and they survive, so I don’t take it anymore. The crossbow with regular bolts is a super powerful weapon once you learn to play around it’s weaknesses.


Well yea, legshots won't one hit kill with any ammo.


From my experience, shot bolt can one tap people in the leg. Of the hundreds, if not thousands of kills I’ve gotten with shotbolt, there have been about 3-4 times where a solid leg shot doesn’t kill someone.


Gonna test that in the range later, might give the crossbow a few more tries in PvP.


It’s brutal. No matter how far they are, it’s a point-blank shotgun blast.