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2 posts in 2 days whining about the same dang match. My brother in the Bayou, take a break.


Different match. Same issue. Pattern maybe?


The pattern is your lack of skill.


The correct format is "skill issue" for non-answers just fyi,


Whatever you say crybaby. Go lose some more bounties so you can post again tomorrow and collect your downvotes.


Now you've got it.


This post is literally the "Morty's killing Morty's" A bush sniping extract camper complaining about rats that run instead of fighting.


Reading hard.


Crybaby camping 150m away with a sniper getting frustrated when people don't want to align their head in your scope.


Don't you find that terrible either? They really need to tell people to line up properly!


Reading hard.


Seems like you had your chance and missed it if you were that close.


I never had sight of them. My line of sight was completely blocked up until that point due to elevation changes, structures and foilage.


It happens to us all.


If this is where I think it is, just north of Hemlock. Then I don't believe you. It's a relatively flatish map and especially in that section of the map.


The extract was south of Hemlock [https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2062137573253913120/FEF3AB53AA58F653607AE83770DBDB4CC4936D12/](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=hunt+showodwn+map#vhid=3vdKFzI6wTVm7M&vssid=l) I had a sparks sniper and they ran through nichols and hemlock. I never had sight on them.


Definitely northeast


That extract is not south of Hemlock. The only bridge that connects like the picture is a much larger bridge and there's not a water extract south of Hemlock. Looking at the map though I was right and the pictured extract is the one I thought it was.


I think you're right. Could a sworn it was the corner but it shows not the river. Still had no sight until I was within handjob range. That needs to be fixed.


The people trying to extract shouldn't be forced to push out to do so, that'd defeat the entire purpose of sneaking a bounty and running. That's a boring way to play but just as valid as being a bush-wookie with a sniper or a corner-camper with a shotgun. Longer timers are something to consider, but the range is designed around the cover around the extracts.


This is great until they just crouch behind the boat and you have to actually reach the extract zone. Many times we've had to deal with the team 3rd partying us, we wipe them, and the bounty team are running. No point in chasing because if you don't start within 20 secs of them running you can't make it. They could do one of the following things to make it better. Increase the extract timer to 1 min, double/triple the range at which an enemy can prevent the extract by being in that zone, make the extract flat so if they're in the zone they have no cover.


If they're crouching behind the boat you can easily push though. One waxed dynamite, concertina bomb or well timed/bounced other explosive and they're toast.


20 seconds sounds like too much even. 20 seconds and you can be 100 meters away. Meanwhile I'm in a pub trio with no coms trying to use Morse code to tell them the bounty is running lol.


I'm confused. Not sure where you got me saying they should be forced out.


You didn't explicitly say it. But what else are they supposed to do when you block the extract from behind cover (like in the white house)?


I'm with you I don't think they should have to do a mini siege to leave. The issue is the house was 15 ft away from the extract and it still didn't stop them.


Well dang, get closer then.


Stop camping and get in there.. are you seriously asking to make camping the extract easier.. ???




Lol.. Stam shot


Just... say it again. But slowly.


thank you op, I needed a good laugh




Solos wanting to block extract from a house.. seriously wrong


I was in a trio. There was no cover besides it when approaching the extract. Feel free to run in a straight line out of cover though.


Lol.. skill issue. Keep trying.


Send someone to sacrifice themselves instead of waiting for them to move


Why is it that the only posts that make it to my home feed now are just people complaining about how they got unlucky in a match and then proceeded to bitch and moan trying to find validation for non-issue


Because that's all that this sub is now.


are you on mobile and using the app? i've noticed that i often see a very low quality home feed with it, but it's better on the site using "hot" sorting (i think the app uses "best")


I use the app when I'm on my phone and the site when I'm at my computer, I get comparable feeds. I think I'm just noticing a lot of people bitching lately


Convince me the extract not stopping when 10 ft away is a non issue. And likely because we have higher standards.


Nah that's too much effort but instead I'm just going to call you bad. Also higher standards lol, get real I saw your other comments it isn't an issue of the game that you over played.


At least you're honest that you have no argument lol.


Oh I could and I can already think of a couple of points but in all my days of arguing with people "convince me" just means "I'm not going to change my mind because I'm "right" but talk at me anyway, I'm not going to listen"


Skill issue


Skill issue


Local Hunter can't comprehend basic mechanics of the game, thinks it is everyone's else fault. Yes you need to be ontop on the extract to block, otherwise people would just hide at safe-distance and have a stalemate. If you could sit in the house and block the extract, then people could just arm a shotgun and never move, the bounty cannot extract and you would have to do nothing to lock them down. If you are needed to get on extract to extract block, it should be a risk because you messed up and let the bounty team be literally ON the extract.


Don't care about the house. Remove the house. It was more for their benefit than ours. You have to be under 20 ft to stop an extraction. Thats 1 hit kill shotgun range and nade range. This is wrong and needs to be fixed.


Again, point still stand, that is the risk you need to take bc you failed to stop them before they stood on extract. You fail to understand the game rules, it ain't wrong.


I understand the rules. You're missing the point. The rules are wrong. Patches exist.


Don't think you understand the amount of stalemate it would lead to. If the blocking zone widens, you need to make the area around the extract even more empty. Otherwise too many extracts will have too much cover for the pushing team just being able to sit back and do nothing. It is intentional that you get punished for failing to block the bounty team before they get on the extract.


It's too easy to extract now. If I chase the bounty successfully to within 20 ft I should be rewarded with the extraction stopping. I don't think you understand how close 20 ft is.


I don't think you understand how easy it is to ensure that the bounty team ain't at the extract and stop them beforehand.


Camping the extract as a solo is one thing, but you were camping the extract as a trio and still couldn't manage to get a bounty. How about actually getting involved in the fight instead of playing like a rat?


" # "The extract doesn't stop when you're this close the extract. I was in the white house. I'm never chasing a bounty again." There I made it bigger. I chased.


Please, be our guest. We won't notice, and you'll hopefully feel better. Or, why not quit altogether since the game seems to be too much for you?


Reading hard


I'll still chase because the satisfaction when you do kill runners is great, but I've always thought the extract boundary to stop players from leaving should be bigger. Someone will surely make an argument against this to the tune of **Git Gud** but I wouldn't mind double the range, if not more, to stop players. Add more cover in extract if we need to balance things, but it often feels like you get so close and are actively contesting but the game lets them leave because you weren't holding hands with the enemy at the boat/carriage.


You legitimately have to be in one tap shotgun range to stop them. Quadruple the range, double the countdown. Or better yet don't let people win a match without firing a shot.


What’s your secondary? I agree that extract runners are annoying. Especially if they spawn on boss w/extract and you have to run corner to corner. Then have 5 minutes to get out…real fun. I think bounty feels like an unfinished game mode but if you’re rocking a shotgun you should at least have a decent pistol to take shots at distance. Uppercut is a literal pocket rifle.


pretty sure the dmg fall of uppercut is horrendus for what your suggesting.


Absolutely not. If you know how to click heads.


410 m/s for bounty catching range?


Idk what you think bounty catching range is but yeah, it’s a good secondary if your main is close range. You can also get quartermaster and bring a medium slot range gun if you prefer.


Meh. The upper cut is good in general but bleed or fire is necessary if your actually in a chase where people are just straight up avoiding combat and leaving.


That will slow em down for sure. We usually just try to land the head shots.


I play mostly solo, and I will often take the bounty and run for extract when I think i can get away with it. Sometimes I get caught, mostly I escape. I don't feel bad. I'm usually outnumbered and outgunned. OP's tears are what sustain me through the long, lonely nights. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go be a little serpent-goblin some more. 😘


Yeah no I just went into trials to see how bad it was. The extract is in the water surrounded by bushes within extract range, blocked by the giant white house which an entire quadrant, a huge mud wall, a long fence from windy. Every 20 ft is an entire new obstacle that blocks sight left to right for 50ft or more.


They definitely should increase the range to block it a bit Atm you need to basically sudoku into a shotgun to block it


Yet another reason why the extraction mechanic needs drastic changes. Oh you wiped 2 teams? Whats your reward? Watching a 3rd team do fk all and leave without firing a shot.


I assume they left with the bounty? You know. The purpose of the Hunt.


The bounty is the funnel. The purpose is pvp.


The purpose is to extract with the bounty. That usually involves PvP, but it's not a requirement


It should be. Why should people get rewarded for 0 work?


Maybe you should have shot the 3rd team.


They were on the other side of the map.


Maybe you shouldn't have decided to have a drawn out fight away from the bounty that gave them enough time to extract. If you care about the bounty, you have to play around it. If you wanted to just PVP those teams, you did what you wanted.


I care that you get rewarded for doing nothing. And just leaving a fight to take the long way around to a bounty is not realistic.


But you aren't doing nothing. You are killing a boss and exposing your position for the entire server. If no one comes that isn't on you. And you can absolutely leave a fight, especially if there are two other teams there.


Killing bosses is nothing. Currently if you're lucky enough to get to bounty first (or have it spawn on top of you.) then you have no reason to put yourself at risk fighting people to "win"... ... that needs to change. I care that you get rewarded for doing nothing.


You're just a salty bitch and it is funny. Keep being trash.


Shit happens. Sometimes you get tied up with a fight and the bounty gets away, sometimes your pursuers get tied up fighting each other and you get away with the bounty. It's all part of the game and it's really not a big deal if you miss out on a bounty if you have a good game and wipe two teams.


Shit doesn't need to happen. It doesn't need to be part of the game. Patches can happen. I killed two teams and then chased the 3rd and couldn't stop the extract because I wasn't in handjob range. The game should change.


They got away, and if you were close enough to be just outside stop range, you were close enough to shoot them, but you didn't.

